r~:::~ age JUU

age JUU CO LLIDO J JJ OF P UGJ JJ T SO UND, TACOMA, WASHI NGTON , FltiDAY, ngumMBEH. 17 , 19 26 Pl'ice: l!'lve Cents FIRST ALL-CITY FOOTBALL BANQUET PUGET SOUND PLACES FIVE ON ALL- IS HELD AT Y.M.C.A.THURSDAY NIGHT {!tbe of N.-W.CONFERENCE FOOTBALL SQUADS Stadium , Lincoln, St. Leo's and College of Puget Sound Attend Affair TROPHY AWARDED All-City High School 'feam Is Cho sen by St a dium and Lin coln Playe rs By ' fhomn ;; l>od)!s ou Th e fi rst all-city foo tball ban - qu ct held in T acom a loo k place Th ursday nigh L, wh en tho players fr om S tu r lium, Llnc:ol n, S l. I"eo'1:1 and the Coll ege of Pn gc t So u nd' s string tt ncl r ese r ve s qu ads cl in ed at th o Y. M. C. A. A feat ur e or the pro p; rnm was l ll e p resen tin g o r t. he .J ohn so n in - spi ra ti on cu p to A mos Booth. Th e en p is voted by t li e pla yers Lo tho man who h as !l oon the bi gges t. in - s pirat i on to th e te am durin p; th e seas on . Coach Hubb a rd gave the ma in sp eoe h of th e evenin g 011 "S ports- manshi p." E tw h sc ho ol g ave th e ir own Ro ng and yells an d eac h p re- se n t ed a stu n l. An oth er inova lion of this f irst banqu e t. waH t11o ch oos in l-l' or an a ll -ri t y h ig h s cho ol t eam by t he ... .. .. .. ..... , HIGH j Next We dn es d ay, h oe. 22, th e sta ff oC Th e Tr a il w ill jo urne y Lo '"rh o Old ll om oJ; L ea d Inn " § Nor tl 1 Pu yallup for a m as pa rt y a nd dan ce. Abo ut. : 15 have signed up go a ncl a ll are an lir ipa lin g a : "gr ea t. tim e" of : a holida y aff air . Chnp oro n es w ill bo a nd Mrs . Ba ttin and Dr. and § : Mrs. IDe! wm·!l R. Po ny. : The s tud e nts are Laking th oll' § o wn orc h cl:!trn an d sc J·pn uti ne a nd con fet ti w ill he lp ad cl to t he pl eas ur e of. Lh e e ve nin g's 1 .. ........ ....... .. .... ... . .... . ..... .... . .... . ...... . . I MANY MEN ARE· PLEDGED BY 4 FRATERNITIES Alpha Chi Nu Pledges Lar gest Numbe r; Takes in 15 New Member s Wilh th e pl edging or 45 men to Sta dium-L inco ln players. fll:t <"h year the fo ur fr atern ities , one o[ the m os t previo u Hly Lh e !l ports wri Lc r l:! and su c ('essf ul fr aternit y I' UI'lh soaso n !l c oa ches would pi k on t. aovcrnl in th e h is tor y or th e co ll ege wa i:l mythi cal all -c ity teams, llllt this iH 'l 'll e broug ht to a clo se yester cl ay. th e fi rst ti me th o pl ayers have had a ha nd in the choice. pled ge p in1:1 were given to the now It iR hoped Lhnt t hi s ha nqu eL men at 1 2: 05 ThunHl ay, a !'l or a will hocomc an ann u al eve nt an cl rour -cl ay cloHe d pe ri od in w hi ch th ey that t ho se lectio n of the a ll -s tar lw d tim e to tll inlt over for th em- hi gh Rc ho ol t eam and tho p resen t a- s l.'lves th e mer i ts or the di f reron t tion of th e John son insp i t• nti on C11Jl gro ups witlto nt o ut si de l ll[lu c nc o. will b ecom e r eg ul ar f eat ur es or tho dinn er. A lph a Chi Nu pled ge d tho lnt·g oH t n nm bar or nwn, tak i11 g 15. Sig mn APPEA :t.eta EJmilon was Hl' C 'O ltcl wi th 14. · L MADE IN I Dd ta Kappa l'tu 10, ;11w CHAPEL FOR FUNDS Sigmn. Mu C' hi 6. A RpcC'ial app ea l was ma de in I 'I 'lte plocl gPs f or th o [ralc rui liel:l ch ape l on fo r fnn cls to are as fo ll o\ \ s: t he trip of th o cle l ega l es Sigma Ze ta J Jl ps il on: .Tobn Ca r- fr om tho Collogo of I'u go t Sou n d tw r o , Dave J•' crg uson, lt ulpb Bro ur , to the Natio nal Stude nt Co nferen ce , Don Da r r o w, Haro ld Nu tley , Clar- w hi cb is to be helcl in 1\l il wau kee once Ea rl ll e lancl er, R ob - from December 28 to Jan uary 1. crt Leat her woo d, F rank Gillih an, T ho cl evoti OliH we re Joel lJy :W I- Cli l' fon l Jenn e, Dill l''OH L, Gene A n- ver ton Sta rl t un ci s hor t tallts w ere cloi'I:IOn, Ll oyd Dyment. and Norm an ma cl c lJ y seve ral m embers of t he I<lug. st udent body. Al ph a .Chi Nu: Char les An der son, ! '"" " """""" " """'""'" "" "" "'"""" ' """ "'"""'" ... C' lt arles lJJ vc r ctt, W el:lloy, f B OOTH FI R ST WINNE R g Da r y l sw n11 , n ar rcl Thoma s, Fra nlc .JOHNSON-COX AWARD § H os ted! , Al ltufl'o, J'aul Ho bb es , Amos Boo th waH an nounced Milton F ornla, Ed Beclt, AI Lewi l:!, the flr1:1t win ner of th e' Joh nso n- Ornu s Speo c:o r, Fred L cPc nske, Wa l- Cox Tn spir nti on 1 'r oph y w hi c: h do J "ewi 1:1 ancl Lewis .l ckl in. J H'CHC'T l tecl to t ho at hl etic d npa r t- De lta l\ npp a Phi : A Lh e rLo · ment of the Coll ege at the LN 1ch, F ranlt R um !Jall , Bob .1 § All -City Foo tball nan n no t, ll eld so n, E rn es t Mon ey , l•'ranlc Po l tho Y. M. ('. A. builclin;; McCo rmick , Dougl Lorclay eve ning. = = und Marvi n L arso n § The t rop hy is made in o r a m ythica l Croo k Sig ma Mu Ch i: liar deBR a ncl is done in bro nze, w ith A lbert. K in g, Or in a.ll le tter ing on g nwe cl on n Lt ac he cl Di e hl , D wi g ht. Smith pla tes. n is the g ift of J olt nso n- ry . § Cox P rinting Company, and is awa rde d to the man who h; se- ; l ee to<! by h is Lea m-ma t. es on th e ns th e greates t inflivlcl uul ins pir ation to the t eam. The gi ft of th e trop hy is sig- n if k ant of the differe nt Hp ir it in w Jtich Loggeathl etes ;.J t'e co11 - R id cr ed in Tacoma. ' § TWELVE FO .... ............. RE . Japan. Thi rt y-two B)· There is a able in for ma t i on o ffi ro,. a nd per h interestin g :;tuclcnt's r their vnl u ablc ci ti zens. ingt on lends wi th 25 1 so ns d aug ht orH, while the !J ir th - p la reH or tho rest of tl1e 458 H tu - cl('nts arc almos t CVl'rywltcr o or we f ind t nn ywhcre hetw ee n t he northern- or m oRt p in o an d the r;o ut ll crn mm; t ro m n, on ly pa lm. In tr u th th ere m·o s tn <lontH city aR th eir hi r t.h pl ft·om 1\linneHota, Il lino is, \Visco nHin, A lt hough one c•onld guess Ort>gou, Iowa. C'olirornia , Ida h o, it lJY look ing at them, 2·1 or th(' 1\ li HHO U ri, Ohi o, NehrnHI\U, 1\lonta nn, s tu clcuiH wore h orn in f oro lg n c:oun - Ao. Dako ta, No. J>nl<O tn, Ponm;y l- tric:>s . .Tnpan lcacls with !; rep van ia, J\tli('higun . C'nloraclo, Oltla- r escn t ntives, Ca n ada is a <'lose ltoma, l\lassaC'husctls, Indian a, Tcx- second wi t h4, Alaska sent :!, whilo as, Knnsas, New "York , Arizona, Sweclon, t ho l' itillp pin es an rl Ch in a Mn in c, New Jprsey , f)pJ a waro, Con - are ro pr oso ntcd hy 2 oar l1 ; an cl noC't i rul, Virgin ia, \Vt•KL Vir gi ni a, th ere is one fr om Italy, Irel and. 'l'on nessoe nn cl Ken t uc l<y. 'l'hc I ncli a, J <J n gl an cl, l<' inlancl and AI- tn at hemalic:al m ind s w ill by t hi l:l sa ce L orraine. Thus it is ev id en t lim o h ave that :l2 or th at tho co ll ege is quite cos m o- our 48 ar c rep r ese nt ed. Min - po lltan. noso ta Ieucls the li st b ecause T hi rty-two sta L es ll avo contri- c ontrib uted 22. Tiy 1li<'k Yos t, Class of '27 " A nd ll10u s hall call his nanH' .Jesus: for he shall sav e his- people from their s in s." \Vonder - fu1 wo rds, these, spoken by an Angel proph esying t he gil'l of (l-od to a ll mank ind- the firs t Christmas gift. In CH i t' gre at c omme 1 Tia l age \ Ve arc pro ne to minimiz:e the sig nificance of this gifl and the s piril in w hi ch il · was heslowed. (;iven wh o le - he art edly lo Lh e wor ld the nu u1 Christ lived a li fe de- voted l<i the e nriehment of' human s ou ls. lie g ave his lime, hi s energy, yea, and even hi s life in the endeavor to make his fellow-men sense and ex- periem·c lhc spir it of his life, and to awaken in t hem the passion to he of scnice in the same spiril in which he had render ed grr nl serv ic e lo them. But the gre at mass of mankind could nol ap- preciate this g ifl. O nly a small number of his peo- plr r es ponded to the dy nami c forc e of hi s person- alit y. They were able lo liv<' lives modeled nfler h is, and lo do de e ds simil ar to his - preaching the r e cleemin g messagr to all mankind. So now, because of this L t• aching, lh e a pproa ch of lh e Yuletid e season, exuding it s speeial a tmosphere of cheerin ess, makes all ou r he arts a-lune, he we of wha tsoever nat ion ality. St eal ing in upon our pr os ai c mi nds com e rcminisc.ences ol' th e generous, congen ial, c herry nod -Man whose bil'l h we com- me ral e. \Ve disc over in h im th e l ru e e mbodim e nt of w hat we h aw come lo know as the Spirit of Chris t mas. . \Ve pe rhap s appro x imat e lhul Spi rit at 1 onc e ea cl1 ye ar in our splur ge of al'fcc led love gene ros ity. Bul the true interpre ta ti on of Sp irit of Chris tmas is exe mplified in tha t ly pl ' dividunl wh o is ae lunted by lh c Spi rit of Ch to mnnif c•sl a sp ir it of good will toward men lhrou gh o ul the en tire ye ar be great joy a nd peac e of soul lh al it affo tru e Sp irit of Christmas exists only of man hears and ubidcs by nol Day hul through o ut all the d ay s re vere nt ial words sung unto the a go : "PEACE ON EARTH, !