Questions Upsr Edited

500 K 580 540 Write in numeral 1M Write in words 1M Rearange the number according ascending order Diagram 1 shows a number line. What is value of K ? State the digit value of number 5 in State the largest number can be construct from number 1 , 5, 3 and 6 State the place value of underlined digit Round off 46 876 to the nearest hundreds . State any number smallest than 75 908. Partition of 65 098 is Round off 84 365 to the nearest thousands . மமமம மமமமமம Sixty thousand and twenty two 20 987 4 765 , 4 576 , 4 657 76 598 47 869

Transcript of Questions Upsr Edited

Write in numeral

(Sixty thousand and twenty two)


Write in words

(20 987)


Rearange the number according ascending order

(4 765 , 4 576 , 4 657 )

Diagram 1 shows a number line.

(500K 580540)

What is value of K ?

State the digit value of number 5 in

(76 598)

State the largest number can be construct from number 1 , 5, 3 and 6

State the place value of underlined digit

(47 869)

Round off 46 876 to the nearest hundreds .

State any number smallest than 75 908.

Partition of 65 098 is

Round off 84 365 to the nearest thousands .

- =

Diagram 1 drawn on a grid of equal squares.

State the fraction of a shaded region.

of 450 pupils is

+ =

State one equivalent fraction of

Convert 3 to improper fraction

1 -

of 60 pupils get A grade in Mathematics and the rest get B grade.

How many of them get B grade ?

Convert to mixed number

State the mixed number of the shaded region.

Convert 0.3 to fraction

3 + =

of 650 pupils are boys and the rest are girls. How many girls?

Simplest of is

+ =

+ =

Lina has 240 beads. of the beads are white. The rest of the beads are red and yellow with same amount.

What is total number of red beads ?

Diagram 1 shows a circle is divided to 5 similar part.

Shaded the part to represent

2 - =

2 + 3 =

Convert 2 to improper fraction.

Convert to mixed number

of 650 pupils are boys and the rest are girls. How many girls?

Lina has 240 beads. of the beads are white. The rest of the beads are red and yellow with same amount.

What is total number of red beads ?

145 + 77 8 =

What is the sum of 36 , 876 and 2 544 ?

456 + 56 4 =

What is the product 1 163 by 9 ?

144 - 87 3 =

16627 1987 =

( 245 + 64 ) 3 =

2 304 7 =

( 590 57 ) 6 =

(47 + 73) (7 3 ) =

Table 1 shows the number of pupils in 3 villages.





(Table 1 )The number of pupils



The average of pupil in 3 villages is 150 .How many pupils came from Villages R ?

Syaza buys 5 boxes of chocolates. Each boxes contain 240 small chocolates.

She put equally into 12 packets.

How many small chocolates in a packet ?

4 068 7 =

(700 100) ( 2 + 3 )

What is the quotient 676 by 13

( 87 2 ) + (720 9 ) =

What is the quotient 676 by 13

The difference between 9 000 and 1 876 is

87 + 345 3 =

1 092 12 =

450 3 9 =

(1230 - 999 ) 4 =

Winnie buys 5 boxes of chocolates. Each boxes contain 45 pieces.

She gives 128 pieces of chocolates to her friends and the rest she kept.

How many pieces of chocolates does she kept ?

Syaza buys 5 boxes of chocolates. Each boxes contain 240 small chocolates.

She put equally into 12 packets.

How many small chocolates in a packet ?

Table 1 shows the number of pupils in 3 villages.





(Table 1 )The number of pupils



The average of pupil in 3 villages is 150 .How many pupils came from Villages R ?

Yusri gives 120 marbles among Azi, Ali and Amy . Azi received 44 marbles, while the rest shared equally by Ali and Amy.

What is numbers of marbles Amy had received?

Yusri gives 120 marbles among Azi, Ali and Amy . Azi received 44 marbles, while the rest shared equally by Ali and Amy.

What is numbers of marbles Amy had received?

Winnie buys 5 boxes of chocolates. Each boxes contain 45 pieces.

She gives 128 pieces of chocolates to her friends and the rest she kept.

How many pieces of chocolates does she kept ?

