Question 7

QUESTION 7 Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progress from it to the full product?

Transcript of Question 7

QUESTION 7Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progress

from it to the full product?

Skill Development

Comparing the preliminary task and the music magazine there is a lot of difference between the skills that have been develop. Skills such as using more softwares and improving on tasks such as audience profile and the primary research. Softwares such as Photoshop and InDesign were improved. I have more knowledge on how to use hyphenate and where I would need it. How it makes a difference to my work and why. Doing my music magazine, it made me realise how and what I can add to the magazine then just the basic things such as the barcode and the cover lines. It made me realise also that blank spaces sometimes are a good thing because the magazine otherwise becomes very busy and unattractive. However, too much of blank space is a negative because it is again unattractive.


More convections and codes are used such as; technical and symbolic. This improved my magazine further on to make it more visually attractive and eye catching for my audience. The simeotics of the magazine has expand because I have had a better research about the colour I wanted to use, why and how. It created an interpretation of the give sign. However, I have also used polysemics which gives you more than one meaning depending on how the audience decides to read the message that has been given.

Research and Planning

Research and planning have though me a lot. Having not enough research can lead to lack of information for your magazine and easily ending up with having a bad magazine which your target market would not be interested in. It is important there is audience profile and questionnaires done properly so the magazine become successful. Planning however is important too. The best way is to have a schedule which you follow for each thing you want to do next on your magazine. It helps to develop further on your product but still keep up with the deadlines and the tasks which need a bit more work.

College cover page Music cover page

Double Page Spread for the music magazine

Contents page for the college magazine Contents page for the music magazine