R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science

RAS Item No. 1 : Application Re Bio-Chemistry Date of Presentation :- 01/06/2015 1½ ½ ½ vkpk;Z inoh uksnuhlkBh vkosnu dsysY; (UG/PG/NET/SET/M.Phil. Deg 2½ ½ ½ lknjh dj.;klkBh vuqifLFkr vlysY;k Revised/ Resubmit dj.kk&;k fo| ?;koh- 3½ ½ ½ lnj rDR;k e/;s dkgh r`V;k fda ok vko dk;kZy;kP;k funkZukl vk.kkwu nsowu ;k lnj rDR;ka e/;s fo|kF;ZkP;k uka ok leksj dj.;kr ;s.kkj ukgh- iq uZuksa n.kh (Re-Registration) vkf.k vkosnuk djhrk la ’kks/kdka ph mifLFkrh vk 1 SHTRASANT TUKADOJI MAHARAJ NAGPUR eceived For Ph.D. Registration Under The y – July – 2014 & January, 2015. 15 Sr. No. 01 to 05 Candidates -: egRokph lqpuk :- ;k fo|kF;kZuk inoh xq .kif=dk@in~O;q Rrj xq.kif=dk ¼,e-fQy@us V@l gree Verification Certificate) Rojhr lknj djkos r- lnj iz ek. fo|kF;kZP;k vkosnu jn~ let.;kr ;sbZy o R;ka uk vfLrrokr vly |kF;kZuk la kks/ku o ekU;rk lferh leksj miLFkhr jgkos ykxs y] vuq i osnu dsysY;k fo|kF;kZph uka os uewn ulY;kps funkZukl vkY;kl lo ksX; rh nq #Lrh d#u ?;koh lHksua rj dks.krsgh vk{ks i xz kg; ekuys tk n’kZfo.;kr vkysY;k r`V;ka ph iwrZrk lHksP;kiwohZ fda ok lHks r lknjhd As per the provisions of Direction No.10 of 2011 and ko’;d ukgh UNIVERSITY, NAGPUR e Faculty of Science In The Subject – lsV@ vlY;kl R;ka ph lq /nk½ la ca f/kr fo|kfiBkdMwu iMrkG.kh iz ek. .ki=s lknj ds Y;k fkok; iq <hy dk;Zokgh ?ks rk ;s .kkj ukgh- ;kph uks n ysY;k fu;ekP;k rjrq nh uq lkj uO;kus la iw.kZ iz fdz ;k djkoh ykxs a y rl ifL-Fkr vlY;kl R;ka uh lknj ds ys yj vkjk[kMk jn~ let.;kr ;s bZy oZ la ca f/kr fo|kF;kZuh ;ks X; R;k iq jkO;klg lHks P;k iwohZ fdaok lHks P;k k.kkj ukgh] o (Discripancies) r`V;ka ph iwrZrk 30 fnolkr dj dj.kkps fno’kh i;Zr dj.;kr ;koh- iwrZrk u ds Y;kl R;ka P;k vkos nu d 29 of 2012 e/khy rjrq nhuq lkj eq nrpk< (One Year Extensio .ki= n ?;koh- ls p iquZlknj y ;ka ph uka s n k fnokh jkoh- ukpk fopkj on) djhrk iz kIr

Transcript of R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science

Page 1: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Item No. 1 : Application Received For Ph.D. Registration Under The Faculty of


Date of Presentation :- 01/06/2015

1½½½½ vkpk;Z inoh uksnuhlkBh vkosnu dsysY;k fo|kF;kZuk inoh (UG/PG/NET/SET/M.Phil. Degree

2½½½½ lknjh dj.;klkBh vuqifLFkr vlysY;k fo|kF;kZP;k vkosn

Revised/ Resubmit dj.kk&;k fo|kF;kZuk la?;koh-

3½½½½ lnj rDR;k e/;s dkgh r`V;k fdaok vkosnu dsysY;k fo|kF;kZph ukaos uewn ulY;kps fun

dk;kZy;kP;k fun’kZukl vk.kkwu nsowu ;ksX; rh nq#Lrh d#u ?;koh

4½ lnj rDR;kae/;s fo|kF;ZkP;k ukaok leksj n’kZfo.;kr vkysY;k r`V;kaph iwrZrk lHksP;kiwohZ fdaok lHksr lknjhdj.kkps fno’kh i;dj.;kr ;s.kkj ukgh-

5½ iquZuksan.kh (Re-Registration) vkf.k vkosnuk djhrk la’kks/kdkaph mifLFkrh vko’;d ukgh



Application Received For Ph.D. Registration Under The Faculty of

Chemistry – July – 2014 & January, 2015.

01/06/2015 Sr. No. 01 to 05 Candidates

-: egRokph lqpuk :-

vkpk;Z inoh uksnuhlkBh vkosnu dsysY;k fo|kF;kZuk inoh xq.kif=dk@in~O;qRrj xq.kif=dk ¼,e-fQy@usV@lsV@ vlY;kl R;kaph lq/nkDegree Verification Certificate) Rojhr lknj djkosr- lnj izek.ki=s lknj dsY;k f

lknjh dj.;klkBh vuqifLFkr vlysY;k fo|kF;kZP;k vkosnu jn~ let.;kr ;sbZy o R;kauk vfLrrokr vlysY;k fu;ekP;k rjrqnh uqlkj uO;kus laiw.kZ izfdz;k djkoh ykxsay rlsp

dj.kk&;k fo|kF;kZuk la’kks/ku o ekU;rk lferh leksj miLFkhr jgkos ykxsy] vuqifL

lnj rDR;k e/;s dkgh r`V;k fdaok vkosnu dsysY;k fo|kF;kZph ukaos uewn ulY;kps fun’kZukl vkY;kl loZ lacaf/kr fo|kF;kZuh ;ksX; R;k iqjkO;klg lHksP;k iwohZ fdaok lHksP;k fno

;ksX; rh nq#Lrh d#u ?;koh lHksuarj dks.krsgh vk{ksi xzkg; ekuys tk.kkj ukgh]

lnj rDR;kae/;s fo|kF;ZkP;k ukaok leksj n’kZfo.;kr vkysY;k r`V;kaph iwrZrk lHksP;kiwohZ fdaok lHksr lknjhdj.kkps fno’kh i;

As per the provisions of Direction No.10 of 2011 and 29 of 2012

la’kks/kdkaph mifLFkrh vko’;d ukgh


Application Received For Ph.D. Registration Under The Faculty of Science In The Subject –

fQy@usV@lsV@ vlY;kl R;kaph lq/nk½ lacaf/kr fo|kfiBkdMwu iMrkG.kh izek.ki=lnj izek.ki=s lknj dsY;k f’kok; iq<hy dk;Zokgh ?ksrk ;s.kkj ukgh- ;kph uksn ?;koh

u jn~ let.;kr ;sbZy o R;kauk vfLrrokr vlysY;k fu;ekP;k rjrqnh uqlkj uO;kus laiw.kZ izfdz;k djkoh ykxsay rlsp

] vuqifL-Fkr vlY;kl R;kauh lknj dsysyj vkjk[kMk jn~ let.;kr ;sbZy ;kaph ukasn

kZukl vkY;kl loZ lacaf/kr fo|kF;kZuh ;ksX; R;k iqjkO;klg lHksP;k iwohZ fdaok lHksP;k fno

lHksuarj dks.krsgh vk{ksi xzkg; ekuys tk.kkj ukgh] o (Discripancies) r`V;kaph iwrZrk 30 fnolkr djkoh

lnj rDR;kae/;s fo|kF;ZkP;k ukaok leksj n’kZfo.;kr vkysY;k r`V;kaph iwrZrk lHksP;kiwohZ fdaok lHksr lknjhdj.kkps fno’kh i;Zr dj.;kr ;koh- iwrZrk u dsY;kl R;kaP;k vkosnukpk

As per the provisions of Direction No.10 of 2011 and 29 of 2012 e/khy rjrqnhuqlkj eqnrpk< (One Year Extension)

lacaf/kr fo|kfiBkdMwu iMrkG.kh izek.ki= ;kph uksn ?;koh-

u jn~ let.;kr ;sbZy o R;kauk vfLrrokr vlysY;k fu;ekP;k rjrqnh uqlkj uO;kus laiw.kZ izfdz;k djkoh ykxsay rlsp iquZlknj ;sbZy ;kaph ukasn

kZukl vkY;kl loZ lacaf/kr fo|kF;kZuh ;ksX; R;k iqjkO;klg lHksP;k iwohZ fdaok lHksP;k fno’kh r`V;kaph iwrZrk 30 fnolkr djkoh-

iwrZrk u dsY;kl R;kaP;k vkosnukpk fopkj

(One Year Extension) djhrk izkIr

Page 2: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

1. Ms. Mrunal G. Meshram, C/o Mr. H.T. Suryawanshi, Dr. Ambedkar Nagar, Near Buddha Vihar, Dharampeth, Nagpur-10. M.Sc. (2011), RTMNU, Nagpur. CSIR UGC NET- 2013 hence PET Exempted. Date of App. 07/07/2014.

SC --- “Toxicological Effects due to Industrial Activities / Pollutants.”

Supervisor, Dr. S. Saravana Devi EHD, CSIR- NEERI, Nagpur. Co-Supervisor, Dr. K. Krishnamurthi, PSH, EHD, CSIR – NEERI, Nagpur.

CSIR- National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, Nehru Marg, Nagpur.

M.Sc. Marksheet & Degree Cert. NET/SET relevant Documents not submitted

2. Ms. Priyanka S. Bhoj, At./Po. Boregaon, Tah. Koregaon, Dist. Sata.

M.Sc. (2013) RTMNU, Nagpur.

CSIR-UGC-NET 2013, hence PET Exempted. Date of App.07/07/2014.

OBC --- Exploring the mechanism of apoptosis for designing therapeutic modality against filarial parasite brugis malayi.”

Supervisor, Dr. M.V.R. Reddy, Deptt. of BCH, M.G. Instt. of Medical Science, Sewagram, Wardha. Co-Supervisor, Dr. K. Goswami, Prof. Deptt. of BCH, M.G. Instt. of Medical Science, Sewagram, Wardha.

Deptt. of Biochemistry, M.G. Instt. of Medical Science, Sewagram, Wardha.

M.Sc. Degree Cert. not submit

Page 3: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 3. Mr. Namdev S. Togre,

At./Po. Jalkot, Tah. Jalkot, Dist. Latur.

M.Sc. (2013), RTMNU, Nagpur.

PET (2013)

Date of App. 07/07/2014.

SC --- “ Assessment of Immunomodulatory effect and therapeutic potential of filarial proteins in experimental colitis.”

Supervisor, Dr. M.V.R. Reddy, Deptt. of BCH, M.G. Instt. of Medical Science, Sewagram, Wardha. Co-Supervisor, Dr. K. Goswami, Prof. Deptt. of BCH, M.G. Instt. of Medical Science, Sewagram, Wardha.

Deptt. of Biochemistry, M.G. Instt. of Medical Science, Sewagram, Wardha.

M.Sc. Degree Cert. not submit

4. Ms. Sudipta Sarkar, ‘Satkar Aprts” Flat No.D-2, Plot No.20, Jaitala, Nagpur-36.

M.Sc., (2006), RTMNU, Nagpur. Date of App. 15/01/2015.

-- --- “ A Correlation Study between Circulating CRP and lipoprotein profile in obese Children from Nagpur, Maharashtra.”

Dr. Hemlata Job, Asoc. Prof. Deptt. of BCH, Hislop College, Civil Lines, Nagpur.

Deptt. of BCH, Hislop College, Temple Road, Nagpur.

M.Sc. Degree & Name Change Notification issued by RTMNU, not submit.

Page 4: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

5. Revised Synopsis Ms. Komal B. Talreja, 29, Renuka Prasad Jetwan Co. Society, Shastri Layout, B/h Ananopurti Bazar, Khamla, Nagpur.

M.Sc, (2010), RTMNU, Nagpur.

PET (Oct,2013) Date of App.

Open No “ Anticancer bioactivities of Phytochemicals and Nutrients for the Prevention and Treatment of Breast Cancer Metastasis to bone…”

Dr. Archana Moon, Deptt. of Biochemistry, RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Biochemistry, RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Revised Synopsis nsubmit on 20/09/2014.

6. Re-Registration Ms. Soma R. Santra, C/o Mr. S. K. Nagose, Plot No.87, Vaishali Nagar, Nagpur- 17.

M.Sc. (2007), RTMNU, Nagpur. Date of Reg. 14/07/2009. Date of App. 19/07/2014.

-- --- “ Evaluation and Development of Strategies for Improvement of Calcium Assay in Clinical Laboratories.”

Dr. (Mrs) Swati Kotwal, Reader, Deptt. of Bio-Chemistry, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Bio-Chemistry, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.


Page 5: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

7. Ms. Pallavi H. Mehere, Plot No.10, S-1, /Saptagiri Nagar, Near Narendra Nagar, Wardha Road, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2011), RTMNU, Nagpur.

SC Yes From : “ The Biochemical anomaly in Hematological disorders and effect of some Azocompounds on sickle erythrocytes and infectious microbes in concern Disorder.” To, “To Study the Effect of some Azocompounds on Biochemical Changes & Oxidative Stress in the Blood of Sickel Cell Anemia Patients.”

Supervisor, Dr. V.G. Meshram, Prof. Deptt. of Biochemistry, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Instead of Dr.(Mrs) R.K. Chahande, Asstt. Prof. Deptt. of Biochemistry, S.K.P. College, Kamptee, dist. Nagpur.

Deptt. of Biochemistry, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Instead of Deptt. of Biochemistry, S.K. Porwal College, Kamptee, Dist. Nagpur.

App. Of Ms. Pallavi Mehere, on dated 13/03/2015, for Change of Title, Change of Research Place & Change of Guide.

8. Re-Registration Mr. Milind S. Panchabhai, C/o Biochemnistry Research Lab, CIIMS, Bajaj Nagar, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2005) R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Date of Reg. 15/01/2010.

Date of App.17/03/2015.


“Defferential Diagnosis of Latent from Active Tuberculosis.”

Supervisor, Dr. R.S. Kashyap, SRC, CIIMS, Nagpur. Co-supervisor, Dr. H.F. Daginawala, Head, BRL, CIIMS, Nagpur.

CIIMS. 88/2, Bajaj Nagar, Nagpur.


Page 6: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Item No. 1 : Application Received For Ph.D. Registration Under The Faculty of


Date of Presentation :- 02/06/2015.

1½½½½ vkpk;Z inoh uksnuhlkBh vkosnu dsysY;k fo|kF;kZuk inoh (UG/PG/NET/SET/M.Phil. Degree Verification Certificate)

2½½½½ lknjh dj.;klkBh vuqifLFkr vlysY;k fo|kF;kZP;k vkosn

Revised/ Resubmit dj.kk&;k fo|kF;kZuk la?;koh-

3½½½½ lnj rDR;k e/;s dkgh r`V;k fdaok vkosnu dsysY;k fo|kF;kZph ukaos uewn ulY;kps fun

dk;kZy;kP;k fun’kZukl vk.kkwu nsowu ;ksX; rh nq#Lrh d#u ?;koh

4½ lnj rDR;kae/;s fo|kF;ZkP;k ukaok leksj n’kZfo.;kr vkysY;k r`V;kaph iwrZrk lHksP;kiwohZ fdaok lHksr lkdj.;kr ;s.kkj ukgh-

5½ iquZuksan.kh (Re-Registration) vkf.k vkosnuk djhrk la’kks/kdkaph mifLFkrh vko’;d ukgh



Application Received For Ph.D. Registration Under The Faculty of

Biotechnology – July – 2014 & January, 2015.

02/06/2015. Sr. No. 01 to 06 Candidates

-: egRokph lqpuk :-

vkpk;Z inoh uksnuhlkBh vkosnu dsysY;k fo|kF;kZuk inoh xq.kif=dk@in~O;qRrj xq.kif=dk ¼,e-fQy@usV@lsV@ vlY;kl R;kaph lq/nk(UG/PG/NET/SET/M.Phil. Degree Verification Certificate) Rojhr lknj djkosr- lnj izek.ki=s lknj dsY;k f

lknjh dj.;klkBh vuqifLFkr vlysY;k fo|kF;kZP;k vkosnu jn~ let.;kr ;sbZy o R;kauk vfLrrokr vlysY;k fu;ekP;k rjrqnh uqlkj uO;kus laiw.kZ izfdz;k djkoh ykxsay rlsp

dj.kk&;k fo|kF;kZuk la’kks/ku o ekU;rk lferh leksj miLFkhr jgkos ykxsy] vuqifL

lnj rDR;k e/;s dkgh r`V;k fdaok vkosnu dsysY;k fo|kF;kZph ukaos uewn ulY;kps fun’kZukl vkY;kl loZ lacaf/kr fo|kF;kZuh ;ksX; R;k iqjkO;klg lHksP;k iwohZ fdaok lHksP;k fno

kZukl vk.kkwu nsowu ;ksX; rh nq#Lrh d#u ?;koh lHksuarj dks.krsgh vk{ksi xzkg; ekuys tk.kkj ukgh]

lnj rDR;kae/;s fo|kF;ZkP;k ukaok leksj n’kZfo.;kr vkysY;k r`V;kaph iwrZrk lHksP;kiwohZ fdaok lHksr lknjhdj.kkps fno’kh i;Zr dj.;kr ;koh

As per the provisions of Direction No.10 of 2011 and 29 of 2012 vkosnuk djhrk la’kks/kdkaph mifLFkrh vko’;d ukgh


Application Received For Ph.D. Registration Under The Faculty of Science In The Subject –


fQy@usV@lsV@ vlY;kl R;kaph lq/nk½ lacaf/kr fo|kfiBkdMwu iMrkG.kh izek.ki=lnj izek.ki=s lknj dsY;k f’kok; iq<hy dk;Zokgh ?ksrk ;s.kkj ukgh- ;kph uksn ?;koh

u jn~ let.;kr ;sbZy o R;kauk vfLrrokr vlysY;k fu;ekP;k rjrqnh uqlkj uO;kus laiw.kZ izfdz;k djkoh ykxsay rlsp

] vuqifL-Fkr vlY;kl R;kauh lknj dsysyj vkjk[kMk jn~ let.;kr ;sbZy ;kaph ukasn

kZukl vkY;kl loZ lacaf/kr fo|kF;kZuh ;ksX; R;k iqjkO;klg lHksP;k iwohZ fdaok lHksP;k fno

lHksuarj dks.krsgh vk{ksi xzkg; ekuys tk.kkj ukgh] o (Discripancies) r`V;kaph iwrZrk 30 fnolkr djkoh

njhdj.kkps fno’kh i;Zr dj.;kr ;koh- iwrZrk u dsY;kl R;kaP;k vkosnukpk

As per the provisions of Direction No.10 of 2011 and 29 of 2012 e/khy rjrqnhuqlkj eqnrpk< (One Year Extension)

lacaf/kr fo|kfiBkdMwu iMrkG.kh izek.ki= ;kph uksn ?;koh-

u jn~ let.;kr ;sbZy o R;kauk vfLrrokr vlysY;k fu;ekP;k rjrqnh uqlkj uO;kus laiw.kZ izfdz;k djkoh ykxsay rlsp iquZlknj jn~ let.;kr ;sbZy ;kaph ukasn

kZukl vkY;kl loZ lacaf/kr fo|kF;kZuh ;ksX; R;k iqjkO;klg lHksP;k iwohZ fdaok lHksP;k fno’kh r`V;kaph iwrZrk 30 fnolkr djkoh-

iwrZrk u dsY;kl R;kaP;k vkosnukpk fopkj

(One Year Extension) djhrk izkIr

Page 7: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

1. Ms. Prutha D. Aloni, Plot No.67, P&T Colony, Rana Pratap Nagar, Nagpur-440022.

M.Sc. (2011), RTMNU, Nagpur.

PET (2013)

Date of App.14/07/2014.

-- Yes


“ To Study the Clot lytic Activity and Mechanism of Action of Fagonic Arabica (Dhamasa) using Endothelial Cell Line Model.”

Dr. R.S. Kashyap, SRS, Deptt. of Biochemistry, Central India Institute of Medical Science, Nagpur.

Central India Institute of Medical Science, Nagpur.

PET Result & M.Sc. Degree Cert. not submit Supervisor not recognized

2. Ms. Reshma M. Talkal, ‘Pooja Aprts” Flat No.304, Opp. To Rescue Colony, Power Grid, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2011), RTMNU, Nagpur.

PET- (2013), Date of App. 15/07/2014.



Comparative Study of Salt Tolerant Gene Cluster in Salt Adapted Bacteria (E.Coli HPC-781)”

Dr. H.J. Purohit, CS & Head, EGD, CSIR- National Environmental Engineering Research Instt. Nagpur.

CSIR- National Environmental Engineering Research Instt. Nagpur.

M.Sc. Degree Cert. not submit

Page 8: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

3. Mr. Prafulla S. Ambulkar, At. Warud, Po. Sewagram, Ta./Dist. Wardha.

M.Sc. (2007), RTMNU, Nagpur.

PET (2013), GATE-2009, Date of App. 14/07/2014.

OBC --- “ Genetic Study of Human Male Infertility related to Y Chromosime Microdeletions & Androgen receptor geme on X Chromosome in Oligozoospermia & Azoospermia Cases.”

Dr. S.S. Pande, Head Deptt. of Biotech. Rajiv Gandhi Biotechnology Centre, RTMNU, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Biotech. Rajiv Gandhi Biotechnology Centre, RTMNU, Nagpur.


4. Mr. Prashant G. Tarale, Plot No.33, Vishwas Nagar, Opp. Jaripatka Police Station, Nara Road, Nagpur-14.

M.Sc. (2011), RTMNU, Nagpur.

GATE-2012, Date of App. 16/06/2014.

OBC ---- “ Effect of Environmental Toxicants on Epigenomic Regulations/ Alterations in Human in vitro cell models.”

Suspervisor, Dr. T. Chakrabarti, Chair Prof. V.N.I.T. Nagpur. Co-Supervisor, Dr. S. Saravana Devi, PS, EHD, CSIR- NEERI, Nagpur.

CSIR- National Environmental Engineering Research Instt. Nagpur.

M.Sc. Degree Cert. not submit.

Page 9: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

5. Ms. Priyanka A. Gupta, Gupta Bhandar Hotel, Nalsaheb Squ. Hansapuri, Nagpur- 440018.

M.Sc. (2010), RTMNU, Nagpur.

PET (2014),

Date of App. 14/01/2015.

--- ---- “ Development of Nutraceuticals using Probiotics and Anticancerous Herbs.”

Dr. S.S. Pande, Head Deptt. of Biotech. Rajiv Gandhi Biotechnology Centre, RTMNU, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Biotech. Rajiv Gandhi Biotechnology Centre, RTMNU, Nagpur.

Name Change Notification issued by RTMNU, Nagpur not submit.

6. Mr. Hitesh Tikariha, C/o Mr. A.V. Tripathi, Flat No.101, Cristal Plaza, Ramdaspeth, Nagpur. M.Sc. (2013), RTMNU, Nagpur. CSIR-UGC-NET (2013), Date of App. 14/01/2015.

