R3 The Black Libram of Nartarus · 2017. 9. 10. · 2 Castles & Crusades THE BLACK LIBRAM OF...


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SPECIAL THANKS: To my art students, from whom I have derived so much inspiration for this book.

Bowbe, Dirty Bowbe’s Roadhouse, Nartarus, Jokashka, Riachee, Frosk Demonskin, Gathaak, Shambere, Fythele, Kharzarn, Taxus, Ataxus are creations of Casey W. Christofferson. Bowbe also appears in Bard’s Gate by Necromancer Games, Authors Casey W. Christofferson, Shane Glodowski and Clark Peterson.

P. O Box 251171, Little Rock,AR 72225

email: www.trolllord.comwebsite: www.trolllord.com orwww.castlesandcrusades.com

©2009Troll Lord Games. All Rights Reserved. Castles & Crusades® is a Registered Trademark of Troll Lord Games. All Rights Reserved. C&C, Castle Keeper, SIEGE engine TM,Troll Lord Games, and the Castles & Crusades, SIEGE engine TM, and Troll Lord Games logos are Trademarks of Troll Lord Games. All Rights Reserved. Bowbe is also featured in products by Necromancer Games. Bowbe is copyright Casey Christofferson.

*Bowbe also appears in products published by Necromancer Games™

Printed in the United States of America ISBN 978-1-929474-31-8


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Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

System Reference Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.

Castles & Crusades: Players Handbook, Copyright 2005, Troll Lord Games; Authors Davis Chenault and Mac Golden.

Castles & Crusades: Players Handbook, 2nd Printing, Copyright 2006, Troll Lord Games; Authors Davis Chenault and Mac Golden.

Castles & Crusades: Players Handbook, 3rd Printing, Copyright 2007, Troll Lord Games; Authors Davis Chenault and Mac Golden.

Castles & Crusades Monsters & Treasure, Copyright 2005, Troll Lord Games; Authors Robert Doyel Stephen Chenault.

Castles & Crusades Monsters & Treasure, 2nd Printing, Copyright 2007, Troll Lord Games; Authors Robert Doyel Stephen Chenault.

The Black Libram of Nartarus, Copyright 2008, Troll Lord Games; Author Casey Christofferson.

Barrow Wight from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene.

Bhuta from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene

BOGEYMAN from theTome of Horrors 3, Copyright 2005, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene

Brine Zombie from theTome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene

Brykolaka from theTome of Horrors 3, Copyright 2005, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene

Cinder Ghoul from theTome of Horrors 2, Copyright 2004, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene

Crypt Thing from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Roger Musson

Demilich from theTome of Horrors 3, Copyright 2005, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene

Draug from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene

Dust Ghoul from theTome of Horrors 3, Copyright 2005, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene

Fear Guard from the Tome of Horrors 2, Copyright 2004, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene

Fire Phantom from the Tome of Horrors 2, Copyright 2004, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene

Hoarfrost Maiden from the Tome of Horrors 2 (was hoar spirit), Copyright 2004, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene

Lantern Goat from theTome of Horrors 3, Copyright 2005, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene

Mortuary Cyclone From the Tome of Horrors 3, Copyright 2005, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene

Mummy of the Deep from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene

Red Jester from the Tome of Horrors 2, Copyright 2004, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene

Shadow, Lesser from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene and Clark Peterson

Shadow Rat from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene

Shadow Rat Swarm- Tome of Horrors 3, Copyright 2005, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene

Wolf, Ghoul from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene and Clark Peterson

Wolf, Shadow from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene

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Know you mortal that the secrets contained between these obsidian plaques are not for the faint of heart. The mysteries revealed herein may blast your very mind and burn your thrice cursed eyes from their sockets! Low, for this is a book of pure evil! Manifested upon this blood inked parchment are the words and rituals of the damned and the depraved! Turn back now should the Gods of Good still bless your prayers! Leave off this study of the arcane if you value your immortal soul, for the knowledge writ by the Lord of the

Walking Dead is the wisdom of the cursed void!

However, should you choose to trek these dark paths as I have. Should you deem yourself mighty enough or foolish enough to ensconce yourself in the dark knowledge contained upon these leaves of un-living flesh, know that the power contained here is mighty. The Lore of the Lord of the Restless Death is infinite and all consuming. For those few who would wield the might of evil against itself, this tome may prove a weapon with which to smite thy enemies with hell fire! So too may the dreaded necromancer call forth legions from beyond the skein of life to slay on his behalf, should he dare to pray the price for such abominable knowledge. Tread lightly seeker, and know that they who dwell beyond the blackened stars are always watching, always

waiting. Know too that their hunger is insatiable.

--Frosk Demonskin

INTRODUCTIONThe Black Libram of Nartarus is a unique new installment to the Castles & Crusades fantasy role playing game. It is a book of wicked secrets, intended not as a supplement for the player characters to use for their own devices, but instead as a tool for the Castle Keeper to unleash new levels of magic, monsters and mayhem upon her jaded and unsuspecting players. The spells and items contained within this book are all of a decidedly wicked and evil nature.

Use of such secrets by player characters would have an undoubtedly wicked and damning effect. In order to use this dark knowledge the characters would most undoubtedly have to be evil, or be forced by circumstances to have the need or desire to seek the knowledge contained upon these pages.

The Black Libram of Nartarus has its genesis in the Haunted Highlands campaign setting. The deities, items, rituals, and villains mentioned upon these pages are decidedly referenced from that setting. The magical lore found here is suitable for any mature themed campaign setting, played in by players mature enough to understand and accept its decidedly dark themes.

Beyond Castles & Crusades, the magic items and spells within this Libram may be of use in any fantasy role playing game with little work on the part of the game master.

ORGANIZATION OF MATERIALSThe Black Libram of Nartarus is divided into five chapters. The first chapter offers Crusaders and Castle Keepers’ alike a serious look at the most penumbral and wicked of all character arch-types: The Necromancer.

Chapter two features new magical spells for use by villains and necromancers of every stripe. The Black Libram of Nartarus contains 33 brand new spells including a few Castles & Crusades variations of 4 classic SRD spells.

The third chapter of this dark tome offers alternative rules for ritual and blood sacrifice magic. The mechanics of these wicked practices are included purely to add to the level of intensity in your Castles & Crusades campaign, and insure that your villains are truly as evil as they should be!

Chapter four contains a storehouse of new magical items to enhance your game with new items and relics to reap fresh horrors on an unsuspecting campaign!

Chapter five brings all new monstrous horrors to your Castles and Crusades Campaign with 23 undead minions worthy of the God of the Walking Dead himself!

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Ilurach’s brows furrowed as an inhuman crooning escaped his tortured throat. Waiving his crooked fingers above the stiffened cadaver within the confines of his dank and fetid lair, Ilurach grinned and licked his scabrous lips. Eyes rolling back in his head as the trance took effect, he felt the eternal gulf between the land of the living and the realm of the dead compress within his mind.

His guttural call growled forth across the Æther to that dark place where the wicked spirits waited. Here he selected the spirit of his choice. Maleveolent, malicious, violent, ignorant and mallable to his will. Drawing it to his transcendent presence with fresh droplets of his own blood and accursed pledges to the black god he bound the thing. The cost was cheap, all told and there were many more corpses in his benighted laboratory who would receive a similar entity…in time.

The whites of his eyes clouded black as he completed his bargain with the dark lord, Ilurach drew himself back. Like the shadow which withdraws from the sun he felt himself hurtling back with his bonded charge in tow. Even as his eyes began to clear, he stared down at the putrid flesh already twitching with new vigor.

“Rise Zombye”, he cooed, slavering drool already wetting his chin. “Rise and do the bidding of thy new master!”

The zombie nodded in understanding, as Ilurach pointed it to the door. “Go now and guard my lair from all intruders!” Ilurach sibilantly commanded as his eyes narrowed once again to the work at hand. Taking a deep lungful of the violet incense smoke that wafted through his chambers, his eyes turned to the pale, bluish hued maiden whom he had encountered near the outer wall of the city mere hours before.

“And now my lovely, tis your turn to serve as my eternal concubine… until you bore me that is. You should have taken my offer willingly, for certainly the lord of the walking dead will grant me your very own tortured soul for the work I have done him thus far!”

She had been a true beauty in life, beneath the makeup and harlots tresses. No doubt she would be even more lovely in un-death.

Grave-robber. Ghoul master. Occultist. Beldame. Juju Man. Witch Doctor. Such are the names of those whose lust for power extends to power over the benighted world of the living dead. The necromancer as an arch-type exists through many cultures and many ages. Popularized in fantasy fiction by such classic authors as H. P. Lovecraft, Clark Ashton Smith, and Robert Howard, the fantasy necromancer has evolved into a dealer in deadly magic, and keeper of undead cohorts.

In the Haunted Highlands setting, the necromancer is an integral and iconic sub-discipline of other spellcasting classes. Access to the vast tome of necromantic knowledge, powers, and magic is open to all spellcaster, be they druid, cleric, wizard, or illusionist. Certainly access to the magical knowledge hidden in pages of the Black Libram of Nartarus and other occult tomes is useful, but is not the be all and end all of a Castle Keeper’s options when introducing the materials from this tome into their game.

Most important of all to play a necromancer in a Castles and Crusades game is Role Play.

If the character is of a twisted and evil bent, and fascinated with power and control over the undead, they more or less “fit” the criteria!

For example, A druidic necromancer could create undead from animals of the forest, or be focused on the death cults of nature vs. those which exemplify the tree of life. Undead animal minions and beasts of the forest could be unleashed on the world outside the druids lair, spreading his vision of nature on unsuspecting lands. Importantly, it is about flavor vs. flash, substance over statistics!

An Illusionist who chooses the path of the necromancer, may be focused on horror. Arcane and ghostly projections from the nether and twisted images reflected from the psyche of the recently dead serve as fuel to their creative and twisted illusions. Power over the life and death merely adds another dimension to their spellcasting repertoire.

Clerics may be in league with cults of the living dead, or perhaps are priests of Nartarus himself. Perhaps their cults hide in cellars and cemeteries on the fringes of civilization where their grave robbing and twisted worship of corpses remains hidden. Possibly they come from a culture that venerates death as its prevalent norm. In such societies, the clerical necromancer may take orders from an eternal Lich King who has ruled for thousands of years over both the living and the dead.

Wizards have perhaps the most tantalizing interest in the seductive sorceries of the necromancer. For wizards, knowledge is power, and knowledge over every sort of magic, of course leads most quickly to the prestigious robes of the Archmagi. Yet there are those so deeply seduced in the lore of the dead, that they remain within its clutches, falling deeper and deeper into its worm ridden embrace.


Powers of necromancy do not come cheaply. In the Haunted Highlands setting, they are earned with experience points. These points are expended in addition to experience needed to acquire a new class level. The desire to take on a necromantic power must be stated at the beginning of a level by the character, so that the Castle Keeper may assume a certain amount of time in studies for their standard class are also expended in studying the dark arts.

Necromancers may acquire the following powers in pursuit of their studies. Some of these such as turning or commanding undead may already be available to a character class due to its core powers. Others may only be acquired through persistent study and intense training.


The path of the necromancer does however offer its own costs. Constant interaction with the undead, and corpses of which they are formed leave their mark in time. This dark mark leaves an indelible impression on those who encounter the necromancer.

Necromancer powers are listed with a penalty to reaction (charisma checks) when dealing with those not involved in the necromancer’s cult, secret society, or sharing of their particular alignment.

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Necromancers gain access to necromancer spells. The cost for this power is paid in experience points. If a spellcaster seeks to learn a level of Necromancer spells, they must first declare their intention at the start of the level prior to the one in which they would be able to cast spells of that level. For example, a caster who would be able to cast 3rd level spells at their 5th level of experience must declare their intention to study necromantic arts prior to reaching 5th level. The additional experience required to learn the necromancer spells is added to the experience points needed to reach 5th level. Clear as mud right? Great!

Listed below is the experience point cost of learning necromancer spells by Necromancer Spell Level.




1st Level Necromancer Spells 2nd 100 xp None

2nd Level Necromancer Spells 3rd 300 xp None

3rd Level Necromancer Spells 5th 500xp None

4th Level Necromancer Spells 7th 700 xp -1

5th Level Necromancer Spells 9th 900 xp -1

6th Level Necromancer Spells 11th 1100 xp -1

7th Level Necromancer Spells 13th 1300xp -1

8th Level Necromancer Spells 15th 1500 xp -1

9th Level Necromancer Spells 17th 1700 xp -1

Blessed of Nartarus 500 xp Reaction Penalty -2

Those who take this blessing of Nartarus gain a +1 to saves for every 4 levels vs. the special attacks and abilities of the Undead creatures. This power reflects the constant contact with undead that is the stock of a Necromancer’s trade.

Command Undead 800 xp Reaction Penalty -1

Clerics who worship Nartarus gain this power for free. Otherwise this ability is the same as an evil clerics power to control undead as part of the turn ability detailed in the Castles and Crusades Players Handbooks.

Flesh of the Undead 500 xp Reaction Penalty -1

Those chosen of Nartarus who wish to gain this advantage pay an experience points cost of 500 xp. In exchange for their sacrifice, the necromancers flesh becomes toughened not unlike that of a withered corpse. Through this blessing the Necromancer gains a +1 to their natural armor class. The advantage may be purchased multiple times up to a natural armor class bonus of +5. At such a point as the Necromancer achieves the maximum armor class bonus, they are virtually indistinguishable from an undead being.

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The following spells are rooted in evil intention or the willingness to commit evil upon others. Their use is a definite tick in the direction of damnation for those who follow the paths of good and righteous purity.

ATAXUS’ LASH, Level 5 Wizard, Or Cleric of Ataxus 5

CT 1 standard action R Personal D 1 round/levelSV Wisdom SR Yes Comp (V, S)

When this spell is cast, the caster creates a cat-o-nine tails composed of swirling chaotic energies that she can wield in battle. The lash strikes as a melee weapon and deals 1d4+1 point of damage/level (1d4+9 at level 9, 1d4+10 at level 10, etc.). In addition, each person struck must make a Wisdom save or suffer the effects of a confusion spell for 1d4 rounds.

BLADES OF SHAMBERE, Level 2 Cleric of Shambere or Necromancer

CT 1 action R Self D 1 round per levelSV None; or Constitution SR No Comp (V,S)

Shadowy knives spring forth from the hands of the caster. The caster gains an extra attack with their off hand suffers only a -2 attack penalty with no penalty to the primary hand. The blades deal 1d6 points of damage. If the caster scores a natural 20 on their attack roll, the victim must make a Constitution save or also suffer 1d4 points of strength damage. Likewise any attack taken from behind or against a defenseless opponent dealt with the Blades of Shambere deals double damage.

BOUNCING ICE BLAST, Level 4 Necromancer

CT, 1 action AoE 40 ft. radius around caster D, instantaneous SV, None SR, No Comp (V, S, F)

This spell summons a bouncing blast of icy mist that leaps and bounces through the area in a seemingly random pattern. Use of the spell shows a complete disregard for the lives of all around the caster as it randomly targets each creature in a 40 ft. radius around the caster. There is a 50% chance that any creature in this area is struck by the freezing mist suffering 1d4 points of cold damage per caster level.

The focus for this spell is a small quartz sphere costing 100 gp to create.

CT, 1 minute R, See text D, SpecialSV, None SR, No Comp (V, S, F)

A powerful enough necromancer can even recruit free-willed undead creatures, if they are careful enough. This spell gates a vampire (8 HD) to the caster. The caster must negotiate with the vampire to convince it to perform a task, it might ask for a victim or for a large amount of money depending upon the task requested. The gated vampire refuses any task that would be considered suicidal and is instantly returned if the caster attempts to attack it in any way. The vampire will serve until the agreed upon task is completed or 1 day/caster level passes. During the duration of the spell the vampire cannot attack the caster, but after that period is over it may well decide to hunt down the necromancer if it feels able to.

This spell automatically fails if the caster casts it in an area of daylight or running water.

The focus of this spell is a pair of preserved vampire fangs.

CALL LICH, Level 9 Necromancer

CT, 10 minutes R, See Text D, SpecialSV, None SR, No Comp (V, S)

In the battle to control the world around her, any necromancer can use a powerful ally. This spell gates a lich (18 HD) to the caster who must then attempt to convince it to perform a specific task. Depending upon the task, the lich might demand particular spell books or scrolls, or demand a large payment up front. The lich never agrees to anything suicidal or to anything that might threaten its own hidden phylactery. The lich can return to its home at any time, whether the service is performed or not, and can decide not to perform a task at the last minute. This spell is particularly dangerous for the unprepared necromancer as the lich cannot be directly controlled and this spell provides no protection against being attacked by the lich.

CLAWS FROM THE GRAVE, Level 2 Necromancer

CT 1 action R 50 ft D 1 round/levelSV Dex Avoids SR Yes Comp (V, S, M, DF)

This spell calls into being a horde of skeletal hands that reach up from the ground clawing at any target in a 10 ft. +10 ft. per 2 levels of the spell caster. The claws deal 1d4 points of damage +1 per level of the spell caster. A successful Dexterity saving throw avoids the ripping claws and allows movement through their area without penalty. Failed saves suffer damage and find their movement rate reduced by 15 ft. per round. The skeletal claws have an armor class of 15 and 2 Hp each, though they suffer only half damage from slashing and piercing weapons.

CIRCLE OF DEATH Level 6 Necromancer

CT 1 action R: 100 ft. +10 ft./level D instantaneousSV, Con negates SR, yes Comp (V, S, M)

Upon uttering the words and making the sacrifices and gestures necessary for performing this spell, the necromancer calls forth the power of death itself to cut short the skein of life of his victims.

