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S v f r f > w 2 TilE SUN FRIDAY JANUARY trot u I IN GEN JACKSONS MEMORY 1 WHAT WAS Btl fNDlwIlUAlrNJOlr AT rUILAtiEUPUJAS ClrlrlAUVN 7 I The TeniK Hen n Detneeralle Aeee Utlen- Ktjelcee OTC Vklncn Pnat nnd Preeent- In II Letter or Kearret SOT Hill Pro I nnnniee Tlw Hero at Nsw Orlcnnn MS A Manor The PeopteMr CleycUnd- Mr Rnirnrri MOd Other Med Hpcreuca- PRiLiDKUnii t Jan 8 The feature of tbl celebration of Jackson Day Ir this city ras the banquet of the Young Mens Demo- cratic ¬ Association at the Academy of Music It was the largest affair nf Its kind ever held 3 lit tbt city KvTicsldetil Cleveland was the guest of the evening and ha was greeted with great Ilthuealm were 600 persons Before the dinner Mr Cleveland held a reception at tha rooms of the Young Mens Association laUnl from 2 oclock until S P M The decorations at the dinner were profuse Ooitlr flowers and plants abounded and Round the balconies were flstoonl the nimea- ef I ail of the States ot the Union being proral- antly displayed Mr Cleveland occupied the seat of honor ex- Beoretary of State Bayard being on hla right and Cloveleot Paulson occupying the Beat at the left of tbe Chairman At the conclusion ot the dinner tbe balconies ef the Academy worn opened ant wore coon rued with a brilliant gathering many 1cdin nerhlnl dress being piesont Prominent spectator Will Mrs Cleveland who occupied the Mrl Cleveland box She wee accompanied by a number of ladles Her en- trance ¬ wee greeted with npplausu which waa redoubled when she threw a kiss to her hu rinnd who cat almost onpoaltt > 1hlltl tnits wee ns JlowI of be drank In L Uence I The Principles True Democracy Thor MO Enduring Because They are Right and In- vincible ¬ Because They are Just drover Cleveland Commonwealth of Pennsylvania tier Honor Is Sale In the Virtue Intelligence and Independence of Her People Oovernoclcct Robert F Paulson ot Pennsylvania The Federal Government Its Prosperity Depends Upon Constltutonal Limitations Tbemas F Thyar- dTbelew8outh In her Material and Polltl eal Development are tho elements of aSuccoss let Future Congressmen W C C Uieckln ridge New England her History Is a Record ol Hostility Uunjust Taxat1onJohn F Rus ¬ sellThe Young Democracy the Hope and Re I hence of the IiepubllcJoseph P McCullen- It wee nearly 10 oclock when the speaking beU The letters of regret were presented ud Gov Hills letter wee l fo1owl Arnr Jan 1 1891 U- 4t K PVrpamufA v fAalrtNan Jr lotinp- woc ratlr jftvdMJt riladophI Pa nHin I regret ray engagements viII l deprive me of the plcanuieof aCCOtnl your cordial Invitation to be annual banquet of the ouutr Mens Deino- crallo Asioclailon on Jan 8 The celebration Jncksons Day although associated partlctt larly with a military achievement must al- ways ¬ the distinguished services which that relal Demociut rendered to his country 3lf typical man of the people setting hla face asp Governmental favoritism extra vagnoce and centralization for title reason ills fellow clllcns honored him with the high- est ¬ gift within tbelr disposal Jacksonlau Democracy hat become a proverb Its quality Wns nnreati alned It was vigorous hOld anti adgreeslve It needed no defence because it sprang from genuine Amerkaiil It was Its own 1latormbrond comprehondvc and foe not of one tmtnf all ofernment abuses It vas manly rpbiistaad wholesome Thesejiru the qualities which should char aeierlre uemocratlc leadership today The- me dei artures from fundamental prlnclnlcs- or corernment which Jackson combatted so euccoslully are visible now to an even greater dll The Iniquitous Force bill now pend ¬ Congress Is one evldouO of them the wasted curDles Is McKlnley law is another the iecent monetary legislation is another andtbe proposed legislative benofav lonllth111 of Babsldles and bounties The preservation ot our In- stitutions ¬ n tbelrslmpllolty and our ountrJs Mitt welfaM demand tbe united and aggressive I efforts of the modern Democracy Imbued with tie Jacktonlan IPlrllolndd on his broad platform utterances pnstalped by his manly confidence In the popu ¬ lar judgment and seeking his political Ideals 1 remain venr truly I yours n DAvrn B HIIU- Xatterfwere alto received from Messrs Fair child Whitney Dickinson and Oarlund of ex Preaident ClevelandV Cabinet Calvin 1 Brlca tit tlhlo John W Davis of Rhode Inland Logan I oWeLol Connecticut Charles H Ami den Senator Morgan of Ala ¬ bama Congraasinen Hprlugor of Illinois and Crisp of Georgia Govs Campbell ot < bio Russell of Massachusetts Abbott of New Jersey Hrlggs of Delaware Joikson of Maryland UcKlnoey of Virginia Fleming of West Vlrclnta Tlllman of South Carolina Fowler north CaioIIna NiobolU of Louis- iana ¬ jrlemlne of Florida Buchanan of Tenuos ee olse of loa Francis of Missouri Ulnan C Michigan 1eck of I vlscnnsln Pennoyer of Oregon Hoggof TI8 Boyd ot Nebraska aDd Tools of Ion In his address Bamuel Ouatlne Thompson- Who presided said This celebration com nemorateii noe of the most complete and crushing defeats recorded In history It tells ii that powerful aimy composed of veteran tPlwHb the experience of continental v ar officered nod magoilicentl- ysqnIppedwae orusho I to pieces by an army of 1 tem hastily gathered together and dom- inated ¬ br thu mighty spirit of Jackson We nave net tonight to crl brate that victory and to unite In Its celebration another victory lately by the party a victory aa qorn rJote WOt crushing and not limited or- pnDnl rl to one locality or one ceo uoo tile country Even our old Commonwealth unused tochangemoved by a loltv doslre rorpuze administration baa placed itk hoel upon ring domination by the election- of a Democratic Governor whose character and record give the bellsuraoO of honest anit I lust over the otmDtiy wu See ill u solid phalanxes of the Df- tmoiracy extending from ono end of It to the otter and literounds of I their marching col tirntis sllenco the suggestion that the power ot the iiartyl limited to one suction This vic- tory ¬ has given the party the right to place upon ItIs banner the anlOcat words No North no- uaIbztO West but the whole VuenMr Cleveland rose to respond to his tout those In the galleries and at the tables cheered anti wavid napkins and hnudker chief In hie speech Mr Cleveland said Ali 1 rise to respond to tho sentiment which has assigned to me I cannot mold the impression lade upon my mind by the an- nouncement ¬ words True Democracy I belleVfc them to mean a sober conviction or eooclnslou othlnir political topics which formulated Into u political belief or creed In- Bplrwg i triotlo performance oi he lute of c A creed based upon Much I I i tlreull1 I means discredited because Uni- on ¬ 6 and penerslons temporarily provon- tiBlr popular aoceptano any more than it can be Irretrievably shipwrecked by mistake made in lu name or br I Its prostitution to ignoble purpoM These JrlnolpJel comprise Equal and exact men peace commerce and honest alliance friendship with with al nntln- eIntlnllll l Mate Governments In all their rights tne preservation of tbe general UpvrainBt Ui its whole couatitutlonal vigor tjealou care ol the right ol election by the people absolute In the decisions of the majority the dupremaoy of the ohl otr the military authority I economy In public expenses the honest payment ol our debts ana tacred preservation of the pnlllo faith the encouragement agriculture and commerce alit handmaid and freedom of re- ligion ¬ the press and freedom of tbe perron TIle grant President aud Intrepid Demo- cratic ¬ leader whom we especially honor 10 nUlt who never relaxed fala strict adh rnoe to thu Democratic faith nor attend In tile dt fence of the rights of the people against all found his inspiration and guidance In romr 10lplel Tartlet sav come and par- ties ¬ have bnt there has never bn a time from Jeffreoui day to the present hour when our party did not exist active and ag irreiislve anti prepared for heroic conflict We ehoald constantly conurntulnt ourielves that our Party creed i II br nil fiioiiEh to inet t any cii urgency that can nrB0 m tbelifo of a tree nation Thus when we see tho functions ot Govern ment used to enrich a favored few at the ei MDie of tho turn to our crud ad- d that It mlnT1 and exact initioeio all men QUa farmer in distress cpa know that they arc not paying the penalty of tlothfUnesa and manastment wn SnOW that all tbilli tar removed from the enoeur- ur which our creed corn panda We will nut violate our political duty by forgetting bow well entitled our farmers are to our best nfforu for their reetoratlou to lbs Inafi fldtnct of n former turns and t U re wards of better days When we ex- IraTaganu ot publlo expundlture list roach J log point ot reckless waste we will re tie that economy In Ihe public expense I Is an lint urtant article II the true Democratic hen we sn political adversaries laltl upon the lincsngo of a Federal with the scarcely denied purpose of perpttratlng partisan atiproniacy we wilt stubbornly resist such a dangerous and revolutionary scheme In to our pledge for the support ot tbe obNlele In all I their rights wlat permitted to contemplate tonight the latest demonstration of the peoples ap- preciation ¬ of the right anti of the acceptance- they uccord to Democratic doctrine when honeslf presented In the campaign which ban just closed with such glorious results while party managers worn anticipating the Issue I the light of the continued Illusion of the peorilt tlio pen In themselves and fur themselves wme considering the question uf tight and justice They have spofcen and th- eIllbral of tho land rejoice Nowhto uf the people on ques- tions ¬ Involving right nail wrong boon Leuo- r1IItlI1 tliiui here At the hat of your there will soon stand a die olplo of true Democracy elected by voters who vvouid hue the right sail not the wrong when- thoireonsIeneeworetouthod Though tbei a have existed here conditions and Intmeucea pot altogether fivorabl to an unselfish appro- enslon ot the moist I attributes of political doctrine I beiievejhat If these features of the princlDlesi of true Democracy ire uortlctently- advoorotel the time will peedlly come when as In a ear the patriotic henna ol the people of your great commonwealth will be stirred t- ote support of our cause u his brief address Oovel ct Paulson said From the bauba ot tho Delaware pearly a hundred teats before Washington foulh and Jeffernon wrote leon rights of tbe people the cQualtlr men nnd the attn nt government to and hap- piness ¬ He enlightened the civilized world by institutions Jiytbeapphictionottbs prln- tlplis if popular government tothe conduct of public allalrs wealth and population In- creased anti the happiness aud prosperity of tlu people were secured I It 1 is even more nec- essary ¬ now thiiu over to hold last to them In the administration of public trust the I hero of New Orleans and the Idol of the Democracy was greatly admired icon sylvunla Twl < ht received the vote of bnr lectori aud once of hor llepiesentatlve In oncrem Whon President be came hero for his Heoretnrles ot tile TreasurySamuel I D iiigham aril Illlam J Dunne while we con tnmptm tli grstn5 unit I rlnry of our rom m I may wo ever bear In mind that we are Indebted to him who at the beginning made A wise selection of his territory mid hal a laid tender at Or ot tbe Uovornment that It be el Mr Bnvnrd address was short and mainly eulogistic of the Cleveland Administration Ills remark that he was a believer in the gos- pel ¬ of recreation evoked touch laughter- but his next remark to the effect that IIP stood ser reedy to as- sist ¬ hover Cltveland In the gospel work to the lenoflt of tho American people brought forth a torm of applause as did also it refeiiluo to Cleveland second Adminis- tration ¬ Much apKluiue followed Mr liar antis ilecinitIofl that the rules ot Hpeaker Heed In the House and the proposed gag law In the Heuate are without warrant In the Con stltntlon Congressman Brecklnrldge speech was eu logistic of the South ExCongnssman lIne pull of Massachusetts then snoke and th speaking was btoueht to a close at midnight- by Mr MvCullon of Pbllndeltihla Mr Clevvliuid will he entertained at break ¬ fast tomnrow by L Clarke Dnvla at his resl- denco The guests will be Mr Bayard John E Iluss ll tinY Tattlsnu A J Drexel F Iiarrltr John C Bullltt John Cndwalader- Hamuej Uustlne Thompson William M- Slngerlv and A K McClure Tuls morning Sir Cleveland WI honored with a breakfast by Tobn U AIIII those present were George W Cbllds Mrs 1 nvne Mae oagls Mrs I Clarke Davis Jobn F Ito era Mr Hussex D DnvK all Mr Dick m TlIK 31JUB 70 71K KKIilttVLLES- lIlfut OT 1ts Qnotei Josh BllllnB nt- Aniirnprlnta as robe The Business Mens Democratic Association has celebrated Jackson Day for several years and last night the least in honor ot the occa- sion ¬ was at Sherrys President J Edward Simmons presided and near him were the spe- cial ¬ guests 01 the evening LieiitGov Jones Gov LI1 Comptroller Myers exBurrogat Calvin Oscar 8ltraul ezMlnister to Turkey Col Richard Orlando B Potter John Wilson- At H Inman Cupt I It Garden and It T tbl nlhor tables wero Maurice J Power Richard A Cunningham Charles A Jackson William Pitt Mitchell and James A Daly ot the New Amsterdam Club John C Sheeban- the Tammany leader of the Thirteenth dis- trict ¬ James Paradise Oliver Excise Commis- sioner ¬ Meaklm John A Sullivan Evan Thomas President of the Produce Exchange Secretary C Kinney Smith Tai Comtnlfiftlone- rFeltner Michael F Blake Edgar L lUdgway Uen Wylle and I hundred othcis Alter President Ulmmons lad welcomed tho guests letters ot regret were read from Goy Hill Mayor Grant Senator Carlisle Joe UUB 6811 o Massachusetts Urover Cleveland Con giessman Roger Q Mills and others Mr Cleveland wrote I hope the tlmewlllnevercomewhentheday your club propo es to odebrate Wil be neglect ¬ ed bt tIlt Democracy of our It seems to me that you appropriately call It Jacksons Day anti wish that designation might be- come ¬ universal among those who love the Democratic faith and beliey In its tearless advocacy I list I eclally at this oartlcular time ought the celebration of this day to be enthusiastic The fact that our party is unltd In Its devotion to tho professions and doctrines which have made ii great for which Jaokeon stood and In tbe Inspiration of which he led the Democracy of his time to victory is enough to furnish abundant entice congratulation When we add to this the fact that we are permitted to celebfate on I use Jacksons Duty now at hand u reeut nweeplng triumph of Democratic principle we are justified in the Indulgence ol ned anti boa y rejoicing The Lieut of Mills wrole Protection against competition and protec- tion ¬ to combinations