€¦  · Web viewThen preached at night, my pastor Tony was talking...

Preaching I had the opportunity to preach at Kingdom Life Centre, Park Ridge in December, it was a great morning, I preached on Breaking the Fear barrier, stepping over the chicken line into freedom. A lot of people got set free of fear during the service and many others were healed physically, God challenged me personally during the service, my biggest fear was to sing in front of people and therefore I led the church in worship for a few minutes and I received a new level of freedom myself. I also had the opportunity to preach for the first time at my church, Bayside Christian Family Church in February at both the morning and night services. I also held a Healing Training Workshop for some of the youth leaders on the Saturday. We had a powerful day of teaching followed by activation. A man had a locked jaw for 18 months, couldn’t open his mouth more than half way and had a loud clicking in his Jaw. Had someone pray for him - instantly his jaw unlocked, all the pain and clicking disappeared and has not returned. A lady had back pain 4/10 for a while, had a girl pray for her the pain moved a few times and then completely disappeared. Jason’s Adventures Oct 2014 - June 2015

Transcript of€¦  · Web viewThen preached at night, my pastor Tony was talking...

Page 1:€¦  · Web viewThen preached at night, my pastor Tony was talking about feeling the same spirit as he felt at Bonnie Brae Street where the Azusa Street


I had the opportunity to preach at Kingdom Life Centre, Park Ridge in December, it was a great morning, I preached on Breaking the Fear barrier, stepping over the chicken line into freedom. A lot of people got set free of fear during the service and many others were healed physically, God challenged me personally during the service, my biggest fear was to sing in front of people and therefore I led the church in worship for a few minutes and I received a new level of freedom myself.

I also had the opportunity to preach for the first time at my church, Bayside Christian Family Church in February at both the morning and night services. I also held a Healing Training Workshop for some of the youth leaders on the Saturday.

We had a powerful day of teaching followed by activation. A man had a locked jaw for 18 months, couldn’t open his mouth more than half way and had a loud clicking in his Jaw.  Had someone pray for him - instantly his jaw unlocked, all the pain and clicking disappeared and has not returned.

A lady had back pain 4/10 for a while, had a girl pray for her the pain moved a few times and then completely disappeared.

Another lady had scoliosis and felt tingling going through her body while sitting through the teaching, the Holy Spirit was already working on her spine.  A girl prayed for her and she said she could feel the bottom of her spine for the first time, she had also been sick all day with a flu and all the symptoms completely disappeared.

Jason’s AdventuresOct 2014 - June 2015

Page 2:€¦  · Web viewThen preached at night, my pastor Tony was talking about feeling the same spirit as he felt at Bonnie Brae Street where the Azusa Street

Sunday morning at Bayside was a powerful meeting, I taught on the basics of Evangelism with an activation at the end.  Called out floaters, a few people stood up, had people around them lay their hands and command the floaters to dissolve.  Instantly 4 people called out their floaters had dissolved.  A girl upstairs, a new Christian teenager, didn’t hear the word about floaters but realised that hers had completely disappeared as well.

Then preached at night, my pastor Tony was talking about feeling the same spirit as he felt at Bonnie Brae Street where the Azusa Street revival began in Los Angeles in 1906, then I got up and preached about the AzusaSstreet revival and handed him a book I had bought him on the miracles of Azusa Street.  Around 10 people were healed of all different things, shoulder pain, headaches, knee pain, stomach problems, hip pain ect. and one person in England received healing while watching on live streaming and was able to walk up and down stairs that they couldn’t do before.

I visited Wave Church in Noosa during March and had a great time. A number of people were healed during the service, my favourite testimony was a lady who had broken her tail bone 20+ years ago and was still in pain throughout her whole back and had been going to an osteopath but it wasn’t doing anything. I actually got a picture of her whilst on my bed the day before the service and I saw how God was going to heal her. During the service I asked her to stand up and sit down 3 times because that’s what I had seen and instantly all the pain disappeared from her body for the first time in decades.

