Questionnaire analysis


Transcript of Questionnaire analysis

I distributed this questionnaire to ten people around

Leicestershire and was able to find a variety of evaluative

responses that enlightened me into further wants from my

audience. Overall the feedback was extremely positive for

question one and it even did what any article is there to do

- it sold to the reader as my respondents said they would

shop at An.tics, therefore the article has created synergy

marketing for them, benefiting them, as more people know

about the shop and are likely to add to their sales. The

respondents also felt that the formal language was very

appropriate and reflected the sophistication of the

audience and also said it settled in nicely with the rest of

the magazine.I found it very interesting

and I had no idea about the

shop even though I live so

close. I will definitely be

going there in the future

Yes, I liked the language

and it was very well

written and the tone was

also good.


On this question I found that a lot of people were really

impressed with the magazine and thought that the

article gave a good insight into the quality of the rest of

the magazine. This combined with the page headlines

on the contents page made them want to read more as

it focuses on their location and they can find out a lot

more about what’s in Leicester that they didn't know

before. All the information on

Leicester is quite surprising

really, we do have a lot of

things that a magazine could talk about!

I really like this magazine,

I’m very impressed.


The front cover is very conventional and I followed the Rule of Third’s

‘backward Z eyeline’ which encouraged me to make each corner and

the diagonal line eye catching and interesting. I also felt that the

banner that I put in looks very professional and offers a different type

of layout structure to be inserted with images.

My inspiration for the contents page came very early in the research

process and the example I found in my textual analysis encouraged

me to do the design. I was apprehensive as the example I found was

a double page contents and my magazine would only be one page,

however I think the layout paid off as it looks very professional. My

respondents also acknowledged the layout divided into three

segments to separate masthead, from images and from text. This

came back positive as they…


said that it was very easy to see the content information with no

images surround it. The images that are featured in the middle

segment would allow the audience to focus on that area as they are

interested in the uniqueness of what Leicestershire has to offer,

through images.

However, the double page spread feedback was not as successful as

a few people didn't like the image on the left hand page and this was

down to the suitability of the target audience - they like more text and

less images. Although there was a lot of text featured in the article, my

audience felt that there could be more, or the left hand page layout

could be a lot more successful. The right hand page however was

liked due to its tidiness. - ‘It didn't have images all over the place

which I liked’


‘I like that it’s on Facebook and twitter because if you think

about it, it’s the easiest way to reach out for information’

This respondent addressed the social media references

on the radio advert which means that this aspect of the

trailer is memorable. This is positive as Googling, or

searching on twitter and Facebook will immediately send

them to a page regarding Leicestershire Living. The radio

advert sounds as if it is trying to reach an upper/middle

class audience which means that those in that class will

be, many of my…


respondents were part of that group and felt that they

associated well with the speakers. The radio trailer is very

long and this is pointed out in one of my respondents, it

could be cut down slightly to make it more concise. If I

was to do this I would probably take out the narrative at

the start of the advert and use a different introduction that

includes information that is used later on in the advert.


One person said this and looked back on my products and

found that I had only used two images twice that are

featured on the Contents and the billboard poster, but you

can’t even tell that the images I took I had used twice but

subconsciously you can link the two together as they are

very cohesive.


I really like the similarities

between the texts. You can

tell that they are all linked in

with each other even though

they are not identical.

I agreed with this respondent as it was a very large image

only showing the shop floor and the products that are sold

there…it would be a lot more effective image if it was the

shop owner in an image outside her shop. this would

clearly show who is associated with the shop and show

readers where specifically the store is. I don’t think the

current image does much justice for the double page

spread and if I was to do this again I would definitely

reconsider the images.


Overall the images were

very high quality, however i

didn't like the larger image

on the double page spread

The main image took a lot of editing and I was very happy

with the final piece, I felt that I really captured the contrast

between earth and sky and with Old John as the focal

image added a sense of community and recognition to the

front cover


I love the picture on the

front cover of Old John, I

walk my dog there a lot and

the picture looks amazing.

The feedback of my images were very promising, all of the

respondents said that they really liked them and they

looked very professional. This was part of the production

where I felt confident, I was able to take a variety of

images that made the magazine and poster. The only

thing I would of changed is taking pictures of birds and

using them in the contents, this


‘The pictures looks amazing

and I especially like the one

of the reindeer’

There is a clear separation between the

recording in the studio and the recording from

people in the street and I don't think that this is

an effective contrast. The respondents said that

the multiple voices was effective as you’re

getting the view of more than one person, but

the background noise limits the sophistication

of the overall advert. A few of my respondents

said that they really liked the


diegetic sound of the birds and the instrumental

sounds of the piano being played in the

background. They said that it gives a

sophisticated tone that is constant throughout

the advert and is consistent with the type of

audience I am aiming at - affluent people who

take pleasure in learning new things and being



I asked a variety of different people these

questions and not all of them live in the

rural areas, this meant that they would not

naturally enjoy some or most of the topics

discussed in the magazine, for example

gardening. two of the three people who

said that they would not read this

magazine was due to the fact that they

were the people


that lived in the urban areas, however, the

radio advert seemed to work brilliantly on

those in rural areas as seven people would

say that they would read it. This shows that

70% of people who listen to the radio advert

would be more inclined to read the

magazine if they see it in store.


My respondents said that the magazine pages

were the most successful out of the three, of

which the front cover was the best page from the

four. I agree with this as I also believe that this

was the most effective page. I think if I spent more

time focusing on layout and changing the image

on the double page spread, then that would be a

more successful part of my production.


On this question I got a variety of views, this

would be down to personal preference of

taking in media texts. One person said that

they found the magazine as the weakest

part of the texts but this was because

reading magazines did not fit in with their

busy lifestyle. Four people said that the

billboard poster was the weakest piece


of media and five people said that the radio

trailer was. I need to take into consideration

that people are simply not used to seeing

advertisements on the radio or on billboard

posters for regional magazines as it is very

unconventional, this may be one of the

reasons as to why most people did not like

that certain form of advertising.


On average I got an 8.2 which is very high. I

could increase this by using more similar

images, or using the house colors of green

and blue a lot more prominently on the

billboard poster as this would increase the

likelihood of people recognizing the

magazine from the poster. Also the radio

advert offers cohesion


through the similar topics that are included in

the billboard poster and the magazine

pages. However, I like the differences

between all three products as otherwise I

think they will all be too similar. If they are

too similar they may deem repetitive and

boring; my audience would not be interested

in something that looks like this.


One person pointed out that the radio advert

didn't have the edgy and concise tone as other

adverts and originally this was because I wanted

to carefully reflect the grace of nature by making

the radio flow, but now feel as if I could of made

the advert edgy whilst also making it successful.


The reason I think that it should be more edgy is

because it makes certain words or phrases stick

in people’s mind and make them more intrigued,

this would make them curious to see what’s

inside the magazine when they see it in a shop.

One person


zcommented on the quality of the double page

spread and said that it could of been better

which has been a consistent response within

this questionnaire. If I was to do this a second

time I would need to concentrate more on

getting this double page spread as higher quality

as the rest.