Question 2


Transcript of Question 2



CAMERAWORK, FRONT COVER I have used low angled, mid shots for the main image on my front

cover. By doing this, it represents the social group to be quite aggressive & intimidating, as he is leaning forward, which is a stereotype of the alternative/rock genre’s social group, also for teenagers are they are rebellious.

The images across the bottom represent age through camerawork, as they are taken from a lower angle, making them seem angry & moody, which is stereotypical, their body language is very informal, is also stereotypical for youth.

I feel that through use of camerawork, I have met these stereotypes very well, as they quit the music genre, by seeming intimidating & aggressive. Also: other rock magazines, such as Kerrang! Use these shot types to represent their artists, as they want them to look as though they fit into that social group.


I have chosen to use black clothing for my ‘models’, as it represents the social group very well. It stereotypes their anti-socialness & rebellion as teenagers. – Also, their social group being labelled as ‘emos’, they are shown to be wearing a lot of black clothing, which is stereotypical.

The black clothing represents their age as it is a fashion statement, something that teenagers are obsessed with in todays society, so this is stereotypical, people will also see this as inspiration for their own fashion sense.

The clothing represents the gender of the models, for males, as men are usually seen as aggressive, & black clothing connotes that, therefore making it stereotypical for males.

I feel that I have represented the social groups & age quite strongly with mise-en-scene, as I have followed the stereotypes of clothing for each of those.


I have represented social groups through the use of colours across my magazine. Using very dark, contrasting colours that would appeal to my target audience. The colours black, red & yellow are very bold, & exaggerated, which is stereotypical for the rock genre social group, as they have a very bold fashion/music taste.

They represent age, as the colours used are very bold, which is stereotypical for youth. Kerrang! Also uses these colour schemes, it appeals to a more grown up side of teenagers, rather than pop magazines. So for this music genre, the darker colour schemes are stereotypical for the age.

The colours are quite unisex, representing gender as kind of neutral, as both males & females are interested in these colours, there would also be a fairly equal appeal to this magazine, meaning that the colours are fairly unisex, making them stereotypical. Opposed to a pop magazine, where the majority of the colours are pink, appealing to the target audience of young females.

I think that I have used colours efficiently to represent the social groups, age & gender on my front cover, as it is all stereotypical for this music genre.

LANGUAGE, FRONT COVER The language I have chosen to use is informal, using a range of

field specific lexis throughout the front cover, such as band names, & things related to rock music/music in general.

It represents social groups as very informal, which is stereotypical for a remotely young target audience of 16-25, as they are seen by their older peers as reckless & quite ungrammatical.

It represents the male demographic through language as slang language is stereotypical for teenage males.

Age is represented through language as it is colloquial & informal, the type of language that this generation uses daily, across social media & texts, also in person to their fellow peers.

I feel that I have used language to represent these different groups quite well, as informality is required to suit the age, social group & genders. Also: by using words suited to the genre, such as band names etc, it it stereotypical for a music magazine.


I chose the sans- serif fonts that I did throughout my front cover, so they would look rough, aggressive & intimidating. These fonts are stereotypical for a rock magazine, as they connote the type of music that would be featured within the magazine.

The fonts used represent the social group as very aggressive, this is stereotypical for the social group that listens to the rock genre of music.

The sans- serif fonts I chose represent age as teenagers tend to go through a rebellious stage, so the fonts being very rough looking, is stereotypical with representing the age of the target audience. As you wouldn’t see a magazine about cooking – aimed at an older target audience – in rough, aggressive fonts.

Gender is represented through these rough fonts, as they connote aggression, which is stereotypical for males, as the magazine is more leaning to the male target audience, It is stereotypical.

By using the fonts that I did, I feel that I managed to represent these different sections of the target audience stereotypically.


For the main image, I have used a low angle, panned out shot to include all of the body, to emphasise that he has a guitar, & to show he fashion sense.

I have represented social groups through this image by making him look very anti-social, with the low angle, to make him look intimidating, it makes him look very emo.

This shot represents age as teenagers are seen as very anti-social & moody.

I have represented gender through this shot by making him look very angry, which is a stereotypical representation of male behaviour.

The second little image I have used is a mid shot, I did this to represent the social groups as emo.

Their age group is represented through camera work by the lighting, you can see they are very young, & the shot type represents them stereotypically as moody teenagers, due to their positioning. They look very angry.

Overall I feel that I have represented age, social groups & gender quite well through use of camerawork.

MISE-EN-SCENE, CONTENTS PAGE The clothing featured within the main image, is black & plain. I

have used this colour to represent the social groups stereotypically, as people who like rock music are shown to wear black clothing.

The clothing in the main image represents age group as it is a fashionable colour for teenagers, which is stereotypical for the age group also, because it could be seen as anti-social.

The dark clothing represents gender stereotypically, as the black clothing connotes aggression, which is usually stereotypical male behaviour.

A guitar is used as a prop within the first image, this is a stereotypical representation of the social groups within rock, as it is a common instrument used within bands.

In the second, smaller image, clothes used are band merchandise, which represents the social groups stereotypically, as this is what rock people wear.