Other Testimonies/Event

I attended an event on Halloween called Light of the World – It was a really awesome event, there was a massive turn out, there was a team of people just walking around loving on people sharing the gospel with people. I was walking around with my friend James just chatting with people and praying with people. Everyone we talked to allowed us to pray for them and we saw a number of people healed and one hindu girl gave her life to Christ after her deaf ears opened and she could hear.

A number of other people have been healed as I go around doing life and at church on Sundays. Last Sunday I had a man who had Lung Cancer, he was in pain around his ribs and couldn’t breathe deeply. As we prayed all the pain disappeared and he started to breathe deeply without coughing - waiting for a doctor’s report to confirm what has happened. I got a call from my boss on the weekend, he was with a guy that has not been able to work for 4 years from severe trauma to his spine in an accident, he was in severe pain, taking pain medication every morning and night, his kids even had to put his socks on for him. He had pain in his ribs, his back and his tailbone. I prayed for him over the phone and he began doing things that he couldn’t do before. While in Maccas, all the pain disappeared from his ribs and back, he said 95% movement came back to his body and he had just a little bit of discomfort in his tailbone. A couple of days later he is still pain free.

Another lady came to church bent over in severe pain in her back, she could hardly move. I went over and prayed for her back, instantly she straightened up, all the pain disappeared and she could move around like nothing had happened. Her husband’s expression was priceless. Another man came to a meeting I ran, he had stage 4 cancer spread throughout his entire body, I touched his head and said a short prayer and we could feel the power of God released so he left. His brother came and told me a couple of months later they had been back to the doctor’s, they were shocked because all of the small tumours in his body had decreased by 75% since the last check up and the large tumour had decreased by 50%, they had no explanation. Many many other miracles take place all the time but they are a few of my favourite.

Page 3:€¦  · Web viewThen preached at night, my pastor Tony was talking about feeling the same spirit as he felt at Bonnie Brae Street where the Azusa Street

I started a new job in January with a Kingdom Businessman who has really blessed me. Currently I’m working part time 20 hours a week for him while doing ministry on the side. Part of my job has been a lot of ministry. In February I helped to organise the Queensland Day of Prayer and Fasting in Parliament House. We had a great turn out of people, it just so happened it was on the exact day that the Liberal National Party (LNP) was choosing their leader for the first time in history on a Saturday. We had many politicians coming into the prayer day and a few spoke at the event. If you are interested in attending next year I’ll put more details in the next Newsletter.

I then flew down the following weekend with my boss to the National Day of Prayer and Fasting in Canberra held in the Great Hall in Parliament and helped out down there. It was a very powerful day and we had a great turn out. It was awesome to see representation from so many churches around Australia coming together to pray for revival in our nation. We also had a huge number of visitors coming just to check out the hall having encounters with the presence of God. I had the chance to meet a number of great people and build new relationships.

I also ran the Brisbane Bible Reading Marathon where we read the entire bible from Genesis to Revelation out loud outside Parliament House at the Speakers Corner. Thank you so much to everyone that was involved. I could not have done it without your help. It took 74 hours finishing at 6pm on the Tuesday afternoon, many people had encounters while they were reading and passers-by also had encounters with God. We handed out 16 bibles but most importantly declared the word of God over Brisbane. Everyone who was involved felt blessed and sometimes people didn’t want to stop reading because it was so powerful. Wes and I were interviewed by Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) afterwards just to share some stories about the different events and I shared a testimony that took place the last night. Here is a link to the TBN broadcast, I’m on from about 14 mins onward speaking from 20 mins for a couple.

