
{ Q7. What Did I Learn? From the preliminary task

Transcript of Question7


Q7. What Did I Learn?

From the preliminary task

Planning is something I have never been good at in my life, however planning was necessary for this project in almost every manner from time management to magazine planning of every aspect, such as font choice, colour choice, layout and more through the use of mood boards and analysis

1. Planning

I did not know anything about photography or how it applied to a magazine before I started my magazine project, however after my preliminary project I understood taking mid shots and editing them using Photoshop, something which I had never attempted before. My first mid shots did not come out very well, however I learned from my mistakes in time for the music magazine.

2. Photography

I also did not know about magazine design themes at all before starting this project. Throughout the project I learned about the importance of this me shot, the left-aligned story rule and more relating to the other 2 pages such as picture usage on a double page spread and the use of structure on a contents page. I also learned from my mistakes here, for example the top ‘bar’ section of the design was something I did not like at all, therefore it was changed in the music magazine.

3. Design