.R.territorystories.nt.gov.au/jspui/bitstream/10070/265607/1/CAD... · from the methods ?f holdmp;...

The t;IFT SHOP· FRONTAGE ADVOCATE BUILDING, P4.PERS. ROo1Cs, TOYS STATIONERY/ PRESF:NTA- TOH.ET REQHISITER ALL .. MOTOR SPARES ACCESSORIES -ANI) TOOLS _/,,.,, .R. CHAPMAN A WEEKLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE ADVANCEMENT OF THE NORTHERN TERRITORY AND THE INTERESTS OF ITS- PEOPLE /" \./ AT NORTHERN MOTORS ol.1. No. I. SATURDAY, MAY 24,-1947. PRICE 4d. "PUBLISHED WEEKLY. STORM OVER SUGGESTED ALTERATION OF AIR Jw1LL CARRY ALL AIR/ FOR FOUR ACRES oF GROUND ROUTE I' MAIL I FOR 200 ROOM HOSTEL REFUSED it\·•.· -:O:--- Of -F:eod:-eral· An application by the representatives of the 200 . Powe,rs Govern- I·, · t d h · DARWIN TO MELBOURNE OR DARWIN TO room proJec e _ostel to be erected at Alice S1,1rings on :[ ADELAIDE .? · · 1 rnent 1 the west side of the railway line has been refused. Land 'e -- I Office official states that the Town Planner is now in Alice •l . Federal Go,ermnent, a< a matter I -may be given later. (Probably on top of Mt Gillen). I C.\:>!flERRA, May 21. - i'he, Springs and that further information of a place se!ected greatest surprise and con-1 This P.aper thirtkfi m mat- of p0'1cv. decide ultimatelv · alteration to our :rerntory have a . It 1 nwned a1r services. thP I reason v.e of Alice Sprmg::; must this d 2 o:c 1 ,p+ion. has been"c1:eated by the ters _of importance this N?rthern to carry by G0vernme.nt- 1 lt is quite apparent for somelbeh1nd with a go slo" pol 1 cy of A.Jr Service, by the suggestwn !IS m our O{)Jmon a defimte m-1;l. 1 hniste1· fo1 Ah (Mr "Barnard) be taurrht to \\ait. \.t time of 1 that Adelaide be bypaSSPd and lfrrngement on our rights an<l "aid tonwlit present, some/" r1ting there is nor one smuJe The ndicate co11cerned ha,,, that the 'f.A.A. may take over a privileges and is m k.eeping with I \\ere berng- carried bv Aus- allcJtment 10 Ahce Springs that' is 0rler of¥: four _pruuerhes ''1"\JCe that. w11I operate. from the methods ?f holdmp; up ad- treban National Airwavs and aY,<ilable from the Government., on \\h,r to bm d and Ole nov. via Broken H1lt. 00 I with its rearplzard OTHER SUBS::TDJSBD PRIV.-\ TE- I It is said that some areas ac!'oss I appdIJ. 1r.gb for pe 4 rm1ss1011 to Springs and on to Darwin. achon that hag been the policy of T_,Y-OPF:R-i'TF.D SERVICFS. the Todd River will soon be sur- an pro ably atter that, permis- We feel that it is rough usa_g-e all Governments for the past RO[ jt "understood tJ,ot the Gov '•eved and apparently whether wel, 10 .'1 frop 1 the Tr.easur,_ '' the tri a company that had the 1mtia- years 1 erriinent service Trans-Australia I like that place or not that is of the cbnr:_an\ /d.nd per- tl'e to pioneer this service some We perhaps have no objection' 'l.ir'ines, is anxious to obtain ex- \\here we have to go. ' l mJSSlon to spe,nd t 1S amount of t.>n years, agQ and has ran it to to the T.A.A. running- a service I elusive rights to carrv but 1 We know of a fanuly who re· . e;;erybody s ever 5>mce. from Melbourne as well as I tha.t the ability to came from Victoria. wh.o I \et ''e ha\ c here At present there 18 the usual Gui11e8 Ainvavs from Ade1a1de. I c0rc<>df' fh1s is hm1ted bv long- came here with the avowed in- stat 1 ng \\e have no 1trtt1ative. The ac<'.\rnatio-ns and denials from each. but "e do not" consider that they term contracts which will continue te11t10n of' building and living result_ of wi!l be _in Slde, but the letter .sent to Mr. should take over, even with com- for several years here, they \\ould have been an terestmg and the time m whicl. PJayford by Mr. Ch 1 fley, pensation, a line that is run sat- Mr Rv:rna.rd :Said that ni"gotia-1asset to the comruumty, but forced 1t takes to get permission or - \olnmes and shows the reading on isfactorily, and delivers p;oods tions were in train for the Com- to leave because the first part of fusal. The latter \\ould be m !J the wall.. . . from the nearest ca\1ltat Go":ern_ment to ol)erate fa the allotn:ient wherein ?f the refusa] to allow .1 We, "b.<i cal\ our . mtrastate services hv the Govern- build was not· ava1lable. Ahce Sprmgs to have a broadcast, ! through feel ·that if it . The i:ommg week will be most ment-o''""ed air line in every No wonder the Territorv lags ing station.- - comes off it 1s a scurvy deal to mterestmg ·as \ve know to our Stste, I _____ _.. ___ __.._;·;._.....:; _____________ _ ·> the TP.nitory. All urgent business sorrow that fhe Government does I , by teleg-ram with inconvenience to nationalise whether we like i\ SOlJVENffi COPY OF THE ATOM -:o:- BOMB· SCULPTOR WANTS TO WORK IN CENTRAL AUS. with Adelai"de must then be done interfere and is apparently going I I I ""d expense. or .not. "CENTRAUA' N As the atom bomb direct[Y -:o:- )fJSSA CANTATA MASS PERSONAL NOTES ADVOCATE" cerns Central Australia we may William Ricketts' the Melbourne·. It is v.ith great interest, we learn that the first sung Mass ( Missa Can tata) to &e celebrated i at Alice Sptings Catholic Church, 'will take }i1aee at <:he Catholic '.Church Hall, at 9 a.m. on Sunday, May 25; the ,Rev. Father Eather, . ; M.$.C. being Celebrant. ;. The choir under the conductor- '1hip of Mr. ·Virgil King. will render l!he Mass of Our Lady of Loretta (!lent.et). A GOOD WORK-A GOOD JOB -:o:- this, our first issue we . feel acknowledgment should he on re<'ord of the noble work r spiritual organisations in for the spiritual and tem- needs of so- many children hose homes are far from Alice "prings. It is evident that this care is Of a verV high standard, and -Iast, ut noi least, the. scholastic , cord of the children, is lhing to he well and trq 1y ap- •reciated, This schOlastic record also , has ;rrand reflection ·at the State Il . h School, whose _ _ll'.li!lld, . Les Dodd, B.A., JS domg a in the education of our - citizens. -:o:- Mr. C. M. Read, of the Com- monwealth Bank, Sydney, has taken over the- local branch of the Bank from Mr. Virgil 'King, who has been appointed a relieving manager for -New South Wales. Mr. Read will remain in Alice Springs pending the arrival of a pennanent. manager . Mr. Walker, Town is in ·Alice Springs for the · iri!rpose of arranging the opening ·to the public of new building sites on ,the eastern section of the. town. We understand spacious playl!l"'unds are being provided in this con- nection. • ·- '·· We noticed Mr. Loμ Leahy, of Elkadra St!!tiO.!l .. this week. Mr. Ernest Pohl, · from Mary- vale Station is also in .town. Mr. jack Bailey some short time ago returned· to Alice Springs to re-open the. E.S. & A. Bank Ltd. Mr. Bailey's return is appreciated as he is a mor;t genial an!l popular officer of• t"lle bank, which was the first bank established , at Alice Springs. • • • Mr. Victor Notman Martin has been appointed Clerk of the sing Court and Clerk and Bailiff of the Local Court. Tlte penonnel of the "'Cen- tralian Advocate" , has mUCh pleasure in . submitting today the Souvenir Copy. It is the first paper to be published in Centralia and . will in yeara to eome · when the N.T. is a ·ftourishing State, hu its own parliament, be a eopy that has a sentimental value. With this in · mind inany people are· ordering a doaen copies -each and· 11,e are printing 500 extra copies for late enqniries, to send to various friends in all parts of tbe world, . The Northern Territory has unlimited news, but . unfortun- ately e:reept for this issue we are by regulations only allowed 12 pa.ges and onr quota· is set at that. Our management will apply for the· sanie. as today 16 pages and perhaps this will be granted. It s to be hoped that our friends will enjoy the reading and . illustrations. We will i:heertully accept any sugges· tions· for improvement, would- Uke to know what sections you like best . and accept apologies jf. in this issue .some names are 'misspelt. or ords added. With· the sn1all stall' at Qur disposal we are doing Our .best.. In correction!i! Mr. Hayes bas been printed a• Mr. Hales and the word U ndoolya minus the "y'\ We are sorry to have to add corrections, but that article is in the press. , ·. Children from these schools ··<me from Wyndham, ·narwln and far south as 0-0dnadatta and delaide. Children coming from f«r afield is proof of the BI>irit- and scholastic opportunities e?ed ·plus our first class climal:e. ·Bill 1>oak, ·of." the Common-. wealth Bank, has been transferred t<> the Bank's Lismore, N.S.W, Branch. Mr. Doak, dilring his six months' with us, proved, J;timself an ,asset in the musical of the community and by his. courtesy and bright n'!l)n"e en- DARWIN AIRLINE PLAN dei:ired bl."1self to the 01tizens of .. "NOT CONSIDERED" Alice-Springs. · . be permitted to express our views, scul'ptor, .whose exhibition ·opened we, of course, have not been asked jn - 1..aubrnan & Pank's gallery and not likely to be, but if recently, says he intends to ·go is any likely Joss of life it is more into ·Central Australia to work J"k l "k bite tha unless he is prevented. 'isy Ricketts, ho is self-taugl_lt, bases · men who have fought to. keep· his on aboriginal legends, these same aho's in secilrity and is well kn!'wn for his moun- their noble supporters, who by tatn gallery m . the Danderong the way, have never mentioned round which_ he .h!'s carved the danger to the white P0\>'118· faces and spirit tigu.,.,.. tion) the idea of stopping SCJence m·the roek face. . . . that also endanger their. lives in He \vants :t<? -do Sim!lar worlr the matter of · making and firing on a m'!ch scale in Central these missiies has never oc"1llTed. Australil\> tn . an area set apart, They more than any one else in as a native sanc;tuary · Australia know and realise how close, very close, we were in be- ing under - the _domination of a foreign power, they who gave their lives- and those who risked theirs to -.88-ve ours, know that the only DISTRIBUTION or THE "CENTRALJAN ADVO- safegl!lln! against· war is the pre- -:o:- paration to meet it. 1t is no use Apart from the dozens of copies CATE" saying this cannot occur again, that scores of individuals have- - the people won't stand for it. Un- each ordered of this week's "°Jly fortunately we have to fight if are the various farwar<lings ;_: some belligerant nation forces us Melbourne 50 Adelaide to do so by way of invasion. We 100 ; .Darwin 150 ; towns along are only a. small nation yet, but the North road 25 each ; . Tennant' we have many things that are Creel< 75 ; train a:reas 70 ; Wynd- wanted badly in other parts of ham·-Bervices and Connellan's ser- the world. Our only safeguard vices· 250 ; Harts Range and Mines is continuous preparation 50; stations and cam:ps 60•; Alice same. Prayers won't .stop any- Si)rings and n.S!'r area 700·; Syd. body. The 'old song "Praise the ney -25 Brisbane 25 ; all n.,__ Lord &nd pass the ammunition" papers one _each ; England 12.. still holds, and until such time as 500 extra copies have been puh- the same good Lord sees his way lished and held so that appliCllnts to make all men think alike, we nomicg late will be served sa_ will still fight as the world has easily as possible. done over the inany -thousands of years that history has al!owed us :Mr. Justice Wells, Sfter a Jong to look hack upon Our pacifists say Court at Alice Springs; it is wrong· and should not be has returnt!if' to Darwin.- allowed;. this is granted, but you ;:;,,;=:;=:============= just: try to lt!ke something ·from native habitation. . that man whlcl> he !"lues, will As the missile travels over the he fight ! Just 1'!Y 1t and see. coast in the vicinty Of Broome, So why be hypOCJ'ltes. •- or what eVe1'. section it traverses, -:o:- This bomb essen- would be the only danger to J:°"" ' DERAL · APPOINTMENT 'tial to a11·of·us, not only as a de- tralia, and it is,:to sarthe least NEW _FE MELBOURNE, May 21.-A de- f¢ce, hut also for the new 1;1ower of it, pecnliar that thaf -aspeet --:O :-- nial that Trans-Australia 4h"1ines fu our industries that it ·.fore- has not been dwelt on by the ob- , proposed to operate an lllr Ser- casts. The ,many unknown gases jectors who are. probably . Com' CANBERRA-The to Australian industry Melh.olll"!'e and};>.ar- that. are. being exa'}rlned "<Juring munistS at heiirt .. ·. ' , - · . • . . ·.. .. · ed b rted b an Wl"1 "."'Broken Hill, and O[ll,"m::· 'tbc e>q>erUnents ·may Only the danger to the ahos, a , a. complete coal tit-Up ia expect to e ave .. Y Adelaide, W@S made by thfi:,%"«1c;o ·· /.,-,· .·olutionis'e thf· world. . _ .• · practically . ·.danger intiitent aruiouneed on ' Thursday by the CQmmon- ll!anagerT.A(MrA.. hL.. ro- , of the wouid ·he that we all have to "'*'1>t in any •• __ , - < ::-- · . ' .e __ · -like us to act like an .walk-Qf life. - th G\>vernment. · · · ·j a _ sernce t<>. Da.-mn : ,,,. i.· stick our heads- in_ the sand; · . The Territorians who, Jib . . · · · · . &,.,.a . ··er· Acting whlcn would !ll"-l"d ·here is. one that does not the Jieop!e who.do all the yelling, •. on the Cessn··. ock ·. dge Drake-.''J3:oei=an) .•. f""Y"· f.rom copt;n ..... <>pera. te. _.,;uft-0 be shot .. ill,.·. that. positi. on.. · .. · knQ. w abs.olutely' no. thbig. · .ahont·. th·. e (which 12,000. .&,ursday the the route wjiicll .plonee'.'ed 1C · _The ar@a over_;whiCJI the .atomic bomb. The- danger seems 11 of coal dally) hild issued"." (Dr. Evatt) annl>Un«!d yearsago_._,_.__..... ::.._ tum demanding that ·then' tliat Ml'. Gallilgher would . · . · .one"8i>Q to llliles against a larger_ aggressor "'1o. ShoUJd be bea;d by the Coal Judge Dtske-Br<ickma." as pi-es!-_ , Mr. Mrs.· Pat Cha;-,;'811, of and· the _wnter,. hU sooner or later will: aee:•·· ._ ·'= ,"TribimaJ (Mr .. ·F •. B. of = .. · lier) 81!4 not the c...n.i. ,B_oud 'for the -1. , · :··. : e ••.. ·, .·. > -•1 . . ' . · · ·

Transcript of .R.territorystories.nt.gov.au/jspui/bitstream/10070/265607/1/CAD... · from the methods ?f holdmp;...

'· .








ALL ..



-ANI) TOOLS _/,,.,,



/" \./ AT





it\·•.· -:O:--- Of -F:eod:-eral· An application by the representatives of the 200 . Powe,rs Govern- I·, · t d h · DARWIN TO MELBOURNE OR DARWIN TO room proJec e _ostel to be erected at Alice S1,1rings on

:[ ADELAIDE .? · · 1 rnent 1 the west side of the railway line has been refused. Land 'e -- I Office official states that the Town Planner is now in Alice

•l . Federal Go,ermnent, a< a matter I -may be given later. (Probably on top of Mt Gillen).

I C.\:>!flERRA, May 21. - i'he, Springs and that further information of a place se!ected

Th~ greatest surprise and con-1 This P.aper thirtkfi t~at m mat- of p0'1cv. woul~ decide ultimatelv · •

i:rmtempla.~ed alteration to our :rerntory sho~l~ have a vo~ce . It 1 nwned a1r services. thP A.ctrn~ I reason v.e of Alice Sprmg::; must this d2


,p+ion. i~ti::mat10n has been"c1:eated by the ters _of importance this N?rthern to carry ~11 mail~ by G0vernme.nt-

1 lt is quite apparent for somelbeh1nd with a go slo" pol


cy of

A.Jr Service, by the suggestwn !IS m our O{)Jmon a defimte m-1;l.1hniste1· fo1 Ah (Mr "Barnard) be taurrht to \\ait. \.t time of 1that Adelaide be bypaSSPd and lfrrngement on our rights an<l "aid tonwlit ~t present, some/" r1ting ~ there is nor one smuJe The s~ ndicate co11cerned ha,,, ~he that the 'f.A.A. may take over a privileges and is m k.eeping with I npil~ \\ere berng- carried bv Aus- allcJtment

10 Ahce Springs that' is 0rler of¥: four fl~ehold _pruuerhes

''1"\JCe that. w11I operate. from the methods ?f holdmp; up ad- treban National Airwavs and aY,<ilable from the Government., on \\h,r to bm d and Ole nov. Melbourn~ via Broken H1lt. 00 I vai~c~ment with its rearplzard OTHER SUBS::TDJSBD PRIV.-\ TE-I It is said that some areas ac!'oss I appdIJ. 1r.gb for pe4

rm1ss1011 to er~t ~lrce Springs and on to Darwin. achon that hag been the policy of T_,Y-OPF:R-i'TF.D SERVICFS. the Todd River will soon be sur- an pro ably atter that, permis-We feel that it is rough usa_g-e all Governments for the past RO[ jt "understood tJ,ot the Gov '•eved and apparently whether wel,10.'1 frop1 the Tr.easur,_ '' the

tri a company that had the 1mtia- years 1 erriinent service Trans-Australia I like that place or not that is f1o_tB~10n of the cbnr:_an\ /d.nd per­tl'e to pioneer this service some We perhaps have no objection' 'l.ir'ines, is anxious to obtain ex- \\here we have to go. ' l mJSSlon to spe,nd t 1S amount of t.>n years, agQ and has ran it to to the T.A.A. running- a service I elusive rights to carrv mail~, but


We know of a fanuly who re· 1r"o~ey. . e;;erybody s satu::;facti~n ever 5>mce. from Melbourne as well as I tha.t the ~o,:erni;ne:it ability to lcentl~· came from Victoria. wh.o I \et ''e ha\ c peopl~ ~~111~n~ here

At present there 18

the usual Gui11e8 Ainvavs from Ade1a1de. I c0rc<>df' fh1s is hm1ted bv long- came here with the avowed in- stat1ng \\e have no 1trtt1ative. The ac<'.\rnatio-ns and denials from each. but "e do not" consider that they term contracts which will continue te11t10n of' building and living result_ of 3pphcatio~ wi!l be _in Slde, but the letter .sent to Mr. should take over, even with com- for several years here, they \\ould have been an terestmg and the time m whicl. PJayford by Mr. Ch


fley, ~peaks pensation, a line that is run sat- Mr Rv:rna.rd :Said that ni"gotia-1asset to the comruumty, but forced 1t takes to get permission or r~-- \olnmes and shows the reading on isfactorily, and delivers p;oods tions were in train for the Com- to leave because the first part of fusal. The latter \\ould be m !J the wall.. . . from the nearest ca\1ltat ~onwealth Go":ern_ment to ol)erate fa ~ome, the allotn:ient wherein t~ ke~pin_g- ?f the refusa] to allow .1 We, "b.<i d~. cal\ our bus~ne~s . mtrastate services hv the Govern- build was not· ava1lable. Ahce Sprmgs to have a broadcast, ! through A~el~ide feel ·that if it . The i:ommg week will be most ment-o''""ed air line in every No wonder the Territorv lags ing station.- -~ comes off it 1s a scurvy deal to mterestmg ·as \ve know to our Stste, I _____ _.. ___ __.._;·;._.....:; _____________ _

·> the TP.nitory. All urgent business sorrow that fhe Government does I

, by teleg-ram with inconvenience to nationalise whether we like i\ SOlJVENffi COPY OF THE ATOM




with Adelai"de must then be done interfere and is apparently going I I I ""d expense. or .not. "CENTRAUA' N

As the atom bomb direct[Y con~ -:o:-)fJSSA CANTATA MASS PERSONAL NOTES ADVOCATE" cerns Central Australia we may William Ricketts' the Melbourne·.


It is v.ith great interest, we learn that the first sung Mass ( Missa Can tata) to &e celebrated

i at Alice Sptings Catholic Church, 'will take }i1aee at <:he Catholic

'.Church Hall, at 9 a.m. on Sunday, May 25; the ,Rev. Father Eather,

. ; M.$.C. being Celebrant. ; . The choir under the conductor­'1hip of Mr. ·Virgil King. will render l!he Mass of Our Lady of Loretta (!lent.et).


JOB -:o:-

this, our first issue we . feel acknowledgment should he on re<'ord of the noble work

r spiritual organisations in for the spiritual and tem­

needs of so- many children hose homes are far from Alice


It is evident that this care is Of a verV high standard, and -Iast, ut noi least, the. scholastic

, cord of the children, is some~ lhing to he well and trq 1y ap-•reciated,

This schOlastic record also , has ;rrand reflection ·at the State

Il. h School, whose res~dent _ _ll'.li!lld, ~ . Les Dodd, B.A., JS domg a "~"Work in the education of our - citizens.

-:o:­Mr. C. M. Read, of the Com­

monwealth Bank, Sydney, has taken over the- local branch of the Bank from Mr. Virgil 'King, who has been appointed a relieving manager for -New South Wales. Mr. Read will remain in Alice Springs pending the arrival of a pennanent. manager .

Mr. Walker, Town Planne~, is in ·Alice Springs for the · iri!rpose of arranging the opening ·to the public of new building sites on ,the eastern section of the. town. We understand spacious playl!l"'unds are being provided in this con­nection. • ·- '··

We noticed Mr. Loµ Leahy, of Elkadra St!!tiO.!l .. ii!_~wn this week.

Mr. Ernest Pohl, · from Mary­vale Station is also in .town.

Mr. jack Bailey some short time ago returned· to Alice Springs to re-open the. E.S. & A. Bank Ltd. Mr. Bailey's return is appreciated as he is a mor;t genial an!l popular officer of• t"lle bank, which was the first bank established , at Alice Springs. • • •

Mr. Victor Notman Martin has been appointed Clerk of the Li~e!'­sing Court and Clerk and Bailiff of the Local Court.

Tlte penonnel of the "'Cen­tralian Advocate" , has mUCh pleasure in . submitting today the Souvenir Copy. It is the first paper to be published in Centralia and . will in yeara to eome · when the N.T. is a

·ftourishing State, hu its own parliament, be a eopy that has a sentimental value. With this in · mind inany people are· ordering a doaen copies -each and· 11,e are printing 500 extra copies for late enqniries, to send to various friends in all parts of tbe world, . The Northern Territory has

unlimited news, but . unfortun­ately e:reept for this issue we are by regulations only allowed 12 pa.ges and onr quota· is set at that. Our management will apply for the· sanie. as today 16 pages and perhaps this will be granted.

It s to be hoped that our friends will enjoy the reading and . illustrations. We will i:heertully accept any sugges· tions· for improvement, would­Uke to know what sections you like best . and accept apologies jf. in this issue . some names are 'misspelt. or ords added. With· the sn1all stall' at Qur disposal we are doing Our . best.. In correction!i! Mr. Hayes bas been printed a• Mr. Hales and the word U ndoolya minus the "y'\ We are sorry to have to add corrections, but that article is alrea~r, in the press. ,

·. Children from these schools ··<me from Wyndham, ·narwln and

far south as 0-0dnadatta and delaide. Children coming from f«r afield is proof of the BI>irit­

and scholastic opportunities e?ed ·plus our first class climal:e.

