Question 4 of evaluation


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Transcript of Question 4 of evaluation

Page 1: Question 4 of evaluation

Jamie Osborne




Page 2: Question 4 of evaluation


• Blogger is an online website which allowed me to be able to present all my work in an

orderly fashion in one place. I used it in order to present various forms of media in

chronological order. I used it to present everything from my final product, to the planning,

to the research that was done.

• Blogger is handy as it is a very easy website to navigate and allows anyone to locate any

of my work in a few simple clicks. It also made it easier for me to share work and ideas

with my group as they are able to find my blog and work with ease.

• Blogger also made it very easy to share my work in order to get feedback from group. It is

also able to host a variety of different medias. So if I made a movie maker, or a

slideshare, or a Prezi I was able to upload it to my blog without difficulty.

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• Slideshare is an online website that hosts PowerPoint documents in a very presentable

manner. As blogger is unable to host PowerPoint documents directly it is a very useful tool

for me to show presentations that I have made.

• I used Slideshare to present various documentary analysis such as “Bite My Tongue” and

“The 16 year old killer” so I could better understand how to create a professional


• I also used Slideshare in order to share my audience research so I could understand the

best way to make the documentary to adhere to the target audience.

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• Prezi is an online presentation making website with lots of different designs and preset

templates. The boxes swoop in between each other and it is a very modern twist on

making presentations. It also easy to embed onto blogs once you have made them.

• I used Prezi in order to create a detailed analysis of an already made documentary which

documented Meatloaf staging a comeback in the music industry. By making this detailed

analysis I was able to gain a better understanding of how to create a professional

documentary and Prezi allowed me to look back in this in a stylish manner whenever I

needed to.

• I also used it to create a presentation of all my initial ideas for a documentary and I was

able to put this on my blog and look back on it at anytime

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• College allowed us the opportunity to use a Sony DCR-SD 1000E video camera, a tripod

and a clip on microphone in order to film the footage and create a HD documentary.

• We used this equipment in order to film various interviews. We filmed interviews with a

psychology teacher, a hypnotherapist, a psychologist, a person who has a phobia of wet

cardboard, someone who has a phobia of dogs and someone with a phobia of bananas.

• We also had to use the equipment in order to film cut aways relevant to the documentary

such as dogs, cats, trains and heights.

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• Microsoft PowerPoint enabled me to create presentations in a format that could be

translated to my blog work with ease.

• We used PowerPoint in order to create presentations and documentary analysis. The

documentary analysis included “Bite my Tongue”, “The 16 Year Old Killer”, and “The New

York Photographer”. This allowed me to gain a better understanding of how to make a

better production in a professional manner.

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• Adobe Premier Pro CS5 enabled us to create HD documentaries that could be presented

on our blogs.

• We used Premier to create our documentary about phobia’s as the range of tools that are

available on there to use at ease, is very helpful to us. It allowed us to add effects to our

interviews, crop and edit our footage down to the required amount using the blade tool. It

also allowed us to overlay text on our documentaries.

• It enabled us to keep all the footage we had shot (good or bad) in on place where it was

simple for us to access it and import it into our final production with a few simple clicks.

• We were also able to adjust audio levels using Premier which was especially helpful when

editing vox pops as they were filmed outside and sometimes background noise was a bit

to prominent in the clips.

• We also used Premier to edit the audio on our radio adverts

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• Adobe Photoshop is an image editing software which allowed us to greatly transform any

images that we had to use in our final production.

• The main use of Photoshop in our production was when we were creating our ancillary

texts, specifically the print advert. Photoshop allowed us to crop around two images using

the lasso tool and then once we had them cropped to the required size, we were able to

blend the two faces together using the blend tool. From this we were able to add the text

around our image using the rectangle tool and the text tool.

• We also used Photoshop in order to get the correct image requirements to import images

on the green screen of our documentary. This was used for an image of a vicious dog we

used when interviewing a person with a phobia of dogs.

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• YouTube is an online video sharing website that allows videos to be uploaded and to be

viewed by anyone around the world.

• YouTube was useful for us as it allowed us to share many of our productions and make

the documentary. We uploaded our finished documentary to YouTube and embedded it

into our blog. We also uploaded our radio advert to YouTube in order to put it onto our


• YouTube also enabled us to pull archive footage for our documentaries, such as the

footage of Gillian McKeith fainting on live television.

• At the start of the production I also used YouTube to watch the documentaries “Bite my

Tongue” and “The 16 Year Old Killer.

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• One we decided that we wanted our documentary to be based on phobias we used a

programme called Tagul in order to present all the relevant ideas we had for our


• Tagul allowed us to present our information in a creative way, like a mind map. We

shaped our mind map in the shape of our heart as we felt it was relevant to the biology

side of phobias, your heart rate increases once you encounter your phobia.