r Douglas Mehoke - ATI Courses · 24 – Vol. 100 Register online at or call ATI at 888.501.2100 or...


Transcript of r Douglas Mehoke - ATI Courses · 24 – Vol. 100 Register online at or call ATI at 888.501.2100 or...

Page 1: r Douglas Mehoke - ATI Courses · 24 – Vol. 100 Register online at or call ATI at 888.501.2100 or 410.956.8805 February 22-26, 2010 Beltsville, Maryland $1895 (8:30am - 4:00pm)
Mark Zimmerman
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349 Berkshire Drive • Riva, Maryland 21140 888-501-2100 • 410-956-8805 Website: www.ATIcourses.com • Email: [email protected]
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http://www.ATIcourses.com/schedule.htm http://www.aticourses.com/space_systems_intermediate_design.htm
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ATI Course Schedule: ATI's Space Systems:
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Professional Development Short Course On:
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Space Systems – Intermediate Design
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Dr. Vincent L. Pisacane Dr. Mark E. Pittelkau Douglas Mehoke
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Page 2: r Douglas Mehoke - ATI Courses · 24 – Vol. 100 Register online at or call ATI at 888.501.2100 or 410.956.8805 February 22-26, 2010 Beltsville, Maryland $1895 (8:30am - 4:00pm)

24 – Vol. 100 Register online at www.ATIcourses.com or call ATI at 888.501.2100 or 410.956.8805

February 22-26, 2010Beltsville, Maryland

$1895 (8:30am - 4:00pm)5 top experts in 1 week!

"Register 3 or More & Receive $10000 eachOff The Course Tuition."

SummaryThis multi-disciplinary course provides a complete

summary of the technologies needed to understand anddevelop spacecraft systems and instrumentation. Thecourse presents a systems engineering approach forunderstanding the design and testing of spacecraftsystems. The course highlights the underlying scientificand engineering foundations needed to develop spacesystems, as well as current practices. Case studies areused to pinpoint the key issues and trade-offs in moderndesign, and to illustrate the lessons learned from pastsuccesses and failures.

This course provides a strong technical base forleadership in systems engineering or the management ofspace systems. Technical specialists will find the broadperspective and knowledge useful in communicating withother space system specialists in analyzing design optionsand trade-offs.

The emphasis will be on how today's technology isincorporated into the planning, designing, fabrication,integration, and testing of modern space systems. Eachparticipant will receive a complete set of notes and theaward-winning textbook Space Systems written by theinstructors. The textbook and course notes provide anauthoritative reference that focuses on proven techniquesand guidelines for understanding, designing, andmanaging modern space systems.

Instructors Dr. Vincent L. Pisacane is a fellow of the AIAA, and is

the R.A. Heinlein Professor of AerospaceEngineering at the United States NavalAcademy. He was formerly Head of theAPL Space Department. He has 35 yearsof experience in space research and thedevelopment of spacecraft andinstrumentation. He is the editor of thetextbook Space Systems published by

Oxford Press and the 2008 textbook, The SpaceEnvironment and its Effects on Space Systems (AIAA).

Dr. Mark E. Pittelkau is president of AerospaceControlSystems Engineering and Research(www.ascinnovations.com). His experience in satellitesystems includes the design, implementation, and testingof orbit determination algorithms, attitude determination,and control systems. His current work in attitude controlsystems includes control-structure interaction, pointingjitter and stability analysis, concept studies for variousattitude control systems, and sensor alignment calibration.

Jay Jenkins is a power system engineer at JHU/APLwith 15 years of experience in design and analysis ofaerospace power systems with an emphasis on batteryand solar array technology.

William E. Skullney is Supervisor of the MechanicalSystems Group at JHU/APL and has over 20 yearsexperience in the design, analysis and testing ofspacecraft mechanical systems. He specializes instructural engineering and analysis and has led structuralengineering efforts for the Delta 180 series programs andthe Midcourse Space Experiment Program.

Doug Mehoke is the Assistant Group Supervisor andTechnology Manager for the Mechanical System Group inthe Space Department at The Johns Hopkins UniversityApplied Physics Laboratory. He has worked in the field ofspacecraft and instrument thermal design for 30 years,and has a wide background in the fields of heat transferand fluid mechanics. He has been the lead thermalengineer on a variety spacecraft and scientific instruments,including MSX, CONTOUR, and New Horizons.

Course Outline1. Space Systems Engineering. Fundamentals of

systems engineering. System development process.Engineering reviews. Management of space systems.

