
QUESTION 1 Pick one passage from the assigned readings from Exodus- Deuteronomy other than the one on which you were a team member and name as specifically and concretely as you can: a. Liberation from what b. Liberation for what c. God’s role and/or function in leading people to liberation. Exodus Passage, Chapter 14-16 In the book of Exodus chapter 14 to 16, there were many events that happen in between chapter 14 to 16. God tells Moses to take the Israelites away from the Pharaoh in a funky direction to make them look like they were aimlessly wandering around. God leads the Israelites through waters of the Red or to be called Red Sea. The miraculous crossing displays both the power of YHWH and the powerless of the most powerful and feared human army at that time. The purpose of the strange leading of the lord was to let them “see” the salvation of the Lord. They need protection for salvation because of the Egyptian army was against them. Because poverty is blatantly present during the times of Egyptians. Therefore they were liberated from slavery, hunger and also thirst. Poverty could be defined as lack of basic



Transcript of Quiz

Page 1: Quiz

QUESTION 1Pick one passage from the assigned readings from Exodus-Deuteronomy other than the one on which you were a team member and name as specifically and concretely as you can:

a. Liberation from what

b. Liberation for what

c. God’s role and/or function in leading people to liberation.

Exodus Passage, Chapter 14-16

In the book of Exodus chapter 14 to 16, there were many events that happen

in between chapter 14 to 16. God tells Moses to take the Israelites away from the

Pharaoh in a funky direction to make them look like they were aimlessly wandering

around. God leads the Israelites through waters of the Red or to be called Red Sea.

The miraculous crossing displays both the power of YHWH and the powerless of the

most powerful and feared human army at that time. The purpose of the strange

leading of the lord was to let them “see” the salvation of the Lord. They need

protection for salvation because of the Egyptian army was against them. Because

poverty is blatantly present during the times of Egyptians. Therefore they were

liberated from slavery, hunger and also thirst. Poverty could be defined as lack of

basic essentials for example food, clothing, safety, water, income, etc. In the book of

Exodus are talks about how people suffer from the ills of poverty. God doesn’t want

his people to suffer from poverty or slavery therefore Moses was sent to them. Nr

does he want to let the Pharaoh to be the most powerful one. Therefore, he uses

Moses as a tool to help the Israel but at the same time gives them what they need

such as Food. Also leading Moses to lead the Israel to the promise land.

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Pick one passage from the assigned readings from the prophets other than the one

on which you were a team member and name as specifically and concretely as you


d. Liberation from what

e. Liberation for what

f. God’s role and/or function in leading people to liberation.

QUESTION 3 In Acts 2.22-47, how do individual Christians AND the Christian community (church) continues and fulfills John the Baptist and Jesus’ message of liberation proclaimed in Luke 3-4? Make sure to be concrete and specific in naming the connections between Luke 3-4 and Acts 2.22-47.

In Luke 3, John the Baptist performs baptism to several people, the people

who came to John for baptism believe by the saying that by baptizing their sins will

be repented. He taught the people around about sharing, sharing of extra clothes

and food to those in need. John taught tax collectors on how they should not collect

more than what they need to collect. John taught the soldiers not to unfairly treat

other people because of their authority towards them. After all the teaching John

taught to many different people, he also explains how God will come and baptized

people with Holy Spirit and fire.

There are many examples of liberation that were performed by Jesus in the

book of Luke that we could talk about. Such liberation happen in Luke 4.3-4, It was

during the 40 days fasting. Where Jesus was tempted by the devil, the devil tried

asking Jesus to turn stones into breads for him to fed on and by turning stones to

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breads, the devils will give him all the kingdoms of the world. But however, Jesus

rejects the temptation by the devil and liberated himself from the worldly

temptations. Also in Luke 4.9-11, yet again the devil tested Jesus to throw yourself

down if you the Son of God, and by doing it God will command his angles to rescue

you. But Jesus simply replied to the devil by saying, “Do not put the Lord your God to

the test” in verse 4.12. From the replied by Jesus, we are taught that we should not

ask question when you follow God. If things become unclear, we should just trust

and follow God and let him do the work. Therefore, one will gained freedom if they

are liberated from the fear of death.

Acts 2 is written during the Pentecost day, where all apostles gathered in one

place. Peter with his other disciples explained to the crowd how God has planned

Jesus to be handed over and allowing wicked people to crucified Jesus and put him

to death by nailing him on the cross. But however, after 3 days, God raised Jesus

from the dead. It gives people enough evidence that it was not possible that Jesus is

held by death. This give a connection with Luke 4.9-11 where Gods’ saying, “Do not

put the Lord you God to the test” to bring the message forward to the devils. The

apostles gave testimony by saying they were witness that God was the one who

raised Jesus from the death. And how God has made Jesus, whom you crucified, both

Lord and Messiah. After people have heard about it, they were cut to heart but led

Peter and other apostle’s question to themselves, “Brothers, what shall we do?”

Peter in return replied with who two commands, one is repent and the other is let

every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ.

The same question, “Brothers what shall we do?” was asked in Luke 3, when

John the Baptist gives advice to people around. Peter explains how they should

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repent from their sins and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Therefore it result

in 3000 people were being baptized on that day.

QUESTION 4In the reading from Matthew 5.21-48, consider three specific behaviors Jesus calls people to practice which embody liberation from economic and social injustice. How would such behaviors be different from the “norm” both in Matthew’s time and in ours?