Question 5


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Transcript of Question 5

Page 1: Question 5

5. How did you attract/address your audience? - Link this to your audience profile (i.e. what age, gender they are) - Are there particular points in your film that would appeal or if horror, terrify your specific audience? If yes then explain them in detail - Consider the use of camera work in this section i.e. Point of view. We did an audience research questionnaire asking a number of people multiple questions about horror movies. The answers from the questionnaires gave us an indication of what our audience would like to see in the movie. We used the information and made the film revolving around what our audience wanted to give them more of an attraction. Our audience profile suggests the type of person that would be interested in our film. Audience Profile: Name: Stuart Austin Age: 16 Gender: Male Class: Working Ethnicity: Black, British Image: Gothic Scene Cultural Interests: Slasher Movies, Serial Killers and Weapons. Above is a made up profile of somebody who would be a typical horror movie fan and would take an interest in our film.

Here is a photo of Stuart Austin; he would be attracted to our movie because he is a horror fan.

Page 2: Question 5

We used the generic teen setting at a party and getting drunk and walking home in the early hours of the morning. Although the generic horror fans are mails, nowadays horror movies are highly populated with both genders. The film Gemini hasn’t really got a certain target audience with Gender, but is certainly aimed at people over 18 years old. Although people under the age of 18 will probably watch it. There are 2 points in the opening sequence that may scare the audience. The part when Jamie gets dragged into the bush, a sudden sound is used to cause terror and hopefully fright the audience. The other part is when we actually see the masked killer. The sudden turning to each side builds up the tension and then a huge bang when the killer appears on the camera, then hopefully they will get even bigger of a shock when the camera turns as if the victim is running away to have the killer stood right behind him, creepy!