THE EVENING TIMES WASHINGTON TUESDAY MAY 21 1901 8 r r 3 Kann Sons Go S Kaon Sons CO THE BUSY CORNERS AIAVATS TIlE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE LEAST MOSEY OThe best time of the year to order by mail Is the present one Summer stocks are very complete and many dainty things are offered Our system is so complete that in ordering samples you get very quick and satisfactory ser- vice Light luncheon Toull enjoy shopping here any day In the week because you can appease your appetite without leaving our store with a light dainty luncheon which we serve quickly and appetizlngly A lengthy menu of goodies to order fjcm Birds must have wings to fly but we ase going to make a big offer In Wo mens Muslin Skirts that will fly without wIngs Womens Muslin Petticoats ten different styles trimmed with em QOb- roidery lace hemstitched extra lust ruffle and French band Womens Petticoats made of fine Cambric with deep ruffle 12 strips of lace Insertion IDS tucks trimmed with deep ruffle of 9 f Q lace Womens Petticoats made of Muslin and Cambric with deep umbrella ruffle trimmed with two and three rows of lace and em- broidery insertion finished with deep ruffle of embroidery and O lace S9im 5 Womens Petticoats made of Muslin and Cambric six differ ent them you will find some with extra deep um- brella ruffles of lace with three rows of bunch tucks others have 8 Insertion of Point de Paris lace OBa frO Womens Petticoats made of Cambric and Muslin eight different styles some have two ruffles and trimmed with Val lace insertion oth- ers have two and three rows of Point de Paris and Cotton Tor chon Lace ten rows of embroidery Tld tucks fin ished with embroidery and lace ruffles others have three deep ruf lles of lawn with nine rows of hemstitching and tucks SS98 All lengths from 40 to 44 inches Second floor TJndermuslin Department Let us call your attention again to the fact that there are lots of Dress Trimmings still sold and we are doing the bulk of that selling This menu will be very pleasing to your purses appetite- A few pieces of Allover Braid Net for waists yokes Jackets in black black and gold and white and gold which sold for 193 for New arrival of Black and White Applique embroidered on mousse line these trimmings are the most effective for light summer dresses J one could possibly 51 for A lire of Trimmings including spangle Persian appliques bands and also the latest cretonne applique worth 75c per yard New Black and White Taffeta Bands stitched in gold just the thing Tor trimming skirts and very stylish for belting In Wash Braids will find a selection of blacks white colors and com- bination colors greater and better than we have ever dis f ifk played all widths ranging in prices per yard LJ First floor Section E SEanfl Sons Co 8th S Market Space I Womens Muslin Petticoats stylesamong la insertion Dress Trimmings etc 98 C selectworth C 9 C jacketsalso C jou C and fl U ¬ ¬ > > ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ Si DO YOU DRINK If you dont try it It Is the best of all treats 12 qts for L WASHINGTON BREWERY SO- 4ft and F Streets NE- PJibne 2154 fcrlenTsSl5 h True Blue Serge Suits 1 1 1 J Made to Your Order Also your choice of fine French I Flannels In tans olives also cheviot stripes and fine blue and black Thibets Well make em T just as fashion fitting guaranteed every time You cant eQual em elsewhere unless you pay J15 Closing Out fSO Patterns 5 Trousers eiztnair 505 Seventh Street Austins Dog Bread made by Austin Young t Co Boston IBBIGiiTWOOD CITIZENS MEET The AwBOclutlon Elects Officers for the Year and Adopts Resolution The Brightwood Park Citizens Associa- tion held its annual meeting and election of officers at Thomas Hall Brightwood last night The attendance was large and the result of the election as follows W McK Clayton president Capt Charles W Parker president Frank- J Metcalf secretary W S Detwiler treasurer The new president Mr Clayton called attention to the good work done in the past by the association and the need of still greater activity in the future The question of the postofflce was thor II GOLDEN HOP BEER I U I demandsperfect t 2251 I II I I I I II I I I I I I I I rl Trinkeii L ri d5fll cra 4 4 0t a a- i icY I nfl Y vice ¬ + + + S35QO Reading Standard Roadster 2750 GUARANTEED ryTIL DEC 51 1901 Bicycle repairing of every description Sundries etc etc 477 and 909 Pa Ave N W- 50cUpfor S5 Rough straws and smooth 4rC3W rfraws Low crowns and Fe- doras Dress Hats arid Hats for every day wear Excellent gg straws as low as 59e to 2 C3 tSo Derbys and Soft Hats 31 up PFaricy COLORED soft and stiff bosoms perfect fitting from 50c to 1 MOORE CUI IJIXAJ 433 rtu St SUCCESSORS TO A T LEWIS A Good Fire Is everything in the kitchen To have it good teal must be used Youll always get top sat- isfaction from our WYOMING Coal Its never too late to make a right start If you havent dealt with us before do so now Call and get prices H J ZEH 702 Eleventh Street N W Until May 25 Wonderful Reduction Our Elegant Sew 0 Antique Oak Drop Cabinet Machines With 5 Years Guarantee And Complete Outfit 18 This Week Trial and Instruction Faa Send Postal G AUERBAGH 7 H Domestic Agy Phone 772 bnoes tt ive ityle la aaeni BUcka tans tat leather Equal to O- TO43 Pcnnarlvanla Avenue oughly discussed and a resolution was adopted instructing tile chair to appoint- a committee of twelve to wait upon Post master Merritt and state the wishes of Brightwood Park upon the needs and fa- cilities of the office The need of a pub- lic schoolhouse for Brightwood Park was next brought to the attention of the meet ing and the opinion was expressed that there was an imperative necessity for this improvement It was said that more than 100 school chilSren living in Brightwood Park have half a mile to school and having to gO a large portion of the way in the middle of the road there be- ing no sidewalk A resolution calling the attention of the District Commissioners- and the Board of Education to this con- dition of affairs was adopted I I I ee c fl lOt II II t- I t VICTOR BICYCLE t 1t l i t 0- I i It t t- I II II 0 I 01 I I 0 e f e I I SHIRTSwith I t d 8 n sLI toe c I egen t pAt e I towalk I I WALFORD9S9 i1f u I aewet most shoes 250 ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Established 1823 WILSON YHISKEY Thats All tHE WILSON DISTILLING r 3Ic- 11itJ v t l n g Pi oJ a Omd or Lost M nhood i Lost S P6rm atorrnoea Paine neat Ires mine Uml Lame daChe to Mun of Ia Lemon ot ft1ar e f of WI ChJJl nr r R i lddj B o- 101 ute STEVEyS NInth Street and Pennsrltnfa Avenue BREVITY IS Tift SOUL OF A P 0 LIO GOOD WIFE YOU NEED 4X- IBalthaore Ji 5 Mormon 8lehops pIIetaTcbeninsacccrsseastyuczeders cute Mormon ant seer cms worst cs Ia nd ajsa lo effects scifabiac espum cxcocs er darenesmts Cures hZPlea Power InsOmnla 1950 VarlcocIe1- qI OonitifltIOfl Bto9 QUi 1r p Sm llli em Ut S Y t l ta or t1h 6 tcicl CIcIszn free ainhop Remedy San Francisco Cal by EIIWAfSD wit > = = AFFAIRS Of THE DISTRICT The Board Considers Police De- partment Matters AVfilOTF nnd Children of a Decen c I- 3iemT er of the Force Grunted Pen slons Public Work Commissioners Flue Imposed The District Commissioners this morn- ing considered several matters