\lEN." : lllti i iiiiii i iii H IIIHIIIII IIIII I II I IIIHI IIII III IIII tl llttlll ll llllllll'l VARSITY P 0 S T P 0 N E D 'l'RY OU TS = Th e tr yo u t 1:1 for men 's vars ity de ba te have b ee n po s tpon ed un - t il s ome time dur i ng th e fi rs t § woclt af ter Ch r is t ma s vac a tion. Th is w as ma de ncceJ;s ar y hy th e sic kn ess or two of th e men ing o ut f or th e squacl. To daLe oigh t men hav e ed o ut. for Lh o vars ity [ Franld in Mannin g, debate a ge r, ur ges that any is in ter el:l ted in cl ob he has llacl any no t., s houl d Lr y o ut :-,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,, ,, ,,, ,,, ,,, , Are Given Berths on All Confer - Team LECT on l)nl o Ohm . ling of coae hcs and d rcc<.'n l ly in Port- all-star team of the or lhwesl Confere nce · was ehos- Fivc Pugel So und men plnced on th e t wo Learns. ({illi han und Ferguson w c t·c nam ed for lhc fir st team and (ranero and Booth re- pl aces on the second leam. Gillihan w as eas ily the cl ass of th o co nf eren ce at qu a rte r. Hi s w as s up e rb and he co uld aiHo can y th o ba ll ou puss. of the Fergu so n was one or th e b es t d e- L eag u e, three on e- Ccnsive e nd s Pu ge t. So nncl h as hacl ere pr esented Sat urday the Firs t. Metboclis l. pl ays th at we re g iv en same tha t were pr odu ce d Hall d urin g th e recent nn cl w as th e ki cker of t11e s qmtd. Hi s lon g spil·al s p nll otl th e Lo gge rs out of many a ti ght hole. Ta tum , who th o mo ni clc er "Rod Oran ge of the No r thw es t Con fe r- Oll CO," a C Oll Sil:l le nl g ro u nd- lad ies or the l eag ue, uncl cr gain er a nrl th e b est lin e-p lu n ger leaclers bip of Mr s . . Muf- the sq uad h ad . Gn rn o ro , th e hn sky tackl e, c ould al ways be dep oncled one i 1:1 f amil iar on to break liP opp os in g li ne with th o popul ar "vani shing tea s" nlu n gos. Doo th , on e or the Lo g- t ha t orc upi ed such a p ro min e nt gers' l eadin g sco rer s, pla ye cl e nd th e so cia l c al e nd ar l as t. ancl made f omous the Wil s on to 'fhe mon ey co llected in Boo th IL w as thi s pass that is to help bui ld a hu i-\'OI' defe ated Will ame lt e. and h otte r wo men 's do rm ito ry . Oth er ro nforcnce te ams w lto pi ne- Th e pl ays S nl ur cl ay ni g ht w ore eel mon on th e f ir l:IL tea m are Pu- cifi<· :l ; \Vi l! um <•t. Lc 2, :l; gi ven aHa com pl iment to t ho wome n who Jmcl e nt orta in o <l wit h teas. Quit o n l arge a ud ien ce of int er es t- LinCie ld 1; Coll ege or Id a ho 1. (Continu ed on pa ge 3) XMAS SERVICE INSPIRATION Regest er Spe a){ S on "The Mean- ing of Xm as" e el peo ple we re p resent an cl every one a ppr eci a te d th e work of the I nte rested Ar e Invit- s tud e nts. Th oHe takin g part we re ed to Join Ell izab et h Wal to n, lil cl i th Jon es , W in- Hr ccl ()yo n, Al ice Jo hn so n, R uth :,t t lt ltl lt ltll l lllllfllllfiiiii i iiiiiiHIIIII I IItltl tl ll lt llllll ll lfltltlltl! Y. W. C. A. HAS SALE § POP CORN BALLS § "P oprorn ba ll s, po pcorn ha ll ll ! Onl y five ce n ts each !" Th is is th e cry th at is heard throu gho ut th e halls at Pu gct ; So und LOcliLY. 'l' h o Y. W. C. A . h av in g :l H fll e of lhOSO cle l lci ous arlicl efl of ro n Cec· lion to cl ay , in ord er to raise mon ey. W hat f or ? W h y, to co mp loto th e fu nd necessary to send t wo del ega t es to th o C. C. A. Con ve n- to he helcl at Milwau kee ce mh or 28. § Th ro u g h t wo 1>io sa l es <ln d a § ra ke sale a co ns i dc ra hlo amo un t or mon ey h as b een rai se cl fo r th is ; purpose, but tboro is Hti ll lar l<in g small amo uu t. '£l1is w ill dou bt be b ro ught in by th e !' O rn sale Le d ay. ! Th o Li tt le (' hapol was th e scone l'rle ml >e rs or , th e pl ay producin g ll us t. on, h uth L ong, Bill ie L at hrop, or a ttrac ti ve C hri s tm as d evo ti on a l m•c wor k in g h a rd on seve ral pl ays to he pr e1:1e n t. od at so me ru- t ur e da te. Th is cl ass m ee ts OVOl'Y Mo nd ay at noo n. A ll stu de nts w ho E dwina Smi th , W il ma Zi mmer man, .Tenn Mud gett., To rr ey S mllh, Fra nl(- lin Mannin g, Doug la s H c ncl cl, John To dcl , Van Spense r McKe nn y, Char- h ove n ot limo to at t en d P r of. Ti ol- l es And erso n, n nn cl co mil' s r eg ular and wh o Ouy Il ughos. L owe ll W il so n, an cl n rc inter oRtcd in th e pro cl uc: t io n and stag in g or a mateur dram as are in vited to see the profeHSO t' n hou t joi nin g th e claHa . gro up The group h as h ec n m ce li ng an cl Elver- th e nresc nt pl ays. .Ju s t a s soo n as Eli za- th e cast wo r ks on L an o ld IJi ay, a J1J iiz- new pi ny iB ass i g-ned. T his c la ss r oa d a p oo m, "'l'h e is to bo n worlcsllop fr om whi rh Knee ling Wo man ." on e-ar t pl ays may be ch ose n from an in spira ti onal time to tim e. n '" l' he Moanin g or C'hr ist- a ncl t he so1·viced close d w ith WRIT 'I'1 •iN DE lli\ TE The Un iversi ty of Alh er ta and Da lhousie U nl vorsi t. y a r c go i ng to hold n. " Co rr esp on den re De bate." The fi rst speec h C or the aff irma- tive will he pr in ted in th o p apers or mtc·h schoo l. 'r he n ex t IEuwe w ill co ntain th e fir st sp oor h for tho negti'l ive. These w ill he Co li owe d hy o th er speec h es, and then r e- b utt a ls , n nlil th o de bate has been compl et ed. :'t ljtl llll l ll l llllllllll ll ll ll lllll ll lll ll lll l llltlflfllllllllll l llllllllllll : U. OF W. STUDENT RECEIVES AWARD HOLIDAY HUMANITY SURGES IN STUDENTS GIVE Huse by a nd Mann ing Ra nk ed BEDLAM OF NOISE DOWNTOWN XMAS PROGRAM High in T est 'l'h e s tud ent assem bl y Thu rsd ay T he llh od es scho lars hip at ox- Ru shing Tid e of People S urges Th r ou gh Str eets in Doin g Their ford UnivorR it Y was won !aP t s, al- Chris tmas Shoppin g mornin g th e sce ne or a sh or t ,, - Ch ris tnHUl p rogr am given hy Heveral unl ay by Ch ari eR Murowil z, Un i- n:v H arolcl Nut.lt·y to ob serve a Sant a Claus on every H Lucl e nt.s, a nd in c •lrt de d a r eadin g ve t 'HiL Y or · W a s hin gton !l l.nd enL. 111- n. croRs Hec li on or life as ami some m usira l numborH. th ough t he Pn go t So und rcprose n- viewe d f ro m any s treet corner th ese The progr am was opened with two t 1ll ives, TTn ro l<l H use by an d Frnnk - even in gs . he foro Christma l:! Agrea t son gs by th o vVomen 's (Jlpo Cluh . l in Ma nn in g, ranl<ecl h ig h, th ey hubhuh, w arm v ib ran t moti on , Followin g, was a r ea din g on th e wor e not s n ct•esa rul in ob ta-i nin g hoal' l:iO c ries and hl at ant. h or n s,' Chr ist mas t hemo, hy Ina C'ol' f ma n th o host average. blin ki ng arc l ig lll s a nd temp tin g W il he l mina Ynn cl en Steon dosed T he honor i!l a m n rh rovete d ono, win d ow d isp l ays: fro m the sel lin g the p rogram wilh a vora l Ho l o, and th ere hei n l-\' over t hree hn ncl recl for the st age or human !ty. was a <:!'om pnni<•< l hy Fra nld in .Jol1n- l' or tho : 12 !h if; son on th e violin. ynnr. PEACE ON EARTH "Pence on ea l'lh ," th e ang<' ls san g, Lo ng years ago to lh os<' who watc hed th eir fl ocks Hy nigh t, far nul on Bc t hkhcm's l onely plain; will lo all ma nk in d," lh c nnllwm rang. TI H'<'<' wi se mrn fro m l h<· cas t, ca me Uwy Un to llw man ger, hringing costly girts · As of f( •rings unlo II im who was l hC' ir kin g, Slopped lo wo rsllip; and lh C' n upon t heir way. Yrars pass, v<• t W<' again ma y sec Thr sl ur of ho p0, lh ul slliiH'S forever br igh t To guide us with our off('rings to 1h e King Thnl \Ve m a y ·w orship w ith th ose other three. Still, if we listen, we will find Re-ech oed thr u th e h eavens as of ;yore, That swee t' ref ra in un lo the weary wo rld, " Peace on th e ear th, go od will to a ll mankind." Tho r us hing llrl e of peop le sw irls to a Ht.op to all ow n. n oisy st ream of ca1·s to pass the st r eet in terser- li on. An ex t rom cly p rosperous app c> n ri ng gon tl lli1Htn, quit.c ro tu nd an cl out or hrc nllt l a l<es acl vnn La ge of the oreasion to res t agai n st Lh o si de or t he hu ilclin g. A ha nd of sr h ool gir ls fo rm in a ci r C'le in the renlcr o l' th e sidewall a ncl sL a1· t a co n versation. 11 very tall you n r; man altired in fn u ltl ess st yle and ca r rying a br ief-c·use moves rest- lesH IY from one f oo t to t he ot.h cr. Ti uggocl littl e prese n t. t heir pnp crs to as many POH- si hl e, a nd succee d in di spos ing of several. .A few feet. fr om th e cor ner a Salv ati on A rm y Santa Clans a gr oa t cl ea l or atten t ion fr om va r- ious s mall c hil dre n in th o cr ow d. They 1,1cer at h im and l isten to bi s insis te nt be ll w ilh n goo cl cloa l o r awe nn<l 1:1 om e uncert ainty. It d oes strain on e's credu la lity a bi t co rn er. Th e s hrill w hi s tl e fro m th e Lraf- fi e p olice man h erald s the s udd en charge across th e stree t. A co un t- C'l'-c ba rge fro m th o ot her s ide mer ges w!t lt it, the whole fo rm ing a pul sating stream of action. A ttr on w ith a rms full or bu nd l es, is c:urricd by t he cr ow d in th e op- pos ite dir c<" t.i on, b ut. fi nallY m a n- ages to reac h the right. side , th ou gh in qu ile a st ate o( exas porn.- t in n. A Kmall l> OY is sepa rated !' r om hi1:1 mo t.h er nn cl wo nde rs o re up th e cahlo Lracl{, to bo hnHUl .1 r<>tr icverl. A yo un g co upl e, with <yes for tJOihing h ut each ot her, nmn a gc to hu mp in to auyhocly wi th- in humping (! istan ro. Anot her sh rill whis tl e. The hur- ry J ug pcdcHI r ians sea It cr before t11c onrns h or nu tom ohilcs. 'f wo me n in d eep con vorsa li on nn d o hli vlo ns or a ll surr o nn rl i ngs, are ! crt h ot ween the street. c:ar t ra C'I<s. A li g ht d r izzle f'ommcnccs to fu ll . Um- b re ll as or every c:o lor an d hu e nppcmr H uclcl onl y. Th e lights gleam w ith co lors an d are re- fl ec t ed fr om plalc -gl asj:l w indows. 1.' ho cr ow ds su rge h ttclc an d fo rth in un endin g p rocessio n. City lif e, hum an life, is r us hin g Chris tmas.

