Questions Used For Interviews

Questions Used For Interviews Wednesday, 23 January 13

Transcript of Questions Used For Interviews

Page 1: Questions Used For Interviews

Questions Used For Interviews

Wednesday, 23 January 13

Page 2: Questions Used For Interviews

We used the following questions for our vox pops in no particular order...

What is your opinion of Twitter as a whole?

Do you think that there are any negative or positive aspects of Twitter?

Have you experienced any negative aspects of Twitter?

Have you experienced any positive aspects of Twitter?

Do you use Twitter?

In your opinion, which is better Twitter or Facebook?

Do you think that Twitter has a future or is just a popular site at the moment?

What do you use Twitter for?

Do you follow celebrities on Twitter?

Wednesday, 23 January 13

Page 3: Questions Used For Interviews

Questions used for interview with police officer

Do you feel that the police benefit from having a Twitter page?

How many times do the police tweet on average per day?

What do the police use Twitter for?

Have the police experienced any negative aspects of Twitter?

Do you feel that the police are more connected to society and communities by having a Twitter page?

Wednesday, 23 January 13

Page 4: Questions Used For Interviews

We asked these questions as they were relevant to the topic of our documentary and also suitably fitted to the interviewees.

The “open” styled questions allowed room for the interviewee to explain their answer in more detail.

Overall we were happy with the answers that our questions provided and feel that they related well to our chosen topic of twitter.

Wednesday, 23 January 13