Question 2 media evaluation 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Transcript of Question 2 media evaluation 2

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How effective is the combination of your main

product and ancillary texts?

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My poster

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My magazine front cover

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Cross media convergence existing between my trailer, magazine and poster

I successfully used a combination of two mediums between my trailer, magazine and poster to a certain extent. Cross media convergence is used between the film and magazine industry in an effective way, as the magazine front cover is promoting my film.Using magazines to market my film is a good way because the target audiences are likely to buy and read magazines.

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How effective have I been in showing a link between the magazine, poster and trailer

The link between the three texts, including trailer, poster and magazine are effective to a certain extent, as there are limitations and strengths to the extent.

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Check mr rosen’s sheet

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The tagline has been effective as it is present in the trailer, magazine and poster, even though it may not be as obvious in the magazine and trailer than it is in the poster.The tagline in the poster is at the top and is in a different colour. This is effective because the audience can clearly identify the tagline and it will help them remember it. The tagline is important because it helps the audience understand the phrase that sums up the story of the film.The tagline of the magazine is not clear so the audience would struggle to identify the tagline and this is a limitation. An improvement can be to change the colour and the font so it is the same as the tagline in the poster. This would be better in order to link the magazine with the poster and trailer. The tagline in the trailer is also not clear but would be difficult because there are other important texts. In other trailers, all of the texts are in the same form.

How effective have I been in showing a link between the magazine, poster and trailer?TAGLINE

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The poster and magazine has the same character as the main image and in the trailer the killer is shown the most. This helps create a link between them because they all have the main character as the main feature.

In the poster and magazine image, the killer has blood on her face and there is an effect being used and this creates a tense atmosphere. In the trailer, there are a couple scene where the killer has blood on her face and this shows there is a connection between the film poster and the trailer.

Another connection is the fact that the killer in the trailer always wears black and has her hair in front of her. In the film poster and magazine, the killer wears a black top and her hair covers some of her face.

How effective have I been in showing a link between the magazine, poster and trailer?STOCK CHARACTERS

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In the trailer the character’s shown are: the killer, the killer’s daughter, the daughter’s friends when they were young and when they have grown to a teenager. In the poster there is no mention of the other stock characters, but in the magazine the killer’s daughter is hinted by the text “when a mother’s love goes too far, who will bare the pain” and this suggests there is a daughter and mother relationship that is shown in the trailer when the mother thinks of the good and bad moments. One of the bad moments of their relationship is established in the trailer by the use of shouting at each other. The argument demonstrates that the mother is being over protective and loves her daughter a lot, which links with the text as they both show how much the mother loves her daughter.

How effective have I been in showing a link between the magazine, poster and trailer?STOCK CHARACTERS

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The narrative is shown through the trailer, magazine and poster.TRAILERThe narrative in the trailer is shown through the use of texts, sounds and various shots.The text in the trailer plays a role in understanding the narrative because it helps unfold the story by hinting what will happen, such as the text ‘it can kill’ implies that there would be killings involved in the story.The use of sound takes part in the narrative as sounds have meaning, for instance in my trailer there are screaming sounds that suggests anger and pain. This links with the text of ‘time passes but pain doesn’t’, as the screaming sound implies the killers pain did not go away. The sudden sound we hear when the audience sees the killer in the same shot as the victims plays a role in the narrative, as it implies something dangerous would occur. This helps the narrative unfold because the story of the trailer is about dangerous behaviour. The shots of the killings help unfold the story because it suggests that there would be killings happening. This part of the narrative helps the audience realise that the film is a slasher horror. The audiences link the texts, sounds and shots together to help them unfold the story.

How effective have I been in showing a link between the magazine, poster and trailer?NARRATIVE

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The narrative is shown through the trailer, magazine and poster.MAGAZINEIn the magazine the image, texts and colours helps the story unfold.The text, such as ‘when a mothers love goes too far who will bare the pain?’, implies that the film is about a mother’s love and how she is overprotective. This therefore makes the audience think about the narrative.

The image is similar to the poster’s image so has the same narrative hint, including the facial expression and blood.

The colours used are

How effective have I been in showing a link between the magazine, poster and trailer?NARRATIVE

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The narrative is shown through the trailer, magazine and poster.POSTERIn the poster the use of colours, image and texts helps the narrative.The main colour used in the poster is red, which implies danger and threat and this helps the story unfold because the audiences are aware that the story would about death and pain. The colour red makes the poster appear horrific and builds a tense atmosphere as red connotes blood. The image helps unfold the story because the character’s facial expression implies that the story is about something serious, such as death. Even though the image has effects on it, it is clear that the character has blood on her face and this implies the story will be about death.The texts in the poster help unfold the story because they give hints about what the film will be about, such as the tagline, “time passes but pain doesn’t” suggests the story will be about a pain will remain for the rest of someone’s life.

How effective have I been in showing a link between the magazine, poster and trailer?NARRATIVE

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Comparing my promotional package

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Comparing my promotional packageFRIDAY THE 13th

Magazine front coverFilm poster

In the ‘Friday the 13th’ promotional package, the main character is used in the magazine cover and film poster. In my promotional package, the main character in the film is also as the main image. The characters are the same but are in different shots and the position of the knife is different. In my magazine and poster, there are a few things that differentiate between the two images, such as in the film poster the character’s shot is eye level but in the magazine, it is low angle.

My film poster My magazine front cover

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Comparing my promotional packageFRIDAY THE 13th

Magazine front coverFilm poster

Shot from the trailer

My film poster My magazine front cover

Shot from my trailer

In Friday the 13th, there are shots of the character that was in the poster and magazine. Similarly, there are shots of the killer in the trailer as well as in the poster and magazine. This helps build the connection between my promotional package. Both characters are shown with low key lighting, which creates a tense atmosphere.

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Comparing my promotional packageFRIDAY THE 13th

Magazine front coverFilm poster

Shot from the trailer

My film poster My magazine front cover

Shot from my trailer

The text in the trailer has a similar font to the film name on the film poster. This therefore makes the two products link together. Likewise, the title in the trailer has a similar font to the film name in the poster. This helps create a promotional package because they link with each other.

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The strengths and weaknesses of my promotional package

Strengths Weaknesses

The font of the title in the magazine should be the same as the font used for the poster

The tagline should be clearer on the magazine

The fonts used in the poster could also be used in the trailer titles

The color scheme used throughout the promotional package was effective, as it links with horror

The main character is involved in the poster, magazine and trailer

The character has blood on her face in the trailer, magazine and poster

The images used for the poster and magazine is not too similar, as there is an effect used for the poster

The main character wears black clothes throughout the trailer and in the images taken for the poster and magazine