Transcript of r~:::~ age JUU

Page 1: r~:::~ age JUU

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age JUU COLLIDOJJJ OF P UGJJJT SOUND, TACOMA, WASH INGTON, FltiDAY, ngumMBEH. 17 , 19 26 Pl'ice : l!'lve Cents


Stadium, Lincoln, St. Leo's and College of Puget Sound

Attend Affair


All-City High School 'feam Is Chosen by Stadium and

Lincoln Players

By 'fhomn;; l>od)!sou The first a ll-ci t y foo tball ban-

quct he ld in T acoma loo k place Thu rs day n igh L, wh en t h o player s from Sturlium, Llnc:ol n, S l. I"eo'1:1 a n d th e Coll ege of P n gct Sou nd's s t r ing ttncl r eser ve s qu a ds cl in ed at tho Y. M. C. A .

A fea t ure o r t h e pr op;r nm was l ll e presen ting o r t.h e .Joh nson in­s pi ra tion cup to Amos Booth . Th e e n p is vo ted by t li e player s Lo tho man w ho h as !loon t he bigges t. in ­s piration to the t eam durin p; the season.

Coa ch Hubba rd gave the m a in s peoeh of the evening 011 " Sports­m a nsh ip." E twh school gave their own Ron g a n d yel ls and each pre-sen ted a stun l.

Anothe r in ova lion o f this f irs t banqu e t. waH t11o choosin l-l' or a n all-ri t y h igh school team by t he

r·ril.AiL···~io' ''iioi'n .............. , ~ HIGH REVELS~ j Next W ednesday, h oe. 22, the ~ ~ staff oC The Tra il w ill j ourney ~ ~ Lo '"rho Old llom oJ; Lead Inn" § ~a t N or tl1 Pu yallup for a Chri~L- ~ ~ mas pa rty a nd dan ce. ~ ~ About. :15 have s igned up t o ~ ~ go a ncl a ll a r e a n lir ipa ling a ~ : "g r eat. time " charac lcri~Li c of : ~ a holiday a ffair. ~ ~ Chnporones will bo Pro fessor ~ ~ a nd Mrs . Ba ttin a n d Dr . and § : Mrs . IDe! wm·!l R. Pony. : ~ T he s tudents a re Laking tholl' § ~ own orc hcl:!trn and scJ·pnutine and ~ ~ confet ti w ill h e lp adcl t o t he ~ ~ pl easure of. Lhe e ven ing's enter-~

1 .. ~. ~.i.~.~ ~.~.~.: ..................................................... I MANY MEN ARE·


Alpha Chi Nu P ledges Largest Number ; Takes in 15 New


Wilh th e pled gin g or 45 m en to

Stadium-Lincoln p layers. fll:t<"h year th e four fr aternities , on e o[ th e most previouHly Lhe !l ports w r iLcr l:! and suc('essful fraternity I'UI'lh soason!l coac hes w ould pi c· k on t. aovcr nl in the h is tory or the college wai:l mythical all-city t eams, llllt t his iH 'l'lle br ought to a close yester clay. the fi rst ti me tho players ha ve had a ha nd in th e c ho ice. pledge p in1:1 were g iven to th e n ow

It iR hoped Lhnt t hi s hanque L men at 12: 05 ThunHlay, a !'lor a will hocom c an annual e vent a ncl rour-cl ay cloHed pe riod in which they that tho selection of th e a ll-sta r lw d time to t ll inlt over for the m­high Rc hool team a n d th o presen ta- sl.'lves the merits or t he di f reron t tion o f the J ohn son inspit•ntion C11Jl

gro ups witlto nt out side lll[luc nco. will becom e r egu lar features or th o dinner . Alpha Chi Nu pledged t ho lnt·goH t

nnm bar o r nwn , tak i11 g 15. Sigm n

APPEA :t.eta EJmilon was Hl'C'O ltcl w ith 14. · ~ L MADE IN I Dd ta Kappa l'tu p i !'Cig~·u 1 0, ;11w

CHAPEL FOR FUNDS Sigmn. Mu C' hi 6 .

A RpcC'ial appea l was made in I ' I'lte ploclgPs f or tho [ ra lcrui liel:l chapel on I~ri d ny fo r f nn cls to a re as fo llo\\ s: finn nc~c t he trip of tho clelegales Sigm a Zeta JJlps ilon : .Tobn Car­from t ho Coll ogo of I'u go t Soun d tw ro, Dave J•'crgu son, ltulpb Brour , t o t he National S tudent Confe ren ce, Don Da r ro w, Haro ld N u tley, Cla r­w hicb is to be he lcl in 1\lilwaukee once Anclcr~on, Earl lle lancler, R ob­from December 28 to Jan uar y 1. crt Leathe r wood, F rank Gilliha n ,

T ho cl evoti OliH were Joel lJy :W I- Cli l'fon l Jenn e, Dill l ''OH L, Gene A n­ver ton Starlt un ci s hor t tallts w ere cloi'I:IOn, Lloyd Dyment. and Norma n m a clc lJy severa l m ember s of t he I<lug. s tudent body. Alpha .Chi N u : Char les Ander son,

!'""" """"""" """'""'"" " """'""""'"""" '"""'" ... C' ltarles lJJvcrctt, DoLo~ W el:lloy, f BOOTH FIRST WINNER g Da ryl swn11 , n arrc l Thomas, Franlc ~ .JOHNSON-COX AWARD § Hos ted! , Al ltufl'o, J' a ul Hobbes, ~ Amos Boot h waH a nnounced as~ Milton F ornla, E d Beclt, AI Lewil:!, ~ th e flr1:1t winn er of the' J ohnson- ~ Ornu s Spe oc:o r, F r ed LcPcnske, Wal­~ Cox Tnspi rnti on 1'rophy w hi c: h was~ do J"ewi1:1 ancl Lewis .l ckl in. ~ JH'CHC'Tl tecl to tho athletic d npa r t- ~ Delta l\nppa Phi : ALherLo · ~ ment of t he College a t t he first~ LN1ch, F r a nlt R um !Jall , Bob .1 § All -City Football nannno t , ll eld ~ son, E rnes t Money, l•'ranlc Po l ~at t ho Y. M. ('. A. builclin ;; yes- ~ M ar~ha ll McCormick, Dougl ~ Lorclay evening. ~ = = und Marvin Larson § T he t rophy is made in the~ ~ form o r a m ythica l Crook god-~ Sigm a Mu Chi: liar ~ deBR a ncl is done in bronze, with ~ A lbert. K ing, Orin ~ a.ll le tte r ing on gnwecl on nLtachecl ~ Die hl , Dwight. Smith ~ pla tes. n is th e g ift of J olt nson- ~ ry. § Cox P rinting Company, a nd is ~ ~ awa rded to the man w ho h; se- ~ ; lee to<! by h is Lea m-m a t.es on the ~ ~squad ns the greatest infli vlcl uul ~ ~ inspiration to the team. ~ ~ T he g ift of the trophy is sig- ~ ~ n ifk ant of th e different Hpirit ~ ~ in w Jtich Logge1· athletes ;.J t'e co11- ~ ~ Ridc red in Tacoma. ' § ~IIJI II I IIII III fi!IIIIII I IIIHi t ltll tl l lll lf tl ll tlllflllf llll l l l l llllltl l ltlt€

TWELVE FO .... ............. RE

.Japan. Thirty-two

B)· There is a

able in form a t ion o ffi ro,. and perh interesting :;tuclcnt's r

t hei r vnl uablc ci ti zens.

ing ton lends wi t h 25 1 sons

d aught orH, w h ile the !J ir th­

p lareH or th o rest of tl1e 458 Htu ­

cl('nts arc almost CVl'rywltcr o or

we find t nnywhcre hetween t he northern-or l'u~et moRt p ino and the r;o u tllcrn mm; t rom n, on ly palm . In tr uth t h ere m·o s tn <lontH city aR t heir hi r t.h pl ft·om 1\linneHota, I l lino is, \VisconHin,

A lthough one c•onld guess Ort>gou, Iowa. C'olirornia, Idaho, it lJY looking at them, 2·1 or th(' 1\liHHO Uri, Ohio, NehrnHI\U, 1\lonta nn, s tu clcuiH wore h orn in forolgn c:oun - Ao. Da k ota, No. J>nl<O tn, Ponm;yl­tric:>s . .Tnpan lcacls with !; rep van ia, J\tli('higun . C'nlo raclo , Olt la­r escnt ntives, Canada is a <'lose ltoma, l\lassaC'husctls, Indian a, Tcx­second wit h4, Alaska sent :!, w hilo as, Knnsas, New "York, Arizona, Sweclon, tho l'iti l lppines a n rl China Mnin c, New Jprsey, f)pJ a waro, Con ­are roprosontcd hy 2 oarl1 ; a n cl noC'tirul, Virgin ia, \Vt•KL Vi r ginia, there is one f rom Italy, Ireland. ' l'on nessoe nn cl Ken tucl<y. 'l'hc Inclia, J<Jngla ncl, l<' in lancl and AI- tnathemalic:al m inds w ill by thi l:l s a ce Lorra ine . T h us it is eviden t limo h ave ast~ertained tha t :l2 o r t hat t ho coll ege is quite cosm o- ou r 48 sta t e~; arc repr esented. Min­pollta n. noso ta Ieucls t h e lis t b ecause ~:~h e

T hirty-two staLes llavo contri- contributed 22.

Tiy 1li<'k Yos t, Class of '27

" And ll10u shall call his nanH' .Jesus: for he shall save his- people from their s ins." \Vonder­fu1 words, these, spoken by an Angel prophesying the gi l'l of (l-od to a ll mankind- the firs t Christmas gift.

In CH i t' g reat comme1Tial age \Ve a rc prone to minimiz:e the s ignificance of this gifl and the spiril in which il ·was heslowed. (;iven who le­heart edly lo Lhe wo rld the nu u1 Christ lived a li fe de­vo ted l<i the enriehment of' human souls. lie gave his lime, his ene rgy, yea , and even his life in the endeavor to make his fe llow-men sense and ex­periem·c lhc spir it of his life, and to awaken in them the passion to he of scnice in the same spiril in which he had rendered grrnl service lo them.

But the great mass of mankind could nol ap­preciate this g ifl. Only a small number of his peo­plr responded to the dynamic force of his pe rson­ality. They were able lo liv<' l ives modeled nfler h is, and lo do deeds simila r to his - preaching the recleeming messagr to all mankind.

So now, because of this Lt•aching, lhe approach of lhe Yuletide season, ex ud ing its speeial a tmosphere of cheeriness, makes all our hearts a -lu ne, he w e of wha tsoever nat iona lity. Stealing in upon our prosai c mi nds come rcminisc.ences ol' the generous, congen ial, cherry nod-Man whose bil'lh we com­merale. \Ve di scover in h im the lrue embodiment of what we haw come lo know as the Spirit of Christmas. .