Convert into decimal

20.3 - 12.87 =

30.4 + 16.67 =

Rearange the decimal according descending order

(1.32 , 1.23 , 3.12)

45 + 65.75 =

60.4 + 17.832 =

Write in word


3.04 12 =

Convert 0.7 into fraction

Diagram 1 shows a number line.

(1.2M 1.81.5)

What is M ?

15.2 8 =

State 1.045 to the nearest tenths.

60.9 + 35.558 =

State 3.076 to the nearest tenth .

0.34 12 =

RM45 + RM76.45 - 75 sen =

RM45.10 - RM36.75 + 70 sen =

RM90 - RM88.15 + 65 sen =

Diagram 6 shows the price of a chair.


Faiz has some amount of money. He uses is to buy 3 chairs .He has balance 30 sen. How much money does he have before he buys the chairs ?

RM80 - ( RM76.15 + 75 sen) =

RM45.30 3 4 =

RM45.20 + RM28 - 80 sen =

( RM22.75 3) - RM56.65 =

Table 1 shows the number of Razis coins


The number of coins

10 sen


20 sen


50 sen


He bought 2 books with costs RM3.70 per book. How much his balance?

45 sen + RM76.75 - RM31.75 =

Raju has RM30 . He bought a table tennis net with RM9.80 and 2 boxes of ball with RM8 per box .

How much his balance ?

RM25 - RM23.75 + 95 sen =

Diagram 5 shows a price of book and pen

( RM9.90 80 sen )

Lina has RM15 . She buys a pen and 3 books. How much her balance?

RM42.25 RM36.65 + 85 sen =

Table 1 shows the price of the two types of grape


Price per 100g





(Table 1 )

Vinitha has RM25. She buys 400g of red berry and 700g of black berry.

How much her balance?

RM45 + RM76.10 - 85 sen =

3 hours - 2 hours 50 minutes =

2 hours 25 minutes

+ 5 hours 50 minutes

Diagram 4 shows the time that Imran start cycling to school in the morning.

He reached at school 25 minutes later. At what time did Imran reach at school?

Diagram 7 shows a times Mr Lim do his jogging every evening.

(129631245781011) (11) (10) (7) (5) (2).

Start end

Calculate the duration times of his jogging

40 minutes 5 =

State the answer in hours and minutes.

Diagram 4 shows the times Rafi reaches his school in the morning.


He leaves his house at 6.50 a.m. How long does it take his to reach his school?

Diagram 2 shows a time in the evening.


State the time in 24 hours system.

3 weeks 5 days + 2 weeks 4 days =

3 days = ____________ hours

420 minutes 6 =

State the answer in hours and minutes.

Diagram 4 shows the time that Yazid

start cycling to school in the morning.


(Diagram 4)

He reached at school hours later. At what time did Yazid reach at school?

( ) 3 years 7 months

+ 2 years 6 months

(129631245781011)Diagram 5 shows the time Fahmi reached his house after walking from school.

He takes 50 minutes to his journey.

At what time , he departed from school ?

Diagram 1 shows an empty watch.

Draw an hour and minutes hands to shows 5.40 p.m.

36 days 3 =

State the answer in weeks and days?

3 hours 2 hours 25 minutes =

Muthus family watched a night movie from 7.35 p.m. to 10.15 p.m.

How long was the movie ?

22 minutes 6 =

State the answer in hours and minutes.

Diagram 1 shows a time in the evening.


State the time into 24 hours system.

3 weeks 4 days + 2 weeks 6 days =

65% of the 400 birds are

Daniel has 360 stamps. 40% of them are domestic stamps and the rest are foreign stamps. How many foreign stamps does Daniel have ?

Table 1 shows the number of question right by Naim.


Total question



A & B



What is the percentage of Naims mark?

65% of 80 chairs is

85% of 40 buses is

95% of RM360 is

15% of 500 toys is

Diagram 6 shows a number of different pictures

What is the percentage of the total pictures is

Convert 5% into decimal

55% of 80 bags are

Convert 2.3 to percentage.

18% of 250 boxes is

Diagram 5 consists a several picture.

What is the percentage of the all picture


Express into percentages .

70% of the 400 pupils go to school by bus , 20% of them go to school by motocycles and the rest walking to school.

How many pupils walking to school?