Mr~ ·Bill 1>oak, ·of." the Common-. wealth Bank, has been transferred t<> the Bank's Lismore, N.S.W, Branch. Mr. Doak, dilring his six months' with us, proved, J;timself an ,asset in the musical Uf~ of the community and by his. unfailing.!..--.--------~.,-­courtesy and bright n'!l)n"e en- DARWIN AIRLINE PLAN dei:ired bl."1self to the 01tizens of .. "NOT CONSIDERED" Alice-Springs. · .

be permitted to express our views, scul'ptor, .whose exhibition ·opened we, of course, have not been asked jn - 1..aubrnan & Pank's gallery and not likely to be, but if th~ recently, says he intends to ·go is any likely Joss of life it is more into ·Central Australia to work J"k l "k bite tha unless he is prevented. i~ 'isy 0~ "~f:..~ 't,~'."aTo th~ Ricketts, ho is self-taugl_lt, bases · men who have fought to. keep· his ~ork on aboriginal legends, these same aho's in secilrity and an~ is well kn!'wn for his moun­their noble supporters, who by tatn gallery m . the Danderong the way, have never mentioned Ran~"!' round which_ he .h!'s carved the danger to the white P0\>'118· ~hol'lginal faces and spirit tigu.,.,.. tion) the idea of stopping SCJence m·the roek face. . . . that also endanger their. lives in He \vants :t<? -do Sim!lar worlr the matter of · making and firing on a m'!ch ~ater, scale in Central these missiies has never oc"1llTed. Australil\> tn . an area set apart, They more than any one else in as a native sanc;tuary · Australia know and realise how close, very close, we were in be­ing under - the _domination of a foreign power, they who gave their lives- and those who risked theirs to -.88-ve ours, know that the only


safegl!lln! against· war is the pre- -:o:-paration to meet it. 1t is no use Apart from the dozens of copies


saying this cannot occur again, that scores of individuals have- -the people won't stand for it. Un- each ordered of this week's "°Jly fortunately we have to fight if are the various farwar<lings ;_: some belligerant nation forces us Melbourne 50 copi~s; Adelaide to do so by way of invasion. We 100 ; .Darwin 150 ; towns along are only a. small nation yet, but the North road 25 each ; . Tennant' we have many things that are Creel< 75 ; train a:reas 70 ; Wynd­wanted badly in other parts of ham·-Bervices and Connellan's ser­the world. Our only safeguard vices· 250 ; Harts Range and Mines is continuous preparation f~ 50; stations and cam:ps 60•; Alice same. Prayers won't .stop any- Si)rings and n.S!'r area 700·; Syd. body. The 'old song "Praise the ney -25 ;· Brisbane 25 ; all n.,__ Lord &nd pass the ammunition" papers one _each ; England 12.. still holds, and until such time as 500 extra copies have been puh­the same good Lord sees his way lished and held so that appliCllnts to make all men think alike, we nomicg late will be served sa_ will still fight as the world has easily as possible. done over the inany -thousands of years that history has al!owed us :Mr. Justice Wells, Sfter a Jong to look hack upon Our pacifists say Court sess~on at Alice Springs; it is wrong· and should not be has returnt!if' to Darwin.­allowed;. this is granted, but you ;:;,,;=:;=:============= just: try to lt!ke something ·from native habitation. . that man whlcl> he !"lues, will As the missile travels over the he fight ! Just 1'!Y 1t and see. coast in the vicinty Of Broome, So why be hypOCJ'ltes. • - or what eVe1'. section it traverses,

-:o:- This bomb experiment.~ essen- would be the only danger to J:°"" ' DERAL · APPOINTMENT 'tial to a11·of·us, not only as a de- tralia, and it is,:to sarthe least NEW _FE MELBOURNE, May 21.-A de- f¢ce, hut also for the new 1;1ower of it, pecnliar that thaf -aspeet

--:O :-- nial that Trans-Australia 4h"1ines fu our industries that it ·.fore- has not been dwelt on by the ob-, proposed to operate an lllr Ser- casts. The ,many unknown gases jectors who are. probably . Com'

CANBERRA-The thr~t to Australian industry ~ce ~tween Melh.olll"!'e and};>.ar- that. are. being exa'}rlned "<Juring munistS at heiirt .. ·. ' , '· - · . • . . ·.. .. · ed b rted b an Wl"1 "."'Broken Hill, and O[ll,"m::· 'tbc .~ous e>q>erUnents ·may Only the danger to the ahos, a

, a. complete coal tit-Up ia expect to e ave .. Y Adelaide, W@S made by thfi:,%"«1c;o ·· /.,-,· .·olutionis'e thf· world. . _ .• · practically . non~t- ·.danger intiitent aruiouneed on ' Thursday by the CQmmon- • ll!anagerT.A(MrA.. hL.. .J,d,~ ro- , ~J;anY of the wouid ·he ohj~rs that we all have to "'*'1>t in any

• •• __ , - < ::-- m~~ · . ' .e ~ l~ __ e'<~r · ~[1uld -like us to act like an ostri~ .walk-Qf life. -th G\>vernment. · · · • ·j con,s~dered a _ sernce t<>. Da.-mn : ,,,. i.· stick our heads- in_ the sand; · . The Territorians who, Jib . . · · · · . &,.,.a . ··er· Acting whlcn would p~ven~ ~ !ll"-l"d ·here is. one that does not the Jieop!e who.do all the yelling, .~ecb'ivers •. on the Cessn··. ock ·. R~ere'jce dge Drake-.''J3:oei=an) .•. f""Y"· f.rom copt;n ..... ~-to. <>pera. te. _.,;uft-0 be shot .. ill,.·. that. positi. on.. · .. · knQ. w abs.olutely' no. thbig. • · .ahont·. th·. e ~elds (which ~pply 12,000. ~ef .&,ursday the ~l.ttornev·- the route wjiicll ~t .plonee'.'ed 1C · _The ar@a over_;whiCJI the .atomic bomb. The- danger seems ~ligibl~

11 of coal dally) hild issued"." Gen~ral (Dr. Evatt) annl>Un«!d yearsago_._,_.__.....::.._ /boml!fstobe_lil'i!d<.~notcarry as~the·sa!etythat1tl!Pe!Js tum demanding that ·then' tliat Ml'. Gallilgher would su~ . · . · .one"8i>Q to ~e ff!\),l!f!Q,~ llliles against a larger_ aggressor "'1o. ShoUJd be bea;d by the Coal Judge Dtske-Br<ickma." as pi-es!-_ , Mr. an~ Mrs.· Pat Cha;-,;'811, of and· the _wnter,. ~. hU ftQwn~ sooner or later will: aee:•·· . _

.· ·'= ,"TribimaJ (Mr .. ·F •. B. den~ of ~" Gen~~ ~~ht~~~~ = ~~~)7lati'Pl'ise' will~.,~,,; ~~ .. 111111• · lier) 81!4 not the c...n.i. ,B_oud 'for the -1. , · :··. : e ••.. ·, .·. > -•1 . . ' . · · ·


/,, does· m eas1e1· I'Uil,;.,,g, 'lhe OUR JUDGE I CAML~U ~COM.t>JJY u .. u . ..("lt......,.&.i..-.u u.1."..c1f•.ti.J!.ii.:> I ruugn couut.ry is avo.1.oeu <:u1tj tn~~-e •• _ --,,:o:- ..

.1..v .. lt...l.J I ~J.t iullg ::.1..1...::lf.;U<;.:J vi.: ... ..:A<. ... ,,.Jll,..'.J -.o.. i vnc J.( --J'he Utd and &1d :•! -.u.- that are a welcome reuet to veh- One of the longest •,ess10PS of --

• ut) uuvers. court, proceedings ever held m j ~ll 1 l-Yt~tc-u 1u i~nghsh t._, ....,., ...... ,, ..., .... ,.., .... •vut> "'o.'-:, i~uwu~ lloggy patche::. rn the off weather ~\lice, Springs has j"st c0ncl~dl d.1..,. 1:,> iouJta ~·\.he Amer11..: ... ln arm"

.L•ui.• -:i.u ........ up.1.uioi:i "'0 Luc r i>~~n I are mevn.ablc on any road but \~e had th~ usual collertion. ,of v,.i;en ~WJJ eight, '.'<ent iltr~JUgh ai1

Benne• 1 & tisher LD!ll'ED

(Established over 70 years)

Head Office: Jiu.,.:uvli ~w.i.1.wJ.1, .JUO~J~~- ~o~ie- they are compa1athelY tewer on aboriginals, poor hegga1s tb~t the ri~tnn.g u.nll t..he ·aruuisuc--, a 11u .._He uui.unc~ a~i~e nyyth~ ve- the ne\', track and the creek cross- \\ere brought up f r d1C"nb.,:y1r:-g lu> r:.ov. p, 0 v1ding the Bntish pouce C•<i~ .. 1o: u.t. ~uc JvO

0 d .ttousmg ings a1e also reduced. . ':J.\,s that tke neve rct'l or ,1,1ll l.,nd nug-1.at10n aud10r1t1es with a ~TT'S BUILDING JJc.1. .. dull~ 01 h~~n.de .. a~n charge 0 f he,'ond Mount Doreen the flat understand. Al~o mv•r \\ho b0ast ;robfem. ·

BENNE AJtnough tt1:, gt .. , as deiayed ·>ntbeds now removed, were hke of their career of long- "C ,1tenc:es i ,e must. b>' the sorl Wh<' ~ CURRIE ST., ADELAIDE ~1;" ~1.a~1~~c.h~~~c~\ne~re~I.:do\\ll at I ~oncret~ bloc\:::: rn the track 1 They One for instance . ;.,\a~ ·~::::otfitndc~ I a Field l\iarshal's baton rn lhs 'ih c ·a~1,,_e"" foi some tune the 'ere hard on the vertebrae as that he had 42 prevrnus f.(• 1 di in:c-. nappy-sad ..

IJIRC~::TORS: jobe l~~ ·b~~ resumed. The' new well as on the tyres and sprin~s' :::.~ainst hnn proudl r rl n~l ed: ~ ' T S Cheadle l chanman), Hugh I graded track may [lOt Save many l l\ir; ~'!o1rim.er says that with! \es your ... Hono1 a-,-1J it ,,100 c me I Li Ve Bait ?

• • • r) W s p Kid- n11 Jcs m actual point of distance e\ervthmg gomg along rnc0 h hn 1 12 years LO vet them, .Just __ n:iv1s z1an\~g111~ :bha;dt. A. c. ('OJ pr.red \\Ith the old r011te via I has graded up to 15 1mles of track I J1e:her he \\U" CXDE'..("t111•:;- ihe \-,-1c- A ch;;_ge of assault with l

R~!~·uil, "s1:. i_c,\ ... lgto. ~:01l)lhcn. 1" ~ ,J rTfll'lt Do1een, but' rh1\, "' ~'a~~n~~:1;~ ~~~rn~lud~ ;i l~~t~c~ll~~ ua11gero~s \\eapon \';dS !a1d I I • 1 , · 1 ugainbt 11. Lee l homas, of Con Seciet:.i.J\ and c\.:-sistani ::'Ianage'. , 'ne+h111g- ese, a 1P1rn .1

1r JUll 1 ~ l' t after his wife cEamed J S l-'earce j h1cl1 trr,ats tn tt 'tasf 0f S1d'1C'r 1 • eCL cul ' 1 <l t d t

• . . .. ... ; ]r>nwriil\ ar.<l , a« gn en a I thaL 1e 1a , r~e _ :;__ 11ie~ THB n1~ p1Pn<lat1ru1 hv th"'' ~oary o'd J 21 rn t1a hbath.uo COflLal •• 1g two

LIVE S . ~K SALESMEN ·.'"'":' ''-ho. liked the place. I :n e ca ts . to say that the · ___ } OL __ --·-~- The nurnb.:r of (·~sc~. complete.rt ! s~fe~s f~lrfrom eyes.

WOOLBROKERS ".'" tnn ~.,;::~0

h~': ;;~ 1 · * • r nm'; 2.:: ah,~ays th::-• 1ve I Oh. Go To Blazes !




L·~• .. 1,.,,..;., iu .).•l...-"tuu.1.111 1•.t.e1,_...,,,,1:;,

·.1. t::.,e11Jv!ULlb.tl 1 Vl:J::>l-(.t.l

l .. »t\e, 1 ~. LHH.:u1H, J.•!aJLJcUlU1 ).-\.Jn-...t:d.1\\11, LOAt-OH, .J.uu.1..1.<J.J I i....1..1.u;,;e, .1.1·1L. Bar.n.er, .;:>t.cat11a1u.:i-11, \'11Huuga, ianr..auua,, r..:a1acuu1.Le, h..utg,,,wn, .h.a1angatt90, \I 1c:1.or

.narbour and at froK:n H111. I

, ,,.]y fort11:1nte ir; havin:; I · --uf 'thf' ~f!~;i.,,,., ,;f .J'idg."' .:)A;,.; ~· H.ANCI8CO-Fire Chu;f

dr>C\C'. lOP.f; ~1'P ni:n:er I Vv illw.m J itzgeraJd,. of . 8eattle, rYr . r~:ui"· on says that a man minus his pants 2.nyrme ,r 021'~ of is no ,l;OOd jr:; a cnsis. "Such a

'f',,nitoc·y. man's first action on detecting a ;;re i,::; to pull 011 his pants instead

CLERK OF COFRT--'7R. "1' 1ai::;i11g .tL0 ~.Jann," says Tlh. !\IC'r~or .;..:: Fitzg·erald. "A ., ... 0m~n is rnnd1

;· lOT(' practical."

's a ' i '•;;:~"' ! ,, ,r:;~: i~;a~;.f~e ~,'~a;:h;~:. pa"n~ '

~ Td~;~to~h~!··· ,.-.~'!. h1 ~'.1 '.,~!~.' rij'r;~~ [ Preventing Another House -,rnhably than 1 ;.;1 ·n _:.,\1stra- II Shortage ·:a. he can tf'll .'.1 mirut ..... 's n1\tice

infor!nation nn b.:w nr his I l. 1 .anL:> t.u the l:ritish Ministry i.r,r. approximately '.2:). positio~s <;I i ou. d the Tichborne's of Hamp·

is wantPri <.!"' 0 ;;0:1ly O.'" if .shire, .t.ngland, once more. evade ,,,·:i.s a rearl.· .Just -the ·1 ichborne curse. .~r> ~tands m' ',,~-his 1zPf''PS .1£\·ery Lady Day (March 25) h~~~1'.-.h e.t·•d ('r·1n;··.-.:- ·a since 1150 a member of the fatally

Coumr.y Markets a'Jso at-Na1rne, I' OU" '·I"""-'"DT."'R '°'R 1-'a1·u1ia, .Ma1JaU1, Coonalpyn, .I\. n r...:LllDD \. ln .... Parmga.;Hed Hill. "' BLAIN

Modern Wool ~!i'ow Floors at Port 1


expe attent10n , es Adela1de whelevery chp receives I p 12 :-v"l t.-. all his tlvn1sar.ds of has given a gallon of -flour tri

1-'tif'nds. The Ti:>;rritory is indeed every person in the to\'m of Alres- I ~ th~·

Experienced 1 Stud Stock Staff since available 'to/ assist Buyers with lieocrd selections, or. execute buying '!.'his p2p,0 r v;a:it.cc hear _just

· unate to have 1"'1en in foeir em-- fo.r<l. If ever they failed to can~· ~ floy like thei:;e. Let u~ h(}re that out the dole ceremony their house 'he Adn1inisfration doe~ not <lr•cide would fall down. There wouid be "t:at his senices are ·santPd in a generation of sev~n sons follo-w­Darwin. wP do not \Vant to lo~e ed by a generation of Fieven him. , d::ughters and the ~ame would

comm1ss10ns. ..,,,}at l::.e h::i." d0n:· to jEstify our

Liberal Advances against wool at if~~~.~ in h;~~ ~)1~i~~~;se~~neTr~~dTf;~ --~----lowest interest rates. hui:r~·. •;::pPcted t!iat at lea~t TENNANT CREEK STRIKE die out.

Stock Resting Paddocks adjoining- 20:" 0 acC~··"~inJ! of h~~ :steY:.~rd-, -:o:-the Abattoirs. Our Merchandise ship :::hou,d Dfo sent his con,;i:;itu- !


This vear, the first under bread rationin):;-7 _ tbe present holder of the title. Sir Anthony Doughty· Tichborne, has whee.dled a special Jrift of d.0.000 brPad unjts out 11f

Department can supply all Farm ent~ . .and the P3·.?es .of ~~e··· Cen- ! I~ is expected th~t the strike and Station requirements, includ-. trairan -\d:.·ocat~ are ~lv. a3::; ~pe~ : that has stopped the hatteries at ing Blo-Fli-Di, Alston Windmills, and anrtnu.v, Mr. ,.Blam··c:;i.n snow I Tennant Creek will soon be over,

etc., etc. h~ has done .for_ tne Terntory he the c.onciliation Commissioner has . 'nil .have our help and g-et <:-11 the I al read..-· arrived there and a meet-

-:o:-'Excuses" For Rejecton th~f~i;i:H",Y 1ffd!~21~rucat~ what

r~n hP ·done \.vhen they kn.<>ad fhe domrh. Sole ,Agents ·n S~mth Australia .for credit. that r~1ay accrue f?r rt: . ino- wiiJ we Understand. be held on

;\.rmco Pre-F~br11cated Steel. Build- We- want to 1rnrrn· if he 1s willing A°I~nda\; Mav ?Gth Lady ]n !Vla_rch the "Centralian ings,· and Elliott s Sheep ~Ip, and to accept that extra £5fJ0 \-.;·it.h t~e . Go!d.fs ~'.·allte<l s~ badly to cover Advocate" apir,fa-d ·for a B .clasr; all other Products of Elhotts & other appurtences and "-hat m his h . . . Corn:.,•.rcia] Br(Jc:u,.;;;..<?t,, g LJceni::e Australian grug rtCom~any's Rural o.pinion he bas done foi- the coun- ~~;el~aph~P~~rr~h~f ~h:;e 15 ~fn si~~· fer Alice: Sn~ir.. 4'; to be cm1ducted

Their Husbands Worship Them

epa men· ~rre~:.atrod. desRri:e ::uch a handsom~ no flirther. delay. in conjunction with.t~e ;-i~wspaper, Chief Ag.ents and Attorneys in '' such as is the pract1ce- in all the Says a newspaper coITespondent

accompanying the delegation t.o the Foreign Ministers' Conference in Moscow: "A, vivacious blonde girl was the. train's. barber. Hf'r h::indling of. the raZor as the tr.Mn s-,\·ayed 'iva::: \\·izardry: She neYfr faltered. ··Women do all mannet ofc \';oi-k in RUssia:·"

South Australia for Lei:ral .In- Of cour.se some deduction may 1--.--. --------~ important communities ti~roughout surance Co. Ltd. _ Handli,ng- .aJL be ffiade frr:m remarks which are S.end your Subscription (17/4 ustr~re It \Yas pointed ou~ t~iat classes~ of fire, marine· ana acci.- add, bec~;-•se years ago .(under per year or £1 nosted) · to thic th~~··aearest- rad10 transn11ttmg

dent insurance. I'arliam;ntary privil;~e) . Mr. office. K'.:ation was close ,On a thousand

!!ll••!l!l•ll!i!!m•llilRlii••lom!!Ji!!!!!!!l!!ilfl!ll!IJ!ll!ll!lll!.!!lm•••llllll•ll!!l!!!!!lllil•lll!l!ll!mllil!lla••ll!!!! mileG·from Alice Spring-s, and ~l)at ------------~--------------------·--·-· ~~ti~!~~n f;!li~~~ie;r~~~~ds~~i~~~·T~

. .. . · ., :. '· . .., · · n•ndE'm unif woul<l be pr0vide·l tn

~ /. . ' ;··· /'/ __ , / . . a /. ~~'ffs~e~e~~ti~!"-~~~rr~~~in ~~<l'.vt~: 'JI!;' · ( ~- ~ '-., (/)h Northern Territory, and 'hat it

.. I;)oubtl.ess Tnany a s.~_s.ceP.tible ma!~ has a close shave !'

WtfJ!.~1//lf/l /ft·~ WJ/j/·.t//!fl __.,ilf U#;/·!J- "'T!~rr~~:'J~~~ ~,?;J?~~i~ca;.:ith in-.__. 7 terest the re'ply · fr.or'n tbe Post ..

Science Jumps. Ahead·!

• • ., A L !J X U R I Ii U S 3-PAS;,ENu~R i;c.uPE AND STuflDY L'OAil·

\(i~-i master Gen~ra1 in ·ref~isih~ the From South Africa 20LJ female 6 a'!lplication: ... toads, Xeniopus Laevis, have be<:>n · l>L./! ... , ~~t· .Ad\'erting to my letter of ·i5th brrn1~ht to P.uStralia as labori:l.'Viry

~ ,,j March, careful consideration has I spe .. c1mens fo_r pre-natal test~ at a 1

·• been given to your applicatior-. for 1 Sydney hospital. . . a licence to establish a comme:ri;::ial I Our future mothers, takmg- theJr lnoadcasting station ::tt .-\lice f les:--;nn .... from. the." toads, . will . 110..:.

J Springs. I d'1.ubt be ~ilencm~r their nu1sT

Unfortunate~~·, the nunitier of I ~h1ldrcp. . with the admonition: brvadcasting ;::tations· which can be "That w1!l do now ! Not another

I authorised in the Commonwealth : c!·oak (tut of you !'.' And how the ' Ii:; rest.ricted bec:~use under the ~n- fkids w1~l pla~ leapfrog ! .. "

------------- l~et:,rulations, only a limited num- ~ It Bounced ! · I t'2rnat10nai Radw Commumcat1on I .r. ·« '~ '·"


PANION FOR YOUR LEISURE. r:\er~ inclt of on•ralJ dc!>igu i1'! given. a

. .:T;u·e;'ul beauty hr rt!!" ""Streamline" >;tyling. fhe Coupe~ with ~roomiue~"' for: 3 big people,

:a~ eYcry "mnfort fra:ure fro::-n dranghtle;:, \Cn-1.ilation to stccrjng column gear shift. The rein-


ber of frequende~ i.s available for ! . __


1 lhe purpose. Con,sequen~ly, t~e j Police .at Oklahoma arrested a D:partment has ~be~n obliged .m I visiting 'motilri.sl on a tr~tTfk



!·r~cen~ y._ears to rerram fro;n ... graHt- I charge, took his five-dollar chcfpe.


,ng ~cences to a larg:e m,rnoer of! as bond, and fined him two doll: -s. applicants. r : After giY1ng him three do~iL.-~

. 1 ihere ~re many :.:.reas m the i change they discovered the che'O\e 1\'.'mnnur:_v.ealth ~\·h.1c~1 ~r-e not p.ro- 1l:"·as bad. By. that time the motN-


\ld~ \\1th ".I-- satisrac:i::ory bro<!.d- 1s.t was on his way home to ('ali-c:astrng service, and a plan has fornia, · · been develop~d for the expansi9n~ It was a case of Ho · H of the Na.tiunal bro~dcasting sys- 0 n the Chan..,.P · me. oni~ tem to cater for listeners in such " -· * ~ .

foree{'. load-.qJat·e for IO C•At. ha~ .a 48 inch wide tai.lgat~ opciliilg and steel ... kirl strips. for ea,.,y,· floor­

<'\d loading. Separate flu.-:b..,lith-hody-Iocking recesses h'lld ... pare v.hr-el anrf.t..-,.,1 .... krl"hr..ide petrol filler is deftly

Snakes AJive ! districts. :Many transmitters, ad­ditional tc/ ):hos~ ..... at ... present .. in operatiQn, 'w:ill be re.qu4-ed for ~e

efci~sf:e~~~n~y isC~:!l:1o~o th~i; Peopl~ on the. Pacific coast-of accommodation. In this regard, ;::s~~~~~-ha,ve been seein~ a considerable difficulties are being One -man claimed that he chJeJ experienced and, in fact, it has the "serpent" in a motor boat \ut not yet been practicable to allo- his two-cylinder engine could' "lot sate cham,lels for a ·numb.er of the match the monster in speed. !'he r~gional stations which are pro- "serpent" is .. estimated to be ·mre i•cted. · than 30 ft: long, but neither !tire


1C"e;:dPd and ton~··.-:.;u. ~o'-' fra.m{~C .nd- curved.

1 1£efe'!~,th:P~P0:!!f:~g fh:t ~ head . nor tan has been seen. . 1

Tins sounds the sober truth ~ •. t present I am unfortunately unable wait tt1! they hear from our · r f'Opr1e .. · Or· to accede to your request. A:r- hem Land correspondent who

, rangements have· bee!' "!"de, how- larlv sees the lal'J!:e double-h I• S . • . ever, fo~ .rour application to be t>Jthon and the hydra-homed All"'e prlnNS recorded, and :you, may.be assured- falo,. not to menti<>n the

. V . · .• ~ . Lit ,will ~ve !Urtber con- crocodile-with rain!Hiw .

ll!i••••ill••••••••••llllli••llllli••llilllll•••r.:ii•a•!lll•iil••~ind&afio11. 4'-0l!!d cirenllu!tanll"B. what he swea,,. a . h "1'!S alta;in.the._~ ' teeth. re age .. ---~----~ --1;~-~-ll ____ .

SATURDAY, MAY ,24, 1947.

RADIO LA .. The .WoFld's finest Broadcast Receiver, tlie symbol of all

that is best ii:t Radio .,

The one Radio which does fulJ justice to the great Music Broadcasts by the Greatest Artists and giving extreme sensitivity foi· long range reception of Australian and

Overseas· Stations

Console and Table Models ar.!' now avai.lable

Radio Repairs and E~ectrical Service attended to by experienced Technicians

A l11rge stock of· Electrical a11d Radio Equipment on hand and within the next weeks

l1~tric Jugs, Stoves, Cookers and Refrigerators

will also be available



your next FLOUR order


Most suitable for it's STANDARD QUALl'J'f

and //

Most suitable for the Northern Terri~ry climate

L:~: ·;;;;i0

n;·"t;;;~y Limited

P.O. BOX 3'1' Phone LAURA 9 (continuous)

LAURA---South. Aust.


