Fyne Court Broomfield Bridgwater TA5 2EQ QUANTOCK HILLS JOINT ADVISORY COMMITTEE Tuesday 22 nd July 2014 at 2.15pm in Cheddon Fitzpaine Memorial Hall To: The Members of the Quantock Hills Joint Advisory Committee For further information about the meeting, please contact the Quantock Hills AONB Communications Officer Georgie Grant : tel 01823 451884, email [email protected] Guidance about procedures at the meeting is given on the last page. This meeting will be open to the public and press, subject to the passing of any resolution under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972.

Transcript of QUANTOCK HILLS JOINT ADVISORY COMMITTEE€¦ · Fyne Court Broomfield Bridgwater TA5 2EQ QUANTOCK...

Page 1: QUANTOCK HILLS JOINT ADVISORY COMMITTEE€¦ · Fyne Court Broomfield Bridgwater TA5 2EQ QUANTOCK HILLS JOINT ADVISORY COMMITTEE Tuesday 22 nd July 2014 at 2.15pm in Cheddon Fitzpaine

Fyne Court Broomfield Bridgwater TA5 2EQ


Tuesday 22nd July 2014




Cheddon Fitzpaine Memorial Hall

To: The Members of the Quantock Hills Joint Advisory Committee

For further information about the meeting, please contact the Quantock Hills AONB Communications Officer Georgie Grant : tel 01823 451884, email [email protected] Guidance about procedures at the meeting is given on the last page. This meeting will be open to the public and press, subject to the passing of any resolution under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972.

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Agenda Item No.

1. Apologies for absence

2. 3.

Declarations of interest – an opportunity for members of the JAC to declare any personal or prejudicial interests in any matter being considered at this meeting. Election of Chair and Vice Chair

4. Accuracy of the minutes of the meeting held on 29th April 2014 (copy appended) and to consider any matters arising.

5. Public question time – The Chairman will allow members of the public to ask questions or make statements about any matter on the agenda for this meeting, or present a petition on any matter within the Committee’s remit.

6. Team and Partnership Report (Paper A)

7. Volunteer Report (Paper B)

8. Hinkley Point C Landscape and Visual Schedule (Paper C)

9. Rangers Report (Paper D)

10. 11.

Business Plan update (Paper E) Future JAC Dates for agreement – Tuesday 28th October 2014, 2.15pm Tuesday 3rd February 2015, 2.15pm Tuesday 5th May 2015, 2.15pm Tuesday 22nd July 2015, 2.15pm (Venues TBC)

12. Any other business of urgency

Note : Further information about any of the reports for this meeting may be obtained from the report authors based at the Quantock Hills AONB Service, The Quantock Office, Fyne Court, Broomfield, Bridgwater, TA5 2EQ. Tel No 01823 451884 or e-mail : [email protected]

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1. Inspection of Papers Any person wishing to inspect Minutes, reports, or the background papers for any item on the agenda should contact Quantock Hills AONB Communications Officer, Georgie Grant: tel 01823 451884, email [email protected].

2. Notes of the Meeting Details of the issues discussed and decisions taken at the meeting will be set out in the Minutes, which the Committee will be asked to approve as a correct record at its next meeting. In the meantime, details of the decisions taken can be obtained from Quantock Hills AONB Communications Officer Georgie Grant: tel 01823 451884, email [email protected].

3. Public Question Time At the Chairman’s invitation you may ask questions and/or make statements or comments about any matter on the Committee’s agenda. You may also present a petition on any matter within the Committee’s remit. The length of public question time will be no more than 20 minutes in total. A slot for Public Question Time is set aside near the beginning of the meeting, after the minutes of the previous meeting have been signed. If you wish to speak, please tell Georgie Grant, the committee administrator, before the meeting. You must direct your questions and comments through the Chairman. You may not take direct part in the debate. The Chairman will decide when public participation is to finish. If there are many people present at the meeting for one particular item, the Chairman may adjourn the meeting to allow views to be expressed more freely. If an item on the agenda is contentious, with a large number of people attending the meeting, a representative should be nominated to present the views of a group. An issue will not be deferred just because you cannot be present for the meeting.

Remember that the amount of time you speak will be restricted, normally to two minutes only.

4. Substitutions Committee members are able to appoint substitutes if they are unable to attend the meeting.

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QUANTOCK HILLS JOINT ADVISORY COMMITTEE DRAFT MINUTES of a meeting of the Quantock Hills Joint Advisory Committee held in Spaxton Village Hall, Crowcombe on Tuesday 29th April 2014 at 2.15pm.

Present Somerset County Council Mr M Rigby West Somerset Council Mr S Dowding Sedgemoor District Council Mr J Swayne (Vice Chairman) Mr M Caswell Taunton Deane District Council Mr B Nottrodt Parish Representatives Mr P Greig Mr. T Ayre Friends of Quantock Mr A Hughes SLAF Mr R Conway CLA Mr H Warmington Forestry Commission Mr D Gosling

Also Present Rebekah West (AONB Ranger) Emma-Jane Preece (AONB Landscape Planning Officer, Nichola Penn (AONB Volunteer Co ordinator) Chris Edwards (AONB Manager) Georgie Grant (AONB Communications Officer – note taker) 1. Apologies were received from: Anthony Trollope-Bellew (West Somerset) Nick Salter (Forestry Commission), Charlotte Russell (English Heritage) Paul Clarke (SCC) Dick Gosling (Forestry Commission) The Vice Chairman wished Cllr Anthony Trollpe-Bellew a speedy recovery. He also informed the group of the sad news that Mary White (Sedgemoor Bridleways Association) had passed away. 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 2.1. The Vice Chairman declared that he was a member of Friends of Quantock, as did Mike Rigby. 3. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING Accuracy The minutes of the last meeting were agreed and signed as an accurate record of the meeting by the Vice Chairman.

