Question 4

4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

Transcript of Question 4

4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

Reader profile


Mood board

Target Audience information

Contact details

Readers opinions and quotations


Mood board:A mood board on an reader profile is to outline what the targeted audience favour and or consume. Which is to give an idea to the institutions of what to do to make the magazine appealing to the target audience. Reflecting on my magazine I didn’t show much products that would interest the audience, which I regret not doing. If I would have done it would have reflected on their lifestyle. However, on the reader profile, as shown on the left, I included images that do not relate to music but do relate to the favouring of the audience. This would make them appealing to them as for example, make up is relate to female, therefore I could given free vouchers or parts of make up..

Key Stats:These are used in reader profiles in order o show institution what type of audience they are aiming their magazine at. For instance, I put forward that there would be more female readers than male reader, although I have appealed both female audiences will weigh out male audiences. This is due to because I have mainly focused on female artists and used female images the most both on the front cover and contents page. i have used equal amount of images on the double page spread, which is likely to attract both genders, but girls mainly again.

Music, Gossip, Films:This is displayed in the reader profile to convey the institution things which the target audience have interests in. as a result this shows the institutions of how to make their product (magazine) appeal to the aimed audience. I have not only included music section but also involved film, gossip and films. This is due to having a mass audience is more beneficial as it would mean to making more profit, which is what institutions want. As my target audience is students it needs to be available digitally like an app for iPhone users, so that it is made available to be read online.

Contacts:Contact details are included on the reader profile in order to show the audience who to contact for query or a question. Another purpose could be for advertisement.

Quote:Reade’s opinions are very vital within a reader profile as they show institutions what the audience think of the magazine. It varies between positive comment or a criticism, which may help the institution for the next issue. When comments are positive it conveys the institutions that the audience to not avoid the truth when writing a review. Honestly of the reviews promote trust of the audience to the magazine, as the opinion is valued.

The audience for my product would be those from the E category from the economic social table and would be girls aged between 12 and 14. The targeted gender are girls as the colours I have considered relate to stereotypes of girls and the artists represent the typical influence on young girls. Therefore as the target audience are from the E category the price would need to be suitable and appealing to the group for them to afford and buy the product.

Critically, the artist wearing black was a wrong decision, however, I wanted to use her due to her hair colour as ginger. This is because when looking at pop magazines they are usually black, or blond or even brown, but no other. Therefore it would be more representative.

I carried other research such as focus group in order to help me with my product and I gained reasonable response. The video helped me to reassure my knowledge. I asked many people about the product I formed and said it was accurate, conventional and appealing to the target audience.