BREWERY FOR DARWIN 1ui.. ,.._ \i. '-'"",-. i GltAND CONCERT

SAN~~~~NED On Anu•c -:~::~H·'-· ·~~··"e" I t;AT!iUL1(; _:_~~L DARWIN::....:.AI)proval bas been ~::w:~;;~~~ '::_ \..:~<-~·.~";··:~;:·~:~· Monday,' May 12

granted for the erection of the Pu~aJ:;eu Lo St!e hmi, he ·Js a r1uent first brewery in the Northern Te~- k a · pe s na1 t.y

~\~~'t~ee~, ;~~uhob~n.:~o~~h1;;f :~:;v~{.r~:.:t~~e'it~~; ;.~d: d:~~1~~~~1~ .. ~ent~to~e~e~~~~otru~r ;ao:~·, Darwin. vertiser" his comments on the " t\. ~ ._ .....

When functioning, the brewery ·i'erritory. Now Mr. Casey flev.· children in the role 0£ entertain-\Vill cµpply the whole of the Nor- up here and, spent a short time, ~rs, but because as in the past, it 'thern Territory 'with beer and 2_nd like most southerners at once is na.ll:: v.,:orth wihle to both see will probably eliminate the need was able to give a detailed hisb1·y and hear; 'to ship supplies from the so.uthern -3..nd more twaddle it would be No k·ss than 19 jtems were oii., St.ate~ at high freight costs. :ird to imagine. I quote from pri.rt the programme, and. each received

The floating of a public company ,',i his opinions (part aerial' survey ~~~· b~cf .. d:~~l~~d~vi~~~\io;~ th:~:d with .a capi!al of £1,000 has been 1 ·.~you please). He says apart fr'"~1 Go0 d 1u~k :,,-, .. r u ~;r;q Sisters, sanctioned by th~ Commom.vealth 11, ~f and water and some veg•.>- vnu run a good

5,.hr-ol nrovide

Treasury. I d:bles everything, litera. Ily every- r.~al .a~e!litips. and dese~e all.the.. .. thing , hat is consumed in the ····pdit .iust'rv rim~.

ZONAL TAXATI.ON Northern Ter<'itory has to be im· J,ater, we 'hall be able to uro·

I ported ,fr_om som~.where e~se · 1~ ....-;de :vou- with more s:ni:i~e which

QUESTION. ~1f:r~1iaflou;~e~~g~~~1J:k, mf;~ft~ i.~ou rig-htlv can tfn.-i::i~<l. . -:o:- eugar, tea, mutton, bacon, grocer- I

What is contended is an unjusti-1ies, all clothing, petrol, aB con· MR. JACIC KENNETT fied difference in the "remote structional materials and all the area" tiXB.iion deduCBOn -allowance n;a!-1¥ com.modities necessary for RETIRED for the Federal Taxation Zones A civ1hsed Lfe . on even a modest -:o:-and B in the Northern Territory scalP. He says, .I met a cook, a April. 4t"1 .saw the retirement of is at present exercising the atten-1~0oster for ~he Te.rritory, a~d 3;11 Mr .. Tack Kennett frnm the North­tion of "victims." Zone A enjqys the g-ood thmgl". tli.at go· with it. ern Territory Police Force \Vhich an allowance of 15/- in the income So Mr. Casey p;cJ:ed out the sub- he joined In 1027. before taX instalments start to ject of flies and sa.id simply "But Prior to. joining up he was a-

1:~~r~J~Jecfi~~ ~o~~k~n ~~1: i~~r~ !~~~~fc\:~h~t ~~~ke b):~~i:i;flj~~~!~ ~a;~~.f~~r at 'Vork~ .Department, unfair to employeees m Ahce I fhe~ · · .. ., J k · Spring-s to have the zonal bound- No:\- we in ret~rn \nil alter the · ac .' :..-. one of the most popular

f~~,, fi~-;,eg s~2de:~~~ i::~g~fea~~': til:.es~~dn ~~~t~~~e:.~a~h':0~ai~,~~ ~1~~~ ~~ri~;fn~~~·2°:~r~~£i~~:n~ ears of the benefit. Living costs comeb~ck 1s "What blasted States~ . h and conditfons in Alice Springs, it I Fei; ?' . m t is area ever since. is considered. bear too close a re- N_ ow about thqse imports. ~ e It is doubtful whether there is

1 have the best cattle countrv m a man in the Territory quite so lationship ti) warrant the anoma Y· 1Australia and this is proved by well known or who can claim SO·

.. our sales south. We grow lUf'PTTif' rnan.y friends.· His numerous \vitty

CATTLE FOR SOUTH ~:tfi~ung:~d~cean~n~hn b~\~r da~z ~~~:s P~~vid~~ f;f~:t ,.,.j'u;b'!';~ u~= -:o~- mi1k. Flour admittedly has a I limited and. attentive audience.

Each day sees mobs of prime 1· certain rainfall to prod.nee, but Jack_, like all Te:rrorto:rians, can-cattle trucking for the south, rail- l?ts. of othe. r country. ~n Australia not leave the Territory, and has ways are working overtime and 1s m no better condition. Eggs, now taken over the management officials here doing theirb est. How- :!\fr. Casey has not seen Mr. HPen- of .the R.S.L. Club, Alice Springs. ever, there iS one thing our rail- en's famous poultry yards where This place, with Jack's personality, way department must alter. Drov-1 fowls are in thom~ands and the cannot do anything but succeed. en; travelling down with these incnbators nroduce 2.500 ehicks. -~.-----cattle have an arduous and ~n- when are sent. as far afield as West- ACCOMMODATION. pleasant task, at every stoppmg ern Australia and Queens1and. place they must no matter whether This is only one of tlie many fowl -:o:-rain or cold, get out, race alon_g runs, mo~t Stations Jtave them The urgent need of accommoda-: · the .trucks and se~ ·that. no beast is also. .F;utt, what a s1n'!. Gran.es tion is stressed very much at· the dow:i, at the shnl~ whistle o~ the that hall and other t~1ng-s rum. present time. by the influx of _engme to race. back . and Jump do not occur her~. and there . has tourist visitors. On last train no

I often on a movmg tram and get !1eve.r been a f~1lure, thev nuen less than 250 arrivals 70 per cent what spell and comfort they can. m time for Chnstmas and are .of of which were touri~ts H t 1 · Just here is what they do not g-et, the best quality. No better and boardin houses h d. ·hoe 8

th.eir carriage is a miserable affair or.an~es than. those in Alice dis- whatsoe\·er ~f accom;~incg a:~; ~-1th a hard d!-isty bench, a p_oor tnct, ma~dannes--custard apple~. part of them and but for the var­hght, !10 sleeping ~ccomm~t1on, pomegramt';s-dates-:...grape fruit ious tiri sheds which. are rt of no samtary or \Vashing apphances. -figs - pmeapples -· bananas- the Ann . overhan a d P~ sed This· is totally. unfair to men who !OCoanuts-peanuts-- and lots of by the \~arious t g . ~ now u . feed the. riation. Were a. bla~k- o!her go~d1 things. ~ Vegetables,. it- would. have .;:-~~ aco~i::~ fellow given such accommodation did he sa~ . The Arm): proved that campout not th t th" . Id hurt up North, Charles Duguid or his and we had it long_ before then. anyone ,but it .ab J5f " 0 u fri~~ds \vould spi11 gallons of 1!1k Tomatoe!; in plac.es al.1 the .Year city that w~nt~s th~se 0-risit!r~u~~ wntmg us up. Yes, Mr. Commis- round. Cabbages, turnips, omons, see our sceni b ·· t· d d ·sioner, t~ese men want a sleepiJig .sweet potatoes, pumpkins and lightful clima~ eau ies an e­berth, . a . table, cutlery and· st.ove, host_s of others-me~ons, sweet and The want of more hotels. an also samtary arrangements theY rock and a lot new to the south. extra large h t 1 . tt· · are doing a· grand job and need Tea, .we have a better chance of a- arent ·• os~ e 1~ ge mg mm:e vour h~st attention. and while growing t.ea than th_e south ever ~~mited e;i~berdaI~ th"fse ha~~ down ·give them at least .a fort- h~d. and \\ e can gro" tobacco also North of ou II th t · 1£ 1:1kht to do sornf biisin~s~ and en- (if "~!lowed) .. Mutton, ~acDonal_d ceme~t plus rs~ arnoun~a%a ~~~c\l~r ioy some of :vonr amemties. ~tat10n outside .the Ahce gTo\'s for the pai t · d t T e

====================="'======================== more mutton than we can consume "\V . n .11~ us n. and shops !1re ·n~ver short. Bacon, man e,;,..?trhe ~~~·a.1tmir merely for t.he Mr: Lve Vnderwood' breeds scores . ... .iswn to start these m­


Railway Te:r.race. <Opposite Railway station>

Alice;· Springs ~.o. BOX 42 . TELEPHONE No. 4 I_.


of the~1 down-1 a Heavv T~e Gap dustnes and the_ goodwill of the and ?ar0n ('<ill h0 had· at any nf ~~;e~1~1~:...nt :.~h gii.h p:rmissi~n .to our tirst class butche ... sht'-rps. jSprin s -\~i!;n t .e 1°?· Ab~e

Cl0tl1ing. "\\-e send our \Voollen tirne g-with ··come mto 1 ~8 own m ~nods c1\·erseas an:-,.-way. and pay be short I ~~Ip. th~t bme could «0rne ~00 per eent. for the Priv-:1- e,:er th1,.nk onder if our ~Iemb~r ecre on return Petrol we are h d s. along these lmes, if n~arer to petr~l markets' than tme e oes he JS very silent. «0l1tfi a•~d "-ill nrobably get it here first. Constructional mate­rials. In the North we have bil­lions of feet of commercial tim-


ber and have no need to .g-et i~ -·o·-from the Solomons or W~st Aus- It'· · h ' · tr?lia. oi1Jv the. apatfr\ of the var- ·r:· i.s. \v1t . much re~ret that we ious Governments- m·akes · this a· .l~al"n that the Manager of . th~ necessity. Amer.ities are eoUa1I).:. .CK~mmonwealth Ban~, Mr. Virgll as good as an\.\Vhere else. Shoot- mg, has bee_n t~~!err~d to ing- combriseS 3.11 classes of game, c.>,the:r parts··as travel1mg mana¥"er. and quail breed here and miirrate 4-s..s a ~anker he acted as adviser south. Now about flies. the ·writer w~en wanted and was everybody's in shooting around the· farms at f1:1e~d. So ·much so that a pe>.:i' i('ll Lake Wendonree in Victoria has Slf?ned b~ almost everyone in seen more flies on the sheep farms Ahce Spnngs 1\:as forwarded:. to -than are in the wh.ole nf the North. hea:dquarters asking that he might

Olir paper holds ·no . brief for be _a.pawed ~o stay in the same any party, :but we have a voice position. Tins unfortunately ·was


SOUTHERN CROSS ENGINES AND WINDMILt and aerial visitors cannot met by ~ refusal from the Gov-

co- put this over. In the past ,we had ernor of the Bank and the tra'1~-• to take it but not now fer stands. . . . PTY.LTD. - . -




· Seven :nillion pound~ for Dar- Mr. King· .during his stay of sOme win; gqod l-4.ck Darwin, what about yea~ became very popular, riot the same for the Alice water only !'n account -0f his bright per­schern'es, Wit.p,· Simpson-Emily Gaps ~onahty,. but h:is nnflag-ein!!' work bU:U:t up . with conc::rete. walls,~ an in : any ve!)tµre that had..· for its

•··. , i:r;iiand sea .·is a possibHity, our ulthn~tP. ~nm. tha. i''l.tP.J"P,sff::'· 0~ Hu~ rivers run three times a year ~onimpmtv. We all iQ'f.,., in wj~lt­bankers' and millions of gallons go hng h.1m the. best of luck and that to waste-water for .irrigation, .a +.e mil as we Tcnow eventuallv ,.,,.

·~ freezing works 8.nd scO:fes of other ~1"?'1 f.-. _.~Ti .... e ~rin'!'s. ·


~· Let private . enterprise --..,~--..-'-· ...:...._,.c_ ___ .:., !Jave a clear go and there is noth; ; Se d Sub • · ing •to worry about in ·the .North . . n .. ,Your scnption (17-'.4 Providing, red tat>e 1s· ~ ~ :.Year or £1 posted) to this .

'Fruit and 9001 ··Drink&: If F~t;;,d ..;~~ ~t~e"'IJ:.1\ea~ ce." • . ' . . . . .

: v; 1 W m AHce Sprinl!'! able to g!V,, the M~ of all when Berial visltoJ'I! I ~nd bcnin. ds •.. We reqilire. · • oJllclals lay and. unsym. pa.thetic a. ttention..

necemia17 peniu!lllfon, instead of arrive, · we woald like them to ~A' to. Write ~and M'eJ. !<now tlle ~ before- they D-====================================== uuurne With nch llli~ de- 1us1i into Jliizlt,· _ .. ,,:·.c

·.1' -

fAGE -1.

W. J. TWILLEY / Next Griffiths Hous<;/


- PAGE 5.


·' .. ..,·


~l\l\ ~}\Dl\'llf~1R ib ~~llVWWI Jr11






''TH.I!: OEAD HEAttT' t'AlSS&I

tv com.,.1ue until J)1r. l,;napman·• For Best Results · Entrust

~~~e~o~l~en~n~:~1ailiiaA!~~L:~ -:o:-

An Historic J:'ublication

pv8~;ble. J.n our humble way we extend.-to Mr. Chapman oyr con­gratulations and wish him ~e very best for the future of· his ·

mont.h.S the Roneo News-sheets ••'The Dead Heart ?' was never

DALGETY & Co. Ltd:-Although .it llved but seven newspaper. I

t-'t'l>rl)es.d Heart ?'' which: issued intended to ·be more than a news Its tinal number (No' ~O) on March sheet containing iterns of_ local -.th the Sale of v._ our 'I aerved a notable purpose in the interest. Our scope wai;, lmdted. W1 / communityofAliceSprings'duriag but we hope we made some.small FAT AND STORE/STOCK Lhat time. The co-editors Messrs. contribution to the community of 7 F. A. GubJ>ins, Les Penhall and Alice Springs." Miss' Buchanan, now Mrs. D. Mc- Jn relnrn th0 "Centr., 1!". Advo- z: Arthur, achieved a minor triumph cate" reciprocates thes~ congratu- · . ir newspaperdom that was heard latinns to the co-editors upon.their th;i-ougho Austrah.a o '- far afield and brought a "fan splendid example cf public spirit . mail" from many distant parts! and will, in turni strive .to l.ive .uP Branches a Adelaide and

, inducting- overseas. r to the commendable ms01rati_on_ __ -- _ · In the final issue the co~editor~ : which gave "The Dead Heart ?" , __ --said: "Vie had hoped to be able life.

Local Agent - - - - J. Nelson

·--·-·-·-·--·--·-·-··....;..------. 1· . . I




A Future Industry



i /

EVERY- :\'.l' ALL



One of these days, enthusiasts toi· Centralia maintain, the full

I possibilities of viticultu~ here will be realised and exploited. In the homes and priva~e gardens ~f

' Alice Springs there is ample evi­dence of what can be done in the way of growing grapes of excel­lent quality, almost t~o mon~ , earlier than the grape growing areas of the south.

Table grapes making the first of the season in any market. re­turn high values. And you don't have to wait for any miracle of rrh~:ation.

By way of illustration. to this claim of Territorians, the South Australian HorticultUral author­ities, in reporting on the recent

CONNELLAN AIRWAYS .t,ngland· to Australia or London ~heonno':i'~~g~r.dial a~~';,"ne•~ ,VJLL THE N.T. BE .LEFT .LltSPOSALS SALE, MAY -:u:- .u i>.arachi. - effect of the rain which spoiled

OUT? 16 and 17 ""Othe1· unk m tb•. Northern i'ythonbe~kins andhtbbuffathlo hbolr,na so much of the currant crop else-. ........ are now mg soug Y e 0 ig- where, was very much lees in these

.-:o:- -:o.- Lt!J.'.r.u .. ocy air service has ·been ing staff of Connellai:t Airways on areas, wh-i1e other ~B of grapes Beginning in July the Federal '""' l.lle w•posa1 ""'"" un..ne... au<led by Connellan Airways in their Northern Territory trips. sufl'ered only negtfGb1e damage

Goverwnent proposes to make a here and the gooas trow a Eiu.uaL ~~~J.vmg from Quant.as. Queens- They are wanted by special clients or none at all. The bunches had .grant to State Govemments for evt::at. poulu1i; m :trow uart0ill, LallQ, a Dragon .t'ly aircrait the n the ·Eastern States

~~tb;ct_:n =~~tai::f1~ ~~~i:1~s ~~ a:!e~g~ =es an:f ~r: ·~fu~ntilf ~d ~dsou:n!h~;1~~he(t~~: 1

··\Ve've ~had some odd jobs since ~~fld ab~~~el~~~l i::Ss~re1nj!~ AL a gallon on petrol entered for one in front, the -processiollB re- sent fortnightly services being re- Jur Cservili sta~:', s~d ~r. E~ theSe distrids.­onsumption. In addition another emble a drunken centipede. Now duced to weekly intervals. Con- h onBe tan. is a. ou toca~ Incidentally the authorities an-1 million will be provided to the is added the Alice Sprjng• col- nellan Airways now , have nine· ;,.~~· we·';;,.n!'•e are going

0 ticlpated that generally the South

;tates for roads in sparsely popu- Jection. Many good things have planes and stall' of 16 men includ- Australian wine production thls •ted areas; timber country, and Pb~~ a~s 0::~.~~1~til~;:: itnegnd fo_furrom pi~li'.;., 1irpri~~oJJ;: bu~~j~"Ji~~te'::.e i:\),~ ~~~h ';f!~ year· would -dosecy approach last ural areas. Considering that , ~- the pla.ne service wi. ·n do the rest. mY•,.allr'1'osn. _re.gaclolrdons·.of close to twenty etrol tax and other motor tax- scheme in hand for ultimate dis- ~~·est to Wyndham, east to Carnoo­tion, collected by the States in posal. As visitors as ~well as weal just _across the Queensland :r'he skms .are destined fo; exclus- . Optimistic Centraliam; share the he years 1939-40 to 1945-46 tourists we are extremely pleased border, north to Boroloola on west ive handba~s, aecessones and belief that the future holds great otalled the enormous sum of more to see them and regret very much of Gulf of Carpentaria. .::hoef' for Milady. Th.e horns .of things for the Alice Springs dis­ian £93 millions, there should be that the accommodation under These routes .involve calls at 98 huff:i-10 for ornamentab<?n uses m- trict, not only in grape growing, ome generous roadwork done in "offer is inadequate fo.r their re- pastoral or mining prorierties and ~udmg no doubt, the filhng of that hut that the soil and Climate he near future. And when it quirements, but we can assure airfields ~n~ embrace the Flying ,~fu ~at~de~~~~shedu~a~~bh~1! favor the de.v.elop~ent .nf a cham-omes to roads what part of Aus- them that fuis -will not continue, Doctor service-a godsend to out- Tl;trl. + .... 11 t t b th . th mnme and .lurht wme mdustru. ralia can more fairly claim at- there are _men in the North able h~""'k. l-.t" ~.:k~h~ e ty e size. e "It will be more than a charn-·ention that the Northern Terri- and 'Y<illing to build all that i?. Total area . now cove!'ed bv g-g -..y:i-e a g-o away. Da{!J'le atmor::Til·H:1re we'll boast of'' 1:ory ? Territorians are hopeful v:ant~d if no interference and the r-r ?rth~rn Te:ntory set'Vlces of ~aid one Old Timer whose travels

··hat the Australian Transport spirit (a publican present says he hIS moneer air concern of North- SAFEGUARDING CEN· 1'ove taken Mm to many gral)e

~!~0tti'e ~~~cilofw:i:ad~~oll~~ ~~nad~~~~~ ~~~)o~!:Co~:not~~a~e1~ ::dT=:~~nfile~~~:~~~~~~~:;, districts. . 1 connpetion with the ~nts will 1 that carries one on the road to vic-1 tl-2-n Fratice and C'..erinany com- TRA.LIA'S HlSTORY "" to it that Centralia and the I torv----0ur hundrede of nioneer. hineil. and the five thousand ei!!'ht .-:o:- HE'l'IREU. FROM THE. 1>1:1·. Top End" are treated better than l:i~d it. that i~ n·~v tod~.v the"-~ :::ir~ ·"hinirJrP<l miles of ah- routes fa Committee To Gather

·1 the past. , ' men of nPrnmrnl1tv ~n<i fnrtun~. om1~l ,:i.lmqi:tt to halfv.?~v from -:o:-Material Mr. !;,. Ji. A .. Giles, Government

Secretary, N orth.ern 'l'erritol-y Ad­ministration, Darwin, is on leave

t '!

.. S~TURDAY, M>\Y 24, ll)47.. rFNTRALIAN AD'.'OCATE ....:.....~~~~~~~--;-~---~~~~~....----~


-:o:- YOU TO KJ>IOW Who would be No:·. 1 in the -:o:-

"t,entraban Actyoc!a1e'' .._,Ub.3ci;.p-t.frm ·- receipt boOk ·was ~om.ethmg .4. her·e are no better beaches in our statf were not worry:mg about I Australia than those around Dar-with so much else to do. But win • ~ne ~Y, sevei;al wee~ before pub- I ,.. * * • llca~10n of thl'3 fir8Je~:~ue, f~n R~ ' ..dt(' _tbhd largest deposit of §'edt?ghamil d

0~nd announce~ t~t nieteror1te. in_ the. v.-orl~ i~ at. i-i~n-tatwn, ca e h' s bscri tion 1 ucrry, svut.h of Alice Sprmgs. 'lhc ~ hea~=~ ;b0~:~0 ~:t ·~ff 'ba:k. on ! 1.argest . is .in ~alifornia and the his 4-00 miles journey to carrymg I ~ccond m Siberia. out a fencing contract for Vesty's I "' * * * Ltd. · We suddenly realised we- 'T.:nnant . Cr~ek Goldfield has _de­were a going concnn. W(' harl. :-l. I poshs e~.::tcndm~ e_".er 100 m1l~i:; our first subscriber! We had a ~:.nd extremely_ rich m places, will circulation ! Congratulations were I be. later the home o~ thousan~s. of r ~}tual. Who's next ? nuners . and support a thrrvm~

.. 'l'WO HUNDRED ROOM nopulatrnn.

HOSTEL AJJ~e ~~cr~n~~elddi~~lcltr~:.~n:e -;o:-:-

Interesting Local J:'roject

Becau.se people will not build home:;, .wr '::,p~cuiat1011 or invest~ ment tire~e days owmg to the un­fair inc1dem.s of leg1sl~twn, ihe accon1111U(.muon question _is becom­ing more and more acute .in Alice Springs as elsewhere.

area Of 60 miles and fresh field: have been ro·Und 150 miles away, this will eclipse the only rjva1 field riov\r in lndia. Mica is a·most valuab1L; product and provides work for thousands. - 1,, ext a mica cutting .factory at Alice Springs.

l.icrry Springs, nea1· Danvin, is a n<J.1ural rned.1.cmal pool for sw1m­InJ11t-:,, uii..,urpa:o:i:o:iea lll any -pari v.1. Au:;·.,.1.a.ua: .. -"" .. -.1 l10:o:ite1 uu111 thci .... ~;uu.u u ... a1. L.L1.UU..:i<.1.rH1.S e1e1':i year.

h. LJUi 1Vl1l, ll. i$ au yuurs.


and Company Wholesale and Retail

Hardware- and_ General· Groc-e.-s,


The Firm In

That Has Alice

Made Histor]( .. Springs '-

i 'r·ni "ea-- ago this fir!'1 opened 1heir store and made a de'lnite statement and promise 1 tha'. "'~·· ·7ould red-,ce prices !lf. commo<li~ies far below those regulating at the time

and . thus help to keep down the cost of living. ·

Evidence is available on every hand to .show that many more dwellings are needed in Alice Springs to meet legirn:ate nee~s. The population here would steadily sv;ell 1·:i"th nPwcomers if the hAt t.'S were a·.-ailab!e. But they are not; and a critical situation hns b'.'en rearlwd.

Rcalisiw~ ihis a s;,-ndicate of _.\lic'0 Snrin"s' business me!l Jrns co!1o::idr•rNl f]w nnf'rtion of hui1<l-

l'.LU..:>"' uy LV LHCl'L! GLllU 1~1 .. aa1a1lri:a.. :

.luunsu; 111u::s~ not, rn~~s u1e :.1:.,.:i..,y I (

~i:~~'-,;-J-~~:-~s ~I~~J. d~;:~~i~~rg~~suth~1~ ; f ;l

Promise Has Been, Faithfully Kept and Fulfilled

in,~ :-i ~r111 hnstP] to rnpf't the ner-d. \ not :vf't dpfinitely

1..TVi::ud1tcs ai·e here also. .,~ an,__ r.::.2~1y essential food items have been ·.reduced in price from 5 ~o 13 per cent, . '~ !

bet>n c:-r>!11,•t 0 rL annlic~tit'.n ·]i::is bec-n l"'"rl."' 'n an1110ritins fm· a sui+n 1~1,.,, 1(lC'nii0n, ar:r:l_fnr C1Jns..-.11t

to build. Jt 0

<: iY.trnr11'0 nriyatr> ing- ;i11_ ,_,,-,l.---.,,

condi'·irn"rl rr1r.1" . ..,,-irl 11"1 tn · i

_/). :' 1 ,,.,,"" ,.,,,,·ts I and n+h0r ('n1nniti0s ."rp a1so nhni-· 1 ned.

Th-- m'nnn""O l\\'n'-storPv huild­in-~...: ,,.ill hr nn rnnrlrrn linPS ;:iTI"rl ac.e0ri1n.1ni!"ltir 1n \\'ill rang-e from ser-:i,..,(j f'n,... .. ~1v f'l.Jiitos d0\\'n tn sinrrl0 i::olf_hnln_ rooms ?t f,ftpo:n At Tea Tree \Vell _a s_toppi11:?, shi 11 ;nrr" f\ 'VPPl.t. place- where delightful meals 3.L'

ThPrr ,,m ~ lc::n h~ l"'::ifetPri~ tn served.,, 120 miles north of Alice. catPT nnt nnh- fnr P"ll""'·h. hnt +h<> there .is a mounta"in. of ochte, thi" g-enf'ral nubli~. P~ne<'fr•lhi the NL"'<:- is ideal for paint and is used-by ing- t0uri~t traffi,; \\'hir>h ·Centralia an Adelaide firm. \,Ve ',Yant a is so anxi0u~ to encourage. Paint fcictory here. so ·some yo1m'i

opportunist ,should star': it off. NA TIO"! <\L 'fJ.J1'.\TRE

l\fOVE1\'IENT j Some miles out from Hermanns--:o:- i _bur~ a ':·ell ~·un n~ssion~ry ~ta~iop

l3 r >F Al" ' C< • ? llS s1tuat..,d. l 2Jrn .1.rce "\ a!lfl. _i.l JS ranc.1 - or ,ice .-i!Jrrn.~·s · unique, the oldl~st palms in .th

-- \\·orJ<l and the · onlv ones of tl;t:i .. r ..1.11..,u.Lni.:'-i.J. uhHU.:ild:o:iL~ 01 _ ..:l.u~i:: 1 sort· in existence. · ·

;::;pi ~1,..,..,, '--'Hu ... '\Ul'l.ll~rn .le1·1·1- ! tlHJ o~1'\..L<.o..-.) \,id U<.: ~,:..:.,-.; • ..;.,.'~u. J~J:


lWe I I

Repeat the 2

Promise We Made Years Ago

I ! W · " '

1"L9rmine:l h continue keeping- prices down, and, together with the hig-hest

i (I: ."··L. ,-~~ •0 and. b~ .L. nos~ib'.e senice and a:tention. to p'av the leading part b sup-, l p"·i·" ,·e~irlents of A.lice Spnngs and District "ith al' their requirements .

As . .._ .r;u!de. ~Ye as'.\: intendin.g- purchasers to study the following quotations and coffinar~ t!'r n" "es 1nth those of other stores. · ' ·


Pe ? ~ 1-<;: B'ue ........ : ........ . Ba'·ed 2eans · (Rosella)

Nurses Corn Flour ................. .

J e'ly Crystals ..... , ...... ...:.. .. .. ..

JAi\tS (Glen Ewen and IXL) :

1/6 !b. lOd. tin 9/6 doz. lld. pkt •. 10/6 doz. 5/6 doz.,

Assn·:~e::! Plums. Qnirlce ·····' , ........... · 1/4 tin 1/5 tin 1/6 tin

Ler'°'' f': ~Ielon, Gooseberry ..... : _,.~!)'.'i~ot. Peach~ :Uarn1a~ade .... ..


r Suns1.tin.c and Tiufood ,. ....


i I ME.\'!' :

1/5 tin 16/6 doz. 11 :s doz.

Lion Custard Powder ...... ...... ...... 111 pkt. 12/6 doz.

Kraft Cheese, ..... ........................ _lld. pkt.

Fish Paste Lactogen ......

10/6 doz. 5d,. Sd .. 1/6

Si6 tin

Fig, Jelly, Berries and Apple .... Case Assorted (4 doz.)

Nestles-a~d- Farmers Union l'nsweetened :.Hilk .... .' ....... ·--· ......

1/6 tin t:3 '5/-

.. .... ~d. tin 8/6· doz.

i We h:1· e 12 different kinds of :\lent. Prices range fnim·-1 " tv :~ ·6 tin. ! -

1 Ken· Milnes h.e\·1val of interest in the pro- ih Adelal.de after 38 years' ser­

posal to establish a Centrahan vice in tffe 'l'euitory, first und~r d.istorical .Society- .and. Museum the S.A .. Government from. 1909 is now promised. Although th·e to 1911, and under the Common-Alice Springs Committee has not wealth-Government until 1947. He . nf functioned for some time a meet- has latterly been writing reports 1 ·

·1 p~-,r~~""';s:.-~D Frr~-~T.s : , _.\pri!:o~_,;;. Peaelles. Pear:;. Plums (30 oz.) 1/G tin~ (This line is in very short ::mpµly i a~ prc~er'!t).

BUTC Todd Street, Alice. prings--Phone 39

- - - ~

~n~e~v~~k~h1 sb~n m~~ew~~c~u~i:~ at. Alice Springs for N.T. Admin- - i~~.: _-· -~1

~~;~, 1

\!e~~ures the plan for utilising the area ~~:~:ti:~d the Department of in\'. ij~,~'.~~h:~nd,,a·.-or to add thls i ~-. ! T".' l _-

~ f_...-·.~ 'H

:3 - lb.