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Matters arising 1. (2.1) With regards to the track repair Staple Plain to West Quantoxhead – CE confirmed he would check the situation with IP. 2 (4.4) Concern was again raised with regards to the changes in permitted development and the Article 4 investigation was discussed. It was agreed that an Article 4 would help restrict the loss of visual quality. CE confirmed that the AONB was investigating the possibility. Further development of this, if appropriate, may need to be done by external consultants. 3 (4.3) With regards to the Hinkley A decommissioning group tender, JS informed the group with some of the details regarding the tender and the successful contractor. 4 (7.8) JS requested information with regards to the annual deer count. CE confirmed that the deer count results would be sent to everyone on the committee. 4. PUBLIC QUESTIONS 4.1. Terry Ayre raised concern over an increase in the amount of wild camping in the AONB. He felt that the number of vans parking overnight was increasing and asked whether it could be monitored. CE responded that an AONB wild camping policy was in place, and involved Rangers talking to the campers in person and informing them that wild camping was not permitted. It was suggested that this could possibly be done with a PCSO if needed. With regards to vehicles parking overnight, CE confirmed that this would come under the Highways Act legislation. It was agreed that the AONB Service would keep an eye on the situation. 4.2 Alan Hughes expressed concern regarding the amount of dog faeces in plastic bags around the hills, and asked whether anything could be done. It was acknowledged that dog bins at Cothelstone Hill and Holford did not appear to stop the problem, as bags we still left in bushes at those areas. CE reported that the AONB Service was looking at various options, including where similar organisations had managed to obtain positive results. With regards to the ‘stick and flick’ policy it was agreed that whilst this may be appropriate in the forest or woodland, it was not appropriate in heavily used areas such as near to car parks where land management work such as strimming took place. 5. QUANTOCK HILLS HEATHLAND BREEDING BIRD SURVEY, Presentation by Helen Booker, RSBP 5.1 Chris Edwards introduced Helen, and explained how lucky the AONB Service was to have been working so closely with the RSPB for the last 14 years. CE thanked her for her work. 5.2 Helen explained how the Quantock Hills SSSI Heathland is increasingly important for birds. Heathland and woodland edge species are generally increasing or stable, where nationally they are in decline. Red listed birds, in National decline of over 50% and of high conservation concern were generally seen to be stable or increasing including the cuckoo, linnet, tree pipit, yellowhammer and skylark. These figures were seen to reflect the diversity of habitats within the Quantock Hills and the quality of the land management. The Dartford Warbler and the Whinchat were the only 2 species to have declined, Helen explained that as a non migratory bird the Dartford Warbler had suffered in the extreme winters of 2011 and 2012 but that the Whitchat was interesting because there was no obvious reason and could be to do with the locations they were migrating from. Helen

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explained that the diversity of habitats in a relatively small area makes the Quantock Hills extremely important for birds that are in dramatic decline nationally and how evidentially the heathland management is delivering for wildlife. 5.3 John Swayne thanked Helen for her presentation and commented that it was indeed a good news story. It was asked why numbers were declining so dramatically nationally and Helen replied that it was for a number of reasons, but mainly due to loss of habitat particularly in areas of intensive agriculture. How best to communicate the story was discussed, and the suggestion of an updated Heathland Bird leaflet was considered. It was also acknowledged that these results showed that the schemes on the heathland implemented by the AONB Service and the Quantock Commoners were working extremely well.

6. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT REPORT (PAPER B) 6.1. The JAC noted the report. 6.2 Emma-Jane Preece explained Article 4 Direction, that it removes permitted development rights and allows councils to have more control over development. There was evidence of its use in other AONBs, for example Gower had an Article 4 in place since the 1970s. EJP will begin feasibility work and look to creating a logical argument for Article 4. One such argument may be around developments that take place in AONBs that do not occur in National Parks due to permitted development. It was believed that the Planning Minster Nicholas Boles had published clarification regarding AONBs and National Parks and it was suggested that this may be a good place to start from, when formulating a case. 6.3 Chris Edwards highlighted the importance of the Landscape Planning Officer role, which meant having someone with specialist landscape knowledge, who was able to keep up to date with new guidance on best practice and current planning guidelines, which is especially important with large scale developments such as Hinkley. 6.4 EJP reported on the meeting with Friends of Quantock that had gone well and was with regards to good communications between the AONB and FoQ so that responses to planning applications may be mutually supportive when appropriate. EJP thanked Friends of Quantock for their support. 6.5 EJP had written a blog for the QH AONB website, its aim was to help with public understanding of the Landscape Planning Officer role, and the role the AONB plays in the planning process. 7. TEAM AND PARTNERSHIP REPORT (PAPER A) 7.1 The committee noted the report. Support Officer Katy Coate was now on maternity leave, her post was not being covered in order to make savings. The Partnership Ranger Owen Jones had also requested a shorter working week, which would also contribute to savings made. 7.2 Chris Edwards drew the committee’s attention to Appendix 1, the new Memorandum of Understanding between the AONB Service and Forestry Commission. The renewed MoU would be valid for 3 years, the committee noted that the Officer Working Group had supported the MoU subject to a query over insurance and health & safety responsibilities which was being resolved.

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7.3 CE reported on a plan to remove trees from Cothelstone Hill. Friends of Quantock had raised an issue over the plan, following concern from their members. A meeting had subsequently taken place involving connected agencies which resulted in agreement that an Action Plan would be written and would address the two main issues. The damage to the archaeological feature that is currently occurring due to the roots of the trees, but also an acknowledgement that the trees, which are 40 years old, are a visual feature in their own right. 7.4 CE reported on the Somerset AONBs proposed funding cuts consultation. SCC had proposed a meeting between the AONB manager and chairman, and SCC County Councillors to meet with Cllr Hall. John Swayne felt that this consultation was too narrow. CE confirmed that the ‘AONB on a page’ document would be read shortly, which would help communicate what is achieved by the AONB Service, and what could be lost should the cuts go ahead. 7.5

• The Committee agreed Recommendation 1, that the JAC supports the Partnership Ranger’s revised work pattern.

• The Committee agreed Recommendation 2, that the JAC supports the OWG decision to sign off the Memorandum of Understanding.

8. QH AONB BUSINESS PLAN 2013/14 OUTRUN REPORT (PAPER C) 8.1. The JAC noted the report. 8.2 John Swayne noted an error in 2.b referring to the recruitment process of the Ranger post. 9. HINKLEY POINT C, SCHEME PROPOSAL UPDATE (PAPER D) 9.1 The Committee noted the report. CE reported that Iain Porter had sent the update of schedules of work to all partners, outlining what we are committed to with regards to funding. Two projects had been approved:

1. Landscape Improvement Scheme - £400k (5-7years) This would be an AONB managed project working on creating biodiversity and landscape links between the northern and southern hills.