must beeacbewod and tariff for revenue only must be emblazoned on every Democratic banner AU prohibition against Importations ol articles of commerce must be removed al rawmaterlal be admitted free In order that may reduce the cost of production und be able to enter foreign mar ¬ kets und undersell our competitors and there- by ¬ create additional demand fur employment and Increase the wages of our working people The verdict of the people In November was for us let us see to It that we prove ourselves worthy of their confidence LliulOov Jones spoke for the Empire State and from the start be warmed tbtllepubllcans Among other ihlngs he said rIte iaon ot the lust election should not ho without piollt to UN us a warning Whom the gods wouli destroy they first make mad anti BB surely a we neglect tbe Warning an- reekiesalnuse power the people have placed in our hands through the late glorious victory just so certain will they rise In their might and overthrow U The later history of the Demo- cratic ¬ party Is full of Instances where in the flush of victory through overestimate of our power Of continuity we have been led Into fatal iolllo and neglect of the peoples welfare Homely but true wa the saying of JOb Billings that the bo keerf when youi hand is full ot trumps flaOr DoeI Celebrate BANOOR Jan BTh Democrats of Bangor celebrated Jackson Day by a banquet at the Ienobacot Exchange this evening Between 200 and 300 were present Tho lion F M Laughton ot this city acted m toastmaster end tbe following responded to toasts Tbe Hon Vs L Iutnim of Portland Wm P hompson or Belfast Wm H Clifford of lort ¬ laud Nnhe Cleaves of Portland the Hon U K Boston and the lon 8 B Brown oifWatervllle Letters were read from a number of promi- nent DemOrjtlncludlnl ex1ieildent Cleve- land ¬ exSecretary Whit ney SenatoTs Carlisle and Gorman end Con grossulan Roger V Mills The Democratic State Committee organised this evenings with the reflection of John B Donovan aa Chair- man and Fred K Beann a Secretary Tbt Dew of Chic Mir was Ooltlen Deputy Sheriff Charles W Upham arrested Droktr John E Ireland yesterday In a civil suit brought by Broker Otto F Bunked ol 810 East Ninth strtet Burkart says that Ireland told him there was a vacancy In the Board of Commissioners for the approval of land In Westche ter county for a reservoir The salary was 1500 and a percentage of tha value of the property appraised To get the place Ireland said Mr Iurkar would nI8tfl of row ¬ entertained Br these false representation the affidavit says Ireland tnceeeded In getting from Burkart it 34a While this alleys transaction was still trash linrkart says Ire ¬ land got 13601 more out of him to start a coin pant for purifying milk The company wee iruAolced under the num of the American Pure bills Companv BurKnrt was mad Pres- ident ¬ and Ireland waa manager The company existed only on naptr Burkart say but Ire- land ¬ got after liurkant agaIn and cot IS26 from him and afterward 1335 more and then IDA gfl on account of the Pur Milk Compam Ire lad was looked up in default oi I 2hOO bal The MrnntCtUMeCoy Feud KcnewedC- HIKIJCHTON W Va an 8New waa re- celved < hir tonight from Logan county that the BrumlleldMcCoy feud bad broken out on UanIOrk and that a skirnlih occurred on the faction which resulted in the deatk of six mDaDImbrbDwoundl- Furher ae kown LADIES I FIST ASSEMBLY alltLIIAXT OIKXINd OF A NEW AttD- BBAV11PVL BATLROO- Hnitllngnllhcd Attendance of Fmttlolubl- ertoutt In the Dlnty Dnnclnat Mall cC- the MitdUo Hqanre WurdtnArtlttle- Deorntlon nf the New Knots In moor ways the Ltidl R Assembly the frt of the present season which tol place night In the new ball the Madison Square Garden was the molt Uautiful ball of the season find the most elaborate entertainment ever offered by the manager of this ropular organization Not only was the flower of the ultra fashionable set present hut the merriest members ot the dnnclnp contingent were In attendance In- creiu numbers The gut stsand there were nearly 600wero obliged to enter the building through the main entrance to the Garden on Madison avenue owing to the unflnlhtd condition of tho pas gateways on the Twentysixth street side ot the building Tall tropical plants were placed on tbe staIrways and approaches to tbe ballroom which unfortunately tho IUel1 hnd to cro- on their way to the lales s lng rooms um t i 1 4 V5- r J Ii1A i1i itic PART vita MADISON SQU M1E AARDKN This was of cure on account of the Incom- pleteness ¬ of things on tbe lower floor Thn beautiful Louis XVI ballroom blazed with light reflected from hundreds electric bulbs The artificial ornamentation In the room wa by no means elaborate but quiet and in keeping with the architectural appoint ¬ ments ot the room The large plat- form ¬ which when tbe room Is com- pleted ¬ be used by the musicians was wi fled tropical plants here and these In foliage being an electric light Oar lands of evergreen wore hunc across the front of the platform and clow It were dis- played ¬ largo squares of sixteenth cen- tury ¬ tapestries The upper gallery at the eastern ond of the room wee decorated with greens but this part of tho room was not used last nlcht Forticrua u- teagreen and told cloth covered the door- ways and soacieen colored velvet covered- the white cabinet chairs which were placed on tbe sides of the room It was quite half past 11 oclock whon the guests began to arrive In numbers and it WHS nearly midnight when the dancing was beaun Mrs Astor in a rich gown of Iiink brocade trimmed with 1 irofuston of white lace nod some magnificent diamonds Mrs Elbrldse T Gerry In orange satIn and velvet re Ogden MIR in a Dircctolro gown of heliotrope Il wearIng rate jewels Including a crown ot pantcolored stones diamonds earls ameraldo and m bIas and Mrs Troscott Lawrence Pompa¬ dour gown of brocade received the guests The ladles stood In the southwest cor- ner ¬ ot the room Lander and Bangers Hun- garian ¬ band stationed in the balcony on op ¬ posite sides of the room played alernatell At fifteen minutes post midnlcht supper was announced tbe scene on sue annelnl nor was one of bewildering lovrllnou Hupper was served by Sherry at small tables In the restaurant under the hail rom At 1 oclock tho cotillion with Mr V Fred erlo Tarns and r Ogden Mills leading was was one of tbe largest Hermans bun INew York for many a year There wero no favors Amomg the strangers pres- ent ¬ were the Maraufee Talleyrand de Ferlgord and Marquis do Cholseul of Paris Mnrnuis- Irapornlllot the Italian Legation nt Washing- ton Mr H Munmo Kergueson of Scotland John Fraser Victor IJurwne Mr and Mrs Knight Bruce Mr Ilerbirt Samuel son and Mrs Hugh Caller of Enl land Mnvroyenl Hay Nelson IewII Mr and Mr Preston Miss rAton Rnt Mrs Thompson Miss Thompson Hartman Mrs Kdwaid Willing anti hiss Eva Jane Mr lolin V L Wllnl lhlrdelhja I Cushlnc Miss CufcbltiK and MNs 0111 CUYblnl of Boston Lieutenants and Edward Lowndes 01 the United Ftatellayr- 1dwnrd Everett ot Boston Uieenleal and MN Ur enleaf 0- 1lnoxlra bchuyler Cioshy anti Miss Crosby nnd 0 0 Wurta Secretary of tile American Location at Berlin There could bo no question 01 tbe success ot the ootlllon from first to last It went off with a spirit and RO that wore irresistible Many beautiful gowns were worn by the ladles anti nowhere this winter ha beOI seen a more du sling display ot Mr A Post wore a dress ol whitepoint lace over yellow satin the lao forming a mantle from the shoulders and reachlDS to the ham ol the long train The decolletto corsage was spangled with jewels and besides the Mrs 1oxt wore n coronet and necklace of diamonds Miss Post wore a simple EOWO of white tulle embroidered with gold She wore no jewels Mrs Samuel F Colgate wortwblfAat1 bri cade richly trimmed with wore diamonds neil pearls Mr Coluntcs tar Mites Ada Smith wore a remarkably hand- some costume ot white gauze Mrs William A Duer was robel In pink satin trimmed with She wore ovlra- ldlamoollolamnll Mrs Charles O In white satin with garnIture of yellow satin In her hair Mrs Iranoklyn displayed beautllul rubles Illchard Mortimer wore grill sltln trimmed with silver and her ornaments were illumondb Miss Chapman Mm MortlmpiK sister wore a gown of pale grId colored tulle one o the mot admired drersesln the room Mr Lloyd liryoe wu In a hnniUome gown of white satin hrocnded with yellow Narcissus and trimmed with sold embroidery cud cr i II The train was full court and the corsage dtcoilet and llberallyHprlnkled wth diamonds Mrs Bryce also wore a toUtalrea and several diamond stars In her coiffure Mre Edward Cooper wore a mauve hrocude trimmed with point late and superb penrN bites IfopeGoddard wore pink tulle ani silk Flora Davis was In green tulle nntin r Ill trimmed with silver IteworJu blar ¬ log diamond orescent tier fry wore I plain ana neat tilting gown JI white tulle trimmed with swansitown Mis < Grace Wilson was In green silk with garniture of whit on toe hot turn of the skirt The d4collet oorsaee wax decorated In front with an immense bow of llliiocoiored IlowI ot the same col- ored ¬ ribbon decorated top ot the straps which went nerois the shoulders Miss Ave WIlling wits in while chiffon while her mother Mrs Edwar Wllllun wu In black velvt Beatrix Joness sown W white silk anti MIps lul ana Outlurl o tum ehllon white With daisies worn over whit satin Nisa Thompson of De- troit ¬ blue oluflln and Mr Fernando A Yinaca was enraged 11k a rich costume of white Itusiian net trimmed with lilacs the cqreeg being made with sluices of llliiocolored velvet and Btuddo I with diamond tar Miss Eleanor lnr was In bright red trimmed with black while her bItter Mil Caroliop Uqr- f we In dress of f black arid gold 1 lace airs Joseph Lon 1 tUhoD malY satin txtwqied wills Jolot la HrV wbq will b intrO I While an1 silver iuc 1 et camr orl wor pink anti whit- her sitter Gameron appeared In- blite silk an4 tulle and the eldest tster wore white and sUver frl Frnoll Delaflid waA attired In a tu cuff silver hrocade Ieid6butanti daughter WM one In blue MR In a striking gown ol Inttrst blue silk delicately touched with salmon Mrs Blanche Iruatr was In white satin and chiffon On be had ube wore a tura ol diamonds and Miss Hargoua wore pap heliotrope MUa Sale Post and Mils Bend were both In- wbls architecture of the ball room Is In the utile of Louis XVI Tcrythlnff down to the minutest detail ot wreath and flower hung In immaculate white The upholstery It In sea green and cold The room Is 77 ftequar- with the platform and orchestral gallery on the Madison avenue side and the principal en trances dlreetlr opposite On the north and south sides there are live Immente arches reaching from the floor to the panelled ceiling The pillars ot the arches are 45 < fret Bimar and the first balcony which rune around thr iddon U built around the big white pillars There are thirtysix boxes In the balcony and thepussnRetvay behind them mac throughI the square pillars by meansof small arches LIters I is a small gallery above the balcony occupying the eastern side of the building The relief work festoons wreaths palms and tiowera IB ot plaster and papier mnch- Tb colling In square panelled with hll beanie connecting the tops the great Iaoli 01 the panels has an electric light in the centre rrbllt an Immense electric globe hangs from the mlJdlo of the ceiling 1alm leaves form circles about the cluster nf electric hulbl In the globe There Is an abundance of ¬ trio display on tho Rides besides spreading gnu and the general effect Is n poll waim light jet Icooplng with tIle white stucco york The facade of tim conceit stage Is similar In de > lKn tn tho arches on the sides only the great doublo arch In front la engaaod There are caryatids under the proscenium arch at- uudor the rest one at tho side of each pil- lar ¬ al holding a fostoon between them II 7- F qi OF DiIJHOOM Mr sic In crt pe randolnh- wa of Tiom tho festoons hang musical emblems The orchestra Is In a gallery nearly an bleb aa tin floor ot tbo balcony while thevocnllsta i coupy a small platform In front of the orchee tia about three feet high When ball Is given the lower platform Is removed UI the main floor on the Twentysixth street are seven or elchtdressing rooms From tho touthweRt corner of tbu ball a wlndlul staircase upholstered la deepest t to an expansive lover or reception romn which conoecttt with the btlcony through the arrhcH previously described 1ortleros of cold nnd green overhang the double doorways 1bil ladles lobby ns It la called Is In keo with the architecture of tb coiling representing the sky with a furry of lands while tho walls hao a tint Instead of white It is carpeted green nud thu coats are covyrml with green tduslt when the room I Is used for a private finiert nr room It may nlmi ho ned as rOI tlnlnJ B atlmir capacity IB about liOO while that of tbo large concert room In lOt Adjoining small reception room on the bah onv floor there nro pantries in tbe towir Several floors hi tbo tower will bo dlotol to pantries which will communicate the kitchen in the trip of tbe tower by dumb wait- ers ¬ and oimatorB Thin lobby nt tbe concert room extends the whole length of the eastern side anti tins its main entrance at the southeast cornet front tlio tower The uraml italrcae Isnt UnlHhed vet anti for time first lewoltertaDrentllolle will have to enter by east corner communicating with tho main corridor that leads to the nmphtbfatrt on tbl Madison avenue side This staircase t Is reotl hell tbe one leading from the lobby of the main floor to the balcony and it is intend- ed ¬ for an exit Urtoii Adamta Bielcnnllon- Lieut K 8 Farrow U 8 Ao Barnegnt Park Pays that this Is a copy of tho letter of resigna- tion ¬ of Orson Adnms until lately President ot tbe Barnecat Park Company and J L Phelps notary public eo certifies rtorfe illicit W Words eI JTo 1loUI E S Farrow anti Jo Mr floatil i Jtirrctori ftf 5 Hamont raIl Companv- Uk Tii iici In accordanct wilt for request I will ttndtr my rtiiinatton set bind cnn mr accounts ai- th mttliiKor tbtoomptnr to be IsiS today I wish I II dIstInctly undtntood that I 140 to undtr pretest SeTTleS eec tod all olalmi which I hers ten satin rt eomptQiailon for atrnciilrfndirtd rrtote rtndtrtd for cm star of itrrlct aa t am rudy and willlnc lo rV eel my tam ATlAfKKl OV A ZOKStT lUMP Dnlchrr Elirnechinldt Likely to Dir or the llrtttlnic la lllcliWMvmnn Gave Him Charles nisenschmldt 1 butcher of Morris town N J residing about a mile outside the towns limits was attacked when on the way to his hOle on Wednesday evening and seri- ously ¬ Injured The road to his house Is a lonely one Klsen schmidt was In a covered cart at a hood In the road opposite Constable Plersoni housewhen he was called by name and