A wave of death emanates forth in a 40 ft. radius burst from the necromancer’s assigned target, slaying from the inside out a number of hit dice worth of creatures equal to 1d4 HD per level of the caster (max 20d4 hd). Creatures with 9 or more HD are immune to the effects of this spell.

The caster must sacrifice 1d4 hps and a black gemstone worth at least 500 gp in order to unleash this wicked power.

COMMAND UNDEAD, Level 3 Necromancer

CT 1 action R 25ft+5ft./2 levels D one day/levelSV, Wisdom Negates SR, Yes Comp (V, S, M)

Through making dark pacts with the dead, the caster is granted a degree of control over one undead creature. The caster may command an intelligent undead being that can perceive its words and actions. The undead do not attack the caster for the duration of the spell, and may follow given orders so long as the caster makes a successful Charisma check vs. the undead creature it

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wishes to command. Intelligent undead creatures accept no order that would be harmful to it, or lead to its destruction.

Non-intelligent undead get no saving through vs. this spell. Instead they follow any orders without question so long as the orders are simple commands as one would give to a dog. Sit, fetch, follow, play dead, and the like are examples of the sorts of commands an unintelligent undead being may be given.

The commands given are not telepathic, and the undead must be able to hear the caster in order to follow orders.

The material component for this spell is a droplet of blood or piece of raw flesh and a sliver of bone from the type of creature that the being was in life. For example, to command an undead Halfling, the caster need have a piece of Halfling bone handy.

CURSED ROT OF MEDJEDU, 4th NecromancerCT 1 action R TouchD until successfully discharged or dismissedSV Con SR Yes Comp V, S, M

The Cursed Rot of Medjedu is believed to be the final cursed gift of a wicked pharaoh to his loyal priesthood. Born from dark secrets revealed to the Pharaoh in dank subterranean tombs, the spell grants the caster the ability to inflict mummy rot upon his enemies with a touch. The caster must make a successful touch attack against a flesh and blood living creature for the power of this spell to take effect. Upon a successful strike, the victim must make a Constitution save or contract Mummy Rot as if they had been touched struck by a mummy. Victims who contract mummy rot may gain no more healing from magic until a remove disease spell is cast. Furthermore, natural healing and effects such as regeneration are 1/10th their normal rate. Victims take 2 points of Charisma damage every month as their flesh rots and decays in leprous fashion. At zero charisma the victim’s body turns to dust and the victim is dead.

The material spell component is a piece of linen wrapping from a moldering mummy, entombed for at least 100 years.


CT 1 action Range 150 ft. D 1 roundSV Wisdom SR Yes Comp (V, S, DF)

The cleric chooses a target within range to experience a direct connection with the majesty of his patron deity. The brief gnosis is overwhelming for the target, and they must make a successful Wisdom save or be stunned and helpless from the experience for a number of rounds equal to1d4+1/5 levels of the casting cleric (1d4+1 at 5th level, 1d4+2 at 10th level, 1d4+3 at 15th level etc.). The cleric’s holy symbol is the focus for this spell.

DOMINATE GOLEM, Level 8 Wizard

CT, 1 action R, 30 ft. D, 1 round/levelSV, strength negates SR, No Comp (V, S, F)

Golems are powerful, deadly guardians whose strength lies in their immunity to most magic. This spell allows the caster to temporarily seize control of a golem for a short period of time and force it to do their will. If the golem fails a strength save it loyally serves its new

master for the duration of the spell. A caster must remain cautious, at the end of the spell’s duration, or if the golem succeeds at its saving throw, the golem attacks the caster in a berserk rage gaining +2 to attack and damage rolls. A caster can only control one golem at a time and cannot control a golem with more HD that she has levels.

The focus for this spell is a bit of the material the golem being dominated is made of, for example a piece of clay if a clay golem is going to be dominated.

DISSOLVE FLESH, Level 5 Necromancer

CT 1 action R 50 ft. AoE 1 Target D InstantaneousSV Con Negates SR Yes Comp (S)

Drawing wicked sigils of death in the air the Necromancer lets loose a ray of ultra violet death upon his foes which deals 1d6+1 point per 3 caster levels worth of constitution damage to their foe. On a successful save the opponent suffers 1/2 damage. Flesh struck with this spell is melted away, starting with the skin, and working its way to muscle, sinew and tendon until naught is left but bone. The damage done by this spell may only be healed through greater restoration a heal spell or limited wish.

EBON BANDS OF BINDING, Level 2 Necromancer

CT 1 action R 50 ft. D 1 round/levelSV Dexterity SR Yes Comp (V, S)

An ebon ray fires forth from the caster’s hand striking the target he points at. The ray becomes a series of ebon bands that entwine about the foe entangling him. The target must make a successful to avoid becoming entangled. If the target is entangled, he is held still for the duration of the spell, unable to swing a weapon or make somatic components, but may move at normal speed. However, each round the target is entangled, he loses one point of strength, which lasts for 1 round per level of the caster after the spell ends. Each round a target is held, he may attempt to break free by making a strength check at the same CL as the initial Dexterity save. A successful strength check indicated the target has broken free and may act normally the next round. Breaking the ebon bonds in this way ends the spell.

ENFEEBLING BLAST, Level 7 Necromancer

CT, 1 action AoE, 60 ft. radius around caster D, 1 round/level SV, constitution half SR, Yes Comp (V, S, M)

Never loved, and often hunted, necromancers often turn toward this potent spell to protect them from misguided assault. With a few simple words and gestures the necromancer sends out a hazy brown blast of negative energy centered on himself. All living creatures struck lose 1d4 + 1 per caster level points of strength (max 1d4+10), while undead in the area gain 1d4 + 1 per caster level hitpoints. A successful constitution saving throw halves the damage and no target can have their strength score reduced below 1. With this single spell, a necromancer can both strengthen his undead allies and weaken his enemies.

The material component for this dark spell is powdered ogre bone which is thrown outward away from the caster.

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FLESH OF NARTARUS, Level 1 Necromancer

CT 1 action R Self D 1 Rd./lvl.SV None SR No Comp V,S

Upon the performance of this ritual, the caster’s flesh hardens and takes on a zombie like pallor. The caster takes 1⁄2 damage from slashing and piercing weapons and gains a slam attack dealing 1d8 points of damage.

GHOSTLY GRIP, Level 6 Necromancer

CT 1 action R Touch D until successfully discharged, permanent afterwardSV Con SR Yes Comp V,S,M

Through channeling the power of the dead, the Necromancer is able to summon the powers of the grave, laying a touch attack on his foes that unnaturally ages them. The ghostly grip ages an opponent 1d4x10 years, possibly moving them to a different age category, or in the case of the elderly, possibly killing them. This ghostly aging may only be removed through use of Greater Restoration, Limited wish or through casting of Grave to the Cradle.

The material component for this spell is an item or bauble taken from a haunted location.

GHOUL TOUCH, Level 2 Necromancer

CT 1 action R, Touch D 1d6+2 roundsSV, Constitution Negates SR, Yes Comp (V, S, M)

Through study of the dark arts, the necromancer has learned to paralyze a single living humanoid with a touch as a ghoul does. The victim is paralyzed for the duration of the spell, unless they make a successful Constitution save.

Elves are immune to this spell, as they are immune to the touch of a ghoul.

The material components for this spell are a finger bone from a ghoul or an ounce of unhallowed earth. The components are not consumed during the casting, but are instead held in a juju or fetish and waived about while chanting the blasphemous tongue of the dead. (Note: A spell from the SRD)

GREAT SOUL SHRIEK, Level 9 Necromancer

CT, 1 hour R, see text D, instantaneousSV, constitution negates SR, Yes Comp (V, S, M, DF)

What greater gift to one’s god can one give but the souls of unbelievers to torment? Powerful enough to decimate the population of a small city, this spell is powered by a complex ritual involving the willing sacrifice of a 30 vestal virgins. First a large 30 foot diameter circle and pentagram must be engraved in a stone floor which is then surrounded by low iron spikes covered with poison. These preparations take several weeks or months and are difficult to keep secret, so priests planning to use this spell must be very cautious. Total cost of the preparations is at least 10,000 gp.

As the priest begins chanting, the virgins must throw themselves onto the poison spikes so their blood flows into the grooves making the circle and pentagram. The virgins can be young or old, but all must be willing participants and not the subject of enchantment magic of any type. This does not mean that they

can’t be brainwashed with visions of glory and goodness. The souls of these poor fools then fuels a great rending shriek that extends from the outer edge of the circle to a 1 mile radius from its center. Those struck by the wave of sound, whether awake or asleep, must succeed at a constitution save or have their souls consigned to the god of the caster. This potent sound is not blocked by stone, wood, or metal but areas of dead magic or magic silence cancel it out.

Providing the number of souls consigned to their god is satisfying (minimum of 1,000), all clerics of the deity being worshipped will cast spells as if they were one level higher. This additional level only applies to damage rolls, duration, and similar effects and does not change the number of spells a cleric can cast in a day, nor does it allow them to learn spells of a higher level. This effect lasts for one month from the date of sacrifice.


CT 1 R touch D permanentSv Cha negates SR yes Comp V, S.

This destructive counter-curative is a special purpose version of the harm spell that produces a most disturbing battery of affects. Immediately following the casting of the spell, the target victim goes permanently blind and deaf. Following this, target victim begins to experience internal hemorrhaging of several major internal organs, which in turn causes the victim to begin expectorating their own blood, stomach acid and bile. This continues for 1-4 rounds, after which time this spell drains all but four of the target’s hit points. By this time, the central nervous system and the muscle control system of the target victim have broken down, causing uncontrolled bodily functioning and erratic movement. This spell may be countered or removed with a heal, limited wish, remove curse, or wish spell.

LURKING DOOM, Level 3 Necromancer

CT 1 actions Range 150 ft. D 1 round/levelSV Wisdom SR Yes Comp (V, S)

The illusionist causes the target to see a lurking danger out of the corner of his eye, no matter where he lurks. The target suffers paranoia as he can never get a good look at the lurking danger to determine the threat, but knows it is there. During combat, this serves as a distraction and the victim suffers a -4 penalty to his AC for the duration of the spell.

MARROW CRACK, Level 8 Necromancer

CT, 5 minutes R, Any D, See TextSV, constitution half SR, Yes Comp (V, S, M)

A piece of skin, hair, blood, or other part of a body grants a witch unparalleled and frightening power over a target. A powerful witch can use this spell to literally crack the bones of their target no matter how distant they are. Burning the portion of the body in an oily fluid containing 100 gp worth of diamond powder and uttering the final words of power sends a wave of pain through the target. The victim suffers 1d10 points of damage per caster level (max 20d10) and is incapacitated for 5 days or until healed, if they survive the initial damage. A successful constitution save reduces the damage by half and the victim is not incapacitated. This dire spell has reportedly

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been used to assassinate kings and lords forcing most rulers to be particularly careful about destroying their own hair and keeping close track of their clothing.

The material components of this spell include a bit of flesh, blood, or hair of the target which is ground up and boiled in an oily fluid containing 100 gp of diamond dust. The concoction is consumed at the end of the spell when the witch utters the words of final damnation inflicting pain on the target.

NARTARUS’S TOUCH, Level 2 Necromancer

CT 1 action Range Touch D 1 round/levelSV Constitution for 1⁄2 SR Yes Comp (V, S, M)

The caster’s touch becomes as cold as the grave when this spell is cast. Any he touches suffers 1d4/level points of cold damage, but takes only 1⁄2 damage with a successful Constitution save. The caster must strike his foe with an unarmed melee attack to deal this damage. The cold does not harm undead, instead it heals them the same number of hit points as the damage the spell would have done. Cold-blooded creatures (reptiles etc.) and fire based creatures take double damage from this spell due to their vulnerability to cold. The material component for this spell is a finger from a corpse or skeleton.

RISE AS THE DEAD, Level 5 Necromancer

CT 1 action R 50 ft.+10ft./level D PermanentSV Wisdom Negates SR Yes Comp (V,S, M)

This horrible curse has an effect unknown to the victim until they have been slain, at which time they rise as a blood thirsty ghoul (1-4 hd), ghast (4-6 hd), or vampire (7+ hd) under the command of the caster. The spell, if detected may be removed with a remove curse spell. The material spell component for Rise as the Dead is a piece of flesh from a destroyed undead being such as a ghast, ghoul, or zombie.

SALTS OF SORROW, Level 2 Necromancer

CT 1 action Range 30 ft. AOE 30 ft Radius D 1 rd./lvl. SV Constitution Negates SR Yes Comp (V,S,M)

Favored by necromancers as well as fell priests of all wicked deities, this spell causes a fog of salt gasses to erupt from the ground around targets. The yellowish gas inflicting 1d4 damage plus 1 point of damage per level of the caster to any wounded and bleeding targets within the gas cloud. The gas may be countered or dissipated with a gust of wind or similar spell. The material spell component for this spell is a pinch of salt pressed into a cut or scab.

SAVAGE BLOODING, Level 9 Necromancer

CT, 1 action R, 60 ft. D, See textSV, See text SR, Yes Comp (V, S)

It is often said that powerful necromancers welcome attack, as their assailants provide excellent new material to work with. This horrible spell crushes the target so ferociously that blood pours from their eyes, ears, and mouth as their body shakes in brutal death throws. A failed constitution save results in instant death as the crushed corpses collapses in a pool of blood while a successful constitution save leaves the target suffering 1d6 points of damage per caster level (max 10d6) and incapable of taking any actions for one full round.

Those nearby are not unaffected by the gruesome sight. Any allies seeing the target’s suffering must succeed at a constitution save or suffer a –2 penalty on all attack rolls for 2 rounds.

SHAMBERE’S SLUMBER, Level 4 Cleric of Shambere

CT 1 R 1000 ft. D 1 turn/lvlSV Wisdom Negates SR Yes Comp V,S, DF

A fetish of assassin priests of Ulgakur, Shambere’s Slumber affords the ability to insure that their target is asleep when sweet death creeps into their bedchamber as it drives the victim into a deep sleep. The spell may be cast directly at an living opponent within sight, or cast upon an unseen target up to 1000 ft. away so long as the caster has piece of hair, scab, tooth, nail or some other part of the victim’s body. If the caster has a clipping or part from his victim, the victim suffers a -2 to their save to avoid the effects of the spell. Shambere’s Slumber effects even beings such as elves which are normally immune to magical sleep.

SHAMBERE’S STALKER, Level 4 Necromancer 4, or Cleric of Shambere

CT 1 action Range 150 ft. D 1round/levelSV n/a SR No Comp (V, S, M)

With this spell, the caster creates a shadowy stalker to aid him in combat. The stalker performs a back attack on any opponent chosen by the caster within range as a rogue with a level equal to the caster. The stalker will continue to slink about the battlefield attacking as the caster commands. The caster must concentrate on the stalker to change targets, but can do other actions if the stalker continues to attack the same target. The stalker is armed with a shadowy dagger, and a successful attack deals 1d4+ sneak attack damage to the target. The material component for this spell is a mask of pure black silk worth at least 25 gp that is torn in the casting.

SHADOW HAND, Level 4 Necromancer

CT, 1 action R, touch D, 5 rounds/levelSV, See text SR, Yes Comp (V, S)

Potent spells often require some sacrifice on the part of the caster. This simple spell allows a necromancer to draw 2d4 points of any chosen attribute from a living creature touched and add it as a temporary bonus to their charisma. The necromancer must make a successful attack roll to touch an unwilling target and a target can only suffer from one shadow hand at a time and a caster can only benefit from one active spell at a time. A caster can cast the spell again on another target to reset the duration of the bonus. A successful saving throw negates the spell with the saving throw based on the attribute the necromancer is attacking. It is rumored that some necromancers keep thralls to use as willing subjects of this spell.

SKELETON PULL, Level 6 Necromancer

CT, 1 action R, 30 ft. D, instantaneousSV, wisdom negates SR, Yes Comp (V, S, M)

A necromancer’s connection to the dark powers of the abyss allows them to simply rip the skeleton from a humanoid body killing them instantly and creating an undead servant. Any humanoid creature within 30 ft. of the caster, and visible, can be affected by this spell. The victim’s allies nearby bear witness to the necromancer’s dark

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power as the skeleton tears free of its flesh in a cloud of blood and gore. This awe-inspiring power, and the gory scene it creates forces a wisdom save against fear for all enemies that witness it. Those that fail flee for 5 minutes. The skeleton created is a normal 1 HD skeleton under control of the necromancer. The prudent caster uses this spell but once per day for each additional use per day stands a 10% chance (cumulative) of sending the caster’s soul straight to the abyss. A successful wisdom save resists these dark forces. The saving throw receives a bonus for each HD or level above 4. Anyone slain by this spell can only be brought back to life by a true resurrection, or a wish.

The material component of this spell is the powdered bone of a skeleton that is thrown in the direction of the victim.

SUMMON UNDEAD, Level 6 Necromancer

CT 1 R 50 ft. D 1 rd./lvl.SV No SR No Comp (V,S,M)

Calling into the wastelands of the dead, the necromancer summons a number of HD worth of Common or Rare undead to the service of the cater for 1round/level. None of the summoned undead may have more than 4 HD. The caster has no control over the type of undead that is summoned though they may make a request of the sort that is desired as they work their incantation. For a cleric, the summoning uses the divine focus as their material spell component. For all others, a pinch of graveyard dirt and a bottle of unholy water are required to bind the magic.

SUMMON GREATER UNDEAD, Level 7 Necromancer

CT 1 R 20 ft. D 1 rd./lvl. SV No SR No Comp (V,S,M)

The summoner calls into the void beyond the River Styx, drawing a number of undead beings to the caster’s level worth of Lesser or Common Undead. Thus an 18th level caster could summon eighteen skeletons or 8 skeletons and 2 wraiths. The summoner may attempt to summon unique undead, should the caster know the name and location of such an undead being. In this instance a bargain of blood must be made with the being, and 1d6 hit points be sacrificed in the process of the summoning. Unique undead include such beings as ghosts, spectres, but not vampires, or liches.

