Question 2


Transcript of Question 2



Within my products I used my models as a way to link my ancillary products with my music video, as it is all a part of a promotional package. So using the same models allows each to them to have a link which can be recognised by the audience. The masking tape effect that I have used on my ancillary products to display the band and album name, act as a brand identity which the audience will recognise. I used masking tape because masking tape is often seen as an art and craft tool, therefore conveying that the band have a unique creative side rather than just the usual creative side which all band and artists have. It can also conveys that they aren’t largely known and would have most likely designed the album art themselves and with limited technological use. The audience will recognise and relate to the use of the masking tape as it is different and stands out amongst other CD’s, which as individuals they will be aiming to stand out amongst the ‘average’ crowd.

I used the same image for both the digipak and advert to create another link. It is also considered conventional of an album magazine advert to have the album cover as the advert background, as this provides the audience with a more information than just the title therefore making it easier for them to find the album once it’s released.

I aimed to link all three of my products through the theme of relationships and the loss of them. I choseto use this theme because the lyrics are about a girl, “Erica”, which the singer wants to be back togetherwith. The whole song is based around her and how he misses her and wishes it could be the way it was before. I focused my products around this and related the shots in the music video to the lyrics, such as when the lines “I can see it your eyes, I can see it in your smile” are said there is a close up of the female model’s eyes and then smile. I used images similar to the shots in the music video for my ancillary products, such as the close up of the hands and feet. I included the image of the female model’s hand resting on the rail as this is a big symbolic shot within my music video. During the video I featured the female model pulling or walking away from the male model as the lyrics imply she left him rather than it being a mutual end to the relationship. A repetition of these shots in both the music video and digipak again gives the audience something to recognise between the products, it also reinstates the importance of this shot. The audience will likely to be able to relate to this representation of relationships ending. As the model’s are teenagers and my target audience are teenagers, this makes it easier for my audience to relate to the situation and the lyrics. The style I used on my models for my ancillary products and music video are the same outfits, the male wears two outfits in the music video to highlight the difference in time, as the shots with the female model are memories. Having the same outfits means the images on the digipak promote the music video and remind the audience of it. The same effect would occur with the music video as similar shot are used on my digipak.

The combination of the music video and ancillary texts creates a promotional package, which is promoting the band as well as the album the ancillary products have been designed for. A promotional package should work well together and have design elements which are the same, creating a brand identity. A promotional package is only effective when the products work together and advertise one another. I think the combination of my products achieve this. I have created a brand identity for the audience to recognise as well as linking the music video with my ancillary products, by the use of my models in the photos. I kept to my theme of relationships, the loss of them and young love as everything is centred around the meaning of the lyrics to the song I.W.MEBS. I have highlighted the importance of certain shots, such as the shot of the female walking away, by repeating them in both the music video and the digipak. The focus group highlighted that the promotional package is effective because they all mentioned that they like the way they are linked together and you can tell they are a promotional package rather than individual products. My main product and my ancillary products would attract my target audience as they are able to relate to the situation and the age of my models, along the style of the clothing they are wearing. My target audience would enjoy my music video because it is a narrative representation of the lyrics and therefore they would also enjoy my digipak because similar shots are used so they could act as reminder to one another. Both of my ancillary products have a creative side that not many alternative rock genre products would peruse to create, conveying the band is more unique amongst the genre. Allowing my target audience to relate once again because they will aim to stand out from the crowd and the design features which could be considered to go against conventions, mean my ancillary products would stand out amongst other band’s products.