asked for a lilt He told the lon who had accosted him to jump In He haul gone only a few yards with his passenger when he was struck on the head with a henry woanon and before be could turn to defend himself he received two more blows grappled with the man and both foil from tbe wagon Nelehboia found Mr Elcenschtnldt bleedlnl on the ground and took him to his head was badly out In tbreo places He i is nearly Td years old anti may not tecovcr Ho was In the habit of carrying largo Bums of motion having no faith In bunks and had more than 1500 with htm when he WAS assault cd None of this wits taken ly his assailant The road over which Mr Klsenncbmldt drove- Is generally lighted by ama In front of tho resldom It dIscovered yesterday that tho lamps In front of Countable Flersons nnd George Oroonwoods houses had been emptied of their oil and that the wicks had beenwet with water ODONOBUIfUdN Jespk J ODonoho > Uon Married at His rather Ilnut to Mian QunofChteagis Mica Josephine Quan of Chicago was mar ¬ ned to Thomas J OOonohue a son of Joseph J ODonohue In tho private chapel of Mr ODonohuee house 5 East BUtynlnlh stiect at oclock yesterday morning Tbo ceremony was performed by Archblrhqp Corrlgan who afterward celebrated nuptial mass A sDcla blessing was received by cable from Iope Owing to tho recent very severe illness tbe grooms mother the wedding was private and only the Immediate relatives of the bride and room worn present Louis M Green 1dward P Murphy anti U Albert Juan and James Edward Qnan brothers of the bride were the ushers The Broom was attended by his cousin Col Hugh ODonohuo Alice Qunn und Maria Irene ODonoUue the youngest sisters of the bride nnd groom wero the brides- maids ¬ anti Theresa H OUonohue was tho maid of honor The bridesmaids wore pink crepn with hats and ostrich tips to match anti I the aId nf honor wore bile crope embroidered In pink with a blue el and I wreath of blue fn gelmen tB bride wore a white siitln Marie Antolnotl dross era broldercd with I a court train and tulle veil Site Wore diamond ear ¬ rings lbs 11 01 the atoom a diamond bnr th gift of grooms parents a diamond anl tar the gift of Ul Albert < The chapel was decorated with palms and white roses niil the couple knelt under a canopy of imllaz and roses The biide In l tbe daughter ot William J Quan a wholesale grocer ot Chicago She Is a small and very pr tty brunMt Among the gifts bride tvat l I hous and lot lu Chicago from the A Novelty mos Hnllln Tttitlt What Is said to be the only fourmasted- barkentlne 11 the world I II moored at Tier 7 Iaet Hlver loading for Melbourne She was built last year In Maltland Nova ScotIa and flies the British hag Capt Joseph E Toye la hex aipper She measure 1060 tons and la called the Ensenada She carries 6 500 yards ofcauvaa To btatth record to Melbourne she wilt have to make the trip In lace than eluhtythree days A Iarerosd Hurst Its Houii ELnNwiLp Pa Jan flTh ChlutauIII Lake Uf Company maintains a larlO i Today I buift tearlnt up rode anti Bcooidnic out the Kiouud t toadtpthof flfteeu feet A PRETTY ROMANCERS YARN minimi or IIKR DKJU tnrtai rrtt AND BIB HANK HOOK TVerlli it Millie to Pier lint Hhe Ixay- Them V to a CictaXkd InrTerTb Levi Net Known nt the Drua 8tnra like Nay I Owsedfler Own Idcntllir The Brooklyn police are IneBllatnl the alleged theft of a will and a banI repre- senting ¬ an estate worth 00 or more said to have been lel by loer to the young to whom he had lean enKaetd to he married The rob lair It Is rsserted took place In tho lieU of Records building In Brooklyn In broad day the thief being rome unknown Per- son ¬ who protended to be acting for the bene- ficiary ¬ of the will The lollce retu o tndls cloqo the Identity ot the heroine of the story nOd their information about the dead lover Is evidently ot a very doubtful Fort They did not hesitate loot night however to merest the remarkable Btatoments of the yotuc woman admitting thl tame time that no erygreot efforts had been made either to erlfr or to Uhpro them The onli woman who says she was tho vic- tim ¬ ot th robbery called on Police Captain tanlbl yesterday morning at his tirltnta II the Adams street station She was about 20 years old pretty nnd dressed In deep mournlnl Lawyer George K Case accompa ¬ She told tho Captain this story Hoi mother the said haLl been dead for ccv eral years nnd she and her father had been living together lu the outskirts of the city f trr come time About a year ago pho male the acquaintance of a young Qeimnn doctor or druggist named Schmidt who lived in NVllllnrnsburgh nnd in ne- tted ¬ In Now Yoik Dr HchmKlt was about 30 years old nnJ very wealthy having Inherited a largo estate tram liN father anti an aunt Po far as also could discover he had no relatives IVIOI Not lonn after thom acquaintance heJau Di ichml naked her to beomo his wife liar father who Is an Irishman objected to her marrying a Gorman Tho loveis agreed that they should get morrlod within a year with the pa torn 1 consent or without It lirfore the rear rasstd however Dr Schmidt died rhll was on Nov 1 last Ills sickness death tho young woman said pad occurred on tho floor over u drug on re at Third avenue and Fortysecond streetI New York Me had attended her loer during his Illnesn anti hind genii Into mourning when he died Dr Schmidt owned the tuiildliiB in which the Irul tole was the young woman sold as wel six or even adJacent buildings and bedroom over tho drug store Cnpt Cnmuboll tells the rest of the story In tbe j oung WOUlanl words as nearly as he re- member ¬ weeks after Dr Schmidt death I lxltedthe I drug htoro anti the dork handel me a tin lox with tbn key telling me that It hnd belonged to Dr bchmldt and was Intended lor me 1 be box be hllL had Itn clden ally discovered In t bit which Dr Schmidt occupied I brought the box with me to Brooklyn anti a few day attvrwxrd my father und I opened It Via found that It contained Dr Hehmldtn will i hlJathlnl to mn nbso- luioly tile entire for his prop- erty ¬ on Third axonue nnd Iortyseoond sIted and a bank book of the WllllHmsbuigh Sac inc Baltic showing that he had 125000 there to hi credit I was err mutt aitonUhed at the discovery anti after rellnnl the papers nnd bank book In the under lock anti Key In part of the house where I know thieves would not be likely to look for alu abl iiistThursday I concluded that It was about time to take stepstnHecnrethu property which I understood from location was worth more than tl 0 HJOOO 1 came down town to consult with a friend in Dean street By the advice of this woman I went to the Surrogates olllce which I li In the Hall nf Records When I reached- thehuildingitndwaaiookingaround In tho cor rldorlorthi Murro ates olllce a welldressed man approaclwt and nuked me what I I wanted tosee tile Irrogzjta about some property which hnd been left me Tho stranger produced a cur I Inscribed with the name of a reputable Brooklyn law yen and told me be was the lawyer anti that In attended to such busluvst He asked mo If I had the VNlll and I handed blm tbe box with this key oXIlalnlol that the will deodl anti batik Inside had promised to look alter my Interests I engaged to meet him at the same place on tbe fol- lowing ¬ day I suggested that I would pieler to Cite him at his olhee but he told It would be more convenient to meet him at the Hall of Itecord On tbe following day I met him there and after ho had informed mo that ho had attended to tho matter and thu estate would som bn In my possession wo separated with the under- standing ¬ that we should meet again in the same corridor OQ Tuesday I was thor at tbe appointed time but although for more than an hour hu did not I wont there again on Wed- nesday ¬ turlUp same result With the law ¬ yers curd In my possession which hud been given me at the first Interview I went to his olllcu bnt found that liauasnot the man 1 bad met In the corridor I then consulted Lawyer Case and was advised to nol the police The young woman Campbell a very full description of the stranger who had carrlel oft the precious documents but not recognize it as that of any Brooklyn lawyer of his acquaint- ance ¬ The Captain accompanied Lawyer Case and tho young woman to the ofllte of tbe lawyer whose card she had re talned The lawyerpiofewed Ignorance of the matter but his brother who has a post In the Department of City Works remarked 1 think 1 know the man you are after The Captain pressed him to give tht mans name but ho refused to do so for present Ho gave his description and it wits Hlmllar to that given by the young woman of the man who carried oil the tin box Subpeiuentlv Lnpt Campbell Introduced the young woman to justice Walsh und she re- peated ¬ her story Justice alsh refused to Issue a warrant the facts ns pieonied sot be- ing ¬ sufficient in his opinion to justify an arrest The man who represented himself as a law- yer ¬ tbe Justice remarked and took the pacers may have been prevented by sickness or some other cause loin carrying out his en- gagement ¬ of Tuesday He may have handed the woman the card of another lawyer by mistake Cait Campboll had his two detectives at work on the case last night but nothing new wa devolo od He said The young woman tells roe that she called at the Wllllamsburgb Savings Bank and found that her dead lowr bail 2J0UO on deposit there and that she warned the cashier against allowing imp ot it to be drawn out pending the result of thin search for the missing will I must say that the care Is one ot the strangest that has como under my observation for some time The girl is mldently respectable and Intelligent mOld I cant see why shut should concoct such a story The mystery I think will be cleared up within twentyfour hours or so lied the Captain sent out of his detectives over to the drug store at Third avenue and Fortysecond street inst night bo would have found good reason to doubt a part at least of the young womans story The drug store Is nn oldesbtabllfhed one and belong to Henry Bobmfalk The clerk said to is SUN reporter This IB the fireS I have ever bound of this matter No Dr Schmidt or any other doctor or any other person has died In this house within a year and I nevei hearth of any tin box brine civvn to a young Drooklvn woman or any other woman The woman has evidently been laboring under a delusion ao far as these points in her story are concerned- Nor did any Dr Sobmid t ever own this property George Kothum this Innurance man Is the owner and has received the rents not only of this but of much of the adjoining property at long as I remember SP4BK IuiM rate IlillCOlSAPlI Th > condition of Sipator Hirit wu rporld to t 6- HUbtly improYd yiterJir- Ju4i Snyder ytiurtfty orrrnlJ at Crawford Till lad it motion for a nw trial Hi the cc i of Wn 11am rttlt convlotil of wife mnrJ r- Smmiblp coil u scene at Baltlmort sad itrril Tnib >T bn compelled to ponpoo tblr ilepir tin U U allrlbatil to the DOW blockadt on the rail ease Sirs J 0 Croly of Kw York hu wrliun to ih corn inlttt ID cbarr of the comliif convention ol rtM stuD in Clttburih luSt ibt topic to rlMicnl Ibe Nw Von ttomens IT M Club on lhai oocwuo- 1b Cltrkion lloutt bled and the 0 Hiwli block In Mlaltna tint were burDd ycitrdiy Vanish I wcuil- llvi a printer ot fan Dover a totrilir > t the CUrk loll lloui WM burnd to dttib ys moss litboul Iiuuu Sits third prepTlr for the Nw York Central and HndioD lItter Kallroad WM launched NtwbDrili yi- lrotr loi ID Ibt basin btvlnf hem n brokto away for tbt purpose The VKII li uo fees long and will tit cost In lowlnr ID tew verb harbor Tbt real l estate i or the HuntlnidoD Pa V nnf ctur- IDI Compinr was built at a rtcclrcr talt rtiitrmr 54 She Iron Par Kqulpmut Coapnr t 15cc Wk subject to a itioniaxt of tItus Tht new comp uy now tiu control of tbt tntirt planL- nobtrt A sianton a trartlllnf iiimin for tbt- DaDltl Cornell wbolttalt greccry Arm tit Woretitr Man baa dtuppartd wltb ortr ticjc blosjcg u lbs nrm They reverieS tile piatttr to the pence wbe tblnk U It a cut or embuslamnns The barn on lb 5 E Olinse estate In Xutk Ieyriy Mu we berase yesterday morsier With Ce sews two horses a tot at youni slack svral bsadr4 bst- wnly Ion of bay a large number ef farmiat hopl mint cirrhegsl market wagons sigte Cc Tbloel- a O tl- Two big Irstyiti tram a Central sol s Wi Shore time into cohliion Os lb twit ii tracks tsar 5155 flock ynlardsy mornis Tb Wee Store treis crast4 1510 tile Tilt Sr bs Cea rit einsblsi lb tS sat share tlnt anti taSty wrrckini several cart hutn- lurtJ was 1 Tnt iracki wtrt Dl ckt4 tar a few hears VllllVAItTO- cMlne MontalanJ the aciress Is deed In Paris Size was a native ot Ghent Ilelalum From childhood she lied leon on the Mao Before she was 4 years old she was playing childrens rulej nt the TucAtre Irancalse Paris At 20 she had attracted notice as a promising singer In tIn operas and vaudevilles at the Palais lloral aiJ In two or three lenrs the Ptrlslan dandles were cheating her attlstio piplses and worehliiInc liar piT oiinl chrrms which wete not lee > attritlve than thoo of reign Ing favorlteo Ilka billy and Paola Marie Mon Inland came to America not so much by her own choIce as to heln in working out a roan agera plan fey ievengi Mnurtcn Ornu brought her over In IrtTO A year curlier 11 L llntouiun had given Now York ntaetoot 1ioiich opera bouile the lirt Kntnpio ol tile rout PurU ion article tlio motrot oils I lad teetI t little man was onrouriiiiud by lila llrst vunturo lo try It again In ISJil and while hK aecond ttnupe- wa singing at what is now time Tuurtetiith- htrect Thtatro Oman hud bacn energetic enouch to Import u big Fm ouch troupe of his own iMontaland was in that ttoui sliarlnir the lending roles with the olTeriewent lIly They opened at thMrand Opera house which was then an Important lactoramonis tin va riuttle enterprises ttCoi Jmtiite Flak Jr There tlicso Ireiah slngviH of Uruue osploltat gate hattie to thn Dateinan orunnlntu and gennrnlly tie victory wn with the lirind Op- era ¬ llou e party Montnlnnd was foremost In those dulUhttul revel tIes A vuluptiiously- fnrnudwoiniiiisho was then In in r prime nnd at 27 maderontiUdsta With rumarknhle dice antI reckless Iroiuoncy Ticks admlraton for her was not concealed anti the slnueiim hr tar seemed proud of hem victory It uavi mite inwit somethlnK now to talk about lot ti while I HIII Incidentally It belied i I lo iulvrrtl ie t itt oi Pmia- tiouila Montnlnnd drove out In tIme I UK ettiliages and In the Park und on the load her aay costumes and lien lively manner caused common tin I eyeD vdUderinent Long Branch too saw te nmr mora tuna nine in tboso days which though they elite dated the i emu of Josephine nvMoi Vluiisilold were not lees oven i fish m J Jlsk mill t i hU I I lullnw CM Tho dash