Question 6


Transcript of Question 6

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In the process of creating my magazine pages I used Adobe Photoshop CS3, Adobe Illustrator CS3 and Adobe InDesign CS3.

Adobe Photoshop CS3: was the main software I used for my contents page and front cover. It showed me how to manipulate images by using air brush to get rid of blemishes, change the colour of the models lips or hair and intensify them. On my magazines front cover I changed the models lips colour to make them a bolder colour in order to link them to the colour scheme of my magazine shown on cover lines and my masthead.You could also create a drop shadow behind the image to help intensify the effect which I used on the image shown on my DPS, this helped blend the image on the page and make it stand out.On each image of my model I used on the front cover, contents page and DPS I used the pen selection tool on Photoshop to crop around the image to get rid of the original background. By being able to do this I made my images look a lot more professional and helped draw attention to the model and blend them onto the page.I also used the pen tool to help change the colour scheme of certain aspects of the model. For example; on my front cover I used it to change the model’s eyebrows to help them look bolder. I also used the brush to add the colour of black to them to help create this.

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Adobe Illustrator CS3: This helped me edit my text, especially the cover lines or my masthead. I was able to create a border around the text, to make it bold, or insert a type of font to stand out amongst the rest of the text and change the colour of certain bits. I especially used this software in creating my masthead and the headline of my DPS.When creating my masthead I was able to use this Illustrator to help create a dark red border around the word ‘Interlude’ which further followed the colour scheme of my magazine. Furthermore, this software gave me a choice of many different fonts for my text so I was able to use two different fonts for my masthead in allowing a difference between the starting letter and the rest of the word; to help show originality for the masthead to be recognised from.

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Adobe InDesign CS3: I used this software to create my DPS as it helped me create it by allowing me to insert columns and set out the text of the article in a neat ordered column of the same measurements. On the second page of the double page spread I was able to place an image of my model, that was edited in Photoshop, and arrange it to sit next to the article. I was then able to insert a masthead for the page of ‘Elle Goes Solo’ over the two pages, to make them seem connected.

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Also, through the planning and construction of my coursework I learnt how to use websites like Prezi, Slideshare and Wordpress; which I can then use in other subjects when I need to present to the class. These websites help allow me to set my work out in a different way then from a normal powerpoint; making them more interesting. Wordpress is a blogging site for all of my work which can be viewed by anyone online which helps make my coursework more accessible and can be used for any other subject.