Find the average of 59 , 87 and 130 .

Find the average of RM5.80 , RM8 and 75 sen is

Find the average of 765 , 245 and 70.

Find the average of 8 , 2.3 and 0.08 is

Find the average of 30 minutes, 45 minutes and 90 minutes is.

Find the average of 240 ml, 300ml and 420 ml is

Find the average of 350 g, 700g and 360g is

Find the average of 2 kg, 1.4 kg and 0.5 kg is

Find the average of 4.5 , 30 and 7.2 is

Diagram 1 shows a volume of water in a container .

State the volume , in ml , of water in the container.

Adi made 3.2 l syrup. He pours equally into 4 bottles.Each bottle contain 700 ml or syrup. What is the volume of water , in ml, had been left ?

Diagram 6 shows a volume of water in two containers prepared by Shams.

(3 l1.2 l)

He poured 1.8 l of the total volume of water to the P jug and the remain he poured equally into jug X,Y and Z .

How much water , in ml , in jug Z ?

Diagram 1 shows a volume of water in a container .

State the volume , in l , of water in the container.

3.50 l + 0.58 l =

State the answer in ml .

850 ml - 90 ml =

State the answer in l.

Diagram 6 shows a volume of juice after drank by Wee.

(160 ml)

He drank 340 ml of juice. What is the volume, in l , of juice before drink by Wee.

950 ml - 270 ml =

State the answer in l .

Shams prepared 4.2 l of syrup. He poured 1.8 l to the P jug and the remain he poured equally into jug X and Y .

How much syrup , in ml , in jug Y ?

180 ml 9 =

State the answer in l.

350 ml + 460 ml =

State the answer in l .

Diagram 1 shows an empty container .

Draw a level of water to represent 400 ml of water.

Diagram 5 shows a volume of water in K beaker and L beaker.

(2 l1.6 l)


of the total of water in beaker K and L had been poured into a beaker M.

How much water, in ml , in beaker M ?

Ani make 4.5 l of syrup. She poured into three jugs . First jug contain 1.2 l of syrup , second jug contain 1.9 l of syrup and the rest in third jug.

How much syrup , in ml, in third jug ?

3500 ml + 2700 ml =

State the answer in l .

Diagram 4 shows thevolume of syrup in two containers make by Ina.

(1.6 l 2.6 l )

She poured all the the syrup equally into 3 jugs .

How much syrup , in ml, in a jug ?

350 cm - 280 cm =

State the answer in m .

(Jees housestadiumY factory176 km 950 mDiagram 8 )Diagram 6 shows the distance between three places.

What is the total distance , in km, from Jees house to Y factory through stadium?

Diagram 2 shows a rectangle.

(7 cm9 cm)

Calculate the area, in cm, of rectangle.

Diagram 1 shows a ruler.

Draw a straight line to represent 7.8 cm.

Diagram 3 shows a cuboid.

(3 cm6 cm8 cm)

Calculate the volume, in cm , of cuboid.

3600 m 9 =

State the answer in km

350 m + 270 m =

State the answer in km

3.5 m - 2.7 m =

State the answer in cm .

420 cm 7 =

State the answer in m .

Yuvanesh has 12m of wire. He cuts the wire into three parts. The length of first and second part are 4.7 m and 3.9 respectively. What is length, in cm, the third part?.

0.35 km + 2.7 km =

State the answer in m .

Diagram 5 shows a distance for cross country.

(770 m2.04 kmStartEnd1 270 m)

What is the total distance , in m , of cross country?

Diagram 2 shows a length of wood

State the length, in cm ,the wood.

1.8 m 2 =

State the answer in cm .

m + 270 cm =

State the answer in cm .

4.9 km 7 =

State the answer in m .

Diagram 6 shows a length of straight wood.

(1 m2 m)

(The wood is cut equally into 5 parts. What is the length , in cm, each part ?)

Diagram 5 shows a length of wire.

(10 m)

Amirul cuts the wire into three parts. The length of first and second parts are 2.7 m and 3.8 m respectively.

How long, in cm, is the third part?

Rais buys 3 kg of sugar. He used 1.4 kg of sugar to make a syrup and the rest he kept equally into 2 bottles.

How much sugar, in g, of a bottle ?