soul the nLiirdoii that nuiikod- Montaliind ncllm wore not aliment ftoiu IHT privuie mo Yet SIIOIIBU prneervau nvi vivaciiy 10 hut lint amid tli hat not muted the stage Ilko most or IUT coiituincornrloi In Inter yeirs she hind become u unlul rtctross lu light cninedr ami the hal also fregtuntlt appeared at the TliLiUio 1nmttt ala Alfred lluibt of Iho UuiirtermaterCJeiifrars Department of nnaylvanla vvlm died a few days ago In Nnrrlstowu traced tile nncotry nick In an unbroken line to tile olovunth cen- tury ¬ In the regn of St III am the Conqueror lu Kngfand Ills uenealoalcil trot showed that he was of luyal dccom both from lllohanl lIng of the Lumens midLdward I v King of KnuTaod and also from the royal linn of France through the Inmlllte of this Hails of Warwick and Leicester In the line ot his nu- c stors were John i lalbnt KarlofbhrawsburyV- lFCOunt Llslu son ot Edward I Lord Gray of Urooby truiiccs Monk laterof the Dukeof Albemarle and the noble famlllea of Herveys Hotline Sod terrors i Major Frank H Lamed U 8 A died at his borne in Baltimore yesterday morning Mi was the second son of the Stile Benjamin F- Lamed who was PaymasterUcneral of the army Major Lamed was horn In Detroit Mick Aug 221MI7 und In March 1847 was appointed a second Lieui enant oi Infantry Do served in the Mexican war under Jon Taylor at Monterey anti under len Scott from Nora Cruz through the Mexican valley Ho was commissioned Maiornf the First artillery lu January 1H67 und retired the following month During the civil war ho was on duty at Fortress Monroe and New Orleans Miss Margaret Moore died at Wellsburc W Va yesterday aged Jl years She was the oldest resident ot the county lien minor llobert T Moor came to Brooke county from Cerli county Maryland and built the house In which she WAS born has since lived and from which she will be burled Site lint never been more tliau twenty rollca from home hiho was the second of ton children till of whom grow up ben she was a cblid the Bingo Indians hind their village where thin manufacturing town of Mlneo function Ohio la now situated anti where also Gen Washington once stout several days on one of his exploring expedi- tions ¬ Archibald 0 Donaldson Secretary ot the Union Trust- bla Company of Now York died at residence in PanbOte N J yesterday morn Intr of pneumonia lie Wit born at Keall worth NewcastleontbeTyne Luglum- lfiftysix years ago Ho came to the united States with his parents In 1B17 lie was u civil engineer lor the Lohlcb alley and other rail ¬ roads for several yoirs lu November 1SG9 he conic to New lork and became a clerk In the employ of the Union1 rust Companv He bud been Secretary of the company for ten years He leaves a wire and two sons Tames F Black Inton master ot tIme Emerson School In East boston died In Wlnthrop on Wednesday HP waa one of the oldest masters of thu city blni 7t yours ot ige lir flinch inton was gt tuated Iroin Brown I Lulversltyln1- 8A7 On March 1 11H4X he was appointed mi usher In the Lyman phool anti In Decomhori- MiH was made Buotuaster He watt at hot wtsrd master of the Preacott icbool In Charleston and upon the annexation of that municipality to Boston was transferred to the Lmerson School Mrs Mercy Edcett need 91 who was burial 1 In Newark Wurno COUIIT X V Tuoa lay pits parried by her fattier Jtrns Ilubbell to tha- funerul services id George Wnshlnuton in lht0 Her mother Betsey Bowman wet a duughter- ot Ezra Bowman a loston merchant anti onus of the men dlsgulKed as Indians who throw tho tea overboard In Boston barbur Mrs Kdgeti- In survived by tier brother O B Hubbell of Lockport and two sisters Col Solomon Parsons who was appointed superintendent Trcmont Uemple in Boston In 180 and who was afterward chosen clerk of the Hoard of Directors of the Teninle alod at Charleatown Wednesday In Illluols bo practised law for twenty sears He served in both branches of the Legislature there ant WHS on the Governors staff in the Legisla- ture ¬ with him was Abiabam Lincoln TOny were warm friends Mary Caroline Ilocho tiled yesterday at the parsonage of the Washington Street Methodist Church In Binoklyn Site was the wife of tbo- llev Dr Alexander Itoche the pastor of the church and the mother of two Episcopal min- isters ¬ the liar Spencer h Itoche of tit Marks in Brooklyn timid thin Kov llolln H Ilocho of Ht Peters In this city The funeral services will be held at the church on Monday morning Mrs Nancy Woodbury one ol the oldest resi- dents ¬ of Beverly Mass died on Wednesday aged 93 years During tbe nor of 181J she as- sisted ¬ In caring for the sink soldiers During the Miller excitement of 13 t she had gieat In- fluence in preventing her friends from being carried away with the excitement hbe hat one son in the civil war and devoted her whole time during the struggle in working for the soldiers John Knoodler ot M Knoedler A Co tbe art dealers died yesterday afternoon of pneumo- nia ¬ at Lakewood where bo went on Tuesday for the benefit of his health Mr Knoedler was born in Stuttgart sUtyfour years ago and came to this country when about J5 years old lie was unmarried Tire funeral will be on Saturday at the residence of his niece hits KE Heubobel 01 tetl Fortysixth street James 0 Dunn an old and popular actor died in this city on Wednesday of heart disease In his 72d year Mr Dunn hud been on tha stage almost half a century He was a tenor elngerof considerable power aunt for a time sang in a choir In this city illn last engage ¬ meat cii an ator was lu support of Melon JJauvray in Tbe Whirlwind Alfred Harley who died In the City Hospital at Auburn Saturday nvciilng was fit years old and served more than twenty years In the British army and participated In the Duttlos lit Lucknow and Delhi receiving a mi dal lor hla services it lien bu was dUclmrged Irom tlio- in my he received a medal for good conduct und long service Mrs Huldah A Bhuman one nf the oldpft residents ol Iitisburuh died Vi odnon1ay night at tho residence of her soniilaw 7 H Johnston Mrs hhumaii was lorn at Browns Mile In 17I0 hue married Cnpt Ueorge- Hhuman a wellknown river operator who was one of the few Pittsburgh voturaas ot the warot 1812 The remains of James JinkinN who dIed of heart dlaeaio at rustles Italy on Nov M arrived on tho steamer Ltojilu on Morday mod were removed to iJ Halaw itroet Bioiklin where the funeral services will be hold to nlghl Mi Jenkins wet uouducllug an evcui Mon party through Italy at tbe time of his death BllasO Peat died In West Webster Munros county N V Sunday aged ti tJ years Among hits children are Prof H 1 Peet principal of the High behoot in Denvir Col the lice W- O Feet of Churchvlllo N V l O Peat maui agsr of Irrrni irttf liiotn ItnclHt ter N- and Mrs W L Dickinson ol Last ba inaw Zilch Itiulolph lInear father of Cot A it Kueer of Trenton und John 1 L hUEutrof the AVu Jrrtrv- t nt Zttluiig of Newark tiled at lila farm near Trenton ireterdayof heart failure He wa VJ years old He clime from iermaiiy fortytcvcn years ago and established hluodlt as a maiiu lecturer of machinery at Newark Michael Foley n well known war veteran flied on V dn Mjay night nt 2 I Fourth etitt Brooklyn in hU thll yuir Hn rvi in the lecond anti I ighiv neind Si w V rk oi u meets and wa In iwentyelcbt battles lie ru- celvd wounds at nciiyaburg item which ho never fully recovered William Bush nf the firm ot William Bush A- Co morocco manufacturers of Wilmington zf Presidint of the Equitable Guarantee Trust Company and prominent In other End enterprises died suddenly yesterday of failure a edG9 jenrn- Capt Francis Van Bnarton died at his home In lounirstown 1a itrteid aged Si He served in a numbe of European wars and also In the Mexican war anti noted as a drill ofTlosr at the time of the civil war Huldan 0 Oapp widow of Hawley D Claip died yeiterda at Fort HamIlton CEitrrinrjt r- iEciiiAuo U7o nfl nis itnooMF ST Fall and Winter Car ri riff es- OF TUB MK T CLArets Mronabnmt- InndHit tinnier lietnrs lmi littltett a Phuiplo5ut- Ososihujups liullrf Ihuttoti OIsseu HiickHnrnrii ItoiiU tViiuont Soiree Itockiiwny- VUHVI Surrny IabrIolls tltint Curlnln Itorknwnjrn tVmtnnt- ll lice it Il- I SI OIItff f- tHnrkttOMl > rhr IMniflon- Htiimbnnti IIuusrioise ill ney Itiickbonrdn I HO W lirvlert- Vlllnatt Slaui Fheiniil- ti < Cant tr IbHetiiMi hllnrrns Trunk Victories Cabrto- iceSEOONDUAD Iirotlihne tardaulttas iin bswsji VIetorla- tp0501 Snrrevi Itnel Wtiofle iiiIitoLl- tVaonettes itot rats ites terse 1101 1 Do iinpeOigs Sltflhnpe ittseittn ltSpot tVego5 lomorv lbatnu liunshotats Eiprsl Top Cabriosts C5opy ymymoria Fhseions- ItulOCiitA5tB R M C0ACIiI1S CABeioin- LANIIAUl STIVERS tlttAy50- 00ICAWATS WAoNcTt 144 lilt l STANliulItS sLiuroyt- iImAltttfls Ill AilTs ISAST 31st S- Tor IMMENSE HT01K A II OIIAUEH AN ret IC 154 von rABK AVENUE ROAD CITY AND COOmt DRIVING Largest slosh Tlmlncn ttaxtrnnn for Sabers Orse Dry iooJ Oarptiiteri llmtiL rt Ikuudrr Ipc Ao Also ttnvlft sill doubts truck All wirrftDU light Ittlverr icasfis tit country u0 a ituclaitv MACINK WAtsON A CA Hill AtK v C IfillAUtfuuthfith MVneur Ilroomss- NHvMlNEMWAOONMUEiii OMVIIANI IinUVKK VVAOIN ALL STYLSI > LUV VVAKKASTED avv UK VIASUACTt- lfcAh HONIjy WAION3 TAUIN IN IM IIAOK H V ItSOX W AgON C P MS 1HD0 Tat TO MAKH ROOVt for nrlnir nodi wilfcfoit oil A at a barcalu av buggies tamur tiop worn M Itoad Carte I brougham u Hurr y > j Ilutloui Call and txamlnt 7e WOOHTER HT N T- PROTECTION Malntt these sold damp ilari ran he Iia1- at 52 HroitUwtt tiert ynu can e t lig- num nod winos tat are uuaranu purr and at pMci within lie reich of all Store than hair our punm are ladtca Special atientlon to mall or Um Sent for lIst tLBlllMI lK ICK n CO grit Broadway utL lImit ant Ulli tu Some Children Growing Too Fast become litlleti fretful without ener- gy ¬ thin and weak But you can for ¬ tify them and build them up by the us SCOTTS EMULSION OF PURE COO LIVER OIL AND HYPOPHOBPHITE8 Of I4ae suid Sod They will take It readily for It Is al- most ¬ as palatable as milk And it should bo remembered that AS 1 par TEMIVE OB ClBEOFCOLGim OX COLDS IN MOTH Till fill AND YOUNB IT If- UMOOAUEI AntUta tHiuUfntfftrtf- Ar y ww w m rtil 1 JJr7SIXZSfl 2R07J31C- Jolma V Wilson Gee West saul lit Fatktr Appear In 1onpomlou Judge Patterson of the Supreme Court hu granted attachments against John M Wilton doing business as Wilson Urothers dealers In brass bedsteads and adjustable chairs at S23 Broadway on the application of Ulumenstlel A Hirsch representing II J Hoguet A Co creditors for t23G8 anti Wllkens Brothers creditors for tlOll 11 L Judd A Co have also obtained an attachment Deputy Sheriff Tracy has not been able to find Mr Wilson The alUdav its allege that MrWilson gave a hilt of sale of the stock and fixtures to his father George Wilson about Jan 1 and left the city going to Chicago and the West It IB averred that ho made a statement on Aug 13 when ne bought the goods from K J Hoguet A Co that ho hud 180000 all his own money In the busi ness that his father was an employee and that he owed his lather nothing On Jan 8 It U averred his father claimed that he had put JllioOO in the aon a business some time ago that the stock had been transferred to him and thut the son had gone rtesu The llabld ties of John M W lleon to the trade are reported to be about 110000 Deputy therllT McGlnnts has taken posses of this grocery of Moses Mlnreshelmer dc Sons 2C Madison avenue near Fiftyninth stiett on six executions aggregating 11825 The firms business It Is said amounted to IIOOCKO a year Adolph Moonells cigar manufacturer at Avenue I and Tenth street has given lire mortgagus on his factory to secure the follow Ingcrelltora H C L Peetsch 18357 W llllan Steiner 12000 and Patilok Cuuulngtiam- J2132 Oth r creditors It IB sal I have uUa away what stock they could find at the laden Creditors said jetenlay that the uortcot- on the factory exceed IsOUoi anti that the lia- bilities outside of the mortgages are ab ut- 5riOuO with small assets James and John Garll k II J K A J Oar lick wholesale dealers lu ft tilts and OttO it 281 Vnsltingttiti sttett made 1111 asigttiiieit yesterday Clinton S Harris Oliver Bluli and Frank M 1 Idle of Fhiiadl phfa trading in saddlery harduiiro un or the linn name ol Blair A Loll niadu uu ease ment yesterday ion the b nail oi itSr roil tore with liabilities agarfttallni liuiltl in- ability to make collections aid the nceiul business depression are tuul to buys luisieii 1 their failure Clement H Moore wholesale staloneratSi5 Market street Philadelphia lailoJ yeteriay after making preferon OH in iredi ots to na- nmount reaching nlmost fioH MIMXMS liabilities are in the noluhi irhoo I of tTn t HII with assets at about the collie me Thomas B Scott notion mil ci in 1 Imxna- Ind huts failed for lion The Merchants and Trailer I flint f Prime wick Ga has flied claims Hi iiviailiig 12 tOt against the Indlnnapolis rn Manuiictiir log Company Ibe clnl ts ni in left vtliKu wero protested last beptuiul u Former fiirlc Slip l Ic tIi IIi SINO SINO Jan H FioerH lena 37 years old a nlneyoar unv ct I t 02 ihg prison sent from New Y rk orior prj died la- the prison on Wednesday eu lug of fnty degeneration of thu inin f le nonid have completed his term I In o gli taCit u I ontlis and vas engagoil to marry a you K vvniiinn who hail been viattlng lor him il tloo > enrs Mrnntor Mlunloi fCruotnlnalrdB- ACBAMEXTO Jan 8Titt llcpubllcan Inca hors of built brunchesof th Legislature luld a caucus last ntcht and iinnnlinoush tenon Inatod Lolaid hlanford for nltd Mutes he- ntor ° Thin Democrats dni ed to gas their complimentary volts to htophon M Shito A PrlTB In niikM nt ONeill Tbt clearance sale in c un n nNnll i Ink tientt and Twtntloth strict la this cloak l anil jsCkt l tpUC meats iliiw elms trtintndoui tires In tIUeS hUb utually occurs at his time or year Ju ttllcj trlrlnf lhe craps anti long eluaki deserts iroinlnnct Uol taint nJ TUItti of vtvtt of puth ot dmUsf and of miilaiuse ate trimmed with arlttlJ5 o > t ccri- 1chtnlllt or uncut voiceS In tlit cune or etntrtinni colors utters with jtwlleil trimromif anJ cot J fringt finboillii Hit ricliit stoles of m0t it m > rkol It inure which PU atu ehetit rmeni w ILII- Iho I neeit ii aluiott atty our The estti nit it toll ISis big Until fIllS clunk mcii ot damme or ol i 55- r miter tICS > ntiiti ur clotH or T vt in rUtIt5 lion rlcldylrhniuil with fur it Hitr tr ctflH0 Thenenroof 111 test taiuple it IreiifO mOdIJIHO marked st lOt ttbirti of tti limes utrmtuu Ire now of- 500d5 former price Includlla the citaraneo atit S uSC Ia Its misses department slid l shr100 JJ sale of those alrtaly mtniloneJ Muon < It I Jl- tlet art hootch plaid Uretcheii com mr clll a 0i II au- colora from 4 lo U years aol irsiY ciiooi dTSaee