pertaining- to the Police Department which were promptly disposed of The Board in each instance followed the recommendation of Major Sylvester The case of Policeman Steurmann was the first considered This officer was charged before the Trial Board with con duct unbecoming a policeman in that he failed to patrol his beat properly In the early hours of the morning of May 7 last Private Steurmann was pronounced guilty by the Trial Board Major Sylvester in passing upon the case recommended that the officer be fined and that he be ad vised to consult s police surgeon in the future and take out a sick card if he is so ill as to be unable to perform his duty Another case considered was that of Po liceman F M Howard who was charged with neglect of duty and conduct not be coming a policeman He was pronounced- not guilty Major Sylvester recommended that the finding of the Trial Board be ap- proved but that the officer be cautioned asainst repeating similar conduct The request of Dr W B Hazen was al so considered who requested the removal of the patrol box from In front of the Smallwood Street southwest bf tween Third and Fourth Streets In this case the Major recommended the reference of the request to the Electrical Engineer who suggested that the matter be left in abeyance until the patrol service is re modeled after the beginning of the next fiscal year The Commisioners passed favorably up on the request of H AV Fuller and others that William T Digney be appointed as special policeman for duty on the Colum bia Railway bounds from First Street northeast to Chesapeake Junction The recommendation of the Pension Board of the Police Department relative- to pensions for the widow and children- of the late F T a policeman was also favorably acted upon The rec- ommendation of the board was that Jo sephine T Auldridge be allowed 28 a month during widowhood and that Fran- cis Mary Josephine and Eugene Bertram Auldridge each be allowed 10 a month until they are sixteen years of age paya ble from the police relief fund to fect May 7 1S01 The Commissioners today authorized the Issue of the following orders for public work through the Engineer Department That sewers be constructed along the east side of Le Drcit Avenue crossing Thomas Street and crossing Seaton Street at an estimated cost of 5225 and along the south stile of Rhode Island Avenue cross- ing Le Drolt Avenue at an estimated cost of 25 chargeable to the current appro- priation for suburban sewers That catch basins be constructed at the southwest corners of Rhode Island and Lo Drolt Avenues at an estimated cost of 5110 chargeable to the current appropria tion for main and pipe sewers That basins be constructed In the following localities at a total esti mated cost of 3525 chargeable to the cur rent appropriation for constructing Intersection of and Eighth Streets northwest Brightwood Avenue near Niagara Street northwest Milwaukee Street between Tenleytown Road and Thirtysixth Harrison Street An acostia between Seventeenth and Fen daB Streets Piney Branch Road near XTmatilla Street Takoma Park TUESDAY MAY 21 1001 Weather Indications Continued weather with rain tonight and Wednesday fresh to brisk TEMPERATURE Temperature at a m 53 Temperature at 12 noon g Temperature at 2 p m TIlE SUN AND MOON Sun rose 443 AM I Sun s ts 710 PM Moon rises Moon sets KhSSPM TIDE TABLE Low tide 410 AM and 456 PM tjd 1017 AM and 1044 PM STREET LIGHTING lit today 740 PM Lamps sot tomorrow 351 AJI AMUSEMENTS Columbia The Geisha evening Lafa5etferCaptain Swift evening Chases New Grand Polite vaudeville after noon and evening Kernans Robin Hood Jr Burlesgoers afternoon and evening Bijou The Devils Daughter Buricsquers afternoon and evening Racing at Coliseum Fourteenth and East Capi tol Streets northeast at S p AND ABOUT THE CITY The thermometer at Afflecks C2 de- grees at S a In 74 degrees at noon and 75 at 2p m today JlnrrlnKe License Issued A marriage license was issued today to James B Oliver and Maggie Wood both of this city Charged With Violating Postal Lairs James W Carroll formerly employed as a letter carrier at the City Postoffice was today put on trial in Criminal Court No 1 charged with of the United Ten Dollars William Cleary was fined in the Police today for being disorderly on II Street northwest lie was fined In default he will spend thirty days in the workhouse Pleaded Hearictta Lee oolored pleaded guilty today in the Police Court to stealing 10 from Albert A Frederick She was sent to jail for thirty Joys Assaulted HI Wife Powhattan Madison colored was sent to jail this morning from the Police Court for thirty days He was charged with an alleged assault on his wife Hattie A Wife Pleads for Her Husband Hattie Washington declared In the Police Court today that she did not want her husband sent to jail when he pleaded guilty to assaulting her ODonnell however thought that Washing tons offence was too to be looked over and sent him down for fifteen days Becomes A Public Charge John Marshall colored thirteen years old was sent to the Reform School by Judge ODonnell today He was charred with incorrigibility His mother said he would Dot go to school and that she could not control him Threw Lye at Her nnsliand Louisa Adams colored was sent to jail for sixty days from the Police Court today for M- seultiug her husband It was that in a disturbance at their home on Saturday she threw lye in his face Boy Sentenced for Vagrancy George Hamilton colored fourteen years old was charged with vagrancy in the Police Court today It was said h was found loitering around- on Fourteenth Street northwest When questioned by Judge Kimball he said h was from Baltimore that he been arrested once for stealing a horse and wagon and another time for being a bad boy Pacific Coast and Canadian Rocky MountniiiM Pennsylvania nallnwa midmmnur tour July 8 to August S Rate 1SS50 Flour Tliats White Wont Make Red Blood Use Ideal flour from Ergoods sole agent 610 Pennsylvania Avenue city 10 schoolI take f iJt cEurniu P 6L High m- IN Downtown Temperature de- grees 4 States postal laws or Thirty Days Court 10 to Stealing ECr ous had Ordered ly lie ba- Sins Wthit registered violation Guilty Judge ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > The W W Kimball Go Have Retired From tha Retail Piano Trade in Washington Having Sold Their Entire Stock of Pianos and Organs to Smith Young More Than Sevsnty Pianos to Be Closed Out in the Next Ten Days 1C You Want a Fine Pinno at Less Than Factory Cost Call Early In the Which Begins Tomorrow Movniuf EASY PAYMENTS TO ALL Having purchased the entire stock of Pianos and Organs from the W W Kim- ball Co at No 523 Eleventh Street north west allowing them to retire from the retail trade in Washington we have de cided to sell this stock by June 1 at prices never heard of before in this section We find that our building needs re- decorating and that an entire new floor must be put In at once hence the absolute necessity of disposing of this stock quickly We will pay no attention to cost or former prices but will mark each Instrument in plain figures so that- a child can get as good a bargain as the most expert musician in the land The stock to be sold consists of many of the very best