2. Landscape Development Fund - £150k (5-7 years) This would be a fund held for landscape enhancement schemes for farmers and landowners. Funded projects would support land management for archaeological interest, biodiversity initiatives etc. 9.2 CE reported that this funding would enable recruitment of a Landscape Officer for the course of the project, although the role may be part-time for some of the project timeframe. 9.3 Mike Rigby asked what the term ‘Quantock Vale’ meant. CE responded that it refers to the vales surrounding the Quantock Hills affected by the Hinkley Point C Development. (Refer to map sent by Iain Porter to JAC members, Appendix 7 19.5.2014)

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9.4 Alan Hughes asked what impact the proposed SCC funding cuts would have on this landscape project. CE confirmed that he would ask IP to bring a report to the next JAC regarding the potential impact of cuts. 10. Any Other Business 10.1 Stuart Dowding highlighted the recently promoted Minehead Tidal Lagoon concept, which would run from Minehead to East Quantoxhead and felt that the committee should be aware of the proposal. (The meeting closed at 3.55pm) The Chairman QHJAC Minutes 29th April 2014

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To: Quantock Hills JAC Author: Chris Edwards, AONB Manager Date: 22/7/14 Subject: Team and Partnership Report 1. AONB Team.

1.1. Partnership Ranger Owen Jones began working a shorter week at the start of this month, achieved through reducing his AONB Service hours from 18.5 to 14.8, while Forestry Commission hours remain as they were in the form of two longer days. This is a saving for the AONB Service and allows Owen to work a four day week. The Memorandum of Understanding with the Forestry Commission and employment contract for the Partnership Ranger have been extended as agreed by the OWG and JAC.

1.2. A management process has been agreed with interested parties in respect of the

removal of the current replacement clump for the Seven Sisters. Further archaeological study of the hilltop will take place with SCC’s Heritage Service, increasing our understanding of the area and identifying the best location for the replacement clump.

1.3. The AONB Service hosted a tree disease awareness-raising day on July 4th for

the JAC and wider Quantock partnership, this involved a presentation and hill-visit. Mick Biddle from the Forestry Commission’s Plant Health Team gave a really useful presentation and then led a site visit to the Brendon Hills where we were able to see some infected trees and discuss what to look for and how to respond. The day was very well received and thanks go to team members, particularly Iain, for their work in making it a success.

1.4. On July 15th Iain and I attended a consultation meeting with Defra about the New

Environmental Land Management Scheme (NELMS). NELMS will bring together Environmental Stewardship and Woodland Grant provision into one scheme however Defra acknowledges resources will be ‘constrained’. The agri-environment budget over the next six years is £3.1 billion, similar to the current period, but £2.2bn of this is committed to completing existing stewardship agreements, leaving less than £1bn for NELMS. Consiquently the amount of land covered by agri-environment schemes in England is set to halve by 2020 as a new targeted approach, driven partly by budget constraints, is implemented under the new CAP.

1.5. As I communicated to you as soon as I was aware the meeting between AONBs and

SCC Cabinet Member David Hall has been set for July 24th. Attendance has been restricted by SCC for each AONB to the Lead Officer, Chairman/vice Chairman, and in our case the Chairman of Friends of Quantock.

SCC were keen to say the following:

• The County Council recognises and appreciates the valuable role of the AONB’s in contributing towards environmental, social, economic and tourism-related objectives, however we cannot ignore the financial challenges we face,

Paper A

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particularly the duties we have in areas such as those relating to vulnerable people.

• This meeting is aimed at engaging you to look at how we can work together to ensure a sustainable future for the AONBs. As you know no MTFP proposal has been made yet, and the outcomes from the meeting will inform what happens next. I would suggest that what we want to achieve is options for looking at how financing the AONBs can evolve, bearing in mind that there is no end in sight for the financial pressure being put on local authorities.

• The letters and emails I have received are all useful in reflecting the prevalent mood about a potential cut, giving reasons why SCC should not implement the suggested budget reduction. Now we want a constructive and positive discussion with you on what the options available are, and hopefully to agree what are the best ones for us to take forward. The number of suggested attendees I have received so far suggests we would have a pretty big meeting and in the short time we have available it is unlikely that we could focus enough on the issues facing us. In order to make the meeting more manageable we are going to restrict the numbers to one elected member per AONB and the Manager, a representative from an associated group (namely Alan Hughes of the Friends of Quantocks), and a Natural England representative. This means we have the Managers/officer view, elected Members representing funding authorities, someone to give a view of an interested party and Natural England.

Thanks to everyone who emailed and wrote to support the continued funding of the AONB at a reasonable level, all these comments have been passed to SCC. Finally our Chairman Anthony has indicated that he is unlikely to be available for this meeting so my recommendation as you will see below is that JAC Vice Chairman John Swain attends as representative of our funding partners along with Alan Hughes from FoQ and myself.

1.6. On the 17th July I am hosting a meeting at Fyne Court for Somerset’s AONB

Managers and Defra’s lead officer for Protected Landscapes, Tom Surrey, to discuss issues raised by the potential withdrawal of SCC funding.

1.7. Please find attached the JAC-requested “AONB on a Page” basic information

sheet as sent out to stakeholders since the last meeting. RECOMMENDATION:

1. The JAC agrees the above (section 1.5) attendance at the meeting with SCC 2. The JAC notes the report

Chris Edwards July 2014

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To: Quantock Hills JAC Author: Nichola Penn, Volunteer Coordinator Date: 07/07/2014 Subject: Volunteer Report 2. Volunteering Overview 2013-2014

a. Total volunteer hours: April 2013 – March 2014 = 2728.50 hrs b. April 2014 – June 2014 = 365.50 hrs

3. Volunteering opportunities and update July 2014

a. Estates Team: 2 longstanding volunteers carrying out regular practical tasks mainly based around Cothelstone Hill. Also involved in events and visitor engagement.

b. Volunteer Rangers: Our eyes and ears on the ground, carrying out regular

site duties, litter picking the car parks, interacting with visitors, assisting with events, giving talks to local interest groups. This is currently a small group of 5 which has a lot of potential for expansion in the upcoming months.