--- --- “ Study of Microbial Community Dynamics with Substratestress model using metagenomic approach.”

Supervisor, Dr. H.J. Purohit, CS & Head, EGD, CSIR- National Environmental Engineering Research Instt. Nagpur. Co-Supervisor, Dr. A. Khardenavis, Scientist, EGD, CSIR- National Environmental Engineering Research Instt. Nagpur.

CSIR- National Environmental Engineering Research Instt. Nagpur.

M.Sc. Degree Cert. not submit.

Page 10: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Item No. 1 : Application Received For Ph.D. Registration Under The Faculty of

Chemistry – July

Date of Presentation :- 06/06/2015.

1½½½½ vkpk;Z inoh uksnuhlkBh vkosnu dsysY;k fo|kF;kZuk inoh (UG/PG/NET/SET/M.Phil. Degree Verification Certificate)

2½½½½ lknjh dj.;klkBh vuqifLFkr vlysY;k fo|kF;kZP;k vkosn

Revised/ Resubmit dj.kk&;k fo|kF;kZuk la?;koh-

3½½½½ lnj rDR;k e/;s dkgh r`V;k fdaok vkosnu dsysY;k fo|kF;kZph ukaos uewn ulY;kps fun

dk;kZy;kP;k fun’kZukl vk.kkwu nsowu ;ksX

4½ lnj rDR;kae/;s fo|kF;ZkP;k ukaok leksj n’kZfo.;kr vkysY;k r`V;kaph iwrZrk lHksP;kiwohZ fdaok lHksr lknjhdj.kkps fno’kh i;Zr dj.;kr ;s.kkj ukgh-

5½ iquZuksan.kh (Re-Registration) vkf.k vkosnuk djhrk la’kks/kdkaph mifLFkrh vko’;d ukgh



Application Received For Ph.D. Registration Under The Faculty of

July – 2014 & January, 2015.

06/06/2015. Sr. No. 01 to 41 Candidates

-: egRokph lqpuk :-

vkpk;Z inoh uksnuhlkBh vkosnu dsysY;k fo|kF;kZuk inoh xq.kif=dk@in~O;qRrj xq.kif=dk ¼,e-fQy@usV@lsV@ vlY;kl R;kaph lq/nk(UG/PG/NET/SET/M.Phil. Degree Verification Certificate) Rojhr lknj djkosr- lnj izek.ki=s lknj dsY;k f

lknjh dj.;klkBh vuqifLFkr vlysY;k fo|kF;kZP;k vkosnu jn~ let.;kr ;sbZy o R;kauk vfLrrokr vlysY;k fu;ekP;k rjrqnh uqlkj uO;kus laiw.kZ izfdz;k djkoh ykxsay rlsp

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As per the provisions of Direction No.10 of 2011 and 29 of 2012 la’kks/kdkaph mifLFkrh vko’;d ukgh


Application Received For Ph.D. Registration Under The Faculty of Science In The Subject –


fQy@usV@lsV@ vlY;kl R;kaph lq/nk½ lacaf/kr fo|kfiBkdMwu iMrkG.kh izek.ki=lnj izek.ki=s lknj dsY;k f’kok; iq<hy dk;Zokgh ?ksrk ;s.kkj ukgh- ;kph uksn ?;koh

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] vuqifL-Fkr vlY;kl R;kauh lknj dsysyj vkjk[kMk jn~ let.;kr ;sbZy ;kaph ukasn

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lHksuarj dks.krsgh vk{ksi xzkg; ekuys tk.kkj ukgh] o (Discripancies) r`V;kaph iwrZrk 30 fnolkr djkoh

lnj rDR;kae/;s fo|kF;ZkP;k ukaok leksj n’kZfo.;kr vkysY;k r`V;kaph iwrZrk lHksP;kiwohZ fdaok lHksr lknjhdj.kkps fno’kh i;Zr dj.;kr ;koh- iwrZrk u dsY;kl R;kaP;k vkosnukpk

As per the provisions of Direction No.10 of 2011 and 29 of 2012 e/khy rjrqnhuqlkj eqnrpk< (One Year Extension)

lacaf/kr fo|kfiBkdMwu iMrkG.kh izek.ki= ;kph uksn ?;koh-

u jn~ let.;kr ;sbZy o R;kauk vfLrrokr vlysY;k fu;ekP;k rjrqnh uqlkj uO;kus laiw.kZ izfdz;k djkoh ykxsay rlsp iquZlknj jn~ let.;kr ;sbZy ;kaph ukasn

kZukl vkY;kl loZ lacaf/kr fo|kF;kZuh ;ksX; R;k iqjkO;klg lHksP;k iwohZ fdaok lHksP;k fno’kh r`V;kaph iwrZrk 30 fnolkr djkoh-

iwrZrk u dsY;kl R;kaP;k vkosnukpk fopkj

(One Year Extension) djhrk izkIr

Page 11: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

1. Mrs. Aruna M. Sudame, F-9, 1st Floor, ‘Aman Plaza’ Nari Road, Nagpur-26,

M.Sc. (1995), RTMNU, Nagpur.

Full Time Approved Teacher, hence PET Exempted as per Dir. No. 29/2012.

Date of App. 07/07/2014.



“To Study Physico Chemical Characterization of Coalmining Water with Removal of Hardness by Naturally Occurring Polymers, Ultrasound Method (Comparative Study of Both the Methods) and Its Utilization for Agriculture Purpose.

Dr. M.D. Choudhary, Prof. & Head, Deptt. of Chemistry, B.D. College of Engineering, Sewagram, Dist. Wardha.

Deptt. of Chemistry, B.D. College of Engineering, Sewagram, Dist. Wardha.

Name Change Notification issued by RTMNU, not submit.

2. Ms. Darshana A. Fendarkar, Plot No.40/1, Narkesri Society Sadbhavna Nagar, Manewada Ring road, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2012) RTMNU, Nagpur.

PET (2013),

Date of App. 16/07/2014.

OBC --- “Chemical Functionalization of Graphene/Graphene Oxide : Physiochemical Analysis.”

Dr. Sanjay R. Thakre, Asoc. Prof. Institute of Science, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Chemistry, Institute of Science, Nagpur.


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Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

3. Mrs. Dipti C.S. Bisht, A-1/A-2, Manavseva Nagar, B/H/ Veternary College Seminary Hills, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (1992), RTMNU, Nagpur.

PET (2012) Result Not valid.

Date of App. 14/07/2014.

--- Yes NMC

“Synthesis of Substituted Iron Oxide Nanoparticles and Compositional Dependence of their Morphological and Electric-Magnetic Behaviours.”

Supervisor, Dr.(Mrs) D.M. Borikar, Asstt. Prof. Deptt. of Chemistry, Dr. Ambedkar College, Nagpur. Co-supervisor, Dr. K.G. Rewatkar, Deptt. of Physics, Dr. Ambedkar College, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Chemistry, Dr. Ambedkar College, Nagpur.

PET Result Not Valid & Name Change Notification issued by RTMNU, not submit.

4. Ms. Chaitali C. Bidkar, ‘Hansdhawani Aprts” Plot No.1, Bhoge Layout, Near NIT Garden, Trimurthi Nagar, Nagpur.

M.Sc.(2006), RTMNU, Nagpur.

PET (2013),

Date of App. 16/07/2014.

--- --- “ Synthesis and Physiochemical Analysis of Metal Complexes of Graphene/Graphene Oxide.”

Dr. D.B. Patil, Asoc. Prof. Deptt. of Chemistry, Govt. Institute of Science, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Chemistry, Govt. Institute of Science, Nagpur.


Page 13: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

5. Ms. Kalyani T. Kamde, Rahate Kharwadi, Dasta Road, Mahal, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2011), RTMNU, Nagpur.

PET (2013),

Date of App. 19/06/2014.


“ Green Chemistry Approach for the Treatment of Water/Wastewater Containing Arsenic.”

Supervisor, Dr. A.K. Bansiwal, EMD, CSIR- National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, Nagpur. Dr. R.A. Pandey, EBD- National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, Nagpur.

CSIR- National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, Nagpur.

M.Sc. Degree Cert not submit.

6. Miss. Nageshwari M. Sarade, C/o Dr. H.D. Juneja, Head, Deptt. of Chemistry, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2012), RTM, Nagpur University,

PET (2013)

Date of App. 14/07/2014.

SC -- “Syntheric, characterization and Structural Studies of some Metallic Gel.”

Dr. H.D. Juneja, Head, Deptt. of Chemistry, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Chemistry, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

M.Sc. Degree Cert. not submit.

Page 14: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

7. Mr. Ajay M. Pasudde, At. Katki, Po, Kharangna (Gode), Dist. Wardha.

M.Sc. (2009), R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

PET (2013),

Date of App. 09/07/2014.

OBC --- Binding Analysis of Stubstitutted N-heterocycles with protein : FT-IR, Equilibrium Dialysis and Molecular Modeling Study.”

Dr. Pradip V. Tekade, Asstt. Prof. Deptt. of Chemistry, J.B. College of Science, Wardha.

Deptt. of Chemistry, J.B. College of Science, Wardha.


8. Mr. Ashish C. Kavale, S.S. Jaiswal College, Arjuni Mor, Dist. Gondia. M.Sc. (2011), R.t.M. Nagpur Un iversity, Nagpur. CSIR-UGC-NET (2012), hence PET Exempted, as per Dir. No. 29/2012. Date of App. 15/07/2014.


“ New Applications of Hypervalent Iodine Reagents in Organic Synthesis.”

Dr. N.N. Karade Asoc. Prof. Deptt. of Chemistry, R.t.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Chemistry, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

M.Sc. Degree Cert. not submit.

Page 15: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

9. Mr. Amit H. Kalbande, Plot No.202, Kunal Aprts, Diwan Layout, Manewad-Besa Road, Nagpur,

M.Sc. (2009), RTMNU, Nagpur.

CSIR-UGC-NET (2011), hence PET Exempted, as per Dir. No. 29/2012.

Date of App. 15/07/2014.

OBC --- “ Developments of New Methods in Organic Synthesis Using Hypervalent Iodine Reagents.”

Dr. N.N. Karade Asoc. Prof. Deptt. of Chemistry, R.t.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Chemistry, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.


10. Mr. Chandrakant V. Bisen, At. Suryatola Ward, Near Gadgebab Primary School, Gondia.

M.Sc.(2007), RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur.,

CSIR-UGC-NET (2012), hence PET Exempted, as per Dir. No. 29/2012.

Date of App. 18/10/2014.


“ Designing, Synthesis and Characterization of Quinoline Based New Anti-Tuberculoss Agents.”

Supervisor, Dr. P.K. Rahangdale, Head, Deptt. of chemistry, Bhavbhuti Mahavidyalaya, Amgaon, dist. Gondia. Co-Supervisor, Dr. Manoj R. Patle, Head, Deptt. of Chemistry, D.B. Science College, Gondia.

Deptt. of Chemistry, D.B. Science College, Gondia.


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Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

11. Mr. Chetan D. Vaidya, Sant Kjrupa Nagar, Sant Tukdoji Ward, Nandori Road, Hinganghat, Dist. Wardha.

M.Sc. (2009), RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur.

GATE-2014, hencePET Exempted as per Dir. No.29/2012.

Date of App. 06/08/2014.


“ Characteristics of total Carbon in Fine Ambient Particulates at Nagpur City.”

Dr. (Mrs) V.v. Khaparde, APCD, CSIR- National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, Nagpur.

CSIR- National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, Nagpur.


12. Mr. Chandrashekhar S. Kashikar, Qurt. No. C-08, Paper Mill Colony, Ballarpur, Dist. Chandrapur.

M.Sc. (1994), RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Industrial Exp. 18 Years, hence PET Exempted as per Dir. No.29/2012.

Date of App. 15/07/2014.

-- Yes BGPPL

“ Utilization of Lime Mud : A solid Waste from Pulp and Paper Industry for Gainful Utilization Through Recycling.”

Dr. (Mrs) D.M. Borikar, Deptt. of chemistry, Dr. Ambedkar College, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Chemistry, Dr. Ambedkar College, Nagpur.


Page 17: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

13. Mr. Sushilkumar Suresh Kapgate, C/o Mr. V.P. Gahane, Gajanan Colony, Opp. Pandey Layout, Angur Bagicha Road, Kudwa, Dist. Gondia.

M.Sc. (2012), RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur.

PET (2013)

Date of App. 14/07/2014.

OBC ---- “Synthesis and Biological Activities of Substitutted Azolyl Quinolines.”

Dr. K.M. Hatzade, Asstt. Prof. Deptt. of Chemistry, Dhote Bandhu College of Science, Gondia.

Deptt. of Chemistry, Dhote Bandhu College of Science, Gondia.

PET Result not submit.

14. Mr. Avinash C. Dongapure, C/o Mr. P.D. Katre, 183, Trikuta Aprts, Flat No.102, Ramnagar, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2012), Pune University,

NET (2013)

Date of App. 23/03/2015.

--- --- “ Synthesis, Charactrization and Practical Applicability of New Composite Copolymers.”

Supervisor, Dr. P.K. Rahangdale, Head, Deptt. of Chemistry, Bhawabhuti Mahavidyalaya, Amgaon, Dist. Gondia.

Co-Supervisor, Dr. (Mrs) Pratibha D. Burghate, Asstt. Prof. Deptt. of Chemistry, Shri Shivaji Science College, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Chemistry, Shri Shivaji Science College, Nagpur.

Eligibility Cer. & Residential Cert. & M.Sc. Degree Verification Cert. from Pune University, not submitted.

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Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

15. Mr. Dinesh D. Kamdi, C/o Mr. N.P. Khode, 28, (East), Narkesary Layout, Jaiprakash Nagar, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (1998), RTM Nagpur Universitym, Nagpur.

PET (2013),

Date of App. 16/01/2015.

OBC --- “ Syntheksis, characterization of Copolymer Resins and Its Composite for the Removal of Heavy Metals and Thermal Degradation Kinetics.”

Dr. W.B. Gurnule, Asoc. Prof. Deptt. of Chemistry, Kamla Nehru College, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Chemistry, Kamla Nehru College, Nagpur.


16. Mr. Jitendra R. Yadav, Near Old Parvati Nagar, Parvati Nagar, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2014), RTMNU, Nagpur.

PET (2014),

Date of App. 15/01/2015.

NT --- “Toxicological Study of Silver Nanoparticles and Graphene/Graphene Oxide.”

Supervisor, Dr. S.R. Thakare, Asoc. Prof. Deptt. of Chemistry, Institute of Science, Nagpur. Co-Supervisor, Dr. S.S. Pawar, Institute of Science, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Chemistry, Insstitute of Science, Nagpur.

M.Sc. Degree Cert. not submitted.

Page 19: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

17. Mr. Kailas V. Chitalkar, C/o Qutr. No. CT-L714, Babuline Itwari Railway Station, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2005), Mumbai University,

PET (2013),

Date of App. 13/2/2015.

--- --- “Assessment of Air Water and Soil Quality in MIDC areas of Raigad & Ratnagiri District of Maharashtra.”

Dr. (Mrs) Mamata R. Lanjewar, Asoc. Prof. Deptt. of Chemistry, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Chemistry, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Eligibility Cert. from RTMNU, & Residental Cert. from Executive Magistrate, & M.Sc. Degree Verification Cert from Mumbai University,

18. Mr. Muhammed Shoeb Ansari, C/o Sonu Steel Furniture, B/H Hotel Darshan Tower, C.A. Road, Lodhipura, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2012), R.T.M. Nagpur University,

PET (2013),

Date of App. 14/01/2015.

OBC --- “Synthesis and Study of Pharmacologically Potent Schiff Bases and Their Transition Metal Complexes.”

Dr. (Mrs) Farhin Inam, Asoc. Prof. Deptt. of Chemistry, Govt. Instt. of Science, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Chemistry, Govt. Instt. of Science, Nagpur.

M.Sc. Degree Cert. not submit.

Page 20: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

19. Mr. Nityanand D. Dahake, C/o Prof. Manoj Jamdarkar, Plot No.155, Flat No.301, Sailaxmi Aprts, Mahalaxmi Nagar, New Narsala Road, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2011), S.G.B. Amravati University,

SET-2013, hence PET Exempted as per Dir. No. 29 of 2012.

Date of App. 14/01/2015.

SBC --- “ Synthetic Applications of Active Methylene Compounds in Organic Synthesis.”

Supervisor, Dr. H.S. Chandak, Deptt. of Chemistry, G.S., Science College, Khamgaon, Dist. Buldhana.

Co-supervisor, Dr. M.G. Dhonde, Deptt. of Chemistry, Shri M.M. College of Science, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Chemistry, Shri M.M. College of Science, Nagpur.

Eligibility Cert. from RTMNU, Nagpur. M.Sc., Degree Verification Cert. from SGBAU, not submit.

20. Mr. Prabhakar Dahikar, Vitthal Gujari Ward, Paoni, Tah. Paoni, Dist. Bhandara.

M.Sc. (2009), RTMNU, Nagpur.

PET (2013),

Date of App. 13/01/2015.

OBC --- “Study of Kinetics and Physical Propertties of some Biologically Potent Molecules Synthesized by Green Chemisty.”

Dr. D.P. Gulwade, Asstt. Prof. Deptt. of Chemistyr, Instt. of Science, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Chemistry, Institute of Science, Nagpur.

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Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

21. Mr. Rupesh S. Awachat, C/o Mr. Pramod L. Awachat, 498, Ashirwad Nagar, Near Kedare Nurshing Home, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2013), RTMNU, Nagpur.

PET (2013),

Date of App. 15/01/2015.

OBC --- “Evaluation of Activated Carbons and Related Materials for Removal of Metal Ions from Aqueous Solutions.”

Dr. R.U. Khope, Deptt. of Chemistry, Shivaji Science College, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Chemistry, Shri Shivaji Science College, Nagpur.

M.Sc. Degree Cert. not submit.

22. Mrs. Samrin Naz Abid Zaheer, Umar Building, Plot No.32, Teachers Colony, Near New Grampanchayat, Yerkheda, Kamptee, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2011), RTMNU, Nagpur.

PET (2014),

Date of App. 09/04/2015.

OBC ---- “Synthesis characterization and Biological Evaluation of Some New Mannich Bases.”

Dr. M.B. Bagade, Head, Deptt. of Chemistry, S.K. Porwal College, Kamptee, Dist. Nagpur.

Deptt. of Chemistry, S.K. Porwal College, Kamptee, Dist. Nagpur.


Page 22: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

23. Mr. Rajkumar M. Patle, At. Ambetalav, Po. Kalemati, Tah. Goregaon, Dist. Gondia.

M.Sc. (2011) RTMNU, Nagpur.

SET (2013) hence PET Exempted as per Dir. No. 29 of 2012.

Date of App. 14/01/2015

OBC --- “Designing Synthesis and Characterization of Imidazole Based New Anti-Tuberculosis Agents.”

Dr. Manoj R. Patle, Deptt. of chemistry, D.B. Science College, Gondia.

Deptt. of Chemistry, D.B. Science College Gondia.

M..Sc. Degree Cert. not submit.

24. Mr. Rahul G. Gajbhiye, Vidya Vikas Arts, Commerce & Science College, samudrapur, Dist. Wardha.

M.Sc. (2009), SGB Amravati University,

NET-2009, SET-2009, hence PET Exempted as per dir. No. 29/2012.

Date of App. 16/01/2015.


“Synthesis Characterization and Biological Activity of P-Methoxy Isonitroso Acetophenone with Transition Elements.”

Supervisor, Dr.Sanjay R. Thakre, Asoc. Prof. Deptt. of Chemistry, Instt. of Science, Nagpur. Co-Supervisor, Dr. R.D. Raut, Deptt. of chemistry, J.B. College of Science, wardha.

Deptt. of Chemistry, Institute of Science, Nagpur.

Residential Cert. from Executive Magistrate & M.Sc. Degree Verification Cert. from SGBAU.

Page 23: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any

Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

25. Mr. Shivkumar S. Prajapati, Plot No.192, Sanyal Nagar, Nari Road, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2004), RTMNU, Nagpur.

PET (2013)

Date of App. 08/01/2015

--- --- Adsorptiom Studies on Selectivity of Activated Red Mud Towards Toxic Inorganic Anions in Water Samples.”

Dr. V.M. Tangde, Asoc Prof. Deptt. of Chemistry, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Chemistry, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.


26. Mr. Vinod D. Deotale, C/o Dr. M.G. Dhonde, Plot. No.492, New Subhedar Layout, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2000) SGB Amravati University,

PET (2013),

Date of 13/01/2015.

OBC --- “Synthesis of New Thiobarbituric Acids and their Organic Tranformations.”

Dr. M.G. Dhonde, Asoc. Prof. Deptt. of Chemistry, Shri M. Mohota Sicence College, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Chemistry, Shri M. Mohota Sicence College, Nagpur.

Eligibility Cert. from RTMNU, & M.Sc. Degree Verification Cert. from SGBAU.

Page 24: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any

Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

27. Mr. Wasim Ahmed Khan, Vidyabharthi College Seloo, Dist. Wardha.

M.Sc. (2009), SGB Amravati University,


Date of App. 28/01/2015.

--- Yes VBC

“Synthesis, Characterization and Microbial Evaluation of Transtiion Metal Complexes of P-phenyl isonitroso acetophenone.”

Dr. R.d. Raut, Asoc. Prof. Deptt. of Chemistry, J.B. Science College, Wardha.

Deptt. of Chemistry, J.B. Science College, Wardha.

Eligibility Cert. from RTMNU, & Residential aCert. From Executive Magistrate, not submit.

28. Mr. Yogesh K. Patle, Central Railway Colony, R.B. II, 345, Chaurch Road, Ajni, Nagpur.

M.,Sc. (2011), RTM Nagpur University,

GATE-2013, hence PET Exempted, as per dir. No.29/2012.

Date of App. 16/01/2015.

OBC Yes “ Studies on the Simultaneous Reduction of Nitrate and Oxidation of Byproducts using Electrochemical Method.”

Dr. S. Kagne, AID, National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, Nagpur.

National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, Nagpur.

M.Sc. Degree Cert. not submit.

Page 25: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any

Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

29. Mrs. Anita Shekhawat, Qurt. No.190, Block 33, CPWD Old Qurts, Seminary Hills, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2010), RTM Nagpur Univdersity,

PET (2013),

Date of App. 08/01/2015.

--- ---- “Effective Detoxification of Waste Water using Chemically Modified Biopolymer.”

Dr. R.M. Jugade, Asstt. Prof. Deptt. of Chemistry, RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Chemistry, RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur.


30. Ms. Asmita S. Jadhav, Plot No.12, Harshawardhan Colony, Near Old Jain Pipe Factory, Jalgaon.

M.Sc. (2011), N.M. University, Jalgaon,

PET (2013),

Date of App. 14/01/2015.

OBC --- “Studies on removal of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH’s) from Water and Wastewater.”

Dr. Nitin Labhasetwar, SPS, EMD, CSIR-National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, Nagpur.

CSIR-National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, Nagpur.

Page 26: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any

Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

31. Ms. Ekta M. Meshram, Plot No.130, Laghuvetan Colony, Indora Chowk, Kamptee road, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2000), SGB Amravati University,

M.Phil (2009). Algappa University,

M.Phil & Full Time Approved Teacher, hence PET Exempted as per dir. No. 29/2012.