makes now on the market such as the Kimball Whitney Hinze Haiiies Bros and many others All the latest styles and fancy woods As an Instance of how the goods will be marked we offer large size Grand new regular price 250 to 275 for only 132 on easy terms double veneered case pianos usually sold for 250 to JSOO will go at 150 to 185 payable 20 to 25 cash and 8 to 10 a month We have a Decker Bros Concert Grand Piano suitable for concert haIl or school which has been thoroughly over- hauled and Is well worth will sell now for 5235 on easy payments We have the finest Pianos ever brought to this city whichjvill go at a saving of 150 to Si75 We offer a lot of good Square Pianos thoroughly ovrhauled which we will sell at 15 and up to 60 pay able 10 cash isd Jb per month We will shiy pianos to reliable parties anywhere on the above terms Outof town customers will do well to call Or write us fox ful description of Instru- ments or leave selection to us and we will guarantee entire satisfaction Re- member the tale begins Wednesday morning at S oclock Open evenIngs dur sale SMITH YOUNG Sncce or to IV W KImball Co 523 lAth St 3f W DOING GOOD The following extract from a letter written by Mr George II I iadcr publisher of the Breeze Akron N Y uill give you idea oi the o d that is being done by Chamberlains f tafii Remedy in curing colds and grip r wiij and self nave used Cham beriains Cough Remedy la grippe and wish to attest to its beneficial effects thank the manufacturers good they are doing suffer humanity Whenever I hear ot a case oi la grippe I recommend this remedy For tale by Henry Evans Wholesale and Retail and all Druggists All tIle Other Sinns Fault John BracktBboroeghj colored in the Police Court today when charged with being disorderly said he was passing along G Street southwest a woman last night when one of a gang of toughs hit bin in tile mouth He had no fight with a woman as alleged As to being profane he said he was a churchman and did not swear He had taken a glass of beer or two and when ar rested was in a saloon looking in a mirror at his swollen lip the result of the toughs blow He was fined 5 and in default will serve fifteen days in the workhouse Women Mary Cross and Elizabeth Burrows were fined 5 each in the Police Court today when charged with disorderly conduct on First Street south west It was alleged that tt women engaged in a fight and made the ears of bystanders tingle jith their profanity They were fined 5 each and will serve fifteen days ia the workhouse in default of payment Fred Johnson colored was charged with being disorderly He said he was looking at the fight between the Cross and Bur rows woman and was arrested for this He was fined 55 and will serve fifteen days in jaiL Vagrants Sent to the Workhouse 0 har Robinson Monroe Bell anti Dennis Stew- art all colored were caught in Jackson Hall alley last night and were the Police Court They all claimed they came from North Carolina on a hunt for work They will each serve five days in the workhouse Willis Wiggins white was found in a shed on the fish wharf last night and was in court charged with vagrancy He was sent down for ten days An Expensive Untrnth Richard Peek colored was in the Police Court charged with being drunk and disor- derly on Saturday night He told Judge Kimball he was sixteen He looked older and his case was continued to ascertain his true age His sister testified today that he was eighteen Judge bell said his fine if he had told the truth would 5 sit as he had tried to deceive him he would make it JO Peck went to the work- house for thirty days Whisky io Prisoners George Mann colored was fined 500 in the Police Court today for selling whisky without license and hi default will serve six months in the workhouse Kann ran a peculiar of en terprise He has been a frequenter of house for years and usually when sent down is given occupation in the storeroom of that insti- tution It was shown by several witnesses who said they purchased from him that he had been selling prisoners flSiiil Appear DRINK In tbo spring get close to Nature of roots that builds health and stirs the blood to throw off all impurities Delightfully re IMPORTANT BUSINESS CHANGE I I 1 I I Upright Pianos in any finish desired Elc ant 600 the in with Engage in at Fight in today charged with Kiw- have een sort the rk t by Rootbeer f the tom ran ce made t reciting days of spring A 9ceflL package ii gallon for sleW Gtrer- CDAULES Eo if Sale Sql A some great for adtF for vagrancy yesterday Sold 1A I 1HJSo- otber t II A I j1 4i S tIillEsCu ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ° ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ mJ 18ankrupTf g Stockl of The HarrisYoung Co Rochester N Y Bought at 30c on the Dollar FOLLOW THE PEOPLE the Sale of the Mens Suits 339 20 different styles of Cassimere and Cheviot Suits in an endless array of patterns Perfect made and fitting- A suit that ordi- narily sells for J7 and 8 Bankrupt Price Mens Suits 563 Floe Velour Cas slmeree H i gh grade Cheviots and Softfinished Black Thibcls All sizes Each garment per feet fitting andhard to duplicate for 10 and 12 Bankrupt Price Mens Suits 638 Fancy Striped A Flannel and 5 Suits Military fitting coats and finished in excellent style Suits worth 15 Bankrupt Price 5 Mens Odd Coats Y from IS and J16 suits Menrs Working Pants 3 9 J Ii 5 6 3 0 i Q 6 38 wors- ted I 1012 1 75 Ban Price llr- e 75c I t G 4 9 e 0 9 e 0 r 7 ¬ > + 198 ARwool 198 and Suits in a large variety of checks and plaids sizes 7 to 15 years Worth t 4 Bankrupt Price Boys t Sizes 7 to S 1 2 8 with doublebreast p O- rcd Jacket choice or ten different styles worth 3 t The Fin suits ever 5 Hi Bankrupt Price Suits sUits sizes 5 7 and S S kind C i 75c i 298 t 3 Mens Bike Pants SI2- 7lJlens S27 Boys Suits Cheviot Cassimere Suits 128 ilyears Bankrupt Price stMens made wholesale 11- jnIce I14 4 4- Childrens 400Childrens x 6 Regular 4 and Boys Knee Pants 2ac 78 iflcnsBkc Suits i1ackintoshe + Mammoth Bargains In Our Mens Furnishings Department iY 15c Linen Handkerchiefs 3c SOc fast colors Mens Underwear20c 25c Black and Tan and fancy Half Hose fast colors 9c 4 H OW TO HAVE FRAPPED SUNLIGHT IN YOUR HOUSE SUMMER NIGHTS- On Thirteenth Street near F the Acetylene headquarters theres a new lamp called the Electrolite Looks and weighs the same as the usual stand lamp except it wears no chim neyBut the light from it Imagine every gas burner in your house bunched on one chandelier and lit up All that glare is like the flame of a tal low dip alongside the sunlight brilliancy of an Etectrolite Instead of oil pour into it car- bide looks like brown earth and is about as harmless Turn the key same as a lamp and sunlight thats no pens As soft as the last of a sunset or as dazzlingly brilliant as high noon on a sunny Au- gust day No you cant cook by you can read and yon can by as for summer nights when gaslighted heated rooms drive you out on the stoop think only of this light as being frapped sunlight Throws off no heat to speak of it The cost Itll average you in the service you get out of it about 75c a year How about one for the house this summer Its up to you Thirteenth Street No 525 Acetylene Headquarters WALTER B CLAY