Que-dirais tu dans chaque situation? You walk into a store hoping to buy a back pack, and the...

Que-dirais tu dans chaque situation? You walk into a store hoping to buy a back pack, and the vendeur (salesperson) says, “Je peux vous aider?”

Transcript of Que-dirais tu dans chaque situation? You walk into a store hoping to buy a back pack, and the...

Que-dirais tu dans chaque situation?

You walk into a store hoping to buy a back pack, and the vendeur (salesperson) says, “Je peux vous aider?”

Que-dirais tu dans chaque situation?

You need to borrow a calculator from your friend for math class.

Que-dirais tu dans chaque situation?

Your friend asks to borrow a pencil but you don’t have any extra.

Que-dirais tu dans chaque situation?

Madame Berndt didn’t hand out enough papers and you didn’t get one.

Que-dirais tu dans chaque situation?

You want to know what color your friend’s (or your date’s) prom dress is.

Que-dirais tu dans chaque situation?

You’re at a papeterie (French stationary store) and want to know how much the notebook you want is.

Que-dirais tu dans chaque situation?

You’re working at a papeterie for your summer job and your customer says, “Merci beaucoup.”

Que-dirais tu dans chaque situation?

You’re going shopping for your little brother’s back to school supplies and want to ask him what he needs