R E A D I N G 4.docx

R E A D I N G 4 Third Quarter (SY 2014- 2015) CN NAME K P U Total A.KNOWLEDGE I.Choose the correct meaning of the underlined word. Write your answer on the blank. (5) ______1. We, Filipinos are very lucky to have been endowed with rich natural resources and traditions. a. gifted b. disagreed c. craved d. beneficiaries ______2. Filipinos are creative and resourceful people. They are able to find ways and means of coping with difficult situations. a. fixed b. agreeable c. adaptable d. friendly ______3. There is enormous wealth in our land, in our people and in our customs and traditions. a. limited b. vast c. enough d. insufficient ______4. An interaction between cultures happens when the practices in one culture affects another culture. a. difference b. similarity c. give-and-take d. responsibility ______5. Filipinos have high reverence towards elderly people. a. respect b. gift c. grace d. welcoming II. Write SYN before the number if the words are synonyms and ANT if they are antonyms. (5) ______6. bright : gloomy ______7. crowded : packed ______8. delayed : overdue ______9. enormous : tiny ______10. rowdy : unruly III. Write the word that completes each sentence. (5) ___________________11. Many children are interested in a computer (coarse, course). ___________________12. People in war- torn areas yearn for (peace, piece). ___________________13. Ducks swim among the (reads, reeds). ___________________14. We listened to her interesting (tail, tales). ___________________15. Princess Urduja (rained, reigned) over her people wisely. IV. Arrange the following words as you find them in the dictionary. Use 1-10. (10) _____ abandon _____ bust _____ chip _____ abacus _____ due _____ Chinese _____ loyalty _____ chisel _____ forage _____ luxury V. Cross out the word that does not rhyme with the first word. (5) 26. been - lane grin tin 27. jewels - flow rules targets 28. more - floor born store 29. do - few clue move 30. stop - pop top job READING 4 1/4


sample test paper for reading grade 4

Transcript of R E A D I N G 4.docx

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R E A D I N G 4Third Quarter (SY 2014- 2015)


A.KNOWLEDGEI. Choose the correct meaning of the underlined word. Write your answer on the

blank. (5)______1. We, Filipinos are very lucky to have been endowed with rich natural resources and

traditions.a. gifted b. disagreed c. craved d. beneficiaries

______2. Filipinos are creative and resourceful people. They are able to find ways and means of coping with difficult situations.

a. fixed b. agreeable c. adaptable d. friendly______3. There is enormous wealth in our land, in our people and in our customs and

traditions.a. limited b. vast c. enough d. insufficient

______4. An interaction between cultures happens when the practices in one culture affects another culture.

a. difference b. similarity c. give-and-take d. responsibility______5. Filipinos have high reverence towards elderly people.

a. respect b. gift c. grace d. welcoming

II.Write SYN before the number if the words are synonyms and ANT if they are antonyms. (5)______6. bright : gloomy______7. crowded : packed______8. delayed : overdue______9. enormous : tiny______10. rowdy : unruly

III.Write the word that completes each sentence. (5)___________________11. Many children are interested in a computer (coarse, course).___________________12. People in war- torn areas yearn for (peace, piece).___________________13. Ducks swim among the (reads, reeds).___________________14. We listened to her interesting (tail, tales).___________________15. Princess Urduja (rained, reigned) over her people wisely.

IV. Arrange the following words as you find them in the dictionary. Use 1-10. (10)

_____ abandon_____ bust_____ chip_____ abacus_____ due

_____ Chinese_____ loyalty_____ chisel_____ forage_____ luxury

V. Cross out the word that does not rhyme with the first word. (5)26.been - lane grin tin27.jewels - flow rules targets28.more - floor born store29.do - few clue move30.stop - pop top job

VI. Identify the emotion conveyed by the following interjections and use it in a sentence. (10)




B. PROCESSVII.Write TRUE if the underlined word in the sentence is correct. If not make the

necessary corrections. (5)READING 4 1/3

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______________________1. The acknowledgement page is also known as the “foreword” or introduction of the author about the book.

______________________2. The alphabetical listing of important topics and page numbers are found in the glossary.

______________________3. The copyright page contains the title and the author of the book. ______________________4. The book cover is the outside cover of the book that shows the title.______________________5. The alphabetical list of references used by the authors is found in

the Bibliography.

VIII. Complete the Venn diagram below by identifying the similarities and differences of the Fox and the Little Prince from the story “Taming Rites”. (5)

IX. Read the poem excerpt, and then answer the questions that follow. (5)And he talks in a deep unfriendly growl.

As he goes on his journey lonely;For he’s no relation to fish nor fowl,

Nor to bird nor beast, nor to horned owl;In fact, he’s the one and only!- From “Old Man Platypus” by Paterson

a. Is the platypus always traveling? Why do you say so? (2)________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

b. Why does the platypus have a lonely journey? (3)________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

C. UNDERSTANDINGX.Read the following verses and answer the following questions. (10)

The Magi Visit the Messiah

After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked, “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.”

When King Herod heard this he was disturbed, and all Jerusalem with him. When he had called together all the people’s chief priests and teachers of the law, he asked them where the Messiah was to be born. “In Bethlehem in Judea,” they replied, “for this is what the prophet has written:”‘ But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for out of you will come a ruler who will shepherd my people Israel.’”

Then Herod called the Magi secretly and found out from them the exact time the star had appeared. He sent them to Bethlehem and said, “Go and search carefully for the child. As soon as you find him, report to me, so that I too may go and worship him.”

After they had heard the king, they went on their way, and the star they had seen when it rose went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they were overjoyed. On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. And having been warned in a dream not to go back to Herod, they returned to their country by another route.

a. If you were King Herod, would you have ordered the Messiah to be killed? Why? (2)____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

b. How did the people’s chief priests and teachers of the law know about the birth of Jesus? (2)



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c. What gifts were given by the Magi? (1)______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

d. What is the best gift you could offer to Jesus? Why? (3)_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

e. Think of other ways by which you could spread good cheer, not only during Christmas season but also on other days. (2)_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

XI. Explain the following passage taken from Taming Rites. How would you apply it in your life? (5)

“One only understands the things that one tames.”




Organization of thoughts - 2 Application to real life - 2 Grammar/Neatness

- 1