c. Quantock Countryside Volunteers: This group is shared with the National

Trust. A dedicated group with 35 volunteers registered. Practical tasks regularly involve over 10 volunteer. This is a hugely popular group of volunteers which has a waiting list. Recent work has included tree work on Over Stowey Customs Commons, access work at Triscombe Stone car park and regular maintenance tasks at Cothelstone Hill.

d. Wildlife Volunteers: Two groups of volunteers undertaking butterfly surveys

and bat surveys. This is an opportunity to engage with a different volunteer profile as well as being used to collect datasets. Initially started in summer 2013, with training sessions and trial wildlife surveys undertaken. Refresher training was held in April 2014 resulting in survey routes set up around Fyne Court and Cothelstone Hill. The surveys will be ongoing throughout the summer.

e. Heritage Volunteers: Launched in October 2013 to fit with English Heritage’s

‘Heritage At Risk’ programme. 30 volunteers signed up and trained by Charlotte Russell from English Heritage (October 2013) to carry out 2 surveys per year (winter and summer), looking at vegetation growth, signs of erosion and general changes in condition. All 51 monuments were surveyed between October 2013 and March 2014, with official results being released by English Heritage in October 2014. Summer surveys are now underway. Nichola is currently looking into the potential extension of this project to include historic buildings within the AONB.

Paper B

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f. Work Experience / shadowing: Individuals that contact the AONB interested in gaining work experience are accommodated if possible on an ad hoc basis. In the past year this has included a placement shadowing Nichola for volunteer engagement experience, an A level student working with Rebekah and a request from a Somerset County Council employee for rangering experience. These have been individually tailored to the individual request however the team was keen to be able to offer work experience on a more formal basis. The first week of July the team was joined by a Haygrove School (Bridgwater) student undertaking official work experience as part of the school progamme. The week was varied, with her working with almost all staff, including outdoor practical work and office tasks. The plan would be to offer one week per year in this new format, but continuing to look into requests on an individual basis.


3. The JAC notes the report

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To: Quantock Hills Joint Advisory Committee Author: Iain Porter, Development Officer Date: 22/07/2014 Subject: HPC Landscape & Visual Schedule – Schemes & Projects

1. Introduction. a. The Quantock Hills AONB Service has been identified as a delivery agent

for the Landscape and Visual Delivery Plan. The identified schemes of work are significant (in respect of the AONB Service) and require resource to deliver them, which has been identified under the Sc106 / DCO.

b. Under the Landscape & Visual Schedules of the Sc106 / DCO there are 5 funding strands, Landscape Improvement Scheme (LIS), Landscape Development Fund (LDF), Landscape Arts Project, Rural land based skills scheme and project officer revenue funding.

c. EDF have begun works which has triggered the release of funding associated with Phase 2 of the Site Preparation Works Sc106 – 6th May 2014. This includes some of the funding included in the Landscape and Visual Schedule.

d. Two schemes have been developed and agreed by the Quantock Hills JAC in April 2014. These were submitted to Somerset County Council on 16 June 2014.

2. Proposals

a. Landscape Improvement Scheme. A scheme to deliver area wide landscape improvements that provide habitat corridors to help all wildlife to adapt to climate change, corridor links between the woodlands on the north and south commons and heath reversion to link the heathland areas on the Quantocks. i. Scheme budget: £400,000 (£250,000 released) ii. Start date: July 2014. iii. Duration: 5-7 years from commencement of funding. iv. Proposal: working with farmers and landowners, including organisations,

aim to create corridors and ‘stepping stones’ to link woodland and heathland habitats between the northern Quantock Hills (Quantock Common SSSI and SAC) and the southern Quantock Hills.

b. Quantock Hills and Vale Landscape Development Fund. A fund to support projects developed in conjunction with the Councils, which either restore or develop landscape features in the Quantock Hills and Vale, including hedge laying and planting, traditional standard orchard restoration, small woodland management, wild flower meadows, willow pollarding, dry stone wall restoration, planting native trees, pond restoration and a ‘circular economic scheme’. i. Scheme Budget: £150,000 (£100,000 released) ii. Start date: August 2014 iii. Duration: up to 5 years of until the fund is fully allocated. iv. Proposal: To manage a discretionary fund that delivers the objectives as

set out above. The fund will be open to landowners, farmers,

Paper B Paper C

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organisations (such as community groups), parish councils, individuals and businesses. The fund will operate in a similar manner to the Quantock Hills Sustainable Development Fund.

c. Landscape Project Officer. Revenue funding for a landscape project officer type post to deliver the 2 landscape schemes. i. Scheme Budget: £200,000 (£25,000 released) ii. Start date: tbc iii. Duration 5-7 years

3. Next Steps

a. Agree recommendations to the Landscape Development Fund Panel. The membership will comprise members of the Quantock Hills Officer Working Group (1x SCC officer, 1x SDC officer, 1x WSC officer, 1x TDBC officer, JAC chairman, JAC vice-chairman) and 2 representatives from conservation, social or community based interests to be appointed by the JAC annually (usually at the July JAC meeting). Local authority officers will be appointed by their authority onto the panel. The JAC chairman and vice-chairman are elected annually at the July JAC meeting. A chairman of the panel will be elected annually. Information on the potential candidates for co-option will be presented to the JAC meeting for discussion and recommendation.

b. Promote the Landscape Development Fund. As the fund will go live in August we will need to promote it to the local communities. The Communications Plan details how this will be done.

c. Progress Recruitment of Landscape Project Officer. Draft job description and plan recruitment.

d. Open communications with Landscape Improvement Scheme potential partners. Undertake initial consultations with potential partners to develop detailed schemes of work, agree maintenance processes and sustainable management beyond the end of the scheme.

e. Undertake scoping for external funding opportunities to extend scope of Landscape Improvement Scheme. There is an opportunity to increase the value of the mitigation funding by seeking external funding to match against the Sc106 funds. This would allow the scope of the Landscape Improvement Scheme to increase to include areas such as community engagement and ownership, skills and training and education and learning.


1. The Quantock Hills JAC is invited to consider the candidates –information on the candidates will be presented at the meeting - for co-opting onto the LDF panel and advise the Development Officer.

2. The Quantock Hills JAC notes the report.

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Highlight Report – 30 June 2014.