SWARM OF SKULLS, Level 1 Necromancer

CT 1 R Self D 1rd. +1 rd./lvl.SV None SR No Comp V, S, M

The caster summons into being 1d4 grinning animated skulls per 3/levels which whirl around the caster moving as he moves. The orbiting skulls grant a +2 armor class bonus to the caster and may be directed to attack any foe within 10 ft. of the caster. Anyone entering melee combat with the caster is attacked by the skulls. The skulls have an armor class of 15, and 4 hp per skull. They deal 1d4 points of damage on a successful attack +1 point of damage per skull in the swarm. The skulls share the attack bonus of the caster. The skulls share the same dexterity save as the caster.

The material spell component for this spell is a tooth from a humanoid skull. The tooth of a murderer adds +1 to damage dealt by the skulls in the swarm.

THIRST FOR BLOOD, Level 4 Necromancer

CT 1 R 50 ft. +10 ft./level D 1 rd./lvl.SV Wisdom Negates SR Yes Comp V, S, M

Caster curses his opponent with a thirst for fresh blood. Victim sees friend and foe alike as a vessel for their thirst, growing wolf like fangs and gaining a bite attack that deals 1d6 points of damage. If the victim succeeds in a bite attack it latches on, draining 1d6 points of blood for one round per point of constitution the victim possesses. For example, if the victim of the curse has a constitution of 18, they attacker drains 1d6 points of blood damage from their target for 18 rounds, or until they are forcibly removed from the target, or they or their target are slain.

VAMPIRIC TOUCH, Level 3 Necromancer

CT 1 action R, Touch D, instantSV none SR yes Comp (V,S)

A successful melee touch attack drains foes of 1d6 hp per two levels of the caster (maximum 10d6). The damage dealt is transferred to the caster as temporary hit points, that stay with the caster for one hour. The caster cannot drain more than the target’s original hit points +10 as the target is dead at -10 hp.

VAMPIRE’S GLORY, Level 6 Necromancer

CT, 1 action R, Self D, 30 minutesSV, None SR, No Comp (V, S, M)

Necromancers show their true dark nature in the creation and use of this spell granting the caster some of the most of the dire

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abilities of a vampire, without the weaknesses. When casting this spell the necromancer’s skin grows pale and he grows long fangs. With a vampire’s glory spell active, a necromancer gains 2 slam attacks (1d6) at their normal attack bonus and the ability to drain blood from a target. If the necromancer strikes a target with both slam attacks it can attempt to pull them in and bite them and begin draining blood. The target must succeed at a strength save to avoid being pulled in and bitten. Once the necromancer has latched on she automatically inflicts 1d4 points of damage per round as she drains the blood of her target. Each point of damage inflicted heals the necromancer 2 hp, with hitpoints above her normal total being temporary hitpoints that disappear in 2 hours. The victim does not suffer energy drain, but there is no limit to how many hitpoints a necromancer may drain in this fashion.

In addition to these dark powers, with vampire’s glory active a necromancer can only be damaged by +2 magical weapons or better and is resistant to electrical damage (half damage). While in this form a necromancer can still cast spells and use all of their other abilities and she is not subject to any vampire weaknesses such as sunlight or good holy symbols

The material component of this spell is powdered ash of a slain vampire combined with 100 gp worth of ruby dust that is consumed during the casting of the spell.

VAMPIRE’S CURSE, Level 5 Necromancer

CT, 1 action R, touch D, 1 round/levelSV, None SR, No Comp (V, S, M)

A necromancer’s dread power can taint the living with unlife, and this potent curse is a clear example. With a successful attack roll a necromancer can curse a victim with a touch bestowing the penalties suffered by a vampire, without providing any benefits. The victim becomes susceptible to sunlight, suffering a –6 penalty to all rolls while in natural sunlight as well as suffering 1 point of damage per round. The target of the spell also becomes averse to garlic and mirrors.

WRAITH AURA, Level 7 Necromancer

CT, 1 action R, Self D, 1 round/levelSV, None SR, No Comp (V, S)

With simple words and a swirl of their robes, a necromancer can be transformed into an incorporeal form with some of the abilities of a wraith. In addition to becoming incorporeal, the necromancer gains an incorporeal touch attack (at their normal attack bonus) that drains one level from the target. Each level drained grants the necromancer 5 additional hitpoints, if their hitpoint total exceeds their normal total, the additional hitpoints are temporary and fade away after 1 hour per caster level. The only drawback in this form is that the necromancer cannot cast spells or direct undead while affected by a wraith aura spell.


Although not exactly powers of the dark lord Nartarus, the following spells are of equal value to the burgeoning necromancer. Likewise their power and abilities are used by worshippers of Jokashka, or those who pray to Riachee the rat.

Being a testament of the black arts and the craft of the Dark Fey, the following spells may be learned and cast by any spell casting class of the appropriate level.


CT 1 action R 50 ft. D PermanentSV Wisdom SR Yes Comp (V,S,M)

The witch binds her foe with dark rites, transforming it into the lycanthrope of her choosing. The afflicted is forced under the dominant control of the witch who is considered alpha beast to the victim. At the instant that the spell is cast, the creature transforms into a lycanthropic version of its former self, gaining the attacks, alignment and special abilities of its new form, but retaining its original hit dice, hit points and most class abilities (Class abilities are lost in the case of goodly aligned clerics, or paladins). The afflicted being remains in this form for a period of 24 hours in which time they must slay and devour a sentient living being of at least 1 full HD. This slaughter seals the curse, making it permanent. Once permanent the afflicted may shift back to its natural form. If the afflicted fails to slay and consume suitable prey, it dies a cursed death. Those who die a cursed death may only be raised if remove curse is cast upon their corpse, and then only through the power of a resurrection or wish. The material spell component is a pelt and salve made from the sort of beast that the witch wishes to afflict with lycanthropy.


CT 1 action Range 450 ft. D InstantaneousSV Charisma (Partial) SR Yes Comp (V, S, M)

When this spell is cast, the caster’s face takes on the appearance of Fythele, the Fey Queen in all her stunning beauty. The caster then can make a gaze attack at 1 target. The target seeing Fythele’s deadly beauty must make a Charisma save or be struck dead by her wicked visage. Even if the target saves he is blinded for 1 minute per caster level by the unearthly beauty of the fey queen’s beauty. The material component for this spell is a finely crafted mirror costing at least 50 gp which must be shattered in the casting.


CT, 20 minutes AoE 1000 yd radius around casterD see text SV, None SR, No Comp (V, S, M, DF)

Clerics of the darkest powers call upon this brutal spell to lay waste to farmland, fields, and villages. When cast, the earth becomes not only devoid of life, but is unable to sustain any plant life for 2 years. Trees, grasses, and other plants wither and die over a period of 2d4 weeks as the spell takes brutal hold and animals flee the area. During this time, the land can be rescued with the aid of powerful druids and clerics, but after this time passes, only a wish spell can bring life back to the land before the 2-year duration of the spell expires. It is a dark weapon of the patient, weakening enemies through starvation and famine before even bothering to attack.

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Wells and other sources of water are left sterile and devoid of life, though not poisonous in any way. Rivers carrying other fish and animals into the area can eventually repopulate but any plants requiring sustenance from the soil cannot grow for 2 years.

The material component of this dark spell is the blood of a demon which is mixed with the earth of the location to be blackened and then thrown into the air during the incantation.


CT 1 R 150 ft. AoE creatures in a 50 ft x 50 ft area. D InstantaneousSv none SR Yes Comp V, S

Barduke was able to unlock the powers underlying the magic missile spell and reweave them in such a way that allows for much greater potency for the wielding wizard. Based loosely on the magical power of the first level magic missile spell, this enhanced version of that wizard’s spell is decidedly more wicked than it’s lesser powered cousin. When cast, the wizard calls forth a missile of magical energy that flies from the caster’s hand and unerringly strikes its target. These missiles also do 1d4+1 points of damage from the magical energy, just like standard magic missiles.

These missiles also always hit the intended target so long as the caster has visual contact. However, Barduke’s acidic missiles of pain also deal an additional 1d4+1 points of acid damage to the intended target, making the effect of a single missile double that of the standard magic missile. To wit, the caster of this spell is entitled to one missile per level of experience attained. Thus, a fourth level wizard gets four missiles. The caster has the option to have all of the missiles called forth strike a single target or to have them strike several different targets.


CT 1 R 10 ft wide x 50 ft long or 5 ft wide x 100 ft long areaD Instantaneous SV Dex half for lightning SV Wis half for sonic blast SR yes Comp V, S, M.

Always the innovator in the field of destructive magic, this innovation of the war wizard Barduke began as a tried and true lightning bolt spell. This enhanced version incorporates a wee bit of the magic of Barduke’s more powerful Thunderclap spell. The terrible bolt springs forth from the caster’s finger tips arching with crackling energy unerringly in a straight line towards all targets in its path. In addition to the 1d6 points of damage per caster level spell of a lightning bolt, this improved lightning bolt delivers an additonal 1d4 points of sonic blast damage per 2 levels of the caster to all creatures in the path of the bolt. This additional damage, requires a second, wisdom based save on behalf of the victims to avoid the stunning and deafening effects of the thunder clap.


CT 1 R 50 ft AoE creatures in a 25 ft x 25 ft area D See Text. Sv none SR yes Comp V

This one-word spell calls forth a massive blast of thunderous magical energy that deafens one or more creatures within the area of effect, hurling them prone, dealing 1d6 points of damage/2 caster levels.

The spell affects the creatures with the lowest hit point totals first, selecting subjects one at a time until the next target is one whose hit point total exceeds 100. Creatures with more than 100 hit points are not affected by this spell. The duration of this spell mirrors that of the seventh level wizard spell power word blind.


CT 1 turn R 200 ft. D PermanentSV Wisdom Negates SR Yes Comp (V,S, M)

The Changeling Curse has long been used by witches to wreak vengeance upon women who have broken a deal or shown disrespect to their powers. Through the casting of this spell, the witch steals a newborn infant from its crib. The babe is instantly substituted with a wicked imp polymorphed to the likeness of the original child, and bent on the murder of its surrogate parents. Many horrors tales are told of what the witches and hags do with the stolen child.


CT 1 action Range 50 ft. D 1 round/levelSV Dexterity SR No Comp (V, S, M)

With this spell, the druid creates a hideous vine that encircles the throat of the target and attempts to choke the life out of them. The target can evade the vine’s grasp with a successful Dexterity save. If the save fails the vine grabs ahold of the target and begins to choke them. The vine reduces the target’s Constitution by 1d4 points per round, and the victim becomes unconscious when their Constitution is reduced to 0. Once the Constitution is reduced to 0, the vine chokes the victim to death in 2 rounds. A choking victim, or someone helping them, can try to break the vines hold with a successful Strength check (CL 3). Once the victim is freed, it takes them 1 round to recover their lost Constitution points as they catch their breath. They are unable to act during this round. If the spell expires before the victim is reduced to 0 Constitution, the vine dissipates, and the victim recovers in 1 round as above.


CT 1 action R Self D 1 Turn/Lvl.SV N/A SR No Comp V,S

The caster transforms into a swarm of rats, able to fit through tiny openings, or squeeze under doorways. The caster gains a bite attack dealing 1d6 points damage to anyone caught within the swarm. The caster takes only 1/3rd damage from physical attacks and 1⁄2 damage from magic while in the swarm shape. The caster may transform back and forth from swarm to normal shape as a full round action for the duration of the spell.


CT 1 R 50 ft. D Permanent (special)SV Wisdom Negates SR Yes Comp V,S,M

Through the rattling of a tiny silver rattle and the calling of strange forces the caster selects one target for this curse which peels the years away from the victim, turning them instantly into an infant on a failed wisdom save. This spell may be countered with the Ghostly Grip, a Greater Restoration spell, or a limited wish. As an infant the victim has the same hit points that they had prior to succumbing to

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the spell. They have an armor class 8, retain all their memories, but do not have the ability to speak, other than to cry.

Note: This spell may not be used to unnaturally extend the life of the caster or his victims.

The material component for this spell is a silver rattle of fine craftsmanship worth at least 50 gp.


CT 1 R 150 ft AoE 50 ft x 50 ft D 1 rd./lvl.Sv none SR yes Comp V, S, M (a thorn)

This druidic spell is only useable in a wooded area or other area similarly surrounded by flora and fauna from which the casting druid can summon an attack on his target victims delivered by the natural environs. Ages ago, Guh-shun used this spell as a means of ambushing trespassers in what he considered his territory on the wild highlands of the Duchy of Karbosk. The casting druid calls forth thorns and thorn-like shards from the surrounding trees and plant life which rain down on the unsuspecting victims like darts from a blow gun. The spell calls forth 1d4 thorns for every two level of experience attained by the caster. The thorns may be directed at a single target within a line of sight of the caster, or at multiple targets either within visual range or in a general target area known to the caster. Each thorn does 1-3 points of damage, and unerringly strikes the druid’s chosen targets.


CT 1 R 450 ft AoE 50 ft x 50 ft D permanent until triggered SV Con negates poison, SV Dex to avoid entanglement SR no Comp V, S, DF

This druidic spell is a corrupted or tainted version of the entangle spell. In addition to causing the plants in the affected area to animate and attempt to entwine any creatures within or passing through the area of affect, this spell causes the plants to be imbued with a very toxic poison that is injected into any such creatures so entwined on the round following the entanglement. The physical effects of the toxic poison are left to the discretion of the Castle Keeper. In all other respects, the venomous ivy of entangling mirrors the first level druid spell from which it was derived.


CT 1 R 150 ft AoE 10 cu ft/lvl D 10 min/lvl, Sv none SR No Comp V, S, M (a thorn)

This is a corrupted or tainted version of the wall of thorns fifth level druid spell which allows the casting druid to call forth an encircling and entrapping wall of thorns that surrounds the target victims. As the thorny enclosure is called forth, it rises to a height of 15 ft, or 5 ft above the tallest victim, whichever is higher. At the top of the enclosure, the thorny barrier forms a cone-shaped top or cap to prevent escape by means of vertical egress. In all other respects this spell mirrors the fifth level druid spell.


CT 1 R touch D 1 turn/lvl, Save yes (object) SR Yes (object) Comp V, S, DF

This spell temporarily enchants a non-magical club or staff, making it a +2 weapon and making it deal 1d8+2 points of damage. The spell also grants the ability to strike any monsters normally only struck by +2 magic weapons.


CT 1 R touch D 1 turn/lvlSave yes (object) SR Yes (object) Comp V, S, DF

This spell temporarily enchants a non-magical club or staff, making it a +3 weapon and making it deal 1d12+3 points of damage. The spell also grants the ability to strike any monsters normally only struck by +3 magic weapons.


CT 1 action R Touch D 1 year/level of the casterSV Wisdom Negates SR Yes Comp (V, S)

The witch’s kiss places her victim into a deep and enduring slumber. The victim does not age while in this slumber, nor do they dream. This spell is otherwise identical to temporal stasis.


CT, 1 action R, 60 ft. D see textSV, see text SR, Yes Comp (V, S)

When Paladin’s fall, they fall far and hard, losing their powers and their connection to their god. Paladin’s are normally resistant to any form of direct mind control so this demonic creation simply tempts the target into actions that will slowly separate them from their god. This subtle enchantment twists a Paladin’s sense of honor over a period of 2 weeks, causing them to eventually see themselves as the only true source of holiness and therefore judge, jury, and executioner of those around him. While most Paladins are wise enough to accept small sins and failings, a Paladin subjected to Liana’s Dark Temptation sees all mistakes, however minor, as major sins punishable by death.

By the time a Paladin has fully fallen, the spell has twisted their sense of right and wrong to the point that they are almost constantly confused.

During the first week of the spell’s effect the Paladin begins to notice all of the small mistakes and “sins” of those around him, and begins to judge them within his own mind. At the end of the first week the target receives a second saving throw with a +2 bonus, if this is failed he progresses into a second week under the effect of the spell, slowly turning against the “sinners” around them. Before any violent action the Paladin receives a 3rd saving throw.

If this save is successful he can resist the effects of the spell and come to understand that he was under an enchantment. If failed, his violent actions leave his mind so twisted and confused that it is under the effect of a permanent insanity spell.

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During the first 2 weeks of the spell’s effect it may be broken with a remove curse or break enchantment. If the paladin is struck with permanent insanity, the only cure lies in a carefully worded wish followed by a lengthy period of atonement.

LIARS TONGUE, 5th level

CT 1 R 50 ft. D 1 rd./level SV Charisma negates SR Yes Comp V, S, DF

Although similar to a Discern Lies spell, the caster may only affect one living target that it concentrates on. If a target knowingly tells a lie, their tongue drops out, swelling to the size of a large constrictor snake that attacks the target. The constricting tongue fights until slain. The victims tongue eventually grows back, but this takes 1 day per level of the caster. The tongue may be re-grown magically through use of a Heal, Regenerate, or Limited wish spell. Spellcasters who lose their tongue to a Liars Tongue spell may not cast spells that require the verbal component.

The material spell component is the dried tongue of a toad or newt.

LOCKJAW, 3rd Level

CT 1 R 20 ft. D PermanentSV Wisdom SR Yes Comp (V, S, M)

Favored by witches and hags, the curse of lackjaw seals the jaws of its victim tightly, so that they can do no more than grunt and slobber, unable to speak coherently to cast spells nor prize their mouth open far enough that they may eat or drink. Victims of this spell most frequently starve to death or die from thirst within a few days of having been inflicted with this curse. The spell may only be removed through the casting of a remove curse spell, or through the use of a limited wish.