~~~~~i:~ ~~~f ~ ~:.k;::~~~:ft~~1~:i'.'.tt~B[~i.::1::· ···· ~i!n!~ir!f;18Tts th:ff~~~m~~tee t~~ 1912)·, :Mr. Staniforth Smith, Mr. n:; ,1 ?·.'L~_htr~1l climate he ha~ 1ww I l~f ,,:hi ch flown ,

l \'1 ~ ·:; h~~- (70 His.)

.P ''!"";T :\IEDICI~E

Hcilf ton or over £1/7.·6 b;1g-._


region. F. c. Urquhart, Col. Waddell, Mr. mau~ his yerma'n.e.nt home here, I Je:-i\-es, nni.Urc.>s. \YU\" sun prl)· ~ re~- _\,P.C ............. ·-··· ······ _...... ...... ...... ...... 11-Apart from the collection of Abbott, Mr. Driver. ne went to zrnd l~ anx.inu:s to foster the talent tcction. ' I DlH'J;:l('\'~ ranadiol - ' . 2 '-

relics not only in respect to ex- fQ)at. War I. with the 25th Dtn. ~~s:sinct~\~e~~~diifnt~hec;'.f~~;~~~~t~·t I .. ~., . ,~ .· ~ ·.,. ! ·('~~!11n!i.orated Oil _ .. :: .. · .. .'."." ... "..::::·-..:~::··.~·:.~· ~:~~· l/3 ploration and natural history there M. . . . . ai··• i!'Yitt~d to'c,'titact hi· 111 , Ai~ce .• ~pnngs. cln.110.l\• li:.is nu 1· CTonrh- .\mmonia 1/ S a need for regula• meetm' gs of r. G_1les mtend_s· to live 111 South ' .\ - . ._ .. -·· .... _ -··- ...... ...... ...... . ..

' A 1\Iiss. Johnson's. letter re~d~.=- cqua_i.rn nu.straila, ai~u tl1Un;:-.L3 .. ·~'-1 Y I De Tritt~ Powder ? /9 the Society at which papers cOuld ?straha .and write on early N:T. i'So c-bd to knr>w You c>rf' enicn.·- nut m -~he worl.d. It is penec~w .. , -' ~ ...... ······ ·-·- .... _ ...... ······ -, be submitted or provided through history. He. ha,i.; ~,h~ manUBcnpt in~ ·.·nur sta;,- at Alice sPrino-s. It. and .\\ill. be the meci.::.i. for rt'.ir..:,1 P,re T.otion ·Fauidings ...... -- ·-··· -··· .... ~ ..... J/ .. veteran Territorians. In this way of Alfred qlles s First Pastoral 1'.-011'~l bici·· Yrn· nicC' tn kncl\~ \Ye i ni.::·111 and .,:.111y_un~ wnh_ L11-:::-. Flnn~i~ ······ !'"" ...... - .... ·-·- •••••• ...... 2 /9

Aspirins 100 bd'ttle ............... : .. .. :..' .......... .. Boracic Acid Ointment ............ --· .... .. Cuticura Soap .... ____ .. -.... _ --·· .......... ..

· C'hlorodine .. _ .............. -· ·-- ·-· .... _ ... _. Furnlyptus -.... _ .. _ ...... ___ ...::. _ Fellows S:nup (large) ......... _, ..:.: ..... . foana Tooth Paste .. _· .. _, .... _ ........... _ Friars Balsam ............ ,_ .. - .. _ .... _ .. _ .. - .. there could be built up, as has s.ettle~ent .m the Nort)iern Ter.. h2 .. ; "' '!:-r.~.n . . cl.~ of the l\ational. Thcn.-1 lro·.10l:s. 1 ouust,s ~h:;a;. ;3 c'.'L:, FrnzoJ I~'E' . . .. . . ... -· .. - ······ '£.. ...... 1 /8

been done in other centres, valu- n,tory, wJ:tich J:ie obtam.ed from fr,- ~-,, fa..- <'field. sn I am ::.Pnding" b:.ick .t_or ~uore. l !l~IrnHel_i w·ater Go1d'-':t T..,ve Ointrn t -· 1; '31 able arc)l.ives. of' vital use to his- his brother, ~aJ. F. G. G>les. - It cind<>r co,·er. a ut a fe-,~ !€et, anyt!nng '.'·J]i !'l'cr,, I' · ·" ~- en. . ... ~ - .. ii<·...... ..... ' •

toria11:s:and others.... · was npt pUbhshe~. ~ivi':l.!!"·vou aims and 1 her~ ana..,the scenery j~ Just ~:i;;;:ll JlC!:':S ~~ ................. ·-'-··· ............ · ............ 1/3

Y_·--& Honey & Almond Cream-c- ...... ____ ···-PILLS:

Orie -d6cumentari .,film has al~ .Incide]ltal}y! ¥s father, Alfred ~ _0 f the :.rcn.-enLent.~ A1so j c\:1/1;!1• __ .Stl1p he!·e tourists -'C'C'l'harn~ ............... : ... -~ ... ···-· ....... -..... ...... 1/ ..

ready _been made "ill "The Over- G_deci, accompamed _John Ross on . -.~(Ill~ Cn~1sti'::ution booklets. l{b_<~~- -~-· no.o.ri~ ····- ···- ...... ·-- ............ · ............. · 3/- "" landers." The same producer by his trip across Australia in John i l · , I "' ,et P,n 'lr~t ... , ~ / the way, now contemplates a 'film McDoual~ Stuart's ~racks in 1870, • hi:--:~o-~i~r;t~~ ~;~ri~h~~ 1;~'1~~ ... ~~!la~: !'l';l,~ . ' ',. ~- ...... ·-·· ...... -- -- ··-·· ...... ...... '- -

Thalain --....... : ............ _. ~ ........ __ ......... . Rlm ............ .-......... _.:_ .. _. ·- ................. . Indian Root..._ - .. ~ -·- ........... __ ...... ..

1/-9cf. 1/1 11-

·1/1 6 9 2/-11-3 1/-


of the EureKa Stockade and the a?d_subs!'quently piloted construe- ~nt":':'tninment of some kind dur- I,((' I01' cen- !j' n.)i.~e Bean5' ............. ···:· ... ~ · .. _ ........ ·-.. ·- ~.:.. 1/-" early goldfields fight at Ballarat tion llai;t;es for the Overland .Tele- .Jn_c 'he war_ for_ the MoYement. : • · • in 1854. For his "atmosphere" graph hne. In 1873 he took 5,000 '\\. '· • ., TI'. . . ., t - h' .\. . ' , T . St t" . 0 • d 0 h . ~

~'§.'S:1: ~~lW:,;l!~~]l f;,2.:·;2:.~z,f i~L¥&')j;' . '. r_q'.·:~11 . Q Coau~~~Y. :unyeerrss,aDnr· ovetrse,~eLtca •. rge,.. .. -'_ TENTION r many Past:ora.liste, . miners, we e to ~ock ~ Newcastle ·T fnrn-nt tn rnr>ntinti - thn.t the. .....

btinters, and colorful l!eraonatltles .. aters. Slmnl!'Vale · <Xatherlne mo•'"" 0"

0 'in foo i> 51- ner war \\ l t I "" 'l WlillSe stories. whlle they ean be rdv•1'l .. and Delamere stations for "Wioh;n~ '"011 nery "1icces~· in ~ . w~lfrnm. . e can SUPP)' you a w lO·~~a e rates. Yon save litNe (if anythirut) lly, bn~ino- South. m ~ered, 8hou1d be Bet dmm •n nr. W .. T. ltrowne. :;/ YOlll"' ?1Pyv Yentnre." COPP€'T .•• mica a.nd 0th.er m.mer~li::: We can sn~1p1y' -:.mu· requirements ih any quantity right Ol,1 the" Snn+" No owaitin()" &eeurat,e.f\ thatA;he faACI tin are all .m abun?a11ce m !hi< Tonn for train,, to arIJ'C which may be held up b trik I ck . •~ --"1.!·¥~ , <> ·~ bf· -i':' N~~M!A ~ · ~ of uronnse. and It"" o~tv srrnt~h"o acts of God O" Ma _ Y S es, .o J>n, .... "~~ and other

.n.lliolit·· 1ie adecraatelv rttHl-tmh- . .$enc! vour SDliscrimton riii11 'on<! vn11r $uhscrinnon (1~/A .Yet. In short. ro~ NQ'R'1'"1'. ~ • n. · , , . . .. •Xm,

f\lll:V-~ fo ~ •• -.'.-•• ?:'"1m....1""1· 1a1':.•°"••£l···tiom.l····\···ti,'>·th·l•l.lillillill~l~l•l·~.·.·.r.orl£1lllllolstleldl)ltloltllnl••lliJ;.,,ioindi"iofimioalpn,lpoi~ •. O.~.m.' •. ··N·O·R·TH· to the . "'--, . . . -


NOTICE ___ _ t;,t;N'fRALIAN rOLlt:Y --:u:--

I WISH ·To ADVISE that my WORKSHOP is now located ad­jacent to old nremises: ex-Mr. Phil Wi~'dle's old garag:e.

In the launching 01 a new paper in U\ese days of strife and ti:oub!e, wuen tue wonu. 1s a seeuung cautcu·O.o ot mdustna1 unrest a:nu every pe.rison 01 wnatever nationality wanting a new deal ;

,, w uere tne cost ot h vmg 1s c111nbing ever up and up and there seems 1 no way ot" cneckmg, tne natural query is "WHAT JS THIS PAPER'S

.~OLlt.:Y·.?" Wellt here it is. "'" LES J. POOLE /

Todd-Street, Alice Sp}.(ngs.

Whether You Want Wood

To Cook The D:lJiy Meals_


Whether You Want Wood·


Ward Off The Coming Winter Chills

(It Depends on the "Whether" !)

SEE~, ..•

. _, "'."Ji'f~~f we are non-political. We are too small a community to wrEingle; and we have no vote as yet ! ·

\Ve rest:'rve the right to criticise this Government or any succeeding, Vovernrnent of wh~tever color. Where credit is due for anything that· helps the Nortl}ern Territory, we shall applaud. and give· thanks, but~ wnere we get the accustomed ·kick in the pants, we are going to kick back hard.

This paper is open to all: parties to ventilate their grievances, provided letters are not too long and the critieism is fair.

\Ve hold that to popul~·te .. this·· State, all taXes should be omitted from· all parties, the worker ·as well as the bigger man ; that the .tax allowed should be spent and this compuls:ory only spent upon impr.ovements to the Territory. By the pastoralists in water, by the miners in machinery, by the workers in making homes, by the tra<!_es in improv:ing their. property.

SATURDAY, MAY 24; 1947.


This paper-:~:=;-;; like . to . bring I ~:his . was ,;:o:-;:ading of. an before the notice of the RaHway art1cle m the South.e~ Press tn a CommissioTie1 a mattc1 of ,;ur ~,a?er rP.cet:itl,y quo~m.e. r~present;a~ trucking yards. Alice ,Sprinp:s is I ti:es of c11.i us gi_o\\~rs orgam~-. growing fast, spre~dtn~. 0~1 all ~:~ons \~ho met m S¥dne_y last sides- and at the pre·s~.,,r~~fne, there,\. t e~ expressed app~ehens101;1 at .is not one allotmei:~ that the ! r.ns~ible o~·er pro~uctw~ of cttru" Lands Departmenl tan offer for f fnuts .during the next .1.ei.y yea,.:_s. sale to the manY incomers who'. 1t \\as rsported that recent ;:;Ur·

ydsh, to buy, build and live here. I\ r~ys made by_ the Stfl:te De:par:t· Our trucking yards that handle 11·:·0nt~-:-.of Agriculture .m conJ;mc·

hundreds of ce.ttle each week i~ 't,nn n ith th.e ~Ul'~au of A~cnl­now situated' far to1i clo: e- to the I tun· Lcoa~nmes m~1cated pr?Jects_d town, those sanle cattle are dis- ! '.;"rge scaie ~~antmgs, which, if turbed hy the coritinuou::c roar of .t •. Cy :·-:cr:r. ac.,uall~- made a,t t~e the many piotor true\[' that race rate rndiroted, r:ii;T~t res~lt, m around- da\- and nidit with t-heir ~haos and economic d18aste:r ir thP silencers o~ff. indu~try · .. . .

The continuous mill aro.und has Thi:. ~oriferen~e de~1d~d ~o ~ue cut the soil to a d~pth of svrne c:,.''·a,rnmg- agam~~ mdiscnm1na.t.t> eight inches into Cull <lust, that! iD.< .. nt1ngs althl)t~g:h th_e prese1~t ,,_hen the wind ei>i:ieF from the 1 ,E'v~l of returns m the mdustry is



-:o:-:- ·• Tourists say that nature pro- "Flynn, of the Overland", not d M duces -no better natural colors than many but has read this book of the

Before C.. K. War , Esq., S. .. do the mountains and valleys af grand-.otd man of the Inlaild, the Monday, 19th M.8.y, 1947 the McDonnell R:anges. To see- man who made by his unceasing

Five persons wewre charged in these at the best IS ~o go out about energy and devotion to the out­the .Alice Springs Police' Co1:1rt 4 p.~1. a!1~ travel· m the v~rio1;1s b~ck the lfii, ore bearable, 'With on. Wednesday by the Pohc~ ca~ avalla_ble a~ short notice m his pedal'-_ i"eless and valuable Prosecuting Officer, Sgt. R. ~ Alice Sprrngs ' ~nd watch the assistance , f Mr. Traeger . who Bridgland for the offence of travg-i:. effects that contmuously change invented it;. probably hm1dr~ds of ling on _the Commonwewalth Rail- !ll~ost every half houl'. Possibly lives were saved, the ever great way without having a ticket for it is .the ~hadows from. the sur- fea.;r of the expectant mother that purpos:. All five_ .. ~. _ .,.. . . t~ rou~dmg hill.~ ~hat make the illus-· hu.tTdreds of miles away from her pleaded guilty and -~~'7fte~ ·:each trat10!1 so vivid. 0.ne can watch own kin and assistance, the actual fined £1 and 5/- costs'-and ordered th~ views on one .side the moun- ability to sit down and have a to pay the fare £1/17/5. In de~ tan~s a dark deep shade changing cosy chat-•dth her .neighbor that fault 7 days' hard labor .. Appli~ a h~tle furth.er on to a ~a;k blue, is probably ·two hundred miles cation was made for time to agam changmg to. a v1v14 blue, av;·ay, to be able to chat with the

{pay and fourteen days were al~ thenr. hey presto ! m the .distance doctor possibly 400 miles away, to - lowed. . ~ bMght golde:i shade wi~h var- get advice that spells safety. This . Donald Anderson, of Abee mus reds and pmks predommating,. was one of the g-reatest achieve~

Springs appeared before the Court Much of the rocks carry a mauve ments in Australian history and charged with an offence 9f _un ... C<?lor and the sun glinting ~n this there is little doubt that ·many ._ I lawfully defacing a. ce.rtain brand gives at tim~s a ra.inb_ow effect prayers have been offered u~ for on or about the th1rt1eth day of hard to des~nbe. S1rnpso~s Gap this truly great and wonderful




Airways Fortnightly Air


Schedules Com­mence~

Huckitta Service June 11, ·25 July 9, 23

Timetable~, Fares~ ~ ind -Preights - as: : published in Gor--~ ;

Jim Clark­~·-·-TODD sTREEr.

Alice Spring's Specialist in Satisfactory Wood Supplies

, Given this priveleie for 10 ye9rs, we would have a poptilation of hundreds of thousands an~ thi~ State would never look ba~k. "

. Our stand is that every man, woman and child is worthy of a home and a place in the life of the cornrnunih·, and amenities to enjoy them~ But they should be worthy of that' by working a fair day tor•a fair day's pay.

west envelopes thC town in a


1 ··at 1 ~1£:ictory.. . _ cloud of dirt, it j

8 no~ only ,f1l'ch, , So its commg bac~ to thl~ again.

but most unpleasant .and unfair to, ~:though the wo_rld .\s starv:mg and the manv stores who are carrv\w: ! cJY all reports is lu:ely to s?rve expensiv~ and hard to get ·draPer~' I for many years, these e~ne~t and other goods frflll1 ·which this 1 ;"ntlmen do not _want to lose their dirt clings without a chance of I ,rnbs on ~he fr~it bo~~d or some removal ey.~ept tfirou~!:h the wash o'..her easily paid position. Ther tub. Similarly placed is, of I, .. wh to enact t_h~ Apple & Pear course, the· tidy housewife, \.\·ho 1 Re ~rd where milhons of cases of likes to see her horne all that it I fr~1t must be destroyed-to the should be and not eng-ulfed in an fi::,, con~rol where tons of fish are

September, 1946, at Quartz Hill, produces for inspection six dis- man. \ also on a second charge o! having ti:r:ict col?ring of rocks .. Do not From this with the ingenious unia$11y branded certam cattle nuss this place tourists, the invntive power of Traeger evolv­on or about the thirt.iet~ day of gra!1deur of the gap is breath- ed the now perfect receiver and September at Qu~rtz Hill. takmg. transrnitter, with it one sits down

Sgt. ~- R. Bndgland fo~ the and speaks easily to the Flying prosecution asked for an adJourn- "W h . Doctor Service at Alice Springs ment until 4 p.m. to enable the ·t· _ hyrts .0_~lt~ 1 a~~ays go ~o-bed :who at shortest notice will at one~ Court to inspect the cattle being a a ce am ,~me · complained a if the case be serious send~ut an held for the purpose of evidence. small .b0 Y;, I don't be~~ng to aeroplane with ~tret~her and \Vill

: Oo~:e,, ' ! Her..,.onn~bc.in;i

~ A~er!I Roel.. . " L-~~!'!"!'e.~-­


don's Air Gllide · ' Address all com.'' munications . to :­CONNELLAN Am. i

WAYS Alice Springs


I -1



We think that there is far too much red tape and consequently far too many "white collars." We have people who, o"verloading the administrative costs~ would be better employed in doin.R" work tliat would advance the community interests and become pioneers ot some industries..

The adjoumm~nt waws grante~. any ·union. also if the patient is in a danger-Upon re;sunnng Sgt. R. R. Bndg- ous condition, bring \\.~ith him a



RAMPANT General Carrier.