Hinkley Point C – Landscape & Visual Project Status. First highlight report for the Landscape & Visual schedule works assigned to Quantock Hills AONB Service. In the period 6th May – 30th June the submission has been finalised and entered to SCC. Key Accomplishments Planned Work BRAG*

(& DoT) RAG Last Month

1. Submit proposal to SCC N/a

2. Check paperwork & processes ☺☺☺☺ N/a

Activity 1: Quantock Hills and Vale Landscape Development Fund

3. LDF panel members submitted to OWG & JAC ☺☺☺☺ N/a

4. Submit proposal to SCC N/a Activity 2: Landscape Improvement Scheme

5. Develop research brief & agreement with research

body ���� N/a

Activity 3: Landscape Project Officer

6. Draft JD ����


Other 7. Draft communication plan and send to SCC (DP) ☺☺☺☺ N/a

Issues Description of the Issue What is being done about the Issue RAG

Risks Description Mitigation RAG Reduction in AONB Partnership funding by one or more partners (Risk ID – 10). Somerset County Council has proposed to reduce its contribution to Quantock Hills AONB by ~ 90%.

Somerset AONBs lead officers collaborating and meeting with stakeholders and Somerset County Council 24

th July. Recruitment on hold until outcome of

discussion is known. ����

Measures Measure Performance Comments RAG £ spent to date on Landscape Development Fund £0 No expenditure planned ☺☺☺☺ £ spent to date on Landscape Improvement Scheme £0 No expenditure planned ☺☺☺☺ £ spent to date on Landscape Project Officer £0 No expenditure planned ☺☺☺☺

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% spend of budget on Landscape Development Fund 0% No expenditure planned ☺☺☺☺ % spend of budget on Landscape Improvement Scheme 0% No expenditure planned % spend of budget on Landscape Project Officer 0% No expenditure planned % of milestones met on Landscape Development Fund 100% ☺☺☺☺ % of milestones met on Landscape Improvement Scheme 50% Research brief drafted, no reply from research bodies at this time. % complete on Landscape Development Fund 1% ☺☺☺☺ % complete on Landscape Improvement Scheme 0% Initiating project

*Blue – Done, no futher action required as part of this project.

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Likelihood of Occurrence (A) Severity of Impact (B)

1- Very unlikely (hasn’t occurred


1 - Insignificant (have no effect)

2 - Slight (rarely occurs) 2 - Minor (little effect)

3 - Feasible (possible, but not


3 - Significant (may pose a problem)

4 - Likely (has before, will again) 4 - Major (Will pose a problem)

5 - Very Likely (occurs frequently) 5 - Critical (Immediate action required)

Risk Register Template

Ref Description of Risk & Consequence

Assess Risk current

Actions & Controls currently in place

Target Risk Score

Management Actions planned to achieve target score

Target date


L (A)

I (B)

A x B

L (A)

I (B)

A x B

1 Lack of support from landowners for LIS project. Landowners do not wish to take land out of active production. Unable to revert / create habitat on suitable sites

2 3 6

Undertake intensive consultation with landowners before initiation of project. Look to build in project outcomes into landowners forward plans.

2 3 6

2 High rainfall events during winter months. Ground conditions do not permit works to be carried out. Delay to preparing ground for LIS activity to occur

1 4 4

Break sites into smaller component sites to allow greater flexibility in undertaking ground conditions. Build in catch up time in project timeline.

1 4 4

3 Heather seed harvest operation not ambitious. Lack of seed collected from harvest operations. Reduction in area planted and delivery of LIS scheme

2 3 6

Seek advice from NE advisors on seed collection. Investigate multiple seed collection areas. Investigated propagated seed sources.

1 3 3

Seek advice from Prees Heath restoration project over collection methods, seed volumes, propagation and planting.

July 2014 IP

4 Incorrect tree species / genetic material selection. Poor uptake of planted tree species. Reduced success of tree planting

2 3 6

Seek advice from FC woodland officer, use ESC tool. Ensure diversity of tree species selection in any planting scheme.

2 3 6

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5 Lack of support / understanding by Natural England. PDO consent not granted or is delayed. Delay to undertaking LIS project

1 4 4

Undertake consultation with Natural England prior to initiation of project. Seek advice from restoration specialists within NE

1 3 3

Bring forward communication with NE. Liaise with local NE team to ensure prompt PDO consent when required

6 Lack of awareness of LDF within local communities. Lack of applications to LDF. LDF outputs not met – funding not allocated, projects not completed

2 4 8

Agree communication plan prior to initiation of project. Ensure multiple communication techniques used to promote LDF

2 3 6

Liaise with stakeholders and partners to develop eligible project applications.

July 2015 IP

7 Lack of commitment to deliver LDF projects from successful applicant. LDF projects do not deliver outputs. LDF outputs not met, funding allocated but projects not completed.

2 4 8

Grant aiding will be retrospectively paid with project checks being completed by Project Officer prior to claim sign off.

2 3 6

Build in LPO time resource to undertake sufficient project checks

At LDF check points


8 Lack of communication with other HPC Sc106/DCO delivery bodies. Double funding of applications. Reduced outputs from LDF and other HPC Sc106/DCO funding streams. Potential negative pubic message over value for money

2 2 4

Ensure regular comprehensive reports are submitted to MPG team. Build ‘checks’ procedure with other Sc106/DCO funding streams into application evaluation. 2 2 4

9 Lack of communication with other HPC Sc106/DCO delivery bodies. Lack of synergistic activity. Reduced outputs across HPC Sc106/DCO

1 2 2

Ensure regular comprehensive reports are submitted to MPG team. Project team to work at same location as MPG team on, initially, weekly basis to ensure informal

1 2 2

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delivery, reduced opportunities for increasing outputs of LDF and LIS.


10 Reduction in AONB Partnership funding by one or more partners. AONB Service loses staff resource. Unable to undertake project management and delivery. 3 4 12

Ensure loss of resource has limited impact on this project through reallocation of other AONB Service team members. Look to reallocate Development Officer resource to ensure project outputs achieved. Investigate potential for other delivery partner to undertake work if AONB Service resource is reduced further.

1 4 4

Recruitment of LPO on hold until outcome of current discussions is known. Quantock Hills AONB Partnership to vigorously pursue new Statement of Intent setting out local authority funding commitments for next CSR period.

11 External recruitment opportunities outside AONB Service. AONB Service loses key staff resource. Temporary loss of project management and delivery

2 2 4

Ensure loss of resource has limited impact on project. Ensure all project documentation is kept up to date and that line manager is in full communication with project staff.

