Question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Transcript of Question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and


What is distribution?

• Distribution is the method to get your product into many distribution channels to the ultimate end-user/purchaser. It is the process of making a product available for use or for consumption by a consumer.

• The distributor may set the release date of the film and also the method which the film will be marketed or made available for viewing – they will represent your film at festivals and markets. Distribution


Distribution Companies

Warner bros.

20th Century Fox

Columbia Pictures

Universal Pictures

• Showtime Networks is a distribution company of the film Bang Bang You’re Dead, a film which ours is based off of. This film is a thriller film and does feature a bullied teenager. They have also distributed for ‘Scream’. Our film is of bullying but also of mental stress, murder and crime, like Scream and Bang Bang You’re Dead. As well as these films, they also distribute thriller TV shows such as Dexter and Homeland.

• I think that Showtime Networks would be interested in our film firstly due to that they distribute many thriller genre films and TV shows. It’s also not just a story of bullying, it has a much deeper backstory which I think they would find interesting. They have also dealt with a film like ours before and would know how to distribute and market it. They would know the best ways how to help market ours, I think that with this knowledge already it would make them quite interested in our film as it would attract them.

UK Audience

• Our film definitely does appeal to UK audiences as it is set in the UK, with British actors and a British school system. However it does not only appeal to UK audiences, it also appeals to a wider audience around the world because bullying happens all over the world. Bullying is a relatable subject to many world wide so can appeal.


• There are many possible ways our film could be marketed. Film posters are a good way to get people to notice our film. The posters could be placed outside cinemas and could attract people who like thriller type films, getting our film attention. Another way we could promote the film is by asking radio stations to mention the film whilst broadcasting as many people would be listening, gaining more attention to our film. They could slightly mention the name of our film so people could then go and search up the film.. We could promote our film to bus companies and have our posters plastered on the sides of buses, which a lot of people would see. Posters for our film could be featured in newspapers or magazines with no writing about the film, just the poster alone. This would firstly get many people to see the poster and then people might go and research the film to see what it is about.

• Another good way we can market our film is to have an advert in phone games. Many phone games have pop up ads, so we could have the name of our film or a still from the film pop up in games, and if people click on it, it would take them to information about our film. A last release strategy is to have a quick ad/still of our film show up in adverts on TV. It could just be a quick 10 second advert of the film title with an image in the background or the title of the film with a scene from the film going on, like a teaser trailer.

Self Distribution

• Self distribution is where ourselves would distribute our film. With self distribution, we can have full rights of our film so we can choose where it is shown. We would also keep all sales money which would usually be given to distribution companies because we would be doing it ourselves. However, self distribution s very time consuming and it would also be hard to distribute as distributions companies may have connections with buyers so they could easily get our film distributed to them. We would also have to be careful when self distributing because you have to make sure you are keeping the rights to your film.