Query optimisation 1. 2 Example - hospital database 100 tuples 2500 tuples Doctors Patients.

Query optimisation 1 Query optimisation

Transcript of Query optimisation 1. 2 Example - hospital database 100 tuples 2500 tuples Doctors Patients.

Page 1: Query optimisation 1. 2 Example - hospital database 100 tuples 2500 tuples Doctors Patients.

Query optimisation


Query optimisation

Page 2: Query optimisation 1. 2 Example - hospital database 100 tuples 2500 tuples Doctors Patients.

Query optimisation


Example - hospital database

Name Office …L. Johnson Sur1-left …

P. Thomson IC100 …… … …C. Craig Int-100 …

Name Disease D_name …C. Reed prk11 P. Thomson …M. Fox blood press L. Johnson …C. Fish stomach-ul L. Johnson …… … … …… … … …P. Wolf kidn-fail U. Ulrich …

100 tuples

2500 tuples



Page 3: Query optimisation 1. 2 Example - hospital database 100 tuples 2500 tuples Doctors Patients.

Query optimisation



Get the name of the doctors who treat patients suffering from the prk11 disease

SELECT Doctors.nameFROM Doctors, PatientsWHERE Disease = ‘prk11’ AND D_name = Doctors.Name

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Query optimisation


Evaluation #1

restrict Patients to those who suffer from prk11 • read: 2500 tuples; result: estimated 50 tuples; no need to

write intermediate result - sufficiently small

join above result with Doctors• read: 100 tuples (Doctors); result 50 tuples; no need to

write to disk intermediate result

project result over Doctors.name• the desired result is in the memory

estimated cost (read and write) 2600

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Query optimisation


Evaluation #2

• suppose the internal memory allows only some 350 tuples

join Patients with Doctors• read Patients in batches of 250 tuples; therefore read

Doctors 10 times; read: 2500 + 1000 = 3500; write intermediate result (too big) to disk: 2500;

restrict above result• read 2500; result: estimated 50 tuples;

project cost: 8500 (read and write)

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Query optimisation


Intermediate conclusions

the evaluation strategy (procedural aspect) can lead to very big differences in computation time, for the same query

• computation time: read from and write to disk (quintessential)• processor time

the actual evaluation procedures are far more complex than in the previous introductory example

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Query optimisation


Optimisation - what

deciding upon the best strategy of evaluating a query

it is performed automatically by the optimiser of the DBMS

not just for data retrieval operations, but for updating operations as well (e.g. UPDATE)

not guaranteed to give the best result

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Query optimisation


Optimisation - how

based on statistical information about the specific database (not necessarily, though) perform expression transformation (cast query in some

internal form and convert to respective canonical form candidate low level procedures selection query plans generation and selection

statistical information - could you think of examples? cardinality of base relations, indexes, ...

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Query optimisation


Cast (transform) query in some internal form

internal format• more suitable for automatic processing• trees (syntax tree or query tree)

from a conceptual point of view is is easier to assume that the internal format is relational algebra

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Query optimisation


Convert to canonical form

the initial expression is transformed into an equivalent but more efficient form

• “efficient form” = efficient when executed• these transformation are performed independently from

actual data values and access paths

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Query optimisation


Expression transformation

examples(A WHERE condition#1) WHERE condition#2

(A WHERE condition#1 AND condition#2)

(A [projection#1] ) [projection#2]

A [projection#2]

(A [projection]) WHERE condition

(A WHERE condition) [restriction]

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Query optimisation


Expression transformation

distributivity commutativity and associativity idempotence scalar expressions conditional expressions semantic transformation

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Query optimisation


Set level operations

the operators of relational algebra are set level

• i.e. they manipulate sets (relations) and not individual tuples

however, these operators are implemented by internal (DBMS) procedures

• these procedures, inherently, need tuple-access (in fact, they need access to scalar values)

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Query optimisation


Choose candidate low-level procedures

the optimiser decides how to execute the query (expressed in canonical form)

• access paths are relevant at this stage

in the main, each basic operation (join , restriction, …) has a set of procedures that implement it

• e.g. RESTRICTION - (1) on candidate key; (2) on indexed key; (3) on other attributes …

• each procedure has associated a cost function (usually based on the required I/O disk operations); these functions are used in the next stage

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Query optimisation


Implementing JOIN - examples

R and P - two relations to be joined J - the attribute on which the (natural) join is

performed R[i] and P[j] mean the i-th tuple of R and the

j-th tuple of P, respectively R[i].J means the value of the attribute J for

the i-th tuple of the relation R R has M and P has N tuples, respectively

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Query optimisation


Implementing JOIN - brute force

for i:=1 to Mfor j := 1 to N do

if R[i].J = P[j].J thenadd joined tuple R[i]*P[j] to result



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Query optimisation


Index lookup

index X on Patients.D_name

Name Disease D_name …C. Reed prk11 Thomson …M. Fox blood press Johnson …C. Fish stomach-ul Johnson …M. Maria ear Thomson …P. Bosh nose Johnson …P. Wolf kidn-fail Ulrich …

D_name PointerJohnsonJohnsonJohnsonThomsonThomsonU. Ulrich

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Query optimisation


Implementing JOIN - index lookup

/* index X on P.J */for i:=1 to M

for j := 1 to K[i] doadd joined tuple (R[i] * PK[j]) to result/* PK[j] represents the tuple of P that K[j] points to */


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Query optimisation


Choose the cheapest query plan

construct query plans (query evaluation plan)• combine candidate low level procedures• choose the cheapest• total cost = the sum of individual costs• individual costs depend on the actual data values;

estimates are used instead, based on statistical data • usually not all possible evaluation procedures are

generated; the search space is reduced by applying heuristics

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Query optimisation


Database statistics - in the data dictionary

for each base table• cardinality• space occupied• etc.

for each column of each base table• no of distinct values• maximum, minimum and average values• histogram of values • …


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Query optimisation


An optimiser is never perfect

the following example is a real life example suppose a Postgres definition for

• base relation: Treatment(Patient, Drug, Disease, …)

the query• get all the drugs that are taken by patients that suffer from prk11

• (all the drugs, not only those for prk11)


WHERE Patient IN

(SELECT Patient FROM Treatment

WHERE Disease = ‘prk11’) ;

the query is far slower that the equivalent one (next) ...

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Query optimisation


An optimiser is never perfect

/* this query is faster than the previous one, even though it seems to be performing more computations - Patient is not unique! */

CREATE VIEW V_Treatment AS SELECT * FROM Treatment

SELECT DISTINCT Treatment.Drug FROM Treatment, V_Treatment WHERE Treatment.Patient = V_Treatment.Patient AND Disease = ‘prk11’ ;