We were wrapping up around 4am when 2 drunk guys came over asking if we could tell them a place to get a late drink. We told them what we were doing and they asked if they could hang out with us because they were spiritual people. We spent a couple of hours loving on them and talking with them about a range of things. While we were talking I felt a pain in my shoulder and asked if he had any problems with his shoulder. He did and I prayed for his shoulder and the pain disappeared. He then went over and sat in a chair and we began praying for his eyes as well because he was legally blind and couldn’t read anything. We tested his eyes to start with and he couldn’t read, then we prayed for him and he started reading perfectly for the first time.

Page 4:€¦  · Web viewThen preached at night, my pastor Tony was talking about feeling the same spirit as he felt at Bonnie Brae Street where the Azusa Street

We then began to pray for him to encounter God and he said he saw white light shining on him, he entered into the white light and started feel warm love flowing over him, then he felt pain in his stomach which he could see was a demon and the love started pushing out the pain and he was delivered while we watched God work. I’m praying for many more of these encounters next year as we run the 2016 Brisbane Bible Reading Marathon. If you want to be involved or can share with other churches to get involved visit this website below.

A Thought

Does there need to be a change in how we do spiritual warfare?I was in worship one day at Bethel and the Lord said “Jason do you want to see what spiritual warfare looks like?” I said “Yes Lord”, he said “open your eyes”. I opened my eyes and I saw 900 revivalists with their hands in the air praising God. He said “that is spiritual warfare, what the enemy wants most is your worship, he wants to get you to focus your attention on him. So the greatest act of warfare is when he tries to get your attention, CHOOSE to turn your attention and affection to me and worship me with all your heart. This will then allow me to fight on your behalf, to commission my army of angels on your behalf.” I could see our praise and worship like missiles going into the spiritual realms and taking out enemy forces and strongholds as we did nothing but focus our attention on Jesus. This week, if circumstances seem to be drawing your attention to a problem or situation that doesn’t line up with heaven. Make a choice to turn your attention and make a sacrifice of praise and worship to Jesus and see what he will do on your behalf.

Upcoming Events

Please pray for me as I go to an exciting event in Germany from July 3rd to July 22nd. I have an amazing opportunity to be involved with Europe Awakening. The organisers have hired the Nuremberg Stadium with a capacity for 35,000 people, 10,000 people have already registered for the conference. They will have a large tent with capacity for at least 500 people outside the entrance of the stadium which will be a healing tent. There will be time during the conference for people to do workshops, I have been asked to run 3 healing workshops over the 3 days and to help run the healing tent during the conference. We will also be taking the youth out on the streets in Germany to do evangelism. After the conference my friends have arranged for me to do a 2 week tour visiting different churches around Germany preaching the gospel and healing the sick.

Page 5:€¦  · Web viewThen preached at night, my pastor Tony was talking about feeling the same spirit as he felt at Bonnie Brae Street where the Azusa Street

I have had on my heart for a long time since I got back to set up a healing rooms. Praise God, this is now becoming a reality. I have just completed training volunteers at my church and I have 8 that are going to help me start our first “Rooms of Healing” at Bayside Christian Family Church. The first Rooms of Healing will be launched Saturday, 27th June from 9-10:45am at 287 Preston Rd Wynnum. If you know anyone that needs physical healing, please let them know about the Rooms of Healing. It will be open for absolutely anyone to come and receive prayer during those 2 hours and I am highly expectant for God to move in enormous power.

I will also be preaching at Bayside on the 26th July when I return from Germany.

The other exciting news is that I am officially launching my ministry in the next few weeks. I will have both my facebook page and my new website up and running. It will be called “Roar and Soar Ministries” training an army of warriors in Identity, Intimacy and Power. It would really help me out if people would like my facebook page and share my website when they come out to spread the awareness of the ministry. I’ll send another email with the address.


I am also discipling another guy from my Church – Leslie. He is an incredible young man with a passion for God and he is rapidly growing as we go through the program. You will most likely see him at future events with me as well.

This year I was announced at Bayside as officially becoming one of their itinerant ministers. This means that I will have a base from which to be sent from with prayer support and covering and will be regularly on the teaching roster in the church as well to train them.