CT 1 action Range Touch D until removedSV Charisma SR Yes Comp (V, S, M)

Favored by the mortal agents of Kharzarn, the target is marked with the sign of a pariah. All who see the sign shun the victim, refusing to allow him to enter homes, places of business, temples, shrines, etc. and refusing to interact with him in any way, from simple conversations to exchange of goods or any other sort of interaction. The mark of the slaver remains until it is dispelled either by a dispel magic or a remove curse. The target must make a Charisma save when touched to avoid the effects of the mark. The material component of this spell is a piece of charcoal used to make the mark on the caster’s had. The spell transfers the mark to the target’s cheek.

MOONSHINE, 5th level

CT 1 action Range 60 ft. radius D 1 turn/levelSV Wisdom SR Yes Comp (V,S,M)

This powerful spell has multiple effects for the witch who calls forth the power of the moon. A brilliant disk like simulacrum appears over the head of the witch casting its light in a 60 ft. radius. The disk forces any lycanthrope to instantly transform into their hybrid shape unless they make a successful wisdom save. Lycanthropes that are forced into their hybrid form are under the

command of the caster for the duration of the spell, though they gain an additional wisdom save every turn to break free.

NYMPH OF DOOM, 5th Level

CT 1 action R 150 ft. D 1 round/3 levelsSV Intelligence SR No Comp (V, S, M)

The illusionist selects one target within range, and creates the image of an alluring nymph that beckons the target to embrace her. If the target fails his save he is filled with a desire by the illusion and attempt to embrace the nymph. When the target is firmly in the embrace of the nymph the illusion becomes visible to others and the nymph seems to transform into a succubus. Others viewing the illusion gain a save vs. Intelligence if they disbelieve the illusion. The illusionary succubus kisses the target and drains 1 level per round that the illusion persists. The material component for the spell is a strand of hair from either a succubus or a nymph.


CT 1 action R Self D 1 round/levelSV Con (special) SR No Comp (V,S,M)

The caster grows rat-like fangs over his upper and lower incisors that afford the caster a bite attack which deals 1d4 points of damage. Victims of the bite must make a constitution save or become infected with effects similar to (X), granting a -2 to saves, attack rolls and damage. Unlike a true disease, these effects wear off at the end of the spell’s duration.


CT 1 action R Self D 1 turn/levelSV no SR No Comp (V,S,M)

The mask of Riachee grants the caster the scent ability, twilight vision and the ability to move silently as a rogue of the same level as the

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caster. They likewise gain the ability to understand and communicate with rats. For all intents and purposes the caster is perceived as a were-rat or dire rat of a size appropriate to their race. This grants the caster +4 circumstance bonus to charisma checks used when dealing with races of the rat god. One wearing Riachee’s mask may only be known for his true form through the use of a true seeing spell. The material spell component is a rats whisker and a pinch of rat dung.


CT 1 action R Self/ 20 ft. attack D 1 rd./lvl.SV no/Strength Escapes SR Self Comp (V,S,M)

The caster grows a long warty, hairless rat like tail. This tail is prehensile, and may be used as a rope to climb a distance of no more than 20 ft. Likewise the tail may be used as a whip, attacking opponents within 20 ft. of the caster, dealing 1d4 points damage +1 point/2 levels of the caster. On a successful hit the caster may choose to entwine the victim, dealing continuous constriction damage every round unless a successful strength check is made by the victim to break free. The tail has an armor class of 14 and 2 HP per level of the caster. If the tail is cut free, the caster takes 1⁄2 of that damage to their own person.


CT 1 action R 60 ft. D 1 round/levelSV, charisma partial SR, yes Comp (V, S, F)

Sometimes it is as effective to strike an enemy with pleasure as it is with pain. Yilisia, a succubus of astounding beauty and power, created this dark, twisted spell that debilitates its victim with pleasure. A single target within range of the witch is struck with such intense pleasure that they are unable to cast spells and have a –4 penalty on all attack rolls and saving throws for the duration of the spell. A successful charisma save limits the effect to a single round.

The focus for this spell is a vial of succubus blood that is held and pointed at the target.


CT, 1 action AoE, 30 ft. radius around caster D 1 round/level SV charisma negates SR Yes Comp (V, S, F)

Seduction and pleasure are merely weapons in the arsenal of a succubus. Yilisia, a succubus so skilled she is legend even among demons, created a way to bring forward the most ecstatic thoughts and dreams in everyone around her with a single moan. Everyone within a 30 ft. radius of the witch casting this spell suffers throws of ecstatic pleasure that they are left unable to cast spells and suffer a –4 penalty on all attack rolls and saving throws. Although similar to Yilisia’s ecstasy, this spell affects all targets in the area and a successful constitution saving throw negates the effect.

The focus for this spell is a vial of succubus blood that is flourished about the caster in bold movements.


Upon occasion a necromancer may find himself at odds with the servants of the dragon. What better weapons to defeat the dragon with than those powers of the wyrm itself.

The following spells are available to any spellcaster of the appropriate level.


CT 1 standard action AoE 30 ft. cone D 1 roundSV Dexterity for 1⁄2 SR No Comp (V, S, M)

When a wizard casts this spell he is able to breath like a dragon for 1 round. The material component for this spell is a scale of a dragon, and the type of breath weapon the wizard gains depends on the type of scale used. The scale is consumed in the casting. When the wizard breaths, he creates a 30 ft, cone of the appropriate breath weapon type. All within the cone take 1d6/caster level damage of the specified type (fire, electricity, acid, etc.), and can make a Dexterity save for half damage.

DRAGON’S EGG, 1st Level

CT 1 action R Touch D 1 round/levelSV n/a SR No Comp (V, S, M)

With this spell, the caster transforms an ordinary stone into something resembling a dragon’s egg. The egg contains bristling energy of the type of the breath weapon of the dragon the egg represents (i.e. blue dragon eggs-electricity, red dragon eggs-fire, white dragon eggs-cold, black dragon eggs-acid etc.). The stone can be thrown or fired from a sling at an opponent. If it successfully hits the opponent it deals 1d6+1/caster level damage (1d6+1 at 1st level, 1d6+2 at 2nd level, etc.) of that type to the target. The caster can transform 1 stone for every 3 levels he has, but the eggs must be used up before the duration of the spell ends, or they revert back to ordinary stones. The material component for this spell is a scale from a dragon of the type the stones are changed into. The scale can be reused for multiple castings.


CT 1 R touch D permanentSv Cha negates SR yes Comp V, S.

This spell is a customized or special purpose bestow curse that causes the targeted person or creature to gradually polymorph into a member of the lizardfolk species. The transformation takes from 1-6 hours to complete once the spell has been cast. During the transformation to lizardfolk the target creature suffers a -4 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws and other checks. Thereafter, the person or creature is in all respects a lizardfolk. This curse may be countered or removed with a limited wish, remove curse, or wish spell.


CT 1 R 30 ft. Radius +20 ft./lvl. of Caster D 1 rd./lvl. SV Charisma Negates SR Yes Comp V, S, M

The caster is enshrouded in the awesome presence of a dragon, gaining the resistances of dragon kind, and instilling fright in their

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foes. The caster gains immunity to sleep and paralysis effects. The dragon like eyesight and keen hearing allow the caster to see four times as well in shadows, and ten times better in normal light, gaining darkvision of 120 ft. and the scent ability. Their enhanced hearing allows them to pinpoint all enemies save those hidden by magical means such as invisibility. Living creatures within the spell must make a charisma saving throw. Beings under 4 hd who fail their save become panicked (as a fear spell) and flee from the caster for 4d6 rounds. Those with 5 or more become shaken taking a -2 to saving throws, attack rolls, damage and attribute checks for the duration of the spell. The material spell component for this spell is a dragon scale.


CT 1 action AoE 30 ft. cone D 1 round/5 levelsSV Constitution and Dexterity SR No Comp (V, S, M)

The caster emits a horrific roar producing a 30 foot cone of effect. All those caught within the cone must make a Constitution save or be stunned and unable to act for 1d4 rounds, in addition, they must make a Dexterity save or be knocked prone. Those in the cone can be subject to either or both of the effects. The caster can roar 1 per round for the duration of the spell. The material component is either a dragon scale (which can be reused) or a vial of dragon’s blood (which is consumed in the casting).


CT 1 turn Range 30 ft. D 1 turn/levelSV No SR No Comp (V, S, M)

Through the performance of ancient rituals and recalling of ancient pacts, the summoner is able to call forth a dragon to fight

on their behalf. The summoned dragon may have HD equal to no more than 1⁄2 that of the caster. The dragon only agrees to work for the caster so long as they are paid up front, and that no order given to the dragon could be considered suicidal, demeaning, or unworthy of their unique talents and powers. Dragons who are poorly treated terminate the connection between summoner and themselves and vanish immediately back to their lair. No dragon of an age category greater than 3 may be summoned through the casting of this spell regardless of the level of the caster. The material spell components for the casting of this spell are treasures equal to at least 500 gp per hit die of the summoned dragon offered as bribe for the dragon’s services. Also required is a scale, tooth, or claw from the sort of dragon being summoned.


CT 1 turn Range 30ft+10ft./lvl. D 1 turn/levelSV No SR No Comp (V,S, M)

The spell is similar in all ways to the 6th level spell, except the caster may summon a dragon with HD equal to the level of the caster. This may be dangerous to the caster, as such dragons may not appreciate the summoning. Thusly, the bribe has to be substantial and worthwhile to the dragon when it arrives. Depending upon the task, the Dragon might demand particular magical items for its trove, or demand a large payment of no less than 2500 gp per HD up front, with contingent treasures on the back end of the deal. The dragon never agrees to anything suicidal and may return to its home at any time, whether the service is performed or not. It is quite possible that the dragon decides not to perform a task at the last minute. This spell is particularly dangerous for the unprepared summoner as the spell provides no protection against being attacked by the dragon who answers the call.

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CT 1 R 400 ft. D 1/rd per level. SV Wisdom Negates SR Yes Comp (V, S)

A spell created by priestesses of Kyulashedrac in the great dragon wars of the antediluvian past. This treacherous spell causes summoned dragons to turn upon their summoner, attacking him before any others! The dragon summoner must make a wisdom save or lose control over the dragon, and become the target of its wrath. At the end of the spells duration the summoned dragon is sent back to its place of origin.


CT 1 R 20 ft. +5 ft/2 levels D InstantaneousSV No SR Yes Comp (V, S)

The casters mouth becomes filled with dripping, viscous dragon venom that may be spit onto a foe using a ranged touch attack. The venom deals no damage to metal but ignites flammable materials such as clothing, fur, wood, leather and the like. The victim’s skin feels excruciating pain of the venom as they suffer 1d6 points of damage for every 2 levels of the caster unless a successful save vs. poison is made.

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Magic is a powerful tool for many adventurers, but for some it is powerful focus of superstition. Many fear the secrets of magic, and rightly so. For beyond the magics accessed by most adventurers lays a deeper and sometimes darker form of magic-sacrificial magic, sometimes known as blood magic.

In sacrificial magic, the caster uses blood, either their own or that of another, to empower the magic being used. This sacrificial magic can make traditional magic more powerful, but it can also give casters the ability to cast a special type of spell known as blood magic.


The most common use of sacrificial magic is to make the spells one casts more powerful. The blood used must be fresh and come from a living source (though they may not be living once the blood sacrifice is done. The victims do not have to be willing, just living.

When the sacrificial victim’s blood is harvested, the blood can be used to power magic the caster already has access to. For each hit dice its victim has, the caster increases his caster level by 1 for 1 hour. If the victim was pure and innocent, the caster level is increased by 2. A single victim cannot increase the caster level more than this, but additional sacrificial victims can. Each victim increases the caster level of the sacrificial caster by 1 for a number of hours equal to the hit dice of the victim. A caster cannot increase his level by more than 50% of his original level. The increased caster level does not grant the caster additional spells when used this way, but all variable effects (range, duration, area, damage etc.) are calculated using the increased caster level.

For example, Karak the Vile is an 8th level cleric of Kharzarn the Cruel. He is preparing for an encounter with a pesky band of adventurers who have violated his hidden temple. Karak gathers a pair of slaves to sacrifice to increase his magical ability in the coming fight. The first victim is an old retired fighter (4th level) he captured from the local village. Karak performs a blood sacrifice and kills the old fighter, gaining a caster level of +1 for 4 hours since the fighter had 4 HD. The second victim is a young child, an innocent, but only has 1 Hit Dice. Karak gains a +2 to his caster level for the innocent victim, but it

only lasts 1 hour. So, for the first hour, Karak casts as a priest of 11th level (8th +3 for sacrificial victims), and casts as a cleric 9th for 3 hours after that. After the 4 hours have passed, Karak returns to his normal caster level. If Karak had another victim, he could increase his caster level by up to +4, but no more than that, as he is only 8th level to begin with.

Willing Victims

Sometimes, the forces of good are willing to sacrifice themselves to give their side an edge in the fight against evil. A caster using sacrificial magic can sacrifice their own blood, or that of a willing victim to empower sells. Caster’s can take the blood of a willing victim or sacrifice their own blood to empower their own casting. A willing victim chooses how much of their hit dice they are going to sacrifice to empower the spell. For each hit dice they sacrifice, they take damage equal to the max roll for that hit dice. Willing sacrifices empower the magic the same way as unwilling victims in every other respect.

For example, Narthus, a 5th level cleric of Vanium the fearless is preparing for a great battle against the forces of evil. His companion, the elderly paladin Jarek, offers his blood to empower Narthus spells. Jarek is a paladin level 6, and offers Narthus 3 HD worth of blood. Narthus now has +1 to his caster level for 3 hours. Jarek takes 30 hp of damage (3 x the max for d10 hit dice). Narthus than chooses

to sacrifice some of his own blood to further empower his magic. He sacrifices 1 HD of blood, taking 8 points of damage (max for d8) and has a caster level of 7th for the next hour, and a caster level of 6th for 2 hours after that.

Animal Sacrifices

Animal sacrifices can be used in place of human blood sacrifice, but they are not as effective. Animal sacrifices can never increase the caster level by more than 1, no matter how many animals are sacrificed, and the caster level increase only lasts for 1 hour for every 2 HD the animal had. Animals of less than 2 HD cannot be used effectively for sacrifice, though multiple animals can be offered up to make the 2 HD minimum. Animals are never considered innocent or willing sacrifices.

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GP 5000, XP 1,900

These bandages, said to have been inscribed in the unholy blood of Medjedu himself possess the power to transform any fresh corpse into a mummy under the command of its creator. Wrapping the bandages takes at least one hour. A read magic spell must be cast prior to the wrapping, as the enchanted heiroglyphs upon the bandages must be repeated in full during the wrapping process.


GP 9000, XP 2,500

This crossbow bolt is fashioned of an ebony colored metal flecked with specks of red. When fired at a target it is the equivalent of a +3 crossbow bolt. If it successfully strikes its target, the target is surrounded by a corona of hellfire that burns his very soul. The corona deals 1d6 points of fire damage for 3 rounds, and each round the target must make a Constitution Save CL 5 or be stunned and unable to act that round from the pain caused by the hellfire. The bolt is consumed in the ignition of the hellfire corona. There is a flat 10% chance that the bolt ignites when it misses its target, because it struck the ground too hard, struck a wall, tree, etc. If it ignites when it misses, the bolt is consumed, but no one is harmed.


GP 41,000, EXP 6,800

This ebon staff is five feet long and tipped with a platinum skull, its eyes embedded with glittering black diamonds. The shaft of the staff is inscribed with runes detailing its dark purpose. In the hands of a necromancer or cleric it crackles with unholy energy, unleashing its full eldritch powers. The staff acts as a +1 weapon and deals 1d6+1 points of damage when used as a weapon.

Harm: (1 Charge) Target touched with the staff is drained of all but 4 hit points unless a successful Charisma save is made vs. CL 7

Death: (5 Charges) Target touched with the staff must make a Charisma save vs. CL 7 or be struck dead! Creatures immune to death attacks are likewise immune to the effects of this staff.


GP 30,000, EXP 3000

These heavy grey robes are made from the finely stitched skin of ghouls. The robes grant the following benefits.

+3 Armor Class

+3 to saves vs. supernatural effects of the undead.

Spell resistance of 5

+2 adjustment to saves vs. the effects of the wearers necromancer spells

The wearer suffers a -2 to Charisma checks as are related to social interactions in areas where necromancers are considered criminals and worse!


GP 29,000 EXP 4,800

These lesser copies of the grand rod born by the god of the undead are favored by priests of Nartarus and necromancers for their awesome power and array of necromantic abilities. Formed from the skeletal forearm and fist of an executed murderer or priest of Nartarus. The bones are bound in iron and cased in lead. Unholy sigils are scribed across the length of its haft across radius and ulna. The rod may be used as a melee weapon and acts as a +2 light mace.

The Lesser Rod of Bones offers its user the following spell like effects:

Ghoul Touch: Once per day the Lesser Rod of Bones may transfer the effects of ghoul touch, paralyzing his enemy with a successful blow unless a successful Strength save vs. paralysis is made.

The subject takes normal damage from the attack even if the succeed in their save vs. paralysis.

Vampiric Touch: Once per day the Lesser Rod of Bones may replicate the effects of a Vampiric Touch spell, dealing 1d6 points of damage per two levels of the user, and transferring these hit points to the wielder as temporary hit points.

Dissolve Flesh: Once per week on a successful hit, the Lesser Rod of Bones may be used to Dissolve the flesh of its foes as per the spell of the same name. Targets struck must make a Constitution save (CL Calculated by the level of the wielder) or suffer 1d6+1 points of Constitution damage. The victim takes half damage on a successful save. In either case, the victim takes normal weapon damage from the rod.

Animate Dead: Once per week the Lesser Rod of Bones may be used to cast animate dead as the spell of the same name. The user may create a number of zombies or skeletons from intact corpses or skeletons to equal the wielders hit dice. The zombies or skeletons thus created are under the command of the wielder until destroyed. The Lesser Rod of Bones may not be used to animate any new zombies or skeletons until its current allotment has been destroyed.


