r09220402 Electronic Circuit Analysis

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  • 7/28/2019 r09220402 Electronic Circuit Analysis


    R09 SET No - 1CODE NO: R09220402


    (Common to Electronics & Communication Systems, Electronics & ComputerEngineering, Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering, Electronics & Telematics,

    Instrumentation & Control Engineering)

    Time: 3hours Max. Marks: 75Answer any FIVE questions

    All Questions Carry Equal Marks- - -

    1.a) For the CB amplifier circuit shown, compute RIN and ROUT if C1isi) Connected ii) Not connected

    The h-parameters of the transistor in CE configuration are listed as:hie =2.1K, hfe=81, hoe=1.66 Mhos and hreis negligibly small.

    b) Reason out the causes and results of Phase & Frequency distortions in transistoramplifiers. [9+6]

    2.a) Differentiate between direct and capacitive coupling of multiple stages of amplifiers.b) With the help of a neat circuit diagram, describe the working of a cascode amplifier.c) What are the merits and demerits of a cascade amplifier over a simple Common

    Emitter amplifier? [4+7+4]

    3.a) Derive the expressions for hybrid conductance, gce, andgbb of a transistor.b) Explain how hybrid parameters, gmand gcevary with Ic, Vceand temperature.c) Compute the overall lower cut-off frequency of an identical two stage cascade of

    amplifiers with individual lower cut-off frequency given as 432 Hz. [7+4+4]

    4.a) Discuss the effect of different type of loads to a common source MOS amplifier.b) Differentiate between cascode and folded cascode configurations. [8+7]

    5.a) If negative feedback with a feedback factor, of 0.01 is introduced into an amplifierwith a gain of 200 and bandwidth of 6 MHz, obtain the resulting bandwidth of thefeedback amplifier.

    b) With the help of a suitable BJT based voltage series feedback amplifier diagram,explain the features and benefits of negative feedback in amplifiers. [6+9]

  • 7/28/2019 r09220402 Electronic Circuit Analysis


    6.a) Substantiate the requirement of positive feedback in amplifier for oscillations. Relate

    the requirement to Barkhausen Criterion.b) With the help of neat circuit diagram, explain how sustained oscillations are obtained

    in RC phase shift BJT based oscillator. Derive the expression for frequency of

    oscillation. [6+9]

    7.a) A single stage class A amplifier Vcc=20V, VCEQ =10V, ICQ =600mA, RL=16. The acoutput current varies by 300mA, with the ac input signal. Findi) The power supplied by the dc source to the amplifier circuit.ii) AC power consumed by the load resistor.iii) AC power developed across the load resistor.iv) DC power wasted in transistor collector.v) Overall efficiencyvi) Collector efficiency.

    b). List the advantages of complementary-symmetry configuration over push pull

    configuration. [9+6]

    8. Describe the following briefly:a) Stagger Tuned Amplifiers Operation and comparison with synchronous tuningb) Heat Sinks for tuned power amplifiers. [8+7]


  • 7/28/2019 r09220402 Electronic Circuit Analysis


    R09 SET No - 2CODE NO: R09220402


    (Common to Electronics & Communication Systems, Electronics & ComputerEngineering, Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering, Electronics & Telematics,

    Instrumentation & Control Engineering)

    Time: 3hours Max. Marks: 75Answer any FIVE questions

    All Questions Carry Equal Marks- - -

    1. For the amplifier circuit shown with partially unbypassed emitter resistance, calculate

    the voltage gain with R4 in place and with R4 shorted. Consider hie =1.1K, hfe =

    100, hre & hoe are negligibly small. Assume R1 and R2 to be 100K and 22 K


    b) Analyse what the output voltage should be if the DC power supply given to a CE

    amplifier is shorted to ground. [10+5]

    2.a) With the help of circuit diagram and equivalent circuit of a Darlington amplifiergenerate the expression for the overall input impedance of the pair.

    b) Develop a generalized expression for overall current gain(A IS) when two transistorstages with ROUT2 RIN2, RIN1>RS and individual voltage gains are AV1,AV2. [7+8]

    3.a) A transistor amplifier in CE configuration is operated at high frequency with thefollowing specifications. fT=6MHz, gm=0.04,hfe =50, rbb =100 , Rs =500 , Cbc=10pF, RL=100. Compute the voltage gain, upper 3dB cut-off frequency, and gainbandwidth product (GBW).

    b) Derive an expression for the overall higher cut-off frequency of a two stage amplifierwith identical stages of individual higher cut-off frequency, fH. [7+8]

    4.a) Discuss the effect of different type of loads to a common source MOS amplifier.b) Differentiate between cascode and folded cascode configurations. [8+7]

  • 7/28/2019 r09220402 Electronic Circuit Analysis


    5.a). If the non-linear distortion in a negative feedback amplifier with an open loop gain of100 is reduced from 40% to 10%with feedback, compute the feedback factor, of theamplifier.

    b) Draw the circuit diagram of a current series feedback amplifier, Derive expressions toshow the effect of negative feedback on input & output impedances, bandwidth,

    distortion of the amplifier. [6+9]

    6.a) Differentiate between RC and LC type oscillators.b) Derive the expression for frequency of oscillation in a Hartley Oscillator.c) State Barkhausen Critterion for Oscillations [5+7+3]

    7.a) Derive the expression for maximum conversion efficiency for a simple series fedClass A power amplifier.