Colored Men to BTarc a Banquet A banquet lisa been arranged by a number of prominent colored men of this city to be held at Odd Fellows Hall il street between Sixteenth rind Seventeenth streets on Saturday evening at S oclock It is intended to form a permanent association for the advancement of the material interests of the members John 1 Green United States stamp agent will be the honored guest Brayed for a Chance to Reform Thomas Burns and John Williams were fined 10 each in the Police Court today on a charge of vagrancy Burns got out of the army about four weeks asp It was said in cowl that he had been drunk ever since Williams admitted luring been iatoxictted n several occasions recentiy but de- nied he was a vagrant Sums lagged for dis- missal that be might a pledge and reform and Williams declared that lie was liable to lose his job if convicted but the court sent both men to the workhouse in default of their tines Theodore Winkler by his will dated February last filed today for probate leaves entire estate to his son Theodore Homer Winkler In the event of his son dying before his mother the testator directs that the property shall revert to his widow By the terms of the will of Mary Ann Dorsey dated January 25 1892 leaves a gold watch to her granddaughter Mary S and the remainder of her personal property and her real estate to lice sons George E Usenet of this city and Elmer F Dorsey of Kansas City Kan The Deaths Record The following deaths for twentyfour hours were reported at the Health Department up to noon today Elsie Tingle S6 years Edward Stanton S3 years Matilda F Robinson 5 years Hannah Purcell 67 years James T Roach 53 yeses Beverly Lucas 4S years Arthur Asrins 40 years Winons Wwtharby Jones 31 years William A Pilcher 27 yeses Luttrell FaUin 28 years Bertha Dictson 21 years Lillie B Brown 1 years Andrew Foster 1 yeas Robert Shelton 6 months infant of SaUte Brown 1 month James F Mai liens ii infant of May J Harris 1 day jesthap itbut enter- tain itand and is to address the meeting j take Filed Prolnte 27 hi Dorsey Thomas Smoot 21 Two Wills for years Iris day ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Mens Blue Serge Suits 498 The kind that j wont fade and guaranteed to give satisfaction every time Heres a suit other stores ask JS for Bankrupt Price Mens Suits 835 Checks Stripes Black Thibets and ISounce Clays sin- gle and double breasted styles Good values Bankrupt Price Young Mens Suits 325 An opportunity for the young men Sizes 14 to 13 years Allwool Suits in a neat variety of pat- terns 7 and 8 values Bankrupt Price Hens Trousers 166 In checks stripes plaids and herring bone effects Not a pair In the lot worth less than 4 and 5 Mens Trousers 95c Fully worth three times the price we ask Mens Spring Overcoats In all the newest shades regular 7 value Bankrupt SO Price 3JJ 4 9 8 i 8 3 5 I 18 3 2 h B 1J ¬ lac Suspenders 8c 50c Mens Working Shirts collar at- tached 23c Mens String Ties and Band Bows5c Corner Ninth and E Streets N W Ii Bro f- Ii t- l OOO 9 tOO oe e HFrIedider = A Violation of the KooiT Lair William E Larentz forfeited 10 collateral in the Police Court today lie was charged with violating the Food law It was alleged that he sold and offered for sale milk that contained less than three and onehalf per cent of fat Joseph Duck tr has filed suit against Edward W Donn to recover 3000 claimed as damages for alleged malicious prosecution It is claimed that defendant on May 17 1000 instituted proceedings in the Police Ccurt against the plain- tiff charging him with tIe larceny of a certain iron girder valued at 25 Upon the trial of the case Duekett stated he was acquitted of the charge by the jury which heard the evidence Cash or Credit 98c A fine white enameled Bed 2 9 S Mayer Pettiti Seventh St DrunkellneSSORR- ThE II cure of lIquor habit Can be without the patient knowledge and is absolutely harmless Gear inted remedy or money refunded Per asia in Washington by Edward P Mertz Pharmacist ill0 F St Next to Columbia STIErr PIANOS Direct Branch cl Factory fin ELKIENTII ST J C Suit Ualieious Proseention th Large highback Porch Rocker value heavy pillars beam trimmings4P a 415417 S positive the given Theate NW CONLJFF Mana- erF4eC rLiipaio A for 75c Negligee Shirts with two sepa rate collars and cuffs 48c Mens Derbies and Fedoras in black and tan shades 95c 15c Mens Garters 7c ¬ Old Bruin king of all dark beers Strictly union made it- rTflWQHiyiPBQ BREWING i COMPANY t t Telephone West 129 for a case j caused by abase or other excesses aol in discretions and resulting la shattered I tierres o Br tn J ck I of vital I poad8acj I and other dlsirsscis sriaotona too Sr aJM TABLETS t TIer nnd sandy restore lost roan tar J study bcainessoriaarri anti Consumption iftaken in time having genuine Ajai Tablets cured thousands and will ears you We a positive written guarantee to e3ect a cure in each case or refund the money Price OU UIOc padrasoorBuc pkgs full for 2501 Br AJAX EEiIEI y CO B25 Dearborn St Chicago sale in Washington D O bv Edward Stevens 9th st and Pa ave Edmonds Wil- liams 3d rt and Pa ave R L Eliot 1017 II st nw and Vr 0 Duckett 2150 Pa ave Uncle Sam Dont Wear 7 Cushion Truss over the United States Men women and children wear and like them The Air Cushion Pad holds with comfort nothing else will Consultation and two weeks trial free Ldtiy in attendance for ladies Office parlors waiting rad consultation rooms on the same floor Catalogues free TIlE ROlliCK AIR CUSHION TRUSS COMPANY 0224 F st nw d floor lv Sans Cktn ia tis Eiati Iilr for proofs of cores We solicit tho most obstinate cases We have cured tha worst eases in 15 to 85 djs CapIul T pas booiFREE No COOK REMEDY CO 1651 Masonic Temple Chicago Ill OURE YOURSELF Xrs Big for unnatnrrl atioc3 irritations or ulcerations of mucous membrane Painless nod nut gntorpoionoos SoW fc3T jDmSSfci in plain wrapper by express prepaid for 8100 or 3 J2T5 Circular sent on reqcr- stfjf for a Divorce Susie Seal has filed suit for divorce against her husband Webster Neal OB the ground of and nonsupport She also alleges tht the defendant has often assaulted her The partial were married in this city in 199S and to gether until June ISM Mrs represented- by Scipio Baker as counsel UelliKercnt and Disorderly Susan drfford colored so a polfeemaxr said in the Police Court today paraded up aadsTdwi Missouri Avenue northwest last night in cMedly belligerent state of mind She failed to get anybody notwithstanding she showered profanity upon nearly every person who passed her Ssewas fined 10 and failure to pay will result in her spending thirty days in the workhouse tt 1 aka cr- I T1 give I iu plain wrn receiPt ofPr For A but be carries the AIr all flJJI llu Set 1 1 Write D Pure Afalt Whiskey Wife Sues de- sErtion lived a do to accommodate her with x c I I i p I I3L fb 1d c c acit ii I T s1 t 4 1 E 1- H NERVOUS WKSc- I a j quickly I de a Prevent In- sanity xisiet treatment mail truer q if Thrul CpperColored fish Ithil 011 5p I CURES r Ia I to 5 Gaazsnieed as atriame Preciit Cretaioi salem OP TrsEsessOaiecatco asrnutiio h S 5 1 or cent d 7 00 A 4 Neal is afight > ¬ ¬ + << + ° + o AS T R I A r rlsand Jijf n DestiiJ- ha Kind You Have Always Bought Sign uro 1 A7

