Questionnaire analysis


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Page 1: Questionnaire analysis

Questionnaire Analysis

Page 2: Questionnaire analysis

Most of the people surveyed were females between the age of 15-20, so I will focus my target audience on teens and young adults.

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The majority of the people surveyed said they would subscribe to a magazine, so I would make sure to include an option in my magazine for people that would like a magazine subscription.

The answers for which rock magazine readers would prefer to read were all equal, so I will make my magazine genre a mix of indie rock, alternative and pop rock to satisfy all my readers and appeal to my target audience.

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Most of the people surveyed said they would spend £1.00-£3.00 on a music magazine, but the answer of £3.50-£5.00 was also a popular choice. I will compromise between the 2 options and price my magazine at £3.20 to appeal to the majority of my market. Most people said they would use a magazine mobile app so I will advertise one in my magazine.

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Most of the people answering the survey said they had read Kerrang!, SPIN and NME which are the type of pop/rock/indie genre magazines I will want my magazine to be like. Others that hadn’t read those magazines stated which magazines they have read, which gives me an idea of what my audience would like to see in my magazine. Everyone said they do like exclusive interviews, so I will include one in my magazine.

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I will include links to the magazine’s most popular social networks in my magazine.