GP 12,500 XP 2,500

This rod seems to be crafted of obsidian, but has a ring of faces twisted in rage that forms a mace head along the top, carved from the same material. The Rod strikes as a +2 mace, but any struck with the rod must make a successful Charisma save (CL 8) or enter a black twisted rage striking all creatures in the area except the rod wielder. The rage lasts for 1d8 rounds. While under the effects of the rage, the victim is considered to have the Primal Fury ability of a barbarian, but has no control over which targets he strikes, simply attacking the closest target available, but not attacking the rod wielder


GP 18,000 XP 3,000

This rod is crafted from what appears to be a black obsidian like substance that is flecked with veins of red, and ends in what resembles a human heart. It strikes as a +3 mace, and any struck by the rod must make a Charisma save (CL 7) or suffer the Despair effects of an Emotion spell (-2 to saves, attacks, attribute checks, ability checks, and damage rolls) for 3d4 rounds.

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GP 4750 XP 1070

This wicked wiggly dagger functions as a +1 dagger, but when used to perform a blood sacrifice it doubles the effectiveness of the sacrifice. When a victim is sacrificed, double their HD for determining the value of the sacrifice.


GP 8500 XP 2100

This vile mace has been tainted by shadows. It functions as a +1 mace, but each successful attack also deals 1 point of strength damage, just like the attack of a shadow. Lost strength is regained at 1 point per hour. Any creature who is reduced to a strength of 0 by attacks from the mace becomes a shadow under the command of the mace’s wielder.



This legendary tome of ineffable evil is believed lost to the ages. Tradition claims this libris was penned by the Nartarus himself before he ascended to demi-god status, and may even have been what empowered his ascension. In an ancient battle it is said that the god Vanium himself seized the book and scattered its pages to the four corners of the world to prevent its secrets from being available to any single person again. Pages of this Libram are rare and valuable treasures, valued by those who desire the hidden secrets of the ages.

The tome itself was horrid to behold. Its covers were made from the ebon skin of a horned devil, and the head of an undead imp was affixed to the cover. This imp constantly whispered secrets most vile and truths most terrible. Any within 60 feet of the tome, who can hear the whispers must make a Wisdom save (CL 12) or be driven insane.

The pages of the tome were etched upon the hides of good dragon wyrmlings, and the ink used to pen the Libram distilled from their blood. The shimmering of the gold and silver pages were blinding to those unprepared to its brilliance, but the hides have been corrupted by the fell secrets penned within.

Any character of good alignment who touches the book, or any of its pages, suffers 6d6 points of cold (make a save vs. Constitution CL 12 for 1⁄2 damage). A good cleric or paladin who reads any of the contents of the book jeopardizes his faith and god standing with his own deity. Such a character must make a Charisma save (CL 12). Failure means the cleric or paladin has been corrupted by the book’s foul taint, and the cleric immediately loses enough experience points to be dropped to the halfway point of the previous level. In addition, they can no longer access the gifts of their deity (spells, ability to turn undead and/or paladin abilities) until they have received atonement. Of course, Nartarus, will accept them into his service immediately restoring their lost level and abilities. They must then become neutral evil in alignment if they do so.

Neutral characters, who touch the book or any of its pages, suffer 3d6 points of cold damage (save vs. Constitution at CL 12 for 1⁄2 damage). Neutral clerics suffer the same risk of corruption as good clerics, but the CL on the Charisma save is only 8 for them.

Rumors indicate that this tome held the secrets of powerful blood magics, and that the foul rituals within would enable one to achieve powers undreamt of by most mortals. Most have been lost to the ages, but some pages have appeared in the unlikeliest of places. Several pages are said to have been collected by a vile magician who dwells within the depths of Ungkalar.

Each page of the Libram contains the formula for 1 blood magic spell (described above). Some of these formulas have been copied elsewhere over time, but the Black Libram is the source of many of these magics. Any attempting to learn a blood magic spell directly from the Black Libram gain a +4 bonus on their attempt to learn the spell. These are the originals, not possibly erroneous and altered versions that have been copied through the ages. Castle Keepers are encouraged to create more blood magic spells if he or she desires more pages of the Black Libram in their campaign. The tome originally contained 80 pages, which have been scattered throughout the world (and a few through time via the elven city Aymon Jymoon). It is unlikely that the entire tome will ever be collected in a single place again, but that has not stopped those ambitious enough from trying. If the tome were ever collected in its entirety, an evil cleric reading the entire contents would gain enough XP to gain a level and put them half way to the next level. In addition, any holding the entire tome can utter the name of an individual the holder wishes to target 1/day. The holder of the tome must be able to see the person so named, but scrying or other magic can allow the holder to see his target. The tome attempts to draw the blood from the one so named to empower a blood magic spell. The named victim must make a Constitution save (CL 12) or the book rips the blood from their body and absorb it into its pages. This takes 1 round. The following round, the holder of the tome may cast any blood magic spell as a single standard action.

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Yea, how they walk amongst us, with the guise of

life. Most blessed of Nartarus the Most Cursed of

the Gods, these his fell children are most beguiling

and treacherous. They drink, and low do they

feast, though not on the meat and drink of man

but on man’s blood and on his lusts for power. I

have studied long these creatures and know well

their habits. Understand that I have faced their

power and that they have tasted my flesh and

near blasted me to oblivion, and only through my

own personal damnation did I survive to tell the

tales. Let the dark secrets found within this blasted

tome guide you to safety in the presence of the

ones who thirst and crave as no other, for unlike

the demons who perforate my flesh, the Vampires

and Liches have once tasted true life and always

do they yearn.

--Frosk Demonskin


Power eternal infused in the moldering confines of the walking corpse. Parchment dry skin stretched over creaking bone flush with chill power from beyond the grave. Such was the choice made for the dark gift of eternal study and an unending growth in macabre power. The traversal of these dark paths continues onwards fueled by the insatiable lusts for the pleasures of the flesh now denied.

Although the soul is bound to a phylactery, and the flesh wasted and sunken in undeath, the desire for strength and power never ceases to grow within the Lich. As would stand to reason, an eternity of studies in magical power would re-enforce the unholy arcane powers infused in its moldering bones and rotting flesh.

A lich’s power does not stop despite their transfiguration. Instead the wizard or cleric who begins their journey into the darkness of undead immortality after attaining levels far beyond 18th retain the powers earned in life in their new form. In other words, Liches born of magical studies beyond 18th level have casting power equivalent to the level they achieved at the time of their transformation from life to everlasting un-death.

Liches no longer gain levels as they once did in life. Such is the trade-off for an eternity of uncovering dark lore. Instead they grow in hit dice as they age, and through their growth in hit dice, add a commensurate number of spellcaster levels to their deadly repertoire.

Also, like the vampire, liches grow in Hit Dice, Armor Class, Intelligence, and damage dealt by their paralyzing touch, though this power grows, albeit at a much slower pace.

Liches have access to all spells from the necromancer spells list.


To detail vampires is to begin with the details of their basest form: The spawn or thrall.

Vampires as described in the Castles & Crusades: Monsters & Treasure tome are among the weakest of their ilk. Typically they began their career as thrall or spawn to another vampire of greater power who was somehow destroyed or through great loneliness chose to destroy itself. The spawn of these beings typically turn upon one another like so many rats. The survivor becomes a vampire as described in Monsters & Treasure.

In some instances however, either through survival to great age, or through some greater inner power prior to their creation at the hands of an ancient vampire it is possible that a living humanoid being with more than 8 HD retain the powers earned from their pre-existing classes rather than gaining the abilities of a fighter of equivalent HD. Although still under the command of their creator until that creator’s destruction, these vampires are far more formidable foes.


Age Category Title HD AC Damage Int*

300-600 Old Rotted Prefect +2 +2 1d8 Cold +2

601-1000 Very Old Fleshless Oracle +2 +2 1d10 Cold +2

1001-1500 Venerable Arch-Lich +2 +2 1d12 Cold +2

1501-2000 Archaic Lich Lord +2 +2 2d8 Cold +2

Experience points are calculated using the experience point chart in Monsters & Treasure, remembering to tally in the liche’s hit dice and enhanced powers.

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Unlike vampire spawn, these vampires are not destroyed when their master is slain, but instead break free from the supernatural bond that their former master held over them and may then strike forth on their own.

Although they can no longer gain additional class levels in their former life’s profession, such vampires grow stronger as they age, becoming deadlier as their flesh hardens to damage, and their Hit Dice grow with their insatiable blood lust.

Special: Vampires who were once clerics of good or neutral Deities no longer gain spells from these gods as the conversion by their vampiric creator has damned them. Quite possibly they are accepted into the fold of arch fiends or evil deities through some unholy quest. In this event they cast spells as an evil cleric of their new patron.


Greatly preserved through rite and ritual, set as guardian, or prepared for an eternity of rule from beyond, the Mummy is a deadly foe. Like the lich and vampire, the mummy may be more uniquely powerful than those presented in the Monsters and Treasure. In the Haunted Highlands, such mummies as are presented in Monsters and Treasure serve as the baseline for the weakest of their ilk.

As with the vampire and lich, a mummy created from a more powerful being retains the special attacks and magical abilities that it had in life. The mummy adds to this already deadly repertoire of undead powers with Hit Dice based increase to saves vs. fear and rotting touch. As with the Vampire and Lich, the Mummy gains powers over time as it molders in its wrappings for ages unending. Centuries of slowed decay and dominion over empires of the undead grant the mummy greater armor class, Hit Dice, greater resistance to fire based attacks. Additional hit



200-400 Mature Grave Knight +2 21 Slam (1d8) Bite (1d4) +2 40 points Blood Saturation

401-600 Old Thirst Lord +2 22 2 slams (1d8) Bite (1d4) +244 points Blood Saturation 2 rounds Daylight Resistance, -3 Charisma save vs. Vampire Domination

601-800 Very Old Crimson Baron +2 23 2 slams (1d10) Bite (1d6) +1 50 points Blood Saturation Immune to Garlic

801-1000 Archaic Sanguine Prince +2 26 2 slams (1d10) Bite (1d6) +1 60 points Blood Saturation, 3 rounds Daylight Resistance.

1001+ Ancient Lord Blood King +4 30 2 slams (2d6) Bite (1d8) +170 points Blood Saturation, Immune to Holy Symbol Helplessness**, -4 Charisma save vs. Vampire Domination, 5 rounds Daylight Resistance

*If the base intelligence of the base vampire is higher than 12 at creation, the vampire gains +1 intelligence per age category.

**This Immunity, is not an immunity to turning, merely an immunity to the brandishing of holy symbols wielded by classes other than cleric or paladin.


Age Category Type HD AC Damage Special

400-800 Old Nomarch Of Death +2 +2 +2 Fire Resistance

801-1200 Very Old Prelate of Tombs +2 +2 +4 Fire Resistance

1201-2000 Ancient Vizier of Necropolis +4 +2 +6 Fire Resistance

2001+ Primordial Mummy King +4 +3 +10 Fire Resistance

dice are added to the pre-existing total but do not increase any of the special abilities possessed by the mummy in life (such as spell-caster levels). Experience points awarded for defeating these powerful creatures should be adjusted accordingly.

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TYPE: Undead (Extraordinary)TREASURE: 5XP: 415+7

This creature appears as a freshly undead humanoid whose body still shows signs of trauma. Its flesh is pulled tight over its frame, as if the body were somehow drained. Its eyes are now hollow sockets of darkness.

When a person is murdered, the spirit sometimes clings to the world, refusing to accept its mortal death. This spirit possesses its original body and seeks out those responsible for its murder. It will never rest until those responsible are sought out and slain. Since the transformation into unlife is almost instant (occurring within 1-2 turns after death), the bhuta appears as it did in life. Close inspection (a successful Wisdom check) reveals slight decay, and the body still shows signs of any trauma suffered prior to death (wounds, disease, burns, or the like), but outwardly, the bhuta for the most part appears as a normal creature of its race. In its undead state, the bhuta sustains itself on a diet of flesh, preferring that of humans and elves.

Find Target: So long as the bhuta and its killer are on the same plane of existence, it can find its target unerringly as though guided by a locate creature spell.

Grappler: To use this ability, a bhuta must hit with both claw attacks. If both claw attacks hit the same target in the same combat round, the bhuta is then considered grappled with its target and may use its Death Grip ability.

Death Grip: A bhuta deals 1d8 points of damage each round it is grappled with an opponent. Because it seizes its victim by the throat, a creature in its grasp cannot speak or cast spells with verbal components.


NO. ENCOUNTERED: 1 SIZE: MediumHD: 8 (d12)MOVE: 30 ft.AC: 16 ATTACKS: Slam (1d6)SPECIAL: Bump in the Night, Frighten,Darkvision 60 ft., Shadow Shift, IncorporealSAVES: MINT: AverageALIGNMENT: Chaotic EvilTYPE: Undead (Extraordinary)TREASURE: 6XP: 650+8

This creature resembles a man-sized translucent humanoid with fearsome and exaggerated features. Glaring oval eyes, a huge, oversized mouth full of shark-like teeth, skin pulled tightly over a larger than normal skull are but a few of the representations bogeymen take on. The creature’s terrifying face shows two emotions; hatred or cold ambivalence.

Bogeymen are the stuff of legends: creatures created in the minds of parents who relayed stories about incorporeal ghosts coming to carry their children off if they didn’t go to bed when they were


NO. ENCOUNTERED: 1 or 2-5 or 6-11SIZE: MediumHD: 6 (d12)MOVE: 30 ft.AC: 16 ATTACKS: Slam (1d6)SPECIAL: Create Spawn,Energy Drain, Insanity GazeSAVES: MINT: AverageALIGNMENT: Lawful EvilTYPE: Undead (Extraordinary)TREASURE: 5XP: 360+6

This creature is a decaying humanoid with gray, dirt-encrusted skin drawn tight over its frame. Its wild, wide eyes glow crimson. The creature’s funerary clothes appear of fine make originally but rotting and tattered now.

Barrow wights are an undead offshoot of normal wights, but they are always found in or near barrows, usually guarding the treasure contained therein. They hate living creatures and attempt to destroy anyone who invades their resting place.

A barrow wight is a twisted, insane creature standing about 6 feet tall.

Combat: A barrow wight attempts to use its gaze attack on the closest creature to it when it is first encountered. Creatures not affected by its gaze are pummeled with its fists.

Create Spawn: A humanoid slain by a barrow wight becomes a barrow wight in 1d4 rounds. Spawn are under the command of the barrow wight that created them and remain enslaved until its death. They do not possess any of the abilities they had in life.

Energy Drain: Living creatures hit by a barrow wight’s slam attack lose one level of experience or hit die. For each such level drained, the barrow wight gains 5 temporary hit points. This loss is permanent unless reversed with a cleric’s restoration spell or a wish.

Insanity Gaze: Anyone within 30 feet that meets a barrow wight’s gaze is affected as if by an insanity spell. A successful Wisdom save negates the effects.


NO. ENCOUNTERED: 1 SIZE: MediumHD: 7 (d12)MOVE: 30 ft.AC: 15 ATTACKS: 2 Claws (1d8)SPECIAL: Death Grip, Darkvision, Find Target,Grappler, Turn ResistanceSAVES: PINT: AverageALIGNMENT: Any Evil

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supposed to, didn’t do their chores when asked, and so on. The spectral bogeyman’s ties to the land of the living are a result of these stories. Often, these stories are based on the exploits of criminals, murderers, and madmen that live or have lived in the local area. By the very nature of their creation, bogeymen are evil. They are creatures born of fear and lies, delighting in the torment their fear harbors. Although evil and malicious, bogeymen are rarely killers. If a bogeyman reduces a living creature to a comatose state (by draining its Wisdom) it leaves it where it falls. Bogeymen feed off the fear and madness induced in living creatures rather than their blood, life force, or flesh. A bogeyman stands about 6 feet tall and appears as an incorporeal humanoid with a hideous countenance that strikes a chord deep in a beings soul.

Combat: A bogeyman rarely confronts a party of adventurers, preferring to attack a lone individual when it is most vulnerable. Bogeymen always attack at night; none have ever been encountered during daylight hours. A bogeyman that fancies a creature may stalk that being for days, torturing it with its bump in the night ability before finally driving the victim completely mad.

Bump in the Night: A bogeyman can create a phantasmal image in the mind of a single creature within 200 feet. Such images cause the victim to see and hear things that are not really there or to see and hear things differently than they actually are. Things such as following footsteps, bumps and thumps from an unknown source, a gnarled tree with out-stretched limbs scratching on a window or reaching for someone, the idea that someone or something is lurking around the corner, in the closet, or under the bed, and so on. A creature affected by the images takes 1d4 points of Wisdom drain if it fails a Wisdom save. The bogeyman can use this ability once every 1d4 rounds. A creature that drops to Wisdom 0 is affected as if by an insanity spell until at least 1 point of Wisdom is restored.

Frighten: A living creature within 60 feet that views a bogey-man must succeed on a Charisma save or stand frozen in fear for 1d6+2 rounds. Such a creature is not helpless, but cannot take any action. A creature that successfully saves cannot be affected again by the same bogeyman’s frighten ability for one day.

Shadow Shift: A bogeyman has the ability to travel between shadows as if by means of a dimension door spell. The limitation is that the magical transport must begin and end in an area with at least some shadow. A bogeyman can shift up to a total of 80 feet each day in this way; this may be a single jump of 80 feet or multiple jumps of 10 feet each. This amount can be split among many jumps, but each one, no matter how small, counts as a 10-foot increment.