\Ve perhaps approx imate lhul Spirit at 1 once eacl1 year in our splurge of al'fccled love generosity . Bul the true interpreta tion of Spirit of Chri s tmas is exemplified in that lypl' dividunl wh o is ae lunted by lhc Spirit of Ch to mnnifc•s l a sp ir it of good will toward men lhrougho ul the en tire year be great joy and peace of soul lha l it affo true Sp irit of Christmas ex is ts onl y of man hears and ubidcs by nol Day hul throughout all the days reverent ial words sung unto the ago :


: lllti i iiiiii i iiiH IIIHIIIIIIIIII I II I IIIHI IIIIIII I I I I tl llttlll llllllllll' l

~ VARSITY P 0 S T P 0 N E D ~ 'l'RY OUTS = The t r you t 1:1 for me n 's var sity ~ debate have been pos tponed un­~ t il s ome t ime during the first § w oclt aft er Ch r is t mas vaca tion. ~ This w as m ade ncceJ;sary hy the ~ sickness or t wo of the men ~ ing out for the s quacl .

To daLe oig h t m en have ~ ed out. for Lh o va r s ity [ Franld in Mannin g, de ba te ~ a ger, u r ges that a n y ~ is in ter el:l ted in clob ~ he h as llacl any ~ n o t., s hould Lry out :-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,

Are Given Berths on All Confer-




l)nlo Ohm.

ling of coaehcs and d r cc<.'n lly in Port­

all-s tar team of the orlhwesl Conference ·was ehos­

Fivc Puge l Sound men plnced on th e two Learns.

({ill ihan und Ferguson w c t·c named for lhc firs t team and

(raner o and Booth r e-places on the second

leam . Gillihan w as easi ly th e class of

tho confer en ce a t quarte r. His

~cneral s h ip w as s uperb and h e

could a iHo cany tho ba ll ou puss.

of the F e rgu son was one or the best de-League, three one- Ccn s ive ends Pu get. So nncl h as hacl

er e presented Sa turday th e F ir s t. Me tboclis l. p lays that wer e given

sam e that wer e pr oduced Hall d uring the r ecen t

nn cl w as th e kick er of t11e sqmtd.

His lon g s pil·als p nll otl the Loggers out of m a ny a ti gh t hole. T atum, who rec~cived tho m oniclce r "Rod Orange o f th e Nor thwes t Confer-Oll CO, " wa~;~ a COllSil:l l enl ground­

la dies o r t he league, uncl cr gainer a nrl the best l ine-plu nger leacler s bip of Mr s . . Tame~; Muf- t he squad h ad. Gnrnoro , the hns ky

tac kle, could a lways b e deponcled c~lt'A'O. J~ vcry on e i1:1 famil ia r on to brea k liP opposing line with tho popula r "vanis hing t eas" nlu ngos. Doo th , on e o r the Log­t hat orcupied s u ch a p romin ent ger s ' leadin g sco rers, playecl end

the s ocial calenda r las t. ancl made fomous t he Wilson to 'fhe money collec ted in Booth pa~;s . IL w as this pass that is to help bui ld a hui-\'OI' de feated Willa me lte.

and h otter wom en 's dormitory. Oth er ron forc n ce teams w lto pine-The p lays Snlu rcl a y night w ore eel m on on the firl:IL team a r e P u­

cifi<· :l ; \Vi l! um <•t.Lc 2, \Yhit.:"""~ :l; g iven aHa com pl imen t to tho women who Jmcl entor ta ino<l with t eas . Quito n large a ud ience of inter est-

LinCield 1; College o r Id aho 1.

(Continued on page 3) XMAS SERVICE INSPIRATION

Regester Spea){S on "The Mean­ing of Xm as"

eel people wer e p resent a n cl every one apprecia ted the w or k of the

Interested Are Invit- s tudents. ThoHe taking part were ed t o Join Ell izabeth Walton , lil cl ith Jones, W in-

Hrccl ()yon , Al ice J ohnson, R uth

:,t t lt ltl ltltll l lllllfllllfiiiii i iiiiiiHIIIII I IItltltl llltllllll ll lfltltlltl!

~ Y. W. C. A. HAS SALE OF ~ § POPCORN BALLS § ~ " P oprorn ba lls, popcorn hallll ! ~ ~ Only five cents each !" ~ ~ This is the cry that is hea r d ~ ~ througho ut th e ha ll s a t Pugct ; ~ Sound LOcliLY. 'l' ho Y. W. C. A . ~ ~is h av in g :l Hfll e of lhOSO "gooey"~ ~ but clellcious arlicl efl of ron Cec· ~ ~ lion to cl ay , i n orde r to r a ise more~ ~ mon ey. ~ ~ W hat for? W hy, to co mplo to ~ ~ the fun d necessar y to sen d two ~ ~ delegates to tho C. C. A. Conve n- ~ ~!ion to he helcl at Milwaukee Do- ~ ~ cemhor 28. ~ § T hro ugh t wo 1>io sales <lnd a § ~ rak e sale a considcrahlo a moun t ~ ~ or money h as been raisecl for th is ~ ; purpose, but t bor o is Htill lar l<ing ~ ~ a s m a ll amouu t. '£l1is w ill no~ ~ dou bt be brough t in by the pop-~ ~ !'Orn sale Le day. !

Tho Li ttle (' ha pol w as the scon e l'rleml>e rs or , the pl ay prod ucing ll us t.on, h u th L ong, Bill ie L athrop,

o r a ttractive Chris tm as devotion a l c la s~ m•c work in g ha rd on sever a l

exerci~el:! plays to he pre1:1en t.od at some ru -t ure date. Th is class meets OVOl'Y Monday at noon . A ll students w ho

E dwina Smi th , W ilma Zimme rman, .Tenn Mudgett., Torrey S mllh, F r anl(­lin Manning, Doug las H cnclcl , John Todcl , Va n Spenser McKenny, Ch a r-

h ove n ot li mo t o at tend P r of. Tiol- les A nd erson , n nncl co mil's r egula r c: l uH~:~es a nd who Ouy Il ug hos.

Lowell W ilson, a n cl

nrc inter oRtcd in the pr ocl uc: tion a nd stagin g o r amateur dram as a re invited to see the profeHSO t' n hou t joinin g the c laHa.

g roup T he g rou p h as hecn m celing a ncl E lver- the nrescnt plays. .Jus t a s soon as E liza- th e cast wor ks on L an o ld IJiay, a

J1Jiiz- new piny iB assig-ned . T his c lass r oad a poom , "'l'he is to bo n w orlcsllop f rom whi r h Kneel ing Woman." on e-ar t plays may be c hosen from

~;ave a n ins p ira tion al t ime t o time . n '"l'he Moaning o r C'hrist-a ncl t he so1·viced c losed with

WRIT 'I'1•iN DE lli\ T E

T h e Universi ty of Alhert a an d Dalho us ie U nlvor s i t.y a r c going to hold n. " Corresponden re Deba te ." T h e fi rst s peech Cor th e affirm a­tive w ill he prin ted in th o papers or mtc·h school. ' r he n ext IEuwe w ill contain th e first s poorh for th o negti'l ive. These will he Coli owed h y o th er speeches, and t hen r e­b utta ls , nnlil tho debate has been comple ted. :'t ljtl llll l ll l llllllllll l l ll l l lllll ll l l l lllll l llltlflfllllllllll l llllllllllll :



'l'he s tud ent assembly Thursday T he llh odes schola rs hip at ox- Rush ing Tide of People Surges Thr ough Streets in Doing Their ford U nivorRitY w a s won !aP t s,al- Chr istmas Shopping morning wa~:~ the scen e or a sh ort ,, -

Ch ristnHUl progr am given hy Hever a l u n lay by CharieR Murowilz, Un i- n:v H arolcl Nut.lt·y to ob serve a Santa Cla us on every HLucl ent.s, a nd inc•lrt ded a r eading ve t'HiLY or · W a s hin g t on !l l.nd enL. 111- Ju~:~t n. croRs Hec lion o r life as a mi some m usiral nu m borH. th ough t he P ngot Sound rcprosen- viewed from a ny s treet corner these

Th e progr am was opened with two t1ll ives, TTn ro l<l H useby and Frnnk- evenin gs . he foro Chr is t ma l:! Agreat son gs by tho vVomen 's (Jlpo Cluh . l in Mann ing, ranl<ecl h igh , they hubhuh, warm v ibrant motion , F ollowing, wa s a r eadin g on th e wor e n ot s n ct•esarul in ob ta-ining hoal' l:iO cries a nd hlatant. h orns,' Chris tmas t hemo, hy Ina C'ol' fman tho host average. blin kin g arc l igllls and tem ptin g W il helmina Ynn cl en S teon dosed T he honor i!l a m nrh roveted ono, window d isp lays: from th e selling the program wilh a voral Ho lo, and t here hein l-\' over three h n ncl recl for t he s tage o r h u ma n!ty. was a <:!'om pnni<•<l hy Franld in .Jol1n- competit o r~ l'or t ho :12 aware! ~:~ !hif; son on the vio lin. ynnr.


"Pence on eal'lh," the ang<' ls san g, Long years ago to lhos<' who watched their flocks Hy nigh t, fa r nul on Bcthkhcm's lonely pla in ; "( ~nod w ill lo all mank ind," lhc n nllw m r ang.

T IH'<'<' w ise m r n from lh<· cas t, cam e Uwy Un to llw manger, hri nging costly g irts · As off(•ri ngs unlo II im who was lhC' ir kin g, Slopped lo worsllip ; and lhC'n upon their way.

Yrars pass, v<• t W<' again may sec Thr slur o f hop0, lhul slliiH'S forever br igh t To guide us with o ur off('r ings to 1he King Thnl \Ve may ·worshi p w ith those other three.

Still, if we lis ten, we will find Re-echoed thru the heavens as of ;yore, T ha t sweet' refrain un lo the weary world, "Peace on the ear th, good will to a ll mankind."

T ho r ushing llrl e of peop le sw ir ls to a Ht.op to allow n. n oisy s tream of ca1·s to pass th e street in terser-lion . An ext romcly prosperous a ppc>nri ng gon tl lli1Htn , quit.c r o tu nd a n cl out o r hr cnllt l al<es acl vnn Lage of t he oreasion t o rest against Lh o side or the hu ilcling. A hand of srhool girls fo rm in a cirC'le in the renlcr o l' the sidewall• a ncl s La1·t a con versation. 11 ver y tall youn r; m a n altired in fn u ltless s t yle and car rying a brief-c·use moves rest­lesHIY from one foo t to t he ot.hcr. Ti uggocl little ll eWHbOy~ presen t. their pnpcrs to as many n~; POH­sihle, and succeed in d isposing of several.

.A few feet. from the corn er a Salvati on Army Santa Cla ns r.reatc~:~

a gr oat cl ea l or attent ion from var­ious s mall children in tho cr owd. They 1,1cer at h im a n d l isten to bis insis tent be ll w ilh n goocl cloal o r awe nn<l 1:1ome uncerta in ty. It does strain on e's credula lity a bit

corner. The shrill w his tl e from the Lraf­

fie p olicem a n h eralds t he s udden charge across the street . A count­C'l'-cbarge from tho other s ide m erges w!tlt i t , th e whole form ing a p ulsating stream of action . A m·ttron w ith a rms full or bundles, is c:urricd by the cr owd in the op­pos ite d irc<" t.i on, but. finallY m an­ages to reach t h e right. s ide, th ough in qu ile a s tate o ( exasporn.­t inn. A Kmall l> OY is separ a ted !'rom hi1:1 m o t.h er nn cl w onder s o re up th e cah lo Lracl{, to bo hnHUl.1 r<>tr icverl. A young couple, w ith <yes for tJOihing hut each othe r , nmn agc to hump in to a uyhocly wi th­in humping (! istan ro.