Heavy Cartage by Semi Trailer a Feature

with ti~e~. us help you. We will do our b¢st and we tntst improve inch deep of cattle d~i-~.


thruwn mtc;i the sea for fear that ~ The ov.-ner of fPe stnck is up :o':meone "\\·111 get at las! a decei:t

agaim=t .it, no "soecially ferd at a ~eason~ble p_nce. Ji!u!t

_lahd BJ?phed for and was gran~ed a~ and keep affixed to such ~otor doctor to operate on the spot. For an ad.Journment of the heanng vehicle two plates bearing thereon until 10 a.m. on 23rd June, 1947, the Registration Number, one on to enable the prosecution to obtain back thereof in an upright posi­aboriginal witnesses. Mr. R. C. tion so ·that the number could be

An ,A.delaid~ business man who , return~d by road from Alice Springs the other day is reputed to have asked the police black-


.LONDON.-Gold valued .at av< £120,00.0 has been seized by -Bon ' bay Customas officers in a seri1 of riiids· -against Arabs who a:i

~muggJing it into India, says ·Correspondent of the "Daily Tel1


Ring l07 for Prompt Service To the old Territorians we owe



·1les.e of the \';hr) are I of a\1 .. things IS one of lifes na:mal1Y ti-rnid \ P>:("f?~·~ive nece~.s1t1es ar;id hundreds of t])ou· -·--~: ___ -·--------- - r~·hi~d~di~! ~ii~~~enal~r~~h~~. nw~

- -._· -- .. -,- 1 JiaYc the butte-r board with score::

Ward, counsel for the def~ndant ·easily distinguishable. The de-1 · ·objected to the adjournment on fendant was convicted ex parte the grounds that sufficient time and fined £2 with 15/- costs in h_.ad elapsed in which the prosec~- · clefault 3 days'. hard JaOor. Co11- \ tion could have secured the wit- ~table D. Moiflm for the prosecu- · net;ses. Sgt. R. R. Bridgland's tion did not object to defendant I explanation of the circumstances being- a~lowed 7 days to pay. [ which prevented such action was Following upon two char~es of, accepted and the Magistrate ad- assault whilst members ~f the' [ journed the hearing until 10 a.rn. Rocky Bore Native _Settlement [ on the 23rd June, 1947, allowing aborjgina]s _WHlie and TommY the defenda~t to remain on bail carne before his Worship C. K. ' of £100 on his own recognizance Ward. Constable B. Mettam ap­Before c. K. Ward. Esq., s.!\f. neared for the pro•ecution and

' tracker at Finke Siding if he

I would care to come with him to Horse,sho~~ Bend and show him the


way. all the progress that Central ·

!)uality Groceries Wanted ? Australia has had. These men VOICE 01'' C,l<;N'l'RALIA . ·'.' I of other useless boards that co_uld

i be Scrapped \Yithout any discom­: fort to anv bodv but the men who I get o first· clas·~ living at somem1e

:.._:o:-Qua1ity Groceries Wanted ? hYed and worked the hard way, facing }:iardships and danger. 1

Quality Gl'oceries \\-7anted i Courage and tenacity carried them i i'he "Centralian Advocate'' to­



on from day to day, out amongst I day ~takes a place in the commun­\\ild natives who rightly consider- ity life of the Northern Territ.ory. ed they were trepassing. They_ .tor the first time in its history, fou_ght when necessary and made Centralia has a Voice. friends whenever they could. The goodwill expre?sed tov. ards

Eventually the abo's ire became ) it as the only newspaper to be less and less thev found that the . publi:'!hed within almost a thousand ·white man h~d niany good things I mpes north, south,_ e<1;st yr west that they the abos lik~d, ·found v;J.11, we trust, be Just1~ed as-. tl~e also the white ·man's adaptability· wee~~. go. on . and a Journalistic to help in sickness and other tradi. . .ion is bwlt. troubles, eventually liked him as The P~fll~se ?f. the "Centra.Iian a friend, from there they- became. ~~dvocat~ is bnefty stated : A f helpers, learnt to ride and manage Vi eekly JOu_rnal devoted to the d~-

·corner Todd and H~ley Streets stock, adl)lired the colored clothes velopment of _the Northe~ Tern­and so like the simple children of tory and the interests of its peo­nature they were copied to the pie. That sloga~ has been placed best of their abHity the white at the ;head o~ its columns today



