Quality Control & TQM

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Transcript of Quality Control & TQM

  • 7/29/2019 Quality Control & TQM


    Quality control & Total Quality



    Yashika Vaishnav

  • 7/29/2019 Quality Control & TQM



    Quality is a distinguishing feature or

    grade of the product in appearance,

    performance, life, reliability, taste, odor,

    maintainability etc.

    A product can be said to possess good

    quality if it has suitability, reliability,

    durability, safety, economical etc

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    Quality control

    Quality control can be defined as the

    entire collection of activities which

    ensures that the operation will produce

    the optimum quality products at minimum


    It can also be defined as the tools,

    devices or skills through which qualityactivities are carried out.

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    Objactives of QC

    Establishment of quality standard : The mainobjective of quality control is the economical

    production of a high quality product at the quality.

    Locating quality deviations : It is necessary toanalyze the trend and extent of quality deviations in a

    manufacturing process.

    Evaluating methods and processes of production

    Quick sale of quality goods

    Improvement in quality

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    Steps In Quality Control


    Devising control over raw materials

    a resident inspector may be deputed by

    the Quality Control Department in the

    vendor's place to see that only goods in

    accordance with specifications are


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    Fixing standards and specifications

    it is essential to predetermine standards

    and specifications. The practice should

    be to provide quality instructions in the

    form of drawings, showing shapes,

    dimensions and specifications describing

    color, strength, thickness, chemicalcomposition, etc.

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    Exercising control over production

    operations The technical expert of theQuality Control Department must

    investigate, from time to time, theoperating methods.

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    Locating inspection points : When the points atwhich defects occur are wrongly located or located

    with delay, it hinders quality control. Therefore there

    should first inspection of the raw materials at the

    vendor's places, then at the company's plant, then atthe various points during the process of production

    and finally at the time of packing. The defects are

    likely to occur at these points. The finished goods can

    be cleared after obtaining 'O.K.' or 'All Correct' fromthe Quality Control Department.

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    Maintaining quality of equipments

    The Quality Control Department is

    responsible for testing the equipment

    used in inspection such as gauges,

    which measure dimensions, electronic

    devices, magnetic devices etc.

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    Maintaining records

    The Quality Control Department is

    responsible for maintaining all records

    relating to quality inspection and control

    and the number rejected

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    Advantage of QC

    Advantage of QC to the company

    stability to sale,goodwill in the market,

    ability to face market competition

    effectively, reduction in production costs,

    and elimination of wastage due to

    rejections and uniformity in production.

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    Advantage of QC to the consumer

    Advantage of QC to the consumer

    Availability of standard quality and reliable

    goods, proper reward for the price paid,

    safety to life and health, better standard

    of living and protection against

    substitution or adulteration.

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    Total Quality Management

    John Gilbert,

    Total Quality Management is "A process

    designed to focus on customerexpectations, preventing problems,building commitment to quality in the

    workforce and promoting open decision-making."

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    TQM is a gradual process :. It is selfimprovement and group improvement

    programme through team building for raising

    quality and productivity. TQM is about thegradual change of people's behavior towards

    the tasks they perform and their attitude

    towards other people. A mental revolution

    among the employees is required for theexecution of TQM.. This suggests that TQM is

    a gradual process.

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    Phases of TQM

    There are, in fact, four broad phases in

    the introduction of TQM.

    Awareness Phase,

    Planning Phase,

    Implementation Phase, and Institutional Phase.

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    focus areas of TQM

    Main focus areas of TQM

    Focus on customers : The focus of TQM ison customer satisfaction on quality, cost and

    delivery through improved orgarnisationalquality of processes. According to British

    Quality Association (BQA), TQM is a corporate

    business management philosophy which

    recognised that customers' needs andbusiness goals are inseparable.

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    Employee involvement : Employeesinvolvement is the most important recognised

    feature of TQM. Their participation and co-

    operation are required to be taken at all levels.Under TQM, employees will be motivated to

    participate actively in the process of quality

    improvement through incentives and

    recognition of contribution for achieving qualitystandards

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    Management's involvement : Top levelmanagement has to take number of

    initiatives in order to start the process of

    TQM. In fact, TQM cannot have a goodtake off without total commitment of CEO

    and other senior executives.

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    Advantage of TQM

    Customer satisfaction

    Quality improvement

    Raises competitiveness

    Facilitates expansion and diversification

    Provides trained and motivated employees

    Long-term consumer support

    Prestigious position in internationalmarketing

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