Anoth e r shrill w his tl e. T he hur­ry Jug pcdcHI r ians sea It cr before t11c onrnsh or nu tom ohilcs. 'f wo men in deep con vorsa li on nnd ohlivlons or all surro nn rl ings, are !crt h ot ween th e street. c:ar t raC'I<s. A lig ht d r izzle f'ommcnccs to full. Um­brellas or every c:o lor and hue nppcmr Huclclonly. The lights g leam w ith pri~mallc colors and a r e re­flected from plalc-glasj:l w indows. 1.'ho cr owds s urge h ttclc an d fo r th in unending procession. City life, hum an life, is r ushing tow1trcl ~o~

Ch ris tmas.

Page 2: r~:::~ age JUU


Charles M. Sherman of the class or '9 3, who is principal of the Cen­tral School in Tacoma, was the first graduate of tho old Puget Sound University.




ABOUT EUROPE Bishop Blake Is First to Sign --

Registration Book Tells Interesting Things About




One of the co llege students over­

beard the following conversation in

King, Bjorkman, Gysin and the post office the other day: McCollom Also Chosen Laly: I want a book or stamps.

A record will, from uow on, be kept at the College of Puget Sound of all people visitin g tho institution.

Conditions in Russia at Present Time

Prizes Amounting to $5000 Will Be Given as A wards

_ __ The semi-annual election of of- nomination? --- Clerk: Yes, ma'am, what de-

We Believe

That the


Is None too Good

for Our

Friends and


'!'be Y. M. C . . A. of Tacoma has presentecl tho college wllb a beauti­ful lonlller-bouncl registration book, In which vis itors will be requested to sign thei r names. The Y. M. C. A. has also given the college a handsome mahogany tab le and chair, which will be placed in the entrance ha ll. The register will be kept on t his table, for the convenience of

visitors. The College is fortunate in having

Bishop Blake or Paris as t11e first signer or t he register. Bishop Blake dedicated the registration book last

Under the auspices of the Belter ficers was the main business of Lady: Methodist! ideas American Federation of California, the December meeting of the Mathe-"People often get distorted

if they con fine their• reading to the public preRR," said Bishop Ed­gar Blalco, for seven yen1·s bishop of Europe, in a chapel address Wed­nesday. "We arc bocoming a na­tion or h eadlinerA. One of the most

plans for the t hird National Inter- matical Round Tahlo, last TueR­day at t he home of R uth Sherrod.

collegiate Oratorical Contest on the Ethel Trotter, former secretary

Constitution ttre being formulated. of tbe club waR chosen as pr esl-The purpose oC t11e contest is to in- dent. Other officers will be: vice-

un Corlunato I h inga oC our modern lime Is tl1al people have ceased to read for study."

creas e interes t in ancl respect for

the Constitution of the Uniled Slates. Tho contests or 1925 and

B ishop Blake went on to tell 1926 wore so successful that it was

bow tbe newspaper s oflon misrep- decided to continue the movement.

resent and misinterpret foreign These affairs a r e financed by the count r ies. ne f:lpo lre of the French intelligent citizenship. attitude towards America, and said There will be seven prizos, that the Htor ies printed about hat- amounting to $5,000.00 The ora­red growing up between the two tions must he original, m ust not

presiden t, Albert King; secretary, Evelyn Bjorkman; treasurer, Fred Gysin; sergeant-at-arms, Homer Mc­Collom.

Special Rialto Midnight Matinee

New Year's Eve


TALKING" Staged by Director of the

Duffy Players :'tljll t lltlllllllllllllllll l llllll ll l llll lllllfltllll ft tllllf l ttllllllllllt ll':

You'll Find It Here Always Wedn esday, when he put his signa- countries wa1:1 "all fake." require more than ton minutes for

delivery, and must be on a speci­fied subject.

The program of the evening con­sisted of an interes ting paper by Mr. McCollom on the 'history or analytical geometry. Ile traced the developmen t of geometry from the early synthetic stage to the ap­p lication of the analytic var iety by DesCartes. DiscnsKion, loci hy

Chocolate Shop fl08 Broadway

Tacoma 'l'lleatet· Bldg.



I Remember us for Foun-~ lain Pens and Pencils,

il Leather Goods, Compacks,

Atomizers and many other j

f useful presents f

Brown's Pharmacy f ! 2017 No. 21st Street J .~..~~ .. ~~~.~~~~~~~~ .. ~:~~ ....


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tu re on tho first line of the first In speakin g of Russia, he said pago. No doubt in the future the tllnt t he government s upported a College will havo many more d is- froc opera for the common 1>cople, Unguishecl signatures in its visitor's J that t he a r t t r ea1nnes were safe registry. 1 and carerully cnred Cor. IIe stated ---------------, that re ligion was freer in Russia

If any college Atndent Ia Inter­ested, pamphlet with Information concerning avery detail may be ob­tained from tbc Trail office.

J"'" "" ""ll'"''" .. '""""u"''" .. ll" ... " "" ................... ,~ J lhan in tnoal or tho other countrjcs

~ All Late Sheet Music Hits - of Europe. "Lives and property


§=_: are safer in Moscow Lban in Now SANTA ARRIVES POPULAR SONG SHOP York, Chicago or San Francisco."

In closing, Bishop Blake said, AT PHILO MEET

Fisher Co. "All peoples or tho enrlh are of ~ ffi j one blood with the same ideals

Any one coming into the Philo­mathean Literary Society meeting last Monday night would have thoug ht that Christmas had already arrived. The members were busily eating candy and popcorn, wh il e Paul Lung, imperson ating Santn. Claus, gavo out Chris tmas girts. One member or the society' was highly ins ulted by t ho wash c loth Santa Claus gave him .

;,,.,, ...... .... "'""'"'""'"""'"'"""'""'""""""""'"'"-: and hopes. Learn to think well

-- - or yourselves, hut think equally P. !Jlnl:l liixpt:'rt Marcelling well of others. R eapccl every man

Alcl<'r Flc.,·cot Jlarbt•t· and for what he is and Cor what God UC'uucy Shop

Hair Cutting a Specialty 26 & Alder. Paul Bullis, Prop.


---------------·----------~ We Call For We Deliver

LYON'S Tailors a nd Ol<•n 11<','8

Twenty years' Experience Pro<~ tor 14 0 2 517 N. Proctor E. F. Lyon~:~, J. Shllley, Props.

,_ ..... +·--··-..__.. __ ,_.._.._,_.,._.+

. I Phono Proctor 5 71 I ~ PROCTOR PHARMACY f ! W. P. Ragsdale j

1-.~~~~.~~'~"~~.~~~:.~~.~~~-.l ~lllllllll ll l ll ltllllll l l ll ll ll ll ll ll ll ll lllll llll l lllllllll l l lt ii ii HII II M I •

; :

~ ~ = COLLEGE =

! I \Vishes all the


A Merry Xmas and -

-: . ;''"''''''''''''llltllltll l llll l lllllll l l l lllllllllfl l llllllllllltllltlllll t l':

bas madt~ him."


"Christ mas 1926" was the theme

of Amphictyons program las t Mon­

day night when tbe society held

Marjorie Burrow spoke of "Christmas With t he S hepherds." Evelyn Dahlstrom told an original Christmas story. Jessie Munger,

its last meeting of tbis year. Alice Gartrell, Frauccs and Mildred "Yuletide Greetings" were ex- Martin sang Ch ris t mas songR. Tom

tended to memhers and vlsitorR Dodgson gave an extempo. "Christ­by Morton Johnson. Mildred Hawks- mas GlCts." a nd Dorothy Ruth Scot t worth gave a short tul le on "The Christmas Spirit" and read a le tter

gave a read ing, "A Christmas Rose." Ruth Dively describe cl "Christmas

from "Olcl Sl Nick hisself." A doub- Eve." le quartet composed oC A lice Rock-hlll, Eli?.aheth Jones. vera Crail, .ryl-LETIDE GREETINGS" IS Genevieve Bitney, Dale Ginn, E lver- 1'HETA SUBJECT ton Stark, Wttllaco Slencs aml Wen- "Yuletide Greetings" was t he dell Drown sang n. gro np of Christ- title or Kappa Sigma Theta's pro­mas enrols. "And Touchcfi Thei r g ram IlL t11eiJ' Christmas meet­Barns or. Cold," a violin solo, was ing last Wednesday aftern oon. T ho played hy Dorothy Gilmore. Gene- sorol"ity 'Tlet .at Roso Phelan'a l1ome vievc Slowo roar! a pap, e ntitled. and tht hos lo!iSOH were Nadine "Xmas l•'ostfvilies ln Ot1. w Lands " Purkey, Vern. Blix, Florence Palm­

and Margare t Haley gave "Under er and Theo Miscne1·, who served the Mistletoe." , a Chris t mas spread at the clos e

As a conchiRion to th e even ing 's of the meeting . program, Old Santa Claus, Albert Part of the "Bird's Ch1·is lmas King, appeared upon the scene and Carol" was r ead by Margare t A. gave all the "good hoy and girl · Millm·. "Ch1·iRtmas Carols " were Amphics' 11rescn ts which w er e s ung by Theo Misene r, Leo Bloom­greatly varied. Mice , rolling pins, quisl and Elva Tielfoy; "A Christ­drums , horus , "Fellxes , dolls and mas Slor:v" was told by MJaR Re­everythlng e lse imaginable were re- n cau, and "Th e little Gray Lamb" ceived by the members. was given by JDclilh .Tones .

Another Christmas present in -which every one shnrecl w as a hox XMAS MOTIF CARRIED OUT of Delirtona AmJicR sent to the BY LAMBDA SORORITY lite rary society by Mr. Brooks of

i'' ' ''''''''''''''''''''' ' '''''''''''"''''''''''"'' ' '' ' ' ' ' ' ' '' ' ' ' ' ''''''''''''''' ' ''''''''''' ' ' ' '''' ' ' ' '''' ' ' '' ' '' ''''' ' '''' ' '' ' '''' ' '''' ' ''"''''' ' ''' ' '''~

'== cv;,~~~!o~~,~~~~~c~~~e~~!~f ~~~~'"' G;[(s lhal ~ Hoocl Rivor, Oregon.

'l'he L ambdn Sigma Chi Horor ity he ld its Chr istmas meeting, at th e home of Mi Hs Marjoril' nnrrows . The program cons is ted o£ a r eading by Winifrerl Gynn, Chris tmas carols s ung by A liec Rockhill, Genevieve Bitney. J!'ranc-es Mnrlin and Eliza­beth J ones, and some Chris tmas 2615 No. 2lsl St. Proc. 3559



ProCessor Hanawalt, followed I he reading or the paper

A discussion was held over th o matter of a clul> pin, and ca.La­logues were passed a round in au effort to determine one so.llsfactory tn the club. It was f inally decide<\ to settle definitely on a pin at the next meeting.