2. Orbital Mechanics. Fundamentals of dynamics.Reference frames. Time. Two-body central forcemotion. Two-body problem. Trajectory perturbations.Orbit determination. Interplanetary missions andpatched conics.

3. Spacecraft Propulsion/Rocket Propulsion.Force-free rocket motion. Rocket motion with gravity.Launch flight mechanics. Transfer trajectories.

4. Flight Mechanics and Launch Systems.Hohman transfer orbits. Reaching a target orbit. Solidand liquid propellant systems. Other propulsionsystems. Selected launch systems.

5. Spacecraft Attitude Determination. Attitudesensors and kinematics. Attitude determinationsystems. Attitude estimation and system identification.Attitude error specification and analysis. Missionexperiences.

6. Spacecraft Attitude Control. Rotationaldynamics and environmental disturbance torques.Attitude actuators. Passive and active attitude controlmethods. Attitude controllers and stability. Missionexperiences.

7. Configuration and Structural Design.Structural design requirements and interfaces.Requirements for launch, staging, spin stabilizationstages. Acoustics, acceleration, transients and shock.Designing and testing. Stress-strain analysis. Marginsof safety. Finite Element Analysis. Structural dynamics.Testing.

8. Space Power Systems. Energy storage,distribution, and control. Environmental effects on solarcells. Orbital considerations. Energy converters. Solarcells and solar arrays. Batteries and energy storage.Characteristics of different batteries. Strong emphasison translating mission requirements into a powersystem design.

9. Space Thermal Control. Radiation and thermalfundamentals. Heat transfer and energy balance.Choice of thermal materials. The thermal design andtesting process.

Space Systems - Intermediate Design

Page 3: r Douglas Mehoke - ATI Courses · 24 – Vol. 100 Register online at or call ATI at 888.501.2100 or 410.956.8805 February 22-26, 2010 Beltsville, Maryland $1895 (8:30am - 4:00pm)


Boost Your Skills with On-Site Courses Tailored to Your Needs The Applied Technology Institute specializes in training programs for technical professionals. Our courses keep you current in the state-of-the-art technology that is essential to keep your company on the cutting edge in today’s highly competitive marketplace. Since 1984, ATI has earned the trust of training departments nationwide, and has presented on-site training at the major Navy, Air Force and NASA centers, and for a large number of contractors. Our training increases effectiveness and productivity. Learn from the proven best. For a Free On-Site Quote Visit Us At: http://www.ATIcourses.com/free_onsite_quote.asp For Our Current Public Course Schedule Go To: http://www.ATIcourses.com/schedule.htm

Mark Zimmerman
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349 Berkshire Drive Riva, Maryland 21140 Telephone 1-888-501-2100 / (410) 965-8805 Fax (410) 956-5785 Email: [email protected]
Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Page 4: r Douglas Mehoke - ATI Courses · 24 – Vol. 100 Register online at or call ATI at 888.501.2100 or 410.956.8805 February 22-26, 2010 Beltsville, Maryland $1895 (8:30am - 4:00pm)






Actual 24 June 1999

Actual 18 August 1999@ 1,170 km

Actual 4 Dec 1998

Actual 27 April 1998

Actual 15 Oct 1997

Actual 30 Dec 2000

Page 5: r Douglas Mehoke - ATI Courses · 24 – Vol. 100 Register online at or call ATI at 888.501.2100 or 410.956.8805 February 22-26, 2010 Beltsville, Maryland $1895 (8:30am - 4:00pm)

17-Mar-04SSI -1A - 2


© V. L. Pisacane, 2001, 2002


Page 6: r Douglas Mehoke - ATI Courses · 24 – Vol. 100 Register online at or call ATI at 888.501.2100 or 410.956.8805 February 22-26, 2010 Beltsville, Maryland $1895 (8:30am - 4:00pm)

17-Mar-04SSI -1A - 3


© V. L. Pisacane, 2001, 2002


1. The orbit of each planet is in the shape of an ellipse with the sun at one of the foci. (1609)

2. The radius vector from the sun to a planet sweeps out equal areas in equal times. (1609)

3. The squares of the periods of the planets are proportional to the cubes of the semi-major axes. (1619)

Page 7: r Douglas Mehoke - ATI Courses · 24 – Vol. 100 Register online at or call ATI at 888.501.2100 or 410.956.8805 February 22-26, 2010 Beltsville, Maryland $1895 (8:30am - 4:00pm)

17-Mar-04SSI -1A - 4


© V. L. Pisacane, 2001, 2002


Of fundamental importance in astrodynamics is the motion of the Earth about the Sun.