NO. ENCOUNTERED: 2-5 or 6-11SIZE: MediumHD: 4 (d12)MOVE: 30 ft.AC: 13 ATTACKS: Slam (1d6) or weapon (by weapon type)SPECIAL: Darkvision 60 ft., fire resistance (half), slowSAVES: PINT: LowALIGNMENT: Neutral EvilTYPE: Undead TREASURE: 2XP: 60+4

This creature appears as a rotting humanoid dressed in tattered and ragged clothing. Its bloated body glistens from the slimy mixture of water and seaweed that hangs from its form. The creature’s rotting flesh is blue-green in color. No semblance of life burns in its eyes.

Brine zombies are the remnants of a ship’s crew that has perished at sea. They are mindless creatures, not very pleasant to look at, and relentless in their attacks on the living. The spark of evil that brought them back from the ocean depths drives them to seek the living so they may join them in their watery graves. Brine zombies appear much as they did in life.

Combat: Brine zombies attack an opponent with their cutlasses or fists in melee. If a brine zombie successfully grapples an opponent, it dives overboard and attempts to drown the victim by pinning him/her underwater.

Slow: A brine zombie never gains initiative and always acts last in any given round.


NO. ENCOUNTERED: 1 or 2-5 or 1-2 Brykolakas + 6 aquatic ghoulsSIZE: MediumHD: 8 (d12)MOVE: 30 ft., swim 40 ft.AC: 18 ATTACKS: 2 Claws (1d8+watery doom)SPECIAL: Create Spawn, Death Throes, Watery Doom, Darkvision 60 ft., Alternate Form, SR 17SAVES: PINT: AverageALIGNMENT: Chaotic EvilTYPE: Undead (Extraordinary)TREASURE: 5XP: 675+8

This creature appears as a rotting humanoid with bluish-gray skin and blackish, unkempt hair. Its eyes are sunken and gray and its hands end in razor-sharp talons with blackened nails.

Brykolakas are undead creatures that inhabit sunken cities or underwater caves. Their true origin is unknown, although it is thought a recipe in the Black Libram of Nartarus and the bodies of

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aquatic ghouls are involved. Brykolakases spend much of their time swimming the waves and terrorizing seafarers, boarding ships at night and carrying away unsuspecting passengers and crewmembers. Some of these creatures lair near coastal towns or villages and occasionally raid such settlements at night, whisking away livestock, children, and the like. Events such as this are rare, but do happen from time to time. Large tragedies at sea are often attributed to these horrid creatures.

A typical brykolakas stands between 6 to 7 feet tall and weighs up to 200 pounds.

Combat: A brykolakas likes to attack its foes when they don’t suspect it. A single brykolakas has been known to follow a slow-moving ship of living creatures for miles waiting for the right moment to strike. It enters melee slashing and tearing at its foes using its diseased claws. If fighting a land-based creature (such as a humanoid swimming in the water), the brykolakas likes to grapple the foe and quickly dive under the waves, victim in tow, in an attempt to drown its opponent. If encountered with a retinue of aquatic ghouls, a brykolakas hangs back while its minions soften up the opponents. The brykolakas then moves in and finishes them off with its claws.

A brykolakas is not a foolish creature. If faced with overpowering odds, it flees at the first opportunity, though sometimes the creature feigns such a retreat to lure its victims in where it springs to the attack again.

Create Spawn: A humanoid or monstrous humanoid killed by a brykolakas rises as an aquatic ghoul in 1d4 days under the control of the brykolakas that created it.

Death Throes: When reduced to 0 or less hit points, a brykolakas is destroyed and its body changes into a pool of deadly poison that quickly (1 round) fills a 10-foot cube (if it’s in the water when destroyed). Creatures within the area must succeed on a Constitution save or lose 2d4 points of Dexterity. The poison disperses in the next round. If a brykolakas is slain o n land, its body collapses into a puddle of briny liquid that quickly covers a 10-foot square area . The puddle lasts for 1d2 rounds before dispersing. Creatures touching the puddle take the same Dexterity loss described above.

Watery Doom: A brykolakas’s claw attacks deliver a virulent disease that breaks down the victim’s internal organs (causing internal bleeding and a darkening of the skin). This supernatural disease is called brykolakas fever. Damage from the fever is 1d4 points of Constitution and 1d4 points of Dexterity, if a Constitution save is failed.

Alternate Form: A brykolakas can assume the shape of a dolphin or manta ray as a standard action. This ability is similar to a polymorph self spell, except that the brykolakas does not regain hit points for changing form and must choose from among the forms mentioned here. While in an alternate form, the brykolakas loses its natural claw attack, but it gains the natural weapons and extraordinary special attacks of its new form. It can remain in an alternate form until it assumes another or until t h e next sunrise.

Water Dependency: A brykolakas can survive out of the water for 6 hours. After that, its body begins drying out and within 1 hour, the brykolakas crumbles into dust unless it can reach saltwater before the hour passes.


NO. ENCOUNTERED: 1 or 2-5 or 6-11SIZE: LargeHD: 8 (d12)MOVE: Fly 40 ft.AC: 20 ATTACKS: Slam (1d10+burn)SPECIAL: Energy Drain, Burn, Smoke,Darkvision 60 ft., Turn ResistanceSAVES: PINT: LowALIGNMENT: Chaotic EvilTYPE: Undead (Extraordinary)TREASURE: 0XP: 775+8

This creature appears as a flaming humanoid torso above a column of burning ash and charred body parts. A red glow of burning embers can be glimpsed floating within the mass. This creature reeks of smoke and burnt flesh.

A creature that is burned to death by magical fire may rise again as a fiery undead being called a cinder ghoul. The lairs of old red dragons may be haunted by many of these pathetic, angry spirits, and many a wizard that has dispatched a foe with a well–placed fireball has been found mysteriously charred to death many months after the died. Cinder ghouls are barely intelligent, but they do have a very vivid recollection of the pain they endured in the moments before their death. Filled with anger as fiery as the flames that took their life, cinder ghouls harbor a strong hatred of fire and any living creature that has control over it. Although it cannot speak, the sound of wailing and screaming and the rushing of fire–stoked wind constantly accompany a cinder ghoul.

Combat: In melee, a cinder ghoul slams with the charred remains of its fists. If a cinder ghoul encounters an opponent that demonstrates any form of control over fire—either through casting a fire spell or using a magic item that produces fire—it attacks that opponent to the exclusion of all others.

Energy Drain: Living creatures hit by a cinder ghoul’s slam attack lose one level of experience or hit die. For each such level drained, a cinder ghoul gains 5 temporary hit points.

Burn: The touch of a fire elemental is scorching and immolating. Its slam attack inflicts additional fire damage equal to half of the normal slam damage (a cinder ghoul that inflicts 8 points of damage with a slam, for example, deals an extra 4 points of fire damage).

Smoke: Once per round, a cinder ghoul can attempt to force some of its smoky, ashen form into the lungs of a living opponent by moving into a space occupied by an opponent. The target must succeed on a Constitution save or inhale part of the creature. Smoke inside the victim’s lungs burns the surrounding tissues and organs, losing 1 point of Constitution each round for 1d4+2 rounds. The affected creature can attempt another Constitution save each round to cough out the burning residue. A successful save halts the damage.

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NO. ENCOUNTERED: 1 SIZE: MediumHD: 6 (d12)MOVE: 30 ft.AC: 17ATTACKS: 2 Claws (1d8)SPECIAL: Teleport Other, Darkvision 60 ft., Immune to turningSAVES: MINT: HighALIGNMENT: NeutralTYPE: Undead (Extrodinary)TREASURE: 4XP: 300+6

A skeletal humanoid wearing a dark hooded robe sits in a high-backed chair before you. Its eyes appear as small pinpoints of reddish light. As you approach it, the creature raises a bony hand and points at you.

Crypt things are undead creatures found guarding tombs, graves, crypts, and other such structures. They are created by spellcasters to guard such areas and they never leave their assigned area.

Combat: A crypt thing never initiates combat. It is content to sit (or stand) in its assigned area so long as intruders do not disturb it or anything in the assigned area. At the first sign of disturbance however, a crypt thing springs to life. Its first order of business is to attempt to remove the interlopers from its assigned area by using its teleport other attack. Opponents that successfully resist are attacked by the crypt thing who uses its claws to rake and slash its foes.

Teleport Other: Once per day, a crypt thing can teleport all creatures within 50 feet of it to a randomly determined location. An affected creature can attempt a wisdom save to negate the effects. An affected creature is teleported in a random direction (roll 1d4: 1, north; 2, south; 3, east; 4, west) and a random distance (1d10 x 100 feet) away from the crypt thing. Roll randomly for each creature that fails its saving throw. A teleported creature arrives in the closest open space at the determined destination. A teleported creature can arrive in mid-air rather than on a solid surface, if the crypt thing wishes. A creature that arrives in mid-air takes falling damage when it contacts a solid surface (unless it has some means to prevent falling, such as the ability to fly, or a feather fall spell).


There exists in some parts of the world (and perhaps only truly in legend; sages aren’t sure) a variant of the crypt thing known as a crypt guardian. This variant has all the same abilities and powers as a normal crypt thing, with the following changes. The variant does not possess the teleport other ability. Instead, it possesses an ability known as cloak other.

Cloak Other: Once per day, a crypt guardian can simultaneously paralyze and turn invisible all creatures within 50 feet. An affected creature can make a Wisdom save to negate the effects (only one save is required; if it succeeds, both effects are negated). Affected creatures remain paralyzed and invisible for 2d4 days. A new save is allowed each day until the effects are broken, dispelled, or the duration ends.


NO. ENCOUNTERED: 1 SIZE: TinyHD: 20 (d12)MOVE: Fly 30 ft.AC: 21 ATTACKS:—SPECIAL: Spell-like abilities,Darkvision 60 ft.,Damage Defense, Immunities, Trap The Soul, Death Wail, RejuvinationSAVES: MINT: Supra-GeniusALIGNMENT: Any EvilTYPE: Undead (Unique)TREASURE: 5XP: 13000+18

What at first appears to be a simple uninteresting humanoid skull suddenly rises from its resting place, turning slowly in your direction, and releasing a maniacal cackle.

A demilich is an advanced lich of great power. When the animating force of a lich ceases to exist and the material body finally decays (often after centuries of undeath), the soul lingers in the area and slowly over time possesses all that remains of the lich—its skull. The eye sockets and teeth of a demilich-possessed skull transform into clear gemstones (each worth 1,000 gp). The skull contains a single gemstone in each eye socket and eight gems in place of its teeth. A demilich rarely if ever wanders from its place of origin (i.e., the final resting place of its body when it was a true lich). Content to remain hidden and oblivious to the outside world, a demilich spends its time contemplating its past life, its accomplishments, and its yet unachieved goals. These creatures are solitary by nature and rarely associate with other creatures, including other undead, unless it is employing such creatures to further some unfinished goal. Demilich lairs are usually well-hidden dungeons and caverns consisting of winding corridors, deadly pitfalls, and intricate traps .

Combat: A demilich sits idly in its lair until touched or bothered at which point it rises vertically and uses its Death Wail power against the opponent it deems most threatening. On its next turn, the demilich uses its Trap the Soul ability against an opponent. It spends the remainder of combat alternating between its Death Wail, bestow curse, and Trap the Soul abilities.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will—fear, greater bestow curse (as the reverse of remove curse, but –12 to one ability score, –6 to two ability scores, –8 penalty on attack rolls, saves, and checks, or 25% to act normally), telekinesis.

Death Wail:Once per turn, the demilich may utter a horrific keening wail. This wail is deadly to anyone within a 40 ft. radius that hears it. A CL8 Charisma save is needed to avoid the effects of the Death Wail.

Trap the Soul: A demilich can trap the souls of up to eight living creatures per day. To use this power, it selects any target it can see within 60 feet. The target is allowed an Intellegence saving throw. If the target makes its saving throw, it loses 2 levels of experience or hit dice (this does not count as a use of trap the soul). If the target fails its save, the soul of the

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target is instantly drawn from its body and trapped within one of the gems incorporated into the demilich’s mouth. The gem gleams for 24 hours, indicating the captive soul within. The soulless body collapses in a mass of corruption and molders in a single round, reduced to dust. If left to its own devices, the demilich slowly devours the soul over 24 hours—at the end of that time the soul is completely absorbed, and the victim is forever gone. If the demilich is overcome before the soul is eaten, crushing the gem releases the soul, after which time it is free to seek the afterlife or be returned to its body by the use of resurrection, true resurrection, clone, or wish. A potential victim protected by a death ward spell is not immune to trap the soul, but receives a +5 bonus on its Intellegence save and is effective against the level loss on a successful save.

Damage Defense: A demilich takes 20 points less damage from any physical weapons that strike it, magical or mundane. Featheredge weapons, no matter their enhancement bonus, ignore this damage reduction but do only one-quarter damage to a demilich (demiliches cannot be beheaded). Any fighter, knight or paladin with a vorpal weapon may ignore the Damage defense and strike the demilich for one half normal damage (again, demiliches cannot be beheaded). A paladin wielding a holy avenger sword may strike the demilich for full damage, completely ignoring the demilich’s Damage Defense.

Immunities: A demilich is immune to all spell and spell-like abilities, except as noted below:

A shatter spell deals 1d6 points of damage per two caster levels (maximum 10d6), with no saving throw.

A power word kill spell cast by an ethereal caster deals 50 points of damage to the demilich if it fails a Constitution save.

A paladin’s holy smite ability allows the paladin to affect the demilich normally, with any kind of weapon.

A dispel evil spell deals 2d6 points of damage, with no saving throw.

Rejuvenation: Unless holy water is poured over the destroyed remains of a demilich, the creature reforms in 1d10 days.


NO. ENCOUNTERED: 1 or crew (1 draug plus 6-11 brine zombies and 1-4 mummies of the deep, 2-8 aquatic ghouls, or 2-8 skeletonsSIZE: MediumHD: 6 (d12)MOVE: 30 ft., swim 30 ft.AC: 17 ATTACKS: Claw (1d6) or weapon (by weapon type)SPECIAL: Call Storm, Control Ship, Dark-vision 60 ft., Resistance: Fire (half), Turn ResistanceSAVES: PINT: AverageALIGNMENT: Chaotic EvilTYPE: Undead (Extraordinary)TREASURE: 7XP: 300+6

This ragged humanoid is lean and ravaged by decay with bits of bone showing beneath waterlogged, blue-green rotting flesh. Its clothes hang in tatters and its weapons are pitted and rusted.

The draug is the vengeful spirit of a ship’s captain who died at sea, thus being denied a proper burial. If an entire ship sinks at sea with the loss of all hands, the ship itself and its entire crew may return as ghostly wanderers. The captain usually rises as a draug and his crew rises as brine zombies (see that entry).

A draug looks as it did in life, wearing the same clothes and bearing the same possessions it held at the moment of death. The arrival of a draug is often taken as a death portent, for even if it does not attack, some dire circumstance is likely to befall the witness. A draug often acts as a death token, rising out of the sea and staring at or pointing a bony finger at a sailor fated to drown.

Combat: Draugs are jealous of the living and try to bring death and misfortune to them at every opportunity. They have been known to suddenly appear in a sea mist and climb aboard the ships of the living. A draug’s favored form of attack is with its cutlass, though if disarmed it uses its claws to attempt to grapple an opponent, leaping back into the waves in an effort to drown the unfortunate victim.

Call Storm: Once per day, a draug can summon inclement weather to harass its opponents. The effects are felt immediately (i.e., there is no gradual shift in the weather). Otherwise, this ability is identical to the control weather spell.

Control Ship: A draug has full control over its vessel (wind notwithstanding) so long as it remains at the wheel or within 20 feet of the helmsman. Should it leave the area, its ship meanders in a random direction until the draug regains control. A draug also imbues its ship with special abilities (see Draug Ships, below).


When a ship sinks beneath the waves, it and its entire crew may return as ghostly wanderers, especially if the captain and crew had a less than scrupulous profession (as pirates, for example). A sunken ship of this nature may undergo a transformation from the negative energy and evil surrounding it. When this happens, the ship rises from the deep, piloted by a draug and manned by skeletons, brine zombies, zombies, and lacedons. The ship appears as it did at the time of its demise. The sails are tattered and the decks covered with seaweed. When a draug is at the helm, the “ghost ship” gains the following powers:

Buoyancy: Regardless of the condition of the hull, a draug-piloted ship remains afloat in any weather conditions. It is not affected by wind of any type (though the draug can still use the wind to maneuver and sail the ship) and can even sail against gale-force winds. Strong waves may toss the ship about, but will not capsize it as a result.

Immunity to Fire: A draug ship is so waterlogged and infused with negative energy that it is completely immune to all fire effects.

Flight: A draug can maneuver his ship to leave the waves and take to the air as long as the draug remains on board. This functions as a fly spell.

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NO. ENCOUNTERED: 1 or 2-5 or 6-11SIZE: MediumHD: 10 (d12)MOVE: 40 ft., Fly 40 ft., Burrow 20 ft.AC: 21 ATTACKS: 2 claws (1d10) and bite (1d8)SPECIAL: Animate Dust, Darkvision 60 ft., Earth Mastery,Limited Flight, Paralyzing Shriek, Turn ResistanceSAVES: PINT: AverageALIGNMENT: Chaotic EvilTYPE: Undead (Extraordinary)TREASURE: 0XP: 1500+10

This monster appears as a dust-covered creature with decaying flesh pulled tight over its humanoid frame. Its teeth are pointed fangs and its hands end in wicked, dirt-covered and blood-soaked claws.

When a humanoid creature dies on the Parched Expanse on the Plane of Molten Skies, there is a good chance it returns from the afterlife as a dust ghoul—an undead flesh-eating creature composed of dust and earth. Dust ghouls haunt the Parched Expanse, preying on unwary travelers that linger too long in their hunting grounds. These creatures savor the taste of human flesh and devour such a kill with great ferocity.

