Questions answered in after steve jobs left apple

Questions Answered in After Steve Jobs Left Apple There is an epidemic saying in various social networks that the day before yesterday, when I waked up, my vocation had passed away, yesterday when I waked up, iPhone 5 had gone (which is showing as iPhone 4S), today when I wake up, Steve Jobs passes away! Apple, as the juggernaut with 350 billion dollars marketing value, can’t save a human life, and death is the final destination of everyone on earth. While what will Apple need to face after Jobs leaving Apple, will it be the NO.1 Electronic Giant in the future? Few questions are answered in for your reference. What’s the worst consequence of Jobs leaving?



Transcript of Questions answered in after steve jobs left apple

Page 1: Questions answered in after steve jobs left apple

Questions Answered in After Steve Jobs Left Apple

There is an epidemic saying in various social networks that the

day before yesterday, when I waked up, my vocation had

passed away, yesterday when I waked up, iPhone 5 had gone

(which is showing as iPhone 4S), today when I wake up, Steve

Jobs passes away!

Apple, as the juggernaut with 350 billion dollars marketing

value, can’t save a human life, and death is the final destination

of everyone on earth. While what will Apple need to face after

Jobs leaving Apple, will it be the NO.1 Electronic Giant in the

future? Few questions are answered in for your


What’s the worst consequence of Jobs leaving?

Before taking about his question, we would like to back from

the return of Jobs in 1997 when Apple was endanger because

of some fail promotion products like Macintosh Second. Jobs

recovered Apple from a second-class company to the NO.1

Giant in electronic and gadget market, who was always

committed to the spirit of quality line rather than yielding to

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the Macroscopic Marketing Strategy focusing on making profit

which was encouraged by those lucrative stockholders in Apple.

On the view of Jobs, Apple prefers to be a creative pool while

it’s a mint in the eyes of shareholders. Therefore, the worst

consequence of Jobs leaving may lay in the step down of Apple

products resulting from the capital murder from those capital


Can Apple succeed without Jobs?

The above question should be the NO.1 question after his

death on October 5th, 2011, a few days ago, and many

commentators are wondering the potential dangers from Brain

Drain in Apple for those who are rather allegiant to Jobs not

Apple. However, the leaving of Jobs doesn’t mean the lost of

Jobs Spirit, which is characterized by innovation and

persistence both in life and work. Since January 2011, when

Jobs went on his third medical and Cook again took over, most

observers expected that Jobs would not return to full-time,

active duty. Yet investors and customers remained confident in

the company. The solid foundation built by Jobs of products

and talents should move Apple further in e-age.

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What about the share price of Apple?

It’s not sudden news for Apple that Jobs will be dying because

it was diagnosed in 2004 and Jobs was fighting for 7 years with

pancreatic cancer, but that has not stopped Apple shares from

marching higher. The stock moved little when Jobs announced

in August that he was stepping down as CEO, and it moved little

in after-hours trading after the announcement of his death


Will there be any changes after Tim Cook took over Apple?

No matter how successful Cook will be, it’s almost impossible

for him to excel Jobs in Apple, while after years of wringing

concessions from Asian production partners and three stints

running the empire in Jobs' absence, Cook has a lot of

credibility, and confidence in his leadership runs high, whose

success at Apple is due in large part to his sharing many of his

boss's traits: a demand for perfection, an exhaustive attention

to detail, and a hard-nosed attitude at the negotiating table.

After iPhone 4S, what will be Apple’s next?

Page 4: Questions answered in after steve jobs left apple

iPhone 4S had released several days ago which contains pros

and cons, one of the big things in Apple in Jobs Age. An ironic

joke played in many press releases the day when Jobs resigned

from Apple that “the last product from Jobs is iQuit!” Joke is

joke, business to business, for now, industry speculation

centers around some sort of concerted attempt to shake up the

living room, and TV. Apple has delivered results in the past by

diving into fragmented, stagnating industries -- notably music

and telephones -- and re-imagining them through technological

innovation. Many experts say TV and its confusing array of

options is ripe for an Apple-like "simple is beautiful" makeover.