I have also just completed 2 courses, one called Christian Experts which is run from America and is a marketing course and was absolutely incredible. The other is a Certificate 3 in Small Business which my boss teaches. The course is called Turn your Business Idea into Reality for people that have a business idea but don’t know what to do. He teaches you everything you need to get it up and running. If you know anyone in this position, send them to this website.

I’m also now involved in 2 new small businesses which I would really appreciate prayer in these areas. I’m officially one of only 5 people in Australia certified as a language broker for Life Languages. This is for people personally and also for small businesses and companies. It is a communication effectiveness tool that helps you to understand yourself and others that you are in relationship with and gives you tools to increase your communication and decrease conflict. It was originally established by 2 pastors in America for marriage counselling however has now also been turned into a secular tool for businesses. It has had a huge impact on my life personally with Melissa and with my boss. We have a great opportunity to access government funding for small businesses from the Growth Industry Skills Fund. They will fund up to 75% of our fee depending on the size of a business. If you are interested in the profile either for yourself, your marriage or your business contact myself or visit our website for more details. The website is currently having a couple of problems, however it will be up and running in the next few days.

The other business is an all-in-one nutritional drink that helps to heal, restore and enrich your body. The company was founded by two pastors in Texas birthed from a prophetic word and has recently been brought to Australia. I need prayer for favour in both these business endeavours. If you are interested in this business you can see more details here.

Page 6:€¦  · Web viewThen preached at night, my pastor Tony was talking about feeling the same spirit as he felt at Bonnie Brae Street where the Azusa Street

I am also in the process of setting up an incredible special event for March 2016 which I would love prayer for. I have the incredible opportunity to bring Tommy Welchel over from America to run some meetings in Brisbane. If you haven’t heard of him he is the “last living link to Azusa Street”. Azusa was the greatest revival since Pentecost and had the most outstanding miracles and tangible Glory in our history. Tommy is going to come and share stories of the Miracles of Azusa Street and my prayer is that it will birth a hunger for the Glory of God and his power to be unleashed in Australia again. So put that in your calendar but I will give you more details over the coming year.


Thank you so much to everyone who has supported me financially and to those that have continued to support me, any money I receive now is going into a separate account to fund future ministry. The money will be used when I begin travelling around Australia and any trips I do overseas. I believe that when you give you will receive and I pray an abundant blessing over your finances, your family and every area of your life. Feel free to send any of the newsletters to anyone you think may be encouraged by them.

Continue to pray for my relationship with Melissa that we will grow closer together and to God.Pray for doors to begin opening for me, and wisdom for which doors to walk through.Pray for Germany, that many people will encounter God and many will be healed and saved.Pray for invitations and churches to open up while I’m in Germany.Pray for the Rooms of Healing next week, that many people will encounter the healer.Pray for my job and the businesses that I’m working in at the moment.Pray for God to give me greater compassion for the lost that I would understand how much He loves people.Pray for protection as I battle in the spiritual realms and go deeper with God.Pray for me to gain a deeper revelation on how much God loves me.Pray that I may have a greater revelation of my Identity in Christ and the power and authority that I have.Pray for divine opportunities to share the gospel every day and for people’s hearts to be open.Pray for the upcoming events that many hundreds of people would come into the kingdom and will encounter his love and power.Pray for those who are still considering financially supporting me this year:

1. My bank account details are (Suncorp 484-799 A/C 083649601) or;2. Gifts by cash or cheques to my parents Linda and Graham Rawlings.

A reminder : If you know anyone who would like to receive this newsletter, please send their email address to one of the email addresses below. Anyone who would like a posted copy, just call Mum and Dad on the phone number below and give them the postal address.

Contact Details:

Jason Rawlings [email protected]

0417 757 421

Graham & Linda Rawlings [email protected]

6 Helemon Street Belmont Q 4153 (07) 3390 7061