Diagram 5 shows the mass of a bag of flour.

Azia take a cup of flour from a bag to make cakes. The reading on the scales becomes 270g. What is the mass, in g,of the cup of flour ?

3.5 kg 7 =

State the answer in g.

350 g 8 =

State the answer in kg.

1.3 kg 2 =

State the answer in g.

3300 g 6 =

State the answer in kg.

1.06 kg 6 =

State the answer in g.

Diagram 4 shows the mass of sugar in two packets.

(0.6kgsugar) (0.8kgsugar)

Ain used 1.2 kg of the total of sugar to make a syrup.

How much sugar , in g ,had been left ?

4.4 kg - 3.82 kg =

State the answer in g.

Diagram 1 shows the mass of a box

State the mass, in g, the box.

Diagram 4 shows the unbalanced scale.

(890g1.4 kgP)

What is the mass, in g, need to added to P , so the scale become balance?

Diagram 4 shows a mass of the sugar.

(02507501kg g500)

Najiha uses 380 g of the sugar the rest she kept.

What is the mass , in kg, sugar had been kept ?

(02507501kg g500)Diagram 5 shows a mass of a box and an orange..


(02507501kg g500)

(Diagram 10 Rajah 10 )

When the orange was take out , the scales the mass become 600 g.

Calculate the mass , in g, the orange .

Diagram 2 shows the scales without pointer.

Draw a pointer to represent the mass of box is 1.7 kg.

4800 g 8 =

State the answer in kg.

Table 1shows the mass of 3 pupils


Mass of the pupil


48 kg


78 kg


39 kg

(Table 1 )

What is the average mass, in kg, of each pupil ?


State the name of the polygon below

State the name of the solid below

Diagram 3 shows a rectangle P and a square Q.

(6 cm P9 cmQ)

Calculate the perimeter, in cm, of whole diagram.

State the name of the polygon below

Diagram 4 shows a cube.

(5 cm)

Calculate the volume, in cm , of cube.

Diagram 2 shows a rectangle.

(5 cm12 cm)

Calculate the area, in cm, of rectangle.

Diagram 3 drawn on grid equilateral triangles with the same size.

(3 cm)

Calculate the perimeter, in cm , of whole diagram.

Diagram 3 shows a rectangle P and square Q.

(P6 cm9 cmQ)

Calculate the perimeter, in cm, of whole diagram.

Diagram 4 shows a cube

(8 cm)

Calculate the volume, in cm , of the cube.

a) State the name of the solid below

b) State the shape of the flat faces

Diagram 2 shows a rectangle.

(6 cm9 cm)

Calculate the area, in cm, of rectangle.

Diagram 3 drawn on grid of equilateral triangle.

(4 cm)

Calculate the perimeter , in cm , of whole diagram.

State the name of the polygon below

Diagram 2 shows a rectangle.

(8 cm12 cm)

Calculate the area, in cm, of rectangle.

Diagram 3 shows a cuboid.

(2 cm6 cm10 cm)

Calculate the volume, in cm , of cuboid.

a) State the name of the solid below

b) State the number of inclined faces.

Diagram 4 shows two similar rectangles.

(9 cm4 cm)

Calculate the area, in cm , of whole diagram

State the name of the polygon below

Diagram 2 shows a rectangle.

(8 cm10 cm)

Calculate the area, in cm, of rectangle.

Diagram 3 shows a cube

(5 cm)

Calculate the volume, in cm , of cube.

State the name of the solid below

Diagram 2 shows two similar rectangles.

(4 cm10 cm)

Calculate the perimeter, in cm, of whole diagram.

Diagram 3 shows a cuboid.

(6 cm4 cm9 cm)

Calculate the volumer, in cm , of cuboid.

Diagram 2 shows two similar square.

(5 cm)

Calculate the area, in cm, of whole diagram.

State the number of symmetry line below

Diagram 3 shows a rectangle.

(8 cm12 cm)

Calculate the area, in cm, of rectangle.

State the name of the shape below

Diagram 3 shows a cuboid.

(4 cm6 cm5 cm)

Calculate the volume, in cm , of cuboid.














500 ml

1000 ml




500 ml

1000 ml








7 8 9 10








7 8 9 10





