Transcript of S v...


S v fr f >






7 I

The TeniK Hen n Detneeralle Aeee Utlen-Ktjelcee OTC Vklncn Pnat nnd Preeent-In II Letter or Kearret SOT Hill Pro

I nnnniee Tlw Hero at Nsw Orlcnnn MS

A Manor The PeopteMr CleycUnd-

Mr Rnirnrri MOd Other Med Hpcreuca-

PRiLiDKUniit Jan 8 The feature of tblcelebration of Jackson Day Ir this cityras the banquet of the Young Mens Demo-


Association at the Academy of Music

It was the largest affair nf Its kind ever held3

lit tbt city KvTicsldetil Cleveland was theguest of the evening and ha was greeted withgreat Ilthuealmwere 600 persons Before thedinner Mr Cleveland held a reception at tharooms of the Young Mens Association laUnlfrom 2 oclock until S P M

The decorations at the dinner were profuseOoitlr flowers and plants abounded andRound the balconies were flstoonl the nimea-efI ail of the States ot the Union being proral-

antly displayedMr Cleveland occupied the seat of honor ex-

Beoretary of State Bayard being on hla rightand Cloveleot Paulson occupying the Beat atthe left of tbe Chairman

At the conclusion ot the dinner tbe balconiesef the Academy worn opened ant wore coonrued with a brilliant gathering many 1cdin

nerhlnl dress being piesont Prominentspectator Will Mrs Cleveland who

occupied the MrlCleveland box She weeaccompanied by a number of ladles Her en-


wee greeted with npplausu which waaredoubled when she threw a kiss to her hurinnd who cat almost onpoaltt>

1hlltl tnits wee ns JlowIof be drank In

L UenceI The Principles True Democracy Thor

MO Enduring Because They are Right and In-


Because They are Just droverCleveland

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania tierHonor Is Sale In the Virtue Intelligence andIndependence of Her People OovernoclcctRobert F Paulson ot Pennsylvania

The Federal Government Its ProsperityDepends Upon Constltutonal LimitationsTbemas F Thyar-

dTbelew8outh In her Material and Polltleal Development are tho elements of aSuccosslet Future Congressmen W C C Uiecklnridge

New England her History Is a Record olHostility Uunjust Taxat1onJohn F Rus ¬

sellThe Young Democracy the Hope and Re

I hence of the IiepubllcJoseph P McCullen-It wee nearly 10 oclock when the speaking

beUThe letters of regret were presentedud Gov Hills letter wee lfo1owl

Arnr Jan 1 1891

U-4t K PVrpamufA v fAalrtNan Jr lotinp-woc ratlr jftvdMJt riladophI Pa

nHin I regret ray engagementsviIIl deprive me of the plcanuieof aCCOtnlyour cordial Invitation to be

annual banquet of the ouutr Mens Deino-crallo Asioclailon on Jan 8 The celebrationJncksons Day although associated partlcttlarly with a military achievement must al-ways


the distinguished services whichthat relalDemociut rendered to his country3lf typical man of the people setting hlaface asp Governmental favoritism extravagnoce and centralization for title reasonills fellow clllcns honored him with the high-est


gift within tbelr disposal JacksonlauDemocracy hat become a proverb Its qualityWns nnreati alned It was vigorous hOld antiadgreeslve It needed no defence because itsprang from genuine Amerkaiil It was Itsown 1latormbrond comprehondvc and

foe not of onetmtnf all ofernment abuses It vas manlyrpbiistaad wholesome

Thesejiru the qualities which should charaeierlre uemocratlc leadership today The-

me dei artures from fundamental prlnclnlcs-or corernment which Jackson combatted so

euccoslully are visible now to an even greater

dll The Iniquitous Force bill now pend ¬

Congress Is one evldouO of them thewasted curDles Is McKlnley lawis another the iecent monetary legislation isanother andtbe proposed legislative benofav

lonllth111 of Babsldles and bountiesThe preservation ot our In-


n tbelrslmpllolty and our ountrJsMitt welfaM demand tbe united and aggressive

I efforts of the modern Democracy Imbued withtie Jacktonlan IPlrllolndd on his broadplatform utterancespnstalped by his manly confidence In the popu ¬

lar judgment and seeking his political Ideals1 remain venr trulyI yoursn DAvrn B HIIU-Xatterfwere alto received from Messrs Fair

child Whitney Dickinson and Oarlund of exPreaident ClevelandV Cabinet Calvin 1 Brlcatit tlhlo John W Davis of Rhode Inland Logan

I oWeLol Connecticut Charles H Ami denSenator Morgan of Ala ¬

bama Congraasinen Hprlugor of Illinoisand Crisp of Georgia Govs Campbell ot< bio Russell of Massachusetts Abbott ofNew Jersey Hrlggs of Delaware Joikson ofMaryland UcKlnoey of Virginia Fleming ofWest Vlrclnta Tlllman of South CarolinaFowler north CaioIIna NiobolU of Louis-iana


jrlemlne of Florida Buchanan of Tenuosee olse of loa Francis of Missouri UlnanC Michigan 1eck ofI vlscnnsln Pennoyer ofOregon Hoggof TI8 Boyd ot NebraskaaDd Tools of Ion

In his address Bamuel Ouatlne Thompson-Who presided said This celebration comnemorateii noe of the most complete andcrushing defeats recorded In history It tellsii that powerful aimy composed of veterantPlwHb the experience of continental v ar

officered nod magoilicentl-ysqnIppedwae orusho I to pieces by an army of1tem hastily gathered together and dom-inated


br thu mighty spirit of Jackson Wenave net tonight to crl brate that victoryand to unite In Its celebration another victorylately by the party a victory aa qornrJote WOt crushing and not limited or-pnDnlrlto one locality or one ceo

uoo tile country Even our oldCommonwealth unused tochangemoved by aloltv doslre rorpuze administration baa placeditk hoel upon ring domination by the election-of a Democratic Governor whose characterand record give the bellsuraoO of honestanitI lust over theotmDtiy wu See ill u solid phalanxes of the Df-tmoiracy extending from ono end of It to theotter and literounds ofI their marching coltirntis sllenco the suggestion that the power otthe iiartyl limited to one suction This vic-tory


has given the party the right to place uponItIs banner the anlOcat words No North no-

uaIbztO West but the whole

VuenMr Cleveland rose to respond to histout those In the galleries and at the tablescheered anti wavid napkins and hnudkerchief

In hie speech Mr Cleveland saidAli1 rise to respond to tho sentiment which

has assigned to me I cannot mold theimpression lade upon my mind by the an-nouncement


words True DemocracyI belleVfc them to mean a sober conviction oreooclnslou othlnir political topics whichformulated Into u political belief or creed In-Bplrwg i triotlo performance oi he luteofc A creed based upon Much I

Ii tlreull1I means discredited because Uni-on


6 and penerslons temporarily provon-tiBlr popular aoceptano any more than it canbe Irretrievably shipwrecked by mistake madein lu name or br IIts prostitution to ignoblepurpoM

These JrlnolpJel comprise Equal andexact men peace commerceand honest


withwith al nntln-

eIntlnlllll Mate Governments In all theirrights tne preservation of tbe generalUpvrainBt Ui its whole couatitutlonal vigortjealou care ol the right ol election by thepeople absolute In the decisionsof the majority the dupremaoy of the ohlotr the military authority I economy Inpublic expenses the honest payment ol ourdebts ana tacred preservation of the pnlllofaith the encouragement agriculture andcommerce alithandmaid and freedom of re-ligion


the press and freedom of tbeperron

TIle grant President aud Intrepid Demo-cratic


leader whom we especially honor 10

nUlt who never relaxed fala strict adh rnoeto thu Democratic faith nor attend In tile dtfence of the rights of the people against all

found his inspiration and guidance Inromr 10lplel Tartlet sav come and par-ties


have bnt there has never bn atime from Jeffreoui day to the present hourwhen our party did not exist active and agirreiislve anti prepared for heroic conflict Weehoald constantly conurntulnt ourielves thatour Party creed iII br nil fiioiiEh to inet t anycii urgency that can nrB0 m tbelifo of a treenation

Thus when we see tho functions ot Government used to enrich a favored few at the eiMDie of tho turn to our crud ad-

d that It mlnT1 and exact initioeioall men QUa farmer in distresscpa know that they arc not paying the penaltyof tlothfUnesa and manastment wn SnOWthat all tbilli tar removed from the enoeur-ur which our creed cornpanda We will nut violate our political dutyby forgetting bow well entitled our farmers areto our best nfforu for their reetoratlou to lbsInafi fldtnct of n former turns and tU rewards of better days When we ex-IraTaganu ot publlo expundlture list roach


log point ot reckless waste we will retie that economy In Ihe public expense I

Is an lint urtant article II the true Democratichen we sn political adversarieslaltl upon the lincsngo of a Federal with

the scarcely denied purpose of perpttratlngpartisan atiproniacy we wilt stubbornly resistsuch a dangerous and revolutionary schemeIn to our pledge for the support ottbeobNlele In allI their rights

wlat permitted to contemplate tonightthe latest demonstration of the peoples ap-


of the right anti of the acceptance-they uccord to Democratic doctrine whenhoneslf presented In the campaign whichban just closed with such glorious resultswhile party managers worn anticipating theIssue I the light of the continued Illusion ofthe peorilt tlio pen In themselves and furthemselves wme considering the question uftight and justice They have spofcen and th-eIllbral of tho land rejoice Nowhto

uf the people on ques-tions


Involving right nail wrong boon Leuo-r1IItlI1 tliiui here At the hat of your

there will soon stand a dieolplo of true Democracy elected by voters whovvouid hue the right sail not the wrong when-

thoireonsIeneeworetouthod Though tbei ahave existed here conditions and Intmeuceapot altogether fivorabl to an unselfish appro-

enslon ot the moistI attributes of politicaldoctrine I beiievejhat If these features of theprinclDlesi of true Democracy ire uortlctently-advoorotel the time will peedlly come whenas In a ear the patriotic henna ol the peopleof your great commonwealth will be stirred t-ote support of our cause

u his brief address Oovel ct Paulsonsaid From the bauba ot tho Delaware pearlya hundred teats before Washington foulhand Jeffernon wrote leonrights of tbe people the cQualtlr men nndthe attn nt government to and hap-piness


He enlightened the civilized world byinstitutions Jiytbeapphictionottbs prln-tlplis if popular government tothe conduct ofpublic allalrs wealth and population In-

creased anti the happiness aud prosperity oftlu people were secured IIt 1is even more nec-essary


now thiiu over to hold last to them Inthe administration of public trust

theI hero of New Orleans and the Idol ofthe Democracy was greatly admired iconsylvunla Twl < ht received the vote of bnrlectori aud once of hor llepiesentatlve In

oncrem Whon President be came hero forhis Heoretnrles ot tile TreasurySamuel IDiiigham aril Illlam J Dunne while we contnmptm tli grstn5 unitI rlnry of our romm I may wo ever bear In mind that weare Indebted to him who at the beginningmade A wise selection of his territory mid halalaid

tenderat Orot tbe Uovornment that It be el

Mr Bnvnrd address was short and mainlyeulogistic of the Cleveland AdministrationIlls remark that he was a believer in the gos-pel


of recreation evoked touch laughter-but his next remark to the effectthat IIP stood ser reedy to as-sist


hover Cltveland In the gospelwork to the lenoflt of tho American peoplebrought forth a torm of applause as did alsoit refeiiluo to Cleveland second Adminis-tration


Much apKluiue followed Mr liarantis ilecinitIofl that the rules ot HpeakerHeed In the House and the proposed gag lawIn the Heuate are without warrant In the Constltntlon

Congressman Brecklnrldge speech was eulogistic of the South ExCongnssman lInepull of Massachusetts then snoke and thspeaking was btoueht to a close at midnight-by Mr MvCullon of Pbllndeltihla

Mr Clevvliuid will he entertained at break ¬

fast tomnrow by L Clarke Dnvla at his resl-denco The guests will be Mr Bayard JohnE Iluss ll tinY Tattlsnu A J Drexel FIiarrltr John C Bullltt John Cndwalader-Hamuej Uustlne Thompson William M-

Slngerlv and A K McClureTuls morning Sir Cleveland WI honored

with a breakfast by Tobn U AIIIIthose present were George W CblldsMrs1 nvne Mae oagls Mrs I Clarke Davis

Jobn F Ito era Mr Hussex D DnvKallMr Dick m

TlIK 31JUB 70 71K KKIilttVLLES-

lIlfut OT 1ts Qnotei Josh BllllnB nt-Aniirnprlntaas robe

The Business Mens Democratic Associationhas celebrated Jackson Day for several yearsand last night the least in honor ot the occa-


was at Sherrys President J EdwardSimmons presided and near him were the spe-


guests 01 the evening LieiitGov JonesGov LI1Comptroller Myers exBurrogatCalvin Oscar 8ltraul ezMlnister to TurkeyCol Richard Orlando B Potter John


H Inman Cupt I It Garden and It T

tbl nlhor tables wero Maurice J PowerRichard A Cunningham Charles A JacksonWilliam Pitt Mitchell and James A Daly otthe New Amsterdam Club John C Sheeban-the Tammany leader of the Thirteenth dis-


James Paradise Oliver Excise Commis-sioner


Meaklm John A Sullivan EvanThomas President of the Produce ExchangeSecretary C Kinney Smith Tai Comtnlfiftlone-rFeltner Michael F Blake Edgar L lUdgwayUen Wylle and Ihundred othcis

Alter President Ulmmons lad welcomed thoguests letters ot regret were read from GoyHill Mayor Grant Senator Carlisle Joe UUB6811 o Massachusetts Urover Cleveland Congiessman Roger Q Mills and others MrCleveland wrote

I hope the tlmewlllnevercomewhenthedayyour club propo es to odebrate Wilbe neglect ¬

ed bt tIlt Democracy of our It seems tome that you appropriately call It JacksonsDay anti wish that designation might be-


universal among those who love theDemocratic faith and beliey In its tearlessadvocacy I

listI eclally at this oartlcular time ought thecelebration of this day to be enthusiastic Thefact that our party is unltd In Its devotion totho professions and doctrines which have madeii great for which Jaokeon stood and In tbeInspiration of which he led the Democracy ofhis time to victory is enough to furnishabundant entice congratulation When weadd to this the fact that we are permitted tocelebfate on Iuse Jacksons Duty now at handu reeut nweeplng triumph of Democraticprinciple we are justified in the Indulgence ol

ned anti boay rejoicingThe Lieut of Mills wrole

Protection against competition and protec-tion


to combinations must beeacbewod andtariff for revenue only must be emblazonedon every Democratic banner AU prohibitionagainst Importations ol articles of commercemust be removed alrawmaterlal be admittedfree In order that may reduce the cost ofproduction und be able to enter foreign mar ¬

kets und undersell our competitors and there-by


create additional demand fur employmentand Increase the wages of our working peopleThe verdict of the people In November was forus let us see to It that we prove ourselvesworthy of their confidence

