Quick Add Instructions for Entering Data into Pedigree WizardQuick Add Instructions for Entering...

Quick Add Instructions for Entering Data into Pedigree Wizard Open Pedigree Wizard Main Screen UPDATE SIRE LIST Click on “SIRES” (bottom left) Click on “NEW” and enter the sires 16 digit ID, It will ask if you want to add this animal, click “OK” (note: the 16 digit ID is unique to each animal, if not correct, it will not link up to close relatives). Scroll to the right and enter the ram’s name (optional). Repeat process for any additional new sires used for this lamb crop. Then click “CLOSE” (top left) to return to the main screen. Sire ID: each animal has a unique 16 digit NSIP ID, if not entered correctly, valuable genetic connections will be lost

Transcript of Quick Add Instructions for Entering Data into Pedigree WizardQuick Add Instructions for Entering...

Page 1: Quick Add Instructions for Entering Data into Pedigree WizardQuick Add Instructions for Entering Data into Pedigree Wizard Open Pedigree Wizard Main Screen UPDATE SIRE LIST Click on

Quick Add Instructions for Entering Data into Pedigree Wizard

Open Pedigree Wizard Main Screen


Click on “SIRES” (bottom left)

Click on “NEW” and enter the sire’s 16 digit ID, It will ask if you want to add this animal,

click “OK” (note: the 16 digit ID is unique to each animal, if not correct, it will not link up

to close relatives). Scroll to the right and enter the ram’s name (optional). Repeat

process for any additional new sires used for this lamb crop. Then click “CLOSE” (top

left) to return to the main


Sire ID: each animal has a unique 16 digit

NSIP ID, if not entered correctly, valuable

genetic connections will be lost

Page 2: Quick Add Instructions for Entering Data into Pedigree WizardQuick Add Instructions for Entering Data into Pedigree Wizard Open Pedigree Wizard Main Screen UPDATE SIRE LIST Click on


On the main screen, Click on “QUICK ADD” (lower left side), the Quick Add screen will


Click on the PREFIX box and enter “64” (for Katahdins), followed by your four-digit flock

ID, year of birth (7th 10th digits) and the first 2 letters of your flock prefix (11th & 12th

digits). Ex: 6400522012FK

Click on ID, enter the last letter of your prefix and the 3 digit ID of the lamb you are

entering (example: P123), then click “OK”. It will ask if you want to add this animal- click

“OK” (a new screen will appear)

Lamb ID: Type in the last letter of

your flock prefix and 3-digit lamb ID

NSIP ID: Type in the 2-digit breed ID, 4-digit

flock ID, 4-digit birth year, and first 2 letters

of your flock prefix

64=Katahdins 4-digits=NSIP flock number Birth year 1st 2 letter of flock prefix

Page 3: Quick Add Instructions for Entering Data into Pedigree WizardQuick Add Instructions for Entering Data into Pedigree Wizard Open Pedigree Wizard Main Screen UPDATE SIRE LIST Click on

The cursor will be flashing where the sire ID is entered. Shortcut: click on “SIRES ALL”

(upper right side), highlight the sire to this lamb and click “OK”.

Move the cursor to the DAM box and enter her ID or use the shortcut by clicking

“All Females”, scroll until you find this lamb’s dam, highlight and click “OK”

Enter sex

Enter birth type (1=single, 2=twin, 3=triplet)

Enter rearing type (this is how many lambs the dam actually raised to weaning)

Enter full Date of Birth (ex: 03/28/2012)

Enter birth weight (example: 9.5)

If your lambs were born in different groups, click the “Group” button to identify this

lamb’s group number. (NOTE: you can also enter lambing ease and conception date, but are not required fields)

Click “SAVE” (lower right) you will return to the “QUICK ADD” screen.



birth type

rearing type


Birth weight


Dams: Ewes over 3 yrs

Young Ewes: 2- 3 yr olds

All Females: All females,

including yearling ewes

Page 4: Quick Add Instructions for Entering Data into Pedigree WizardQuick Add Instructions for Entering Data into Pedigree Wizard Open Pedigree Wizard Main Screen UPDATE SIRE LIST Click on

Back on the “Quick Add” screen the cursor will flash on “ID”, change ID number to the

next lamb you want to enter. IF THIS IS A SINGLE, click “OK”, if it is the TWIN or TRIPLET

sibling of the last lamb entered, click “REPEAT LAST ANIMALS PEDIGREE” (this is a

shortcut that will automatically enter the same dam and sire).

Enter the DOB, sex, birth type, rearing and birth weight. Click “SAVE”

Repeat these steps for all lambs. Always check to make sure the correct sire and dam

ID’s are listed for that lamb.


On Main screen, click on “Breeding & Pedigree Display” (top left, blue box).

Click on the “Picklist” button to see a list of all your sheep, scroll until you find the lamb

for which you want to enter data. When you find the right lamb, single-click on that

lamb’s row, and click the “OK” button. This will display that lamb’s data screen.

