Questionnaire Results Analysis

Although our class consisted of mainly females, we felt that the demographic of our audience for the documentary would consist of mostly men as graffiti and urban art or more affiliated with masculinity and there are more male street vandalisers and street artists. Therefore we interview more males to try and get more accurate answers from our projected audience. We felt like our audience demographic for our documentary would consist of teenagers and young adults as most graffiti taggers start tagging at a teenage age and graffiti artists start becoming professional at a young adult age. We questionnaire’d people in our year group but were unable to find any young adults that could complete our

Transcript of Questionnaire Results Analysis

Page 1: Questionnaire Results Analysis

Although our class consisted of mainly females, we felt that the demographic of our audience for the documentary would consist of mostly men as graffiti and urban art or more affiliated with masculinity and there are more male street vandalisers and street artists. Therefore we interview more males to try and get more accurate answers from our projected audience.

We felt like our audience demographic for our documentary would consist of teenagers and young adults as most graffiti taggers start tagging at a teenage age and graffiti artists start becoming professional at a young adult age. We questionnaire’d people in our year group but were unable to find any young adults that could complete our questionnaire.

Page 2: Questionnaire Results Analysis

These results show that everyone we questionnaire’d were fit to answer the questions in a non-bias way and that they had sufficient enough knowledge to give the best and most accurate answers they could. They would also then be interested in the questions and give as much helpful advice as possible for our documentary.

These results show that most people in our demographic preferred to watch a reflexive mode of documentary. The reflexive mode considers the quality of documentary itself, de-mystifying its processes and considering its implications. This is therefore what we will try to implement in our documentary. However we are leaning on the decision to have the documentarian behind the camera and simply provide voice-over when needed.

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These results show that our audience liked the idea and premise of our documentary and that they hadn't seen the such controversial and conflicting topic been portrayed in a documentary before and that lots of people feel like graffiti is distasteful which is conflict against the growing spread of graffiti. These opinions we feel we could question by comparing different types of graffiti to art and see if there opinions can change.

These results show that much of our audience have only ever heard of graffiti artist Banksy in comparison to other graffiti artists. This is helpful as we will try to implement more narration about Banksy and contain more footage of his work. This also helps as, if we want to talk about other artists, we will be sure to give more information on them so the audience can be more familiar with them.

Page 4: Questionnaire Results Analysis

We had a very fixed idea on what we wanted our opening to have the title of our documentary strayed on a wall. However we weren’t sure whether it should be a recreation of a tagger spraying and then being chased off by a policeman or whether it should be a gritty and urban time-lapse of a tagger spraying. The results show that the audience preferred the time-lapse, which was helpful as we were questioning if we could get a police uniform and if the other option would be possible.

Considering that the premise of our documentary is comparing graffiti to art, we thought that interviewing a graffiti artist and a conventional artist would be best suitable for collecting accurate information and answers for our documentary. The results show that all of the audience wanted us to interview a graffiti artist and half wanted a conventional artist. However we were sceptical if we could fit 2 interviews in our documentary and how short we would have to put them. We had also emailed 4 different graffiti artists and workshops and had got no replies.

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These results show that all of our audience wanted the graffiti taggers face it be blurred out during the interview. However if were to only interview one person we would have to interview a tagger that has become a professional graffiti artist; to which we would then not need a blur affect. Also it would be hard for the blur to track his/her face if his head would to move around a lot.

These results show that there was some confliction over which title would be best for our documentary. This question was particularly important as we would be spraying it on a wall during our opening time-lapse. We also wanted it to be clear and short so that it would fit onto the wall and be as clear to the audience what the premise if the documentary was. We are now thinking of combing the two favourite answers into simply: Graffiti vs Art.