LliulOov Jones spoke for the Empire Stateand from the start be warmed tbtllepubllcansAmong other ihlngs he said

rIte iaon ot the lust election should notho without piollt to UN us a warning Whomthe gods wouli destroy they first make madanti BB surely awe neglect tbe Warning an-reekiesalnuse power the people have placedin our hands through the late glorious victoryjust so certain will they rise In their might andoverthrow U The later history of the Demo-cratic


party Is full of Instances where in theflush of victory through overestimate of ourpower Of continuity we have been led Into fataliolllo and neglect of the peoples welfare

Homely but true wa the saying of JObBillings that the bo keerfwhen youi hand is full ot trumps

flaOr DoeI CelebrateBANOOR Jan BTh Democrats of Bangor

celebrated Jackson Day by a banquet at theIenobacot Exchange this evening Between200 and 300 were present Tho lion F MLaughton ot this city acted m toastmasterend tbe following responded to toasts TbeHon Vs L Iutnim of Portland Wm Phompson or Belfast Wm H Clifford of lort ¬

laud Nnhe Cleaves of Portland the Hon UK Boston and the lon 8 B BrownoifWatervllle

Letters were read from a number of promi-nent DemOrjtlncludlnl ex1ieildent Cleve-land


exSecretary Whitney SenatoTs Carlisle and Gorman end Congrossulan Roger V Mills The DemocraticState Committee organised this evenings withthe reflection of John B Donovan aa Chair-man and Fred K Beann aSecretary

Tbt Dew of Chic Mir was OoltlenDeputy Sheriff Charles W Upham arrested

Droktr John E Ireland yesterday In a civilsuit brought by Broker Otto F Bunked ol 810East Ninth strtet Burkart says that Irelandtold him there was a vacancy In the Board ofCommissioners for the approval of land InWestche ter county for a reservoir The salarywas 1500 and a percentage of tha value of theproperty appraised To get the place Irelandsaid Mr Iurkarwould nI8tfl of row ¬

entertained Br these false representationthe affidavit says Ireland tnceeeded In gettingfrom Burkart it 34a While this alleystransaction was still trash linrkart says Ire ¬

land got 13601 more out of him to start a coinpant for purifying milk The company weeiruAolced under the num of the AmericanPure bills Companv BurKnrt was mad Pres-ident


and Ireland waa manager The companyexisted only on naptr Burkart say but Ire-land


got after liurkant agaIn and cot IS26 fromhim and afterward 1335 more and then IDAgfl on account of the Pur Milk Compam Irelad was looked up in default oi I2hOO bal

The MrnntCtUMeCoy Feud KcnewedC-

HIKIJCHTON W Va an8New waa re-


hirtonight from Logan county thatthe BrumlleldMcCoy feud bad broken out on

UanIOrk and that a skirnlih occurred onthe faction which resulted in

the deatk of six mDaDImbrbDwoundl-Furher ae kown



Hnitllngnllhcd Attendance of Fmttlolubl-ertoutt In the Dlnty Dnnclnat Mall cC-

the MitdUo Hqanre WurdtnArtlttle-Deorntlon nf the New Knots

In moor ways the Ltidl R Assembly the

frt of the present season which tol placenight In the new ball the

Madison Square Garden was the moltUautiful ball of the season find the mostelaborate entertainment ever offered by themanager of this ropular organization Notonly was the flower of the ultra fashionable setpresent hut the merriest members ot thednnclnp contingent were In attendance In-

creiu numbersThe gutstsand there were nearly 600wero

obliged to enter the building through the mainentrance to the Garden on Madison avenueowing to the unflnlhtd condition of tho pasgateways on the Twentysixth street side otthe building Tall tropical plants were placed ontbe staIrways and approaches to tbe ballroomwhich unfortunately tho IUel1 hnd to cro-

on their way to the lales s lng rooms

um t i 1

4 V5-r





This was of cure on account of the Incom-


of things on tbe lower floor Thnbeautiful Louis XVI ballroom blazed with lightreflected from hundreds electric bulbs Theartificial ornamentation In the room wa byno means elaborate but quiet and inkeeping with the architectural appoint ¬

ments ot the room The large plat-


which when tbe room Is com-


be used by the musicians waswifled tropical plants here and these In

foliage being an electric light Oarlands of evergreen wore hunc across the frontof the platform and clow It were dis-


largo squares of sixteenth cen-


tapestries The upper gallery atthe eastern ond of the room wee

decorated with greens but this part of thoroom was not used last nlcht Forticrua u-

teagreen and told cloth covered the door-ways and soacieen colored velvet covered-the white cabinet chairs which were placed ontbe sides of the room

It was quite half past 11 oclock whon theguests began to arrive In numbers and it WHS

nearly midnight when the dancing wasbeaun Mrs Astor in a rich gown ofIiink brocade trimmed with 1 irofuston ofwhite lace nod some magnificent diamondsMrs Elbrldse T Gerry In orange satInand velvet reOgden MIR in a Dircctolrogown of heliotrope Il wearIng ratejewels Including a crown ot pantcoloredstones diamonds earls ameraldo and mbIas and Mrs Troscott Lawrence Pompa¬

dour gown of brocade received the guestsThe ladles stood In the southwest cor-


ot the room Lander and Bangers Hun-


band stationed in the balcony on op ¬

posite sides of the room played alernatellAt fifteen minutes post midnlcht supperwas announced tbe scene on sue annelnl norwas one of bewildering lovrllnou Hupperwas served by Sherry at small tables In therestaurant under the hail rom

At 1 oclock tho cotillion with Mr V Frederlo Tarns and rOgden Mills leading was

was one of tbe largest Hermansbun INew York for many a year Therewero no favors Amomg the strangers pres-


were the Maraufee Talleyrand de Ferlgordand Marquis do Cholseul of Paris Mnrnuis-Irapornlllot the Italian Legation nt Washing-ton Mr H Munmo Kergueson of ScotlandJohn Fraser Victor IJurwne Mr and MrsKnight Bruce Mr Ilerbirt Samuelson and Mrs Hugh Caller of Enlland Mnvroyenl Hay Nelson IewIIMr and Mr Preston Miss rAton RntMrs Thompson Miss ThompsonHartman Mrs Kdwaid Willing anti hissEva Jane Mr lolin V

L Wllnl lhlrdelhjaI Cushlnc MissCufcbltiK and MNs 0111 CUYblnl ofBoston Lieutenants andEdward Lowndes 01 the United Ftatellayr-

1dwnrd Everett ot BostonUieenleal and MN Ur enleaf 0-

1lnoxlra bchuyler Cioshy anti Miss Crosbynnd 0 0 Wurta Secretary

of tile American Location at BerlinThere could bo no question 01 tbe success ot

the ootlllon from first to last It went off with aspirit and RO that wore irresistible Manybeautiful gowns were worn by the ladles antinowhere this winter ha beOI seen a more dusling display ot MrA Post wore a dress olwhitepoint lace over yellow satinthe lao forming a mantle from the shouldersand reachlDS to the ham ol the long train Thedecolletto corsage was spangled with jewelsand besides the Mrs 1oxt wore n coronetand necklace of diamonds Miss Post wore asimple EOWO of white tulle embroidered withgold She wore no jewels

Mrs Samuel F Colgate wortwblfAat1 bricade richly trimmed withwore diamonds neil pearls Mr Coluntcstar Mites Ada Smith wore a remarkably hand-some costume ot white gauze Mrs WilliamA Duer was robel In pink satintrimmed with She wore ovlra-ldlamoollolamnll Mrs Charles O

In white satin withgarnIture of yellow satin In her hairMrs Iranoklyn displayed beautllul rubles

Illchard Mortimer wore grill sltlntrimmed with silver and her ornaments wereillumondb Miss Chapman Mm MortlmpiKsister wore a gown of pale grId colored tulleone o the mot admired drersesln the room

Mr Lloyd liryoe wu In a hnniUome gownof white satin hrocnded with yellow Narcissusand trimmed with sold embroidery cud cr iIIThe train was full court and the corsagedtcoilet and llberallyHprlnkled wth diamondsMrs Bryce also wore a toUtalreaand several diamond stars In her coiffureMre Edward Cooper wore a mauve hrocudetrimmed with point late and superb penrNbites IfopeGoddard wore pink tulle ani silk

Flora Davis was In green tulle nntinrIll trimmed with silver IteworJu blar ¬

log diamond orescent tierfry wore I plain ana neat tilting gown JIwhite tulle trimmed with swansitown Mis <

Grace Wilson was In green silk withgarniture of whit on toe hotturn of the skirt The d4collet oorsaee waxdecorated In front with an immense bow ofllliiocoiored IlowI ot the same col-ored


ribbon decorated top ot the strapswhich went nerois the shoulders

Miss Ave WIlling wits in while chiffon whileher mother Mrs Edwar Wllllun wu Inblack velvt Beatrix Jonesssown W white silk antiMIps lulana Outlurl o tum ehllonwhite With daisies wornover whit satin Nisa Thompson of De-troit


blue oluflln and MrFernando A Yinaca was enraged 11k a richcostume of white Itusiian net trimmed withlilacs the cqreeg being made with sluicesof llliiocolored velvet and Btuddo I

with diamond tar Miss Eleanor lnrwas In bright red trimmed with blackwhile her bItter Mil Caroliop Uqr-

fwe In

dress off black arid gold 1lace airs Joseph Lon 1tUhoD malYsatin txtwqied willsJolot la HrV wbq will b intrO

I While an1 silveriuc 1etcamrorl worpink anti whit-her sitter Gameron appeared In-

blite silk an4 tulle and the eldest tster worewhite and sUver frl Frnoll Delaflid waAattired In a tu cuff silverhrocade Ieid6butanti daughter WM one

In blue MRIn a striking gown ol Inttrst blue silk

delicately touched with salmon Mrs BlancheIruatr was In white satin and chiffon On behad ube wore a tura ol diamonds and

Miss Hargoua wore pap heliotropeMUa SalePost and Mils Bend were both In-

wbls architecture of the ball room Is In theutile of Louis XVI Tcrythlnff down to theminutest detail ot wreath and flower hung Inimmaculate white The upholstery It In seagreen and cold The room Is 77 ftequar-with the platform and orchestral gallery on theMadison avenue side and the principal entrances dlreetlr opposite On the north andsouth sides there are live Immente archesreaching from the floor to the panelled ceilingThe pillars ot the arches are 45< fret Bimarand the first balcony which rune around thriddon U built around the big white pillarsThere are thirtysix boxes In the balcony andthepussnRetvay behind them mac through I thesquare pillars by meansof small arches LItersIis a small gallery above the balcony occupyingthe eastern side of the building

The relief work festoons wreaths palmsand tiowera IB ot plaster and papier mnch-Tb colling In square panelled with hllbeanie connecting the tops the greatIaoli 01 the panels has an electric light in thecentre rrbllt an Immense electric globe hangsfrom the mlJdlo of the ceiling 1alm leavesform circles about the cluster nf electric hulblIn the globe There Is an abundance of ¬

trio display on tho Rides besides spreading gnuand the general effect Is n poll waim light

jet Icooplng with tIle white stucco yorkThe facade of tim conceit stage Is similar In

de > lKn tn tho arches on the sides only thegreat doublo arch In front la engaaod Thereare caryatids under the proscenium arch at-uudor the rest one at tho side of each pil-


al holding a fostoon between them



F qi





crt pe randolnh-wa


Tiom tho festoons hang musical emblemsThe orchestra Is In a gallery nearly an bleb aatin floor ot tbo balcony while thevocnllstai coupy a small platform In front of the orcheetia about three feet high When ball Is giventhe lower platform Is removed

UI the main floor on the Twentysixth streetare seven or elchtdressing rooms From

tho touthweRt corner of tbu ball a wlndlulstaircase upholstered la deepest t

to an expansive lover or reception romnwhich conoecttt with the btlcony through thearrhcH previously described 1ortleros of coldnnd green overhang the double doorways1bil ladles lobby ns It la called Is In keowith the architecture of tbcoiling representing the sky with a furry oflands while tho walls hao atint Instead of white It is carpeted greennud thu coats are covyrml with green tdusltwhen the room IIs used for a private finiert

nr room It may nlmi ho ned asrOI tlnlnJ B atlmir capacity IB about liOOwhile that of tbo large concert room In lOtAdjoining small reception room on thebah onv floor there nro pantries in tbe towirSeveral floors hi tbo tower will bo dlotol topantries which will communicate thekitchen in the trip of tbe tower by dumb wait-ers


and oimatorBThin lobby nt tbe concert room extends the

whole length of the eastern side anti tins itsmain entrance at the southeast cornet fronttlio tower The uraml italrcae Isnt UnlHhedvet anti for time first lewoltertaDrentllollewill have to enter byeast corner communicating with tho maincorridor that leads to the nmphtbfatrt on tblMadison avenue side This staircase tIsreotl hell tbe one leading from the lobby ofthe main floor to the balcony and it is intend-ed


for an exit

Urtoii Adamta Bielcnnllon-Lieut K 8 Farrow U 8 Ao Barnegnt Park

Pays that this Is a copy of tho letter of resigna-tion


of Orson Adnms until lately President ottbe Barnecat Park Company and J L Phelpsnotary public eo certifies


WWords eIJTo 1loUI ES Farrow anti

Jo Mr floatili Jtirrctori ftf 5 Hamont raIl Companv-Uk Tii iici In accordanct wilt for request I will

ttndtr my rtiiinatton set bind cnn mr accounts ai-th mttliiKor tbtoomptnr to be IsiS today I wishIII dIstInctly undtntood that I140 to undtr pretestSeTTleS eec tod all olalmi which I hers ten satin rteomptQiailon for atrnciilrfndirtd rrtote rtndtrtdfor cm star of itrrlct aa t am rudy and willlnc lo

rVeel my tam

ATlAfKKl OV A ZOKStT lUMPDnlchrr Elirnechinldt Likely to Dir or the

llrtttlnic la lllcliWMvmnn Gave HimCharles nisenschmldt 1 butcher of Morris

town N J residing about a mile outside thetowns limits was attacked when on the wayto his hOle on Wednesday evening and seri-ously


InjuredThe road to his house Is a lonely one Klsen

schmidt was In a covered cart at a hood In theroad opposite Constable Plersoni housewhenhe was called by name and asked for a lilt

He told the lon who had accosted him tojump In He haul gone only a few yards withhis passenger when he was struck on the headwith a henry woanon and before be could turnto defend himself he received two more blowsgrappled with the man and both foil fromtbe wagon

Nelehboia found Mr Elcenschtnldt bleedlnlon the ground and took him to hishead was badly out In tbreo places He iisnearly Td years old anti may not tecovcr Howas In the habit of carrying largo Bums ofmotion having no faith In bunks and hadmore than 1500 with htm when he WAS assaultcd None of this wits taken ly his assailant

The road over which Mr Klsenncbmldt drove-Is generally lighted by ama In front of thoresldom It dIscovered yesterday thattho lamps In front of Countable Flersons nndGeorge Oroonwoods houses had been emptiedof their oil and that the wicks had beenwetwith water