Page 5: Quick Add Instructions for Entering Data into Pedigree WizardQuick Add Instructions for Entering Data into Pedigree Wizard Open Pedigree Wizard Main Screen UPDATE SIRE LIST Click on

From here, you can use the “Prev< or Next>” buttons to navigate between lambs; or

you can go back to the “Picklist” button if you need to skip to another lamb that’s far

down the list.

Now is a good time to double-check the lamb’s initial birth data. Click on the “Breeding”

button, and double-check the lamb’s ID, sire, dam, birth date, birth weight, birth and

rearing types, and birth group number. If any of these fields are wrong, simply re-enter

the correct data. However:

If the lamb’s ID is wrong, use the “Retag” button to enter in the new ID. You will

get a warning message that reminds you that if this animal’s ID is used in other

animals’ pedigrees those will be updated with the new ID as well.

If the lamb’s sire is wrong, you can either re-type the correct sire ID, or also click

the “Change Sire” button to see the selection list of sires.

If the lamb’s birth group is wrong, click the “Change Group” button and choose

the new group number from the list.

Page 6: Quick Add Instructions for Entering Data into Pedigree WizardQuick Add Instructions for Entering Data into Pedigree Wizard Open Pedigree Wizard Main Screen UPDATE SIRE LIST Click on

Now, click on the gray button “LAMB” to enter new weights.

60 day weights are entered as “weaning” weights. 120 day weights are entered as

“EP-weaning” weights (If you forget what the age ranges are for Weaning, EP-Weaning,

and P-Weaning, just click on their buttons and a popup window will give the


Click on box next to “WEANING” and enter the weight (again, watch the decimal point).

Hit the tab keyboard button to advance the cursor to the next field, and enter the date

that the weaning weight was collected (8 digit date). On that same line, all the way over

to the far right, select the Group number from the drop-down list. (If all lambs were

managed and weighed as one group, don’t change). If you had late-born lambs, bottle

lambs, castrated lambs, or any lambs that were managed in a different way, or weighed

at a later date, change the group to 2 or 3 (read about contemporary groups for more


Click on “Lamb” to

enter lamb data.

Enter Weaning


Enter EP-Weaning


Page 7: Quick Add Instructions for Entering Data into Pedigree WizardQuick Add Instructions for Entering Data into Pedigree Wizard Open Pedigree Wizard Main Screen UPDATE SIRE LIST Click on

You can add EP-weaning weights now if available. Again, be sure to reflect the correct

groupings: wether lambs should be categorized in their own group (separate from

intact ram lambs), and any lambs which were managed differently between weaning

weight and EP-weaning weight should be identified with a separate group number.

When you’ve finished entering one lamb’s weights, navigate to the next lamb’s data

screen using the Prev<Next> button, and repeat the process above for each lamb.

It’s a good idea to go back and check that the data you entered on each lamb is correct.

When finished, click “EXIT” to return to Main screen.


On the Main Screen, click “Validation & Data Quality” then click “Validate Data”.

Enter your flock ID (6 digits), enter “Drop year” (current year). Type “N” into the

“standard ID system” box, so that PW will not “complain” about the way we are tagging

animals (Katahdins are not using the standard ID system, so if this check is left on, you’ll

get an error message on nearly every sheep). Click “OK”

It will ask if you want to check for dam problems, click “yes“, a list of potential

problems will pop-up. Check the errors and correct if possible (out of range dates are

often caused by entering the date for that weight incorrectly or a decimal point is out of

place). Errors such as, “Dam ID not standard format” do NOT need to be corrected.

Validation & Data

Quality Button

Page 8: Quick Add Instructions for Entering Data into Pedigree WizardQuick Add Instructions for Entering Data into Pedigree Wizard Open Pedigree Wizard Main Screen UPDATE SIRE LIST Click on

(Note: if you are unsure of how to correct an error, contact your kNSIP representative. It is very important

that your data is accurate, so make every effort to understand and correct all errors at this point.)

Click “CLOSE” (upper left). It will ask if you want to print warnings, click yes or no. Click

“EXIT” to return to main screen.

On main screen. Click “PACK & RE INDEX”, then click “CREATE BACKUP”.

It will ask if you have validated the data, click “YES”.

Then click “OK”, then click “I AGREE”.

Select where you want the file to go (preferably, c:/lambplan/pw4/pwbackup.ZIP)

NOTE the location and name of the file so you can find it on your system:

PWBACKUP.ZIP This is the file that you will attach to your e-mail for submission.

Click on “Close Pedigree Wizard” (bottom right)

Attach “PWBACKUP.ZIP (zipped file) and send e-mail to:

[email protected]

Include in the email subject line your Flock ID and name.

WARNING: The accuracy of EBVs is dependent on the accuracy of the data provided.

It is imperative that all 16 digit NSIP ID’s are correct. If even one digit is wrong, the

application will assume this is a new animal with no genetic linkage to other flocks.

Example ID: 6400112013ABC123

Pack & Reindex Button

Create Backup Button

Page 9: Quick Add Instructions for Entering Data into Pedigree WizardQuick Add Instructions for Entering Data into Pedigree Wizard Open Pedigree Wizard Main Screen UPDATE SIRE LIST Click on