Transcript of r Sons FOLLOW THEr 8 THE EVENING TIMES WASHINGTON TUESDAY MAY 21 1901 r 3 Kann Sons Go S Kaon Sons...



3 Kann Sons Go S Kaon Sons CO


OThe best time of the year to order by mail Is the present one Summerstocks are very complete and many dainty things are offered Our system isso complete that in ordering samples you get very quick and satisfactory ser-


Light luncheon Toull enjoy shopping here any day In the week becauseyou can appease your appetite without leaving our store with a light daintyluncheon which we serve quickly and appetizlngly A lengthy menu of goodiesto order fjcm

Birds must have wings to fly but we ase going to make a big offer In Womens Muslin Skirts that will fly without wIngs

Womens Muslin Petticoats ten different styles trimmed with em QOb-roidery lace hemstitched extra lust ruffle and French band

Womens Petticoats made of fine Cambric with deep ruffle12 strips of lace Insertion IDS tucks trimmed with deep ruffle of 9 f Qlace

Womens Petticoats made of Muslin and Cambric with deepumbrella ruffle trimmed with two and three rows of lace and em-broidery insertion finished with deep ruffle of embroidery and Olace S9im 5

Womens Petticoats made of Muslin and Cambric six different them you will find some with extra deep um-brella ruffles of lace with three rows of bunch tucks others have 8

Insertion of Point de Paris lace OBa frOWomens Petticoats made of Cambric and Muslin eight different styles

some have two ruffles and trimmed with Val lace insertion oth-ers have two and three rows of Point de Paris and Cotton Torchon Lace ten rows of embroidery Tld tucks finished with embroidery and lace ruffles others have three deep ruflles of lawn with nine rows of hemstitching and tucks SS98

All lengths from 40 to 44 inchesSecond floor TJndermuslin Department

Let us call your attention again to the fact that there are lots of DressTrimmings still sold and we are doing the bulk of that selling This menuwill be very pleasing to your purses appetite-

A few pieces of Allover Braid Net for waists yokes Jacketsin black black and gold and white and gold which sold for 193 for

New arrival of Black and White Applique embroidered on mousseline these trimmings are the most effective for light summer dresses Jone could possibly 51 for

A lire of Trimmings including spangle Persian appliquesbands and also the latest cretonne applique worth 75c per yard

New Black and White Taffeta Bands stitched in gold just thething Tor trimming skirts and very stylish for belting

In Wash Braids will find a selection of blacks white colors and com-bination colors greater and better than we have ever dis f ifkplayed all widths ranging in prices per yard LJ

First floor Section E

SEanfl Sons Co 8th S Market Space


Womens Muslin Petticoats


la insertion

Dress Trimmingsetc 9 8 C

selectworth C

9Cjacketsalso C






> >








If you dont tryit It Is the best ofall treats 12 qtsfor L



4ft and F Streets NE-

PJibne 2154

fcrlenTsSl5 hTrue Blue Serge Suits 1 1 1 J

Made to Your Order

Also your choice of fine French I

Flannels In tans olives alsocheviot stripes and fine blue andblack Thibets Well make em Tjust as fashionfitting guaranteed every timeYou cant eQual em elsewhereunless you pay J15

Closing OutfSO Patterns 5 Trousers

eiztnair505 Seventh Street

Austins Dog Breadmade by Austin Young t Co Boston


The AwBOclutlon Elects Officers forthe Year and Adopts Resolution

The Brightwood Park Citizens Associa-tion held its annual meeting and electionof officers at Thomas Hall Brightwoodlast night The attendance was large andthe result of the election as follows

W McK Clayton president CaptCharles W Parker president Frank-J Metcalf secretary W S Detwilertreasurer

The new president Mr Clayton calledattention to the good work done in thepast by the association and the need ofstill greater activity in the future

The question of the postofflce was thor









rl Trinkeii




4 4 0t a a-

i icY I





+ +

S35QOReading Standard Roadster

2750GUARANTEED ryTIL DEC 51 1901Bicycle repairing of every description

Sundries etc etc

477 and 909 Pa Ave N W-

50cUpforS5 Rough straws and smooth4rC3W rfraws Low crowns and Fe-

doras Dress Hats arid Hats forevery day wear Excellentgg straws as low as 59e to 2

C3 tSo Derbys and Soft Hats 31 upPFaricy COLORED soft and

stiff bosoms perfect fitting from 50c to 1


A Good FireIs everything in the kitchen To have it goodteal must be used Youll always get top sat-isfaction from our WYOMING Coal Its nevertoo late to make a right start If you haventdealt with us before do so now Call and getprices

H J ZEH702 Eleventh Street N W

Until May 25Wonderful Reduction

Our Elegant Sew 0Antique Oak Drop CabinetMachines With 5 YearsGuarantee And CompleteOutfit 18 This WeekTrial and InstructionFaa Send Postal


Domestic Agy Phone 772

bnoestt ive ityle la aaeni

BUcka tanstat leather Equal to O-

TO43 Pcnnarlvanla Avenue

oughly discussed and a resolution wasadopted instructing tile chair to appoint-a committee of twelve to wait upon Postmaster Merritt and state the wishes ofBrightwood Park upon the needs and fa-cilities of the office The need of a pub-lic schoolhouse for Brightwood Park wasnext brought to the attention of the meeting and the opinion was expressed thatthere was an imperative necessity for thisimprovement It was said that more than100 school chilSren living in BrightwoodPark have half a mile to schooland having to gO a large portion of theway in the middle of the road there be-ing no sidewalk A resolution calling theattention of the District Commissioners-and the Board of Education to this con-dition of affairs was adopted

I I I e e c fl lOt II II t-




I iItt t-

I I I II 0 I 01 I I 0 e f e I I




d 8n sLI toe c

I egen tpAt









aewet most











Established 1823





11itJ v t l n g PioJ aOmdor Lost M nhood i

Lost S P6rm atorrnoea Paineneat Ires mine Uml LamedaChe to Mun of Ia

Lemonot ft1ar e

f of WI ChJJl nr r R ilddj B o-

101 ute STEVEyS NInth Street and Pennsrltnfa Avenue



Ji 5 Mormon 8lehops pIIetaTcbeninsacccrsseastyuczeders cute Mormonant seer cms worst cs Ia nd ajsa lo effects

scifabiac espum cxcocs er darenesmts CureshZPlea Power InsOmnla

1950 VarlcocIe1-qI OonitifltIOfl Bto9 QUi 1rp Sm llli em Ut S Y t l ta

or t1h 6 tcicl CIcIszn free ainhop Remedy San Francisco Calby EIIWAfSD





The Board Considers Police De-

partment Matters

AVfilOTF nnd Children of a Decen c I-

3iemT er of the Force Grunted Penslons Public WorkCommissioners Flue Imposed

The District Commissioners this morn-ing considered several matters pertaining-to the Police Department which werepromptly disposed of The Board in eachinstance followed the recommendation ofMajor Sylvester

