Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing the product? Elisha Swanson & Alicia Darby

Transcript of Question 6

  • 1. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing the product?
    Elisha Swanson & Alicia Darby

2. Strengths and weaknesses of the camera equipment
Some of the weaknesses that we found with the camera equipment were that although the camera has a light on to see in the dark, the light doesnt light up far enough ahead whilst outside, and it isnt a clear enough picture when its as dark as we need it, although at some points this was fine and gave a better effect than we intended.
We found that some of the strengths of the camera equipment were that our camera was small and compact which made it easier to move around and easier to film in smaller areas. It also had a light on it which made it easier to film in dark places whilst still keeping it dark and also it was very easy to use so we had no difficulties in trying to figure things out.
3. Problems we faced & resolving the issues
One of the problems we faced was that the top of the tripod which connects the camera was lost, so we couldnt use the tripod for some shots, we resolved this issue by using a handheld shot for some, but holding it steady, which was better, and gave a better effect, and for others we had to cellotape the camera to the tripod, which we found worked.
Another problem we faced was the battery on the camera, when we needed to film outside the camera ran out of charge, which gave us a limited amount of time to film, however we overcome this the next time by charging the camera whilst we filmed inside, then it was charged by the time we went outside
4. New equipment to enhance the film
For our film we didnt use any new equipment to enhance the film not only because it wasnt available, but because we didnt feel that it was necessary as well, and we didnt feel that it would have enhanced our film much.
5. Editing Software
To edit our sequence we used imovie, which we found slightly difficult at first as we were used to another version of imovie, although we found it easier once we started using it, we still found it hard to use the effects we found on imovie as we thought we could only use one at first. We learned how to put different effects in at different times and how to apply them. We found the effects particularly useful to give a more mysterious effect.
6. GarageBand
7. Garageband
We found garageband a very useful programme for creating our soundtrack as we found that It had a very wide variety of sounds for us to use, and we also found that with it, we didnt just have to stick with one genre or piece of music, and we could use a lot more different things which went more. During the process of using garageband we found it a challenge to use more than one sound at the same time that went with the music and our sequence, although once we got more used to it we found it easier to put something together as we found that we didnt really have any restrictions. A challenge that we also found was matching the sounds to the sequence, as we couldnt really play them at the same time, also we couldnt make changes once we put our soundtrack on to our sequence, so it would have been a lot easier to be able to somehow make changes to the soundtrack whilst watching the sequence on the same programme, although we done it in the end.
8. Titles
To create our titles we used the ones from imovie, we didnt use anything different because we didnt feel that it was particularly necessary or useful, also we found it easier to use than anything else which was more complicated, although at first we did have to figure out how to put the titles on, but once we done that it was a lot easier. We found that we could alter the speed, font and size of our titles very easily, we could also decide when it should pause and whereabouts to put it in, we could also choose weather it had a background or not.
9. Photoshop
To create our company logo we used Photoshop which we found was very good as it was easy to use and we didnt have any problems with it, we also found that we could make our logo look however we wanted it to and it wouldnt be the same or similar to anything else, and therefore it would be easily recognizable.