Date of App. 13/01/2015.


“Synthesis and Structural Elucidation of Different Heterocyclic Derivatives Possessing Chalcone and Coumarins Precursors.”

Supervisor, Dr. B.N. Berad, Deptt. of Chemistry, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur. Co-supervisor, Dr. C.P. Pandhurnekar, Deptt. of Chemistry, Ramdeobaba College of Engg. & Mang. Nagpur.

Deptt. of Chemistry, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Eligibility Cert. from RTMNU & Residential Cert. from Executive Magistrate & M.Sc. Degree Verification Cert. not submit.

32. Ms. Megha N. Sawarkar, 45/3, SER, Railway Qurt, Ajni, Vanjari Nagar, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2012), SGB Amravati University,

GATE- 2013, hence PET Exempted as per Dir. No. 29/2012. Date of App. 12/01/2015

SC --- “ Characterisation of Conducting Polyaniline/Metal Oxide Nanocomposites.”

Supervisor, Dr. (Mrs) P.S. Agrawal, Asoc. Prof. Deptt. of App. Chemistry, L.I.T. Nagpur. Co-Supervisor, Dr.(Mrs) S.A. Pande, Asoc. Prof. Deptt. App. Physics, L.I.T. Nagpur.

Laxminarayan Instt. of Tech. R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Eligibility Cert. from RTMNU, & Residential Cert. from Executive Magistrate, & M.Sc. Degree Verification Cert. from SGBAU. Not submit.

Page 27: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any

Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

33. Mrs. Mamta S. Uparkar, 22, Modern Society, Chhatrapati Nagar, Wardha Road, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (1998), R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

PET (2013),

Date of App. 15/01/2015.

OBC --- “Intra Cellular Study of Terpenoids Having Anti-Cancer Potential.”

Dr. Sunil H. Ganatra, Asoc. Prof. Deptt. of chemistry, Institute of Science, Nagpur.

Deptt. of chemistry, Institute of Science, Nagpur.


34. Mrs. Priyanka Saxena, House No.981, NPL Colony, New Rajinder Nagar, Near Pusa New Delhi.

M.Sc. (2004), D.E.I. Agra,

PET (2014)

Date of App. 14/01/2015.


“Study of Selenite and Selenate Uptake on Nano-Metal Oxides and Carbon/Graphene supported Oxides for Water Pollution Control.”

Dr. Nitin K. Labhsetwar, EMD, CSIR- National Envirionmental Engineering Research Institute, Nagpur.

CSIR- National Envirionmental Engineering Research Institute, Nagpur.

Eligibility Cert. & Name Change Notification from RTMNU, & Residential Cert. & M.Sc. Degree Verification Cert. from Agra. Not submit.

Page 28: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any

Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

35. Ms. Pooja M. Bure, Flat No.302, GEET Aprts, Bhange Vihar, Trimurthi Nagar, Nagpur-22.

M.Sc. (2013), RTMNU, Nagpur.

PET (2013),

Date of App. 08/01/2015

OBC --- “ Studies on adsorption Characteristics of some Wild Plant Species for the Remediation of Waste-Water.”

Supervisor, Dr. A.B. Kalambe, Asoc. Prof. Deptt. of Chemistry, Insstitute of Science, Nagpur. Co-supervisor, Dr.(Mrs) Deepa Panhekar, Asstt. Prof. Deptt. of Chemistry, Dr. Ambedkar College, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Chemistry, Institute of Science, Nagpur.


36. Ms. Sapna S. Nandeshwar, 301, Satyam Heights Ganesh Dham, Hudkeshwar Road, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2012), RTM Nagpur Univesity, Nagpur.

PET (2013),

Date of App. 01/01/2015.

SC --- “ Risk Assessment of Heavy Metal Toxicity Through Biomagnification from Wastewater of Nag River and Formulation of Green Materials for Sustainable Water Treatment.”

Supervisor, Dr.(Mrs) Anjali S. Mahakalkar, Asoc. Prof. Sevadal Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur. Co-Supervisor, Dr.(Mrs) R.R. Gupta, Asoc. Prof. S.M. Mohota Science College, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Chemistry, Sevadal Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur.

M.Sc. Degree Cert. not submit.

Page 29: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any

Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

37. Revised synopsis Shri Hanumansingh Ramjanamsingh Yadav C/o Gavai Balaji Nagar, Hingna Road MIDC Radakay Layout Infront of Shri Ram Yadav Nagpur

M.Sc. – 2010 , RTMNU

PET pass (55%)

Dated 10.01.2013

OBC No “The Synthesis and Study of Fulgenic Acid and Itaconic Acid by Stobbe Condensation using Greener Methods.”

Dr. S.M. Gadegone H.O.D. Chem. K.N.M. Nagpur Co-Guide Dr. Pande H.O.D Chem. Hislop College Nagpur

Hislop College Nagpur

Resubmit with Correction in the Title Referencing in slandered format, as suggested by RRC

Date of submission 01/01/2015.

38. Revised synopsis Shri Nikhil Meghashyam Bhave , Plot No. 72 Flat No. 201, Sai Bhushan Sujata Layout, Deendayal Nagar, Nagpur – 440 022

M.Sc. – 1996, RTMNU

Exempted from PET under clause Direction No. 29 of 2012 Para (5)


Yes “Physicochemical Assessment of Water Quality Around Manganese Mines and Removal of Pollutanmts using Newly Synthesized Zeolites”

Dr. Sujata S. Deo Asso. Professor Dept. of Chemistry Institute of Science Nagpur

Institute of Science Nagpur

Resubmit with Specifying Physicochemical and hydrogeological parameters and heavy metals to be analysed along with details of methods & uptodate literature survey.

Page 30: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any

Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

39. Revised synopsis Shri Humeshwar Damodhar Anande C/o Ganesh Wankhede New Futala, Gali No. 4 Amravati Road, Nagpur

M.Sc. – 2011 , RTMNU

UGC-JRF & Gate Exempted from PET under clause Direction No. 29 of 2012

Date of Revised synopsis : 23/05/2014.

OBC No “Synthesis of Levulinic Acid Using Waste as a Raw Material and Preparation of its Green Derivatives for Environmental Application”

Dr. R.A. Pandey Chief Scientist and Head EBD CSIR-NEERI Nagpur

NEERI Nehru Marg Nagpur

Revised synopsis Synopsis submit on 23/05/2014.

40. Revised synopsis Shri Pravin M. Keche Sai Nagar , Arvi Dist. – Wardha

M.Sc. – 2008 , RTMNU

PET pass (63%)

Dated 11.01.2013

OBC No “Physico-Chemical Properties of Some Newly Functionalized Amberlite Series Resins”

Dr. V.V. Hiwase Dept. of Chemistry Arts Commerce & Science College Arvi , Wardha

Co-Guide Dr. R. Batra Dept. of Chemistry Institute of Science Nagpur

Institute of Science Nagpur

Revised synopsis Synopsis submit on 31/05/2014.

Page 31: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any

Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

41. Revised synopsis Shri Hitesh M. Ekare Room No. 83, Boys New Hostel Institute of Science, Nagpur

M.Sc. – 2011 , RTMNU

PET pass (58%)

Dated 08.10.2013

OBC No “Physicochemical studies of Resins Derived from Functional Monomers Isolated from Expired Medicinal Formulations”

Dr. Vinay V. Hiwase Arts, Commerce and Science College Arvi, Wardha Co-Guide Dr. Ashok B. Kalambe Institute of Science Nagpur

Government Institute of Science Nagpur

Revised synopsis Submit on 10/06/2014.

42. Re-Registration Mr. Pradeep R. Salve, EIRA Division, N.E.E.R.I. Nagpur.

M.Sc. (1995), R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Date of Reg. 15/07/2009.

Date of App. 18/10/2014.

SC Yes “ Studies on Transformation of Organic Pollutants and their Influence on Aerosol Properties.”

Supervisor, Dr. R.J. Krupadam, EIRA Div. CSIR- National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, Nagpur.

Co-Supervisor, Dr. S.R. Wate, Director, CSIR- National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, Nagpur.

CSIR- National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, Nagpur.


Page 32: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Item No. 1 : Application Received For Ph.D. Registration Under The Faculty of

Computer Science

Date of Presentation :- 04/06/2015.

1½½½½ vkpk;Z inoh uksnuhlkBh vkosnu dsysY;k fo|kF;kZuk inoh (UG/PG/NET/SET/M.Phil. Degree Verification Certificate)

2½½½½ lknjh dj.;klkBh vuqifLFkr vlysY;k fo|kF;kZP;k vkosn

Revised/ Resubmit dj.kk&;k fo|kF;kZuk la?;koh-

3½½½½ lnj rDR;k e/;s dkgh r`V;k fdaok vkosnu dsysY;k fo|kF;kZph ukaos uewn ulY;kps fun

dk;kZy;kP;k fun’kZukl vk.kkwu nsowu ;ksX; rh nq#Lrh d#u ?;koh

4½ lnj rDR;kae/;s fo|kF;ZkP;k ukaok leksj n’kZfo.;kr vkysY;k r`V;kaph iwrZrk lHksP;kiwohZ fdaok lHksr lkdj.;kr ;s.kkj ukgh-

5½ iquZuksan.kh (Re-Registration) vkf.k vkosnuk djhrk la’kks/kdkaph mifLFkrh vko’;d ukgh



Application Received For Ph.D. Registration Under The Faculty of

Computer Science – July – 2014 & January, 2015.

04/06/2015. Sr. No. 01 to 13 Candidates

-: egRokph lqpuk :-

vkpk;Z inoh uksnuhlkBh vkosnu dsysY;k fo|kF;kZuk inoh xq.kif=dk@in~O;qRrj xq.kif=dk ¼,e-fQy@usV@lsV@ vlY;kl R;kaph lq/nk(UG/PG/NET/SET/M.Phil. Degree Verification Certificate) Rojhr lknj djkosr- lnj izek.ki=s lknj dsY;k f

lknjh dj.;klkBh vuqifLFkr vlysY;k fo|kF;kZP;k vkosnu jn~ let.;kr ;sbZy o R;kauk vfLrrokr vlysY;k fu;ekP;k rjrqnh uqlkj uO;kus laiw.kZ izfdz;k djkoh ykxsay rlsp

dj.kk&;k fo|kF;kZuk la’kks/ku o ekU;rk lferh leksj miLFkhr jgkos ykxsy] vuqifL

lnj rDR;k e/;s dkgh r`V;k fdaok vkosnu dsysY;k fo|kF;kZph ukaos uewn ulY;kps fun’kZukl vkY;kl loZ lacaf/kr fo|kF;kZuh ;ksX; R;k iqjkO;klg lHksP;k iwohZ fdaok lHksP;k fno

kZukl vk.kkwu nsowu ;ksX; rh nq#Lrh d#u ?;koh lHksuarj dks.krsgh vk{ksi xzkg; ekuys tk.kkj ukgh]

lnj rDR;kae/;s fo|kF;ZkP;k ukaok leksj n’kZfo.;kr vkysY;k r`V;kaph iwrZrk lHksP;kiwohZ fdaok lHksr lknjhdj.kkps fno’kh i;Zr dj.;kr ;koh

As per the provisions of Direction No.10 of 2011 and 29 of 2012 vkosnuk djhrk la’kks/kdkaph mifLFkrh vko’;d ukgh


Application Received For Ph.D. Registration Under The Faculty of Science In The Subject –


fQy@usV@lsV@ vlY;kl R;kaph lq/nk½ lacaf/kr fo|kfiBkdMwu iMrkG.kh izek.ki=lnj izek.ki=s lknj dsY;k f’kok; iq<hy dk;Zokgh ?ksrk ;s.kkj ukgh- ;kph uksn ?;koh

u jn~ let.;kr ;sbZy o R;kauk vfLrrokr vlysY;k fu;ekP;k rjrqnh uqlkj uO;kus laiw.kZ izfdz;k djkoh ykxsay rlsp

] vuqifL-Fkr vlY;kl R;kauh lknj dsysyj vkjk[kMk jn~ let.;kr ;sbZy ;kaph ukasn

kZukl vkY;kl loZ lacaf/kr fo|kF;kZuh ;ksX; R;k iqjkO;klg lHksP;k iwohZ fdaok lHksP;k fno

lHksuarj dks.krsgh vk{ksi xzkg; ekuys tk.kkj ukgh] o (Discripancies) r`V;kaph iwrZrk 30 fnolkr djkoh

njhdj.kkps fno’kh i;Zr dj.;kr ;koh- iwrZrk u dsY;kl R;kaP;k vkosnukpk

As per the provisions of Direction No.10 of 2011 and 29 of 2012 e/khy rjrqnhuqlkj eqnrpk< (One Year Extension)

lacaf/kr fo|kfiBkdMwu iMrkG.kh izek.ki= ;kph uksn ?;koh-

u jn~ let.;kr ;sbZy o R;kauk vfLrrokr vlysY;k fu;ekP;k rjrqnh uqlkj uO;kus laiw.kZ izfdz;k djkoh ykxsay rlsp iquZlknj jn~ let.;kr ;sbZy ;kaph ukasn

kZukl vkY;kl loZ lacaf/kr fo|kF;kZuh ;ksX; R;k iqjkO;klg lHksP;k iwohZ fdaok lHksP;k fno’kh r`V;kaph iwrZrk 30 fnolkr djkoh-

iwrZrk u dsY;kl R;kaP;k vkosnukpk fopkj

(One Year Extension) djhrk izkIr

Page 33: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

1. Ms. Pragati Goel, C/o Mr. Amulya Mittal, 306, Ratan Plaza, Opp. Railway Station (E), Nagpur.

MCA (2003), U.P.T.Uni. Luknow.

PET (2014),

Date of App. 16/12/2014.

--- Yes


“ An Optimized Energy Efficient Air Indexing Scheme for Full Text Search on Wireless Data Broadcast.”

Dr. (Mrs) Ranjana Ingolikar, Head Deptt. of Compu. Sci. St. Francis De’Sales College, Nagpur.

Inter Instittutional Computer Centre, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

MCA Degree Verification Cert. from U.P.T. Luknow.

2. Mr. Amit R. Maywade, At. Amoi, Po. Khandala, Tah. Parshioni, Dst. Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2013), RTMNU, Nagpur.

PET (2013)

Date of App. 14/11/2014.

NTB --- “ Development of the Robotic Arm for the Surgery.”

Prof. P.B. Dahikar, Asoc. Prof. Deptt. of Electronics, Kamla Nehru Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Compu. Science, Kamla Nehru Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur.

M.Sc. Degree Cert. not submit.

Page 34: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

3. Mr. Dinesh A. Lingote, Type-IV/13, NEERI Colony, Nehru Marg, Nagpur.

M.C.A. (1999), SGB Amravati University,

Scientist, NEERI, hence PET Exempted as per dir. No.29/2012.

Date of App. 06/08/2014.

NT Yes


“ Development of Information Extraction algorithm for River Modelling.”

Dr. Girish S. Katkar, Deptt. of Compu. Sci. Arts, Comm, & Science, Koradi, Dist. Nagpur.

Deptt. of Compu. Sci. Arts, Comm, & Science, Koradi, Dist. Nagpur.

MCA Degree Verification Cert. from SGBAU, not submit.

4. Mr. Nitin V. Chaudhari, Flat No.305, Shreenath Aprts, Near IInd Bus-stop, Gopal Nagar, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (1995), B.A.M. Uni. Aurangabad.

PET (2013)

Date of App. 09/10/2014

OBC Scientist


“Design, Development & Analysis of Virtualization using Virtual Mechines (VM) in E-Governance.”

Prof. Ashish Sasankar, Asoc. Prof. & Head, Deptt. of MCA, G.H. Raisoni College of Engg, Nagpur.

Inter Instittutional Computer Centre, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

M.Sc. Degree Verification Cert. from Aurangabad, not submit.

Page 35: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

5. Mrs. Ayesha J. Akhtar, C/o Mr. Z.A. Ansari, Yerkheda Road, Near Islampura Masjid, Kamptee, Dist. Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2004), RTMNU, Nagpur.

PET (2013),

Date of App. 14/01/2015.

OBC --- “Enhancing Performance of Cloud Storage Using Data Integrity for Cloud Database Services.”

Dr. Vinay Chavhan, Asoc. Prof. Deptt. of Compu. Sci. S.K. Porwal College, Kamptee, Dist. Nagpur.

Deptt. of Electronics & Computer Science, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.


6. Ms. Nisha P. Zode, 55, Saviprabhat Vijaya Laxmi Pandit Nagar, Kharbi Road, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2011), RTMNU, Nagpur.

PET (2013),

Date of App. 01/01/2015.



“ Designing, Study and Implementation of Robotic Path Planing Obstacle Avoidance (RPPOA) Model in Secure Environment.”

Dr. Ujwal A. Lanjewar, Asstt. Prof. Deptt. of MCA, V.M.V. College, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Electronics & Computer Science, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

M.Sc. Degree Cert. not submit

Page 36: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

7. Ms. Shweta M. Barhate, 258, Sanmitra Flats, Trikoni Park, Dharampeth, B/H B.O.B. Nagpur- 10.

M.Sc. (2004), RTMNU, Nagpur.

M.Phil (2008), Y.C.M.O.U.

NET-2006, hence PET Exempted, as per dir. No.29/2012,

Date of App. 13/01/2015.

--- Yes

“ A Study of Issues in Interoperability and Standards in Cloud Computing Environment.”

Dr. M.P. Dhore, Asoc. Prof. Deptt. of Electronic & Compu. Sci. R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Electronic & Compu. Sci. R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Name Change Notification issued by RTMNU, Nagpur.

8. Mr. Amitabh A. Halder, C/o Mr. Vijay Wankhede, Plot No.59, Opp. Ganesh Temple, Shriram Wadi, Ayodhya Nagar, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2005), RTMNU, Nagpur.

UGC-NET (2007),

Date of App. 14/01/2015.

--- Yes


“Study of Multimodel Biometric Authentication System Based on Iris and Palm.”

Dr. S.R. Pande, Asoc. Prof. Deptt. of Compu. Sci. Shri Shivaji Science college, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Electronic & Compu. Sci. R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Page 37: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

9. Mr. Sarat Kumar V. Chittaluri, 451, Yadav Nagar, Kamptee Road, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2000) SV Uni. Tirupati

PET (2014),

Date of App. 08/01/2015.

--- --- “Dynamicof IT GRC” Dr. Pradeep K. Butey, Head, Deptt. of Computer Science, Kamla Nehru Mahavidyalaya,

Deptt. of Electronic & Compu. Sci. R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Residential Cert. from Executive Magistrate, & M.Sc. Degree Verification Cert. from Tirupati not submit.

10. Mr. K. Jithesh, Dr. Pravin Joshi, Kanteya, 93, R.M.S. Colony, Behind Police Line Takli, Nagpur.

M.C.A. (2001), Bharathiar University, Coimatore.

M.Phil (2009), Bharathiar University, Coimatore.

OBC --- “ Information Hiding through Innovative and Highly Secured Digital Image Steganography with Large Payload.”

Supervisor, Dr. S.B. Kishor, Head, Deptt. of Compu. Sci. Sardar Patel College, Chandrapur.

Co-Supervisor, Dr. Pradeep K. Butey, Head, Deptt. of Computer Science, Kamla Nehru Mahavidyalaya,

Deptt. of Electronic & Compu. Sci. R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Eligibility Cert. issued by RTMNU, Residential Cert. from Executive Magstate, & MCA/M.Phil Degree Verification Cert. from Bharathiar University, Coimatore. Not submit.

Page 38: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

11. Mr. Subramaniyam M. Vadlamani, C/o Mr. Sailesh Patel, Flat No.36, AVG Layout, Lakadganj, Nagpur.

MCA (2007), Kakatiya University, Warangal.

PET (2012) Not Valid

Date of App. 13/01/2015.

--- Yes “Statistical Quantification of Object Oriented Metrics and Artifacts to Asses Fault Proneness in Object Oriented Software Development and Maintenance.”

Prof. R.N. Jugele, Asoc. Prof. Deptt. of Compu. Sci. Shri Shivaji Science College, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Electronic & Compu. Sci. R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

PET Result Not Valid, & MCA Degree Verification Cert. from Kakatiya University, Warangal. Not submit.

12. Revised synopsis Shri Suman Sengupta AY-44, Jyentha Apartments Ring Road Nag Mandir Sq. Nagpur – 440 022

M.C.A. Uni. Of North Bengal-1992

PET pass (75%)

Revised Synopsis submit on Dated 05/06/2014


Yes “ A Systematic Approach to Design Better Algorithm for Data Intensive Scalable Web Computing.”

Dr. V.M. Thakare Prof. & Head Dept. of Com. Sci. & Engg. Sant Gadge Baba Amt. Uni. Amravati

Dept. of Electronics & Computer Science RTM Nagpur University Nagpur

Last RRC get modified Title

Page 39: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

13. Revised synopsis Mr. Madhur Vijay Kapoor, Near Old S.P., College, Balaji Ward, Chandrapur.

M.C.A. (2009) RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur.

PET (Oct, 2013)

OBC No “ Analysis of Pattern Recognition Techniques for Recongnition of Cursive English Alphabets with soft Computing Techniques.”

Dr. Girish S. Katkar, Head, Deptt. of Computer Science, Arts, Comm, & Science College, Koradi, Dist. Nagpur.

Deptt. of Computer Science, Arts, Comm, & Science College, Koradi, Dist. Nagpur.

Revised Synopsis submit on 23/08/2014.

14 Re-Registration Mr. Vinay N. Chavhan, 17, Bhartiya Lokkalyan Housing Society, Cosmos Town, Jaitala Road, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (1999), RTMNU, Nagpur.

Date of Reg. 15/01/2010.

Date of App. 15/01/2015.

--- Yes


“Controls and Control Structure in Software Development”

Dr. V.M. Thakare, Prof. & Head, Deptt. of Compu. Sci. SGB Amravati University,

Deptt. of Electronics & Compu. Sc. R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.


Page 40: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

13. Mr. Prakash T. Raut, Asstt. Prof. Survey No.130, Mumbai-Banglore High-ways, Wakad, Pune- 57.

M.Sc. (2009), Pune University,

PET (2013)

Date of App. 13/03/2015.

“Analysis of Face Detection and Recognition Algorithm using Image Processing and Artificial Neural Network Algorithm for Organizations (It Parks in Pune) with Metlab Tool.”

Dr. Girish Katkar, Asstt. Prof. & Head, Deptt. of Computer Science, Arts, Commerce & Science College, Koradi, dist. Nagpur.

Deptt. of Computer Science, Arts, Commerce & Science College, Koradi, dist. Nagpur.

Candidate Addressed & Research Title not mention in Application form. & Residential Cert. from Executive Magistrate, M.Sc. Degree Verification Cert. not submit.