The Retail Merc:Jiants Who Lead "'· I :·

'fhey Have \>"1Y One Quality

man's mannerisms. and will r~mam. t~~· With .no w?man ~thin a thou· 1 011!'~atl~t0f1:i~1 ~h~nr;:: a\hhe~~

~~~t in~~~e ·~~:" th~n~hi:'t::;:~ the progress of this great section MR. RANDAL STAFFORD did d to ff t• d tak of our Commonwealth. There are Late of ·coniston Station

: else:', cost (the taxpayer ever;: ;

I, till'e-}. In their wisdom they ad- \ vi:;;e do. not plant any more, throw "·

[away miHions of tons of fruit, wi l· I

matter that it is always urgently needed. No \Yonder the cost of

I living is always on the up grade, I Oranges that would pay band· 1 · . I somely at 1/6 per dozen if all'owed WI to gTo\\' profusely and marketed at will,- now costs from 4d. to 6d. Pach. - i

i It was hot so long ago that 011ly : a certai!). amount of wheat wa:: allowed -to be' sown, once more Government interference. Today the nations starve, we who might have had our granaJ'.'ies full to overflff\.\ring, have to :go withoat many things that should be in abundance. Surely the -world is "off its balance. An intricate spider's web has ·nothing on· this system of red tape. THE BEST as :eifeY~mate aon:c ~fn th~ blac: wonderful potentialities to exploit, -------------­

girls. This ~eems awfully crude vaii 5~i~el[0 pe~~~~esp:c~~~~ n~~ is concerned and so are ~x-=-TIIE BEST to the goodies who have never accurat f t P 1 d f fife. ~ptlonally hard to yard, kn-0cking

THE BEST had the temptation, but these activiti:~ ot\J:: di~~;;cts i~s cov~ 'about -1.ead~ , to joss of condition, CATTLE ON . WAY TO black women . were as good and ers; with freedom from unfair and this is . accentuate?. by _the /

GET IT AT GLASS & KENNA'S ! gentle and with generally much bias whether . it relates to color long _ha~d ti:ip south. .. . more morals than the ladies of creed or politics ' We think it only a fair thing to

------------- the white race who t~row up ~heir On~ other re~inder: The eo- Alice: SJ?rings and 'to the m~ny -:o:-p A · ITU ION hands in horror that such- a wicked pie make a patler A neW'sp~p practical pastoral men supplying M d M 19 h

E CE S AT . thing_ could ?ccur. The progeny ;rulv fulfillimr its :functions a. :~ the Adelaide market, that these icid':n!~'......i.6a{ he!d fats.


THE Dal·!

Tuesday 20th May 1947 Mr. W · McC<!Y. appeared on behalf · . ' ' . of the abongmals as Protector.

In a Pohc~ Court action heard Both defendants pleaded guilty ex parte, Bnim John Minogue, Of with the consent of the Protector Tennant Creek w:is charg<!d-wit-h -and after hearing the evidence

·the . offence ~gamst th~ Motor each defendant was sentenced to V~_hicles Ordinance, being the jmprisonment for 7 days· with drlver of a tnotor ·';'ehicle wd not hard labor.

OVERSEAS of _such marnages did, of course, rnstrument of nublic utilitv and yards .be placed a mile out . of Gorry Bros.-281 fats to result in halfcastes,.many of which a ~tirnuJant to civic oridP. be~omes ~own, m the sh~Jter .of the hills gety.

-:o:- are married to white hlen here to- -n0t nnJv :;i. reflex of the ·local Mn- at a place where shade treee can It is hard to see what the var- cjay and their children show littl1;, •c;once. hut a MhHc reenonsihiHtv he planted and plenty of water -rq~e•!~esMf:,,,;oMJdman, .;·,, ~

ions moves of tlie great fl>owers or any of the color of their an- t-n bt> rPcno-nisPrl. c::hareod. ~nrJ -Fns- available. Our pages show the ~ ...... ._,.,.,,.,,.,../. ·:=.-\ portend.' The situation is"iiot un- cestors. All are exceptional gopd te,o<l hv all. . Athel tree that $rows to a height ilt~~0 ~~wR~nnett & Fisher; tt - .. ,- ·.#:-.~. like a huge game of chess where workers and -exce!lent stockmen, "h th".' eni,.;t of ohllrration the of 60 to 80 ft., plant some of et<~'· .~·.,--... ·;· ... -~·.. .. ~· :"'.·.··'\'."'·· .. 1.-.. •• •. ·,·.'. •. '_:· ...•. ·,.·: .• ·,· .... '· .. ·.'


each of the two now most power- also naturally the best bushmen . C'e~+-al•an 4dvncate" sets ahout the~e, Mr. Commiss10ner, and , .f ful powers use all. the smaller that A?£traha can. supl'ly, . •ts •0 h. assist _the men who are makmg that the cattle can be cooled in powers as pawns. It is definitely We, ~n these .pages w1~I. give you this railway P8;Y· . . . I each truck if the train crawls

·positions wanted in case of future from time to time pen pictures of More attent10n to details will slowly along, tbis would bring the wars, and peace seems as far off the great e~lorers mid pionee~s WORLD'S PRESS NEWS bnng many more cattle from the temperature down many degrees ~ as ever, strategy for oil and sea of the Temtory and photos, if far No'!'h · W~st, and Adelaide and alleviate the· distress of the ·'. ' · '\ l "' positions. . !'rocurable. We are very. p~ou~ -:o:- mant? this, .or it is only a ~atter cattle and incidentally lessen the · . - · ' j: /]~

Molotov, on behalf of Russia is ii:deed of these m~n and the:r lifes Printed in London of time when business Wlll be weight always lost during transit. '~· 'jiff%;.~.. .,;-;,,-..,., /J , . "$1. making a tremendous bluff she history. Expenen~es will ~e diverted to .Queensland. You do Mr. Stafford is just another that _ ~-,{. · . ? if cannot possibly be ready Y'it for better than any fict10n created m not want this, do you ? like scores of the· hardy pioneers --~ another war, but all movements fact the ?ld cry "Truth is stranger Just to show that some people In the. hot summer days when has made good through hard work IJi~ If ,, -· _, point that way. Either America than fiction" is corr~ct. far away do appreciate our local cattle gomg south a~e herd.ed so and the use of experience and H/f; , >' · ( \ · or Russia has to stop soon or T close that tJi.e heat 1s terrrfic, I brains. · ../d4 • • ~ make some definite move one way each, like Shylock, wants it pound st~!"hes ofll the erritohry, on~ of have heard one grand old pioneer, 'The photo shows this hardy r I or the other. Russ1°a i"s probably f fl h d w ic W1 be publis ed in the "M. r. Randa.! Stafford (late of Con- pioneer start1"ng a. mob of horses

o · es , an wost want an extra "Centralian Advocate" weekly, we t St t ) t th _playing for time, meanwhile build- half P!>und as ii:terest. have pleasure in submitting a tele- is on - a ion su~ges at sp:~ys to his station, Louisa Downs, in



·_jp!f up her forces and prob":bly We m Australia ha_d the narrow- gram from as far off as England should be placed m such a position Western Australia . . :~~0<o;nghehrer8m'!etmntists?st totoarrape'rfngecte trmthee est squeak of our lives. and n?w and from such a wellknown pr0ss =:·:~:·:==:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:·:==:·:==:·:-:.: · :-:==:<

,. • but for England and 'A!nenca as the World's News. This bucks ' atom bomb. would have been kow towing to. us up .quite a lot and extends our

What then will America.do, give the Japs. Had England not, car" girth to the limit Here it is· an nltimaturo while she is on per- ried on and fought to the finish · . · · h;ips the safe side or dally until America would not have entered C. H. CHAPMAN, it is too late. • the war and would later have EDITOR, ALICE SPRINGS.

The world haS had more than fought a . losing· fight herself WORLDS PRESS NEWS DE­enough ·of fighting and one would- against Hitler's then unconquer- LIGHTED WITH YOUR STORY.·

SUBSCRIPTION FO ......... .... -:0:-:



1 • When the-y- camped the 'first

mght. the black moved awav to boil his O\Yn l;lilly. . · ·

Curious to See. the Australian natives'. method of fire making the. traveller walked over to whe~ t ~e tracker was crouching over the billy.

stick to~~h!r ?*~~ a~~d.rubllen The tracker nodded. "You sbowem ?" was the next

question. "Me ruhben stick," he said, as

he produced a battered box of matches and' struck one.

Send your Subscription (17 /4 'J)er year or £1 posted)· to this-offi.ce. t>

graph." One haul; believed to be t1

l~rgest ever made in Bombay, cm , s1sted of Mexican gold bars coll 11

a~d irr~gular gold pieces. it w. ~ hldden m smaJJ hags secured to t1 :: anchor chains--of vessels. plyiI , between the Persian Gulf ai ~ Bombay. Custdms officials Ju" combed the seabed to clisco.-er tr 1

bags. Gold pieces in Inma ;,,,te.25 p·

cent. higher than· in the Jlfidd East, says the correspondent aJ a recent discovery was iJ.,a worth of gold bars in tins honey. -

_the flying sen-ice we hav.e - to thank that ever helpful body, the Red Cross, and a list of donations.

The aboriginals are treated just e same. The plane is just as

r dy to attend to them as anyone else, -in fact apprqximately 60 per cent of invalids carried are natives.

DON·THOMAS With this article is a photo of

the - Granite .station (call sign / 8GA) ;dth 11-J;r. Pat Chapman mak­ing an emergency call_ for some­one, who nearby was in a danger­ous condition. It shows the class of tram: receiYer that i"s ~O good thaf the onerator often asks- the sendei· not ··to speak so loud. It gives one the satisfied feeling of safety, and all through -the vision of a great man t:nat the Teni.tory shall nevel' forget.

This is religion in its true sense, the desire to help· and :;illeviate the sufferings of others. We can all vision a God that puts this class of ·men into the world "to do unto others as you -would. like them fo do unto you". May you be Jong among-st us Father Flynn, for ·we ~ha11 honor you for aH time.


A New 'York message savs that because he believed a curSe had been placed on him, Stephen Rich­ardson, a ne~ro tobacco -worker, went to bed, and is now. solemnly waitip.g for death in his North Carolina home.-

It sounds like the curse. of Mon-da·r morningitis. _ ·

Is Not Here Today and Gone Tomorrow.


After many years of ~rsonal contact with. Station Peop

Mining and Motor Transport, I can Supply all yo








think that fatigued ·nations would able army. Russia had' no chance WANTS SUITABLE PICTURE Sifpport Your Own w·,eekl. y·_ Ne,w:spaper welcome peace at almost any price. in a single fight, alth0ugh· now OF YOU AND STAFF POSSIBLY ·-Month ofter month goes past the wa!'' is over she·b~ of IN FRONT OF NEWSPAPER ~ IMI. _·. r:· '-,· . . . ES HAT' with the same old qm"bbling and what might have happened. All OFFICE STOP PLEASE TELE- BECOME A. SUBSCRIBER TAL 1' ARE TOLD costs are-ever rising that the peo-_ know what would have -happened GRAPH US PRESS-- COLLECT ~ ... ~,/ The old General found himself pie have eventually to pay, what t<i both Russia and the Jews. Hit- 100 WORDS ON DAY YOU ARE Fill in the Form below and Post .it to the Odice of the ~ at dinner next to a sweet thing

... DON'T FORGET-_-'-

seems. ridiculous is that Russia !er had a very positive way of PUBLISHING REGARDS KINGS "Ce t li Ad " . . of seventeen, and J;o keep the con-while dodging the issue has the eliminating his victims and noth- BURY ·NEWSPAPER NEWS 15 · n ra an vacate ' Railway Tel"l"aC'l, Alice Springs. -~"'. versation going he told hei how Impertinence to 81!~ for an _Ameri· ing but Churchill's tenacity, baek- HAMILTON STREET, SYDNEY. · Sul?scription 17/4 per annum._ £1 Posted.· his granilfath_er. h.ad been kjlled at can loan, sarely she cannot expect ed by his colleagues, saved the · · 1. Waterloo. To hfoh 'sbe made, in it to be granted while Molotov's world. England has always fought Well thats that, we have appli-· Please enrol-me as a Subscriber to the ''Centialian A.h.- . all seriousnl!sS, the response: o· o· N THOMAS prevarications go on at every a brave waT. Napoleon once said: cations from all parts of the Com- · -.C ,J, CASHMAN ''Which platf•'""1 ~". · ·• · · · · meeting. Meanwhile assassins- Give me English soldiers and monwealtb for papers and sub- or period of·--·-------------... :-months 'for whid. paym.,;t ;, ' Two ewning· later h et h ·. ·. . . . · tions are going on in all Part!! of French generals and I can lick the scribers lll)d we are going to do the enclosed. · · ·. · · · JcoJllpanion:_an;ther · sw!.t m yqun"; . · · ' --. · , · the ·W'Orld,· th.if J.ews show their world. Perllaps·he could, atiY"'l'-Y best we ean and hoi;ie shortly to. " Alice Sprfnf(s an~'Darwin thing-and to amuse. her he told •pprec!atign of .the English assist- "Chee~. for the old Bulldog." .- p:cint a monthly magazine With. all the story. of the -prevloµs evening. • · - In ~ and -m~ . . North.mi Te1;ii:<J,rj articles, th<! "The stupid chilci,'


he explained, Bu_.ys· &. ·Sell. s E' ve·rythin· . .- ··. N • t:b!i.t~ Old Eliglanll._~--eci Sena'· ioaror· • -_~!"_ ·~~to. f11_ f.,'_•. l£0~ey ~ts~!',,ae~~ th~ · "'\Sked me 'which platform ?'" ·

mow a~ ' ""' . . olr-.the· lobeu po..U~~:e1i!3,,_;.,....,..;.::.~iliiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;~iiii~llllllll~~~~llllllllllllllll~llllllll~~~~~ .. ~·~as~·'Wha~ff~J~:,~tter00~iw~·ot,~"~~~-~-ch~ti:,;'i..;t1"""';;0rm~ly~;~ .• -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~-~~;· it was.", . . • -X~-XiaiiXiilliX:=~EliX_;'_x-imXIJl!llllX..,





either need - and a big range in between. Size for size, G.M.C. trucks accelerate guicker, cruise faster, climb better, a11·d "handle" more easily. Designed for a rottg, tough life, they have shirdiness, eeonomy and comfort built· right into them. If it rides like a Car - st.eers like a Car ~and - performs~ like a SUPER TRUCK·- it's a G.M.C.



















wfth un,,,akf<"ri ' -

f rmance per Jo ·eco"orn'f -

•" G.M.C. Super-Uuty engrnes lncorJjorate every modern autorrtobile 01191necri,-.g practice tc fr"ure a long aftd strong life.

\S. c'in· RETURNS! We!ebme T'lews tot ,all users ot utility ·veliie1e1 -.J the G.M.C. 15 cwt. Coupe Utility is bi'!_clt.

· The comfortably upholstered passenger':.car­f'Y'Pe ··coupe seats" driver and two passengers. Wind.ows- and "V"-type windscreeri~ are· of safety grass. Mechanical fe.:itures include "no strdn" recirculating ball-baaring steerini Ecol'\ornica!, fast, manoeuvrable, the G.M.'C. Coupe Utility is unsurpassed in its price class, as a money earner and business buil-der.


~ ''

.. SATVRDAY.' MAY 24; 1!)47.




The Athel Tree (Tamarisk)

(R. I. Herriot (Soil Cons~rvator).

Ad~ice a.s to tiWLauu:: ";) r'"'Q vJ.. qwcK growmg tr~e:lo ror 1,;l)Ullt.l."} S1Illl1ar to w.at at 'J.'he ll-ran.u;es ~as recently sought from tb.e Council for Scienunc and lndua· trial Research. JI. reply has been

. received from Mr. J. E. Cum­mins, Oflicer in. Charge of the· In­formation Sernce, recommending the coast boobialla "Myporium insulare" and the Athel Tree (Tamarix aphylia).

Through the courtesy of the South Australia Department of Agriculture we reproduce . below Mr. R. J. Heriott's leaflet on "The Athel Tree" which should be of interest not only to Granites area people but all those whose climatic conditions approximate to it. Thf! letter suggests that ' cuttino;s might be obtained from the'Zinc Corporation, Broken Hill.

There are 64 known species of Tamarix. They occur naturally on desert and semi-desert sites in countries boTderlni:: the MedU"l'­ranean Ocean and in Central Asia. One species, T.amarlx gattlca, the .ommon tamarlsk, has a much

.,,·lder distribution than the others and bas 1>roved lt•elf l!danted for nlRnU.U<>'l\ <m ~..,,.n,. a.,.,,as wch a~ """•hes and ••lt:v oat.r1'eo In mo•t l'"nuntrlP.fl' nf tlil;I! wnr1d. Tf: '1RQ

been u....i for this nuroo•e in South A ustralla where it is also recog­nised as. a valuable fodder tree.

~. 4tte.nt1on_ has r~cently been· drawn to anoth~r. species, known as the Athel tree·, 'l'amarix aphyl· la), which is being growll ·-exten· sive1Y by the Zinc Corporation and other bodies at Broken Hill. It is the only species of Tamarix that is evergreen and attains the height and size of a large tree; 1t is a really beautiful tree and has rense sheoak·like foliage from ground level to tree top. It is an extremely rapid grower ; it can be started easily and requires very little attention after· it is estab· lished. With all these special qualities it still carries the chamc· teristics ·of tl;le tamariek, known to us, in that it grows well on barren and salty soils.

Botanically the plant has had several names, viz.:-Tamaricus .\tie P. Alp; Thuja aphylla L.; Tamarfx orlentalls; Forsk; Tamar· ix artlculata Vahl.

Linneus named the tree Thula '<nhytla from a aterlle braneh <vhich he received, but later eor­,.,,rt ... r his da•s!ficatlon to Tamar!x 0 nbylla: whleh name has 1>rlor!ty nver . the others, 11lthoU1!h · Tam­~..i" arflculabl iR still u•ed In some 'lll,:i.-,+""· The common namP.s "'''ni1l~ tn It are nm'l"IP-!'OUB. Tn M,..,?f.., Afl"fl"1! it ·fi:: 1miitVn 9-A tlip T111fa trPP. a-nil t'h~ A'M'hR t"f>f P.r +o it M the At!.1 tree. which has been variou•IY d~~J(~ become

These two trees were pl8.nted ~as cuttings at Broken Hill in Jqne.··1936. They are now about

illlft. high. ' .

Athel tree or Ethel tree.· Because trees w~re brought to the coastal of its superfiCia! resemblance to regions of Algeria in the hoP\' '!.f the. pine tree, it is also referred establishing a val.uable ~ to as Athel or Ethel pine. It is trade. The trees grew more v:igor­known as the Gbai tree ill Baluch- ously than in their native habitat, istan and the Frash tree in north- but, unfortunately, the inseet is west India; - · · absent, and no tarurln is produc~

The tree is a native of the hot Orr the plains of Oran the species desert regions of N oithem Africa, soon proved that it would do well Egypt, Arabia, Mesopotamia, Per- on a_ Wide range of soils and be­sia, .13.aluchi.stan, and India, where cause it can be started from cut­it is the outstanding plant of the tings and grows rapidly it has oases and their fringing sandhills. been effectively used for- .. break­It is highly valued as a shade tree, winds and for. cqverin·g sandy soils, as well as for timber and for tire- which were previously un~roduc· wood. Llke other· species of Tam- tive. The tree has not - required arix its growth habi;t varies ~on-· much watering, in faet--too much

- siderably with habitat. In the water is stated to be harmfdl. oases, unless . mutilated whilst Cuttin~s of this tree .were sent young, - the tree grows several to the University of _Arizona in metres high and develops a single 1911, whence :it has spread over trunk. On the neJghbouring sand south-west United ~s: · Cut­done, however, it developS a large tings \)lanted ·at any season often !tumt> from which numerous grow mto trees 6ft.-· to lOft. . tl\ll branches arise, muc1i. like the ma!- in one year, and ~ four to "':<' lee ~bit exhibited by many of years old, under f""°!'1""ble Oj!ndi­our eucalYJ>ts. : tions, have reacbeil he1gt;its of '!?'om

At al>attt flowerlnir time· the ~ to 50ft. · ·'l'lte _nee lS espee!al­branches of the· tree -become Ol>V· ly vahied. bi. Callfotnli' as a breilk­ered with i!aTI·b"'lre excre9cences, wind:€or dthlS jllanting: ~ which •- Wodtteed foTiowinti: the on dte : elfe!lt, ·1JllOll ne!ghboarlng nunctttr1J111: of the 'hark bv a d-..t trella. lli'e ~e. · . · - ' fn~ ,,,_ate mh tn tannin· ,Whllllt. -~~~ncC a11<I lll'e. Tllhl...t "" thP Al'llhll fn~ .....,,.lff..:.... . _;;:..o " ~c. """""'"' 1..,.t,,~. ' • · · ~O~'IH ... ,, ..... ~

-'----~'· - ---·--- --- ------were planted at Whyaiia and have areaa aiound·,.BrokOO Hui, and done well. In 1936 two cutting~ many more have 1>een provided for were taken from these trees and interested, ~rsons in arid AUs~rQ...:. planted in the Albert Morris Park h!L. 'fhe JI.the! is destined to be



at the Zinc Col'P.oration rMlne at an o~t.Btanq.ing tree" for plantation Brok~n Hill. These trees, although work, shelter. belts, ,and erosion sparingly watered, are now over ·contrpl ·generally in all the drie:f 80ft. high and clot.bed with dense parts of this State. foliage from ground leveL , . I '· . . . '


Industry Due For

. Miners and prospectors· eonsid­er a better deal is due for , those engaged in the industrY. in the Northern Territory in tbe matter of gold price. Recent allegations regarding the black market in gold throughou"t Australia, inclnding West Australia and the Northern Territory, where· it is said £2o or more an ounce was paid by black­matketeers, lend significance to pric<!s at which gold changed hands at sterling equivalent in various countries lately. These were Paris £44, India .£20 (import duty £2/10/-), Hong Kong n6/6-, Egypt £15/6/-, Turkey £11/8/-, Mexico bars £9/14/- coins .£11/6/-. London (official) £8/12/-. In re­lation to ·exchange and the Aus­tralian pound, of course, this Lon­don price would be nearer .£17.

Many cuttings have been "taken [Re-printed from, ••Journal of from these trees to plant the Agriculture," South Australia, streets, ·salty flats, and eroded October-November; 1942.]

Present Australian price of £10/15/6 an ounce fine. gold is subject to a tax of 17/n per ounce. and a royalty of threepence in the £ which with. payroll ·tax of 21 per cent. brings the taxation to ap-proximately one guinea -per ounce.

:\!rs. l\Iorris standin2' beside a five months old tree on a badly eroded site near the Zinc Corpor-

ation Mine, July, 1942. ·

This price has rem~ined virtuaJly the same since pre·war when the fi11ure was £10/12/6. Gold was


-:o:-A Giddyup Gallup !

Northern Territorians are smil­ing at -the recent issue by Austra­lian Public Polls of Melbourne of details rela~ to the Gallup Poll on the Polley for Aborigines. "Australians are of two minds on what policy would be beet for those aborigines still Jiving in their native state" says one Mel­bourne newspaper in presenting the figures, "A nation-wide Gal­lup Poll shows that the white man is evenly divided between (a) Helping the aborigines to live their tribal . lives and (b) Edueating them towards white. standards."

A view widely held among the experienced residents of the North­ern Territory where a substantial proportion of our black population fs in natural habitat is that "a nation·wide" poll on such a ques· tion would lead to serious error.

m~; of~h~~8oo i~e~s:~~ :wo!0e': said to bave been ,asked to express fl.TI opinion on the ·subiect· were <"nmnetent to do' i::;o ?" ·Residents ,-,f tho,::p ar.eas whPrf' the bla~ks <l,.!'> ri::lr+ of life. will f'h::tllPlt'!e t'he '1.c::,::uni:ption of · Gallun Poll sun· norters, ·based on their percentage ~tatistics, that those who know are equally divided, A Gailun Poll-.,._ among- them wouJd come closer to a hundred per cent. in favo-i: .of 1eav;ng the b1ackfellow

atone to live his tribal life. .Lhe margin would be represented

by ideologists, noisy and other­wise, anxious to impress on the aboriginal their various tb.eories and systems religious, political, economic. ~

Here is what the 2,000 opinions totted up to :

· £6 an ounce in 1932 and rose to § sometime before the war.

Since the cessation of histilities, in the Northern Territory particu-1arly, ·mining· costs have gone up very substantially although no move has been made by the Gov­ernment to increase the priee of gold to something nearer world 1>arity. Freight costs and t?ans· port charges are higher, and for

Tri- Edu- Unde- those concerns where labor i& en-bal c:ate cided gaged the swelling imposts mean p.c. .p.c. p.c. 25 per cent. to 100 per cent. gzeat-

All peoJ>le _ - - 47 46 7 er financial strain. Prospeetor!!, in Owners, managers particular, need the improvement

and professional 58 34 8 in gold price to offset their dilll-Farm owners - -- 52 42 6 eulties, as well as those who hav& . Clerks, shophands 51 43 6 to instal and maintain expensi\.e Skilled workers .. _ 46 47 7 plant in isolated locations. · Semi-skilled ...... ...... 42 52 6 With a better price for gold Unskilled _ -- ··- 30 · 62 8 .there would be an imriiedia1e in-

Seeking . opinions largely from flux of population to the exienolve seaboard e&J>itals and centres of minefl'I ai:t!&B of the North aJKI white J>opulation on such a subject North West especially sueh cell· srets us off the beam. ·To-ask tres cas· l'ine Creek, and llatehelor~ "Farm owners, clerks, shol!hands, oldest field in, the Territol'J', anG skilled workers. semi-skilled work- to Tennant .·Creek third large9t ers. and unskilled workers" who centre which 'has yielded £1,000;ooG orobably .have no real conceotion in gold.\· And to Tennant Creek of !he aboriclnal wav of. life and improved: water supply is almost raJ"e foss is· a mistake. · Tt merelv as i:inpo?tant. Tho.se companie1 rreatP.~ a fal~f> 'Ol'f>mh:\~ foT ba~inu- opera.ting there and elMWhere fn1it]pco:):: aT!?'llTl'IPllt. , wotild. have a.chance with a rise in

gold 1 price to extend opemtions WILL OURS BE AMONG and expand staff instead of snfl'er­

inj!' .the present hand to mouth, THEM ? stultified e:dstence. Australia -:o:-

Mr. Harlow Curtice, general manager of the l;luick division of General Motors, estimates that the United States should produce 3,500,000 passenger cars in 1947, compared with 2,200,000 in 1946.

- ·~

nee~ g-o1d mo~ than eveT before. How•. much betteT it would be for the. ·Government to reinfo:ree the industry bv a le!?'itimatf' -and war~ ranted increa~e in urlee instead of n.f'nnittin!! an · unf."lir !;trozt!'le to f"'nntlnl1P :'lnd fhf' hlr<''k tna!'l·et: h' fl'ritp•lc::"h,?



YHE PIONEER s' ORE The House of



.. ~ ,'


DRAMA Of : LIFE p\,rits supplies the comedy; The listen either by direct contact or , second star comes on, speaks his through the: press or radio, to Mrs. Cheadle's Popular Pies and

Pasties ·, -:o:- homage -and re~ires, gracefully. A. speeches that are comedy by the

Life, dear friends, is. like a huge heroine appears, she is ·probably fact that they all prOmise things $tage ·in which we all take part, fat and over forty, dressed in the they, in most cases, know is im· whether we like it or not. Some most expensive material and wants possible of achievement. people are star performers, lead· everyone to know it, with her We watCh them helping them· ing arti~ts, w'1ile other play a are nutherous frights that to the selves to salaries that bear no 1norc~ de!~1ure part, neverth:eless onlooker provides more Comedy. proportion to the work giv'en in they do play ~nd occasionally steal On. the dais there are many figures return, we then are on the· stage the l"nn!1~ht from their more that would Uke to-sp~k, but are supplying the comedy, they as famouf: :n·others or sisters. Each not asked-they··an? ·arama. audience enjoy it immensely. And in turn perfonn some part of this We all clap 0.0ur hands for what so life goes on. We do something, play, somct:nies drama, sometimes we don't know, but everyone else fall under· a 1train, -or murder our ~omedy. is doing it, so it must be right. neighbor. At once we are stars,

We are in a vw·ay fortunate that The curtains down, stars dis- and iii the blaze of limelight at as well a~ actors we also ·are the appear, we go on the stage, and last arid so it goes on f,er ever and audience, moSt of us more often others view us. What a lot of ever.

~ ..

Mrs. Cheadle has· pieiiS'iire'~j~ announcing that slie has resumed manufacture of HOT PIES and PASTIES and ASSORTED CAKES, and they may be obtained from the former AW AS Hostel in Hartley Street up !!' 11.30 nightly:

in the audience than·on the stage. silly asses they were to listen to· HOT COFFEE ALSO AVAILABLE

Regular Orders will be Delivered if desired Each one dressed for his or her that bunKum, is the others view She as 58 and a widow. part and acting to the best of of u_s. Nevertheless, some of us "Why···won't. you marry -Mr. on~~wa~~!t~.la~ is <m, the curtains would i_n our minds be p~t ~verse Oldboy ?" are rolled baclr: and the actors be- to getting up and bowing m the "What ? Sacrifice ·my youth to fore u~ Star of the evening is first act. a man of 73 ?" LILY HESE & CO. the Governor-General. He is able Now all·go home, and the papers *" to strut around. with all the trim~ \\Tit? the first a~t as some~hing "I am lucky : I have won the big mings th~t mal~C the offic~ so in- special. W~, agam the audience, prize in the lottery." teresting. He says his little piece, accept the Judgement. "Congratufations !"Now you can