    b) What are the drawbacks of transformer coupled power amplifiers?c) A push pull amplifier utilizes a transformer whose primary has a total of 160 turns

    and whose secondary has 40 turns. It must be capable of delivering 40W to an 8

    load under maximum power conditions. What is the minimum possible value of Vcc?[5+4+6]

    8.a) List possible configurations of tuned amplifiers.b) Derive an expression for bandwidth of a capacitive coupled tuned amplifier in CE

    configuration. Make necessary assumptions and mention them. [6+9]


  • 7/28/2019 r09220402 Electronic Circuit Analysis


    R09 SET No - 3CODE NO: R09220402


    (Common to Electronics & Communication Systems, Electronics & ComputerEngineering, Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering, Electronics & Telematics,

    Instrumentation & Control Engineering)

    Time: 3hours Max. Marks: 75Answer any FIVE questions

    All Questions Carry Equal Marks- - -

    1.a) For the common emitter amplifier shown, draw the AC and DC load lines. Determinethe peak-to-peak output voltage for a sinusoidal input voltage of 30mV peak-to-peak.Assume C1, C2 and C3 are large enough to act as short circuit at the input frequency.Consider hie =1.1K, hfe=100, hre& hoeare negligibly small.

    b) State Millers theorem. Specify its relevance in the analysis of a BJT amplifier.c) Write expressions for AV and RIN of a Common Emitter amplifier. [7+4+4]

    2.a) Derive expressions for overall voltage gain and overall current gain of a two-stage RCcoupled amplifier.

    b) List out the special features of Darlington pair and cascode amplifiers. [9+6]

    3.a) Discuss the effect of emitter bypass capacitor and input & output coupling capacitorson the lower cut-off frequency if number of amplifiers are cascaded.

    b) Describe how an emitter follower behaves at high frequencies. [8+7]

    4.a) Discuss the effect of different types of loads to a common source MOS amplifier.b) Differentiate between cascode and folded cascode configurations. [8+7]

    5.a) The and the open loop gain of an amplifier are -10% and -80 respectively. By howmuch % the closed loop gain changes if the open loop gain increases by 25%?

    b) Compare the characteristics of feedback amplifiers in all the four configurations.c) Reason out why 2 stages are required to implement current shunt feedback. [5+6+4]

    6. Starting from the description of a generalized oscillator, derive the expression forfrequency of oscillation in a colpitts oscillator. [15]

  • 7/28/2019 r09220402 Electronic Circuit Analysis


    7.a) With the help of a suitable circuit diagram, show that the maximum conversion

    efficiency of a class B power amplifier is 78.5%.b) Explain how Total harmonic distortion can be reduced in a Class B push-pull

    configured amplifier. [7+8]

    8.a) Derive an expression for the bandwidth of a synchronous tuned circuit.b) Discuss the necessity of stabilization circuits in tuned amplifiers. [8+7]


  • 7/28/2019 r09220402 Electronic Circuit Analysis


    R09 SET No - 4CODE NO: R09220402


    (Common to Electronics & Communication Systems, Electronics & ComputerEngineering, Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering, Electronics & Telematics,

    Instrumentation & Control Engineering)

    Time: 3hours Max. Marks: 75Answer any FIVE questions

    All Questions Carry Equal Marks- - -

    1.a) Draw the circuit diagram of a common collector amplifier along with its equivalent

    circuit. Derive expressions for AV andRI.

    b) What is meant by small signal for analyzing a BJT based amplifier?

    c) What is non-linear distortion? List the causes for this type of distortion in amplifiers.


    2.a) Discuss various possibilities of inter-stage coupling of amplifiers.b) For the two-stage RC coupled amplifier circuit shown, calculate the Individual stage

    voltage gains and the overall voltage gain. Input impedance of individual stages isgiven as 2.4 K and of individual transistors as 80. [6+9]

    3.a) A transistor has f =8MHz, and =80.when connected as an amplifier, it has straycapacitance of 100pF at the output terminal. Calculate its upper 3dB frequency whenRload isi) 10K ii) 100K.

    b) Discuss the effect of coupling capacitors of a CE amplifier on the overall frequencyresponse of the amplifier. [8+7]

    4.a) Discuss the effect of different type of loads to a common source MOS amplifier.b) Differentiate between cascode and folded cascode configurations. [8+7]

  • 7/28/2019 r09220402 Electronic Circuit Analysis


    5.a) An amplifier has a gain of 50 with negative feedback. For a specified output voltage,if the input required is 0.1V without feedback and 0.8V with feedback, Compute andopen loop gain.

    b) Through the block schematics, show four types of negative feedback in amplifiers.c) List the advantages of negative feedback in amplifiers. [5+5+5]

    6.a) List out the merits demerits of oscillators.b) With the help of suitable schematic and description, show that both positive and

    negative feedback are used in a Wien Bridge oscillator. Establish the condition foroscillations. [7+8]

    7.a) State the merits of using push pull configuration? Describe the operation of class Bpush pull amplifier and show how even harmonics are eliminated.

    b) A single ended class A amplifier has a transformer coupled load of 8 . If thetransformer turns ration is 10, find the maximum power output delivered to the load.

    Take the zero signal collector current of 500mA. [7+8]

    8.a) Derive the expressions for Bandwidth and Q-factor of single tuned, capacitivelycoupled amplifiers. List the assumptions made for the derivation.

    b) What is stagger tuning? Suggest possible applications. [9+6]