Page 41: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Item No. 1 : Application Received For Ph.D. Registration Under The Faculty of

Electronics – July

Date of Presentation :- 03/06/2015

1½½½½ vkpk;Z inoh uksnuhlkBh vkosnu dsysY;k fo|kF;kZuk inoh (UG/PG/NET/SET/M.Phil. Degree Verification Certificate)

2½½½½ lknjh dj.;klkBh vuqifLFkr vlysY;k fo|kF;kZP;k vkosn

Revised/ Resubmit dj.kk&;k fo|kF;kZuk la?;koh-

3½½½½ lnj rDR;k e/;s dkgh r`V;k fdaok vkosnu dsysY;k fo|kF;kZph ukaos uewn ulY;kps fun

dk;kZy;kP;k fun’kZukl vk.kkwu nsowu ;ksX; rh nq#Lrh d#u ?;koh

4½ lnj rDR;kae/;s fo|kF;ZkP;k ukaok leksj n’kZfo.;kr vkysY;k r`V;kaph iwrZrk lHksP;kiwohZ fdaok lHksr lkdj.;kr ;s.kkj ukgh-

5½ iquZuksan.kh (Re-Registration) vkf.k vkosnuk djhrk la’kks/kdkaph mifLFkrh vko’;d ukgh



Application Received For Ph.D. Registration Under The Faculty of

July – 2014 & January, 2015.

03/06/2015 Sr. No. 01 to 04 Candidates

-: egRokph lqpuk :-

vkpk;Z inoh uksnuhlkBh vkosnu dsysY;k fo|kF;kZuk inoh xq.kif=dk@in~O;qRrj xq.kif=dk ¼,e-fQy@usV@lsV@ vlY;kl R;kaph lq/nk(UG/PG/NET/SET/M.Phil. Degree Verification Certificate) Rojhr lknj djkosr- lnj izek.ki=s lknj dsY;k f

lknjh dj.;klkBh vuqifLFkr vlysY;k fo|kF;kZP;k vkosnu jn~ let.;kr ;sbZy o R;kauk vfLrrokr vlysY;k fu;ekP;k rjrqnh uqlkj uO;kus laiw.kZ izfdz;k djkoh ykxsay rlsp

dj.kk&;k fo|kF;kZuk la’kks/ku o ekU;rk lferh leksj miLFkhr jgkos ykxsy] vuqifL

lnj rDR;k e/;s dkgh r`V;k fdaok vkosnu dsysY;k fo|kF;kZph ukaos uewn ulY;kps fun’kZukl vkY;kl loZ lacaf/kr fo|kF;kZuh ;ksX; R;k iqjkO;klg lHksP;k iwohZ fdaok lHksP;k fno

kZukl vk.kkwu nsowu ;ksX; rh nq#Lrh d#u ?;koh lHksuarj dks.krsgh vk{ksi xzkg; ekuys tk.kkj ukgh]

lnj rDR;kae/;s fo|kF;ZkP;k ukaok leksj n’kZfo.;kr vkysY;k r`V;kaph iwrZrk lHksP;kiwohZ fdaok lHksr lknjhdj.kkps fno’kh i;Zr dj.;kr ;koh

As per the provisions of Direction No.10 of 2011 and 29 of 2012 vkosnuk djhrk la’kks/kdkaph mifLFkrh vko’;d ukgh


Application Received For Ph.D. Registration Under The Faculty of Science In The Subject –


fQy@usV@lsV@ vlY;kl R;kaph lq/nk½ lacaf/kr fo|kfiBkdMwu iMrkG.kh izek.ki=lnj izek.ki=s lknj dsY;k f’kok; iq<hy dk;Zokgh ?ksrk ;s.kkj ukgh- ;kph uksn ?;koh

u jn~ let.;kr ;sbZy o R;kauk vfLrrokr vlysY;k fu;ekP;k rjrqnh uqlkj uO;kus laiw.kZ izfdz;k djkoh ykxsay rlsp

] vuqifL-Fkr vlY;kl R;kauh lknj dsysyj vkjk[kMk jn~ let.;kr ;sbZy ;kaph ukasn

kZukl vkY;kl loZ lacaf/kr fo|kF;kZuh ;ksX; R;k iqjkO;klg lHksP;k iwohZ fdaok lHksP;k fno

lHksuarj dks.krsgh vk{ksi xzkg; ekuys tk.kkj ukgh] o (Discripancies) r`V;kaph iwrZrk 30 fnolkr djkoh

njhdj.kkps fno’kh i;Zr dj.;kr ;koh- iwrZrk u dsY;kl R;kaP;k vkosnukpk

As per the provisions of Direction No.10 of 2011 and 29 of 2012 e/khy rjrqnhuqlkj eqnrpk< (One Year Extension)

lacaf/kr fo|kfiBkdMwu iMrkG.kh izek.ki= ;kph uksn ?;koh-

u jn~ let.;kr ;sbZy o R;kauk vfLrrokr vlysY;k fu;ekP;k rjrqnh uqlkj uO;kus laiw.kZ izfdz;k djkoh ykxsay rlsp iquZlknj jn~ let.;kr ;sbZy ;kaph ukasn

kZukl vkY;kl loZ lacaf/kr fo|kF;kZuh ;ksX; R;k iqjkO;klg lHksP;k iwohZ fdaok lHksP;k fno’kh r`V;kaph iwrZrk 30 fnolkr djkoh-

iwrZrk u dsY;kl R;kaP;k vkosnukpk fopkj

(One Year Extension) djhrk izkIr

Page 42: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

1. Mr. Kishor Y. Rokde, 67, Chitanis Nagar, Near Bada Tajbagh, B/H Water Tank, Umred Road, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2009), RTMNU, Nagpur.

UGC-NET (2011),

Date of App. 08/07/2014.


“ Design and Development of an Embedded System for Monitoring Different Parameters of Patients using Wireless Technology.”

Dr. P.B. Dahikar, Soc. Prof. Deptt. of Electronics, Kamla Nehru Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Electronics, Kamla Nehru Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur.


2. Mr. Suresh M. Ghatole, SSES Amravati’s Science College, Congress Nagar, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (1986) SGBAU, Amravati.

Full Time Approved Teacher Date of App. 18/09/2014.


“Design and Development of An Autonomous Healthcare System Based on Wireless Body area Network.”

Dr. P.B. Dahikar, Soc. Prof. Deptt. of Electronics, Kamla Nehru Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Electronics, Kamla Nehru Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur.

PET Exempted relevant documents not submit

Page 43: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

3. Mr. Umesh D. Tirbude, 20, Ramnagar, Wathoda Layout, B/H Swaminarayan Temple, Near Mahesh Nagar, Nagpur-35.

M.Sc. (2009), RTMNU, Nagpur.

UGC-NET (2012), PET Exempted.

Date of App. 08/07/2014.

OBC --- “ Study and Design of Brain-Computer Interaction System for Controlling Electronics Equipments.”

Dr. P.B. Dahikar, Soc. Prof. Deptt. of Electronics, Kamla Nehru Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Electronics, Kamla Nehru Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur.


4. Mr. Sagar S. Shende, Plot No.31, Vikas Nagar, B/H Saibaba Mandir, Wardha Road, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2010) RTMNU, Nagpur.

UGC-NET (2012),

Date of App. 03/02/2015.

NTB ---- “ Design and Development of Low Cost Surgical Diathermy Machine with Wireless Monitoring System.”

Dr. M.J. Hedau, Asoc. Prof. Deptt. of Electronics, Shri Shivaji Science College, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Electronics, Kamla Nehru Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur.


Page 44: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

5. Re-Registration Mr. Nitin K. Ingle, 9, Pandurang Nagar, Near SRPF Camp, Qur. No.13, Hingna Road, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2007), RTMNU, Nagpur.

UGC-NET (2009),

Date of Reg. 13/01/2010.

Date of App.22/11/2014.


“Design and Study Virtual Instrumentation for Electrical Characterization of some Functional Nano-Materials.”

Dr. S.J. Sharma, Deptt. of Electronics & Compu. Sci. R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Electronics & Compu. Sci. R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.


6. Re-Registration Mrs. Rakhi V. Vyaghra, 16/4, Priyadarshani Nagar, Civil Lines, Near R.T.O. Nagpur- 440001.

M.Sc. (2001), RTMNU, Nagpur.

Date of Reg. 07/07/2009.

Date of App. 30/05/2014.

--- ---- “ An Embedded System Based Approach to Pulsed Ultrasonic Instrumentation.”

Supervisor, Dr. S.J. Sharma, Deptt. of Electronics & Compu. Sci. R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur. Co-Supervisor, Dr. S. Rajagopalan, Ex-Head, Deptt. of Electroncs, RTMNU, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Electronics R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.


Page 45: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

7. Re-Registration Mr. Sanjiv U. Dubey, Plot No.87, Shramik Society, Uttam Nagar, Gorewada Ring Road, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2006), RTMNU, Nagpur.

Date of Reg. 07/07/2009.

Date of App.01/07/2014.

---- --- “ Use of Ultrasonic Pulse Echo Technique for Study of Nanoparticle Material.”

Supervisor, Dr. S.J. Sharma, Deptt. of Electronics & Compu. Sci. R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur. Co-Supervisor, Dr. S. Rajagopalan, Ex-Head, Deptt. of Electroncs, RTMNU, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Electronics R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.


8. Ms. Nidhi Amol Dhawal, Flat D-6, Godawari Aprts, 160, Ambazari Hill Top, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2004), R.D.V.V. Jablapur,

PET (Jan, 2013) Modified Synopsis submit on 23/05/2014.

Open No “ Development of Polymer Based Composites for Electrical and Luminescence Studies.” Modified Tite : “Design of an Instrumentation for Electrical and Optical Characterization of Polumer based composites.”

Supervisor, Dr. J.G. Mahakhode, Head, Deptt. of Electronics, D.B. Science College, Gondia. Co-Supervisor, Dr. B.M. Suryavanshi, Head, Deptt. of Physics, Institute of Science, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Physics, Institute of Science, Nagpur.


e verification Cert.

& Name Change

Notification frim

RTMNU, Nagpur.

Not submit.

Page 46: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

9. Change of Research Place Mr. Anup P. Bhat, C/o Mr. P.R. Bhat, Ward No.2, Po. Pawanar, Dist. Wardha.

M.Sc. (2006), RTMNU, Nagpur.

PGDCS (2004) RTMNU, Nagpur.


Date of App. 21/05/2014.

OBC ---- “Development of Smart Instrumentation Technology for Nano-Structured Antenna and Solar Cell.”

Supervisor, Dr. K.G. Rewatkar, Asoc. Prof. Deptt. of Physics, Dr. Ambedkar College, Nagpaur. Co-Supervisor, Dr. S.J. Dhoble, Asoc. Prof. Deptt. of Physics, R.T.M. Nagpaur University, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Electronics, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur. Instead of Deptt. of Physics, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Last RRC Decision Approved, subject to the condition of Change of Place of Research as Deptt. of Electronics, RTMNU, Nagpur.

10. Smt. Anuja Abhijit Deshpande 303 & 304 Khadge’s Orchard Near Manohar Vihar Hazaripahad Nagpur – 440 007 M.Sc. (2001), GGUni. Bilaspur PET (Jan, 2013)

Open Yes “ Analysis of interactive image segmentation techniques on various images”

Supervisor, Dr. Pradeep Dahikar Head & Asso. Prof. Dept. of Electronics Kamla Nehru Mahavidyalaya Nagpur

Co-Supervisor, Dr. Pankaj Agrawal Asso. Prof. Dept. of Electronics & Comm. Engg. Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engg. & Mngt. Nagpur

Kamla Nehru Mahavidyalaya Sakkardara Chowk Nagpur

Last RRC is Absent.

Page 47: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Item No. 1 : Application Received For Ph.D. Registration Under The Faculty of

Environmental Science

Date of Presentation :- 03/06/2015.

1½½½½ vkpk;Z inoh uksnuhlkBh vkosnu dsysY;k fo|kF;kZuk inoh (UG/PG/NET/SET/M.Phil. Degree Verification Certificate)

2½½½½ lknjh dj.;klkBh vuqifLFkr vlysY;k fo|kF;kZP;k vkosnu jn~ let.;kr ;sbZy o R;kauk vfLrrokr vlysY;k fu;ekP;k rjrqnh uqlkj uO;kus

Revised/ Resubmit dj.kk&;k fo|kF;kZuk la?;koh-

3½½½½ lnj rDR;k e/;s dkgh r`V;k fdaok vkosnu dsysY;k fo|kF;kZph ukaos uewn ulY;kps fun

dk;kZy;kP;k fun’kZukl vk.kkwu nsowu ;ksX; rh nq#Lrh d#u ?;koh

4½ lnj rDR;kae/;s fo|kF;ZkP;k ukaok leksj n’kZfo.;kr vkysY;k r`V;kaph dj.;kr ;s.kkj ukgh-

5½ iquZuksan.kh (Re-Registration) vkf.k vkosnuk djhrk la’kks/kdkaph mifLFkrh vko’;d ukgh



Application Received For Ph.D. Registration Under The Faculty of

Environmental Science – July – 2014 & January, 2015.

03/06/2015. Sr. No. 01 to Candidates

-: egRokph lqpuk :-

vkpk;Z inoh uksnuhlkBh vkosnu dsysY;k fo|kF;kZuk inoh xq.kif=dk@in~O;qRrj xq.kif=dk ¼,e-fQy@usV@lsV@ vlY;kl R;kaph lq/nk(UG/PG/NET/SET/M.Phil. Degree Verification Certificate) Rojhr lknj djkosr- lnj izek.ki=s lknj dsY;k f

lknjh dj.;klkBh vuqifLFkr vlysY;k fo|kF;kZP;k vkosnu jn~ let.;kr ;sbZy o R;kauk vfLrrokr vlysY;k fu;ekP;k rjrqnh uqlkj uO;kus

dj.kk&;k fo|kF;kZuk la’kks/ku o ekU;rk lferh leksj miLFkhr jgkos ykxsy] vuqifL

lnj rDR;k e/;s dkgh r`V;k fdaok vkosnu dsysY;k fo|kF;kZph ukaos uewn ulY;kps fun’kZukl vkY;kl loZ lacaf/kr fo|kF;kZuh ;ksX; R;k iqjkO;klg lHksP;k iwohZ fdaok lH

kZukl vk.kkwu nsowu ;ksX; rh nq#Lrh d#u ?;koh lHksuarj dks.krsgh vk{ksi xzkg; ekuys tk.kkj ukgh]

lnj rDR;kae/;s fo|kF;ZkP;k ukaok leksj n’kZfo.;kr vkysY;k r`V;kaph iwrZrk lHksP;kiwohZ fdaok lHksr lknjhdj.kkps fno’kh i;Zr dj.;kr ;koh

As per the provisions of Direction No.10 of 2011 and 29 of 2012 vkosnuk djhrk la’kks/kdkaph mifLFkrh vko’;d ukgh


Application Received For Ph.D. Registration Under The Faculty of Science In The Subject –



fQy@usV@lsV@ vlY;kl R;kaph lq/nk½ lacaf/kr fo|kfiBkdMwu iMrkG.kh izek.ki=lnj izek.ki=s lknj dsY;k f’kok; iq<hy dk;Zokgh ?ksrk ;s.kkj ukgh- ;kph uksn ?;koh

lknjh dj.;klkBh vuqifLFkr vlysY;k fo|kF;kZP;k vkosnu jn~ let.;kr ;sbZy o R;kauk vfLrrokr vlysY;k fu;ekP;k rjrqnh uqlkj uO;kus laiw.kZ izfdz;k djkoh ykxsay rlsp

] vuqifL-Fkr vlY;kl R;kauh lknj dsysyj vkjk[kMk jn~ let.;kr ;sbZy ;kaph ukasn

kZukl vkY;kl loZ lacaf/kr fo|kF;kZuh ;ksX; R;k iqjkO;klg lHksP;k iwohZ fdaok lHksP;k fno

lHksuarj dks.krsgh vk{ksi xzkg; ekuys tk.kkj ukgh] o (Discripancies) r`V;kaph iwrZrk 30 fnolkr djkoh

iwrZrk lHksP;kiwohZ fdaok lHksr lknjhdj.kkps fno’kh i;Zr dj.;kr ;koh- iwrZrk u dsY;kl R;kaP;k vkosnukpk

As per the provisions of Direction No.10 of 2011 and 29 of 2012 e/khy rjrqnhuqlkj eqnrpk< (One Year Extension)

lacaf/kr fo|kfiBkdMwu iMrkG.kh izek.ki= ;kph uksn ?;koh-

laiw.kZ izfdz;k djkoh ykxsay rlsp iquZlknj vlY;kl R;kauh lknj dsysyj vkjk[kMk jn~ let.;kr ;sbZy ;kaph ukasn

ksP;k fno’kh r`V;kaph iwrZrk 30 fnolkr djkoh-

iwrZrk u dsY;kl R;kaP;k vkosnukpk fopkj

(One Year Extension) djhrk izkIr

Page 48: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

1. Mrs. Kshital P. Kharwade, 252, ‘Alok nJewellers’ Mata Mandir Road, Dharampeth, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2013) RTMNU, PET (2013)

Date of App : 15/07/2014

OBC Yes “ A Study on Depolymerization of some Polymeric Waste Material.”

Dr. D.B. Patil, Asoc. Prof. Deptt. of Chem. Institute of Sci. Nagpur.

Institute of Science, Nagpur.

PET Result, B.Sc. & M.Sc. Degree Cert.

Page 49: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Item No. 1 : Application Received For Ph.D. Registration Under The Faculty of

Geology – July

Date of Presentation :- 05/06/2015.

1½½½½ vkpk;Z inoh uksnuhlkBh vkosnu dsysY;k fo|kF;kZuk inoh (UG/PG/NET/SET/M.Phil. Degree Verification Certificate)

2½½½½ lknjh dj.;klkBh vuqifLFkr vlysY;k fo|kF;kZP;k vkosnu jn~ let.;kr ;sbZy o R;kauk vfLrrokr vlysY;k fu;ekP;k rjrqnh uqlkj uO;kus

Revised/ Resubmit dj.kk&;k fo|kF;kZuk la?;koh-

3½½½½ lnj rDR;k e/;s dkgh r`V;k fdaok vkosnu dsysY;k fo|kF;kZph ukaos uewn ulY;kps fun

dk;kZy;kP;k fun’kZukl vk.kkwu nsowu ;ksX; rh nq#Lrh d#u ?;koh lHksuarj dks.krsgh vk{ksi xzkg; ekuys tk.kkj ukgh] o

4½ lnj rDR;kae/;s fo|kF;ZkP;k ukaok leksj n’kZfo.;kr vkysY;k r`V;kaph iwrdj.;kr ;s.kkj ukgh-

5½ iquZuksan.kh (Re-Registration) vkf.k vkosnuk djhrk la’kks/kdkaph mifLFkrh vko’;d ukgh



Application Received For Ph.D. Registration Under The Faculty of

July – 2014 & January, 2015.

05/06/2015. Sr. No. 01 to 04 Candidates

-: egRokph lqpuk :-

vkpk;Z inoh uksnuhlkBh vkosnu dsysY;k fo|kF;kZuk inoh xq.kif=dk@in~O;qRrj xq.kif=dk ¼,e-fQy@usV@lsV@ vlY;kl R;kaph lq/nk(UG/PG/NET/SET/M.Phil. Degree Verification Certificate) Rojhr lknj djkosr- lnj izek.ki=s lknj dsY;k f

lknjh dj.;klkBh vuqifLFkr vlysY;k fo|kF;kZP;k vkosnu jn~ let.;kr ;sbZy o R;kauk vfLrrokr vlysY;k fu;ekP;k rjrqnh uqlkj uO;kus

dj.kk&;k fo|kF;kZuk la’kks/ku o ekU;rk lferh leksj miLFkhr jgkos ykxsy] vuqifL

lnj rDR;k e/;s dkgh r`V;k fdaok vkosnu dsysY;k fo|kF;kZph ukaos uewn ulY;kps fun’kZukl vkY;kl loZ lacaf/kr fo|kF;kZuh ;ksX; R;k iqjkO;klg lHksP;k iwohZ fdaok

kZukl vk.kkwu nsowu ;ksX; rh nq#Lrh d#u ?;koh lHksuarj dks.krsgh vk{ksi xzkg; ekuys tk.kkj ukgh] o

lnj rDR;kae/;s fo|kF;ZkP;k ukaok leksj n’kZfo.;kr vkysY;k r`V;kaph iwrZrk lHksP;kiwohZ fdaok lHksr lknjhdj.kkps fno’kh i;Zr dj.;kr ;koh

As per the provisions of Direction No.10 of 2011 and 29 of 2012 vkosnuk djhrk la’kks/kdkaph mifLFkrh vko’;d ukgh


Application Received For Ph.D. Registration Under The Faculty of Science In The Subject –


fQy@usV@lsV@ vlY;kl R;kaph lq/nk½ lacaf/kr fo|kfiBkdMwu iMrkG.kh izek.ki=lnj izek.ki=s lknj dsY;k f’kok; iq<hy dk;Zokgh ?ksrk ;s.kkj ukgh- ;kph uksn ?;koh

lknjh dj.;klkBh vuqifLFkr vlysY;k fo|kF;kZP;k vkosnu jn~ let.;kr ;sbZy o R;kauk vfLrrokr vlysY;k fu;ekP;k rjrqnh uqlkj uO;kus laiw.kZ izfdz;k djkoh ykxsay rlsp

sy] vuqifL-Fkr vlY;kl R;kauh lknj dsysyj vkjk[kMk jn~ let.;kr ;sbZy ;kaph ukasn

kZukl vkY;kl loZ lacaf/kr fo|kF;kZuh ;ksX; R;k iqjkO;klg lHksP;k iwohZ fdaok lHksP;k fno

kZukl vk.kkwu nsowu ;ksX; rh nq#Lrh d#u ?;koh lHksuarj dks.krsgh vk{ksi xzkg; ekuys tk.kkj ukgh] o (Discripancies) r`V;kaph iwrZrk 30 fnolkr djkoh

Zrk lHksP;kiwohZ fdaok lHksr lknjhdj.kkps fno’kh i;Zr dj.;kr ;koh- iwrZrk u dsY;kl R;kaP;k vkosnukpk fopkj

As per the provisions of Direction No.10 of 2011 and 29 of 2012 e/khy rjrqnhuqlkj eqnrpk< (One Year Extension)

lacaf/kr fo|kfiBkdMwu iMrkG.kh izek.ki= ;kph uksn ?;koh-

laiw.kZ izfdz;k djkoh ykxsay rlsp iquZlknj vlY;kl R;kauh lknj dsysyj vkjk[kMk jn~ let.;kr ;sbZy ;kaph ukasn

lHksP;k fno’kh r`V;kaph iwrZrk 30 fnolkr djkoh-

iwrZrk u dsY;kl R;kaP;k vkosnukpk fopkj

(One Year Extension) djhrk izkIr

Page 50: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor

Place of Research

Discrepancies any

Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

1. Ms. Shubhaangi Y. Ramteke, C/o Mr. P.W. Lanjewar, Sugat Nagar, Tajuddin Soc. Plot No.28, Near Kushi Nagar, Nagpur- 14.

M.Sc. (2009) RTMNU, Nagpur.

PET (2013)

Date of App. 14/07/2014.

SC --- “Hydrochemistry of Groundwater of Mendki and Surrounding area, of Brahmapuri Taluka of Chandrapur District, Maharashtra with Special Reference to Fluoride Concentration.”