ODONOBUIfUdNJespk J ODonoho > Uon Married at Hisrather Ilnut to Mian QunofChteagisMica Josephine Quan of Chicago was mar ¬

ned to Thomas J OOonohue a son of JosephJ ODonohue In tho private chapel of MrODonohuee house 5 East BUtynlnlh stiectat oclock yesterday morning Tbo ceremonywas performed by Archblrhqp Corrlgan whoafterward celebrated nuptial mass A sDclablessing was received by cable from Iope

Owing to tho recent very severe illnesstbe grooms mother the wedding was privateand only the Immediate relatives of the brideand room worn present Louis M Green1dward P Murphy anti U Albert Juan andJames Edward Qnan brothers of the bridewere the ushers The Broom was attended byhis cousin Col Hugh ODonohuo Alice Qunnund Maria Irene ODonoUue the youngestsisters of the bride nnd groom wero the brides-maids


anti Theresa H OUonohue was thomaid of honor The bridesmaids wore pinkcrepn with hats and ostrich tips to match antiIthe aId nf honor wore bile crope embroideredIn pink with a blue el and Iwreathof blue fn gelmen tB bride wore awhite siitln Marie Antolnotl dross erabroldercd withI a courttrain and tulle veil Site Wore diamond ear ¬

rings lbs 11 01 the atoom a diamond bnrth gift of grooms parents a diamondanltar the gift of Ul Albert < The chapelwas decorated with palms and white rosesniil the couple knelt under a canopy of imllazand roses

The biide Inl tbe daughter ot William JQuan a wholesale grocer ot Chicago She Is asmall and very pr tty brunMt Among thegiftsbride

tvatl Ihous and lot lu Chicago from the

A Novelty mos Hnllln TttitltWhat Is said to be the only fourmasted-

barkentlne 11 the world III moored at Tier 7

Iaet Hlver loading for Melbourne She wasbuilt last year In Maltland Nova ScotIa andflies the British hag Capt Joseph E Toye lahex aipper She measure 1060 tons and lacalled the Ensenada She carries 6 500 yardsofcauvaa To btatth record to Melbourneshe wilt have to make the trip In lace thaneluhtythree days

A Iarerosd Hurst Its HouiiELnNwiLp Pa Jan flTh ChlutauIIILake Uf Company maintains a larlO iToday I buift tearlnt up rode anti

Bcooidnic out the Kiouud ttoadtpthof flfteeufeet


minimi or IIKR DKJU tnrtai rrttAND BIB HANK HOOK

TVerlli it Millie to Pier lint Hhe Ixay-Them V to a CictaXkd InrTerTbLevi Net Known nt the Drua 8tnralike Nay I Owsedfler Own Idcntllir

The Brooklyn police are IneBllatnl thealleged theft of a will and a banI repre-senting


an estate worth 00or moresaid to have been lel by loer tothe young to whom he hadlean enKaetd to he married The roblair It Is rsserted took place In tholieU of Records building In Brooklyn Inbroad day the thief being rome unknown Per-son


who protended to be acting for the bene-ficiary


of the will The lollce retu o tndlscloqo the Identity ot the heroine of the storynOd their information about the dead lover Is

evidently ot a very doubtful Fort They didnot hesitate loot night however to merest theremarkable Btatoments of the yotuc womanadmitting thl tame time that no erygreotefforts had been made either to erlfr or toUhpro them

The onli woman who says she was tho vic-


ot th robbery called on Police Captain

tanlbl yesterday morning at his tirltnta

II the Adams street station She wasabout 20 years old pretty nnd dressed In deep

mournlnl Lawyer George K Case accompa ¬

She told tho Captain this storyHoi mother the said haLl been dead for ccv

eral years nnd she and her father had beenliving together lu the outskirts of the city ftrrcome time About a year ago pho malethe acquaintance of a young Qeimnndoctor or druggist named Schmidtwho lived in NVllllnrnsburgh nnd in ne-


In Now Yoik Dr HchmKltwas about 30 years old nnJ very wealthyhaving Inherited a largo estate tram liN fatheranti an aunt Po far as also could discover hehad no relatives IVIOI Not lonn after thomacquaintance heJau Di ichml nakedher to beomo his wife liar fatherwho Is an Irishman objected to her marryinga Gorman Tho loveis agreed that theyshould get morrlod within a year with the pa

torn1 consent or without It lirfore the rearrasstd however Dr Schmidt died rhllwas on Nov 1 last Ills sicknessdeath tho young woman said pad occurredon tho floor over u drug on re at Third avenueand Fortysecond streetI New York Me hadattended her loer during his Illnesn anti hindgenii Into mourning when he died Dr Schmidtowned the tuiildliiB in which the Irul tolewas the young woman sold as wel six oreven adJacent buildings and bedroomover tho drug store

Cnpt Cnmuboll tells the rest of the story Intbe j oung WOUlanl words as nearly as he re-


weeks after Dr Schmidt death IlxltedtheI drug htoro anti the dork handel

me a tin lox with tbn key telling me that Ithnd belonged to Dr bchmldt and was Intendedlor me 1 be box be hllL had Itn cldenally discovered In t

bit which Dr Schmidt occupied Ibrought the box with me to Brooklynanti a few day attvrwxrd my fatherund I opened It Via found that It containedDr Hehmldtn will ihlJathlnl to mn nbso-luioly tile entire for his prop-erty


on Third axonue nnd Iortyseoond sItedand a bank book of the WllllHmsbuigh Sacinc Baltic showing that he had 125000thereto hi credit I was err mutt aitonUhed atthe discovery anti after rellnnl the papersnnd bank book In the under lockanti Key In part of the house where I knowthieves would not be likely to look for aluabl iiistThursday I concluded that It was abouttime to take stepstnHecnrethu property whichI understood from location was worth morethan tl 0 HJOOO 1 came down town to consultwith a friend in Dean street By the advice ofthis woman I went to the Surrogates olllcewhich Ili In the Hall nf Records When I reached-thehuildingitndwaaiookingaround In tho corrldorlorthi Murro ates olllce a welldressedman approaclwt and nuked me what I

I wanted tosee tile Irrogzjtaabout some property which hnd been leftme Tho stranger produced a cur I Inscribedwith the name of a reputable Brooklyn lawyen and told me be was the lawyer anti thatIn attended to such busluvst He asked mo IfI had the VNlll and I handed blm tbe box withthis key oXIlalnlol that the will deodl antibatik Inside hadpromised to look alter my Interests I engagedto meet him at the same place on tbe fol-lowing


day I suggested that I would pielerto Cite him at his olhee but he told It would bemore convenient to meet him at the Hall ofItecord

On tbe following day I met him there andafter ho had informed mo that ho had attendedto tho matter and thu estate would som bn Inmy possession wo separated with the under-standing


that we should meet again inthe same corridor OQ Tuesday I wasthor at tbe appointed time but although

for more than an hour hudid not I wont there again on Wed-nesday

¬turlUp same result With the law¬

yers curd In my possession which hud beengiven me at the first Interview I went to hisolllcu bnt found that liauasnot the man 1 badmet In the corridor I then consulted LawyerCase and was advised to nol the police

The young woman Campbell avery full description of the stranger whohad carrlel oft the precious documentsbut not recognize it as that ofany Brooklyn lawyer of his acquaint-ance


The Captain accompanied LawyerCase and tho young woman to theofllte of tbe lawyer whose card she had retalned The lawyerpiofewed Ignorance of thematter but his brother who has a post In theDepartment of City Works remarked 1

think 1 know the man you are afterThe Captain pressed him to give thtmans

name but ho refused to do so for presentHo gave his description and it witsHlmllar to that given by the young woman ofthe man who carried oil the tin box

Subpeiuentlv Lnpt Campbell Introduced theyoung woman to justice Walsh und she re-peated


her story Justice alsh refused toIssue a warrant the facts ns pieonied sot be-ing


sufficient in his opinion to justify anarrest

The man who represented himself as a law-yer


tbe Justice remarked and took thepacers may have been prevented by sicknessor some other cause loin carrying out his en-gagement


of Tuesday He may have handedthe woman the card of another lawyer bymistake

Cait Campboll had his two detectives atwork on the case last night but nothing newwa devolo od He said

The young woman tells roe that she calledat the Wllllamsburgb Savings Bank and foundthat her dead lowr bail 2J0UO on depositthere and that she warned the cashier againstallowing imp ot it to be drawn outpending the result of thin search forthe missing will I must say thatthe care Is one ot the strangest that has comounder my observation for some time Thegirl is mldently respectable and IntelligentmOld I cant see why shut should concoct such astory The mystery I think will be cleared upwithin twentyfour hours or so

lied the Captain sent out of his detectivesover to the drug store at Third avenue andFortysecond street inst night bo would havefound good reason to doubt a part at least ofthe young womans story The drug store Isnn oldesbtabllfhed one and belong to HenryBobmfalk The clerk said to is SUN reporter

This IB the fireS I have ever bound of thismatter No Dr Schmidt or any other doctoror any other person has died In this housewithin a year and I nevei hearth of any tin boxbrine civvn to a young Drooklvn woman orany other woman The woman has evidentlybeen laboring under a delusion ao faras these points in her story are concerned-Nor did any Dr Sobmid t ever own this propertyGeorge Kothum this Innurance man Is theowner and has received the rents not only ofthis but of much of the adjoining property atlong as I remember

SP4BK IuiM rate IlillCOlSAPlI

Th > condition of Sipator Hirit wu rporld to t 6-

HUbtly improYd yiterJir-Ju4i Snyder ytiurtfty orrrnlJ at Crawford

Till lad it motion for a nw trial Hi the cc i of Wn11am rttlt convlotil of wife mnrJ r-

Smmiblp coil u scene at Baltlmort sad itrrilTnib>T bn compelled to ponpoo tblr ilepirtin U U allrlbatil to the DOW blockadt on the railease

Sirs J 0 Croly of Kw York hu wrliun to ih corninlttt ID cbarr of the comliif convention ol rtMstuD in Clttburih luSt ibt topic to rlMicnl Ibe NwVon ttomens IT M Club on lhai oocwuo-

1b Cltrkion lloutt bled and the 0 Hiwli block InMlaltna tint were burDd ycitrdiy VanishI wcuil-llvi a printer ot fan Dover a totrilir > t the CUrkloll lloui WM burnd to dttib ys moss litboulIiuuu

Sits third prepTlr for the Nw York Central andHndioD lItter Kallroad WM launched NtwbDrili yi-lrotr loi ID Ibt basin btvlnf hem n brokto away fortbt purpose The VKII li uo fees long and will titcost In lowlnr ID tew verb harbor

Tbt reall estatei or the HuntlnidoD Pa V nnf ctur-IDI Compinr was built at a rtcclrcr talt rtiitrmr54 She Iron Par Kqulpmut Coapnr t 15cc Wksubject to a itioniaxt of tItus Tht new comp uynow tiu control of tbt tntirt planL-

nobtrt A sianton a trartlllnf iiimin for tbt-DaDltl Cornell wbolttalt greccry Arm tit WoretitrMan baa dtuppartd wltb ortr ticjc blosjcg u lbsnrm They reverieS tile piatttr to the pence wbetblnk U It a cut or embuslamnns

The barn on lb 5 E Olinse estate In Xutk IeyriyMu we berase yesterday morsier With Ce sewstwo horses a tot at youni slack svral bsadr4 bst-wnly Ion of bay a large number ef farmiat hoplmint cirrhegsl market wagons sigte Cc Tbloel-a O tl-

Two big Irstyiti tram a Central sol s Wi Shoretime into cohliion Os lb twit ii tracks tsar 5155flock ynlardsy mornis Tb Wee Store treis crast41510 tile Tilt Sr bs Cea rit einsblsi lb tS sat share

tlnt anti taSty wrrckini several cart hutn-lurtJ

was1 Tnt iracki wtrt Dl ckt4 tar a few hears


cMlne MontalanJ the aciress Is deed In

Paris Size was a native ot Ghent IlelalumFrom childhood she lied leon on the MaoBefore she was 4 years old she was playingchildrens rulej nt the TucAtre IrancalseParis At 20 she had attracted noticeas a promising singer In tIn operas andvaudevilles at the Palais lloral aiJ Intwo or three lenrs the Ptrlslan dandleswere cheating her attlstio piplses andworehliiInc liar piT oiinl chrrms whichwete not lee > attritlve than thoo of reignIng favorlteo Ilka billy and Paola Marie MonInland came to America not so much by herown choIce as to heln in working out a roanagera plan fey ievengi Mnurtcn Ornubrought her over In IrtTO A year curlier 11 Lllntouiun had given Now York ntaetoot 1ioiichopera bouile the lirt Kntnpio ol tile rout PurUion article tlio motrot oils Ilad teetIt littleman was onrouriiiiud by lila llrst vunturo lo tryIt again In ISJil and while hK aecond ttnupe-wa singing at what is now time Tuurtetiith-htrect Thtatro Oman hud bacn energeticenouch to Import u big Fm ouch troupe of hisown iMontaland was in that ttoui sliarlnirthe lending roles with the olTeriewent lIlyThey opened at thMrand Opera house whichwas then an Important lactoramonis tin variuttle enterprises ttCoi Jmtiite Flak Jr Theretlicso Ireiah slngviH of Uruue osploltatgate hattie to thn Dateinan orunnlntu andgennrnlly tie victory wn with the lirind Op-


llou e party Montnlnnd was foremost Inthose dulUhttul revel tIes A vuluptiiously-fnrnudwoiniiiisho was then In in r prime nnd at27 maderontiUdsta With rumarknhle dice antIreckless Iroiuoncy Ticks admlraton for herwas not concealed anti the slnueiim hr tarseemed proud of hem victory It uavi mite inwitsomethlnK now to talk about lot ti whileI HIIIIncidentally It beliedi Ilo iulvrrtlie t itt oiPmia-tiouila Montnlnnd drove out In tIme I UKettiliages and In the Park und on the loadher aay costumes and lien lively mannercaused common tin I eyeD vdUderinentLong Branch too saw te nmr mora tunanine in tboso days which though they elitedated the iemu of Josephine nvMoi Vluiisiloldwere not lees oven i fish m JJlsk millt i hUI IlullnwCM Tho dash soul the nLiirdoii that nuiikod-Montaliind ncllm wore not aliment ftoiu IHTprivuie mo Yet SIIOIIBU prneervau nvi vivaciiy10 hut lint amid tli hat not muted the stageIlko most or IUT coiituincornrloi In Interyeirs she hind become u unlul rtctross lu lightcninedr ami the hal also fregtuntlt appeared

at the TliLiUio 1nmttt alaAlfred lluibt of Iho UuiirtermaterCJeiifrars

Department of nnaylvanla vvlm died a fewdays ago In Nnrrlstowu traced tile nncotrynick In an unbroken line to tile olovunth cen-tury


In the regn of St III am the Conqueror luKngfand Ills uenealoalcil trot showed thathe was of luyal dccom both from lllohanllIng of the Lumens midLdward I v King ofKnuTaod and also from the royal linn ofFrance through the Inmlllte of this Hails ofWarwick and Leicester In the line ot his nu-

c stors were John ilalbnt KarlofbhrawsburyV-lFCOunt Llslu son ot Edward I Lord Grayof Urooby truiiccs Monk laterof the DukeofAlbemarle and the noble famlllea of HerveysHotline Sod terrorsi Major Frank H Lamed U 8 A died at hisborne in Baltimore yesterday morning Miwas the second son of the Stile Benjamin F-

