Quit snoring

Ways to quit snoring Quit snoring, before it compels you to quit your relation. Snores give sleepless nights, to you as well as your partner. So before the snore hits your wedlock, it is wise to take necessary steps for curing it. Odd sleeping position: Sleeping position plays a pivotal role in regulating the passage of airways. Sleeping on back restricts the flow of air through the nasal passage and thus causes snoring. Over weight: Particularly when you gain weight around your neck region. It reduces


If you suffering from snore and you just want to quit this habit, then Asonor is the right place to reduce snoring. It has been approved in over 50 countries globally as an OTC product by the health care regulators.

Transcript of Quit snoring

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Ways to quit snoringQuit snoring, before it compels you to quit your relation. Snores give sleepless nights, to you as well as your partner. So before the snore hits your wedlock, it is wise to take necessary steps for curing it.

Odd sleeping position: Sleeping position plays a pivotal role in regulating the passage of airways. Sleeping on back restricts the flow of air through the nasal passage and thus causes snoring.

Over weight: Particularly when you gain weight around your neck region. It reduces the diameter of the neck and triggers snoring.

Drinking alcohol: Using addictives and sedatives are also one of the many reasons for snoring. Alcoholic consumption reduces the resting tone of the muscles

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of the throat region, thus constricting the flow of airway.

Take something light and refreshing before going to the bed. As per a research it has been seen that people who discuss serious matters before leaving for the bed, snore more heavily. Stress also has a contributory role in curing snoring.

Know how you snore? Ask your partner to note your position while snoring. If you are snoring at all sleeping positions, then it’s high time to go for a complete treatment procedure. Open mouthed snoring indicates problem in the throat, while closed mouth snoring indicates there’s problem in the tongue.

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