2 2 4

12 Landscape scale funding streams are active. Opportunity to increase funding for LIS delivery. Increase in LIS project outputs.

2 4 8

Undertake scoping work of potential external funding sources in 1

st 6 months of

phase 2 launch and develop appropriate scheme to attract further funding

2 4 8

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To: Quantock Hills JAC Author: Rebekah West, Quantock Hills Ranger Date: 22/07/2014 Subject: Rangers Report 1.0 Introduction The most significant change since the last report has been the loss of Katy Coate as she takes maternity leave. The team have absorbed the work that she carried out, but the loss of her knowledge base and time has led to limitations. This has resulted in some events, such as the Wildlife Safari and Butterfly Walk being cancelled as there has not been enough time or resources to promote these effectively, something that we look to change in the near future. 2.0 Habitat Management

2.1 Work on Cothelstone Hill relating to the Higher Level Stewardship is continuing with Rebekah, Ranger, leading on delivery. During this period works include gorse removal, Sycamore scrub removal and invasive species, such as Rosebay Willowherb, control. Back in April, we had to humanely dispatch one of our Exmoor ponies on Cothelstone Hill. She had lost her teeth to old age, was not feeding and losing condition fairly rapidly. The remaining herd are being watched closely as they are reaching an age now where this will become more commonplace.

2.2 Again at Cothelstone Hill, a quarter of the outer perimeter fence has been replaced with help from the estates team and the Quantock Conservation Volunteers (QCV), with the entirety of the fence to be completed at a later date.

2.3 Swaling this year, led by our Partnership Ranger, Owen Jones had some successes; weather constraints meant not as many sites were burnt as planned, but our team of volunteers were enthusiastic and worked hard to get as much as possible done. In total, 6 of the 22 sites were burnt with a total of 10 hectares being cleared.

3.0 Biodiversity Monitoring.

3.1 Dormice monitoring has continued on Cothelstone Hill, carried out by our two dedicated volunteers. Over May & June, there have been 8 counted, including a male and female in the same box (2013, there was only 1) and young from last year (2013 there were 0). So although no coppice management has been carried out, the numbers are looking good, with more surveys planned.

3.2 Pied Flycatcher monitoring has continued this year, with the help of Andy Harris and members of the team. Results aren’t yet known, but will follow shortly once the numbers have been collated.

3.3 2014 is also the first year that we have undertaken butterfly monitoring, being led by Nichola Penn, Volunteer Coordinator. We have 2 transects one at Fyne Court, in partnership with the National Trust, and another at Cothelstone Hill, monitoring the effect of the HLS works on invertebrates. Common species seen include

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whites, meadow brown and speckled wood. Small tortoiseshell was found which although widespread has suffered a huge decline in Southern England. Marbled white and small heaths were also noteworthy. Numbers are now increasing with the continued warm weather and large swathes of vegetation in flower. Lowest numbers recorded during a survey is 6 individuals in April, highest numbers of 88 individuals in the first week of July. At Cothelstone Hill, numbers have ranged from 0 individuals seen on a survey in May through to 104 individuals seen during the first week of July.

3.4 We have also started bat monitoring, again 2 transects at Fyne Court and Cothelstone Hill. This work is being led by Iain Porter, Development Officer. Both the Butterfly and Bat monitoring has been designed to engage volunteers with the aim that over time they can take on ownership of the monitoring.

3.5 The annual deer count was a success with 52 people participating. In total 511 deer were counted – 125 more than last year. This included a rise in hinds, calves and stags seen, but only in the northern and central section of the hills, south of Lydiard, only 2 red deer were counted.

4.0 Access Management

4.1 Work was carried out throughout February-April to remove unsafe trees and those that were blocking paths- particularly at Cothelstone Hill.

4.2 We continue to work closely with the local police authority with 5 joint patrols on the hills within the report period. In addition, PC Rob Jacobs is now qualified as our local Wildlife Crime Officer. Patrols have also been undertaken at Ramscombe where there has been a small peak in anti-social behaviour.

4.3 Illegal vehicle use has persisted as an issue, in particular next to the drove road at Triscombe Stone, Wilmot’s Pool, Cothelstone Hill car park and access track. With a team of QCV volunteers, Rebekah installed some bollards, which prevented further poaching of the SSSI ground alongside the drove road. Bollards were also installed at the car park entrance to the bridleway at Cothelstone. This did avert some activity, but the car park improvements carried out in June should further prevent quad bikes. Wilmot’s Pool continues to be a problem with offenders using the Scheduled Monument as a launching platform into the pool, leading to erosion and poaching of the SSSI. Rebekah held a meeting with a couple of the commoners, to discuss potential solutions. They were keen on the idea of strategically placed boulders within the pool, something Natural England and English Heritage also agree to.

4.4 Fly tipping has seen a slight decrease since the last report with at least twelve cases reported. There has been a high proportion of bathroom rubble and several cases of general building rubble.

4.5 With the ever rising issue of dog fouling, Rangers organised a meeting to discuss the matter between local PCSO’s, AONB & FC Rangers and Dog Wardens. It was a very positive meeting with firm agreement that a public awareness raising event was needed, which shall be arranged by AONB Rangers at a later date.

4.6 Promoted routes audits are currently being undertaken along with the Greenway audit. The results of these will form the work programme for winter works and volunteer tasks.

4.0 Heritage

4.1 As part of the HLS agreement for Cothelstone Hill a number of heritage protection

schemes have to be carried out. In December the AONB publicised the need to

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remove the replacement clump of beech trees next to Seven Sisters. There was significant public interest and the AONB Service hosted a meeting with Friends of Quantock, CPRE, Natural England, English Heritage, SCC Heritage Services in April to discuss the complex issues involved. AONB Manager Chris Edwards is mediating negotiations about location and species of the replacement clump with the above parties.

4.2 A meeting was held between stakeholders concerning the Heritage Plan for Dowsborough and Dead Woman’s Ditch (DWD) both within Fairfield Estate. The Heritage Plan was produced by the Quantock Commoners Association under their HLS agreement for Quantock Common. The outcome of this raised various actions, including some removal of mature beech and conifers from the ramparts of Dowsborough, removal of saplings within the camp, re-pollarding oaks blocking the view from the viewing area, spraying off bracken from the camp and removing the fence. For DWD, the actions are more orientated toward preventing further erosion by cyclists and horse riders. A sign will be erected advising that this is not permitted and a small number of oaks will be felled across the existing path to discourage use. Holly saplings will also be partially removed to control their spread.