The case of Policeman Steurmann wasthe first considered This officer wascharged before the Trial Board with conduct unbecoming a policeman in that hefailed to patrol his beat properly In theearly hours of the morning of May 7 lastPrivate Steurmann was pronounced guiltyby the Trial Board Major Sylvester inpassing upon the case recommended thatthe officer be fined and that he be advised to consult s police surgeon in thefuture and take out a sick card if he isso ill as to be unable to perform his duty

Another case considered was that of Policeman F M Howard who was chargedwith neglect of duty and conduct not becoming a policeman He was pronounced-not guilty Major Sylvester recommendedthat the finding of the Trial Board be ap-proved but that the officer be cautionedasainst repeating similar conduct

The request of Dr W B Hazen was also considered who requested the removalof the patrol box from In front of theSmallwood Street southwest bftween Third and Fourth Streets In thiscase the Major recommended the referenceof the request to the Electrical Engineerwho suggested that the matter be left inabeyance until the patrol service is remodeled after the beginning of the nextfiscal year

The Commisioners passed favorably upon the request of H AV Fuller and othersthat William T Digney be appointed asspecial policeman for duty on the Columbia Railway bounds from First Streetnortheast to Chesapeake Junction

The recommendation of the PensionBoard of the Police Department relative-to pensions for the widow and children-of the late F T a policemanwas also favorably acted upon The rec-ommendation of the board was that Josephine T Auldridge be allowed 28 amonth during widowhood and that Fran-cis Mary Josephine and Eugene BertramAuldridge each be allowed 10 a monthuntil they are sixteen years of age payable from the police relief fund tofect May 7 1S01

The Commissioners today authorized theIssue of the following orders for publicwork through the Engineer Department

That sewers be constructed along theeast side of Le Drcit Avenue crossingThomas Street and crossing Seaton Streetat an estimated cost of 5225 and along thesouth stile of Rhode Island Avenue cross-ing Le Drolt Avenue at an estimated costof 25 chargeable to the current appro-priation for suburban sewers

That catch basins be constructed at thesouthwest corners of Rhode Island andLo Drolt Avenues at an estimated cost of5110 chargeable to the current appropriation for main and pipe sewers

That basins be constructed Inthe following localities at a total estimated cost of 3525 chargeable to the current appropriation for constructingIntersection of and Eighth

Streets northwest Brightwood Avenuenear Niagara Street northwest MilwaukeeStreet between Tenleytown Road andThirtysixth Harrison Street Anacostia between Seventeenth and FendaB Streets Piney Branch Road nearXTmatilla Street Takoma Park


Weather IndicationsContinued weather with rain tonightand Wednesday fresh to brisk

TEMPERATURETemperature at a m 53Temperature at 12 noon gTemperature at 2 p m

TIlE SUN AND MOONSun rose 443 AM I Sun s ts 710 PMMoon rises Moon sets KhSSPM

TIDE TABLELow tide 410 AM and 456 PMtjd 1017 AM and 1044 PM

STREET LIGHTINGlit today 740 PMLamps sot tomorrow 351 AJI

AMUSEMENTSColumbia The Geisha eveningLafa5etferCaptain Swift eveningChases New Grand Polite vaudeville afternoon and eveningKernans Robin Hood Jr Burlesgoers

afternoon and eveningBijou The Devils Daughter Buricsquers

afternoon and eveningRacing at Coliseum Fourteenth and East Capi

tol Streets northeast at S p


The thermometer at Afflecks C2 de-grees at S a In 74 degrees at noon and 75

at 2 p m today

JlnrrlnKe License IssuedA marriage license was issued today to James B

Oliver and Maggie Wood both of this city

Charged With Violating Postal LairsJames W Carroll formerly employed as a

letter carrier at the City Postoffice was today puton trial in Criminal Court No 1 charged with

of the United

Ten DollarsWilliam Cleary was fined in the Police

today for being disorderly on II Street northwestlie was fined In default he will spend thirtydays in the workhouse

PleadedHearictta Lee oolored pleaded guilty today

in the Police Court to stealing 10 from Albert AFrederick She was sent to jail for thirty Joys

Assaulted HI WifePowhattan Madison colored was sent to jail

this morning from the Police Court for thirtydays He was charged with an alleged assault onhis wife Hattie

A Wife Pleads for Her HusbandHattie Washington declared In the Police Court

today that she did not want her husband sent tojail when he pleaded guilty to assaulting her

ODonnell however thought that Washingtons offence was too to be looked overand sent him down for fifteen days

Becomes A Public ChargeJohn Marshall colored thirteen years old was

sent to the Reform School by Judge ODonnelltoday He was charred with incorrigibility Hismother said he would Dot go to school and thatshe could not control him

Threw Lye at Her nnsliandLouisa Adams colored was sent to jail for

sixty days from the Police Court today for M-

seultiug her husband It was that in adisturbance at their home on Saturday she threwlye in his face

Boy Sentenced for VagrancyGeorge Hamilton colored fourteen years old

was charged with vagrancy in the Police Courttoday It was said h was found loitering around-on Fourteenth Street northwest When questionedby Judge Kimball he said h was from Baltimorethat he been arrested once for stealing a horseand wagon and another time for being a badboy

Pacific Coast and Canadian RockyMountniiiM

Pennsylvania nallnwa midmmnur tour July8 to August S Rate 1SS50

Flour Tliats White Wont Make RedBlood

Use Ideal flour from Ergoods sole agent 610Pennsylvania Avenue city



take f

iJt cEurniu






Downtown Temperature



States postal laws

or Thirty DaysCourt


to Stealing

ECr ous


Ordered ly lie































The W W Kimball Go Have

Retired From tha Retail

Piano Trade in


Having Sold Their Entire Stock of

Pianos and Organs to

Smith Young

More Than Sevsnty Pianos to Be Closed

Out in the Next Ten Days

1C You Want a Fine Pinno at LessThan Factory Cost Call Early In

the Which BeginsTomorrow Movniuf


Having purchased the entire stock ofPianos and Organs from the W W Kim-ball Co at No 523 Eleventh Street northwest allowing them to retire from theretail trade in Washington we have decided to sell this stock by June 1 atprices never heard of before in thissection

We find that our building needs re-decorating and that an entire new floormust be put In at once hence the absolutenecessity of disposing of this stockquickly We will pay no attention tocost or former prices but will markeach Instrument in plain figures so that-a child can get as good a bargain as themost expert musician in the land Thestock to be sold consists of many of thevery best makes now on the marketsuch as the Kimball Whitney HinzeHaiiies Bros and many others All thelatest styles and fancy woods

