Question 5

How did you attract/address your audience? Evaluation Question 5

Transcript of Question 5

How did you attract/address your


Evaluation Question 5


Who was the target audience?

Previously stated in question four, I said that the target audience was 15-21 year olds of both genders, however I classified the film as a 12 meaning people who are slightly younger than the original target audience bracket could enjoy the film as well.


We decided to have the main character of the opening sequence, the antagonist, as a 16 year old male. We felt with the character being within the target audience bracket himself, the audience could easily relate to him and the positions he was in, because of this they would engage with the film more and therefore find it more interesting. Our questionnaire answers in question 4 show that this worked

Stereotypical Representations

Another way in which we attracted our target audience was through stereotypical representations. By this, I mean the way the antagonist was represented. As a male working class teenager he can be stereotyped as someone who could get into trouble a lot. This stereotype is again easily relatable for not just the target audience but anybody from society watching this opening sequence. These relatable attachments that can be formed with characters within the film, help to make the audience interested for longer.

Costume/PropsThe use of costumes and

props helped to attract our target audience because as seen on the questionnaire answer, the audience wanted to see themes of “murder, psycho, and crime”. Through the props of a gun and the costume of balaclava I would say we were successful in meeting the target audiences demands


The locations and sounds used within the film attracted our target audience as they are relatable. The dark tunnel accompanied by the sounds of a news report, police sirens and a high pitch noise help to put the audience in the characters shoes. Being in a dark place alone is a scary experience but with all of these sounds as well, the audience can really get a feel as to what is going through the antagonists mind. This fits in with the fact the target audience voted they would most like to see the sub-genre of a psychological thriller.