5.0 Public Engagement & Talks

5.1 From February-June 3 successful events have been held – the Quantocks Hike, Adder Amble and the Wildflower Walk. All were enthusiastically received and had a good turn out with 6 people for the Quantock Hike, 15 for the Adder Amble and 9 for the Wildflower Walk. A slightly more negative report has been the fact that we have had to cancel two (usually very popular) events due to time constraints on advertising these.

5.2 Our presence at Nether Stowey and Halsway Fetes were met with great enthusiasm with 26 bird boxes painted by children and many adults visiting also. 5.3 Rebekah has engaged with Wellington Cubs Pack and so far has led 2 bush craft evenings, reaching a total of 34 cubs, with their parents. Further events are planned. 5.4 Rangers have also given talks to the Somerset Wildlife Trust, Nether Stowey Library, a WI talk about being a Ranger on the Quantock Hills and given short reports at a couple of Parish meetings in the area. 5.5 Public engagement has also included rescuing horses from ditches,

discussions about the welfare of our Exmoor ponies and awareness raising about various issues around the Quantocks, such as responsible dog walking, mountain biking and use of BBQ’s.


4. The JAC notes the report

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To: Quantock Hills Joint Advisory Committee Date: 22/07/2014 Author: Iain Porter, Development Officer

Status. Quantock Hills AONB Service 2014/15 Business Plan Highlight Report Issues Description of the Issue What is being done about the Issue RAG Planning comments not being uploaded to website. Amend action in light of reduced Support Assistant resource. Action

amended – To update website regularly to include link to relevant planning application on local authority website to allow interested parties to view AONB comments alongside other comments.


Visitor Survey will not be undertaken in 2014 Meeting of relevant AONB Staff in late July. Advanced planning for visitor survey in 2015 including investigation of potential funding sources underway.


Low attendance on some AONB events. Postponed events, increased publicity due to go out July 2014 ����

Risks Description Mitigation RAG Loss of staff resource since Business Plan agreed – Support Assistant – 0.6 FTE and Partnership Ranger reduced from 1 FTE to 0.9 FTE.

Reduce actions from Business Plan. Visitor survey already postponed to next year. AONB Manager to look at options for further action reduction.


Measures Measure Performance Comments RAG

£ / % spent to date [salaries, NI, SA] £45,569 / 23.8% On track. Awaiting Pension deficit lump sum which may skew budget. ☺☺☺☺

£ / % spent to date [accommodation, hosting] £4,652 / 19.5% On track. ☺☺☺☺

£ / % spent to date [training, travel, vehicle costs] £4,214 / 22.6% Though low % spend, individual budget lines have high expenditure including training (74%) and vehicle lease (27% though new leases will need to come out of this in August). Will need to move additional budget from other lines to account for this.


£ / % spent to date [partnership running costs] £3,176 / 32.7% High % spend due to front loading of expenditure ☺☺☺☺

£ / % spent to date [partnership budget] £0 / 0% Small budget, expecting spend in summer / autumn 2014. ☺☺☺☺

£ / % income £121,829 / 42.6% Defra grant retrospectively paid in Jan 2015 and Apr 2015. FC and Mendip Hills AONB income due in autumn 2014. ☺☺☺☺

% of milestones met 77% ☺☺☺☺


Last Qu

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(1) Publish and promote Quantock Hills AONB Management Plan 2014-19

Digital copy of AONB Management Plan produced and available on AONB website. ☺☺☺☺


(2) Develop funding bids to support delivery of Quantock Hills Management Plan 2014-19.

Stage 1 bid complete and submitted ����


(3) Undertake fixed point photography monitoring on 12 sites to provide a visual record of landscape and change over time including views into and from the AONB

Take photographs from 12 sites during 2013

☺☺☺☺ N/a

(4) Deliver a Conservation and Enhancement Scheme (CES) to

undertake works which will prevent or control Phytophthora

diseases as a measure to stop the spread of the disease to the

lowland heath habitats throughout the Quantock Hills AONB

50Ha of control or follow up work undertaken on

invasive species as agreed by Natural England



(5) Run plant/disease awareness workshop with the aim of (a)

informing landowners of monitoring that can be undertaken (b)

assessing the risks and potential solution to the landscape of the

Quantock Hills.

Workshop held for landowners / stakeholders / JAC July




(6) Host a SAC woodland management meeting to promote management activity by landowners, NE and others

Meeting held Sept 2014. Agreed action plan April 2015. ☺☺☺☺


(7) Manage on behalf of SCC amenity land sites including animal welfare checks, income generation (HLS, SPS)

Delivery of agreed HLS programme, including claiming HLS & SPS ☺☺☺☺

(8) Undertake swaling programme agreed by QCMG for enhancement of Quantock Common SSSI

Agreed swaling programme completed. Income generation required for AONB Service to undertaken action

☺☺☺☺ N/a

(9) Support continued monitoring of important species to inform future management plans for Quantock Common and surrounding agricultural land

Adder population and hibernacula survey carried out on 2 sites Bat transects undertaken at 2 sites Butterfly transects undertaken at 2 sites Dormouse Monitoring at 2 site



(10) Support monitoring of Pied Flycatchers on Quantock Hills and feed into regional project on effects of climate change on indicator species

Monitoring of 150 boxes in key locations throughout AONB ☺☺☺☺


(11) Undertake assessment of biodiversity connectivity within the Quantock Hills AONB to create a prioritised ‘gaps’ analysis.

Research commissioned – June 2014. Research completed – June 2015 ����


(12) Engage with FC Forest Design Plans for Quantock woods Comments considered and FDP published March 2015 ���� N/a

(13) Publish and promote results of monitoring of heritage assets. Pdf summary of baseline survey available Dec 2014. ☺☺☺☺ N/a

(14) Undertake visual intrusion study which will prioritise removal or mitigation action.