• Ecliptic plane or ecliptic - plane of Earth’s orbit around the Sun.• Ecliptic pole - axis normal to ecliptic plane.• Celestial equator - plane of earth’s equator.• Celestial pole - pole of celestial equator or axis orthogonal to celestial equator.• Equinox - two points on celestial sphere when the Sun is in celestial equator.• Vernal equinox - where Sun goes from South to the North, first point of Aires.• Celestial or ecliptic longitude - angle from vernal equinox along ecliptic positive to the east.• Celestial or ecliptic latitude - angle positive north from ecliptic in plane through ecliptic pole.• Obliquity - angle between the planes of the ecliptic and the equator.



Winter Solstice

Vernal Equinox

Autumnal Equinox

Summer Solstice

(22 December)

(21 June)

(21 March)

(22 September)








23.44oEcliptic Pole

Figure 3.3 Orbital Motion of the EarthAries - 2000 years ago Aquarius - Now

Page 8: r Douglas Mehoke - ATI Courses · 24 – Vol. 100 Register online at or call ATI at 888.501.2100 or 410.956.8805 February 22-26, 2010 Beltsville, Maryland $1895 (8:30am - 4:00pm)

17-Mar-04SSI -1A - 5


© V. L. Pisacane, 2001, 2002


Single Grain Star Configuration near constant thrust

Single Grain, Rod and Tube Configuration near constant thrust

Single Grain, Variable Star Configuration boost-sustain-boost thrust

Double Grain, Rod and Tube Configuration two burning rates

• The radial dissipation of fuel will increase the exposed area so that the thrust will increase as a function of time (progressive grain).

• A central void that is star or fin shaped can result in radial burning in a manner so that the area exposed is nearly constant so the thrust is also nearly constant (neutral grain).

• Several different grain configurations are shown in Figure 4.15.

Typical Solid Propellant Grain Configuration

Page 9: r Douglas Mehoke - ATI Courses · 24 – Vol. 100 Register online at or call ATI at 888.501.2100 or 410.956.8805 February 22-26, 2010 Beltsville, Maryland $1895 (8:30am - 4:00pm)

17-Mar-04SSI -1A - 6


© V. L. Pisacane, 2001, 2002




























Latch Valve

Temperature sensor

Pressure Sensor

Pyrovalve normally open

Pyrovalve normally closed

Burst Valve

Latch Valve

Gas Regulator


Service valve

Access Port








Check Valve, arrow direction of flow

Page 10: r Douglas Mehoke - ATI Courses · 24 – Vol. 100 Register online at or call ATI at 888.501.2100 or 410.956.8805 February 22-26, 2010 Beltsville, Maryland $1895 (8:30am - 4:00pm)

Boost Your Skillswith On-Site CoursesTailored to Your NeedsThe Applied Technology Institute specializes in training programs for technical

professionals. Our courses keep you current in the state-of-the-art technology that isessential to keep your company on the cutting edge in today’s highly competitivemarketplace. For 20 years, we have earned the trust of training departments nationwide,and have presented on-site training at the major Navy, Air Force and NASA centers, and for alarge number of contractors. Our training increases effectiveness and productivity. Learnfrom the proven best.

ATI’s on-site courses offer these cost-effective advantages:

• You design, control, and schedule the course.

• Since the program involves only your personnel, confidentiality is maintained. You canfreely discuss company issues and programs. Classified programs can also be arranged.

• Your employees may attend all or only the most relevant part of the course.

• Our instructors are the best in the business, averaging 25 to 35 years of practical, real-world experience. Carefully selected for both technical expertise and teaching ability, theyprovide information that is practical and ready to use immediately.

• Our on-site programs can save your facility 30% to 50%, plus additional savings byeliminating employee travel time and expenses.

• The ATI Satisfaction Guarantee: You must be completely satisfied with our program.

We suggest you look at ATI course descriptions in this catalog and on the ATI website.Visit and bookmark ATI’s website at http://www.ATIcourses.com for descriptions of allof our courses in these areas:

• Communications & Computer Programming

• Radar/EW/Combat Systems

• Signal Processing & Information Technology

• Sonar & Acoustic Engineering

• Spacecraft & Satellite Engineering

I suggest that you read through these course descriptions and then call me personally, JimJenkins, at (410) 531-6034, and I’ll explain what we can do for you, what it will cost, and whatyou can expect in results and future capabilities.

Our training helps you and your organizationremain competitive in this changing world.

Register online at www.aticourses.com or call ATI at 888.501.2100 or 410.531.6034