Dr. Hemant W. Khandare, Asstt. Prof. Deptt. of Geology, RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Geology, RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur.


2. Mr. Harshad D. Bhave, 24, ‘Shivranjani’ Ayodhyanagar, Nagpur-24.

M.Sc. (1987)I.S.M. Dhanbad

Full Time Approved Teacher, hence PET Exemp. Date of App. 14/07/2014.

--- Yes RCOEM

“Study on Groundwater Augmentation of part of Amb Watershed Umred, District Nagpur, Through Aquifer Characterization using Geoinformatics Approach.”

Supervisor, Dr. Y.B. Katpatal, Prof. Deptt. of Civil Engg. V.N.I.T. Nagpur. Co-Supervisor, Dr. A.M. Pophare, Prof. Deptt. of Geology, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Geology, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Approval letter, Eligibility Cert. & Residential Cert. not submit.

Page 51: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor

Place of Research

Discrepancies any

Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

3. Mr. Devendra Pandey, Head, Deptt. of App. Geology, M.I.E.T. Gondia.

M.Sc. (1983), Bhopal University,

Full Time Approved Teacher, hence PET Exemp.

Date of App. 15/07/2014.

--- Yes MIET

“Natural disasters vulnerability assessment of Gondia District, Maharashtra, India using Digital Elevation Modeling.”

Supervisor, Dr. Y.B. Katpatal, Prof. Deptt. of Civil Engg. V.N.I.T. Nagpur. Dr. D.K. Agrawal, Prof. & Head, Deptt. of Geology, C.O.E. Wardha.

Deptt. of Geology, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Eligibility Cert. from R.T.M.N.U & Residential Cert. from Executive Magistrate not submit.

4. Mr. Sunil V. Barsagade, Near Sarkari Godaun, At./Po./Tah. Lakhandur, Dist. Bhandara-441803.

M.Sc. (1995), Dr.B.A.M.U.

PET (2013) Date of App. 15/07/2014.

SC --- “Hydrogeochemical Characteristic of Groundwater, Part of Lakhandur Taluka, Bhandara District, Maharashtra, India.”

Dr. Hemant W. Khandare, Asstt. Prof. Deptt. of Geology, RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Geology, RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur.

M.Sc. Degree Cert. & Degree Verification Cert. not submit.

Page 52: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor

Place of Research

Discrepancies any

Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

5. Re-Registration Mr. Tushar M. Meshram, Flat No. A-14/02, Vyankatesh Nagar, Near K.D.K. College, Nandanwan, Nagpur. M.Sc. (2007), RTMNU, Nagpur. Date of App.27/10/2014.


“Geological Studies of Sevvattur Carbonatite-Alkaline Complex, North Arcot District, Tamil Nadu, India.”

Dr. K.R. Randive, Deptt. of Geology, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Geology, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Xerox copy of Registration & Last All Progress Report, not submitted

6. Mr. Kamlesh Kumar, House No.171, Swamy Colony, Akar Nagar, Katol Road, Nagpur-440001. M.Sc. (1982), B.H.U. Kashi. Date of Reg. 14/01/2010. Date of App. 06/01/2015.

--- Yes AMDE

“Protomineralogical and Geochemical Characterization of Basement Granites and Cover Sediments of Burgibhata Area, Indravati Basin Bastar District, Chhattisgarh with special reference to Uranium Mineralisation.”

Superevisor, Dr. D.B. Malpe, Deptt. of Geology, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur Co-Supervisor, Dr. Rahul Banerjee, Scientific Officer, AMD Complex, Hyderabad.

Deptt. of Geology, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.


Page 53: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Item No. 1 : Application Received For Ph.D. Registration Under The Faculty of

Mathematics –

Date of Presentation :- 03/06/2015

1½½½½ vkpk;Z inoh uksnuhlkBh vkosnu dsysY;k fo|kF;kZuk inoh (UG/PG/NET/SET/M.Phil. Degree Verification Certificate)

2½½½½ lknjh dj.;klkBh vuqifLFkr vlysY;k fo|kF;kZP;k vkosn

Revised/ Resubmit dj.kk&;k fo|kF;kZuk la?;koh-

3½½½½ lnj rDR;k e/;s dkgh r`V;k fdaok vkosnu dsysY;k fo|kF;kZph ukaos uewn ulY;kps fun

dk;kZy;kP;k fun’kZukl vk.kkwu nsowu ;ksX; rh nq#Lrh d#u ?;koh

4½ lnj rDR;kae/;s fo|kF;ZkP;k ukaok leksj n’kZfo.;kr vkysY;k r`V;kaph iwrZrk lHksP;kiwohZ fdaok lHksr lkdj.;kr ;s.kkj ukgh-

5½ iquZuksan.kh (Re-Registration) vkf.k vkosnuk djhrk la’kks/kdkaph mifLFkrh vko’;d ukgh



Application Received For Ph.D. Registration Under The Faculty of

– July – 2014 & January, 2015.

03/06/2015 Sr. No. 01 to 07 Candidates

-: egRokph lqpuk :-

vkpk;Z inoh uksnuhlkBh vkosnu dsysY;k fo|kF;kZuk inoh xq.kif=dk@in~O;qRrj xq.kif=dk ¼,e-fQy@usV@lsV@ vlY;kl R;kaph lq/nk(UG/PG/NET/SET/M.Phil. Degree Verification Certificate) Rojhr lknj djkosr- lnj izek.ki=s lknj dsY;k f

lknjh dj.;klkBh vuqifLFkr vlysY;k fo|kF;kZP;k vkosnu jn~ let.;kr ;sbZy o R;kauk vfLrrokr vlysY;k fu;ekP;k rjrqnh uqlkj uO;kus laiw.kZ izfdz;k djkoh ykxsay rlsp

dj.kk&;k fo|kF;kZuk la’kks/ku o ekU;rk lferh leksj miLFkhr jgkos ykxsy] vuqifL

lnj rDR;k e/;s dkgh r`V;k fdaok vkosnu dsysY;k fo|kF;kZph ukaos uewn ulY;kps fun’kZukl vkY;kl loZ lacaf/kr fo|kF;kZuh ;ksX; R;k iqjkO;klg lHksP;k iwohZ fdaok lHksP;k fno

kZukl vk.kkwu nsowu ;ksX; rh nq#Lrh d#u ?;koh lHksuarj dks.krsgh vk{ksi xzkg; ekuys tk.kkj ukgh]

lnj rDR;kae/;s fo|kF;ZkP;k ukaok leksj n’kZfo.;kr vkysY;k r`V;kaph iwrZrk lHksP;kiwohZ fdaok lHksr lknjhdj.kkps fno’kh i;Zr dj.;kr ;koh

As per the provisions of Direction No.10 of 2011 and 29 of 2012 vkosnuk djhrk la’kks/kdkaph mifLFkrh vko’;d ukgh


Application Received For Ph.D. Registration Under The Faculty of Science In The Subject –


fQy@usV@lsV@ vlY;kl R;kaph lq/nk½ lacaf/kr fo|kfiBkdMwu iMrkG.kh izek.ki=lnj izek.ki=s lknj dsY;k f’kok; iq<hy dk;Zokgh ?ksrk ;s.kkj ukgh- ;kph uksn ?;koh

u jn~ let.;kr ;sbZy o R;kauk vfLrrokr vlysY;k fu;ekP;k rjrqnh uqlkj uO;kus laiw.kZ izfdz;k djkoh ykxsay rlsp

] vuqifL-Fkr vlY;kl R;kauh lknj dsysyj vkjk[kMk jn~ let.;kr ;sbZy ;kaph ukasn

kZukl vkY;kl loZ lacaf/kr fo|kF;kZuh ;ksX; R;k iqjkO;klg lHksP;k iwohZ fdaok lHksP;k fno

lHksuarj dks.krsgh vk{ksi xzkg; ekuys tk.kkj ukgh] o (Discripancies) r`V;kaph iwrZrk 30 fnolkr djkoh

njhdj.kkps fno’kh i;Zr dj.;kr ;koh- iwrZrk u dsY;kl R;kaP;k vkosnukpk

As per the provisions of Direction No.10 of 2011 and 29 of 2012 e/khy rjrqnhuqlkj eqnrpk< (One Year Extension)

lacaf/kr fo|kfiBkdMwu iMrkG.kh izek.ki= ;kph uksn ?;koh-

u jn~ let.;kr ;sbZy o R;kauk vfLrrokr vlysY;k fu;ekP;k rjrqnh uqlkj uO;kus laiw.kZ izfdz;k djkoh ykxsay rlsp iquZlknj jn~ let.;kr ;sbZy ;kaph ukasn

kZukl vkY;kl loZ lacaf/kr fo|kF;kZuh ;ksX; R;k iqjkO;klg lHksP;k iwohZ fdaok lHksP;k fno’kh r`V;kaph iwrZrk 30 fnolkr djkoh-

iwrZrk u dsY;kl R;kaP;k vkosnukpk fopkj

(One Year Extension) djhrk izkIr

Page 54: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

1. Ms. Neha Siddique Khan, Flat No.204, Aman Meadaws, Kamgar Nagar, Police Line Takli, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2012), SGB Amravati University,

PET (2013),

Date of App. 25/09/2014,

--- --- “Study of Some Problems of General Theory of Relativity.”

Supervisor, Dr. G.R. Avachar, Asoc. Prof. Deptt. of Mathematics, Shri Shivaji Science College, Nagpur. Co-Supervisr, Dr. G.S.. Khadekar, Prof. Deptt. of Mathematics, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Mathematics, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Endorsement of Place of Research not submit. Eligibility Cert. RTMNU, & Residential Cert. from Executive Magistrate, M.Sc. Degree Cert from SGBAU, not submit.

2. Mr. Dilendra C. Katre, B/H Nanda Hotel, Thana Road Chowk, At./Po. Goregaon, Dist. Gondia.

M.Sc. (2013), RTMNU, Nagpur.

PET (2013)

Date of App. 09/07/2014.

OBC --- “On Functional Equation Related to Measures of Information (Entropy)

Supervisor, Dr. H.R. Trivedi, Asoc. Prof. Deptt. of Mathematics, D.B. Science College, Gondia. Co-supervisor, Dr. K.D. Patil, Asoc. Prof. Deptt. of Mathematics, B.D. College of Engineering, Sewagram, Dist. Wardha.

Deptt. of Mathematics, B.D. College of Engineering, Sewagram, Dist. Wardha.


Page 55: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

3. Mrs. Deepti J. Raut, C/o Mr. Raut, 177, Jwahar Nagar, Gali No.3, Manewada Road, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2009), RTMNU, Nagpur.

PET (2014),

Date of App. 30/01/2015.



“ Study of Some Cosmological Models of the Universe with Generalized Equation of State.”

Supervisr, Dr. G.S.. Khadekar, Prof. Deptt. of Mathematics, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Mathematics, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Name Change Notification issued by RTMNU, not submit.

4. Mrs. Rajshri Gupta, 111/112, ‘Basera’ Jai Vighnaharta Society, Katol Road, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (1985), Pt. Ravishankar Uni. Raipur.

Full Time Approved Teacher, hence PET Exempted as per Dir. No. 29/2012.

Date of App. 06/02/2015.

--- Yes



“ Some Contributions of Fuzzy Techniques using Operation Research to Transportation Problems.”

Supervisor, Dr. Onkar K. Chaudhary, Prof. Deptt. of Mathematics, G.H. Raisoni College of Engg. Nagpur. Co-supervisor, Dr. Neeta Dhawade, Asoc. Prof. Deptt. of Maths. Arts, Comm. & Sci. College, Koradi, Dist. Nagpur.

Deptt. of Maths. Arts, Comm. & Sci. College, Koradi, Dist. Nagpur.

Name change Notification issued by RTMNU, & Residential Cert. from executive magistrate.

Page 56: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

5. Mrs. Trupti A. Thakare, 111, Samarth Nagri, Sonegaon, Khamla Road, Nagpur-25.

M.Sc. (2008), RTMNU, Nagpur.

PET (2014)

Date of App. 06/02/2015.

OBC --- “ Some Contributions of Fuzzy Techniques using Operation Research in Human Resource Policies of Service Section.”

Supervisor, Dr. Onkar K. Chaudhary, Prof. Deptt. of Mathematics, G.H. Raisoni College of Engg. Nagpur. Co-supervisor, Dr. Neeta Dhawade, Asoc. Prof. Deptt. of Maths. Arts, Comm. & Sci. College, Koradi, Dist. Nagpur.

Deptt. of Maths. Arts, Comm. & Sci. College, Koradi, Dist. Nagpur.

M.Sc. Degree Cert. not submitted.

6. Mr. Rohit M. Patne, 53, Ramkrushna Nagar, B/H Raghute Bhavan, Dighori, Umrer Road, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2013), IIT Guwahati.

PET (2013),

Date of App. 13/01/2015.

--- --- “ Algebraic Cycle a Algebraic Variety.” Supervisor, Dr. G.R. Avachar, Asoc. Prof. Deptt. of Mathematics, Shri Shivaji Science College, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Mathematics, Shri Shivaji Science College, Nagpur.

Residential Cert. from Executive Magi. Degree Verification Cert. from Guwahati.

Page 57: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

7. Mr. Manthena Vijay Kumar Raju, 26, R.B.I. Colony, Katol Road, Near Friends Colony, Nagpur.,

M.Sc. (2007) RTMNU, Nagpur.

Full Time Approved Teacher, hence PET Exempted as per Dir. No. 29/2012.

Date of App. 01/01/2015.

--- Yes


“ Study of Some Thermoelastic Problems on Structural Materials.”

Suspervisor, Dr. Navneet Kumar, Asstt. Prof. Shri Lemdeo Patil M.V. Mandhal, Dist. Nagpur. Co-Supervisor, Dr. G.D. Kedar, Asoc. Prof. Deptt. of Mathematics, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Mathematics, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.


Page 58: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Item No. 1 : Application Received For Ph.D. Registration Under The Faculty of


Date of Presentation :- 01/06/2015.

1½½½½ vkpk;Z inoh uksnuhlkBh vkosnu dsysY;k fo|kF;kZuk inoh (UG/PG/NET/SET/M.Phil. Degree Verification Certificate)

2½½½½ lknjh dj.;klkBh vuqifLFkr vlysY;k fo|kF;kZP;k vkosn

Revised/ Resubmit dj.kk&;k fo|kF;kZuk la?;koh-

3½½½½ lnj rDR;k e/;s dkgh r`V;k fdaok vkosnu dsysY;k fo|kF;kZph ukaos uewn ulY;kps fun

dk;kZy;kP;k fun’kZukl vk.kkwu nsowu ;ksX; rh nq#Lrh d#u ?;koh

4½ lnj rDR;kae/;s fo|kF;ZkP;k ukaok leksj n’kZfo.;kr vkysY;k r`V;kaph iwrZrk lHksP;kiwohZ fdaok lHksr lkdj.;kr ;s.kkj ukgh-

5½ iquZuksan.kh (Re-Registration) vkf.k vkosnuk djhrk la’kks/kdkaph mifLFkrh vko’;d ukgh



Application Received For Ph.D. Registration Under The Faculty of

– July – 2014 & January, 2015.

01/06/2015. Sr. No. 01 to 08 Candidates

-: egRokph lqpuk :-

vkpk;Z inoh uksnuhlkBh vkosnu dsysY;k fo|kF;kZuk inoh xq.kif=dk@in~O;qRrj xq.kif=dk ¼,e-fQy@usV@lsV@ vlY;kl R;kaph lq/nk(UG/PG/NET/SET/M.Phil. Degree Verification Certificate) Rojhr lknj djkosr- lnj izek.ki=s lknj dsY;k f

lknjh dj.;klkBh vuqifLFkr vlysY;k fo|kF;kZP;k vkosnu jn~ let.;kr ;sbZy o R;kauk vfLrrokr vlysY;k fu;ekP;k rjrqnh uqlkj uO;kus laiw.kZ izfdz;k djkoh ykxsay rlsp

dj.kk&;k fo|kF;kZuk la’kks/ku o ekU;rk lferh leksj miLFkhr jgkos ykxsy] vuqifL

lnj rDR;k e/;s dkgh r`V;k fdaok vkosnu dsysY;k fo|kF;kZph ukaos uewn ulY;kps fun’kZukl vkY;kl loZ lacaf/kr fo|kF;kZuh ;ksX; R;k iqjkO;klg lHksP;k iwohZ fdaok lHksP;k fno

kZukl vk.kkwu nsowu ;ksX; rh nq#Lrh d#u ?;koh lHksuarj dks.krsgh vk{ksi xzkg; ekuys tk.kkj ukgh]

lnj rDR;kae/;s fo|kF;ZkP;k ukaok leksj n’kZfo.;kr vkysY;k r`V;kaph iwrZrk lHksP;kiwohZ fdaok lHksr lknjhdj.kkps fno’kh i;Zr dj.;kr ;koh

As per the provisions of Direction No.10 of 2011 and 29 of 2012 vkosnuk djhrk la’kks/kdkaph mifLFkrh vko’;d ukgh


Application Received For Ph.D. Registration Under The Faculty of Science In The Subject –


fQy@usV@lsV@ vlY;kl R;kaph lq/nk½ lacaf/kr fo|kfiBkdMwu iMrkG.kh izek.ki=lnj izek.ki=s lknj dsY;k f’kok; iq<hy dk;Zokgh ?ksrk ;s.kkj ukgh- ;kph uksn ?;koh

u jn~ let.;kr ;sbZy o R;kauk vfLrrokr vlysY;k fu;ekP;k rjrqnh uqlkj uO;kus laiw.kZ izfdz;k djkoh ykxsay rlsp

] vuqifL-Fkr vlY;kl R;kauh lknj dsysyj vkjk[kMk jn~ let.;kr ;sbZy ;kaph ukasn

kZukl vkY;kl loZ lacaf/kr fo|kF;kZuh ;ksX; R;k iqjkO;klg lHksP;k iwohZ fdaok lHksP;k fno

lHksuarj dks.krsgh vk{ksi xzkg; ekuys tk.kkj ukgh] o (Discripancies) r`V;kaph iwrZrk 30 fnolkr djkoh

njhdj.kkps fno’kh i;Zr dj.;kr ;koh- iwrZrk u dsY;kl R;kaP;k vkosnukpk

As per the provisions of Direction No.10 of 2011 and 29 of 2012 e/khy rjrqnhuqlkj eqnrpk< (One Year Extension)

lacaf/kr fo|kfiBkdMwu iMrkG.kh izek.ki= ;kph uksn ?;koh-

u jn~ let.;kr ;sbZy o R;kauk vfLrrokr vlysY;k fu;ekP;k rjrqnh uqlkj uO;kus laiw.kZ izfdz;k djkoh ykxsay rlsp iquZlknj jn~ let.;kr ;sbZy ;kaph ukasn

kZukl vkY;kl loZ lacaf/kr fo|kF;kZuh ;ksX; R;k iqjkO;klg lHksP;k iwohZ fdaok lHksP;k fno’kh r`V;kaph iwrZrk 30 fnolkr djkoh-

iwrZrk u dsY;kl R;kaP;k vkosnukpk fopkj

(One Year Extension) djhrk izkIr

Page 59: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

1. Mr. Pratik M. Bezalwar, C/o Mr. Mithun Rajenwar, Plot No.66, Gondwana Nagar, Beltarodi Road, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2011) RTMNNU, Nagpur.

NET/SET (2013) hence PET Exemp.

Date of App. 16/12/2014.

NTB --- “ Evaluation of anti-Quorum sensing (QS) property of phytochemicals of spices and its efficacy on antibiotic activity against MDR Pseudomonas aeruginosa.”

Dr. Vijay N.Charde, Asstt. Prof. Head, Deptt. of Microbiology, Arts, Comm. & Science College, Koradi, dist. Nagpur.

Deptt. of Microbiology, Arts, Comm. & Science College, Koradi, dist. Nagpur.

M.Sc. Degree Cert. not submit.

2. Ms. Shweta V. Deote, L-8/4, Raghuji Nagar, Nagpur- 440009.

M.Sc. (2009), RTMNU, Nagpur.

PET (2013),

Date of App.16/02/2015.

OBC --- “Phylogenetic Analysis of Bacterial Isolates from Chromium Enriched Soil.”

Dr. Arun B. Ingle, Asoc. Prof. Deptt. of Microbiology, S.K. Porwal College, Kamptee, Dist. Nagpur.

Deptt. of Microbiology, S.K. Porwal College, Kamptee, Dist. Nagpur.


Page 60: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

3. Mrs. Seema R. Nimbarte, G-6, Chaitanya Aprts, Bharat Nagar, Amravati Road, Nagpur-33.

M.Sc. (1999), RTMNU, Nagpur.

M.Phil (2008), Periyar Uni. Salem,

Date of App. 15/01/2015.



“Elucidation of Phytoconstituents of Plant Etheral Oils, their Microbicidal Effect on Septicaemia Causing Broiler Pathogens with Special Emphasis on its Molecular Characterization and its Impact on FCR.”

Supervisor, Dr.(Mrs) A.S. Kulkarni, Head Deptt. of Microbiology, Dharampeth M.P. Deo Science College, Nagpur. Co-supervisor, Dr. (Mrs) Suvarna Patil, Asstt. Prof. Arts, Comm. & Sci. College, Koradi, dist. Nagpur.

Deptt. of Microbiology, Arts, Comm. & Sci. College, Koradi, dist. Nagpur.

Name Change Notification issued by RTMNU, Nagpur.

4. Ms. Priya Fuke, 30-A, Ayodhya Nagar, B/H First City Bus-Stop, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2012) RTMNU, Nagpur.

PET (2013) Date of App. 15/01/2015.

OBC --- “ Production of bacterial keratin hydrolyzing enzyme and demonstration of feather waste management by Serratia sp. EGd-HP20.”

Dr. A. Khardenavis, Scit. EGD, CSIR- National Environmental Engineering Research Instt. Nagpur.

CSIR- National Environmental Engineering Research Instt. Nagpur.


Page 61: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

5. Ms. Vaishali V. Pimple, A/s Dattatry Aprt, Plot No.103, 104, Gandhinagar, Nagpur- 440010.

M.Sc. (2006), RTMNU, Nagpur.

PET (2014) Date of App. 14/01/2015.

OBC --- “Algumenting the Antibacterial Efficacy of Nanoemulsion Formulations Derived from some plant Essential Oils.”

Supervisor, Dr. (Mrs) A.S. Kulkarni, Asoc. Prof. Deptt. of Microbiology, Dharampeth M.P. Deo Memorial Sci College, Nagpur. Co-Supervisor, Dr.(Mrs) Suvarna Patil, Deptt. of Botany, Arts, Comm. & Sci. College, Koradi, Dist. Nagpur.

Deptt. of Botany, Arts, Comm. & Sci. College, Koradi, Dist. Nagpur.

Name Change Notification issued by RTMNU, Nagpur.

6. Ms. Varsha Bohra, EGD, CSIR- National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2013), Pt. RSU, Raipur.


Date of App. 14/01/2015

Jain -- “ Comparative Metagenomics of Ruminant Microorganisms to Study the Cellulolytic Enzymes.”

Dr. Nishant A. Dafale, EGD, CSIR- National Environmental Engineering Research Instt. Nagpur.