Visual intrusion study complete by March 2015. ����


(15) Engage with study to assess the effectiveness of local planning Local planning decisions report presented to ���� N/a

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decisions and implications for the AONB partnership Dec 2014

(16) Monitor planning applications in and around the AONB and identify any potential damaging developments. Comment on potentially damaging applications on behalf of the JAC

Planning Database up to date and reporting back against database possible through GIS. Comments sent to relevant planning authorities

☺☺☺☺ N/a

(17) Engage with Local Development Framework (LDF) consultation Relevant LDF consultation responses sent ☺☺☺☺ N/a

(18) Make AONB planning comments available on the website (or synopsis with link) to ensure partners and communities can see AONB response to planning application

All planning comments to be upload to AONB Service website within 10 days of submission ����


(19) Undertake research into Quantock hedgerow and linear features to better understand their importance in terms of landscape,

Project Plan agreed Sept 2014 Project report published April 2016 ☺☺☺☺


(20) Further develop a more detailed LCA for the Quantock Hills AONB to ensure more targeted approach to conservation and enhancement of landscape

Adoption of Quantock Hills LCA by Quantock Hills JAC April 2015 ☺☺☺☺


(21) Monitor non-AONB event use of the Quantock Hills AONB to provide evidence of use and provide guidance to event organisers to minimise impact of events on the AONB

Assess all event forms received and provide comment / guidance where necessary Review event notification procedure to ensure fit for purpose



(22) Encourage use of off-hilltop promoted routes through development of innovative engagement tools, such as digital personal interpretation.

Funding secured to develop interpretation for off-hilltop promoted routes ����


(23) Collect bi-annual data from 15 visitor counters installed through the Quantock Hills and disseminate information to partners

Information collected, processed and disseminated. Information in format to be used as evidence in funding bids

☺☺☺☺ N/a

(24) Engage with event organisers to ensure notification of events occurring on the hills. Offer advice to ensure minimal adverse impact from events to the landscape, tranquillity and natural environment of the Quantock Hills

Event monitoring information available to landowners / interested people



(25) Ensure on the ground presence during busy periods to engage visitors and provide information.

24 days patrol throughout year, with volunteer involvement ☺☺☺☺


(26) Limit vehicle damage to hilltop tracks through engagement with user groups.

Access agreement in place with main user groups ☺☺☺☺


(27) Carry out site and promoted route audits and carry out safety works

Annual site audit completed and required works actioned. Bi-annual promoted route audits completed and required works actioned.



(28) Undertake quantitative visitor survey which will aim to provide estimate of visitor numbers, types, economic input and is comparable to existing visitor surveys

Survey undertaken – end of July 2014. Report complete end of Oct 2014. ����


(29) VOLUNTEERS – Continued engagement with Quantock Countryside Volunteers ensuring tasks occurring through AONB

3,000 volunteer hours completed. ☺☺☺☺


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(30) VOLUNTEERS - Volunteer involvement in local events and other visitor management to raise AONB profile and provide information.

30 volunteer work days spent at local events or engaged in visitor management activity ☺☺☺☺


(31) VOLUNTEERS – Volunteer involvement in Scheduled Monument Monitoring Scheme.

2 field surveys of 95% of SM undertaken, report collated and disseminated. ☺☺☺☺


(32) VOLUNTEERS – Volunteer involvement in wildlife & heritage asset monitoring throughout the AONB

2 bird surveys 2 bat transect monitored 2 butterfly transects monitored 1 site monitored for dormice All SM monitored twice



(33) Encourage and practically support community initiatives such as parish plans in and around the AONB to help local communities protect the character of their locality and ensure local distinctiveness is integral to the local community

Development of Parish Plans or other relevant initiatives supported by AONB Service



(34) Provide secretariat and support for Quantock Commons Management Group (QCMG), Quantock Police & Conservation Agencies Working Group (QPCAWG) and Coleridge Way Steering Group (CWSG)

2 meetings of each group. Meeting notes and progress on actions recorded



(35) Provide on the ground support to the Quantock Deer Management and Conservation Group (QDMCG) deer count

Deer Count undertaken and results fed back to QDMCG and JAC ☺☺☺☺


(36) Provide 11 events open to the public, including specialist walks and events aimed at families.

300 people attending AONB events ����


(37) Distribute AONB Visitor Guide through the LIPs distribution points Restocking of LIPs distribution points x 4 ☺☺☺☺ N/a

(38) AONB Service attendance at 3 local shows / events to promote the AONB Service and provide information to local communities

3 x local shows attended – 1 in each district. ☺☺☺☺


(39) Publish and distribute e-newsletter. Hardcopy can be printed off for distribution through schools

At least 4 newsletters produced with distribution to 1,100 individuals ����


(40) Regularly update the website and social media to include blogs, news items, planning comments etc

New content to be added on at least a weekly basis ☺☺☺☺


(41) Produce media content (press release direct media contact) to include standard messages (lambing, ticks etc) as well as specific project successes

6 press releases sent out with 50% picked up by local media ☺☺☺☺


(42) Produce and distribute a annual report to show progress against AONB Management Plan Targets

Annual Report produced and distributed by end of June 2012 ����


(43) Delivery of 3 workshops for public and stakeholders to raise importance of Atlantic oak woods for lower plants species.

3 workshops held with 45 attendees ☺☺☺☺


(44) OWG and JAC reports produced. These reports will provide monitoring against the action plan targets

4 OWG reports and 4 JAC reports produced. ☺☺☺☺


(45) Develop new business opportunities through joint working with relevant groups / organisations. Include development of non-

Partnership approval for adoption of income streams. ����


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exchequer income generation.

(46) Write /DEFRA AONB bid with input from OWG and JAC partnership.

DEFRA bid accepted ☺☺☺☺


(47) Host 4 OWG and JAC meetings – April, July, November and February 2014 to allow informed and engaged ownership of partnership by JAC.

4 OWG meetings held. 4 JAC meeting held ☺☺☺☺


(48) Regular meetings of AONB Service team to review AONB Management activities and issues

45 meetings held. ☺☺☺☺


(49) Membership and involvement in the NAAONB to ensure national and regional liaison and to ensure that the NAAONB represents the views of the Quantock Hills partnership

Attendance at Lead Officers meetings and other meetings where applicable ☺☺☺☺


(50) Annual risk assessment reviews, instigate new H&S procedures in line with good practice.



(51) Undertake finance monitoring and provide reports in various formats to partners, hosts and grant giving organisations



(52) Undertake a range of support activities such as answering enquiries, filing, procurement etc



(53) 1-1 management meetings, annual PRaD meetings staff management

