Question 2

2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Transcript of Question 2

2. How does your media product

represent particular social


I have aimed my magazine at both genders, but mostly female as a female is shown on the front cover and can be seen to be relatable and inspiring for teenage girls. The model I used for my front cover helped aim the magazine at teens as I used a female that seemed around the age of 17 herself, so she can be seen as relatable to the majority of the magazines audience. I tried to make my model seem natural in her pose and not intensify her make-up to much but used a close-up image so the audience are able to focus on her and catch the publics attention.However, the music included within the magazine is mostly of an alternative genre, with some rock and electro being included as well – this is approachable for males as well as female, but just depends on the musical interests of the reader.

The colour scheme I’ve used interacts with teenagers the most as it’s quite modern and sophisticated; with following the simple colours of dark red, black and white. I chose these colours as there simple but still vibrant and bold; this way it was eye catching to the youth, which are my main target audience. This colour scheme is shown throughout my magazine, especially in my masthead.

Also, the language and fonts I’ve used are sophisticated enough for those of a higher education but are still students; as it’s not too linguistic to not be understood. I’ve done this as the stereotypical view of a teenager interested in alternative music styles has a higher understanding and education; therefore, they’ll be able to understand the tone and language included within the magazine.

The articles I’ve included are of a fun and light humour which helps reach teenagers as it’s not too serious. Through my research, when conducting questionnaires, I found that my target audience looked for gossip as well as news on their favourite artists, so I’ve made sure to include articles of all types. Furthermore, the main article I’ve included of ‘Elle Goes Solo’ is set out as an interview, to give the readers a personal approach to the artists. The Florence example given, “you have to hurt a few people on the way up”, shows a serious yet emotive tone to the article given about her in the magazine. The quote used is dramatic to help cause interest towards the news and takes on a gossip style – which my research found would interest my target audience.

On my magazine cover I included a plug about the release of festival dates as this relates to the interests of my market audience of older teens, therefore it’ll catch their interest and help raise sales of the magazine.

Moreover, I included a plug of ‘free foals poster’ in a black circled background to seperate it from the rest of the page and draw attention to it. I used this free product to help draw the audience to buy the magazine to allow them to get something out of it. I also used an alternative artist on this poster to make itrelevant to the magazine and it’s audience.

Across the top and bottom of my front cover I made a cover line that includedmany alternative artists to draw the audience to be interested in readingthe magazine. These cover lines were put onto a dark red backgroundto link back to the colour scheme and stand out against the light grey backgroundof the whole magazine cover.