CSIR- National Environmental Engineering Research Instt. Nagpur.

PET Exempted documents, M.Sc. Marksheet / Degree Verification Cert. not submitted

Page 62: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

7.. Mr. Nikhil A. Kolte, 101, Gvam Kaneri, Po. Kaneri, Dist. Gadchiroli.

M.Sc. (2013), RTMNU, Nagpur.

PET (2013) Date of App. 14/01/2015.

OBC --- “Extracellular Synthesis and Characterization of Silver Nanoparticles by Bacillus cereus and therir Antibacterial Potential.”

Dr. P.M. Tumane, Asoc. Prof. Deptt. of Microbiology, RTMNU, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Microbiology, RTMNU, Nagpur.

M.Sc. Degree Cert. Not Submitted.

8. Mr. Roshan N. Kamanwar, 29, Ramkrishna Nagar, Umrer Road, Dighori, Nagpur- 34. M.Sc. (2013), RTMNU, Nagpur. UGC- JRF (2013, hence PET Exempted. Date of App. 13/01/2015.

SBC ---- “Chitosan Immobilized ββββ-D- galactosidase : A Novel approach for rapid hydrolysis of Lactose and synthesis of Prebiotic.”

Dr. Ashok V. Gomashe, Deptt. of Microbiology, Shri Shivaji Science College, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Microbiology, Shri Shivaji Science College, Nagpur.

M.Sc. Degree Cert. not submit.

Page 63: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Item No. 1 : Application Received For Ph.D. Registration Under The Faculty of

Statistics – July

Date of Presentation :- 01/06/2015.

1½½½½ vkpk;Z inoh uksnuhlkBh vkosnu dsysY;k fo|kF;kZuk inoh (UG/PG/NET/SET/M.Phil. Degree Verification Certificate)

2½½½½ lknjh dj.;klkBh vuqifLFkr vlysY;k fo|kF;kZP;k vkosn

Revised/ Resubmit dj.kk&;k fo|kF;kZuk la?;koh-

3½½½½ lnj rDR;k e/;s dkgh r`V;k fdaok vkosnu dsysY;k fo|kF;kZph ukaos uewn ulY;kps fun

dk;kZy;kP;k fun’kZukl vk.kkwu nsowu ;ksX

4½ lnj rDR;kae/;s fo|kF;ZkP;k ukaok leksj n’kZfo.;kr vkysY;k r`V;kaph iwrZrk lHksP;kiwohZ fdaok lHksr lknjhdj.kkps fno’kh i;Zr dj.;kr ;s.kkj ukgh-

5½ iquZuksan.kh (Re-Registration) vkf.k vkosnuk djhrk la’kks/kdkaph mifLFkrh vko’;d ukgh



Application Received For Ph.D. Registration Under The Faculty of

July – 2014 & January, 2015.

01/06/2015. Sr. No. 01 to 03 Candidates

-: egRokph lqpuk :-

vkpk;Z inoh uksnuhlkBh vkosnu dsysY;k fo|kF;kZuk inoh xq.kif=dk@in~O;qRrj xq.kif=dk ¼,e-fQy@usV@lsV@ vlY;kl R;kaph lq/nk(UG/PG/NET/SET/M.Phil. Degree Verification Certificate) Rojhr lknj djkosr- lnj izek.ki=s lknj dsY;k f

lknjh dj.;klkBh vuqifLFkr vlysY;k fo|kF;kZP;k vkosnu jn~ let.;kr ;sbZy o R;kauk vfLrrokr vlysY;k fu;ekP;k rjrqnh uqlkj uO;kus laiw.kZ izfdz;k djkoh ykxsay rlsp

dj.kk&;k fo|kF;kZuk la’kks/ku o ekU;rk lferh leksj miLFkhr jgkos ykxsy] vuqifL

lnj rDR;k e/;s dkgh r`V;k fdaok vkosnu dsysY;k fo|kF;kZph ukaos uewn ulY;kps fun’kZukl vkY;kl loZ lacaf/kr fo|kF;kZuh ;ksX; R;k iqjkO;klg lHksP;k iwohZ fdaok lHksP;k fno

kZukl vk.kkwu nsowu ;ksX; rh nq#Lrh d#u ?;koh lHksuarj dks.krsgh vk{ksi xzkg; ekuys tk.kkj ukgh]

lnj rDR;kae/;s fo|kF;ZkP;k ukaok leksj n’kZfo.;kr vkysY;k r`V;kaph iwrZrk lHksP;kiwohZ fdaok lHksr lknjhdj.kkps fno’kh i;Zr

As per the provisions of Direction No.10 of 2011 and 29 of 2012 la’kks/kdkaph mifLFkrh vko’;d ukgh


Application Received For Ph.D. Registration Under The Faculty of Science In The Subject –


fQy@usV@lsV@ vlY;kl R;kaph lq/nk½ lacaf/kr fo|kfiBkdMwu iMrkG.kh izek.ki=lnj izek.ki=s lknj dsY;k f’kok; iq<hy dk;Zokgh ?ksrk ;s.kkj ukgh- ;kph uksn ?;koh

u jn~ let.;kr ;sbZy o R;kauk vfLrrokr vlysY;k fu;ekP;k rjrqnh uqlkj uO;kus laiw.kZ izfdz;k djkoh ykxsay rlsp

] vuqifL-Fkr vlY;kl R;kauh lknj dsysyj vkjk[kMk jn~ let.;kr ;sbZy ;kaph ukasn

kZukl vkY;kl loZ lacaf/kr fo|kF;kZuh ;ksX; R;k iqjkO;klg lHksP;k iwohZ fdaok lHksP;k fno

lHksuarj dks.krsgh vk{ksi xzkg; ekuys tk.kkj ukgh] o (Discripancies) r`V;kaph iwrZrk 30 fnolkr djkoh

lnj rDR;kae/;s fo|kF;ZkP;k ukaok leksj n’kZfo.;kr vkysY;k r`V;kaph iwrZrk lHksP;kiwohZ fdaok lHksr lknjhdj.kkps fno’kh i;Zr dj.;kr ;koh- iwrZrk u dsY;kl R;kaP;k vkosnukpk

As per the provisions of Direction No.10 of 2011 and 29 of 2012 e/khy rjrqnhuqlkj eqnrpk< (One Year Extension)

lacaf/kr fo|kfiBkdMwu iMrkG.kh izek.ki= ;kph uksn ?;koh-

u jn~ let.;kr ;sbZy o R;kauk vfLrrokr vlysY;k fu;ekP;k rjrqnh uqlkj uO;kus laiw.kZ izfdz;k djkoh ykxsay rlsp iquZlknj jn~ let.;kr ;sbZy ;kaph ukasn

kZukl vkY;kl loZ lacaf/kr fo|kF;kZuh ;ksX; R;k iqjkO;klg lHksP;k iwohZ fdaok lHksP;k fno’kh r`V;kaph iwrZrk 30 fnolkr djkoh-

iwrZrk u dsY;kl R;kaP;k vkosnukpk fopkj

(One Year Extension) djhrk izkIr

Page 64: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

1. Ms. Payal P. Jain, Ward No.15, Shastri Square, Dhamangaon Rly, Dist. Amravati

M.Sc. (2013), RTMNU, Nagpur.

PET (2013) Date of App. 15/07/2014.

Jain Yes SSC, Nagpur

“ A Study of Statistical Quality Control methods in Improvement of Reliability of Manufacturing and Non-Manufacturing Process.”

Dr. (Mrs) N.N. Kasturiwale, Asoc. Prof. Institute of Science, Nagpur.

Insstitute of Science, Nagpur.

M.Sc. Degree Cert. Not submit

2. Mrs. Kalpana G. Lokhande, 32(A), Ganesh Colony, Ring Road, Pratap Nagar, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (1989), RTMNU, Nagpur.

M.Phil (1992), RTMNU, Nagpur. Date of App. 15/12/2014.

OBC Yes, PCE, Nagpur.

“ Study of Optimization Techniques in Linear & Nonlinear Programming.”

Dr. P.G. Khot, Deptt. of Statistics, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Statistics, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.


Page 65: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

3. Mr. Jivan Kumar K. Jain, Qtr. No.3, 16 Teachers Qurt. Near V.C. Bunglow, North Ambazati Road, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2013) S.P. Uni. Gujrat,

PET (2014) Date of App. : 20/01/2015.

Open No “Study of Quality Control Charts Using Nonparametric Techniques

Dr.(Mrs) N.M. Wazalwar, Asoc. Prof. Deptt. of Statistics, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Statistics, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Residential Cert. from Executive Magistrate, M.Sc. Degree Verification Cert. from S.P. Uni. Gujrat.

Page 66: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Item No. 1 : Application Received For Ph.D. Registration Under The Faculty of

Zoology – July

Date of Presentation :- 04/06/2015

1½½½½ vkpk;Z inoh uksnuhlkBh vkosnu dsysY;k fo|kF;kZuk inoh (UG/PG/NET/SET/M.Phil. Degree Verification Certificate)

2½½½½ lknjh dj.;klkBh vuqifLFkr vlysY;k fo|kF;kZP;k vkosnu jn~ let.;kr ;sbZy o R;kauk vfLrrokr vly

Revised/ Resubmit dj.kk&;k fo|kF;kZuk la?;koh-

3½½½½ lnj rDR;k e/;s dkgh r`V;k fdaok vkosnu dsysY;k fo|kF;kZph ukaos uewn ulY;kps fun

dk;kZy;kP;k fun’kZukl vk.kkwu nsowu ;ksX; rh nq#Lrh d#u ?;koh

4½ lnj rDR;kae/;s fo|kF;ZkP;k ukaok leksj n’kZfo.;kr vkysY;k r`V;kaph iwrZrk lHksP;kiwohZ fdaok lHksr lknjhdj.kkps fno’kh i;Zr ddj.;kr ;s.kkj ukgh-

5½ iquZuksan.kh (Re-Registration) vkf.k vkosnuk djhrk la’kks/kdkaph mifLFkrh vko’;d ukgh



Application Received For Ph.D. Registration Under The Faculty of

July – 2014 & January, 2015.

04/06/2015 Sr. No. 01 to 26 Candidates

-: egRokph lqpuk :-

vkpk;Z inoh uksnuhlkBh vkosnu dsysY;k fo|kF;kZuk inoh xq.kif=dk@in~O;qRrj xq.kif=dk ¼,e-fQy@usV@lsV@ vlY;kl R;kaph lq/nk(UG/PG/NET/SET/M.Phil. Degree Verification Certificate) Rojhr lknj djkosr- lnj izek.ki=s lknj dsY;k f

lknjh dj.;klkBh vuqifLFkr vlysY;k fo|kF;kZP;k vkosnu jn~ let.;kr ;sbZy o R;kauk vfLrrokr vly

dj.kk&;k fo|kF;kZuk la’kks/ku o ekU;rk lferh leksj miLFkhr jgkos ykxsy] vuqifL

lnj rDR;k e/;s dkgh r`V;k fdaok vkosnu dsysY;k fo|kF;kZph ukaos uewn ulY;kps fun’kZukl vkY;kl loZ lacaf/kr fo|kF;kZuh ;ksX; R;k iqjkO;klg lHksP;k iwohZ fdaok lHksP;k fno

kZukl vk.kkwu nsowu ;ksX; rh nq#Lrh d#u ?;koh lHksuarj dks.krsgh vk{ksi xzkg; ekuys tk.kkj ukgh]

lnj rDR;kae/;s fo|kF;ZkP;k ukaok leksj n’kZfo.;kr vkysY;k r`V;kaph iwrZrk lHksP;kiwohZ fdaok lHksr lknjhdj.kkps fno’kh i;Zr d

As per the provisions of Direction No.10 of 2011 and 29 of 2012 vkosnuk djhrk la’kks/kdkaph mifLFkrh vko’;d ukgh


Application Received For Ph.D. Registration Under The Faculty of Science In The Subject –


fQy@usV@lsV@ vlY;kl R;kaph lq/nk½ lacaf/kr fo|kfiBkdMwu iMrkG.kh izek.ki=lnj izek.ki=s lknj dsY;k f’kok; iq<hy dk;Zokgh ?ksrk ;s.kkj ukgh- ;kph uksn ?;koh

lknjh dj.;klkBh vuqifLFkr vlysY;k fo|kF;kZP;k vkosnu jn~ let.;kr ;sbZy o R;kauk vfLrrokr vlysY;k fu;ekP;k rjrqnh uqlkj uO;kus laiw.kZ izfdz;k djkoh ykxsay rlsp

] vuqifL-Fkr vlY;kl R;kauh lknj dsysyj vkjk[kMk jn~ let.;kr ;sbZy ;kaph ukasn

kZukl vkY;kl loZ lacaf/kr fo|kF;kZuh ;ksX; R;k iqjkO;klg lHksP;k iwohZ fdaok lHksP;k fno

k{ksi xzkg; ekuys tk.kkj ukgh] o (Discripancies) r`V;kaph iwrZrk 30 fnolkr djkoh

lnj rDR;kae/;s fo|kF;ZkP;k ukaok leksj n’kZfo.;kr vkysY;k r`V;kaph iwrZrk lHksP;kiwohZ fdaok lHksr lknjhdj.kkps fno’kh i;Zr dj.;kr ;koh- iwrZrk u dsY;kl R;kaP;k vkosnukpk

As per the provisions of Direction No.10 of 2011 and 29 of 2012 e/khy rjrqnhuqlkj eqnrpk< (One Year Extension)

lacaf/kr fo|kfiBkdMwu iMrkG.kh izek.ki= ;kph uksn ?;koh-

sY;k fu;ekP;k rjrqnh uqlkj uO;kus laiw.kZ izfdz;k djkoh ykxsay rlsp iquZlknj vlY;kl R;kauh lknj dsysyj vkjk[kMk jn~ let.;kr ;sbZy ;kaph ukasn

kZukl vkY;kl loZ lacaf/kr fo|kF;kZuh ;ksX; R;k iqjkO;klg lHksP;k iwohZ fdaok lHksP;k fno’kh r`V;kaph iwrZrk 30 fnolkr djkoh-

vkosnukpk fopkj

(One Year Extension) djhrk izkIr

Page 67: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

1. Mr. Bobby G. Shende, Jain Mandir Road, Mahavir Nagar, Ranala, Kamptee, Dist. Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2012), RTMNU, Nagpur.

PET (2013),

Date of App. 14/07/2014.

SC --- “Biochemical, Light and Electron Microscopic Studies of Female Reproductive System of Green Marsh Hawk, Orthetrum Sabina (Drury,1770) (Odonata : Anisoptera)”

Dr. Suresh C. Masram, Asstt. Prof. Deptt. of Zoology, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.,

Deptt. of Zoology, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.,

M.Sc. Degree Cert. not submit.

2. Ms. Ketki W. Paunikar, 406, Utkarsha Umang Aprts, Ajni Square, Wardha Road, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2011), RTMNU, Nagpur.

PET (2013),

Date of App. 09/07/2014.

--- --- “Cytoarchitectural and Ultrastructural Study of the Offactory System and Forebrain of Teleost Fish Oreochromis mossambicus.”

Dr. (Mrs) S.A. Koushik, Asoc, Prof. Deptt. of Zoology, Govt. Institute of Science, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Zoology, Govt. Institute of Science, Nagpur.


Page 68: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

3. Mrs. Swati B. Gurve, C/o Mr. Sanjay A. Khandait, Plot No.64, Doye Layout, Geeta Nagar, Zingabai Takli, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2013), RTMNU, Nagpur.

PET (2013)

Date of App. 14/07/2014.

OBC --- “Localization of some Neuropeptides Involved in the Regulation of Feeding Behaviour in The Gut Region of Tilapia.”

Dr. Mrs. S.A. Koushik, Asoc. Prof. Deptt. of Zoology, Govt. Institute of Science, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Zoology, Govt. Institute of Science, Nagpur.

M.Sc. Degree Cert. not submit.

4. Ms. Suvarna S. Khadakkar, 875/1, Opp. NMC Hospital, Shanti Nagar, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2011), RTMNU, Nagpur.

PET (2013)

Date of App. 03/07/2014.

--- --- “ Scarab Beetles ( Coleoptera : Scarabaeoidea : Scarabaeidae) of Bor Wildlife sanctuary, Wardha, (Central India), Maharashtra.”

Supervisor, Dr. A.D. Tiple, Deptt. of Zoology, Vidyabharthi College, Seloo, dist. Wardha. Co-Supervisor, Dr. A.M. Khurad, Ex-Prof. Deptt. of Zoology, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpaur.

Centre for Sericulture and Biological Pest Management Research, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

M.Sc. Degree Cert. not submit

Page 69: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

5. Mr. Durgesh M. Agase, Plot No.18, H/o Kailash Masoskolhe, Gajana, Near Ist Bus-stop, Gopal Nagar, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2014), RTMNU, Nagpur.

GATE-2013, hence PET Exempted as per dir. No. 29/2012.

Date of App. 25/11/2014.

OBC --- QSAR Studies on Phthalates and its Toxic Effects on the HPGL axix of fish, Clarias gariepinus.”

Dr. S.B. Zade, Prof. Deptt. of Zoology, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Zoology, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

M.Sc. Degree Cert. not submit

6. Mr. Gajanan D. Buddhe, 22, Shree Nagar, (Narendra Nagar), Ring road, Nagpur. M.Sc. (1997), R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur. PET (2013), Date of App. 14/07/2014.


“Studies on Digestive Physiology of Indian Honey bee Apis cerena indica F. (Hymenoptera : Apidae)

Supervisor, Dr. S.C. Masaram, Asstt. Prof. Deptt. of Zoology, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur. Co-Supervisor, Dr. M.M. Shinkhede, Asstt. Prof. Deptt. of Zoology, Sindhu Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Zoology, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

M.Sc. Degree Cert. not submit

Page 70: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

7. Mr. Prashant H. Chavhan, House No. 726/A/29/B, Hajari Pahal, Vayasena, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2012), RTMNU, Nagpur.

PET (2014),

Date of App. 09/12/2014.

OBC --- “Studies on the Prevalence and Pathogenicity of bacteria and their influence on development and management of Migratory locust Locusta migratoria (R & F).”

Dr. Manoj M. Rai, Prof. C.S.B.R. RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Centre for Sericulture and Biological Pest Management Research, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

M.Sc. Degree Cert. not submit

8. Mr. Tribhushan R. Mundane, Rathi Layout, Dhantoli, Katol Road, Nagpur.

M.Sc.(2006), R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

PET (2013),

Date of App. 12/12/2014.


“Seasonal Diversity and Distribution of Ant Species in Chandrapur district.”

Supervisor, Dr. M.M. Rai, Prof. C.S.B.R. RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur. Co-Supervisor, Dr. A.D. Tiple, Head, Deptt. of Zoology, Vklidyaniketan College, Seloo, Dist. Wardha.

Centre for Sericulture and Biological Pest Management Research, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

M.Sc. Degree Cert. not submit

Page 71: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

9. Mr. Ravindra M. Ramatkar, Plot No.15, Ganzoli Layout, Near Dr. Mahatme Eye Hospital, Somalwada, Wardha Road, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (1988), SGB Amravati University, Nagpur.

M.Phil (1990), RTMNU, Nagpur.

Date of App. 28/02/2014.


“ Evaluation of Testicular Toxicity by some Chemotherapeutic Drugs in Rat with Special Referemce to Oxidative Stress.”

Prof. (Mrs) M.S. shastry, Deptt. of Zoology, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Zoology, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

M.Sc. Degree Verification Cert. from SGBAU, Nagpur.

10. Ms. Bharati A. Wadjikar, C/o Dr. P.S. Muktibodh, Plot No. 358, Kshitij Maharshee Aprts, 1st Floor, Shankar Nagar, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2003), SGB Amravati University,

M.Phil (2010), Algappa Uni.

Date of App.15/01/2015


“ Studies on Seasonal Variations in Physicochemical Properties and its Influence on Zooplankton and Bacterial Diversity of Well Water, in Nagpur India.”

Supervisor, Dr. S.C. Masaram, Asstt. Prof. Deptt. of Zoology, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur. Supervisor, Dr. M.M. Rai, Prof. C.S.B.R. RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Centre for Sericulture and Biological Pest Management Research, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Org. Eligibility Cert, not submitted.

Page 72: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

11. Ms. Dewashree S. Takalkar, 201, 2nd, Floor Vyankateshwara, Madhavaibhav Aprts, Gandhi Gate, Mahal Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2006), R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

M.Phil (2007), RTMNU, hence PET Exempted as per Dir. No. 29/2012.

Date of App. 15/01/2015.

-- --- “ Ultrastructure of the Various Sensilla in the Predatory Ants Myrmicaria and Leptogenys : A Comparative Study.”

Dr. D.D. Barsagade, Prof. Deptt. of Zoology, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Zoology, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

M.Sc./M.Phil Degree Cert. not submit.

12. Ms. Manjushree N. Motghare, 151/B, Ishan Aprts, Pande Layout, Khamla, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2001), RTMNU, Nagpur.

M.Phil (2009), RTMNU, hence PET Exempted as per Dir. No. 29/2012.

Date of App. 15/01/2015.

SC --- “Thyroid Dysfunction from some Antineoplastic agents in the Rat.”

Dr. (Mrs) M.S. Sastry, Head, Deptt. of Zoology, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Zoology, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Endorsement of the Place of Research not submit.

Page 73: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

13. Ms. Nandini N. Ray, 11-A, Sidharth Society, Shrikrishna Nagar, Dawalameti, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (1994), R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

PET (2014)

Date of App. 15/01/2015.

--- ----- “ Effect of silver Nanoparticles and Graphene/Graphene Oxide on Small Indicator Organisms.”

Superevisor, Dr. K.G. Patil, Asoc. Prof. Head, Deptt. of Zoology, Instt. of Science, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Co-Supervisor, Dr. Sanjay R. Thakare, Asoc. Prof. Deptt. of Chemistry, Govt. Institute of Science, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Zoology, Govt. Instt. of Science, Nagpur.

Name Change Notification issued by RTMNU, Nagpur.

14.. Ms. Vaishali D. Dorlikar, C/o Mr. B.R. Banpurkar, Dy. Supdt, Land Records, Ashti, Ta. Ashti, Dist. Wardha.

M.Sc. (2010), R.T.M. Nagpur University,

PET (2014),

Date of App. 12/01/2015.

OBC --- “ Assessment of Physico – Chemical and Biological Characteristics of Kapilleshwar (Ashti) Lake in Wardha District (Maharashtra) India.”

Dr. S.S. Nimgare, Head, Deptt. of Zoology, H.R. Arts, Commerce & Science, Ashti, dist. Wardha.

Deptt. of Zoology, Sevadal Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Sakkardara Squ. Nagpur.

M.Sc. Degree Cert. not submit.

Page 74: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

15. Ms. Shabina Y. Choudhary, Plot No.30, New Gandhi Layout, Jafar Nagar, B/H. Police Line Takli, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2011), R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

PET (2014)

Date of App. 01/01/2015.

-- ---- “ Impact of Bisphenol A on Renal and Reproductive System of Fish, Claria Gariepinus.”