Lamed who was PaymasterUcneral of thearmy Major Lamed was horn In DetroitMick Aug 221MI7 und In March 1847 wasappointed a second Lieui enant oi Infantry Doserved in the Mexican war under Jon Taylorat Monterey anti under len Scott from NoraCruz through the Mexican valley Ho wascommissioned Maiornf the First artillery luJanuary 1H67 und retired the following monthDuring the civil war ho was on duty at FortressMonroe and New Orleans

Miss Margaret Moore died at Wellsburc WVa yesterday aged Jl years She was theoldest resident ot the county lien minorllobert T Moor came to Brooke county fromCerli county Maryland and built the house Inwhich she WAS born has since lived and fromwhich she will be burled Site lint never beenmore tliau twenty rollca from home hiho wasthe second of ton children till of whom growup ben she was a cblid the Bingo Indianshind their village where thin manufacturingtown of Mlneo function Ohio la now situatedanti where also Gen Washington once stoutseveral days on one of his exploring expedi-tions


Archibald 0 Donaldson Secretary ot theUnion Trust-bla

Company of Now York died atresidence in PanbOte N J yesterday morn

Intr of pneumonia lie Wit born at Keallworth NewcastleontbeTyne Luglum-lfiftysix years ago Ho came to the unitedStates with his parents In 1B17 lie was u civilengineer lor the Lohlcb alley and other rail ¬

roads for several yoirs lu November 1SG9

he conic to New lork and became a clerk Inthe employ of the Union1 rust Companv Hebud been Secretary of the company for tenyears He leaves a wire and two sons

Tames F Black Inton master ot tIme EmersonSchool In East boston died In Wlnthrop onWednesday HP waa one of the oldest mastersof thu city blni 7t yours ot ige lir flinchinton was gt tuated Iroin Brown ILulversltyln1-8A7 On March 111H4X he was appointed miusher In the Lyman phool anti In Decomhori-MiH was made Buotuaster He watt at hot wtsrdmaster of the Preacott icbool In Charlestonand upon the annexation of that municipalityto Boston was transferred to the LmersonSchool

Mrs Mercy Edcett need 91 who was burial1In Newark Wurno COUIIT X V Tuoa lay pitsparried by her fattier Jtrns Ilubbell to tha-funerul services id George Wnshlnuton in lht0Her mother Betsey Bowman wet a duughter-ot Ezra Bowman a loston merchant anti onusof the men dlsgulKed as Indians who throw thotea overboard In Boston barbur Mrs Kdgeti-In survived by tier brother O B Hubbell ofLockport and two sisters

Col Solomon Parsons who was appointedsuperintendent Trcmont Uemple in BostonIn 180 and who was afterward chosen clerkof the Hoard of Directors of the Teninle alodat Charleatown Wednesday In Illluols bopractised law for twenty sears He served inboth branches of the Legislature there antWHS on the Governors staff in the Legisla-ture


with him was Abiabam Lincoln TOnywere warm friends

Mary Caroline Ilocho tiled yesterday at theparsonage of the Washington Street MethodistChurch In Binoklyn Site was the wife of tbo-llev Dr Alexander Itoche the pastor of thechurch and the mother of two Episcopal min-isters


the liar Spencer h Itoche of tit Marksin Brooklyn timid thin Kov llolln H Ilocho ofHt Peters In this city The funeral serviceswill be held at the church on Monday morning

Mrs Nancy Woodbury one ol the oldest resi-dents


of Beverly Mass died on Wednesdayaged 93 years During tbe nor of 181J she as-sisted


In caring for the sink soldiers Duringthe Miller excitement of 13 tshe had gieat In-

fluence in preventing her friends from beingcarried away with the excitement hbe hatone son in the civil war and devoted her wholetime during the struggle in working for thesoldiers

John Knoodler ot M Knoedler A Co tbe artdealers died yesterday afternoon of pneumo-nia


at Lakewood where bo went on Tuesdayfor the benefit of his health Mr Knoedlerwas born in Stuttgart sUtyfour years agoand came to this country when about J5 yearsold lie was unmarried Tire funeral will beon Saturday at the residence of his niece hitsKE Heubobel 01 tetl Fortysixth street

James 0 Dunn an old and popular actordied in this city on Wednesday of heart diseaseIn his 72d year Mr Dunn hud been on thastage almost half a century He was a tenorelngerof considerable power aunt for a timesang in a choir In this city illn last engage ¬

meat cii an ator was lu support of MelonJJauvray in Tbe Whirlwind

Alfred Harley who died In the City Hospitalat Auburn Saturday nvciilng was fit years oldand served more than twenty years In theBritish army and participated In the Duttlos litLucknow and Delhi receiving a mi dal lor hlaservices it lien bu was dUclmrged Irom tlio-in my he received a medal for good conductund long service

Mrs Huldah A Bhuman one nf the oldpftresidents ol Iitisburuh died Vi odnon1ay nightat tho residence of her soniilaw 7 HJohnston Mrs hhumaii was lorn at BrownsMile In 17I0 hue married Cnpt Ueorge-Hhuman a wellknown river operator whowas one of the few Pittsburgh voturaas ot thewarot 1812

The remains of James JinkinN who dIedof heart dlaeaio at rustles Italy on Nov Marrived on tho steamer Ltojilu on Morday modwere removed to iJ Halaw itroet Bioiklinwhere the funeral services will be hold tonlghl Mi Jenkins wet uouducllug an evcuiMon party through Italy at tbe time of hisdeath

BllasO Peat died In West Webster Munroscounty N V Sunday aged titJ years Amonghits children are Prof H 1 Peet principal ofthe High behoot in Denvir Col the lice W-

O Feet of Churchvlllo N V l O Peat mauiagsr of Irrrni irttf liiotn ItnclHtter N-

and Mrs W L Dickinson ol Last ba inawZilch

Itiulolph lInear father of Cot A it Kueer ofTrenton und John 1L hUEutrof the AVu Jrrtrv-t nt Zttluiig of Newark tiled at lila farm nearTrenton ireterdayof heart failure He wa VJyears old He clime from iermaiiy fortytcvcnyears ago and established hluodlt as a maiiulecturer of machinery at Newark

Michael Foley n well known war veteranflied on V dn Mjay night nt 2 IFourth etittBrooklyn in hU thll yuir Hn rvi in thelecond anti I ighiv neind Si w V rk oi umeets and wa In iwentyelcbt battles lie ru-

celvd wounds at nciiyaburg item which honever fully recovered

William Bush nf the firm ot William Bush A-

Co morocco manufacturers of Wilmingtonzf Presidint of the Equitable GuaranteeTrust Company and prominent In other

End enterprises died suddenly yesterday offailure a edG9 jenrn-

Capt Francis Van Bnarton died at his homeIn lounirstown 1a itrteid aged Si Heserved in a numbe of European wars andalso In the Mexican war anti noted as a drillofTlosr at the time of the civil war

Huldan 0 Oapp widow of Hawley D Claipdied yeiterda at Fort HamIlton

CEitrrinrjt r-

iEciiiAuoU7o nfl nis itnooMF ST

Fall and WinterCar ri riff es-

OF TUB MK T CLAretsMronabnmt-InndHit

tinnierlietnrslmi littltett a Phuiplo5ut-Ososihujups liullrf IhuttotiOIsseu HiickHnrnrii ItoiiU tViiuontSoiree Itockiiwny-VUHVI Surrny IabrIolls

tltintCurlnln Itorknwnjrn tVmtnnt-lllice it Il-

ISI OIItff f-

tHnrkttOMl> rhr IMniflon-


illney Itiickbonrdn I HO W lirvlert-VlllnattSlaui Fheiniil-

ti< Canttr IbHetiiMi hllnrrns TrunkVictories Cabrto-

iceSEOONDUADIirotlihne tardaulttas iin bswsji VIetorla-tp0501 Snrrevi Itnel Wtiofle iiiIitoLl-tVaonettes itot rats ites terse 1101 1 DoiinpeOigs Sltflhnpe ittseittn ltSpot tVego5 lomorvlbatnu liunshotats Eiprsl Top Cabriosts C5opyymymoria Fhseions-

ItulOCiitA5tB R MC0ACIiI1S CABeioin-LANIIAUl STIVERS tlttAy50-

00ICAWATS WAoNcTt144 lilt l

STANliulItS sLiuroyt-

iImAltttfls IllAilTs ISAST 31st S-Tor



Largest slosh Tlmlncn ttaxtrnnn for Sabers OrseDry iooJ Oarptiiteri llmtiL rt Ikuudrr IpcAo Also ttnvlft sill doubts truck All wirrftDUlight Ittlverr icasfis tit country u0 a ituclaitvMACINK WAtsON A CA Hill AtK v C

IfillAUtfuuthfith MVneur Ilroomss-NHvMlNEMWAOONMUEiii


H V ItSOX W AgON C P MS 1HD0TatTO MAKH ROOVt for nrlnir nodi wilfcfoit oilA at a barcalu av buggies tamur tiop worn M

Itoad Carte I brougham u Hurr y > j Ilutloui Calland txamlnt


PROTECTIONMalntt these sold damp ilari ran he Iia1-at 52 HroitUwtt tiert ynu can e t lig-num nod winos tat are uuaranu purrand at pMci within lie reich of allStore than hair our punm are ladtcaSpecial atientlon to mall or Um Sent for

lIst tLBlllMI lK ICK n COgrit Broadway utL lImit ant Ulli tu

SomeChildrenGrowingToo Fast

become litlleti fretful without ener-


thin and weak But you can for ¬

tify them and build them up by theus




They will take It readily for It Is al-



as palatable as milk And itshould bo remembered that AS 1 parTEMIVE OB ClBEOFCOLGim OX COLDS


UMOOAUEI AntUta tHiuUfntfftrtf-Ar y ww w m rtil


JJr7SIXZSfl 2R07J31C-

Jolma V Wilson Gee West saul lit FatktrAppear In 1onpomlou

Judge Patterson of the Supreme Court hugranted attachments against John M Wiltondoing business as Wilson Urothers dealers Inbrass bedsteads and adjustable chairs at S23

Broadway on the application of UlumenstlelA Hirsch representing II J Hoguet A Co

creditors for t23G8 anti Wllkens Brotherscreditors for tlOll 11 L Judd A Co havealso obtained an attachment Deputy SheriffTracy has not been able to find Mr WilsonThe alUdav its allege that MrWilson gave a hiltof sale of the stock and fixtures to his fatherGeorge Wilson about Jan 1 and left the citygoing to Chicago and the West It IB averredthat ho made a statement on Aug 13 when nebought the goods from K J Hoguet A Co thatho hud 180000 all his own money In the business that his father was an employee and thathe owed his lather nothing On Jan 8 It Uaverred his father claimed that he had putJllioOO in the aon a business some time agothat the stock had been transferred to himand thut the son had gone rtesu The llabldties of John M W lleon to the trade are reportedto be about 110000

Deputy therllT McGlnnts has taken possesof this grocery of Moses Mlnreshelmer dc Sons2C Madison avenue near Fiftyninth stietton six executions aggregating 11825 Thefirms business It Is said amounted to IIOOCKO

a yearAdolph Moonells cigar manufacturer at

Avenue I and Tenth street has given liremortgagus on his factory to secure the followIngcrelltora H C L Peetsch 18357 W llllanSteiner 12000 and Patilok Cuuulngtiam-J2132 Oth r creditors It IB sal I have uUaaway what stock they could find at the ladenCreditors said jetenlay that the uortcot-on the factory exceed IsOUoi anti that the lia-

bilities outside of the mortgages are ab ut-5riOuO with small assetsJames and John Garll k II JK A J Oar

lick wholesale dealers lu ft tilts and OttO it281 Vnsltingttiti sttett made 1111 asigttiiieityesterday Clinton S Harris

Oliver Bluli and Frank M 1Idle of Fhiiadlphfa trading in saddlery harduiiro un or thelinn name ol Blair A Loll niadu uu easement yesterday ion the b nail oi itSr roiltore with liabilities agarfttallni liuiltl in-

ability to make collections aid the nceiulbusiness depression are tuul to buys luisieii 1

their failureClement H Moore wholesale staloneratSi5

Market street Philadelphia lailoJ yeteriayafter making preferon OH in iredi ots to na-

nmount reaching nlmost fioH MIMXMSliabilities are in the noluhi irhoo I of tTnt HII

with assets at about the collie meThomas B Scott notion mil ci in 1 Imxna-

Ind huts failed for lionThe Merchants and Trailer Iflint f Primewick Ga has flied claims Hi iiviailiig 12 tOtagainst the Indlnnapolis rn Manuiictiirlog Company Ibe clnl ts ni in left vtliKuwero protested last beptuiul u

Former fiirlc Slip lIc tIi IIiSINO SINO Jan H FioerH lena 37

years old a nlneyoar unv ct I t 02 ihgprison sent from New Y rk orior prj died la-

the prison on Wednesday eu lug of fntydegeneration of thu ininf le nonid havecompleted his term IIn o gli taCit uI ontlis andvas engagoil to marry a you K vvniiinn whohail been viattlng lor him il tloo > enrs

Mrnntor Mlunloi fCruotnlnalrdB-

ACBAMEXTO Jan 8Titt llcpubllcan Incahors of built brunchesof th Legislature lulda caucus last ntcht and iinnnlinoush tenonInatod Lolaid hlanford for nltd Mutes he-


Thin Democrats dni ed to gas theircomplimentary volts to htophon M Shito

A PrlTB In niikM nt ONeillTbt clearance sale in c un n nNnll i Ink tientt

and Twtntloth strict la this cloakl anil jsCkt ltpUCmeats iliiw elms trtintndoui tires In tIUeS hUb

utually occurs at his time or year Ju ttllcj trlrlnflhe craps anti long eluaki deserts iroinlnnct Uol

taint nJ TUItti of vtvtt of puth ot dmUsf and

of miilaiuse ate trimmed with arlttlJ5 o > t ccri-

1chtnlllt or uncut voiceS In tlit cune or etntrtinnicolors utters with jtwlleil trimromif anJ cot Jfringt finboillii Hit ricliit stoles of m0t itm > rkol It inure which PU atu ehetit rmeni w ILII-


neeit ii aluiott atty our The estti nit it tollISis big Until fIllS clunk mcii ot damme or ol i 55-

r miter tICS > ntiiti ur clotH or T vt in rUtIt5lion rlcldylrhniuil with fur it Hitr tr ctflH0Thenenroof 111 test taiuple it IreiifO mOdIJIHO

marked st lOt ttbirti of ttilimes utrmtuu Ire now of-

500d5former price Includlla the citaraneo atit S uSC

Ia Its misses department slid l shr100 JJsale of those alrtaly mtniloneJ Muon < It I Jl-

tlet art hootch plaid Uretcheii com mr clll a 0iII au-

colorafrom 4 lo U years aol irsiY ciiooi dTSaee