Combat: Dust ghouls predicate their arrival by animating dust into ghostly humanoids that immediately move to grapple potential prey. Dust ghouls them move in (often swooping in from above) and attempt to paralyze their foes with their shriek. Prey is then torn to pieces by the dust ghouls using its claws and fangs. If a dust ghoul is slain, it crumbles into a pile of dust.

Animate Dust: Once per day, a dust ghoul can cause 1d4 ghostly humanoid-shaped creatures to materialize from an area of dust and earth within 100 feet. The dust ghoul can control and direct these creatures as long as it is “alive” and within 100 feet. The dust creatures have a speed of 10 feet and each has only one attack; a grapple. A dust creature holds but does not harm creatures it grapples. The dust humanoids are immune to all attacks and spells, except water-based spells and effects. A gallon of water instantly destroys a dust humanoid. If the dust ghoul moves more than 100 feet away from a dust creature, that dust creature collapses into a pile of harmless dust. If the dust ghoul is destroyed, all dust creatures it animated collapse.

Paralyzing Shriek: Once per minute, a dust ghoul can unleash a hellish shriek that paralyzes any creature within 60 feet that hears it. Affected creatures that succeed on a Strength save negate the paralysis. Creatures are paralyzed for 3d4 rounds.

Earth Mastery: A dust ghoul gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls if its foe is touching the ground. If an opponent is waterborne, the dust ghoul takes a -4 penalty on attack and damage rolls. (These modifiers are not included in the statistics block.)

Limited Flight: A dust ghoul can fly for up to 2 minutes at a time. After that, it must rest for 10 minutes before it can fly again.


NO. ENCOUNTERED: 1 or 2-5SIZE: MediumHD: 6 (d12)MOVE: 30 ft.AC: 15 ATTACKS: Touch (Wisdom Drain)SPECIAL: Create Spawn, Darkvision 60 ft., Daylight Weakness, Fear Aura, Spell-Like Abilities, Turn Resistance, Wisdom DrainSAVES: MINT: AverageALIGNMENT: Lawful EvilTYPE: Undead (Extraordinary)TREASURE: 0XP: 350+6

This incorporeal entity appears as a hooded humanoid figure donned in flowing robes of translucent gray over a suit of fire-blackened plate armor. Its facial features are a swirl of horrific images, fluctuating between familiar faces twisted in horror and fear.

Fear guards embody evil in its blackest conjuration. They are summoned from some unknown place by evil wizards and clerics to guard prized possessions or a valued location. Fear guards do not speak, but unleash a frightful moan when they encounter living creatures.

Combat: Shrouding themselves in a preternatural darkness, fear guards fight using spell–like abilities and their incorporeal touch. If guarding a particular location, a fear guard fights until either it is slain or driven away, or its opponents are slain or flee.

Fear Aura: A fear guard can radiate a 20–foot radius fear aura as a free action. A creature in the area must succeed on a CL4 Charisma save or be affected as though by a fear spell. A creature that successfully saves cannot be affected again by the same fear guard’s aura for one day.

Spell–like Abilities: At will—ray of enfeeblement, darkness.

Wisdom Drain: The touch of a fear guard drains1d4 points of Wisdom to a living foe if it fails a Wisdom save. A creature reduced to Wisdom 0 dies.

Create Spawn: Any living creature reduced to Wisdom 0 by a fear guard becomes a fear guard under the control of its killer within 2d6 hours. If a bless spell is cast on the corpse before this time, it prevents the transformation.

Daylight Weakness: A fear guard exposed to natural sunlight (not merely a daylight spell) suffers 2d6 points of damage and immediately flees from the source of light. A fear guard caught in sunlight cannot attack and can only flee the area.

See in Darkness: A fear guard can see perfectly in darkness of any kind, even that created by darkness spells.

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NO. ENCOUNTERED: 1 SIZE: MediumHD: 6 (d12)MOVE: 30 ft.AC: 16 ATTACKS: Slam (1d6 + 1d6 fire) or Fire Blast(2d6)SPECIAL: Darkvision 60 ft.,Fire, Fire Blast, Immolation, Immune to TurningSAVES: PINT: LowALIGNMENT: Chaotic EvilTYPE: Undead (Extraordinary)TREASURE: 0XP: 500+6

This burning creature appears as a humanoid ghoul encased in flames. Its eyes are tiny balls of molten fire and its tongue is a snake–like stream of flame. Its teeth are charred and flames dance in the back of its throat. Patches of the burning flesh give way to the flames inside the creature.

When a humanoid creature dies on the Elemental Plane of Fire, its soul often melds with part of the fiery plane and reforms as a fire phantom; a humanoid creature composed of rotted and burnt flesh swathed in elemental fire. Fire phantoms desire nothing more than to return to the Material Plane and destroy as many living creatures as possible by consuming them in the same flames that now house their spirit. Fire phantoms are encountered in areas where fires are already burning (campfires, pyres, vigils, vigils, etc). They step through a portal from the Plane of Fire into a fire on the Material Plane. This fire must be at least Medium size or larger or else any attempt by the fire phantom to enter the Material Plane through that fire automatically fails. Once it enters the plane, it often lies in wait in the fire for potential victims to come near it. A fire phantom hiding inside a fire is difficult to see (Wisdom check to spot).

Combat: A fire phantom waits inside its fire until it spots a living creature. It then rushes out, shrieking and hurling globes of fire. If faced with overwhelming odds or facing certain destruction, the creature attempts to close the distance between itself and as many of its opponents as it can so it can use its immolation ability. In normal melee, a fire phantom alternates between hurling globes of fire and pummeling a foe with its burning fists. Fire phantoms fight until destroyed or all opponents are dead or flee. When a fire phantom is wounded, flames dance and play around the wound.

Fire: A fire phantom’s fists are swathed in elemental fire. Any melee hit deals fire damage. Creatures attacking a fire phantom unarmed or with natural weapons takes fire damage each time their attacks hit.

Fire Blast: Once every 1d4 rounds, a fire phantom can hurl a small globe of elemental fire to a range of 30 feet (no range increment). By making a successful ranged touch attack, it deals 2d6 points of fire damage. A creature hit must succeed on a Dexterity save or catch on fire. If a target catches on fire, he takes 1d6 fire damage per round for 1d6 rounds or until the fire is quenched.

Immolation: Normally used as a last resort, a fire phantom can detonate itself in an inferno of elemental fire that deals 6d6 points of fire damage to all creatures within a 10–foot radius. A successful Dexterity save halves the damage. This instantly kills the fire phantom if it fails a Wisdom save. Even if the fire phantom survives, its flames are extinguished for 1 minute. During this time the fire phantom cannot use its fire blast ability and does not deal fire damage with its slam attack. After 1 minute, its fires relight. If the fire phantom survives the immolation, it may not use it again for one day.

Turn Immunity: A fire phantom cannot be turned, rebuked, or commanded.


NO. ENCOUNTERED: 2-5 or 6-11SIZE: MediumHD: 5 (d12)MOVE: 30 ft.AC: 17 ATTACKS: 2 Claws (1d6 + 1d4 cold)SPECIAL: Cold, Cone of Cold, Darkvision 60 ft., Glaciation, Sense HeatSAVES: PINT: AverageALIGNMENT: Chaotic EvilTYPE: Undead (Extraordinary)TREASURE: 0XP: 320+5

This being appears as a beautiful warrior maiden of the highlands, a valkyrie covered in ice and frost. Upon the valkyrie’s death, a wispy incorporeal form is seen rising from the corpse.

Believed to be the spirits of humanoid warrior-women that freeze to death either because of their own mistakes or because of some ritualistic exile into the icy wastes by their culture, hoarfrost maidens haunt the icy wastelands of the world seeking warm–blooded living creatures in which to share their icy hell. Hoar spirits are rarely encountered alone. Though they may act independently, they seek each other out to continue their warrior tribe. Hoarfrost maidens do not speak, and it is not known if they even understand any language at all. They have a distinctive low–pitched moan that sounds like a whistling wind blowing through ice and snow covered trees.

Combat: When confronted, a hoarfrost maiden attacks with its claws attempting to freeze its foe. If facing multiple opponents, a maiden blasts them with its cone of cold before engaging them with its claws. Creatures killed by a maiden are dragged to its icy lair, kept on ice, and devoured at the monster’s leisure.

Cold: Hoarfrost maidens generate intense cold. Any melee hit deals cold damage. Creatures attacking the hoar spirit unarmed or with natural weapons suffer cold damage each time their attacks hit.

Cone of Cold: Once per day, a hoarfrost maiden can produce an effect similar to a cone of cold spell. The cone is 30 feet long and deals 3d6 points of cold damage to creatures caught within the area. A successful Dexterity save halves the damage.

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Glaciation: A creature hit by a hoarfrost maiden’s claw must succeed on a Strength save or be overcome with bone–numbing cold that paralyzes the opponent for 1d4+1 rounds and drains 1 point of Dexterity.

Sense Heat: Hoarfrost maidens can detect heat (such as that generated by living creatures) in a 60–foot radius. This includes the heat given off by invisible creatures. This ability can be stopped or started by the hoar spirit at will.


NO. ENCOUNTERED: 1 SIZE: MediumHD: 9 (d12)MOVE: 40 ft.AC: 18 ATTACKS: Head Butt (1d8) or 2 Hooves (1d6)SPECIAL: Darkvision 60 ft., Fear Light, Lifesense 60 ft., Soul CaptureSAVES: PINT: AverageALIGNMENT: Chaotic EvilTYPE: Undead (Extraordinary)TREASURE: 0XP: 1200+9

This creature resembles a goat with tangled and patchy gray and white hair, and horns and hooves that appear to be made of stone. Its eyes are stark white. Around its neck hangs a dented and ugly iron lantern, glowing with a foul amber light.

Lantern goats are undead wanderers thought to be the coalescence of souls of people who died while lost in the wilderness. Just as normal goats sometimes drift from the shepherd’s care and fall prey to the dangers of the wild, so too do humans and demihumans often meet with a dire end while trekking alone in the hills.

Whether they die of exposure or become a predator’s meal, these lost travelers usually journey in spirit form to the afterlife. Some, however, if they perish too close to a lantern goat, find their souls drawn into the fell receptacle the creature wears around its neck. The scarred and battered lantern that descends from the goat’s neck serves to channel souls into the creature itself. As the goat moves through the hills, its lantern casts a sickening yellow glow that attracts the souls of the recently deceased. Lantern goats roam low mountains and foothills, damned to patrol the mortal realm in search of those who die alone.

Combat: How the lantern goat behaves in combat depends upon the number of adversaries it faces. Normally the goat preys on lone travelers, attacking them with its stony hooves and horns. If it encounters a group, the lantern goat emits a fear light from its lant e r n , intending to panic everyone in range and then pick them off individually. Anyone within 60 feet who falls to 0 hit points is subject to its soul capture ability. Note that the lantern cannot be removed from the goat’s neck, as it is actually a part of the creature itself.

Fear Light: A lantern goat can emit an ugly yellow light from the lantern around its neck at will. All creatures within 60 feet that view this light must succeed on a Charisma save or be panicked with fear

for 1d4+4 rounds (as the spell). A creature that succeeds on its save is immune to the fear light of that lantern goat for one day.

Soul Capture: Any living creature reduced to 0 or less hit points while within 60 feet of a lantern goat must succeed on a CL1 Charisma save or have its soul drawn into the lantern goat’s lantern. The CL increases by +1 for every hit point the character is below 0 (e.g., a character at –3 hit points must save at CL 4). Once captured, the lantern goat slowly digests the creature’s soul over a period of 1 hour, using it to fuel its dark energies. A creature slain in this manner can only be returned to life by a resurrection, true resurrection, wish, or miracle. Raise dead has no effect on such a slain creature.

Lifesense: A lantern goat notices and locates living creatures within 60 feet. It also senses the strength of their life force automatically.


NO. ENCOUNTERED: 1 SIZE: Large (40 ft. tall)HD: 30 (d12)MOVE: 40 ft.AC: 27 ATTACKS: Slam (3d12)SPECIAL: Create Spawn, Desecrating Aura, Darkvision 120 ft., Energy Drain, Necrocone, SR 25, WhirlwindSAVES: PINT: AverageALIGNMENT: NeutralTYPE: Undead (Unique)TREASURE: 0XP: 31000+30

A whirling and spinning cyclone of dirt, bone fragments, and body parts rapidly advances toward you. It stands about 40 feet tall. From its central form you see two large arm-like appendages ending in clench fists emerge.

A mortuary cyclone is an undead creature born when living creatures tamper with or desecrate a mass grave (either magically or naturally). Though not evil by nature, the destruction a mortuary cyclone deals and leaves in its wake is legendary. These creatures simply decide on a direction to move, and much like a natural occurring tornado, they move in that direction without regard to who or what stands in their way. A single mortuary cyclone is more than capable of destroying a village or small town in a very short time if left unchecked. Mortuary cyclones feed on the energy of living creatures. Such creatures caught in the path of a mortuary cyclone are sucked into its central form and pummeled by high speed winds, bone fragments, and negative energy. Slain creatures are deposited on the ground where they rise as undead “slaves” in command of the mortuary cyclone. A mortuary cyclone appears as a 20 foot tall or taller tornado composed of grave dirt, bone fragments, and body parts all swirling around in its whirlwind form. A mortuary cyclone seems to understand Common, but it is unknown whether or not the creature itself can actually speak.

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Combat: A mortuary cyclone attacks by forming pseudo-fists from its whirlwind form and pummeling its foes or by absorbing them into its whirlwind (its favored method of attack). A mortuary cyclone simply has to move into a creature’s space to pull it into it cyclonic form. It continues raining its fists down on creatures that avoid its whirlwind, all the while, firing a burst of bone fragments and negative energy at foes attempting to keep their distance. A mortuary cyclone’s natural weapons are treated as magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Create Spawn: Any living creature slain by a mortuary cyclone’s necrocone attack (see below) or energy drain attack becomes a spectre in 1d4 rounds. Spawn are under the command of the mortuary cyclone that created them and remain enslaved until its destruction.

Desecrating Aura: A mortuary cyclone emanates an aura of desecration within a 50-foot radius centered on its body. Clerics in the area take a –6 penalty on turning checks, undead within the area gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls, and saves, and undead created within the area have +2 hit points per HD. Further, anyone casting animate dead within 50 feet of a mortuary cyclone creates as many as double the normal amount of undead (4 HD per caster Level instead of 2 HD per caster level). A dispel evil spell cast on a mortuary cyclone by a caster of 18th level or higher nullifies its desecrating aura for 1 minute per caster level.

Energy Drain: A creature caught in the mortuary cyclone’s whirlwind must succeed on a CL5 Constitution save each round it remains trapped or lose two levels or hit dice. (If the save succeeds, the creature does not lose levels.) For each level lost, the mortuary cyclone heals 5 points of damage. It the amount of healing would heal the mortuary cyclone above its normal hit points, it gains any excess as temporary hit points. A mortuary cyclone does not drain levels with its slam attack.

Necrocone: Once every 1d4 rounds, a mortuary cyclone can blast forth a mass of bone fragments, debris and negative energy in a 30-foot cone. Creatures caught in the cone take 6d6 points of damage. An affected creature that succeeds on a CL5 Dexterity save reduces the damage by half. Undead within the area of a necrocone heal a number of hit p o i n t s equal to the amount of damage (6d6) the attack would otherwise deal. An undead creature cannot gain temporary or bonus hit points from a mortuary cyclone’s necrocone.

Whirlwind: A mortuary cyclone is 5 feet wide at the base, 30 feet wide at the top and about 40 feet tall. The mortuary cyclone can control its exact height, but it must be at least 10 feet. Opponents touching or entering the mortuary cyclone (of if the cyclone moves into another creature’s space) might be lifted into the air if they are 20 or more feet smaller than the mortuary cyclone. An affected creature must succeed on a CL10 Dexterity save when it comes into contact with the whirlwind or take 3d6 points of damage. It must also succeed on a second CL 10 Dexterity save or be picked up bodily and held suspended in the powerful winds, automatically taking 3d6 points of damage each round. A creature that can fly is allowed a Dexterity save each round to escape the whirlwind. The creature still takes damage but can leave if the save is successful. Creatures trapped in the whirlwind cannot move except to go where the mortuary cyclone carries them or to escape the whirlwind. Creatures caught in the whirlwind can otherwise

act normally, but must succeed on an Intelligence check (CL 5 + spell level) to cast a spell. Creatures caught in the whirlwind take a –4 penalty to Dexterity and a –2 penalty on attack rolls. The mortuary cyclone can have only as many creatures trapped inside the whirlwind at one time as will fit inside the whirlwind’s volume. The mortuary cyclone can eject any carried creatures whenever it wishes, depositing them wherever the whirlwind happens to be. A cloud of dirt and debris always follows the mortuary cyclone where its base touches the ground. This cloud is centered on the mortuary cyclone and has a diameter equal to half the whirlwind’s height. The cloud obscures all vision, including Darkvision, beyond 5 feet.


NO. ENCOUNTERED: 1 or 2-5 SIZE: MediumHD: 7 (d12)MOVE: 20 ft., Swim 20 ft.AC: 20 ATTACKS: Slam (1d12 + Curse)SPECIAL: Control Water, Curse of the Deep, Darkvision 60 ft., Despair, Resistance: fire (half)SAVES: PINT: AverageALIGNMENT: Lawful EvilTYPE: Undead (Extraordinary)TREASURE: 4XP: 720+7

This rotting and bandaged humanoid slides with a slight gait as it moves. Its body is covered in tattered and torn bandages. Seaweed hangs from its unloving form and water drips in a constant state from its desiccated form.

A mummy of the deep is an undead creature that lairs in the depths of the sea. It is the result of an evil creature that was buried at sea for its sins in life. The wickedness permeating the former life has managed to cling even into unlife and revive the soul as a mummy of the deep.

