Question 1


Transcript of Question 1

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Page 3: Question 1

MASTHEAD: The masthead for my magazine

states the word ‘rare’ and I feel this is because

it relates my target audience and genre of my

magazine as its rare to find a modern pop

magazine that is directly for the audience of

teenagers as ‘Q’ and ‘Rolling stone’ targets a

much older audience.

SELLING LINE: the selling line for my

magazine includes repetition such as:

‘spectacular sounds’, this is to make

it stand out and become catchy and

this follows to conventions of a real

life magazine.

MAIN COVERLINE: the main cover line for my

magazine include a change in font and colour. This

empathizes the word ‘exclusive’ to show the story it is

for is unique which will persuade people to want to read

it. Also the change in font and colour makes it stand out

towards other cover lines to show the reader it’s the

main one and makes the magazine look modern and

edgy to stand out to the target audience of teenagers.

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DATELINE: To make sure my magazine followers the

convention of a real life magazine I have included, above

the barcode, a dateline to present information to the

audience about the issue and price of the magazine, which

gives them all the information about the purchase of the

magazine, hopefully to persuade them to buy it.

MAIN IMAGE: The main image for my front cover is off

my model ‘ Rachel’. I have styled my model in lots of

make-up and modern fashionable clothes to give my

magazine a modern look. Also I have posed her in an

attractive way as this is a normal way for a female to

pose for magazines of my genre.

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This is the magazine front

cover I used as inspiration for

my music magazine cover. I

took the idea of how I posed

my model from this magazine

and how to place the selling

line and masthead. However I

changed the colour scheme

and placement of main-

coverline but I still kept the

idea of keeping most of my

coverlines on the left-third.

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MAIN IMAGE: The main image for

my contents page consists of the

same model of my contents page,

this is to emphasize she is my main

model, but other models are included

in the other images, again I have her

poses in an attractive way but

different to keep the magazine

unique and fresh but to follow to

conventions of a magazine of my


TITLE: The title on a content

page makes sure the page

stands out to the reader as it’s

an important page to know the

story's in the magazine and

how to successful navigate

themselves through the

magazine. I have followed the

conventions of a real life

magazine and kept the title

simple with the word


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CATAGORIES/COULMNS: I have structured my contents

page to follow the conventions of a real life magazine with 3

columns one for the main image, one for the editor's note

and one for the information of what’s in the magazine and

its page numbers, in this column I have used categories to

structure out the text to make it clear what's in the

magazine for the reader and allows them to easily navigate

around the magazine allowing them to know what story's

are exclusive and what are regular weekly reads to show a

new reader the regular features of the magazine.

MASTHEAD: The masthead again is shown on my

contents page as it follows the conventions of a real

life magazine and is done in magazines with the

simpler genre.

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This is the contents page I took as

inspiration for my contents page and

this contents page gave me an idea

on how to structure my contents

page. However this contents page

doesn’t include and editors not but I

added one as it’s a convention

featured on many other contents

pages. Also my contents page

challenge on of the genre of pop as

its a lot more colour compared to real

life ones trying to reach a younger

target audience then ones of rolling

stone or Q magazine. But I feel this

is acceptable as I’m trying to reach a

younger target audience than the

audience of rolling stone or Q


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QUOTE/SUBJECT: I placed the quote and

subject at the top of my page as this idea

followed the conventions of a real magazine of

my genres double page spread. I used two very

different fonts for this

COLUMN: To follow the conventions of a real life

magazine my magazine’s text was set out in

columns, but to make my double page spread look

unique and make it easy to read I conducted to

story as a interview and each paragraph had a sub-

heading of a question ask in the interview as I have

seen this done in a real life magazine and the story

comes from the point of the celebrity so it’s more

interesting for the reader

MASTHEAD: To follow the convention like on the

contents page I have added the magazines masthead

again to double page spread.

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MAIN IMAGE: The main image I used for my

double spread is the same model as on my front

cover. The picture is rather large and this follows

the conventions of a real magazine as it takes up

almost a whole page of the magazine. The photo

is a medium close-up with the modelling looking

directly towards the camera however her body is

not facing towards the camera making the picture

look edgy and this would attract a target audience

of teenagers.

DROP-CAPTIAL: The drop capital is a important feature of a

double page spread as its regularly featured on real life

magazine and this also shows the reader where to start

reading clearly so the text is easy to understand.

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This was the double page spread I used for inspiration for my

music magazine’s double page spread and one key element

that inspired me was adding the quote to the top of my page as

this is not seen in many double page spreads and would make

one stand out against many normal music magazines. Also my

model is posed in a simpler way to the model on this double

page spread.

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COLOUR SCHEME: the colour scheme for my magazine is very

strict throughout as each page I created is a sliver/grey colour.

This is to make my magazine look sophiscated but still modern

and edgy so it’s still able to attract to my target audience of