120 MILES NORTH OF ALICE SPRINGS all on. the stage how low, some do Lat;.er the curtain is ~led pay m·e the £50 you owe me." it betfrr than the others, stout once more~· .. and in ~ crowded" house "Wait a minute, man, while I

·!ones not so low, a pair of, split of our selected representatives, ""'.'e finish telling my dream."



~ AMGOORIE f/.8t?-<- TEA=:J

.:t. ~"""",If,~ 0 "'"'"""tu:- ;i,

1a :liRDCERY PADDUt:T.S ·.· ... - '.- "'" •' ... -:: .\






Rates Under Last Week's Average


The marriage of Beryl, only daughter of Mrs. ·Beale-,<ii to Des­roJIDd Foster, of Sydney, was cele­brated at the home of the bride's

More cattle were :yarded at ;the mother, Woolla Do~ns StafiOn, on Abattoirs sales on Monday than April 12th. since .March 10, and although . The ceremony was performed by­piirrie bu_llbck.s and steers were in he Rev. H. Evers, of Alice Springs. light supply, mQst drafts were in in a delightful -setting in the gar­fa1r to good condition and of suit- den. The altar being arranged:. able weights. Due t'o the larger under a large spreading Ironwood_ offering, prices were below last tree, surrounded by· lawns and \\'eek's average.'" flowers.

Some of the station drafts in~ The bride, Who look;d ·most eluded cattle that were only kill- charming in a magnolia satin gown: able to useful, but most of them was giv,en away by her brother,_ were saitable for that trade. Mr.· Ptifer ·Claude Nicker acted as .. There. was a moderate supply of bestman. cows and heifers and a limited The bride's mother. waS dressed· number of yearlings a11d calves. in a smart dusty pink frock. Sufficient bulls were available. After the Ceremony a sumptuous:

~epr~S~tative S_ales wedding breakfast was partaken 13 H : ~ ross heifers fr: of in the dining room, at which

The Gar e station, Alice Springs, t'he usual toasts were honored. young, medium frames, TI.ice depth About forty guests were present,. and bre"adth, good condition, 375 among -them being Mr.· and Mrs:. lb., at £9/15/11 or 52/3 a 100 lb. Allan and daughter, Miss Alison,

11 Hereford coWs-from The G<ir- Mr. and Mrs. Gain, Miss Mary den, medium frames, fair depth, Clarke, Mr. Jim CJarke, Mr .. and good trade order, 525 lh., 3.t Mrs. W. Colson, Mrs. F. Colson, · £12/2/8, 46/1. Mr. and . Mrs. Ted Dickson, Mr.

5"7 Shorthorn bullocks ·from and-Mrs. Len HeSe, Mr. W. Hese, Loves Creek,- short, good depth Mr. Hefferman, Miss. Gluas, Mr. and breadth, good condition, some Jolly, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kennett, prime, 550 lb., at £15/1119, 56/9. ~,;".· R. Purvis and Mr. Reg Ver-

60 ·Shorthorn bullocks from. Am-balindum, via Alic~ Springs, short gr~~~~~~: r~~:~e~u!~~~ea~el!t to medium frames, fair qepth, th b kf good condition, 575 lb., at £15/0/11 e rea ast ceremony. 52/ 4. - Many wedding present were re-

26 Hereford - cross steers from Ceived and .... among them were "'" The Garden, medium frames, nice noticeable a number ~f cheques. depth and breadth, good to prime, The happy couple left by car on 525 lb., at £14/14/5, 56/-. route to Sydney. But they will

55 Shorthorn' steers from Am- come b,ack, everyon~ dn:es. balindum, short to medium frames nice depth ·:and breadth, good con­

.. dition, some prime, 5?5 lb., at £14/8/2, 54/10.

20 Hereford cross· -steers from Kudgera, Central ·Austmlia, most­ly dehorned, short, fair dept, ·good ~1~rtion;· 500 lb., at £rn1rn16,

es were scarce, useful an.Cl good trade descriptions were well rep· rese~ted. Only a few .heavyweight bullocks were included in the offering The majority of . the males, which formed the bulk of the catalogue, were light and medium-weights in useful to good

30. Ab'erdeen Angus cros{ steers trade conditions. Cows and from Kud:ge~, short, some leggy, heifers were moderately silpplied. good trade order, 475 lb., at but most of the station animals £12/12/-, 63/-. ' were suitable for the trade. Calves -27 Hereford bullocks from Erl- and yearlings were scarce. The

duna, .Central Australia, nicely market opened to. a steady demand bred, goo~. lengtl\, leggy, (air. to from the local .trade and. country good cond1~on, ll50:lb;taV£16/1/•,. butchers, but owing to the heavier

- 49/4. · · , supply, values. were not eqnal to !ast week's average· rates. Later

STOCK SALESMEN'S OFFICIAL m the. day, h<\wever, owing. to a ,.. REPORT spdendid e'!quuy from graziel'B,

together with competition from O!ftcial report of the South Ans- other sources, sales ·became ·more·

. ~lia~ Stock Salesmen's Associ· buoyant with value.a undergoing · ation .- " an advance on· m.orrung rates The

Abattoirs Cattle Market~The m":rket closed very satisfact~rll)'. number, .E.._c:att.le yarded Monday Prime yearings made .fl'.Om ·57/" to was 140.,., ... ter than th!ilt of last 60/- a 100 lb.· odd higher• prime week, 1,~20 being penned. This lightweight steers,' 64/. i.; 68/ • ; number. mcl~ded 1,245 from Cen· odd, higher ; prime medium; 6b/· tr.al AustraJil!, 306 .from the far to 65/· ;. heavy, 48/· to 621·; good north of this· State, 120 from trade, 48/. to 62/ • • useful lower·

.. nortfler11th-1:so from· the south prime helfel'B; 55;.' to 68/~; goOc(. and Sou . ·);la$t, an~ 'IO from local liO/- w &8/-; and· aseful, lower ; ~. . . ':-'~ta111g11efiym: p,!me-eow·1teef, 48/··'.til 62/·; ~.i:;: . · - ~· :oeaw.~· to w-: ·ehoppen, '°1:

SA'l\l,IW.~Y, :\IAY 21, l!l.t7.

V~NDETTA. -·-: .. -.-

NOwh~~e in the world are vendettas carried -.more vicious!;· to the deat~ than \n the wild desolate space~ of the N~rthern Territory. fbe Native Tnbes of Central Austraha, wandermg their desert spaces, know how to avenge grudges. - Perhaps--it-i-s- because the dry seasons separate theblacks from one· another for so long ·they have more time ~ work up their grievances. S.o that once the "big rains" come and water is. plentiful then they meet at their Tribal Grounds to do battle. .

The historic gold rush to the famous Granites field in the desert 370 miles north-west of Alice Springs, was at its height towards' the end o~ 1932 when the gold guest was one day mo)llentarily forgotten m a flare-up between the blacks; They had come in, some from great distances, to witness the motor cars, boring equip­ment, and mechanical. wonders of the first White Men, many of them had ever seen.

As. the Skipper learned from 1>idgeon "English "yabba" with the loCal natives, the blacks of the Granites' region and that of t.he Lake .. area, a score or E!,O of t¢les to the north, had always been enemies. Deep ~a.ted Jealousies ever _the ~auty of J.ubras, quality of succ;ulent roots, size of goannas, and tastiness of Witchetty gnibs bad been fanned J:>y many fights over many generations. - '

What made the situation more bitter for the Lake Be>ys (Boy ·is ~e name for a full-grown aboriginal) was the fact that they were almost Rlways outnumbered by the Granites boys. ConsequenUv they suffered more spear thrusts, had deeper wounds opened oii shoulder and thigh by killer sticks, and experienced sharper blows on their skulls from nnlla nullas. Bitterest of all they saw more· of their d~sirable women taken from them, and their best fighters laid low.

time ~~~e:o~~ ~~a~fn~h~, J~h ~~:J?r~:riiet~~~c~~~~est:rfh~ Grarutes goldfield. So strategy had to be resorted to. · . . Thus it h!'ppened that a comely-looking young .]~bra ventured mto th~ Granites from her own Lake territory beanng from the Tuggamurra (Chief) of the Lake Tribe a messa!l'e that thev tie permitted to come in and participate in the good things going. ·

The young Iubra was pro~y grablied b)' a Granites boy,

- J:!i%i~{ v~?~rib~s~~::~h:;!1·for suet ~n t~ie~~~ PWu~hUi:nb:'a~ft1!! Romeo had received the consent of his own head Tugganmrra to



)i .. ' ' the seizure. In the thrills of his illicit capture he laughed exwtantli. ~ From . the heights of the Gramtes · ontcrop he surveyed his world,

twirled a boomerang insultingly, and slapped his thigh derisively ~io~~s the scowling Lake Boys spread around t.he desert plain

It was war, of course, demandi_ng_ satisfaction fot this mortal asssult upon their tribal pride the Lake boys, led by their Tugga·

_ murra im~ressive in feathered head-dress and totemic symbols ~':'.tr a out his chest and shoulders, .P.!"8'led towards the Granite• ..

From among their number there ran a few paces forward a' •!rapping young warrior, owner of the kidnapped lnbra,. a killer b:v virtue of the deaths ,he .l)ad wrought '!111'!11.l::. the tribe's enemies. He looked the persorufication of vengeance as be stamped the hot desert ·sand, shouting vic;ious death threats to .an_y · Granites woman

dthief to meet him, but particularly the cowardly dog who had awept own on, and enslaved his lubra. .. • ·

th Absorbed by the death drama taking place before their. e:ves

e white goldminers and prospectors downed tools. The)' bad a . front seat in the stalls at a natural open-air- colisenm of which the Granites famoW! outcrop, one of the most an'e8ting in the world. provided a fitting back drop to the natUJ'Bl stage. · ' Something of tb.e. ~ladiatorial combats of ancient . Ra1ite was redected in this stnking tableau of Stone Age Man asserting his human dignit)' .and fighting for bis tribal rights. The-goldminel'S waited,for an answer to this thrilling challen&e. · • • • . They had not long to wait. Stung .to frenzied rage b:v the invec-

!::o'!:~l~Mty t'f::U:e "f~;:euf~te\.i.~Yi:!,i~gh~0=~o= · the challenger went apparently unheeded. The Lakes' boy needed ~o fuel for the dame of his snrging anger. Nevertheless he retorted m kind. In his own l"ight the ·Granites bo:v was also a killer.·

•Fascinated by the preliminaries to what had inevitably to be a death struggle the goldminers watched every move without jaking aides.

Fa<e to face, separated by only s few :vards, the contestants spat their oaths and msults. Tribesmen of either ·side stood at "PeaJiibe ring dis~nce behind their champions, yelling approval to some

or snarling savagely as some verbal tlirast got home. Tugga· mlllTll8 of either tribe held reserve supplies of boomerang&, spears,

ta.nd waddies and occassionall:v their cries of encouragement or age.old

unts rent the air. · - . The gallery of ·goldminers saw maniaeal ~ workinlt u~

bodrath sides as their fighting gorge was stirl'ed. Occaslonalfy high m11 was lent to. the scene· as each ·champion walked facing one


1ther along parallel lines pawing the red desert dust like maddened s. Their ·eyes dilated, saliva streamed from their sweating jaws

hand blood filled their g1lllll! as, b1<e the wild dingoes the:v so Often · anted, their howls resounded. • · : · · . Screams from thli lubras added to the J!Blldemoni~- Veritable

· tovirago~ they appeared as, on either side, they gave argent rt . . thell' champion to fignt· to a finish.· To the watehlng

!h•~;as a sfran~ sidelight on the tn1>al battle. The:v· had m. ~r palaves .with the bllieks that the lubras !\!ways remained

thaf'.whe!."J"c'i..!:°~~~~Thi:i,l°~::C,.i'~e ~~ = not only given "rinpide seats". bUt claim.!il the right more often than notilt;i, enter the rmg and join in the fray. Some of· these lubras ~fenee. ters were. tar. superior fo, the warriors in lioth. a~ ,mid.·

... , • ,So the ~hoM1S·,.ot ~~;:,iinon~~-)~ on tJ!athot

ccs "STERLING VACUE" is ·~~ill the keynote of our


Ceritralian Cash· Stores

Forwarding and Receiving Ager.ts

Groceries Hardware

/ ,/


Phillips Radios Phillips Accessories ~ - -- ~·-~-·

Vesta Batteries ,

Lucy Secor Frocks·

serlei :Foundations ·~'Kayser Liri11erii

We _Call For and Deliver Twice Weekly

TODD STREET ~, - -;:-~· .



~. Alice. Springs PHONBa9


BOX 94 Phone 32 FOR . To_u .. ruso·.· . TS ·1 CREDIT DUE TO RELIARLf'l PLUMRiNG - GOVERNME_NT

SEE < This paper- is always pldeash~- to ---:0 :,_ A. QUEE extend the liand of frien 8 1P to We knf'w that is a popular sport · FRANK JOHNSON · 1 nm· Southern vl<itors. and we had to mention all the .things the Gov-' . I the pleasure o( meeting some of ernment in power do not do, and TODD STREET, ALICE SPRINGS ·. p TODD STR.. ALICE SPR~!'\. GS these on • llfonday when about .to they are plenty Nevertheless it

i l~ave for the Hermansburg Mis~ is a fan· thing to give credit fo r MR REG VERRAN · • " 011

• • • • : what the} actually have done, so t . • p· d s· . g I $peaking o~ . ~hetr rntere_stmg I this p~aper shall turn O\'er its first t T.acher of iano an l~gln trip and descr!b.m.~ themselves as leaf by recounting what this pre. f Agent for Cawtho1:nes Pianos Reso!lians JIU.so oul'.S) and on I se!lt a11d .. past benefits are. · ,

Tailors and Drapers . -~~·.°;:-~!!W~· . ' - ·.. -

j Banjos, Mandobns, etc. thej'; war to see the North as far: L-A first-class· post and telec l r . Pianos ~ned as Th!r;~~Y consisted of aH class- l . graph office wit~1 an all round I


EVERY PURSE < Chu. rch of EnO.Jand Hostel I es of business, professional prim- I .the . clock deffifi\'. ey1j ~erone. • . . "' I arv industrieii representatives, and I s~r;.~ce an o <<!a s a are FOk EXPERT TAILORING-

,i:oul Ple . - Their trip. enjoyable because of 2.~,~ good railway staff, a!! try- 1 PLACE YOUR ORDER IN CONFIDENCE WITH :l: ' ! 'Co . Out Looking· arnong them Sir R. J. Iiarnewall. -I c1v1l and helpful.

SMART the wonderful attention of the m!F .to help to the be~t of their I . d 1·ailway staff .and unexpected good , ab.t!.1.ty. . .. <?ur carriages are !

an meals. But their opinion of th• 1 much o.ut . of date, but.. ·t.h_e., WELL GROOMED country from Hawker· to Oodna· weekly mall trams with their I

datta was that the Blat::ks in mak- comfortable sleeping berths : F. H.. SING

afl;er you see ing the. dea. 1 had the be. ,st ei:id of I and excellent dininir"car with !

Bert .c.ouche the stick. However, from Oodna- a ver~ att<!nhve staff. n.mkes: datta they wire pleasantly s1:1r- . or down qmte a . prised an? . when near , Ahce 1 : 1 _and makes. ma:i~ I

Todd Street, Alice Springs


Todd Street, .<\lice Springs Springs delighted not only with the , ,, that ordinanl}. sci;rierv, but the good class of j · '"·oulcl never occur.

Drop in at SING'S CAFE for the Supreme Drink of Cen- · tralia : Iced Lemon Squash. .Pure Fruit., Used

j LEADING THAHEffiDRESSER country ·an<! its .possibilities. They 3,-Dist.rict dromes are k.ept: fo / were astohlshed at the iow rate gooo order and the services , -----------------

.1' CllVlLITY AND SATISFACTION of rentals of such land, where of the air are all that can be .


. ·>-•EW V.J<;J'llTUJ.U)S IMPRO\' .i!i!Ya;~,·~., Al'IU •. . . , ASSURED water was plentiful and no strikes. desired, J.,, 1· ·


-----..-....~ . .-"- .. -.--- Said Mr. Stevens, of the "Kei'- [4.-The great "iorth bitumen road, -:o:- .l>N'l'~Kl'RiSE

d I ang Ne\\ Times", we were agree- I' v. ith a fast motor ma1l ser~


0 J 8 1ftta:pan a abh :,-urpnsed \\1th Allee Springs vice and ma1ntenance of same. .Lhl:> papet likes 01 nev. 1 - .. ----~~ ' - \\hich when you come to think 5-Ass;stanc(;) to local airv.ays and pJeadsu-:e I .Ll.J,';i µv.pe1 tAtenu~ 1l:-i t.:ung1atu

it is 1,(1{)0 miles from the seaboard, ' ~ I 1".tL Len t1as adde ~0 muons to Lnai grana <.HO. pioneer., F R 0 C K S H 0 P a population of 1,60H, bitumen! 6-.~n ~p . d~t.e eJectncal and tourist busmess a furthe.r new I Mr. tiales, or unctoo.a bu1uon. on

. . 1streets, electric hghts, :reticulated I,.. .am an service. wunst coach. Len, a good feltoi;,;, tne comp1eoon or one 01 ine most Todd Street, Alice Springs and all on a par with anything <.-Free hospital attenl!on and kno\\s all the scemc spots of the modern home_, m tlte 'lerritory. It

you can find in States I eomp.,etent doctors 1 ~ orth and tourtsts booking with ! 15 delightfully tai<i out m design. -- of Australia. the val- 8 -.~ssrntance d~ctors I him can rest assured of seemg 118 htted up \litth electric light, hot

Specialising in a variety of ley oversha.d e mag- vice .and adv1ce :o that \\urth while. \\ater system and a!l the othe.r 1 nificent McDonnell Range, shelter- 9.-Cheap road .transport sta~ I ,; . comrorts that the pwneer sp1nt

WOMENS FROCKS and ed from the wmds, nestling on tions. and mmes. 'I . wants and deserves. SPORTSWEAR both si<l_es of a. beautiful valley, lU -Assi.tance m rare occasions Man} tine buildmgs m course Mr Ted Hales is probably the

. !this place certainly has a future, to prospectors. . I of erection, thos~ recently hrush;d oldest ptonee:r in the North. He-Always in Stook robablv unique in 50 far as in one 11.-Assistance to mica mmers- m order of erectrnn, Mr. Marriot s. has worked his way up from the

..,,..,.__ICS UNDERWEAR !:.ay to. Darv.in we have 1000 of cheap eqmpment-~mng ~ut Mr, Chalmers', Mr. Ted Hayes. bottom of the ladder and no com· ~a:u. ' bitumen probably the longest of plant such m1mng eq111p* Mr. Loutit and. Mr. Underdo\\,'11 pllment 15 too great for such a

HOSIERY traight' stretch in Australia., these I ment at reasonable rental both have pre1mses on the way, hai'dy spirit. 5 · ta.' d by the Department of Cartage of water at lov. and there are many ?thers c0n- As a sport he 1s one of the best_

and j~ 1:1e T the south similar charge. templated. The Centrahan venture Racmg especially has had an

CHILDREN'S WEAR d'fstanor. of 0100-0 also sparsely 'i 12.-Supplied battenes tn Ten- •s ?f course fimshed, J,mt the other earnest supporter, and he has al-

ula~ nant Creek and attempted to buildings ln conJunct10n. have yet \i.:ays, not only run his own horses -- po~. to f. h h wn that the rail- get water. to be erected. Centrahan Sto~ at every meetng

1 but has given

Mail Orders will be promptly way',; ha';e b!,~ fhe greatest asset J 1~.-Equipped bores along the nrem1ses, when completed, will his friends pick of his stud to race dealt with for development, as far as Allee , ;oads ,.;1th "h'1nm1lls and pump- I cam thous.ands of more stock. agamst h~tm and of~en has been

pnngs e shade of macadam • 14 ~No income tax (they take it !I run by someone-. else.

Is is concerned there is no l mg gear. t:" beaten b.Y one of his own breed

~b~ th.a~ th across the h. ither-1

the other way ? "I") on certain


A soap factory of, ai:d No. charity here. but is assisted . een . rown try th.a 1 ! industries here presents no this h:y him, and Mrs. Hales can he

INSURANCE ~ tnhospff.ble 8""1!" d t D 8

,:".'. I · should be a sound 1depended on to help all social gath-

.t\teen ice pnnga an a I . I ,.,_ enngs and as a hostestt is unsur- -wtn. . . I Cobram ;· W. Sharrock, gt"?.Zler, · I passed. .

of all classes


The tour has ~n weU conduct- Y1te _Vite ; 1:'· _G. ~~evens, news- Bricks bee.n ma~e, Such is 'the type of man that ed b_Y the offiemts of .the Reso P!'P<l' .P"°P,,rietor, The Kerang and an a .bnck kiln , rmik~e. the North the grana e<>un-To_unng "Co. and thtf photographs J~ew f1mes , Kerang;. R T. Tay~ is a already made./try i.t is and that once here, no oile~ ~mg taken by Mr. Roy D1:Lnstan, --,rf investor, Grandview Grove, are wishes to leave. That spirit' per-· will always refrem mem!mes of Armadale, S.l ; Capt. D. Treacy, vades in spite of the diatribes the ,land -Of pronuse. Tl:IS _pa.per sfa~amsh1p owner, Showboa~ Avoca, _ that are conStanUy-ieveUe-d against hopes to see th~m ~gam . many M1ldura ; A. Truscott, investor, Perhaps the half~made mica us. · times and all their _fnends m the Havilah street, Long Gully, Ben· cutting plant will now be allowed Mr. Hales' ~raded herds of cat­fu1!ure. .- ·d.igo; ¥,:· J~ Watson, grazier~ "Per~ to :f.unctio'.D .. It. ~·ou]d find \\'urk tl~ always bring big prices in Ade-

Members of the party a.re as ncoota , Moama, N.S.W .. ;_ L. C. fotl'sf!:!I~ mdn.,duals. 1de and deserve a11 the credit foUows Bromdow, manager~ Pubhc1ty and ~ ,,, ,__ that iP unrlonbte-dlv theirs.

J. S. Ba.rke!, _timber_ me~nt; Tourist Servi~es, Victo~a:i·-" R'ail- W~·''·Rnt n;<we h-il:!n oft.he Hales Member ,Bendigo Stock Exchange, ways ; R. Dunsan, Puhhc1ty and "·ho fodit and 11:et ii-hat they St.A ndrew's Avenue, ··Bendigo ; Tourist Services, VictOrian". Rail- Gnod luck Mr. Hales ou"r ,- J B OWEN R. J. Barn.ewall, grazier, "Cricks· ways. 18 fighting wtth vou '

·. a< , • · . ·.· . .- town""' Thornton ; A. Belcher, auctioneer and Commission agent, 101-3 Ryrie Street, Geelong; R. I J. Briggs, merchant, Alexandra ; . ! A. R. Bqrns, ·investor, 1647 Mal-.: I LOCAL AGENT , I vern· Road, Glen Iris, S.E 6 . Dr .



tL. il Ciendinnen. medical practi~ tioner, 105 Co!lms Street, M-e!­bournB, 'i', Coffey, graZier, Ke\\€U J. / ..

Todd Street, 1 Park, vta Murtoa , T. J. Davis, Phone 1 8 , managing dil'€etor, Davis Bros ..

H.,WONG (Formerly F. W. Sing)





BOX 19


Furniture Warehouse, 237-9- FHn­ders Lane, Melbourne ; A. Down, grazie1\ "Melr9se, '( BerrigB:r• Loese' Bag, via Cobram ; Ivol' Evans Pty .. Lt.d., 680 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne ; Dr. G. Fel· stead, medical practitioner, LU:.ter House, Harsham ; J. H. Forsyth, g~zier, •:c_a;rin~~a ", · Alexandra ; W im-.. ~ardenj ·investor~ Athenaeum C!Ub, Collins Street, • Melbuurne : J. G. Greenaway, f~rmer, 18 Searle st~·~e~. H0-rsharri- :. J. Herman,

Kent, manufacturer, ; 15. Mi! let' .Grove, Kew ; F. Langlands, diree· ·1 tor, J. Langlands & Soni; Fty. Ltd., General Merchants, Horsham ; H. Lester-Smith1 famierc and !Pllzier, "Ivanhoe", ¥eering Weat. via Boo rt ; R. J. Newton, dairy far­~er, "Brooklyn", Bingirtwam,, via Welshpool ; E; H. Peacock, manag­ing director, PeacO<lk Bros. Lttl., .. and Consul for Cieeho-Slovakia, Peacock House, &urke street, Melbourne ; G. Pethard, investor,

Wishes ··to extend greetings to old ' and new friends. and to advise them that stocks of Water Pipe, Bore Cas.ing, Pump ling Equipment and Pastoral re­quirements are ·COnstant}y ex­panding and in the near future all of their n;e·ecJs .. " can ht:· sup~ plied from Alice Springs · SOLE DISTRIBUTORS FOR :




! ·!

SATURDAY, MAY 24, !947.




.l.UO.i;t:! \)"o;i.~ J.t\J 1,,uu.:- J.VJ; .1-VnlL 'vvu.o.1-HOME SW~ET HOME.;

tJJ.VJJt<.:tH.::>' \-vll;He-::.e-.ut::u a1,., --'-:o:- "

High coSt# of home bUH<ling in I l..Hd.11~ the Northern T~rn. )b~y .. throw. -in_t.Q ~ relief ~he e1<penence of Bill Munn, a 1-'ort 1-'itie~painter, who is e~- 1

1"'l'.l ""~u-~~'-'""~- µuµo.1;1.- rng 'his O\\'ll dwelling. there. -, · :,

::.t:cn 111 111.e .:uout'.tn -He i:eckoris on using 5,500 home--not11e~, pia_mi~l.l . wr I made concrete bricks in building.

UUl::IY nw a five-roorr.ed house ·for· £850, com-: Ht lJlSpo~is. pared with an architect's estimate

i8 anu UtL: 'nt £~ /750. Everything wfll be i bu!lt ;n~ even the refrigerator.


,·C\JRLY bEWIS Greg·ory~Railway



I WORK, U:PifOLSttERY, LIGHT .TINSMITHING . . SH.EETJ .': .... - ___ Jl._E_.P_.A_IR,..s_s_l\i_IA_R_.TL_Y_E_F_FE_. _c_T_E_n ___ ___ PLASTER

MAKING -:o:~

;;/ew Enterprise At Alic!' Springs

I Enjoy ''Moore" and·

Be.tter Health By· Eating the Bread We Kn~

. Pay Your Good Dough For Good Bread




Alice Spring*s Baker)' Todd Street, Alice Springs






Factory ~elephone No. 9i

RefreshIJ1en t Room Manageress. :

. · MRS._,f. J. REIDY

Factory Manager.: . .t. cRITCHLEY .



All best .cuts in beef ,and mutton.

All smallgoods made on




• .. J'1orthern Territory


. P4GE 16.

~-\.t,., \\'Al.~ ~memue}i JJon J.!101.uli::. cau·J.e~ Liuge ~toca:s 01 ::>econu· hana Clo'tnlJ1S'. No coupons re­quu;cd.

!JON 'lrtUMAS for all Hardware, New ShtwelS 6/ - each. Large stocks of .t'iles, Butchers Knives, Rteels, Military Rifles,' Ammuni­tion, Razor Blades, Pipe Fittmgs, Tomahawks, Axe Handles, Hack saw Blades. Shoeing Hammers, J ,inche~ Piers, Spirit L.evels, Gut­ter Bolts, Pocket Knives, Spurs, H1·idles and Bits, Riding Boots, Swag Strap Belts, Stock Whips, Girths and Copper RiYets.

FOR SALE.--50 lbs. New Java Kapock. Wil1 ·\1alve. 41- per lb. One pound sufficient for . a pillm,·. Also four Army Saddles. New Pads, Apply this officie. p

v1crrotu.A' PARK ·, 'coMMuN1Tv·s1NG1'&G ir£.ANtl1'- rROsPEC'rs A.'l' . ~:o:- : KATHERINE . -:o:-

Satu{day's, Acceptances

12.45.-£850-NOONAN HURDLES

Qne of the d~lightful ·amenities I -<-:o:- . ' . that we have in Alic;e Springs is · ·, the weekly holding of commu.111.~ lJroapecta fo~ the pe&ntlt ?w-singing. . mere at Kathenne are veey bnPt

. . . . . as the result of the recent rains In th1s e\~ryoue urnspective ?£ having come at the right ti~e..

Two miles ~1s or her ab.ihty to prod~ce music They cap a good season gene~ Blue Table 9 12Malkuni 9 2 is allowed full sway. 1 he whole in which the nuts have filled bet-Bafra 9 6Bold King 9 1 evenmg 18 a me~tmg of .the clans ter than for some seasons past. Kennion 9 6Coongarra 9 1 and lots of fr1ena~ that ~!\ ou1a With approximately £2 a bag on Lopuri 9 4Koolspa 9 O otherwise miss ~me ano:the"'f~ coH1- I rail being offered iu the markets Duke of I pany often participate Just for the I growers are looking forward to

A vOn Aui.,d Lang Syne atmosphere. I the most prqfitable returns for a

1.~5.-£.~00-JUVENILE HAN.VI- so1~;0~01!!"7:s ne~~e Y~~e'~=~1t e~: Jong w~le. Meanwhile many are -£Al' pects to be heard m Oodnadatta

Five furlongs First Division

is p1ercrng your eardrums, then give hun a bit of his own back and be heard rn Maree, its all rn

9 7Condent' 8 the game, no holts "barred. 8 lORokness 8 Th~ special performers who are

; /FOR SALE.-Blacli Wire Netting, lTangoette ~ mus1ca1 piano or viol.in inte'rludes · 70 m•rd coils, 20 • per roll. Cen-


12 Entice ' 1good enough to give solos and -....... 12Patilla's -rare at times very nice indeed, they

tralian Advoca Office_._, ____ ! 12 Pride ~ should· be encouraged to appear

I 1· llSoltoi Belle 'i 1 more often and bring with them

FOR 2 Ne\\ Tyres 21 x Victory Pen- ., lots of friend8 who may be en-4 .50. Sh price. Apply L. R. 10 nant 7 7

1 couraged to do J ikew ise.

Duval, "Centralian Advcicate'' I effice ..... /" - :2.-f:rno-JCVENILF: HAND!- : The l'10neer and Buffalo 1-!3.ll:

,. CAP I proprietors are cordially t11anked I KITCHEN Cabmeis, Bedroom Five furlongs for their interest and assistance. Suites, Chest of Drawers, Chairs, We do badly need a ToWn Hall Tables, Beds, Prams, !>ushers, i____ R. MEDf!"URST Second Division llwhei-e all can meet at any time,• Jute Matting, Children's Bikes, I Winnin,; ridPr of Adelaide Cup I Pied Piper 9 ORoyal Que&t 7 9 to discu~s more amenities and pe~' Scooters. All these items at Don i "" _ _ Emar 8 9Prime Cast 7 8 11haps the formation of a Municip~ Th~1as. -·"'j Last Salute 8 OSacred Star 7 8 Council and anJ-: other projects

• DARWIN·~ , DOINGS Suntlre " 13Dutch Belle 7 7 that make for the betterment of LOST.-Friday 28rd. one Bundl ~ i' I JacaI].ny · 12Lfffle Miss 7 7, the Territory. striped Canv~s Cover!' for deck j -~~ ~.-:o:~ I Ram Duke 7 12Prince .- I Us~.~your vision and thmk ahead,;-

1 1 chairs. Reward. This office.


Ti b d 1 .f th 1 t l High Scorn 7 11 Ch;ii-mer '( :z it is Only by forethought that we I - . chu~c~h (:)~ba~al 1~ so~derf~l 1~~.li= l Bluerain.~ 7 lOSt. Bernard ~ ~v 'get things done,. and .by all the ·

TROUSERS have dropr.ed agam ' . . , .~; tokens of all nations, m the Ter- 1

50 pairs of Secondhand Trouser<:. rLeda~. ca.mpmg out fur the. week at I :Z :!5.-±:450-WELTER HAND!- 111.tor\~ we \\ant it at once ,,·ithout k from Twelve Shilling-s upwards at e Point, some. fif_teen m)l~s f:orn 1 CAP f<li:!a{·. . ~- ! WIER .-\ T KA THERINE RIVER ·Dnn Thomas the to·wn. Fishmg, sWimm:tng, 0 .1 Th. h '. .

· · hiking, ,and camp-fire sing-songs . .. _ne mi e . .e &at ~rmgs of con~muruty • THIS is a Darwin oaoer as much I filled the days and the evenings. j Oratan 9 4M1ddle . shngrng_ ~s ~ grea: :nnovation and 1 planning to e.xtend theJT al.:J'ca''"("8 as any other part of the Territory. 1:he one wail, when packing-up 'Belle Star 9 u Park. 7 11~ e ~~1f1~a d_.rs. o -, it k dese:ve the t? m~ke peJ.nut gro\\'iJig- a su1~:,L~n-Applications are invited for the time came, was, "Why couldn't we Constable 9 OShakum ~. grea_~ll ere .1~ m \\~r ing b? \\t!l, tial industry in thi~ section 11f the