Combat: A mummy of the deep attacks with its slam attack, attempting to grapple an opponent and use its curse of the deep ability.

Curse of the Deep: On a successful grapple check against a creature up to its size, a mummy of the deep presses its lips against an opponent’s and regurgitates sea water into the opponent’s lungs. Each round thereafter, for the next 10 rounds, the victim must make a Constitution save or take 1d4 points of damage that round. Three consecutive successful saves means the character has coughed up enough water to shake the effects of this attack and takes no further damage. An affected creature can take no actions other than to defend itself in any round it takes damage from this ability. At 0 or less hit points, the victim falls unconscious. In the next round, he drowns. Holding one’s breath does not prevent drowning (water is already in the lungs). A remove curse or heal spell halts the damage if applied before the creature reaches 0 or less hit points.

Despair: The mere sight of a mummy causes an opponent to become unnerved, shaken and repulsed. This affect is identical to the spell fear. In addition, an additional Charisma save is required

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by all opponents. If the save fails, that victim is paralyzed by the mummy’s presence, and remains so for 1d4 rounds. Humans gain a +2 bonus to resist this effect. There is safety and security in numbers, however. All individuals in a group will gain a +1 bonus if group members outnumber mummies present by at least 6 to 1. This bonus is cumulative to the bonus given to humans. For example, if two mummies are present, 12 group members are required to gain a +1 bonus, giving humans a total of +3.

Control Water: Once per day, a mummy of the deep can control water (as the spell).

Subject to Raising: A mummy targeted by a raise dead spell must succeed at a physical save or be restored from undeath. Most will be transformed into a human fighter of 7th level, but a mummy will typically assume the race and class it had in life. However, the corruption of undeath lingers, and these individuals will retain the lawful evil alignment.


NO. ENCOUNTERED: 1 SIZE: MediumHD: 15 (d12)MOVE: 30 ft.AC: 25 ATTACKS: Mace (1d6+ Dance) or Jester’s DeckSPECIAL: Dance of Comedy and Tragedy, Darkvision 60 ft., Frightening Cackle, Jester’s Deck, Jester’s Hideous Laughter, Unassailable MindSAVES: MINT: HighALIGNMENT: Chaotic NeutralTYPE: Undead (Unique)TREASURE: 13XP: 7900+15

This hideous and frightening humanoid is arrayed in a lunatics vision of brightly colored clothes, floppy shoes, and a bright red jester’s cap complete with jingling bells. The monster has a never–changing smirk or smile on its macabre visage.

Red jesters are thought to be the remains of court jesters put to death for telling bad puns, making fun of the local ruler, or dying in an untimely manner (which could be attributed to one or both of the first two). Another tale speaks of the red jesters as being the court jesters of the Demon Prince of Whimsy and Madness, sent to the Material Plane to “entertain” those whom the prince has taken a special interest in. The actual truth to their origin remains a mystery. While they can be encountered from the coldest to the warmest regions of the world and on any type of terrain, a red jester is generally encountered near civilized areas. Though it is undead now, the creature still delights in entertaining living creatures through its humor. Red jesters speak Common and at least two other languages and often engage in humor during combat, spilling bad puns and riddles at their opponents. Some red jesters, in an effort to disguise their undead nature don elaborate masks or wear makeup.

Combat: A red jester opens combat using its frightening cackle attempting to affect as many opponents as possible. Those that resist its effects are assailed with its magical playing cards and mace. During the entire combat, the red jester talks, laughs, and tells jokes and riddles.

Frightening Cackle: A red jester can unleash a fear–inducing cackle once per round in addition to any other actions. Anyone within 60 feet that hears it must succeed on a Charisma save or become run away if fear for 2d4 rounds. Whether or not the save is successful, an affected creature is immune to the same red jester’s fear cackle for one day.

Jester’s Hideous Laughter: This ability afflicts the subject with uncontrollable laughter. The target collapses into gales of manic laughter, falling prone. The subject can take no actions while laughing, but is not considered helpless. The laughter lasts for 4 + 1d4 rounds. After the laughter ends, the target can act normally. Only one subject can be targeted per round.

A creature with an Intelligence score of 2 or lower is not affected. A creature must succeed on a CL 3 Charisma save to resist the effect.

Jester’s Deck: The red jester uses a deck of playing cards in combat that functions as a deck of many things (see Monsters and Treasure from Troll Lords Games). Once per round, the red jester can draw a single card and throw it at an opponent to a range of 20 feet. This requires a successful ranged touch attack. If successful, the card takes effect that round and affects the target just as if he had drawn a card from a deck of many things. A red jester can draw the same card more than once. The playing cards only function in the hands of a red jester. To anyone else, they are merely normal playing cards. The effects of the cards last 24 hours. Beneficial as well as baneful cards can be drawn and used.

Dance of Comedy and Tragedy: If a red jester strikes an opponent with its mace, the creature must succeed on an Intelligence save or begin the Dance of Comedy and Tragedy. Each round, for 2d6 rounds, the target must dance, complete with foot shuffling and tapping. The spell effect makes it impossible for the subject to do anything other than caper and prance in place. The effect imposes a –4 penalty to Armor Class and a –10 penalty on Dexterity saves, and it negates any AC bonus granted by a shield the target holds. In addition, the target loses 5 hit points per round of dancing, due to the draining nature of the activity. The target alternates between hideous laughter and wretched sobbing the length of the dance.

Unassailable Mind: Anyone targeting a red jester with a thought detection, mind control, or telepathic ability must succeed on a Wisdom save or suffer the effects of an insanity spell.

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NO. ENCOUNTERED: 1 or 6-11 (led by 1 shadow)SIZE: MediumHD: 1 (d12)MOVE: Fly 40 ft.AC: 12 ATTACKS: Touch (Strength Drain)SPECIAL: Blend, Strength Drain, IncorporealSAVES: PINT: LowALIGNMENT: Chaotic EvilTYPE: Undead (Extraordinary)TREASURE: 0XP: 10+1

This creature appears to be a humanoid constructed of living darkness.

According to ancient texts, masters of the arcane arts created beings of living darkness to aid and protect them. These beings, known now as shadows, were formed through a combination of darkness and evil. Other beings of darkness, lesser beings not quite as powerful as the originals were also created. These creatures became known as lesser shadows. Though not as powerful as their stronger relatives, lesser shadows are every bit as evil. A lesser shadow is completely indistinguishable from a standard shadow. Like its brethren, it is a creature of living darkness. A lesser shadow is 5 or 6 feet tall and weightless. Lesser shadows do not speak.

Combat: Lesser shadows hide in darkness, springing to attack when living opponents wander too close.

They are often led in combat by a shadow. Unlike normal shadows, lesser shadows do not create spawn (though it is rumored that a variant of the lesser shadow can in fact create spawn).

Blend: In darkness, a lesser shadow is virtually undetectable. It is considered invisible, and it can attack without spoiling this concealment. If several bright light sources are used (3 or more lanterns or the equivalent), or magical light is cast forth, a lesser shadow can be seen and combated normally.

Strength Drain: A lesser shadow drains 1 point of Strength from a living foe with each attack. A creature reduced to Strength 0 by a lesser shadow dies. The target does not rise as a shadow form this attack.


NO. ENCOUNTERED: 6-11 SIZE: SmallHD: 1/2 (d12)MOVE: 15 ft.AC: 14 ATTACKS: Bite (1d2 +1d2 Strength Drain)SPECIAL: Darkvision 60 ft., Disease, Strength DrainSAVES: PINT: LowALIGNMENT: NeutralTYPE: Undead (Extraordinary)TREASURE: 3XP: 12+1

This creature appears as a semi-solid rat with rotting flesh, torn and matted fur, and reddish blazing eyes. Its translucent skin shows discolored bones and muscles.

Shadow rats are essentially undead rats that can assume an incorporeal form. Other than their Semi-translucent form (which they maintain regardless of their incorporeality or not), they resemble their earthly counterparts in all respects.

Combat: Shadow rats attack relentlessly with their bite attack. Unlike normal shadows, shadow rats do not create spawn.

Disease: Rat Fever—bite, CL2 Constitution save, incubation period 1d3 days, damage 1d3 Dex and 1d3 Con.

Strength Drain: A shadow rat drains 1d2 points of Strength from a living foe with each attack. A creature reduced to Strength 0 by a shadow rat dies. The target does not rise as a shadow form this attack.

Shadow Blend: In darkness, a shadow rat is virtually undetectable. It is considered invisible, and it can attack without spoiling this concealment. If several bright light sources are used (3 or more lanterns or the equivalent), or magical light is cast forth, a shadow rat can be seen and combated normally.


NO. ENCOUNTERED: 1 SIZE: LargeHD: 6 (d12)MOVE: 30 ft.AC: 16 ATTACKS: Swarm touch (1d6 + )SPECIAL: Blend, Distraction, Strength Drain, Incorporeal, SizeSAVES: PINT: LowALIGNMENT: NeutralTYPE: Undead (Extraordinary)TREASURE: 0XP: 350+6

A squirming and squeaky mass of rats with writhing, wispy forms, and reddish blazing eyes moves toward you. Their semi-translucent skin shows discolored bones and muscle.

Shadow rats are essentially undead rats that can assume an incorporeal form. Other than their semi-translucent form, they resemble their earthly counterparts in all respects. A shadow rat swarm is simply a massive number of shadow rats that have cluttered or banded together for survival or food. Shadow rat swarms can be found just about anywhere, but are most commonly encountered near graveyards, ruined temples, and haunted sewers.

Combat: A shadow rat swarm attempts to surround and envelop its opponent in its form. A shadow rat swarm deals 2d6 points of damage plus 1d2 points of Strength damage to any creature whose area it occupies at the end of its move.

Blend: In darkness, a shadow rat swarm is virtually undetectable. It is considered invisible, and it can attack without spoiling this

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concealment. If several bright light sources are used (3 or more lanterns or the equivalent), or magical light is cast forth, a rat swarm can be seen and combated normally.

Distraction: Any living creature that begins its turn in the area of a shadow rat swarm is nauseated for 1 round; a Constitution save negates the effect. Spellcasting or concentrating on spells within the area of a swarm requires an Intelligence check.

Strength Damage: A shadow rat swarm drains 1d2 Strength from a living foe with its attack. A creature reduced to Strength 0 by a shadow rat swarm dies. The target does not rise as a shadow form this attack.

Size: A shadow rat swarm is composed of many hundred shadow rats. The rats scurry and cover each other and any targets in the area they occupy. A shadow rat swarm fills a 10 ft. by 10 ft. area, or a 5 ft. by 20 ft. line, or any combination that equals 100 square feet. It’s a lot of rats! Any target caught inside the area of a shadow rat swarm at the beginning of its turn automatically takes the listed damage per round regardless of AC.


NO. ENCOUNTERED: 1 or 2-12SIZE: MediumHD: 3 (d12)MOVE: 40 ft.AC: 14 ATTACKS: Bite (1d8 + paralysis)SPECIAL: Darkvision 60 ft., Paralysis, ScentSAVES: MINT: LowALIGNMENT: Chaotic EvilTYPE: Undead (Extraordinary)TREASURE: 0XP: 90+3

This creature resembles a wolf with matted dark fur torn away in places. Its flesh is an oozing, sickly gray where its fur is torn away. Its eyes are stark white.

Ghoul wolves are carnivorous undead wolves that delight in hunting living creatures, catching them, and tearing them to shreds. These creatures are most often found haunting desolate moors and marshes.

Combat: Ghoul wolves hunt in packs, surrounding their prey and circling as they move in for the kill.

Paralysis: Any living creature, including elves, that are clawed or bitten by a ghoul wolf must make a Strength save or be paralyzed. This paralysis lasts 1d4+1 turns, or until a remove curse or remove paralysis spell is cast upon the victim.

Trip: A ghoul wolf can attempt to drag an opponent to the ground when it makes a successful bite. The opponent is allowed a Dexterity save to resist being pulled to the ground, automatically losing initiative the next round.


NO. ENCOUNTERED: 1 or 2-12SIZE: MediumHD: 3 (d12)MOVE: 50 ft.AC: 13 ATTACKS: Incorporeal Bite (Strength Drain)SPECIAL: Blend, Create Spawn, Darkvision, 60 ft., Scent, Strength Drain, Incorporeal, Sunlight VulnerabilitySAVES: MINT: LowALIGNMENT: Chaotic EvilTYPE: Undead (Extraordinary)TREASURE: 0XP: 90+3

This creature appears as a large black hound formed of wispy shadows. Its eyes burn with a crimson fire.

Shadow wolves are nocturnal hunters and hate all living creatures. Their eyes flash with a luminescent greenish fire when prey is sighted.

Combat: Shadow wolves prefer to attack from ambush, using the shadows and darkness to their advantage. When prey wanders nearby, a shadow wolf leaps to the attack. A shadow wolf pack leads its prey into an ambush and then strikes when opponents are completely unaware.

Strength Drain: The bite of a shadow wolf is draining, as the victim feels the agonizing shock of death. A creature so touched suffers the loss of 1-3 points of Strength; creatures without Strength scores suffer a -1 to -3 penalty to attack rolls, effectively losing 1-3 hit dice (the creature’s hit points and saves remain the same, as do all other hit dice-dependent abilities.) If the victim survives the encounter, lost Strength returns at the rate of 1 point every 2d4 turns.

Create Spawn: A creature reduced to 0 Strength by a shadow wolf’s Drain attack is slain. The deceased rises again as a normal shadow within 1d4 rounds, losing all class abilities, and forever functioning as an ordinary shadow. A victim rising as a shadow is forever dead, and cannot be restored to life by any means short of a wish. The shadow is considered free-willed and not bound to the wolf that created it.

Blend: In darkness, a shadow wolf is virtually undetectable. It is considered invisible, and it can attack without spoiling this concealment. If several bright light sources are used (3 or more lanterns or the equivalent), or magical light is cast forth, a shadow can be seen and combated normally.

Sunlight Vulnerability: If a shadow is exposed to true sunlight, or any effect creating true sunlight, it is instantly destroyed.

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NO. ENCOUNTERED: 1 SIZE: MediumHD: 6 (d12)MOVE: 60 ft.AC: 18 ATTACKS: Bite (1d8 + Energy Drain)SPECIAL: Blood Drain, Darkvision 60 ft., Create Spawn,Energy Drain, Gaseous Form, Entourage, Electrical Resistance (half), Scent, Spider Climb, Trip, Turn Resistance, Scent, Vampire VulnerabilitiesSAVES: M, PINT: AverageALIGNMENT: Chaotic EvilTYPE: Undead (Unique)TREASURE: 0XP: 1650+6

This creature resembles a wolf with silky black fur, and yellow, hate-filled eyes. Its fur appears matted around the muzzle, as if it has recently drank something.

Vampire wolves are horrible undead predators that delight in hunting living creatures, catching them, and drinking their blood. These creatures are most often found haunting trade routes through dark, dismal forests.

Combat: Vampiric wolves hunt alone, circling their prey and running them to exhaustion.

Blood Drain: If a vampire wolf successfully strikes an opponent with its teeth (bite), the target must succeed at a strength save or be held in the vampire’s jaws. If the save fails, a vampire wolf uses its great strength to hold the target fast, and drain it of blood. This attack automatically inflicts 1d6 points of damage per round. For each point drained from a victim, a vampire wolf heals one hit point. If a vampire is able to drain a victim of 36 hit points in this way, it is satiated, and release its grip. A victim of this bite does not experience pain; instead, they become euphoric during the process, and some may become addicted to it. Once a victim is bitten, it does not struggle to escape the vampire wolf’s bite. A vampire wolf must use this ability weekly, or it dies.

Energy Drain: Along with the blood drain, living creatures hit by a vampire wolf’s bite attack instantly lose two levels or hit die. Each round thereafter that the vampire is able to continue biting, the victim loses one level or hit die until the target has perished. This loss is permanent unless reversed with a cleric’s restoration spell or a wish.

Create Spawn: If a vampire wolf chooses, it can drain the blood or energy of a human victim in such a way as to bring the deceased into unlife as a vampire spawn. This spawn is under the control of the slaying wolf. This ability is not automatic, but must be consciously used.

An affected humanoid loses all abilities, and gains the statistics of a vampire spawn (see Monsters& Treasure by Troll Lords Games).

Gaseous Form: A vampiric wolf can assume the form of a thick, gaseous mist, at will, as the spell gaseous form. If a vampiric wolf in any form other than gaseous is reduced to 0 hit points, it automatically assumes the gaseous state and retreats to its den. There, it heals and prepare for another attack.

Spider Climb: Vampiric wolves are endowed with the supernatural ability to adhere to and climb any surface, just as a standard vampire.

Entourage: A vampiric wolf may be encountered with up to 6 human vampire spawn.

Trip: A vampiric wolf can attempt to drag an opponent to the ground when it makes a successful bite. The opponent is allowed a CL 3 Dexterity save to resist being pulled to the ground, automatically losing initiative the next round.

Vampire Vulnerabilities: Vampiric wolves retreat from holly berries, reflective surfaces, or holy symbols of good deities. These objects do not harm the wolves, but causes them delay any attack by 1d4 rounds while it tries to find a way to maneuver around the offending object. When exposed to true daylight, a vampiric wolf is rendered powerless and unable to move or attack. It instantly begins to smolder, and after 3 rounds of exposure, such a wolf bursts into flame and burns to ashes, permanently destroying the wolf. If a vampiric wolf is ever immersed in standing (not running) water, it is slain in 3 rounds. Each round of immersion causes the wolf to lose one-third of its hit points. A stake driven through the heart of a vampiric wolf will kill it as long as the stake remains in place. If it is removed, the wolf awakens and functions normally. To permanently kill a staked wolf, its head must be removed, its mouth filled with holly berries, and then the entire corpse must be immersed in standing water (such as a grotto pool, pond, etc).

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