As an Instance of how the goods willbe marked we offer large size Grand newregular price 250 to 275 for only 132on easy terms

double veneered case pianosusually sold for 250 to JSOO will go at

150 to 185 payable 20 to 25 cash and 8to 10 a month

We have a Decker Bros Concert GrandPiano suitable for concert haIl orschool which has been thoroughly over-hauled and Is well worth will sellnow for 5235 on easy payments

We have the finest Pianos ever broughtto this city whichjvill go at a saving of

150 to Si75We offer a lot of good Square Pianos

thoroughly ovrhauled which we willsell at 15 and up to 60 payable 10 cash isd Jb per month

We will shiy pianos to reliable partiesanywhere on the above terms Outoftown customers will do well to call Orwrite us fox ful description of Instru-ments or leave selection to us and wewill guarantee entire satisfaction Re-member the tale begins Wednesdaymorning at S oclock Open evenIngs dur


Sncce or to IV W KImball Co523 lAth St 3f W

DOING GOODThe following extract from a letter written

by Mr George II I iadcr publisher of theBreeze Akron N Y uill give youidea oi the o d that is being done byChamberlains f tafii Remedy in curing coldsand grip r wiij and self nave used Chamberiains Cough Remedy la grippe and wishto attest to its beneficial effects thank themanufacturers good they are doing suffer

humanity Whenever I hear ot a case oi lagrippe I recommend this remedy For tale byHenry Evans Wholesale and Retail and allDruggists

All tIle Other Sinns FaultJohn BracktBboroeghj colored in the Police

Court today when charged with being disorderlysaid he was passing along G Street southwest

a woman last night when one of a gang oftoughs hit bin in tile mouth He had no fightwith a woman as alleged As to being profane hesaid he was a churchman and did not swear Hehad taken a glass of beer or two and when arrested was in a saloon looking in a mirror athis swollen lip the result of the toughs blowHe was fined 5 and in default will serve fifteendays in the workhouse

WomenMary Cross and Elizabeth Burrows were fined 5

each in the Police Court today when chargedwith disorderly conduct on First Street southwest It was alleged that tt women engaged ina fight and made the ears of bystanders tinglejith their profanity They were fined 5 eachand will serve fifteen days ia the workhouse indefault of payment Fred Johnson colored wascharged with being disorderly He said he waslooking at the fight between the Cross and Burrows woman and was arrested for this He wasfined 55 and will serve fifteen days in jaiL

Vagrants Sent to the Workhouse0 har Robinson Monroe Bell anti Dennis Stew-

art all colored were caught in Jackson Hallalley last night and were the Police Court

They all claimedthey came from North Carolina on a hunt forwork They will each serve five days in theworkhouse Willis Wiggins white was foundin a shed on the fish wharf last night and wasin court charged with vagrancy He was sentdown for ten days

An Expensive UntrnthRichard Peek colored was in the Police Court

charged with being drunk and disor-derly on Saturday night He told Judge Kimballhe was sixteen He looked older and his case wascontinued to ascertain his true age His sistertestified today that he was eighteen Judgebell said his fine if he had told the truth would

5 sit as he had tried to deceive himhe would make it JO Peck went to the work-house for thirty days

Whisky io PrisonersGeorge Mann colored was fined 500 in the

Police Court today for selling whisky withoutlicense and hi default will serve six months inthe workhouse Kann ran a peculiar of enterprise He has been a frequenter ofhouse for years and usually when sent down isgiven occupation in the storeroom of that insti-tution It was shown by several witnesses whosaid they purchased from him that he had beenselling prisoners



In tbo spring get close to Nature

of roots that builds healthand stirs the blood to throw offall impurities Delightfully re







I Upright Pianos in any finish desired

Elc ant




Engage in at Fight

intoday charged with


have een

sortthe rk


by Rootbeerf the tom rance madet

reciting days ofspring A 9ceflL package

ii gallonfor sleW Gtrer-













1HJSo-otber t



Ij14i S

















mJ18ankrupTf g Stockl

of The HarrisYoung Co Rochester N Y

Bought at 30c on the Dollar

FOLLOW THE PEOPLEthe Sale of the

Mens Suits 33920 different styles

of Cassimere andCheviot Suits in anendless array ofpatterns Perfectmade and fitting-A suit that ordi-narily sells for J7and 8 BankruptPrice

Mens Suits 563Floe Velour Cas

slmeree H i g hgrade Cheviots andSoftfinished BlackThibcls All sizesEach garment perfeet fitting andhardto duplicate for 10and 12 BankruptPrice

Mens Suits 638Fancy Striped A

Flannel and5 Suits Military

fitting coats andfinished in excellentstyle Suits worth

15 Bankrupt Price

5 Mens Odd Coats

Y from IS and J16 suits

Menrs Working Pants



56 3

0 i



ted I

1012 1 7 5Ban Pricellr-e 75c




0 r7





198andSuits in a largevariety of checksand plaids sizes7 to 15 years Worth t4 Bankrupt Price

Boys tSizes 7 to


28with doublebreast p O-

rcd Jacket choiceor ten differentstyles worth 3 t

The Finsuits ever 5Hi Bankrupt Price


sUits sizes 5 7and S

S kind C i75c i

298 t3 Mens Bike Pants SI2-

7lJlens S27

Boys SuitsCheviot


Suits 128ilyears

Bankrupt Price

stMensmade wholesale 11-

jnIce I14 44-

Childrens400Childrens x

6Regular 4


Boys Knee Pants 2ac

78 iflcnsBkc Suits



Mammoth Bargains In Our Mens Furnishings Department iY

15c Linen Handkerchiefs 3cSOc fast colors Mens Underwear20c25c Black and Tan and fancy Half

Hose fast colors 9c4


On Thirteenth Street near Fthe Acetylene headquarterstheres a new lamp called theElectrolite Looks and weighsthe same as the usual standlamp except it wears no chim

neyBut the light from itImagine every gas burner in

your house bunched on onechandelier and lit up All thatglare is like the flame of a tallow dip alongside the sunlightbrilliancy of an Etectrolite

Instead of oil pour into it car-

bide looks like brown earthand is about as harmless Turnthe key same as a lamp andsunlight thats nopens As soft as the last of asunset or as dazzlingly brilliantas high noon on a sunny Au-gust day

No you cant cook byyou can read and yon can

by as for summernights when gaslighted heatedrooms drive you out on thestoop think only of this light asbeing frapped sunlight Throwsoff no heat to speak of it

The cost Itll average youin the service you get out of itabout 75c a year

How about one for the housethis summer

Its up to youThirteenth Street No 525Acetylene Headquarters


Colored Men to BTarc a BanquetA banquet lisa been arranged by a number of

prominent colored men of this city to be held atOdd Fellows Hall il street between Sixteenthrind Seventeenth streets on Saturday evening atS oclock It is intended to form a permanentassociation for the advancement of the materialinterests of the members John 1 Green United