Dr. S.B. Zade, Prof. Deptt. of Zoolopgy, R.T.M. Nagpur Univerisyt, Nagpur.,

Deptt. of Zoolopgy, R.T.M. Nagpur Univerisyt, Nagpur.,


16. Mr. Sandeep Y. Rahangdale, C/o S.P. Pardhi, Plot No.44, Mishal Layout, Patankar Square, Jaripatka, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (20-11), RTMNU, Nagpur.

PET (2013),

Date of App. 15/01/2015.

OBC --- “ Biology and Control of Citrus Psylla, Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Psyllidae : Homoptera) by botanical insecticides in Nagpur region of Maharashtra.”

Dr. B.S. Rahile, Asstt. Prof. Science College, Pauni, Dist. Bhandara.

Centre for Sericulture and Biological Pest Management Research, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

M.Sc. Degree Cert. not submit.

Page 75: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

17. Revised synopsis Mr. Mahendra B. Raut, At. Malijunga, Po. Pandhari, Ta. Sadak/Arjuni, Dist. Gondia.

M.Sc. (2012), RTMNU, Nagpur.

PET (Oct, 2013)

Revised Synopsis submit on 18/10/2014.

SC No “ Studies on Status, Threats and Conservation Measures of Wetland Avifauna in Nagzira Navegaon Corridor, Eastern Maharashtra, India.” .”

Dr. C.J. Khune, Asoc. Prof. Deptt. of Zoology, M.B. Patel College, Sakoli, Dist. Bhandara.

Deptt. of Zoology, J.M. Patel College, Bhandara.

Last RRC Decision Approved, Sub. To submission of i) Synopsis with revised text as per the suggestions.

ii) NOC from Wild Life authority

iii) M.Sc. Degree Cert.

18. Revised Synopsis Sinimol Thomas, Carnel Academy Waddhamna, Opp. High Land Park, Tah. Hingna, Dist. Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2009) M.G. University, Kottayam,

M.Phil (2013), Madras University, hence PET Exmp.

Date of Revised synopsis submit. 18/10/2014.

Open No. “Studies on the Female Reproductive System of The Dragonfly, Ictinogomphus Rapax (Rambur) (Odonata : Anisoptera).”

Dr. R.J. Andrew, Deptt. of Zoology, Hislop College, Nagpur.

Center for Sericulture & Biological Pest Management Research, RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur.,

Last RRC Decision is Approved, Sub. To submission of i) Modification in

the Title ii) Synopsis with revised text as per the suggestions

iii) Verification Cert. fro, M.G.Uni. Kerla

Page 76: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

19. Revised synopsis Ms. Shilpa K. Katre, ‘Venuka Wasim’ Flat No. 206, 2nd Floor, Katol Road, Katol Naka, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2009) RTMNU, Nagpur.

PET (Jan, 2013) Date of Revised synopsis Submit on 18/10/2014.

OBC No “ Studies on Gut Bacterial Fauna and their Influence on Auto Immunity in the Mulberry Silkworm, Bombyx mori L.”

Dr. M.M. Rai, (CSBR), Centre for Sericulture and Biological Pest Management Research, RTMNU, Nagpur.

CSBR), Centre for Sericulture and Biological Pest Management Research, RTMNU, Nagpur.

Last RRC Decision is Approved, sub. To submission of synopsis with revised text as per the suggestions

20. Revised Synopsis Miss Shivani, C/o Dr. S.C. Masram, Deptt. of Zoology, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2011), R.T.M. Nagpur University,

PET (Oct, 2013)

Date of Revised Synopsis submit on 29/09/2014.

--- No “ Studies on the Effect of Neuropeptide Y on the Growth Regulation in Catfish, Mystus bleekeri (Day, 1877).”

Dr. S.C. Masram, Deptt. of Zoology, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Zoology, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Degree Cert. not submit. Last RRC Decision is Approved, Sub. To submission of i) Modification in

the Title ii) Synopsis with revised text as per the suggestion

iii) M.Sc. Degree Cert.

Page 77: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

21. Revised synopsis Mr. Harkesh Dindayal Rahile, At. Po. Dhabetekdi (Pauni), Tal. Arjuni Mor, Dist. Gondia.

M.Sc. (Zoo), 2009, RTM NU, Nagpur.

PET Passed (56%)

Revised synopsis Submit on 17/05/2014.

OBC “ Spider Diversity in Navegaon National Park, Maharashtra, India.”

Dr. B.S. Rahile, Deptt. of Zoology, Shri Shivaji Science College, Pauni, Dist. Bhandara.

Centre for Sericulture and Biological Pest Management Research, (CSBR), Nagpur.

Last RRC Dt. 19/08/2013. Decision is Accepted, Subject to Submission of revised text as per the suggestion and also submission of NOC from Forest Deptt.

22. Revised synopsis Ms. Vaishali G. Jamgade, At/Po. Mahurzari, Tah./ Dist. Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2012), RTMNU, Nagpur.

PET (Jan, 2013)

Revised Synopsis Submit on 13/01/0215

SC No “ Antiandrogenic Activity of Medicinal Plant, Achyranthes Aspera on Reproduction of Male albino Rat.”

Dr. (Mrs) Archana Nerkar, Asoc. Prof. Deptt. of Zoology, Govt. Institute of Science, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Zoology, Govt. Institute of Science, Nagpur.

M.Sc. Degree Cert. not submit Last RRC Decision is Approved, Sub. To submission of i) Cert. from Ethical Committee

ii) Sub. Of Synopsis with revised text as per the suggestions

iii) P.G. Degree Cert.

Page 78: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

23. Revised synopsis Ms. Bhavana A. Puppalwar, C/o Dr. S.P. Asamwar, Rampuri Ward No.10, Chamorshi Road, Gadchiroli.

M.Sc. (2010), RTMNU, Nagpur.

PET (Oct, 2013)

Revised Synopsis Submit on 11/11/2014.

NT No “ Studies on Physico-Chemical and Biological Characteristics of Water of Mohrli Lake in Chandrapur District, (Maharashtra) India..”

Supervisor, Dr. P.N. Charde, Prin. Sevadal Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Umrer Road, Nagpur.

Co-Supervisor, Dr. P.M. Telkhade, Head, Deptt. of Zoology, Arts, Comm. & Science College, Tukum, dist. Chandrapur.

Sevadal Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Umrer Road, Nagpur.

Last RRC Decision is Approved, Sub. To submission of i) Modification in the Title

ii) Synopsis with revised text as per the suggestion

iii) Justification for the need of Guide & Co-guide with their specialization

24. Revised synopsis Mr. Purushottam A. Gedam, C/o Mrs. Sheela K. Godbole, Nari Road, Tekanaka, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2009), RTMNU, Nagpur.

PET (Jan, 2013),

Date of Revised Synopsis Submit on 26/11/2014.

SC No “ Studies on Biology and Management of Indian Honey Bee, Apis Cerana Indica F. in Eastern Vidarbha Region of Maharashtra (India),

Dr. B.S. Rahile, Asstt. Prof. Deptt. of Zoology, Shri Shivaji Science College, Pauni, Dist. Bhandara.

CSBR), Centre for Sericulture and Biological Pest Management Research, RTMNU, Nagpur

Last RRC Decision is Approved, Sub. To submission of i) Modification in the Title

ii) Synopsis with revised text as per the suggestion

Page 79: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

25. Revised synopsis Mr. Ashok A. Wankhede, Plot No. 127, Shri Ganesh Nagari, Near Patel Petrol Pump, Koradi Road, Nagpur.-441111.

M.Sc. (1993) Marathwada University, Aurangabad.

Date of Revised Synopsis : 11/03/2015.

SC --- “ Morphological and Histological Sstudies of Reproductive System of the Water Scorpion Nepa Cineria (Hemiptera : Nepidae).”

Supervisor, Dr. V. Raghukumar, Reader, Deptt. of Zoology, Sindhu Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur.

Co-Supervisor, Dr. A.A. Dhamani, Deptt. of Zoology, Nevjabai Hitkarni College, Bramhapuri, dist. Chandrapur.

Deptt. of Zoology, Nevjabai Hitkarni College, Bramhapuri, dist. Chandrapur.

Last RRC on Dt. 04/07/2012. Decision is Approved, Sub.to submission of Revised Synopsis & Fullfilment of previous conditions.

26. Revised synopsis Mr. Guddu L. Ghodichor, C/o Mr. Lekhram Gedam, Bhim Nagar, Near Lata Mangeshkar Hospital, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2013), RTM Nagpur University,

PET (Oct, 2013)

Date of Revised Synopsis submit on 29/09/2014.

SC No “ Role of Neuropeptide Y in the reproduction of Catfish, Mystus bleekeri (Day, 1877).”

Dr. S.C. Masram, Deptt. of Zoology, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Zoology, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Last RRC Decision is Approved, Sub. To submission of i) Modification in the Title

ii) Synopsis with revised text as per the suggestion

iii) M.Sc. Degree Cert.

Page 80: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

27. Re-Registration Mrs, Anita M. Trivedi, Plot No.83, R.M.S. Colony, B/H Police Line Takli, Nagpur- 440013.

M.Sc. (1995), Brakhatullaha University, Bhopal,

Date of Reg. 13/01/2010.

Date of App. 13/03/2015.

-- Yes BSC

“ Profile of Hydrobiology of River Kolar at Saoner with Special Emphasis on Ecology and Impact of Human Activities.”

Supervisor, Dr. P.g. Puranik, Director, Sevadal Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur. Co-Supervisor, Dr. A.D. Bobdey, Deptt. of Zoology, Shri Shivaji Science College, Nagpur.

Sevadal Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur.


28. Re-Registration Mrs. Aparna A. Bhatawadekar, 28, L.I.C. Colony, Ajni Chowk, Khamla Road, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (1994), R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Date of Reg. 10/01/2010.

Date of App. 08/01/2015.

--- --- “Aspects of Vermicompost Prodction using Animal and Muncipal Waste Materials by conversion & Eco-Management using Eisenia Foetida.”

Dr. (Mrs) R.V. Didolkar, Asoc. Prof. Deptt. of Zoology, L.A.D. College for Womens, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Zoology, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.


Page 81: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

27. Re-Registration Ms. Kalpana M. Chinchkhede, Plot No.42, Mahadulla, Po. Koradi, Tah. Kamptee, dist. Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2009), R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Date of Reg. 15/01/2010.

Date of App. 13/03/2015.


“Study on the Ecology, Status and Conservation of Avifauna of Navegaon National Park, Maharashtra.”

Supervisor, Dr. G.T. Kedar, Insmail Yusuf College, Jogheshwari, Mumbai. Co-guide, Dr. Swati Koushik, Govt. Instt. of Science, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Zoology, Institute of Science, Nagpur.


28. Re-Registration Mr. Mahesh P. Meshram, At./Po Permili, Tah. Aheri, Dist. Gadchiroli.

M.Sc. (2009), R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Date of Reg. 15/01/2010.

Date of App. 15/12/2014.

SC --- “Study of Physicochemical Characteristics and Sesonal Variations of Flora and Fauna in Karmveer Kannamwar Reservoir (Deena project); Regadi, Tah. Chamorshi, Dist. Gadchiroli (M.S.)”

Supervisor, Dr. R.V. Tijare, Deptt. of Zoology, Institute of Science, Nagpur. Co-Superevisor, Dr. K.G. Patil, Asoc. Prof. Head, Deptt. of Zoology, Instt. of Science, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur

Deptt. of Zoology, Instt. of Science, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur


Page 82: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

27. Re-Registration Mr. Parag P. Masram, C/o Mr. T.D. Dhurvey, Plot No.302, Rachana Madhuban, Koradi Road, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2008), R.t.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Date of Reg. 14/01/2010.

Date of App. 01/01/2015.


“ Studies on Ethology and Post Embrayonic Development of Worker and Drone of Weaver Ant Oecophylla Smaragdina, Fabricius (Hymenoptera : Formicidae).”

Dr. D.D. Barsagade, Prof. Deptt. of Zoology, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Zoology, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.


Page 83: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Item No. 1 : Application Received For Ph.D. Registration Under The Faculty of

Botany – July

Date of Presentation :- 03/06/2015.

1½½½½ vkpk;Z inoh uksnuhlkBh vkosnu dsysY;k fo|kF;kZuk inoh (UG/PG/NET/SET/M.Phil. Degree Verification Certificate)

2½½½½ lknjh dj.;klkBh vuqifLFkr vlysY;k fo|kF;kZP;k vkosn

Revised/ Resubmit dj.kk&;k fo|kF;kZuk la?;koh-

3½½½½ lnj rDR;k e/;s dkgh r`V;k fdaok vkosnu dsysY;k fo|kF;kZph ukaos uewn ulY;kps fun

dk;kZy;kP;k fun’kZukl vk.kkwu nsowu ;ksX; rh nq#Lrh d#u ?;koh

4½ lnj rDR;kae/;s fo|kF;ZkP;k ukaok leksj n’kZfo.;kr vkysY;k r`V;kaph iwrZrk lHksP;kiwohZ fdaok lHksr lkdj.;kr ;s.kkj ukgh-

5½ iquZuksan.kh (Re-Registration) vkf.k vkosnuk djhrk la’kks/kdkaph mifLFkrh vko’;d ukgh



Application Received For Ph.D. Registration Under The Faculty of

July – 2014 & January, 2015.

/06/2015. Sr. No. 01 to 10 Candidates

-: egRokph lqpuk :-

vkpk;Z inoh uksnuhlkBh vkosnu dsysY;k fo|kF;kZuk inoh xq.kif=dk@in~O;qRrj xq.kif=dk ¼,e-fQy@usV@lsV@ vlY;kl R;kaph lq/nk(UG/PG/NET/SET/M.Phil. Degree Verification Certificate) Rojhr lknj djkosr- lnj izek.ki=s lknj dsY;k f

lknjh dj.;klkBh vuqifLFkr vlysY;k fo|kF;kZP;k vkosnu jn~ let.;kr ;sbZy o R;kauk vfLrrokr vlysY;k fu;ekP;k rjrqnh uqlkj uO;kus laiw.kZ izfdz;k djkoh ykxsay rlsp

dj.kk&;k fo|kF;kZuk la’kks/ku o ekU;rk lferh leksj miLFkhr jgkos ykxsy] vuqifL

lnj rDR;k e/;s dkgh r`V;k fdaok vkosnu dsysY;k fo|kF;kZph ukaos uewn ulY;kps fun’kZukl vkY;kl loZ lacaf/kr fo|kF;kZuh ;ksX; R;k iqjkO;klg lHksP;k iwohZ fdaok lHksP;k fno

kZukl vk.kkwu nsowu ;ksX; rh nq#Lrh d#u ?;koh lHksuarj dks.krsgh vk{ksi xzkg; ekuys tk.kkj ukgh]

lnj rDR;kae/;s fo|kF;ZkP;k ukaok leksj n’kZfo.;kr vkysY;k r`V;kaph iwrZrk lHksP;kiwohZ fdaok lHksr lknjhdj.kkps fno’kh i;Zr dj.;kr ;koh

As per the provisions of Direction No.10 of 2011 and 29 of 2012 vkosnuk djhrk la’kks/kdkaph mifLFkrh vko’;d ukgh


Application Received For Ph.D. Registration Under The Faculty of Science In The Subject –


fQy@usV@lsV@ vlY;kl R;kaph lq/nk½ lacaf/kr fo|kfiBkdMwu iMrkG.kh izek.ki=lnj izek.ki=s lknj dsY;k f’kok; iq<hy dk;Zokgh ?ksrk ;s.kkj ukgh- ;kph uksn ?;koh

u jn~ let.;kr ;sbZy o R;kauk vfLrrokr vlysY;k fu;ekP;k rjrqnh uqlkj uO;kus laiw.kZ izfdz;k djkoh ykxsay rlsp

] vuqifL-Fkr vlY;kl R;kauh lknj dsysyj vkjk[kMk jn~ let.;kr ;sbZy ;kaph ukasn

kZukl vkY;kl loZ lacaf/kr fo|kF;kZuh ;ksX; R;k iqjkO;klg lHksP;k iwohZ fdaok lHksP;k fno

lHksuarj dks.krsgh vk{ksi xzkg; ekuys tk.kkj ukgh] o (Discripancies) r`V;kaph iwrZrk 30 fnolkr djkoh

njhdj.kkps fno’kh i;Zr dj.;kr ;koh- iwrZrk u dsY;kl R;kaP;k vkosnukpk

As per the provisions of Direction No.10 of 2011 and 29 of 2012 e/khy rjrqnhuqlkj eqnrpk< (One Year Extension)

lacaf/kr fo|kfiBkdMwu iMrkG.kh izek.ki= ;kph uksn ?;koh-

u jn~ let.;kr ;sbZy o R;kauk vfLrrokr vlysY;k fu;ekP;k rjrqnh uqlkj uO;kus laiw.kZ izfdz;k djkoh ykxsay rlsp iquZlknj jn~ let.;kr ;sbZy ;kaph ukasn

kZukl vkY;kl loZ lacaf/kr fo|kF;kZuh ;ksX; R;k iqjkO;klg lHksP;k iwohZ fdaok lHksP;k fno’kh r`V;kaph iwrZrk 30 fnolkr djkoh-

iwrZrk u dsY;kl R;kaP;k vkosnukpk fopkj

(One Year Extension) djhrk izkIr

Page 84: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

1. Ms. Jayshri P. Nandeshwar, C/o Mr. J.J. Choudhary, New Adrsha Nagar, Lakhani, Dist. Bhandara.

M.Sc. (2000), RTM Nagpur University,

PET (2013)

Date of App. 27/10/2014.

SC “ Investigation of Cretacedus Fossil Flora and Contribution to the Knowledge of Fossil from Deccan Intertrappean Series of Central India.”

Dr. Arun K. Zingare, Head, Deptt. of Botany, M.B. Patl College, Sakoli, Dist. Bhandara.

Deptt. of Botany, Dhote Bandhu College of Science, Gondia.

2. Mrs. Sarita M. Thakur, At. Satona, Po. Wadegaon, Tah. Tirora, dist. Gondia.

M.Sc. (2011) RTM Nagpur University,

PET (2013),

Date of App. 01/09/2014.

OBC --- “ Aerospora of Paddy Field and its Relation to Epidemiology of Diseases in Rice Plant.”

Dr. (Mrs) A.A. Saoji, Deptt. of Botany, Institute of Science, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Botany, Institute of Botany, Nagpur.

M.Sc. Degree Cert. not submit.

Page 85: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

3. Mr. Dharmar D Harnkhede, At./Po. Dongargaon, Tah./dist. Gondia.

M.Sc. (2008), RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur.

PET (2013),

Date of App. 30/07/2014.

OBC -- “ Morphodiversity of Bark Structure in Forest Trees of Nagzira Wildlife Sanctuary, Maharashtra.”

Dr. (Mrs) A.A. Saoji, Deptt. of Botany, Institute of Science, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Botany, Institute of Botany, Nagpur.


4. Mr. Sunil M. Akare, At.Po. Bampewada, Tah. Sakoli, Dist. Bhandara.

M.Sc. (2008), RTM Nagpur University,

NET-2011./M.Phil (2009), RTMNU, hence PET Exempted, as per Dir. No. 29/2012.

Date of App. 06/12/2014.



“ A Study of Floral Biology and Pollination Ecology of Rauvolfia Serpentina and Rauvolfia Tetraphylla.”

Dr. (Mrs) Alka Chaturvedi, Prof. & Head, Deptt. of Botany, R.t.M. Nagpaur University, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Botany, R.t.M. Nagpaur University, Nagpur.


Page 86: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

5. Ms. Monalisa B. Mehrolia, Plot No. 58, Adarsh Nagar, Ranala, Kamptee, Dist. Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2013), RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur.

PET (2013),

Date of App. 08/01/2015.

SC --- “ Dynamics of Mycoflora and Nite Fauna in the Poultry Environment at Nagpur Region.”

Dr. (Mrs) Surekha A. Kalkar, Head, Deptt. of Botany, Institute of Science, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Botany, Institute of Science, Nagpur.


6. Mrs. Shweta P. Udapure, Plot No.30, Mahatma Guley Colony, N.H.6, Bhojapur, Po. Bela, Dist. Bhandara.

M.Sc. (2011), RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur.

PET (2013)

Date of App. 12/01/2015.

OBC --- “ Ethnobotanical and Phytochemical Analysis of some Weed Flora in Crop Fields of Rural Bhandara (M.S)

Dr. (Mrs) Padmavathi S. Rao, Asstt. Prof. Deptt. of Botany, J.M. Patel College, Nagpur.

. Deptt. of Botany, J.M. Patel College, Nagpur.

M.Sc. Degree Cert. & Name Change Notification issued by RTMNU, Nagpur. Not submit.

Page 87: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

7. Ms. Vanshree J. Parsodkar, Noginatag Ward No.2, Sant Gadgebaba Nagar, Chandrapur.

M.Sc. (2003), RTMNU, Nagpur.

SET-2010, hence PET Exempted as per Dir. No. 29/2012.

Date of App. 08/01/2015.

OBC ---- “ Studies on Phytochemical Analysis and some Biological Activities of Terminalia Species from Chandrapur district of Maharashtra.”

Dr. (Mrs) Surekha A. Kalkar, Head, Deptt. of Botany, Institute of Science, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Botany, Institute of Science, Nagpur.


8. Mr. Ankush R. Kayarkar, C/o Dr. N.M. Dongarwar, Deptt. of Botany, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2014), R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

PET (2014),

Date of App. 12/01/2015.

OBC ---- “ Investigation on Mycoflora Associated with some Species of Habenaria (Orchidaceae).”

Dr. N.M. Dongarwar, Prof. Deptt. of Botany, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Botany, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpaur.

M.Sc. Degree Cert. not submit.

Page 88: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 9. Mr. Amit A. Jagiya,

Deptt. of Botany, M.B. Patel College, Sakoli, Dist. Bhandara.

M.Sc. (2006), RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur.

CSIR-UGC-NET (2008), hence PET Exempted as per dir. No. 29/2012.

Date of App. 26/02/2015.

--- Yes MBPC

Phylloplane Mycoflora of some Members of Amaranthaceae of Sakoli Taluka.”“

Dr. Arun K. Zingare, Head, Deptt. of Botany, M.B. Patl College, Sakoli, Dist. Bhandara.

Deptt. of Botany, Dhote Bandhu College of Science, Gondia.

M.Sc. Degree Cert. not submit.

10. Mr. Turendra Kumar K. Lilhare, At./Po. Amgaon, Near Power House, Gurudeo Nagar, Amgaon, dist. Gondia.

M.Sc. (2012), R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

PET (2013)

Date of App. 26/02/2015.

OBC --- “Investigations on Smilax Zeylamica and Holarrhena antidysenterica with Special Reference to their utility in being exploited for Nutraceutical Formulations.”

Dr. M.V. Kawale, Asstt. Prof. Head, Deptt. of Botany, D.B. Science College, Gondia.

Deptt. of Botany, D.B. Science College, Gondia.

Endorsement of the Research Place is not submit.

Page 89: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

11. Re-Registration Ms. Mamta M Khobragade, C/o Jitendra V. Nagarkar, Ghuttala Ward, Near Raj Mangal Karyalaya, Chandrapur.

M.Sc. (2006), R.T.M. Nagpur University,

Date of Reg. (Letter Not submit),

Date of App. 30/07/2014.