The clothing represents age as it is trendy & fashionable, which is a stereotype of the younger generation.

Overall, I think I have represented age, gender & social groups very well through use of mise-en-scene.


The colours I have chosen to use throughout the contents page of my magazine are black, yellow, red, grey & white. These colours connote anger, darkness & aggression.

The colours represent age very well, as teenagers/young adults are usually seen as very angry, anti-social & miserable, so these colours are stereotypical.

They represent social groups of the rock genre, also. As ‘emos’ are stereotypically seen in black clothing, connoting their feelings & their styles etc.

The colours represent gender, of a male leading audience, by being darker colours, as males are usually linked to aggression & darkness.

Overall, I think that I have represented these different groups through colours quite well.


The language I have used throughout my contents page is somewhat colloquial, with a very specific choice of lexis, which is appropriate to the music genre.

By using terms such as ‘gigs’ & all different band names etc, it represents the social groups, as those are things that they enjoy & are stereotyped as liking.

The language represents the target audiences age group, as it is colloquial, younger generations do not usually use correct English or Grammar.

I don’t think gender can really be represented through language, unless it is to do with the context.

In terms of Language, I feel I have represented both social groups & age groups stereotypically.


I have used very block styled sans serif fonts for my contents page.

They connote aggression as they are very large, this represents the social groups stereotypically, as rock lovers are seen as angry people due to the music they listen to.

The fonts represent age groups as they are very bold & are expressive in terms of emotion, which is a stereotype of teenagers.

The fonts represent gender as they are very large & distorted, these things may stereotypically represent teenage males, as they commonly get into fights, which is an aggressive act.

I feel that I have successfully represented age, social groups & gender through typography on my contents page.


The camera angle I have chosen to use represents social groups as moody, due to the body language this model is posed in. This is a stereotypical way to represent teenagers in the rock genre.

I have used a wide shot, to include the setting. This represents social groups as it looks very anit-social & against society with all the graffiti

These things represent age as teenagers are often associated with anti-social behaviour. Therefore, by representing them in this way, it is stereotypical This doesn’t really represent females as society is ‘supposed’ to view them, as it is usually males that are seen as antii-social & rebellious.

Overall, I think I have used camerawork stereotypically for my double page spread.

MISE-EN-SCENE, DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD I have used props, such as the guitar in the main image to represent the rock genre social group.

The guitar is a stereotypical prop for a rock music magazine. The background images represent the social groups by drawing attention to the graffiti, making

the teenagers/young adults look anti-social, & grungy. Which is a stereotypical way to represent teenagers.

It represents age by the use of black clothing, as it is a fashion statement. Representing teenagers as fashionable is stereotypical.

The mise-en-scene I have used represents gender as unisex, with the guitar, & black clothing, I chose to have my models dressed in remotely black clothing to suit the music genre. It is stereotypical.

I feel that I have represented the social group & age very well, but not the gender, as it is not stereotypical for women.

COLOUR, DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD I have used the colour black to represent the social groups as depressing & dark. It is

stereotypical for this rock genre’s social group as they are commonly known to like the colour black & it is dark & reflects their souls.

The dark colours contrasting against the white, which appeals to the target audience as it is easier to read, which was my intention. The colours are stereotypical for a music magazine. They represent age as this is a feature commonly seen in rock magazines, which are for the younger generations, making it stereotypical for the age group.

The colour black is fairly unisex, which is why I chose to use it. Representing gender for the females on the magazine, as there aren’t any males on this page.

I feel that I have represented these different groups quite strongly through use of colours.. Well.. Black.

LANGUAGE, DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD The language I have used is appropriate for the context of this double page spread, as it is about

bullying. The language is somewhat colloquial, & I have chosen the lexis appropriate for the content.

The language used represents social groups within the rock genre, as many people who like metal/alternative music are often bullied for their fashion sense & music taste. It is also stereotypical because it is showing that people of the same genre are willing to help, which represents that social group as helpful, & understanding, which is a common stereotype of those kinds of people.

The language used represents age, as it is usually teenagers who are bullied & are looking for help, this is a stereotype for certain younger people.

Gender is not represented through the language here, as there are no leaning audiences for bullying, therefore I feel that gender cannot be represented this way.

Overall, I feel that I have represented age & social groups quite well through the use of language.

TYPOGRAPHY, DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD The fonts I have chosen to use for this magazine article & all of the titles & subtitles are sans serif. I

have chosen to use these styles of fonts as they are stereotypically used throughout most rock magazines. Especially the rough looking, distorted fonts.

I think the fonts I have chosen to use represent the social groups very well, as the ‘emo’ style & group usually enjoy these types of fonts, opposed to a serif font, as the sans serif, disported fonts may represent the social groups as they enjoy the rock genre etc.

The fonts used represent the age group as being young & reckless, as the fonts are very messy. This is stereotypical for teenagers.

I have represented gender through use of fonts by making them messy, the target audience I am trying to appeal to is male leaning, males tend to like messy things, which is stereotypical that males are messy.

I think that overall, I have represented these groups through my typography.