RIALTO Starts Tomorrow-

A tear-stained page ------------------~-+•-...-..-.._.._ •• _,,_,,_ .. _._,. M-H -+

I BOB'~RlLACE I - from the Book of

1. for good Haircuts. A 50c job j for 35c. The Barber Shop by j

1 the Dricige ·r ! 2704 North 21 _ -~~·-··-··-•-tt_.,_ .. _, .. _,,_.,_,,_.,._,.j.·

+· .. - ·-··-··-··-.. -·.-... - ... -··-··-··-·t .t•uxcdo, .Dress SuIts n.nd Mns- f '«uera.do Costum eR fot· nont. -

~'hentrlcal Supplloa .f~ NEAl ... E. THORSEN

Pythian Templo Second F loor 924lh Broadway Main 3111

IA-M-1-11-... --n- H- n-•t-11_1_1+ : • tl lll ll ftUit tl ll l lllt l llltflltttlttUtl tl llt l llllltll l ll l l t llll tl llltiiU

I=== : BLACK & GOLD ,..


Fine Syrup Made by

Fnssett & Co . Tacoma, Wash.

.,, ,,, , , ,tl l l l llll l fllllll l lllll l lll l lllltflftfl l tlllllll l l ll lll l ll l t ll l ll~ ;,

----------------···---·-1 TYl'BWRITJ<.JUS

All Malces Sold $5 Month ly Special rental rates lo students

Bonnett 'J'yp(lWI'i i•' t' Compnny 291 Pac. Ave. Main 1174

~-----------­+·-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-·+ 11 ~~~r I ~c~ I ~ 1


730-32 St. H<'lcns i\v('nuo Telephone Mnht 412 Tncomn, \VnshlngCon I




Starts Tomorrow--

Corinne Griffith




111-••-••-••-u-.. -n-••-11•-••-••-••-•+ ;'''''''''''''''''''lttlllflltlttl t ltltltt l l l lllllllltlllllllllltllllllttlll':

'III I UII Itllflfi i i ii iiiiiiiUIIIIIItlflll t llltlllltlllllllllltlltllllllllltiiiUitltlllltllllll l llllllllltlllllllllllllllll lltiiiiiiiiiii i iiiiiUIIIIIIIIIU!

: W.l!J WANT YOUU PATRONAGE ~ ]I' lfil-\'h Qnu W :v M<wchmulisc, ~ Lowest. possible Pl"ices. F all' g )knHn~ nnd H<'l'vice will get it ~


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SIXTH A VENUE DISTRICT ; lf t ll llfJitllllttlllltllllllll ltll llll l lttllllll l llllllflllllllllfllltiiJtllllllllltllllllll t llllfllltll l ttiiiHI I IIII I IItlllttllllllt l lllltllllltl l lttlllll';

!_lllllt lfl lf tlll l lllllllflltlltllllll l lllltllllltllllllll lt tlllllllll l llflll ll lllltllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllltllllllllllllll l ll llt lllltfl tl ll lllf lll tl ltl~

Pledges or Della Alpha Gamma sorority turned the tnbles on the tncmbers of the sorority last W ed­nes day a t the ir r egular meeting he ld at Mary Glen's home. The pledges w er e to have f:!(ivcn the program hut Ins tead th ey mndc an impromptu affair and called on old m e m bor s Cor rcRponses .

n-ames. n c rore the bus iness mee t- ·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + 7ng, re fres hmen ts ca rrying out lhe - X:\IMi r~;;~:"~~~~-~~;:~~·-;.~~;· if

"There is no substitute for Music when it comes to genuine pleasure-giving"

When you give a BUESCHER TRUE TONE Instrument, you give lhe hcsl.

TACOMA MUSIC CO. Specialists in Band and Orchestra Instruments

917 Commerce St.

: .. : llt llltllll tl llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll tl llltll ll t llllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllt tll tll l lllll ll tllllllltiiii i HIIflll ltlltl ll ':

+•-w-n-n-•...,_,••-••-••-n-•- •.-••-••-n-••-•-••-••-•-••- •-••-u-a-__ 1._+


DICKSON BROS. CO. 112o-22 i f I

Since 1883 Pacific Ave.


'I'he titles of tho number s wer e : "Th e Night l3eCorc CllriHimas ," "My Fir1:1 t Letter to Rantn Claus , "When 'I'hcy 'l'old Me ''l'hore Ain't No Sn.nta Cl;tnA.'" "Th e Longos t S tocking I Ever Hm> g Un." "My First Christ­mas Present From My nean ," and "Why I Believe ln Santa Clause.


The r egu la r m eeting or Della Alpha Gamma was h e ld at the home of Miss Mar y Olenn. 1 721 Norl h Steele . As it was the last meeting be fore C'hris tmaH g ifiH were exrhan ged by the g irls .

Tho program con sis t crl or r eact­ing!'! hy Miss Paulin o Voelker and a piano Ao lo hy Miss Marie Tromcr, preAident Of the plerlgeA .

Arter refrcahmon tR whir h were served by Mi AH Mary C1l e nn nnd Miss Dorothy Henry, the sorority he ld ilR r egular hus in NIS m eeting.

Christmas motif we re served by 1 Cil!lii'S fm• l>:HI SUNDAY AT •

1\Ia rjorie Burrows anrl Fritzi Goff. ('aml'Y fo1· t111• Hw<'!'tlwar·C ~ GOSSER'S ~ --- --- 6TH AVE. SMOKE SHOP 1 1

BE1'AS ENJOY A YULETIDE 2,103 Six th Ave. j 6t11 Avo. at Stale Stree t f PROGRAM 1""-••-••-••-••-••-••-••-••-••-M--c.f.

Mary J\:.izor, Mn.rgnrct Patterson .-. :."'"'""" .. ""'"""'" "1" .. ""'"""'"""""" .. 1"'"" .. "·".:: and H e len flaunrl crA we re hos tess- = • = es to their rlela sorority s is ters ~ TATMAN MUSIC HOUSE ~

:::t~~~cl:~ ~~~er~~~~~ ;~e tl~ln~i~~~ pATRONIZE ~-------=- :v:~.:tl~i~:RAof:o:m .. . t;~eac:~:ic -~-----=~_ mas program and bus iness m eetin g TRAIL ADVER1'ISERS -w hich followed were held in the

soror ity's room, \vh ich \vas ga y l!;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;.l :~~ """"'"' .. ' ""'11""'"'""11""" .. , .... , ...... ,""'"'"'"''-: with a Chris tmas tree and boll-day decoration.

A pia n o solo, "Chris tmas ~hi rues, " w ns g iven l>y Audrey­Dean Albe rt: sever a l Reler t ions were read h:v rna Corrmnn ; Mary K ize r and Viola .Jordon s an g a due t , ac­companied by Marf:!(aT·et Patt er son and H e len Raunder>~ gave a unique muRical numhor.

The las t number was arranged by the !>ledgeR and com; ls lcd or a Chris tmas troo which were placed in expen s ive gift!:! for each member and pledge.

r .......... ~~~;·~i::;~;~~; ............ i i in Candies, Perf'umrs, Per- i ~ fume Atomizers, Slalion- ~

I ::~d.:i:::·~~:. p;::·g ~:: I ~==- )JrNI<~J·lption Hpcwialil-ltA ~==-

261 2 Six th Avo. M. 2726 P'hone Main 1 27 !1

~HIIIIUII I IIIIIIII!Itii!UIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItllll l lllllllllllltlllllllllll t:

-----------··------·------------1 STUDENTS!

You will find it easy lo do your Xmas Shopping here, from our big line of use-

ful afHI lasting gifls.

Fred Jensen Mens' a nd Boys' Shop'

2f513 6Lh Ave. Main 2995

+·------··----··-.. -··-··-··-·-··-··-··-·.. .._··-··-·-··-··-.. -··-··-·--...._,_.,. I CALIFORNIA FLORISTS j ~ ............................................................................................................................................................ §


+•-•-••-••- ••-••-••-••-••- n-••-••-•f r.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i Agents for ! I • I

I The Best Quality at the Most Reasonable Price • t 907 Pacific Ave. 1\Iain 7732 f +--....,._..,__.,_,,_,.._ .. _,,_.._,,_,.,_,, ___ ,_ .. __,,_,,_,,_,,_,,_,,_,.,_.,._.._,_,+



The old, old story of sweets lo the swecl will never <lie and no gift is more appreciated lhan a box of Brown

& Haley's Chocolates. Truly a gift that will gladden.

Brown & Haley Confectioners to the Elect

~ •• • , • • , ,,,,,,,,, , , ,,,,,,,,,,,,, , ,,,,,, , ,,, , , ,,,, , ,, , ,,, , ,,,,,,,,,,,.,, , ,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,, , ,,,, , ,,,,,,,,,,,, , ,,,.,,,,,., •• , , , ,, , , ,,, , ll l l l ll ll l l tll l l l l ll l ;

S-Light Tree Out-

fits 98c


()lh Ave. at Prospect

! Conklin Fountain Pens j •


1 and Pencils I Unconditiona lly Gun.ranteod

Eastman Kodaks 1 $1.00 down, $1.00 a Wc<'k j ~ SUN DRUG COMPANY j

Expc1·t ])rug 1\lcn j ! Phone Main 646 I t Corner Six th ttnd Anderson [

+·-----·-··-··-··-··- ·- ·-··-··- ·-·+ 1:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:.1

Page 3: r~:::~ age JUU





Dr . Y. T. Lam, ' 24, P or t lan d, Ore­

gon. Dr . Lam is our only Cbiuese






MEN WORKING HARDIN HOOP . gra d uat e. He is n ow a chiropractic

Gn.rd Shuler, who was a foot­ball star a t Puget Sound las t yea r, vis ited t he college Monday. He lives in Seattle a nd is playing at t he F i fth Avenue Theater.

griiii1U IIIIII III I II UI1 11 1111111 1111 1111 1 1111111t lll ll l lll ll ll l l l fllltll llg


PRACTICE NOW physician in P ortland. He plans to comple te a medicnl courso in one

TENNAN1, DONATES A CUP C II ' S d St . PI WIN PRACTICE GAME FRI. or our m edical schools and re turn to o egc s econ rmg ay- · · crs to Compose Squad his country as a medical m issionar y.

! lltlllllltlltiUII I IIIIIIIIII I IIIII I I IIII I IIIII I I I IIIJIIIIIti i iii / I II I IJ I 'tl"' - =

Ma~::~~e: Co. I Course is 9.2 Miles Long; Thr ee Cups Offered

As Prizes The Y. M. C. A. of the College

of Puget Sound is sponsoring a baslcet ball team in the "Y" l eague.

Wilson Turning Out Again; Two Practice Games 'l'his


B y I i't•1ntlc R m nbnU Any member is eligible to pla y and Uy Dale Ginn



Pu get Sound• will probably be r ep- the teams will vir tually b,e the resented in tbe modified marathon second s tring squad of the s chool. schedule in this city for Christmas Coach Hubbard and Dean L emon day. Yates Van Patter and Fr ank- will be in c harge of the outfit.

The hearts of Logger· basltet­ba ll faus were gladdened this week by the a ppeara nce of F rank W ilson on the maple court. W ilson has


lin Manning a re looked upon as likely to s ig n up for this event. 'l'he course of !). 2 miles is laid be­tween Pt. Defiance a nd South 'l' a-coma.

Doug Hendel will a ct as manager . The "Y" len.gue is a fast, clean

ci rcui t and the ra ce should be close.

been laid up s ince footba ll sea son with an infected foot and has n ot been able to t urn out for prac tice. The l>ig fellow (avors h is foot ye t, but it is hoped t hat by n ext weelt he will be ab le t o hit l1is usual Mr. C. V. Munsey of the city

park boa r d in his ta lk to the Col-

Some of t he entries ttre College of P u get Sound Y. M. C. A., Whistle Bottling Works, " Y" Outing Club. "Y" Cominclus Clu b, " Y" L ine s tride.