SC --- “ Studies of Algae of Polluted Water” Dr. K.J. Cherian, Principal, Sindhu Mahavidyalaya, Panchpaoli road, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Botany, Hislop College, Temple road, Nagpur.


12. Re-Registration Mr. Ajay M. Shrirame, C/o Dr. D.P. Gogle, Reader, Plant Physiology Lab. Deptt. of Botany, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2003), R.T.M. Nagpur University,

Date of Reg. 13/01/2010.

Date of App. 16/01/2015.

ST Yes


“ Studies on Bioactive Molecules of some Medicinal Plants used to Wound Healing and Bone Fracture.”

Dr. D.P. Gogle, Reader, Plant Physiology Lab. Deptt. of Botany, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Botany, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.


Page 90: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Item No. 1 : Application Received For Ph.D. Registration Under The Faculty of

Physics– July

Date of Presentation :- 02/06/2015.

1½½½½ vkpk;Z inoh uksnuhlkBh vkosnu dsysY;k fo|kF;kZuk inoh (UG/PG/NET/SET/M.Phil. Degree Verification Certificate)

2½½½½ lknjh dj.;klkBh vuqifLFkr vlysY;k fo|kF;kZP;k vkosn

Revised/ Resubmit dj.kk&;k fo|kF;kZuk la?;koh-

3½½½½ lnj rDR;k e/;s dkgh r`V;k fdaok vkosnu dsysY;k fo|kF;kZph ukaos uewn ulY;kps fun

dk;kZy;kP;k fun’kZukl vk.kkwu nsowu ;ksX; rh nq#Lrh d#u ?;koh

4½ lnj rDR;kae/;s fo|kF;ZkP;k ukaok leksj n’kZfo.;kr vkysY;k r`V;kaph iwrZrk lHksP;kiwohZ fdaok lHksr lkdj.;kr ;s.kkj ukgh-

5½ iquZuksan.kh (Re-Registration) vkf.k vkosnuk djhrk la’kks/kdkaph mifLFkrh vko’;d ukgh



Application Received For Ph.D. Registration Under The Faculty of

– 2014 & January, 2015.

/06/2015. Sr. No. 01 to 27 Candidates

-: egRokph lqpuk :-

vkpk;Z inoh uksnuhlkBh vkosnu dsysY;k fo|kF;kZuk inoh xq.kif=dk@in~O;qRrj xq.kif=dk ¼,e-fQy@usV@lsV@ vlY;kl R;kaph lq/nk(UG/PG/NET/SET/M.Phil. Degree Verification Certificate) Rojhr lknj djkosr- lnj izek.ki=s lknj dsY;k f

lknjh dj.;klkBh vuqifLFkr vlysY;k fo|kF;kZP;k vkosnu jn~ let.;kr ;sbZy o R;kauk vfLrrokr vlysY;k fu;ekP;k rjrqnh uqlkj uO;kus laiw.kZ izfdz;k djkoh ykxsay rlsp

dj.kk&;k fo|kF;kZuk la’kks/ku o ekU;rk lferh leksj miLFkhr jgkos ykxsy] vuqifL

lnj rDR;k e/;s dkgh r`V;k fdaok vkosnu dsysY;k fo|kF;kZph ukaos uewn ulY;kps fun’kZukl vkY;kl loZ lacaf/kr fo|kF;kZuh ;ksX; R;k iqjkO;klg lHksP;k iwohZ fdaok lHksP;k fno

kZukl vk.kkwu nsowu ;ksX; rh nq#Lrh d#u ?;koh lHksuarj dks.krsgh vk{ksi xzkg; ekuys tk.kkj ukgh]

lnj rDR;kae/;s fo|kF;ZkP;k ukaok leksj n’kZfo.;kr vkysY;k r`V;kaph iwrZrk lHksP;kiwohZ fdaok lHksr lknjhdj.kkps fno’kh i;Zr dj.;kr ;koh

As per the provisions of Direction No.10 of 2011 and 29 of 2012 vkosnuk djhrk la’kks/kdkaph mifLFkrh vko’;d ukgh


Application Received For Ph.D. Registration Under The Faculty of Science In The Subject –


fQy@usV@lsV@ vlY;kl R;kaph lq/nk½ lacaf/kr fo|kfiBkdMwu iMrkG.kh izek.ki=lnj izek.ki=s lknj dsY;k f’kok; iq<hy dk;Zokgh ?ksrk ;s.kkj ukgh- ;kph uksn ?;koh

u jn~ let.;kr ;sbZy o R;kauk vfLrrokr vlysY;k fu;ekP;k rjrqnh uqlkj uO;kus laiw.kZ izfdz;k djkoh ykxsay rlsp

] vuqifL-Fkr vlY;kl R;kauh lknj dsysyj vkjk[kMk jn~ let.;kr ;sbZy ;kaph ukasn

kZukl vkY;kl loZ lacaf/kr fo|kF;kZuh ;ksX; R;k iqjkO;klg lHksP;k iwohZ fdaok lHksP;k fno

lHksuarj dks.krsgh vk{ksi xzkg; ekuys tk.kkj ukgh] o (Discripancies) r`V;kaph iwrZrk 30 fnolkr djkoh

njhdj.kkps fno’kh i;Zr dj.;kr ;koh- iwrZrk u dsY;kl R;kaP;k vkosnukpk

As per the provisions of Direction No.10 of 2011 and 29 of 2012 e/khy rjrqnhuqlkj eqnrpk< (One Year Extension)

lacaf/kr fo|kfiBkdMwu iMrkG.kh izek.ki= ;kph uksn ?;koh-

u jn~ let.;kr ;sbZy o R;kauk vfLrrokr vlysY;k fu;ekP;k rjrqnh uqlkj uO;kus laiw.kZ izfdz;k djkoh ykxsay rlsp iquZlknj jn~ let.;kr ;sbZy ;kaph ukasn

kZukl vkY;kl loZ lacaf/kr fo|kF;kZuh ;ksX; R;k iqjkO;klg lHksP;k iwohZ fdaok lHksP;k fno’kh r`V;kaph iwrZrk 30 fnolkr djkoh-

iwrZrk u dsY;kl R;kaP;k vkosnukpk fopkj

(One Year Extension) djhrk izkIr

Page 91: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

1. Ms. Anjali V. Shinde, Deptt. of Physics, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2008), R.T.M. Nagpur University,

PET (2013,

Date of App. 11/07/2014.

--- ---- “Dielectric, Ferroelectric and Piezoelectric Performance of Piezoceramics- Polymercomposites System.”

Supervisor, Asoc. Prof. Deptt. of Physics, Laxminarayan Instt. of Tech. Nagpur. Co-Supervisor, Dr.(Mrs) S.A. Acharya, Asoc. Prof. Deptt. of Physics, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Physics, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.


2. Ms. Monali V. Bhute, Plot No.11, Balaji Nagar, Bhoyar Layout, Manewada Road, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2012), SGB Amravati University,

PET (2013),

Date of App. 25/06/2014.

OBC --- “ Development of electrospum Nanofibrous Organic/Inorganic hybrid Nanocomposite Polymer Electrolyte for Lithium ion Battery.”

Dr. Subhash B. Kondawar, Asoc. Prof. Deptt. of Physics, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Physics, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

M.Sc. Degree Verification Cert. issued by RTMNU, Nagpur.

Page 92: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

3. Mrs. Mansi M. Kolte, 64, ‘Nilkutha’ Madhav Nagar, Nagpur-10.

M.Sc. (1998), R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur. PET (2012), Result is not Valid

Date of App. 11/07/2014.

--- Yes NBV

“Spectroscopic Characterization of Rare Earth Activated Aluminosilicate Based Phosphors.”

Supervisor, Dr. V.B. Pawade, Asstt. Prof. Deptt. of Physics, R.T.M. Nagpur Univeristy, Nagpur. Co-Supervisor, Dr. S.J. Dhoble, Deptt. of Physics, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Physics, R.t.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

PET Result not Valid.

4. Mrs. Pragati P. Bhure, C/o Mr. V.G. Bhure, 372, New Nandanwan Layout, Hasanbag Road, Nagpur.,

M.Sc. (2004), SGB Amravati University,

M.Phil (2008), Alagappa University, hence PET Exempted as per Dir., No.29/2012.

Date of App. 19/07/2014.


“Study of Photoluminescence and Thermolumin escence properties of Ortho Silicate Phosphors and their Applications.”

Dr. S.P. Puppalwar, Asoc. Prof. Deptt. of Physics, Kamla Nehru Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Physics, Kamla Nehru Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur.

Org. Eligibility Cert. & Name Change Notification issued by RTMNU, Residential Cert. from Executive Magistrate, M.Sc./M.Phil Degree Verification Cert. from SGBAU, not submit.

Page 93: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

5. Ms. Priyanka V. Tumram, Flat No. 503, Kashuri-Sakshi Building, Opp. Vishal Mega Mart. Ayurvedic Layout, Bhande Plot, Umred Road, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2013), RTMNU, Nagpur.

PET (2013),

Date of App. 03/07/2014.

ST -- “ Nano Phosphors for Solar Energy Conversion.” Dr. S.V. Mohril, Ex- Head, Deptt. of Physics, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Physics, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.


6. Ms. Rupali P. Panbude, C/o Khante, Plot No.D-27, Sai Nagar, Onkar Nagar, Rind Road, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2009), R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

PET (2013), Result not submit.

Date of App. 15/07/2014.

OBC --- “Synthesis and Characterization of Iridium Based Green and Blue Emitting Complexes for Optoelectronics Devices.”

Supervisor, Dr. H.K. Dahule, Asoc. Prof. Deptt. of Physics, Shri Shivaji Science College, Nagpur. Co-supervisor, Dr. S.J. dhoble, Deptt. of Physics, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Physics, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

PET Result not submit.

Page 94: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

7. Ms. Rajshree P. Gadpayale, Deptt. of Physics, Arts, Commerce & Science College, Moregaon, Tah. Moregaon, Dist. Yeotmal.

M.Sc. (2012), RTMNU, Nagpur.

NET-2013, hence PET Exempted as per Dir. No./ 29/2012.

Date of App. 14/07/2014.


“ Synthesis and Ultrasonic Characterization of some Single Metal Oxide Nanoparticles in Organic Solvent.”

Supervisor, Dr. Namdeo R. Pawar, Asstt. Prof. Deptt. of Physics, Arts, Comm. & Science College, Moregaon, dist. Yeotmal. Co-Supervisor, Dr. O.P. chimankar, Asoc. Prof. Deptt. of Physics, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Physics, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

M.Sc. Degree Cert. Not submit.

8. Ms. Shashi B. Pandey, Plot No.5, Smriti Nagar, Wadi, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2003), R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

PET (2013),

Date of App. 14/07/2014.

--- Yes GHRCO


“Photoluminescence and Thermoluminescence study in Rare Earth Activated Tri-Color Aluminates Based Phosphors.”

Supervisor, Dr. V.B. Pawade, Asstt. Prof. Deptt. of Physics, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur. Co-Supervisor, Dr. S.J. Dhoble, Asstt. Prof. Deptt. of Physics, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Physics, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.


Page 95: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

9. Ms. Sonali G. Revenkar, Plot No.57, C/o Shrikant Rode, Gopal Nagar, 3rd Bus-stop, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2013), R.T.M. Nagpur University,

PET (2013),

Date of App. 14/07/2014.

--- --- “ Development of Advanced Inorganic Luminescence Materials and Study of It’s mechanism.”

Dr. Sanjay J. Dhoble, Assoc. Prof. Deptt. of Physics, R.T.M. Nagpur.

Deptt. of Physics, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

10. Ms. Sonal P. Ghawade, Energy Materials & Devices Lab. Deptt. of Physics, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2012), R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

PET (2013),

Date of App. 14/07/2014.

OBC --- “Synthesis of Downconverting Materials for Enhancing The Solar Cell Efficiency.”

Supervisor, Dr. A.D. Deshmukh, Asstt. Prof. Deptt. of Physics, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur. Co-Supervisor, Dr. Sanjay J. Dhoble, Assoc. Prof. Deptt. of Physics, R.T.M. Nagpur.

Deptt. of Physics, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Page 96: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

11. Mr. Akash A. Deshmukh, Flat No.09, Omkar Aprts, Modi No.2, Near Kamla Nehru School, Kamptee, Dist. Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2011), RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur.

PET (2013)

Date of App. 07/07/2014.

--- ---- “ Study of Local Structure of Atoms in some Metallic Glasses of Practical Importance.”

Dr. Umesh A. Palikundwar, Deptt. of Physics, R.T.M. Nagpaur Univesity, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Physics, R.T.M. Nagpaur Univesity, Nagpur.

M.Sc., Degree Cert. not submitted.

12. Mr. Anurag S. Nagpure, Flat No.01, Shri Ganesh Aprts, Tirora Road, T.B. Toly, gondia,

M.Sc,(2003), RDVV, Jabalpur.

PET (2013)

Date of App. 14/07/2014.

--- Yes MIET

“Morphological and Electromagnetic Studies of W-Type Ferrites with Certain Substitutions.”

Dr. D.S. Choudhary, Asoc. Prof. Deptt. of Physics, D.B. Science College, Gondia.

Deptt. of Physics, D.B. Science College, Gondia.

Residential Cer. From Executive Magistrate & M.Sc. Degree Verification Cert. from RDV Jablpur.

Page 97: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

13. Mr. Halim S. Ahamad, 202/C, Aman Pride, New Abhab Colony, Mahesh Nagar, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (1999), R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

SET-(2000), hence PET Exempted as per dir. No. 29/2012.

Date of App. 09/07/2014.

--- Yes SFS

“Synthesis and Electric-Magnetic Behaviour of Nanostructured Superparamagnetic Ferrites.”

Supervisor, Dr. K.G. Rewatkar, Deptt. of Physics, Dr. B. Ambedkar College, Nagpur. Co-supervisor, Dr. S.J. Dhoble, Deptt. of Physics, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Physics, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.


14. Mr. Jitendra Kumar Thakur, Indraprasth, Balaji Colony, Mama Chowk, Civil Line Gondia.

M.Sc. (1996), R.T.M. Nagpur University,

Full Time Approved Teacher, hence PET Exempted, as per dir. No. 29/2012.

Date of App. 24/07/2014.


“Influence of Rare Earth Ions Substitution on the Structural , magnetic and electrical properties of Strontium based Y-type, Hexaferrite.”

Dr. M.Y. Salunkhe, Asoc. Prof. Deptt. of Physics, Institute of Science, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Physics, Institute of Science, Nagpur.


Page 98: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

15. Mr. Mahesh G. Bansod, MSRL, Deptt. of Physics, R.t.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2013), R.T.M. Nagpaur University, Nagpur.

PET (2014),

Date of App. 27/10/2014.

SC --- “ Development of Mixed-ionic-Electronic conducting Oxides as Cathode for Intermediate Tempreature solid Oxide Fuel Cell (It-SOFC) Applications.”

Dr. S.s. Bhoga, Prof. Deptt. of Physics, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Physics, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

M.Sc. Degree Cert. not submit.

16. Mr. Mubeen Mohammad, 451, Yadav Nagar, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2006), SRTMU, Nanded,

M.Phil, (2008), V.M.U. Tamilnadu. Hence PET Exempted as per Dir. No. 29/2012.

Date of App. 14/07/2014.

OBC --- “Development of Upconverting Materials and Understanding Their Mechanism.”

Supervisor, Dr. A.D. Deshmukh, Asoc. Prof. Deptt. of Physics, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur. Co-supervisor, Dr. S.J. Dhoble, Deptt. of Physics, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur

Deptt. of Physics, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur

M.Sc. Degree Verification from SRTMU, Nanded not submit.

Page 99: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

17. Mr. Prashant D. Bageshwar, Shivaji Nagar, Arni Road, Darwha , Dist. Yeotmal;.

M.Sc. (1991), SGB Amravati University,

M.Phil (1997), SGB Amravati University, hence PET Exempted as per Dir,.No. 29/2012.

Date of App. 14/07/2014.


“ Ultrasonic Investigation of some Nitrogenous Bases in Aqueous and Acidic solution.”

Dr. Namdeo R. Pawar, Asstt. Prof. Arts, Comm. & Sci. College, Moregaon, dist. Yeotmal. Co-Supervisor, Dr. O.P. Chimankar, Asoc. Prof. Deptt. of Physics, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Physics, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Eligibility Cert. from RTMNU & Residential Cert. from Executive Magistrate, M.Sc./M.Phil Degree Verification Cert. from SGBAU, not submit.

18. Mr. Sheshrao A. Tirpude, C/o Dr. Mrs. P.S. Sawadh, Deptt. of Physics, B.D. College of Engineering, Sewagram, Dist. Wardha.

M.Sc. (2004) Dr. B.A.M.U. Aurangabad,

M.Phil. (2008) Madurai University, hence PET Exempted as per dir. No. 29/2012.

Date of App. 15/07/2014.


“ Morphological, Electrical and Magnetic Behavior of Substituted Nanosize Nickel Ferrites by Sol-Gel-Auto Combustion Technique.”

Supervisor, Dr. P.S. Sawadh, Prof. & Head, Deptt. of Physics, B.D. College of Engineering, Sewagram, dist. Wardha. Co-supervisor, Dr. K.G. Rewatkar, Asoc. Prof. Deptt. of Physics, Dr. Ambedkar College, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Physics, B.D. College of Engineering, Sewagram, dist. Wardha.

Page 100: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

19. Mr. Suresh P. Gaikar, Plot No.13, Mansa Bhavan, Pratap Nagar, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2011), Mumbai University,

PET (2013),

Date of App. 14/07/2014

OBC --- “Chemical synthesis of Cobalt Hydroxide and Oxide Nanostructures for Electrochemical Energy Storage Devices.”

Dr. P.R. Arjunwadkar, Asoc. Prof. Deptt. of Physics, Govt. Institute of Science, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Physics, Govt. Institute of Science, Nagpur.

Residential Cert. from Executive Magistrate & M.Sc. Degree Verification Cert. not submit.

20. Ms. Neha S. Singh, Abhiyanta Nagar, Tirota Road, Kudwa, Gondia.

M.Sc. (2009), R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

PET (2013),

Date of App. 13/02/2015.

--- --- “ Study of Influence of Certain Divalent Cation Substitutions in Y-type hexaferrite.”

Dr. D.S. Choudhary, Asoc. Prof. Deptt. of Physics, Dhote Bandhu College of Science, Gondia.

Deptt. of Physics, Dhote Bandhu College of Science, Gondia.

M.Sc. Degree Cert. not submit.

Page 101: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

21. Ms. Priti K. Nagpure, Near Hanuman Temple, Ramnagar, gondia.

M.Sc. (2002), RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur.

M.Phil (2008), Vinayaka Mission University, hence PET Exempted as per Dir. No. 29/2012.

Date of App. 12/01/2015.


“Design and Development of Nano-size Ferrites for Microelectronic Devices.”

Supervisor, Dr. K.G. Rewatkar, Asoc. Prof. Deptt. of Physics, Dr. Ambedkar College, Nagpur. Dr. V.M. Nanoti, Prof. & Head, Deptt. of Physics, Priyadarshani Instt. of Tech. Nagpur.

Deptt. of Physics, Priyadarshani Instt. of Tech. Nagpur.

M.Sc. Degree Cert. not submit.

22. Mr. Ashish M. Shahare, Near Hanuman Temple, Hanuman Nagar, T.B. toil, Gondia.

M.Sc. (2003), R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

SET-2013, hence PET Exempted as per Dir. No.29/2012

Date of App. 14/01/2015.

OBC ---- “Study of Influence of Certain substitutions in Nickel Ferrites.”

Dr. D.S. Choudhary, Asoc. Prof. Deptt. of Physics, Dhote Bandhu College of Science, Gondia.

Deptt. of Physics, Dhote Bandhu College of Science, Gondia.

M.Sc. Degree Cert. not submit.

Page 102: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

23. Mr. Govind B. Nair, Plot No. 05, Anoop Niwas, Baba Farid Nagar, Gawande Layout, Mankapur, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2014), RTMNU, Nagpur.

PET (2014),

Date of App. 01/01/2015.

--- --- “Development of Eco-Friendly Phosphors for LED based Applications.”

Supervisor, Dr. S.J. Dhoble, Deptt. of Physics, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur

Deptt. of Physics, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur

M.,/Sc. Degree Cert. not submit.

24. Mr. Nitesh D. Shambharkar, Vidya vikas Arts, Comm, Science College, Samudrapur, Dist. Wardha.

M.Sc. (2013), RTMNU, Nagpur.

CSIR-NET (2012), hence PET Exempted as per dir. No. 29/2012.

Date of App. 15/01/2015.


“ Some Studies in Coupled Map Lattices.” Dr. Prashaant M. Gade, Prof. & Head, Deptt. of Physics, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Physics, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

M.Sc. Degree Cert. Not submit.

Page 103: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

25. Mr Naresh N Sarkar, Sai Aprts, Parvati Nagar, Rameshwari Square, Parvati Nagar, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2009), R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

PET (2013),

Date of App. 15/01/2015.

--- ---- “ Synthesis and Electric – Magnetic Study on Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticle.”

Dr. V.M. Nanoti, Prof. & Head, Deptt. of Physics, Priyadarshani Instt. of Tech. Nagpur.

Deptt. of Physics, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.

M.Sc. Degree Cert. not submit

26. Mr. Sandip S. Vairagade, Sant tukadoji Ward, Pimpalgaon Road, B/H Mukbadhir Vidyalaya, Hinganghat, dist. Wardha.

M.Sc. (2009), Pune University,

PET (2013),

Date of App. 15/01/2015.


“ Synthesis of Nano Ferrites for Microwave Absorber at High Frequency Application.”

Supervisor, Dr. V.M. Nanoti, Prof. & Head, Deptt. of Physics, Priyadarshani Instt. of Tech. Nagpur. Co-Supervisor, Dr. K.G. Rewatkar, Asoc. Prof. Deptt. of Physics, Dr. Ambedkar College, Nagpur.

Deptt. of Physics, Priyadarshani Instt. of Engineering & Tech. Nagpur.

Eligibility Cert. from RTMNU, & Residential Cert. from Executive Magistrate, & M.Sc. Degree Verification Cert. from Pune Uni. Not submit.

Page 104: R R C Statement July 14 - Jan 15 Faculty of Science


Sr. No.

Name, Address and Qualification

Cast Employed or Not

Topic & Research Name of Supervisor Place of Research Discrepancies any Decision of R.R.C.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

27 Mr. Salim Khan Zamir Khan, 36/A, Sai Sewa Sharan Society, Gandhi Layout, Jafar Nagar, Nagpur.

M.Sc. (2005) SGB Amravati University,

PET (2011), Result not Valid

Date of App. 13/01/2015.

--- Yes ACE

“ Study of Luminescence in some complex Fllorides.”

Dr. P.D. Belsare, Deptt. of Physics, Priyadarshani Institute of Engineering & Tech. Nagpur.

Deptt. of Physics, Priyadarshani Institute of Engineering & Tech. Nagpur.

Eligibility Cert. from RTMNU, & Residential Cert. from Executive Magistrate, & M.Sc. Degree Verification Cert. from SGB Amravati Uni. Not submit.