Questionnaire of Consumer in English

OPINION SURVEY Dear sir/madam We are the student of A.S.P.S.M (Advertising, Sales Promotion and Sales Management) from A.B.M. COLLEGE, RANCHI UNIVERSITY. We are doing a project on “SERVICE MARKETING” as a part of our course curriculum. We request you to give your honest opinion regarding the service which you get from JUSCO. Your opinion helps us to complete our p roject. We assure you that your identity will not be disclosed. QUESTIONNER JUSCO is providing services on different grounds, so being a user of these services what is your opinion. Please rate on 1-5 scale.  (1). completely satisfied (2). To great extent ( 3). Fairly satisfied (4). Little satisfied (5). Not at all satisfied Water management : - A Are y ou sa tis fie d wit h the qua lit y of wa ter ? B Are y ou sa tis fie d wit h the pre ssu re of wate r? C Do y ou g et s uff ici ent quantity of water? D Are y ou satisfied with the time taken in h andl ing the complaint?  Wastewate r serv ice : - A Are y ou sa tisfie d wit h the cle ani ng of r oads and areas? B Are y ou sa tis fie d wit h the cle ani ng of d rai ns ? C Are you satisfied with the garbage removal? D Are you satisfie d wit h the c lea ni ng of du stbin? E Are y ou sa tis fie d wit h the time taken in h andli ng the complaint? F Are y ou sa tis fie d wit h the remova l of wa te r logging At different places? Power se rvic e : - A Are y ou satisfied with the volt age o f power s uppl y? B Are y ou s atis fied with the frequ ency of me ter r eadin g? C Are y ou s atis fied with the corre ctnes s of meter readi ng? D Are y ou sa tisf ied wi th t he ti me tak en in hand ling the Complaints? E Are you satisfied with the quality of repairs done?

Transcript of Questionnaire of Consumer in English

Page 1: Questionnaire of Consumer in English

8/2/2019 Questionnaire of Consumer in English 1/2


Dear sir/madam

We are the student of A.S.P.S.M (Advertising, Sales Promotion and Sales Management) from

A.B.M. COLLEGE, RANCHI UNIVERSITY. We are doing a project on “SERVICE MARKETING” as a part of

our course curriculum. We request you to give your honest opinion regarding the service which you get from

JUSCO. Your opinion helps us to complete our project.

We assure you that your identity will not be disclosed.


JUSCO is providing services on different grounds, so being a user of these services what is your opinion. Pleaserate on 1-5 scale.


(1). completely satisfied (2). To great extent (3). Fairly satisfied (4). Little satisfied (5). Not at all satisfied

⇒ Water management : -

A Are you satisfied with the quality of water?B Are you satisfied with the pressure of water?

C Do you get sufficient quantity of water?D Are you satisfied with the time taken in handling

the complaint?


⇒ Wastewater service : -

A Are you satisfied with the cleaning of roads

and areas?

B Are you satisfied with the cleaning of drains?

C Are you satisfied with the garbage removal?

D Are you satisfied with the cleaning of dustbin?

E Are you satisfied with the time taken in handling

the complaint?

F Are you satisfied with the removal of water logging

At different places?

⇒ Power service : -

A Are you satisfied with the voltage of power supply?

B Are you satisfied with the frequency of meter reading?C Are you satisfied with the correctness of meter reading?

D Are you satisfied with the time taken in handling the


E Are you satisfied with the quality of repairs done?

Page 2: Questionnaire of Consumer in English

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⇒ Public health : -

A Do you get adequate information regarding the need of 


B Are you satisfied with the education provided regarding

health measures?

C Are you satisfied with the measures taken in the controlling


⇒ Horticulture service : -

AAre you satisfied with the access to greenly in park?

BAre you satisfied with the maintenance of greenly in park?

CAre you satisfied with the time taken in handling the complaints?

D Will you like to purchase plants from nursery of 

Jublie Park?

EDo you get plants of your choice in nursery

of jubilee park?

⇒ Integrated customer care : -

A Are you satisfied with the maintenance of houses?

B Are you satisfied with the time taken in handling the complaint?

C Are you satisfied with the maintenance of houses in terms of 


D Are you satisfied with the civil maintenance work(like in every

3-4years white washing and painting of doors)

E Are you satisfied with the civil maintenance work(related to
