Question 5

5.) How did you attract/address your audience?

Transcript of Question 5

5.) How did you attract/address your audience?

Front Cover.To attract the audience to my magazine, I initially focused on the image I would use on my Front Cover. Research from my Target Audience found that the most popular image for a Front Cover would be a solo artist, in front of a simplistic background. The image I captured reflects this, as the artist is in simple clothing, in front of a plain black background, making him stand out and catch the readers attention.Secondly, I chose the colours I wanted to use for sell lines and the magazine title. My Questionnaire showed that my Target Audience would prefer a magazine that includes bright colours on the Cover. Because of this information, I chose to use a mix of both bright and neutral colours, yellow, green, white and black.The colours I chose have different connotations. The yellow and green colours link to the Indie/Folk genre’s that my magazine is trying to appeal to, and suggest a laid back theme of writing and style throughout the magazine. The white and black fit the boundaries commonly followed by other magazines. The price of the magazine would be used to attract my audience. Research showed that my Target Audience would spend under £3 on a Music Magazine, therefore, I chose to price my magazine at £2, so that it would appeal to the audience.Finally, the Sell Lines I have used on my Front Cover will attract and address my Target Audience.All Sell Lines fit with the genre’s I based my magazine on, and include artists that are well known in the Indie/Folk genres. The language I used is informal, but not too laid back, suggesting to the audience that the magazine is serious about what it’s reporting. My Questionnaire showed that my Target Audience would prefer a small amount of Sell Lines on the Cover, so I kept this in mind when creating the layout.

Contents Page.To attract my audience to the Contents Page, I focused mainly on the features that were to be included in the magazine, as that is the aspect that encourages the reader to continually buy the magazine.The articles I have included reflect the information I found through Questionnaires, which suggested that my Target Audience wanted a magazine that gave them new music, and reviews, which is what I have included.The colour scheme used on the Contents Page reflects that used on the Front Cover. This suggests continuity throughout the magazine, which would attract the audience, as it shows that the magazine is high quality and professional.As well as this, the font used on the Contents Page is also used on the Front Cover and Double Page Spread.Finally, the images used on the Contents Page would appeal to and attract the audience.Both images include images of artists performing live, suggesting that the magazine focuses on music. The range of shots, close – up and long shot, shows variation on the page.I added a drop shadow to both images, as it makes it appear more professional and adds a backdrop to the image.

Double Page Spread.

The use of image on my Double Page Spread will attract the audience to my Media Product. The results from my Questionnaire showed that my Target Audience would want a dominant image on the Double Page, rather than a collage of images, showing different things. The editing to the image makes it appear more vibrant, and catches the readers eye, making the article more appealing to the audience.For the Double Page Spread, I continued using the colour scheme I had throughout the magazine, as it showed continuity. As well as this, the use of green stood out against the black text, white background and the edited image.Throughout the article, I used questions that are commonly seen in Indie/Folk music magazines, as it is familiar to the audience. I included my own opinion at the beginning of the article to address the audience, and inform them of the laid back tone I intended to take with the article.

Audience Feedback.

Best Aspects of my Media Product:

Use of text/language on Covers & Double Page Spread.Appropriateness for Target Audience.Colour Scheme.

Where Improvements are needed:

Backgrounds – too many blank spaces.Use of Images on Contents Page.