.... po~ition 0 f correspond.ent. We have ~ stayed longer ?" .. Re.vs.· Lord Cam Pi:_ Pride 7 10. -~i_E:;~asy ~~"1; .~~od a~o~ Je~;e~~ }~orth<::rn. Tfl;rit(•ry. . want all your non-pohtical news Roberi.s and q.rant, of M~lnlle be.U 8 lORoyal . ,.. ~ Britain ,, iv.,. ~ath.erme 1s ideally situated for and comments. Thii;; paper if'> out Church, '~ere m ~harge- of" tlie1

. Rory . 8 8 Brunet:e 1 & '" ·. · - l~;rng3:t10n pu_rposes and should sub ·to help all parties. Apply "l'en camp, which coq1p:1se«j sorn~·~v-' Rams~ate 8 7Chatham s - ;~...... ·'~

1~antial a8 s1stance be given the

tralian Advocate." enteen boys and girls. . Orcadran 8- 5 Seal 7 _ DA'lt\vlN AND ALICE growers to enable them to further ,On Sunda~· last a Pookaminnit ,Star of 8dJ!y- ~ lthe pear:mt growi~g industry, an

W ANTEri.-A presentable Girl, Corroboree was held at Bagot Com- India 8 SGlyn Seal 1 7 SPRINGS


other i:i11lestone .will be passed. 1_n ~ompetent to do book~eepin~, ~yp- pound, when about a . hundred 1 Rella Roy 8 3Star Rocket 7 7 . . . attracting. the r1gh~ type of cit!

.mg, shorthand and mtervie~ing-. blacks, m~st °.f them .P3:mted. and I Opera. Ve~mond 7 7 -.o.- !zen. to this vast Northern Terr:1

Wages £4 per week or furnished decorated m Wierd sub1st1c designs, Agam 8 0- · The whole of the Northerri Ter- tory. room.,a~d £.3 per week. Apply danced their traditional dances I ;110 -£J OO(i-L V CUP ritory. should have the one aim, _It has ~lr~ady been. proved th~t °Ce_Tlian Advocate." round the grave-posts they had . . - ' . . that is the advancement of the t~e land lS -ideally smted for thie

. . . erected near their ceme~~· ~he One mile and three, furlongs TP.rritoz:y, and for this ob.iect,.th~ · P1;1:rpose ~nd ever:· effort sho?ld WANTED. Lad for Prmtmg dance began by old men dartmg FIRST RACE OF TOTE DOUBLE two main·;towns should "'ork han b~made 111 fgos.termg and helpmg Roo.tn. Apply "Centralian Advo- out;< to kill' or drive away. any 1n hahd .. We fight fOJ' the same t1i9se e~gag~d m the mdustrr to eate." ~ebfi>\J. debbils that'. might be lu?-k- Blanken- Valiant

7 9 o~jective, then let us be friends e~and it on a m"1ljor. scale.

------------~ mg< round the posts; then three 80f;:,i:i :·it wfc~;!, 9 with no thought of. _jealousv or ·" WHY Shiver with the Cold when ringl ·were formed, each ring striv- -Best ldea 8 12Fleche d'Or ~ 8 malice, . .'lfetp!ng-· ·eiich othe1: to ,. TO THE SEAT OF THE you can Purcha~ a good Second- ing "t9 outdo t!J.e riyal _9nP--in .... the ~-... reach th~ common goal, to place- 1" J

hand Overcoat at Don Thomas for grace and .skill· of ·tbi!ir "dancmg. The monk 8 l2Flowers our Territory in the position to I MATTER f One"_P'OUll.d. A large _crowd assembled to wit- Silvall 8 -·O Dream manage its own affairs, with this -At a session of United Nations.

ness this· ~o~ance,. R!J-d many Desert Slave 8 4Merry , in vie"":, we start on wit~ our,.work, ;.vhen, aft~r a day of tedious YOU can Buy Secondhand Dresses photos, both sttlls and cme, were King Opera 8 3 ,Dancer 7 extending the hand of fnendshlp to spee<th-making, the delegate from -60the at 8/- each; 100 at 10/- each; taken of the scene. A larger and Ramsgate 8 2Bi>bby

7 all tl)e other smaller, but just as the Netherlands was called upon

o rs from 16/- to £1. See Don better corroboree has been promis- Prince Way 8 0 Dazzler vital, tons. he began thus: "Monsieur I~ Thomas. ed in a. few weeb' time, which ~akau i ~=Gegj;l:~ay q 7, ";;> ·;.,,"' President,"-then, shifting to Eng-YOUN . will outdo anything .seen llP to.t}le Red ..,__ .,.,, · ~" - . lish, he said : "How you say in

h • G MAN, 26, smgle, j:~od present, so tbe blacks ;tfutounce/, 7 lllnW... Sweet young .thing to perfume Eengleesh, "The head can absorb . !l"'quekn ~-:'\.lT.F., ~eke pos1tio!' . One gentleman in ,, Darwin is Greek . 7·10 Silver . 7 . 7 clerk : "But I don't want ·to be on!)' a> much as the >eat cau· anyl ·~'~; mwareherntory .. E~n- buying tickets in Tatt'e in between Salarum 7 9 l· dangerous, I want to be married." enanre/"

ence c owru.g ouse 1n c1tY, a:1 • ...:: • t .. · ette 7 7 ·-:c also reader'11 assistant in printing 'J: mte!"als ~f assW)Jlg himself ftt111, Exc~t referencea 11111y t t he 18 8•11 m one P1~ yet. He L &T~J\iES VENDETTA Ji Continued from Page -13) lie inspected 'At newspaper oftlce was ·hastenmg <>11t to <:amp 88 d ·-

'Write A. Garnsey, 20 William St · per truck, and near th~ Experi- ,, . . . " . esert plain. Even the piccanninies~squealing with fear or terror-Jtoseville Sydney N s w ·• mental Gardens something hap- First Dtvmon . stri~ken and l:\lubbering J.tad· tlleir part.' Dozens of dogs nondescript

' ' · · · P peneil. The truck stfUek a.· tele- AllUl'I' ., 9 4Quartette 7 11 mo~ls, mainly half.dfugo; that every native tribe boasts added '40 Men's Short Coats. No·-· oft•, graph pole, upr6otecFJt ·fr_ tim_ the"=· ,. stor 9 2Arrack· 7 10 theu savage yelps and barking. to the din. Soon explosion point .,, ...mp •= d d "---"' th .,.,~ .,._ appeared to be reached and, at a wol:'d from the Tuggamurras c'rom. Ten Shillings .upwards at groun • an Si;tll...,.,,.. , <;·Jlore..'"'e D levisy 8 11Gold Vain 7 10 weapons were seized and the battle was joined. '

,Don .Thomas. a. carrot. The true!< dismtegrated, Curtesv' 8 7Spelcroft" 7 10 First b,oomerangs whizzed in deadly graceful flights about the :::--:---.:-___ _;!:,_ __ pieces of it were strewn all oyer the Machine Footlitlli 7 9 h!'ads of either •!de. The audience of miners saw a marvellow; Newly Eotablished and just as ro!>d, a'!d. it did not looli: as if ~ny- Gunner 8 6Blue Heaven 7 8 display of dexterity as the warriors .used their shields to clevet Ambitious as thi• Newspaper thmg hvmg could have survived Shutanga 8 ,4Desert Glow 7 7 Jffert. Boomerangs threatening a direct hit were either stoppeo.

itself: the crash. But the first specta- Declaration 8 2Gold Web · 7 8 become a'! eternal vendetta. Such i$ the way of the black man. EA,,_ ENGINEERING tors who arri".ed on j;he scene Royal Rebel 8 1 Tm-idsh bo!d warriors. and presently . they would. carry on what must. now

<H ~ .found . the driver shaken, but Marimba Pride 7 g point-blank with a loud clatter o~ harmlessly deflected. The whizz WORKS othel'Wlse unhurt. How he man- King 7 13Glenb¥'old 7 7 of sp~ars then hei;an, and .the !Jattl~ground was filled with wildly

aged to avoid injury is a miracle. A.bsalom 7 12Gold Malfi 7 7 , f.fp~':;:f savages side-steppmg,_ Jum_Pmg and ducking to avoid beihg ALICE SPRINGS. The . Darwin PhilhUrinonfc "!ind Lynaire 7 121reat Pal 7 7 Presently the warriors came to close quarters. 'fhe wild screams

Expert Service Given _Throughout Repertory . Society held their Destiny of encouragement trom the gins and piccanninies rose in intensity the Northern Terrftorv in usual meetmg on Monday night, Star 7 11 ~ as tJ:ie Tuggamurra;s called on their men for death to the enemy.

Ge I En . • • .. the programme being, "Impromptu Jabbing and thrustmg ~he blacks sweated and shri~ked in. the red . nera sgtneermg, Blaeksm!th- Debates." Some amusement was 4.20. - £500 - CHAIRMAN'S dust clouds. Once then- speai:s were_ broken it was then man for Ing, ,Electne and. Oxy Welding. caused by speakers being caught HANDICAP man. These. boys, th.e goldmmers, a~ .. ed, were wonderfully well Repairs to. ~II Classes. of Machin- unexpectedly,· and having to ad- matched, b t t ditll It f he ery Reqwring Technical Know- dress an audience either for or Seven furlongs. who wer~ ~r~i::."boys ~'!. wi:'~ [he 'L.;ke tlwa::=.c mix-up to tell

.ledge and Workmaruihip of High-, against a subject, when perh::ips, Cargeonel 9 !Sugar Cane 7 11 . Terrine clouts were taken~ 'iiven with nulla nullas and est Class their own pe~qnal views on that 3-alway Pipe 8 13Chatville' 7 10 kill~r s.ticks. How tl1;0se ~tive .tribesmen twisted and turned to

---------~--- topic were the very, opposite ·to Limondale 8 120riental 'T . avoid side thrusts or with their shields parried vital blows. Clouts l. those they hllll' to "voice 'at the Beile Star 8 10 Princess 9 that would.have put '!'any'!' man out of action were accepted and

WRESTLER THROWN meeting. It was a very friendly, Constable 8 lOOur Hero 7 9 returned. with savage mtensity. By this time the strain of battle INTO , WIFE'S LAP informal evening, and more are Peh!'lura 8 4Ace High 7 8 was ~elling and. most. of both sides were reaching exhaustion.

promised, in the not too distant. MCaetdaquel. 8 2A.rdour 7 7 Sustained by their deaf1t .feud the two chief gladiators seemed b7 -:o:- future. • e r m 8 OGarfield :J 7 n3ent to confine· the~ fight to themselves. To a finish

ME. L,BOURNE-During. an ex· The Dilga arn'ved m· _port o·n Bella Roy 7 13Golden ~ t. bA-lucdky Jtulla swmg,by'the Lake Boy suddenly caught ceptionally rough wres~ling b~ut Wednesday, and is being unloaded Binnera 7 12 Countess 7 7 ti that' a~sl 0£ f:'11 h aJ f~lell tlie Lake warrior yelled hill satisfac­a~ West Melbourne stadium, ~ef with efficiency and despatch. She Money Moun 7 11 Tole"!te 7 7 lui~, i . .a." . e,. a _at low the thief who hail_ taken his prized L~ttle Waif. fell. out -0f the ~ bringB" some very much needed 4.55.-£250-TRIA:LS TAXES ' From their vantage point on the rising 'ground the _goldminers, 0!' ~p o~ his wife, who was m a cargo for Darwin, supplies in some saw ~he battle end as smartly as it had begun Victor and l"1ngs1de seat. instances, such as tea, sugar, to- One mile yanqwshhed appeared as if by mutual consent to obey an armistice

The match was won bt Dutch bacco, etc., having run verj short Second Division in muc th.~ same way as boxers at the end' of a stadium round Hefner b:y two falls to one. of late. Tusablue 9 3Tai;mtelle .. 7 11 ~Y oned thing that ,..r:en~ on uncl!ecked was the pandemonium of

In this case he was the Big Bad ye 8 an screams, ~W.uJ time reaching to the heavens in a frenzied . Wolf and bard to bear. Harry Haynes, a well-!OJown Prince Fan Go 7 10 chbo;us lof saknvage triumph.from the Lake tribe as their warrior was

· · out-back bushman, met with an Aac)ten 8 12Service Lad 7 10 o vious y ac owledged winner. ------- accident when out mustering and Polygnum 8 . 9Deniable 7 fl,, Makin.g !'bsolute hi~ victory the Lake Boy rushed to seize his

Verdant vernacular: A local was brough~ tp hospital ~Y flying Earl Baccha 8_· 7Nob Hill 7 11" lnb"'o ~nd wifthhiher retired from the battleground followed by the fisherman, watching an overdressed "!".hulance, m a very se;nous con- Sargon ... J' 6Coringle ... :,ia',l' ti:' . o s fellow tribesmen. Likewise the Granites boys summer visitor mincing down the ~ti?n. L~ter reports are that he Allengate ., .. •"; 2 P~ · 7 8 P1 ~ • "'1' remnants up and sought their own bush areas Once street of a resort . town, observed JS rm proving, though not yet off Magic Finl>! 1'"13Gay ~ifford 7 .S m t eir own respective !"'mping .grounds they licked th eh> wounds. to his friend, "Recko~he riggin's the danger list. Harry ~-~"""· Muntham. ·&; 2Rossmore '1 ~ fi~ld~a::'i:'.t~hhf,e tll."at~!'.~t.c."w"f!e'nctacat.merne.bflreomwatilinl\eginotfertehsteeGdrangol1,dte· worth more than the ·" band of the late. Mrs. ,. anny StJ!>urban 7 l;fDalkeith 7 -, d dir lik ch n . . . . • . Haynes, f-0rmerly licensee <Ji the Go.den Glenhero '1 ? ,pna ·~ft kn gee J; anpni; ~f the Tu~gamurras and tribesmen

- · Federation· Arms · Hotel, fupcka , Chief 'J. 12Goldwyn • '1. -1 --fl.a e-, h . · own at their l!lJured· warnor had died. Far into · .~ and published by C. H. Creek, noiw,- like ita former owner, Radar · · c'1 12Natioiial . fri~ ':Iff t~t-- 'j,ent, but at the close the_ Skipper told his prospector

"(lbapman, at · his ~ Raihfty but a menioty ·!If- the e1a7s • tbBt G<>ldet;. . · Vet.et . "1t 7 ·a :'rJ · ., .~ e :t::"ge .ne't, note now to· be heard' 1n the willing ~ Allee ~· ... are_ _DQ. more.. '· _ . Aides T•U · ·battle.~ · en · ommo note, was bnt-the l>relude to '9notitet ,,;














I ~L t, LRT!S'I

" ,


ii \;?i~:>?~c,':s ?. " "l\clC ' " ,_'icv • 0 0

'"'' tn con-- I e 'ii«:SD·eci:ive

· '~~~)~1-~i1~~ w ,1 ~t ()0 : 1~11~~i·s~~ '';r:·~£};~,3~~cl 3 Q~fcc~~~~~ 1 ~ ' :~G~;aol:~ .. 0

1 1 0Lc an~C! ; ~2 ~/e~t,'r.'"' 1

'! ,w, .;;haft tn cut vallles as lis ll'doub'.,cdlv the c2 uc.:e of the to 1 thcr1 ~~rv2~ ed a,1d 1""'1'.lppe<l. Tney b~\ ,the rl,arnon? drJI, J;ar} c,old ~xper1enCed here. Natur_~Jly 11~~ey~~s~~~:J~· ~000~11h~2dLho~ ~~~~1~=' m1~In!'Ll1llf' i.o ha'\P. ::'.' burKe. \'.C ~an e:....pect more cold mor_m '~S I - .. - ~~- ~~--:~~ :.._.__. ~---~~-, i and further°' h;~e arran,.,.ed als~

( me n' nppcd from aboui. 10 feet to follow, although the sun 1s al- , ..,. 0..,.., I c E - It 11 t 1 S ·d ,., • W 11 ,boH~ h1"i head. Just l~m\ th: \\ays \\an1~ at 1+J.lle o'clock. \Ve 1

,,. ·' _.

1 ._ ,. ·h~:c al~0-11r~ 0~i~k J f~;3 hi~ 1~~~~

Uucket esca_?ed is at pre,,,C'1~t nou han.• very htt~e t_o cop1plam about. ,l ·0

· '"· 'bor~s that are de-IJ.nitel not duds known. Unfortunately, B11I, as _ -:i Ad,:ertisements and change of,; c;: • "_ ~ ... _ '

I\ir- r:0Ccrt3 \~11:) 1-~::; been en a ~.1s1'. to h21 son John_ at Alice. i"' Tcturni11g to he:;-_ home town. This lady ho.s made herself a host of friends '·h1Je here and we are extreri"2Jy sorry to lose her.

\\e zffectionately know him, was ~J Advertisements shou1d reach r' andt ~hould they mc..l~e .;.vny e~rors st~opJ.ni; n.nd was struck on the ADMINISTRATOR PLANS ~,the Editor not later than Wed· ~4 ~:~t co~h~l:al~:ee 01;.0~~~inG°' ~~ Miss Ma!'guerite Sturgeon, a <nrne. Help was sent do"n at AND \VORKS PROGRESS 2 nesday of each week. Casual(: "th· h 't rtp d £ •. visito1 from Sydne:;, has just ar-once and he came to the surface .. c) Advertisements can be taken f: \\1 c .eap . ranspo • an ave m rived by aeroplane and is the \\ ith one leg c0111pletely paralysed. -:o:- ~ until 10 a:.m. Fridays. ~ stock. for his _benefit a v~ry Jarqe guezt of Mr. and Mrs. Plumridge. H re once again is sho\vn the value . ., ~ ~ quantity of \\-ire for fencmg. This We extend a welcome, Miss Stur-ofe the transreceiYer. Are We Too Impatient . ADYA!\CE COPIES ~ is the .best news that. \.ye h~ve geon.:___This, howevei, is a .danger-

Immediately the doctor. throm~h -- ''l i:n b. th• ·1 se d~ ~ heard -yet and the Adm1mstratlon ous place arid I doubt if some F' vv e are Y 18 mai n "- has our hearty approval and con- · ·11 1 t

tl1e unceasing en:rgv of ~'Ir. Pit~, Today our Editor had a look at ~~ ing. out sore~ hundreds of ', ,.,. ... atulations on a most excellen"'.: yo~ng ,..};an we Know wi e you our radio operator, Mr. Conne~lan s I the new plan as arraaged by Mr. ~copies of this Issue to 011tback ,

1 ~ffort gc ha~ ·

i1lane at once manned and '\'\Ith :t \'Talker, Town Planner. The 40, 1: stat10ns that are probably not;.! ·.Just ~h"<;" the1T do not m:J.ke that }\T D k f -'-ha C 1 . ~}Th docto1 on board .. reached the Gran- allotm~11 ts opened up ar~ on the] I )C't. ,_aY.:art! t11at a new non- ~l ne\' s nublic is· not lm0\•"!1 and it AL oa -~ of L"' l omino.mea · _ itPs m record ~1me..

1 east side of the Todd. Rn:er and I~~ vohbcal paper has been st~~-:_] "as n~]v bv fishrng around that J!3,~nk, fob· J.ts ..... cwLe,;~?r_sa~ 1_~0'fs

On Friday i11ormnp:, L1c n12ne a1 ea~ a,e1agmg fron1 ;. acres toli ed or do not know t:!ie ponc;i <l\t11.-. "r<efi'rah<>n !\.C.voca .... e" Toi:td 1

7 .. c to~ 1f. 01~1c.e. 1 d_1 a t fk tl.1 i Mr ..... AndPrSon on board ar~ ~ acres ~',ill <>0on b2 ava1lahle.1 1 of s~i~h p~per. ~ tl1::; o~t: L ~ • " • " ~~:~,\~~CT' ~11j\,~~1~~~· tC;i~. itim 1d~

11''(• at the droine and '\\as me~ The1e 1s i..o be an arcc. a1on0;' the 1] "hould \on \>ish to b:onTPf" .-1 Ti~e nut•;,., <:ohrm1d ha~·.c ! t 1., - h. ,..... B t f

b 1 :.\Ir. I'at ChanPian a;irl_ tal ... e11 b~nk of the Todd "S a urirl- 1 ° - 1 "ll j . :. ' ..__. ~ • I no l!\C to see Im _n, es o d rrct <to the hosmtal. \V1tl1 tha'!; -I . '- ~] b ,,. ,;.;, t n .L c ill l a. SJ.b"'f'rlber, p ea.se 11 i_n :i. ror-m:::tlo ~ .a.:iout brn.t scrt 1u.c,~, ::md Lis,11o:rc \I ,:1 get an-,,~ rel]Pnt sen:ce '\\e trust ·that ~~r1~:redalf~ira. nnd~ 0f~en; c~:~;es'\ of 11' ~,01~i~1 c~~~c ~;s;~/) t:~~~i~~1a 1~l~~ · 1 l~l~,~~~~:,nr__~~~~;;~~ ~~~ta}~,.d~~~pfe:r \0::!1e... good ciLizcn. r 1 ~l \\111 soon be on the reGO'\ery I tree~ planted. This IS all a _steuj ;nd \"O"~ c~-11 be nssurc<l that ·I tht ~good '-0£ the.

0c;untrv. \V2 are ~,vc are -p:eascd to hea-r that Mr.

"o" tl T t m tne <ight 1dirdecbafn, e.x

1·1cept ,,ef 1 the p


aper \\Ill be posted eD..rlv' ] prep,ci.rcd to T'rmt such thin<::"s ,free C'\;nl J. Watson has taken over the DCP J

11or0 ie er11 OT\ ca'1 tlunk 1n a an o m1 10ns C• ~ d ' . · b · 1 I b 'h h n' h H 1 h d t "IVC thanks to Jchn Flvnn 'of the . .... NO 11 t t -, o 1 .._,~tur a:v mormng on eJ.c' 11 rust c~ausc t 1e pcop e o~. ~;re vV n:uc ope _._ate on t e .;roa o " . ' " ' _. a.ere;; to "as~e, a 0 men -~ day of issue. , anC do\\ n south and east W:!.nt tnat Dnr\nn. Visitors on the track ln~~1igie '\\ho made sucn sen ice s110ul~l. be Jess than half an arre. j ·1 No furthe ... papers w;1l be;:\ rnformationP . c3n with 3.I:::. Watson, be assured µo · Cond1tI<~ms of these blocks are that ;-: sent until ~thi-s form vtith pav- ;~l \Ve have alreadv subscribers a11 of the best accommodation. Best

. a ceriam amount _of. mone~ must I ~; ment attached, is' ---l:'eceive~d. ;~[ over Australia an<l those subsc:rib- of luck. SOCIAL EVENING b" s~ent on them m unpro,ements ,: " . . f f 11 dd :1· ers have sons and daughters that

. w1th.m the first 12 months. That -, Advise Editor o u a res_s: . . h . f t' B . . · d b t th h Id . th. k ~~and via which town your mail N ~re seekmg- JUSt t at m orma 10n. l'•!r. K. M. lakeway, a surveyo!'

~ ~.o.- llS soun u . ~res 0 ? ,,~ Ill r; ·~ . T d . ~i VVe v.;ant them and they v:ant to irom do'\\ll south, is in town doing " . <r .. .,.· Ki be some prov1s10n to see that as ~: 1,,, deln:ere · ~ od k · werage

Farewell To 1V.1rs Vue.II ng, materials are impossible to get, ~~'i:S."~-:::·~ ............... --.,-.~ ............... ~~ .. _.7:-·~~:~, come. go 1vor surveymg se Dr. and l\frss Lum and Mr. '\Vs some substantiaJ deposit be made system. He likes the Territory.

Doak to Justify ·a tenant holding it MR. SKINNER OF COM- ilc!UNICIP AL COUNCIL l.Ir. Les Penhall, "ith Miss legitimately a.nd not for-the pur- MONWEAT TH RAILW ;\ Y -:o:- Lockwood, •isited the office this poT•cheorfe j~s:~lh~g~ causewav, across 1 A..i - Some three ,.,-eeks ago we had .week. Mr& Penhall, an officer of·

Monday e¥ening saw at the the Todd nm~; under Surrey, it DEPARTMENT a -..isit from the Administrator the Native Affairs, who has just

£:;11o~iU1;J~r~~~~~r~f ~A~~g~P~~~~; ~ra~t ~:a~~ J:~e{hf~~ ~~r~ia~1~~fe -:o:- f~~:U afia~~{d~~tes aei;;~~-~·d a~t~~d~td· ~~tuF~tfa~~~om outback left again to bid goodbye to our old frLend We also hear on bef'>t authority \Ve wel-come Mr. Skinner, a dis- and we \Vere told that we should Dr. John Heath and party on }\a:',,rd. l,(,~nfge,' oau11rd· 14ootp1r~lafrri'eDnodct~,,._rr. t\1~1. that the Housing Deuartment has tingl~ished visitor o-f the Co~1mon- iorm a l\lunicipal Council or if on Anthropological Expedition

• "" ., b 'Id b wealth Railway Denartmen,_, who liked th:e name better a Pro Dnak. ~f p]1,·oogrtis:~rni1~ ~licem sn:in~~m:i~d is now in Alice Surings. '\Ve ;~~ssi~·e Society. It was' pointed haYe arrived in Alice Springs, and

The Rev. Father Eather, with 1"11at the whole Echeme will. be in would \:.·erv m.uch like to h~~se a -out that a Legislative Ccuncil was we understand are going first to the 'assistance of Sisters Dunn, operati'on inside 1:2 months. chat \\1th. this. gentle~rnn 1f he desig-ned to advance the interests Hermansburg Mission. Dr. L:u:n Vfoolmington and Trainer and un- There are sevC>n road graders can spa1·e the .t111w. We have no of the Territory, every one beam"'d ~~d H'!~~:~:b:;~o 1b~~~~~ a g~~~ <loubtedly other helpers, had gone working in the Territor:.-· in var- l grieY::tnce .agarnst the Cornn101:- and smiled and waited for the overseas. Pastor AJbrecht is the to unceasing trouble in getting ions uarts imorov"ing- ~and extend- wealth Raih,ays, an~ thev ~a; e rest. This came like a douse of best of hosts and they will enjoy together and making all the good in !:!;the ro~d~. Barkly. tableland ~eated us ext:a well m both cIYil- cold water on a \\intry morning. th.in<c;~ that \'ade the evening the in the North back in all ~reas to :i.ty and service. Soi;ie of the It appears that the Territory their stay. "m'ense success it was. Ali<'e.' railway staff 'vculd like. a few was to be divided into many areas Pastor Albrecht and ·Mr. Wall-

~ Tl1cse gat.herings do the. world The Department of Int.eri_or has ~x:ras and ~e really think that and we would be allmved six rep- ent and family hm-e just a_rriyed 01 go~d, v.:e me~t people that now received three new large if 1..hev got to1rether, a lot of future re~entatives as a voting power- hl from Hermansburg Mission. otherw1~~ one \\~uld not. because trucks -with tJi.rf'e more new on'es trouble woul.d be ~moothed ?Ver. Bi.JT ,and do not forget this BUT, We are always pleased to see them. home life and different mterests cm'iiine-.··---These Lrucks provide \Ve don·t t11111;k str1~es are hkely the Administrator was going- to Herrnansburg TIIission has become 11:-:tt:rally k.eep them apn;rt. . cheap ~trans'port to tb~ far out!Jack to start at-Ahc~ Sprmgs and sug- select eigoht Government officials \':orld famous.

Vie defi;i1tely_ do not hke losmg and are a gods~nd to station ~nd 2es.'c that if this P.aner can help who with the Administrator hav-11•en of this calibre and they defin- · ~ . in anv Wi!V both sides we would ing the casting vote, would be i;,tely do ,not li:.:e goi.ng. Ali~e- n::moL<\NDS Dl':P.~RT:llE'.\T I be delighted. Perso~n! contact NINE to our SIX. The orator .LAND NOT OPENED FAST Spn-n~s climate ~cts mto ones In. Gazette No. 9 is sho\\ n a is a .,., c~u!erful th1rtg-. must he.ve seen the tears dripping ENGUGH bl0?d and 90 JJer-_ cent. come back. J number.of land 2r0as thrown oDen • down our handsome fe?-tures,

U.nfortunately space .'Prevents us for·sctTlement in the Dar\\·in. Yic- n0:ed the u:uestrained sobbing, so -:o:-saymg all. w: shou_ld hke to abcut I toria n1vcr~ nnd !3a~·:dv ib1elands S:\IALL HOLDII\GS :NEAR 1 lrn:-ried to alleviate the woun~s. SD1endi<l tidings that land is being ~he .ev~mng s en3oyment. The ~· 1\Jice SnriR<z<:. With' eight 1- ri r· - . • I Those eight men I shall s~1ec£ -..v11l mi!.de available: but the pace is not nosp1tahty w~s m~re tl1m! gener- more blocks iri the~ So.ndtwer Lu.-ia, . ALI'LE \) A:r\TED be 0 fficia1s who have th~1r hearts fast enough. "\Ve- should not keep '.us r:1:d all, rncludmg .the d~part- ---.:.\.rthur. Bunch· Ri•;ers that h'.1.s the- _.

0._ I in the Territory {he nught h~'!e people waiting one single minute.

~·1g friends. had a glor10~s time. Ad1i1jnist•rator's aoproval a;1d \;;ill . . 8.<lded thei: hides als'? and_ t1:e. \.Y:tr h<"!s been over two years and-,., A1·~..,g t:1e }!rge. cro\\~ present nlso be Soon anilb.ble-total a~·e::i \Ve- are- publi.sl:ing l~nd. m.:itters rest. of the rnnar~s): We are II}~ t \Ve \Tiint decentra1is2tion and all ~~ .-Rev-. F,_th~I 9unl, Mr. V. -Ll:}l square mile~-each portwn in this issue because it is rn our anxwus ..... to kno\\ "ho th_ose ei~J:t the ne.w blood that goes- with it. ~. ;, Mr, l\kGumness, Mr A. designed to carry 4.ilUO cattle. On our opinion a vital issue. \Ye can-_ mert are. Have they bes1qes the;r If '"-Ofily ·the tax 'vas·~1ifted, the Hiller, Mr. W. C]oup;h, lLr. J. each of these areas (hYo) guann- not uri::;c too st1·ongly the absolute hearts got any money spent ~n Northern Territory would swarm .... ClouRh, Mr. R_. Bram,_ Mr. I. Mur- teed bores are to be put dowTI' and need io opei1 in the vicinity of any imp~ovements _or prope~Y. m with new arrivals. Let us hope ray, Mr. J. Bailey,;-Mr. _C. H. Chap- the Department is prepared to pay Alice Springs along the line of the Territory, and m some sim~lar -the Minister for Interor down man,,... Mr. B. Kilgan:tf, l\.i!· J. for any di.ids. Now ru;ht here \Ve the Todd small '\ineyard . and way to .sho\v:_ that they are pu:tmg south will do something along Rol-A},!ls, l\lr. W. ~oak, Mr. R. say this is just as it should be, no orchard areas at once. Now ts the money into it. W~ kn~w onl~ too these lines. We are ,providing J, . es, Mr. J. Baldissera, .Mr .. R. settler sho~ld be burdened with time to start. Vines and trees well they ai:e takmg it out, the him with a free copy, so that De

ames, Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Smith, <hid bores. Rental ran~es from should be in not latei· than Sep- taxes tell us that. , l"annot sav he docs not know-lr. and Mrs. L. Clough, Mr. and 2/- 'to 41- per square mile. Fur· tember and there are wonderful We,. of course, shall have no HERE'S HOPING.' rs. E. Connellan, Mr. and Mrs. ther. the Department has purchas-· bpenings for new arrivals, who in right to spen~ our O'\\o'n mone'f· hut

R. Flynn, Mr. and Mrs. Parer, Mr. ed 29 Sydney- Williams huts so their own countrr, understand we s_hall be listened too, and if the everv two men nere are canying and Mrs. J. Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. that the initial housing qi the new this class of work: Mr. Calwell sobbing be loud enough, may •

. O'Keefe, Mr. a~d Mrs. -T. Hogan, settlers is assured. We eriticise could -safely send some of his eventually get a !'e'Y pocket Juii:kv. on their back one person. That Mrs. Lum (semor), Mrs. P. Mui- our Administration but when they agricultural immigrants tt> the Nevertheless, it ts a good idea load is too heavy, a few h&tplns doon; Mrs. E. Ha_yes, J4rs. L. do things like these they . have Northern Territory to. invest in to ba.ve . a meeting and form. a might dislodge some of the!D. ~e Bloo'!'field, Mrs. A. Milnes, Mrs. our admiration and applause. We such lines, the exceptionally low eounctl. Numb<1£S spe~ with might manage with ten pe~cent. if Baad1net, Ml'!'· H. McMahon, ;tlfrs. anxioasly await the. opening of prire of land will just make.a mass s~gth and we. can raise an tbose ten pet_ cent. pul tllelr Roberts (senior), Ml'!'· Chewing~, small five to ten acre areas for immigration , here. The, only argument that will get an c;eho ,eNig

0hwt. t't ·, •• _ ~_.:_ ftllblie-

llf!· and ~rs •. L~m, M1~s A. Cani;u, orchards and vines with conditions catch will oar Lands Department somewhere and that echo mi!!:ht • w,.. - - ,.. 111"!' Pux,ie Sm1tbi -~1ss ~, ~I- that enfQZ"Cefhat class of iiidustry. ¢ it ready in time or. delay brinf: more houses, .more attentim, spirited man- to callW>t~~~ qanff, Miss M. Rei:uue, M'•s M. until the summer and 80 lose . a and Jots of other things, l!\'entually and make a ""'!"· e w ... ••,!._ .. M!nahan,-Miss K. McCathy, S'tsters " r Mr CalweH will also have a vote. · nf things to whic)t we are ell•••":"' Dunn, Woolmington, Train~r. did not know. h lllr. King= the,re ,.. ~ .,dpy ·likewise Mr. Blain. The Northern Temtorv Bull~tin. We really ,do t.bink tha IA~

Dr. Lum on answering to the was a man ere who - hf W;.-should llke to .hear from· the -- tJtat, of -the 1>00nle ln tbe, trator will .hl!lp us to tlte ....,.,. "" ~ on behalf of self and wife f?r thirtf· ;itea~ and ~:11 h ~ Administrator just what he , is Terptory no less than 33 1/8 per his ability, he no let!• ~~ SBld he was sorry to leave: Mr, ••'!'" and omi•:JOllS~ e 1

1 6Cll1 t prepared to do about this and bow cent. are Government emnlov~. rest of ns is merely!' figure ..-Doak in .reply t-0 the •ong "Why thiA otllee won n .. 8 sapto P eblim~ soon. · '· we apparently are in the state-that by that shadow behind the ~ was he born so beautiful," ~d he and we refilse ~y . pu •