S ince the pr·aciice gam e last Fri-lege of P uget Sound track m en a! ums, Br ot herhood Bank.

256 11th St. day Coa ch H ubba rd has been wor k-

at th e 'ruesday noon m eeting, said 'l' he college team will be s trong ing his proteges hard. Although that Mayor Tenna nt had donated and will prol.Jnbly win the ch a m- t he collegians won the game, th ey

: II!I I II II IIIIII I IIIIHI IIIII I I illllllll ll l l lt ll l ti i ii iiiiiii iiiiiiiH IIHIII¥

a cup for the fi rs t p r ize and South 'racboma ha d dona ted two cups. So far on ly five men have signed up for the even t , none of these be-


2 Pants Suits, $25.00 and $35.00

Beautiful Top Coats $20.00 1 and $25.00

Latest Patterns in Plus-Four Knickers $5.00, $7.50

LUNDQUIST-LILLY Rust Bldg. Tacon1a 11th & Pacific





iinbatl' JPDRT/NG 'GOODS' 1107 DROADWA Y



Ukuleles .............................. $

Banjo Ukuleles ····--·-·········­

Guita rs ---·-··-·········-···-·····-···· Saxophones .. .............. : ...... .

Banjos ............................... .

Clarinets ........................... .

Mandolins · ......................... .

2.75 and up

8.50 and up 15.00 and up

110.00 and up

:35.00 and up

65.00 and up

16.50 and up

Or why not a gift album of records of your

own selection

All instr uments sold on easy terms

pions hip, but L em on's proteges will did not s how t he clas h tha t is ex-know they ba.ve been in a ba ttle. peeled ol: t.h em. Mr. H ubbard

ing college men . Those who have r egis ter ed are C. I I . Coole, Walter Swa nson, Mo rris Molin, K . Van n. Schemerh orn a nd Albert Elrick­son.

Motion pictures will be ta ken of tho run by the P antages pho­tographer and will be s hown a t otll e r theaters on the circuit as well a s in Tacoma.

MERRY CHRISTMAS By E vulyn Millet•

"Be malTY and o C g lad good cheer

F or Christmas comes b ut o nce a


Once a year on hurrying feet, All the world throngs in the s t reet ; Once a year th e world is gay W ith its joyous holiday; All t he shops a re full of toys, Little, big-fot· g ir ls a nd boys, All the stores with tinsel shine To te ll th o world 'tis Chris tmas


'l' nrkeys ha ng wlth feet in air, Big pln m pudrlin gs, here and t here, Calce an d t hings to eat galor e, One may Cind in every s tor e. In a ll the churches choirs s ing Anthems un to Chris t the King. And Chris tmas trees with candles

glow In a ll the houses, row on r ow S tockings pinned to chimneys say, " Hope th at Santa com es this way." D1·eam s and love and lau gh ter lies I n al mos t everyho<'fy's eyes. So be ye m erry and of cheer,

has heen g iving the squad a few percentage sys te m plays and is t r y­ing t o po lish off som e of the rough edges.

'l'he firs t conCerence game is fast: approaching and t he coach believes tbat the best wa y to pre­pare for it is to g ive his men plenty o f men. He has scheduled two practice games f.o r this weekend and expect s to give every man a chance to show what he can do. In t11is way the combination that works best together can be de­termined and actua l work sta r ted fo r t he championship.



Second Year Team V,Vins Final Game by the Score of 28

to 3 Friday

Uy Helen J cns<>n 'T'he cha mpionship o C girls' bas­

ket ball was won by a big score IJy th e Soph omores . The team who won the big victo1·ies for th e Sopho­more class was T eam A, of which "G oof<e" P hilips is 1 be captain. The decidlng gar~e was p layed last Fri­day when team A de feated Team B with a big score of 28-3 . The game was fast a nd f urious and l ma,ny good plays wer e made. " L eo" was the star for ward of t he day I and exceptionally good g uarding

1 was di splayed by Elvalyn Mille r . 1

The players on T eam A were: F or Chl'lstmas co mes bu t once a

year . Loo Bloom quis t., Fritzi Go ff, 1'or ­

war ch;; J!llva BeHoy, Mildred Martin , g uards ; " Goose" P hil ips, jumping

ALL-CONFERENCE TEAMS cen ter; Ger trude n ess , side center . (Contin ued from page l) Tcnm n

'l'ho a ll-s tar team s a s na med a re:, Alice Gar tr ell, jumping ceHter F irs t 'l'cnm (captain ) ; Ruth Ftt duess, side can -

F erguson, P uget · Sound ----- -LE ter; Genevieve Stowe, H elen J en­Rann ow, Pa cific -------------LT son gua rds; Evalyn Miller , F lor ­Ha rtley, Wil lamette ----------LG ence Bronson , guards . B!can , W il iam ette ------- - ----C A fast a nd peppy game will Caley, Whitma n R C be pl ayed today at 2 : 00. The Nicholson , Lin f ield __________ n•r Freshm an gi rls have ch allenged t he Po llock, Pacific --------------RE "champs" to a ga me. Gilli ha·n , P uge t Sound ________ Q Lowell (C), c. or Ichtho ______ LH Michelson, Whitman ----------RII J oh nson , Pacific ------------F

Dr . C. 0. Boyer , '98, is a practic­ing phys icia tt and s urgeon in Por t­land, Oregon. Dr. Boyer was ap-

Sceond Tonrn poin l oti p residen t of t he Boyer I .. it-Baldridge, C. of Ida ho ------ --LE erttry Socie ty by the alumni, a nd McKenzie, W illarn ette --------LT lhrough his effor ts it was kept Hom , P a cific - --------------L G . King , Linfield --------------C _g



_g_. ----------Swim , C. of Idaho ---- - - ----R G Whitman ; Byant, center , Pacific; Garnero, Puget So und --------RT 1 I ngalis, end, Paciric; ClonigeJ·, full­Booth , P uget Sonnd ----------REl back , Willame tle; Smith , center , P. War ren, Linfie ld _________ _ Q Wh itm a n; Yenne, fullback , W h it-Dilley ----------------------LH man; Wilson, lta lfback, P uget Foost, Pac ific --------------RH Sou nd ; T ucker , end P aciCic; Brown­Tatum, P uget Sound ----------F ing guard, P uget Sound; Deck ,

Honorab le m ention: R hodes, tac- g ua rd, Pacific; Em orson, quar ter­lt le , W illam ette; Meis ter , hai fbaclc, back, Pacific.

A HARD PROBLEM In mathematics usually seems easy when you know ho\ov to solve it. What to buy a man or boy for Christmas is sometimes a hard problem but it is easily solved at this store. It is our business to know what will please them and it is a pleasure for us to help select just the thing that they will like


W . C. BELL & SONS CO. 1110-12 P acific

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J ewel er

257 So. 11th

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: lfl l llllltlllllll l ll l l llf l llllllllll lll l lllllllllllll l llllll ll l l llllllll l 'l • c :'ttltlll ltll l l ltllllll l llllltl tiii i ii i iiiii iUIIII U IIIIIIIIIII I IIIIIIIII I III::



DAVIS' For Your Next

fiAT our new light weight

Crusher, $5.00

~H1 Pac. Ave.

! '"'''''::~~:::::····· · "·! Address Books

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Dale Books ; ,,, , ,, , , , , ,, , ,, , , ,, , , , ,,,,,,,,, , , ltfl l ll l ll l ll llllllt l lll l llllllll lllllltll


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The Lucky Dog Kind


Funniest Comics Best Stories


Tacoma's Leading

Evening Daily


CAJ ... L MAIN 5510

Fountain Pens

Gift Sta tionery in fancy

Boxes f l'Om 20c to $10.00

BOOKS Popula r F iction a l 7!)c


A few New Tilles

One Minute to Play So Big

Blacb: Pirate Little French Girl

M. R. Martin & Co.

The Christmas Book Store

926 Pacific Ave.

I : .

;'lllllllllllllt lll llllll l llll1111111tllllll lll llllltlfi i 1HIIIIII IIII I IIItllo

~ Shampoo ) SO • • • • Marcel r C

Bob Curl) 'l'b e Three Essentia ls

" One pt•ice f ot' nll-JoA for one l"'l'ice" J>orJnan cn t Wave $ 10.00-NcsUcs Newest Process

7 3 9 St. H elens Ave. Main 91 G __.__.... ___ -. ________ _....__ -·---------------l ll l llt lt l lllllllll l ll l lllll IIIII II II 11111111111 1111 111111 ll l llf l ll ll tllttllllllltl l lllll tl I l ll llll ltllt ll l l l lllllt i i iiiiiiiUI IHIII I flllllt iiiii i Ui l IIU!

FURNATURE- mt.;s- RANGES Expansio · Sale

Ph oru,l M1dn 1279 l tl ll llllllllllllllltll 1111111 1 1111 11 1 Ifil l III II II ll lllltlllllllot t 111111 111 111 II 1 '1'~tll I t i HI I I II I 111111111 1 111 1 1 111 11111111UUU I IIII tiiU IIIIII 11111111 ,?

5' " .'l llllllfllltflllllllllllllll lllllllfll llfllllllllllllllllllflllllll lll lllt1 11UIIItlllllllllllll l llllllllft1111111111111UIIIIItiUIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIII I1J!

: : ~ ' §

~ Porter-Cummings Company I=====~ "Home of Better Grade 2-Pants Suit"

Maybe a Tuxedo for Xmas ~-

934 Pacific A venue

:'tlltiiiiiiiHI II I II I IIIIIfU IIII I I IIItll ll lllltllllflllllllllfl l lll tltlltllllltlttllltltl llltlll llt l ltiiiiUII I IIIIIHI IIIIIII I IIUIIUtllllllllttiUUtll tl¥


---------------------------------------------------1 SPALDING



l Oth & Pac. Ave.


Page 4: r~:::~ age JUU


EDITORIAL - -- -- FEATURES ------------------------~~--·····----~---------~------------------ ---····---~~~~----- -~-----------------------

:rr:stahl i ~hed: Publ iBhed Weekly Sept. 2!i, 1922 During Scl10ol Year


Fdl1or-ltl-( 'hl<•f JlOlllJal!l' lllJJUIO\\'S (J•o·oc. :IS:I!'l)

NewN IJlolltor s,oorls Etlltor JDJ,vr,at'J'ON S'l'AtU,;: (Pro"' 2:111:1) 1\llNAliD trASSI~'J"l' (l'roc. 410)

DEPAR.Tl\'ffiNi'S Jilxclutnge --- - - --------- BellY >Valton Ass islnnt Sports ---- --Dale 0 ltm, Tom Sociely ----L-----Aud toy-Dean i\ lhoo·t .I >octg·~fln. A:;~lstn.n t Sot·lety _______ _ i\ cln. Annahel COJlY r ender ------- - Clarence Anderson l"•·alur es -------- --WllmQ, ?:immormn.n r r oof rtcn,cl e r --- - - ------Ethe l Trotter Glt·l:;' Sports ------- - - ---Hele n ,JbnHon St~nog-rnphers, Jo~;ep hlno Day, Mar-Alumni E ditor --Dorothy Leatherwood g·n1·0l Swanson, Katharine l'toeso.