States stamp agent will be the honored guest

Brayed for a Chance to ReformThomas Burns and John Williams were fined 10

each in the Police Court today on a charge ofvagrancy Burns got out of the army about fourweeks asp It was said in cowl that he had beendrunk ever since Williams admitted luring beeniatoxictted n several occasions recentiy but de-

nied he was a vagrant Sums lagged for dis-

missal that be might a pledge and reformand Williams declared that lie was liable to losehis job if convicted but the court sent both mento the workhouse in default of their tines

Theodore Winkler by his will dated Februarylast filed today for probate leaves entire

estate to his son Theodore Homer Winkler Inthe event of his son dying before his motherthe testator directs that the property shall revertto his widow By the terms of the will of MaryAnn Dorsey dated January 25 1892 leaves a goldwatch to her granddaughter Mary S andthe remainder of her personal property and herreal estate to lice sons George E Usenet of thiscity and Elmer F Dorsey of Kansas City Kan

The Deaths RecordThe following deaths for twentyfour hours were

reported at the Health Department up to noontoday Elsie Tingle S6 years Edward StantonS3 years Matilda F Robinson 5 years HannahPurcell 67 years James T Roach 53 yesesBeverly Lucas 4S years Arthur Asrins 40 yearsWinons Wwtharby Jones 31 years William A

Pilcher 27 yesesLuttrell FaUin 28 years Bertha Dictson 21

years Lillie B Brown 1 years Andrew Foster1 yeas Robert Shelton 6 months infant of

SaUte Brown 1 month James F Mai liens iiinfant of May J Harris 1 day



tain itand

and is to address the meeting



Filed Prolnte27 hi


Thomas Smoot 21

Two Wills for

years Iris









Mens Blue Serge Suits 498The kind that j

wont fade andguaranteed to givesatisfaction everytime Heres a suitother stores ask JSfor Bankrupt Price

Mens Suits 835Checks Stripes

Black Thibets andISounce Clays sin-gle and doublebreasted stylesGood valuesBankrupt Price

Young Mens Suits 325An opportunity

for the young menSizes 14 to 13 yearsAllwool Suits in aneat variety of pat-terns 7 and 8values BankruptPrice

Hens Trousers 166In checks stripes plaids and herringbone effects Not a pair In the lotworth less than 4 and 5

Mens Trousers 95cFully worth three times the price we


Mens Spring OvercoatsIn all the newest shadesregular 7 value Bankrupt SOPrice 3JJ

4 9 8i

83 5



32 h

B 1J


lac Suspenders 8c50c Mens Working Shirts collar at-

tached 23cMens String Ties and Band Bows5c

Corner Ninth and E Streets N WIi Bro f-

Ii t-

l OOO 9 tOO oe e


A Violation of the KooiT LairWilliam E Larentz forfeited 10 collateral in

the Police Court today lie was charged withviolating the Food law It was alleged that hesold and offered for sale milk that contained lessthan three and onehalf per cent of fat

Joseph Duck tr has filed suit against EdwardW Donn to recover 3000 claimed as damagesfor alleged malicious prosecution It is claimedthat defendant on May 17 1000 institutedproceedings in the Police Ccurt against the plain-tiff charging him with tIe larceny of a certainiron girder valued at 25 Upon the trial of thecase Duekett stated he was acquitted of thecharge by the jury which heard the evidence

Cash or Credit


A fine white enameled Bed

2 9SMayer Pettiti

Seventh St


ThE II cure of lIquorhabit Can be without the patientknowledge and is absolutely harmless Gearinted remedy or money refunded Per asia

in Washington by

Edward P MertzPharmacist ill0 F St Next to Columbia


Direct Branch cl Factoryfin ELKIENTII STJ C

Suit Ualieious Proseention


Large highback PorchRocker

valueheavy pillars beamtrimmings4P a


S positive thegiven



erF4eC rLiipaio

A for

75c Negligee Shirts with two separate collars and cuffs 48c

Mens Derbies and Fedoras in blackand tan shades 95c

15c Mens Garters 7c


Old Bruin king of alldark beers Strictly unionmade it-


tt Telephone West 129 for a case j

caused by abase or other excesses aol indiscretions and resulting la shattered

I tierres o Br tn J ckI of vital I poad8acjI and other dlsirsscis sriaotona too

Sr aJM TABLETSt TIer nnd sandy restore lost

roan tarJ study bcainessoriaarri

anti Consumption iftaken in timehaving genuine Ajai Tablets curedthousands and will ears you We a positivewritten guarantee to e3ect a cure ineach case or refund the money Price OU UIOcpadrasoorBuc pkgs full for 2501 BrAJAX EEiIEI y CO B25 Dearborn St Chicago

sale in Washington D O bv EdwardStevens 9th st and Pa ave Edmonds Wil-liams 3d rt and Pa ave R L Eliot 1017 IIst nw and Vr 0 Duckett 2150 Pa ave

Uncle Sam Dont Wear7 Cushion Truss over the United

States Men women and childrenwear and like them The Air Cushion Pad holdswith comfort nothing else will Consultationand two weeks trial free Ldtiy in attendance forladies Office parlors waiting rad consultationrooms on the same floor Catalogues free TIlEROlliCK AIR CUSHION TRUSS COMPANY 0224F st nw d floor

lv Sans Cktn ia tis Eiati Iilrfor proofs of cores We solicit tho most obstinatecases We have cured tha worst eases in 15 to 85 djsCapIul T pas booiFREE NoCOOK REMEDY CO1651 Masonic Temple Chicago Ill

OURE YOURSELFXrs Big for unnatnrrl

atioc3irritations or ulcerationsof mucous membrane

Painless nod nutgntorpoionoosSoW fc3T jDmSSfci

in plain wrapperby express prepaid for8100 or 3 J2T5Circular sent on reqcr-


for a DivorceSusie Seal has filed suit for divorce against

her husband Webster Neal OB the ground ofand nonsupport She also alleges tht

the defendant has often assaulted her The partialwere married in this city in 199S and together until June ISM Mrs represented-by Scipio Baker as counsel

UelliKercnt and DisorderlySusan drfford colored so a polfeemaxr said in

the Police Court today paraded up aadsTdwiMissouri Avenue northwest last night incMedly belligerent state of mind She failed toget anybodynotwithstanding she showered profanity uponnearly every person who passed her Ssewasfined 10 and failure to pay will result in herspending thirty days in the workhouse






Iiu plain wrn receiPt ofPr


A but be carries the AIrall


Set1 1 Write

D PureAfalt Whiskey

Wife Sues




a do

to accommodate her with

x cI I

i p I

I3L fb1d cc acit ii

IT s1 t 4 1





j quicklyI de a

Prevent In-sanity xisiet




if Thrul CpperColored fish Ithil 011

5p ICURESr Ia I to 5

Gaazsnieedas atriamePreciit Cretaioi salem

OP TrsEsessOaiecatcoasrnutiio

h S 5 1 or centd

7 00


Neal is










oAS T R I A r rlsand Jijf


ha Kind You Have Always BoughtSign uro 1 A7