Quantum Key Distribution BB84 - Phase Space Computing

Quantum Key Distribution BB84 Copyright c 2018 Phase Space Computing AB

Transcript of Quantum Key Distribution BB84 - Phase Space Computing

Quantum Key DistributionBB84

Copyright c© 2018 Phase Space Computing AB

Quantum key distribution allows two com-municating parties to generate a sharedkey that they can use to encrypt theircommunication. Any attempt to listen inon this process, can be detected. Withthis toolkit students get a hands-on expe-rience with the uncertainty principle, mea-surement disturbance, and the no-cloningtheorem, as well as the Bennett-Brassard1984 Quantum key distribution protocol.

Kit contents


×2 ×2


×4 ×1Plus cables and power supply.

[email protected]

The ProtocolThe key is generated by Alice sending qubitsto Bob, encoding bit values into randomlychosen encodings. Bob measures the qubitsin other randomly chosen encodings. Theycompare the encodings and save only thebits where they chose the same. If someoneeavesdrops on the quantum channel, this willbe visible as bit errors in the generated key.

TechnologyThis toolbox contains a modular kit ofelectronic circuit boards that approximatethe behavior of quantum gates, a patentpending technology that has been developedat Linkoping University, Sweden.