Crnw(ord Turnbull Della Dtehor Laura Pel tier BollY 'l'otten llar old Nutley Douglas Hondol

Elva B elfoy Lois B ol'l'ingct· Lillian But·ltlnml nom Bur l ll DoJ, ona Calahan

REPOR.'fERS i\lh·ert. King-Ma t•g-rl.l'el l<'ll1.geralcl Mn,ut·ic<' Farmer Ada Annabel )illhcl ~'rolle1· l3oall'lco Shumn.chet·

OUB R.EPORTERS Roy Tlagcn Harold lluseby .Tul in. Mac I,Ntn gunice MnoLeun ':l'om Montg·omery

BUSINESS STAFF Bu~<incsN J\ltllllll!'l' r

RUSSF.I,L l<JIJ~RJIJAN ( Mnd. 7'1)

C1eot·ge Harding Mlltlry S lulh Marg-ftret Swnnson Jl'mnklln Mnnnlllft' l>ra.nlc Humlmll

Margaret O'Connor Rohert Miles Hulh Sheyor 'J'am:-:nn Snycl er

Aclvl!'rtiMhut 1\lnnn~-tl'l' Ch·<•u lnllon 1\ltllllllol'l'r 1\IAUGA!Ull'l' FI'J'Zfi!~llAT.D HA J,f!J NUl AN ANtiC(, Aclve'r'ClsinJ.!" ~lnungcr Ext•lunt~·e JUnnug•-r

JIAJt"\VOOD 'l'UJJJl'l"l'!:l llll:'l"l'Y 'V AL'l'ON

M:uy Crosby llolon .JensPn

Ath·crtb•h•g Assls tnnts lTn.rold Nu ll<'y Allee Oart1·oll

nohOI't Milos Kttlherlne lteosc

Offlclnl Publlcnlton of 'J'he ANNC)l•intt•tl Stndelllfol CO l,J,J•:GJr. OF' J>UGE'I' SOUND

Printed by .Tol111s on-Cox Company, 726 Pacific Ave. 1Cr1 tc>rod as soconcl - cl a.o;s maU.et· n.l t h e Post OfC'ico n,t 'l':tcoma, Washington,

un(let· the i\cl. or Cong-r~ss or March 3, 1879. SuiH<criptlon 1~rlce, 7fic per semester; $l.OO per school year by mull.

AdvOJ·tislng rules on roquoBL

LEST fVE FORGET! "Do your Christmas shopping early and avoid Ute rush!"

Perhaps Lhis is the Lboughl which is uppermost in the minds of most people al lhis Lime of year.

Too many of us think of lhe Christmas season merely as a lime when we rush around a nd push our way Lhrough c rowds for a rcw weary days, trying Lo find some suitahle presenls for our friends and relatives, and hoping lhal we shall receive some­thing just as good in return. \Vilh all the buying or gifts and wilh other preparations fo r Christmas we arc probably tir ed of il before lhc great day comes. -The selection of gifls iakes all of our allenlion uml thought. And af~er Chrislmas is ovc1· comes lhc exchanging of gifls for somcthmg more sui table. Maybe we havc been disappointed in not receiving just what we wanlecl. Is not the modern Christ­mas overburdened with the giving and rece ivi ng of gifts'?

In olden Limes il. seems thai Chrislmas was celebrated more in the fashion that we observe Thanksgiving, hy meny-making :•nd gratitude for the great gif'ls Lhal nod has g iven us. There was no doubl plen ty of cheery "good \Vili loward men," wilhoul the encumhr::mce or giving many gifts.

At lc~st a n.10nlll. before Ch rislmas the stores arc beg.i nni ng to advcr l1se then· hohday slock of goods, and the business dis­lricls of c.i li?s nrc. decorated for the Yuletide season. The pur­pose of Llus 1s obvwusly nol to commemorate the hil'th of Cltrisl bu t Lo increase the sales of each business concern.

The exchanging of gifts a t Chrislmas Lim e is a fine custom when H is done in the real spiril of' Chrisl. Bulin the mad rush of the holiday season let us nol forget this spiril. Rather let l.JS cany il wilh us lbroughoul lhc year.

MUST WE HAVE POLICE? . Last \iVcdncsday a very int<'resting speaker was address­mg chapel. In q1c mid~l of his lalk,. he was inlerrupled by a sudden hursl of rowdyism from out m lhc halls. Il was an a~L of t:hildi~bn~ss and lack of consideration thuL was worthy o( a gang of Wild savages raUICr lh nn a group of supposedly cultured and educated men and women.

This is only one incident in a chain of evenls which arc a disgrace lo Lhe sludenL body of The College of PwreL Sound. Mr. Swayze rcpol'Ls lhul three windows have been Droken re­ccn lly, hy lhe Lhrowing of snowlJaJJs. \Vi thin the Jmildinrrs slndenls have engaged in such infantile sports as "chalk war~" and "pencil buLLies," which have resulted in permanent and unnecessary damage Lo lhe campus and huildings.

The studenls of our college have been commillhvr count­less other petty Jitlle acts which arc nol consislet;;t wilh C<?liegc lire. TJ,1ey would he more filling in Lhc building of 1ugh sch<~ol. Sludcnls. wh<_> reach college arc supposed to leave hchmd them lhe1r ch ildhood loys and childish actions.

The st.u<leuL_judiciary committee plans lo lake up this gen­eral. queslJOn of cnmt~~ls. conduc t al a meeting today. The Tra1l can make no deJuulc prophecy as lo what will he done at lhis mceljng. Various punishments for offenders may be used. But whatever is done about the prohlcm- slu(lenls of Pugct Sound should give lheir undivided support lo any measure th e commillcc propose.

The College of Puget Sound has a repula I ion for orderly conduct which it musL mainlain.--E. S. ;""""'"''"'""''"'''"''llllllllllllllllllllltltllllllllllllllllll''!

['1 (\ SLAS.HINGS '1. '1.] [ ___ on_O_th_~~. ~~!~me~~"~.~m __ P_u_s_es_.J '----------- Have A Laugh Oa Us---------~

EGOISM We once knew a fellow who goL mad al himself Lhe other

day and had Lo pal himself on the back for an hour before he would speak Lo himself.

FOOTBALL He made a run around the end,

Was tackled from the rear, The right guard sat upon his neck,

The fullback on his car. The center sal upon his legs,

Two ends sal on his chest, The quarter and the halfback lhe11.

Sal down on him lo resl. The left guard sal upon h is head,

A tackle on his face. The corner was ll<'Xt called iu

To sil upon his case.

Captain: If anything moves, you shool. Private: Yessuh, au' if anything shools, Ah moves.

YO FR.A1'1GHNJ'J'rJDS AT o•rrrAWA conventions were held in order to

Social life ta Ottawa Univer s ity, illus trate con venlion methods. On

Kansas, moves along with out the the t hird ballot the Republican

aid of Creek Letter fraternities, Convention r esulted in favor of

tbe substitute is "Social Crou ps." Governor Louden of Illinois with

Th e student lJody is d ivided Jicrbert Hoover a close second.

into sections oC thirty-five or forty For vice-president, Speaker Long-for a soc ia l p urpose. The division woril1 carried the honors. is "not arbitrary," but along tho 'l'he Democratic Convention re­l in es oC natural con geniality and snlted in the nomination of M. C. of friendship already existing. No McAdoo for president and Senator rituals or insignias are pel·m ilicd. Dill for vice-president.

1 aand there arc no inter-collegiate The two conventions aroused

rciliations. mucl1 interest.

0[11\SS lH/\10~!-l NOl\HNA'i'IONH

The class in American Govern­ment has held two Nation::t.l Nomi­nating Conven tions durin g the pnHt week lo select presidential ticlteli:l Cor Llie coming cn.mpaign. These

+·-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-·--·-··-~ I

The APPAREf ...... NEl~DED •l l ll lltllllllllllllllll llll l ltllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllltiiHIIIII I • I .. _;

Aulo Salesman (giving driving lesson) : Have you got your brakes on?

Tacoma Daily Ledger Co-Ed : Oh, do I have Lo wear a brake? S T 0 p I BOUND TO HAPPEN

Sailor: They dropped lheir anchor. Lady: I knew Lhey would, il's been dangling outside

for some Lime. at the

' FIRST with the LATEST

J :



She: How do you run the 100-yard dash'! --~===,

News stodes arc brief, to the point. You can find what you arc looking for quickly. I Ilc : In short panls, of com·s.

INTELLIGENCE Bank Clerk : vVhat, you losL the check-book I gave you

yeslerday? Girl: Y cs, but I took prceaulion to sign all lhc ehecks

before, so il won't he any good lo anyone else.

Zoom : lemon'!


LABORATORY METHOD WhaL's the difference bel ween an egg and a

I'll hilc- 'vvhal '? Zoom: Squeeze them and you'll find oul.

NATURAL HISTORY She: How arc Fords made'? He: They aren'L made; lhey grow. She: How do you figure lhal'? llc : Don'L you know lhal they eome from Ford plants? _

--------------------------------------------------~---1: ~'!m!IIIE'~W~£l!!!il3lF!Ill'~ g


INN" On the Pacific Highway aJ

North Puyallup

For that Lunch or Chicken Dinner

For Infonnalion or Reser­

vations .Just Cull

Puyallup Black 2089



i c I i i i



Daily and Sunday i

1 Main 5510 J

! ' 5·lb. Boxes of Pure Car1dy for $2.00 ... """'" .... '"'"''"'"fl'lllllllllllfii iiiiiiHIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII;

l,_,,_,,_,._n_,,_,._,._,,_,. __ ,_,l \Ve also carry a slock ol' assorlcd ,candies. Cedar Chest

Candy Boxes from lj15 to $15.

Chenoweth Candy Kitchen Makers of Pure Homemade Candies

250() 6Lh Ave. 381() No. 2Gtll.

•HIItlllltl l lllfllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllll llll llll llfllllllllllllltlllllllllflllllllllll l lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll l lllllllllllllllllllllltlltll•


We carry a c01nplclc line of CONN SAX­


INSTH Ul\1ENTS-Ukclcles, Banjos, Drums

-in fact n1ost anything in Lhc line of nlus­

ical instruments and Lhey can be pur­

chased on easy tern1s.

NORTHWEST CONN CO. 207 So. !llh St. Main :3682

-------..---------... --.... -------------------

The sweetest words in all the world, "Just what I wanted." And breathes there

a man in all the world who wouldn't say, "Just what I wanted" when he opens his

Christmas packag·e from the family and finds a warm, sturdy, stylish, long-wearing

Kuppenbeinte_. OVERCOAT

$40 to $60

How aboul the fmnily chipping in and getting a real gift for Dad


- the house of Kuppenheimer Good Clothes

"Have Your Eyes ~I l"A''l'HONJ:~jE

1'RAIL ADVER'J'lSEI~ ~ll lllll!lllll lt lltlllllllllllllllltllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllll l llllllltl!lllltlltllll!tllllll l ltlllllllltllllllltlllllltiOI I tl; .,. ________________________ ? •• --------

Examined" r /lF========~========~============~~~=======----=:===~-===~-===-==··=======~::;::;-


"''"'"' or.5 Com. SL Wu' " · I' ::ulllltlllllllltlltHIIIItllltlltlltllll-lllfllllttiUtltltllttltlll l llt t tl::

1'wo Ooo(l Bm·H Always HA.M IJ/l'OJ~'S



:.lllllt l lllllfltUI I UittHIItlllllllllllllllll llllltltllllltllltfltl t llllltt-

f BOLAND i f For School Pictures I ~ ~ § See Joe Cornish g : : : I •l~lltllll ll ll lltiiUI IIIIttUIItlltll tiUII II II IIIIIfllltll llllllltH II IIII~

Sanitary Barber Shop UNDEH PAN'l'AG1£S 'J'HEATRJ~

Ten Barbers Prompt Service

Hair Bobbing a Specialty

It Pays to Look Well H. J. CONHAD, Proprietor