Quick Nordic Hat

Quick Nordic Hat designed by Barbara Turnbull Materials: 1 50g skein main color <1 50g skein of 3 contrast colors CO 96 st of main color on US size 4 circular 16” needles. Work in k1p1 rib for 6 rows, or about 1 in. Work 6 rows st st, then begin color pattern loosely. Once colorwork is done, work in main color until entire piece measures ~6 in. Decreases: Row 1: K10, k2tog. Repeat for rest of row. Row 2 and even rows: K. Row 3: K9, k2tog. Repeat for rest of row. Continue dec pattern until 48 st remain. Move st onto dpn and begin to dec every row, that is, skip the k only rows. When 8 st remain, sew up remaining st. Cut yarn, weave in ends, and block if desired. Color Pattern: This pattern is intended for individual use only.


pattern for a knitted hat with a nordic-style colorwork band

Transcript of Quick Nordic Hat

  • QuickNordicHatdesignedbyBarbaraTurnbullMaterials:150gskeinmaincolor