QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM - Fusion for Energy · 2020-04-06 · FUSION QFOR ENERGY The European...

FUSION FOR ENERGY The European Joint Undertaking for ITER and the Development of Fusion Energy Doc. # F4E-QA-P_IO Q A IDM # F4E_D_11O3LZ Page 1 / 42 Rev. A0.5 Quality Management System QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM For items and services provided by the EU-DA to the ITER project Abstract This document describes and establishes the overall framework to achieve the quality criteria for all ‘Fusion for Energy’ technical activities and in particular for safety relevant components and activities for the ITER project. The program described in this document is an integral part of the “Fusion for Energy’ Quality Management System. Version: 0.5 Date: MARCH 2008 Author: D.RODRIGUES 2008.03.31 Reviewer: IO QA, F.CASCI (PO), A.VOSTNER (MS/MG), R.MONK (OD), P.BARABASCHI (BA) Approver: D. GAMBIER (F4E Director) Effected changes from Revision W0.4 - Final draft agreed wit IO QA. - Internal F4E Revision, integrated comments/corrections. UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Printed copies of this document are considered for reference only. It is the responsibility of users to ensure that they are using the correct revision of this document by checking the document revision level with that held on the F4E IDM.

Transcript of QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM - Fusion for Energy · 2020-04-06 · FUSION QFOR ENERGY The European...

FUSION FOR ENERGY The European Joint Undertaking for ITER and the Development of Fusion Energy

Doc. # F4E-QA-P_IO Q A

IDM # F4E_D_11O3LZ

Page 1 / 42 Rev. A0.5

Quality Management System

QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM For items and services provided by the EU-DA to the ITER project


This document describes and establishes the overall framework to achieve the quality criteria for all ‘Fusion for Energy’

technical activities and in particular for safety relevant components and activities for the ITER project.

The program described in this document is an integral part of the “Fusion for Energy’ Quality Management System.

Version: 0.5 Date: MARCH 2008




Approver: D. GAMBIER (F4E Director)

Effected changes from Revision W0.4 - Final draft agreed wit IO QA. - Internal F4E Revision, integrated comments/corrections.

UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Printed copies of this document are considered for reference only. It is the responsibility of users to ensure that they are using the correct

revision of this document by checking the document revision level with that held on the F4E IDM.

FUSION FOR ENERGY The European Joint Undertaking for ITER and the Development of Fusion Energy

Doc. # F4E-QA-P_IO Q A

IDM # F4E_D_11O3LZ

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Table of Contents TERMS AND DEFINITIONS................................................................................................................................................................................5

1. INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................................................................................................6 1.1. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM PROMULGATION......................................................................................................................6 1.2. SCOPE............................................................................................................................................................................................................6

2. QUALITY POLICY...................................................................................................................................................................................................7

3. FUSION FOR ENERGY..........................................................................................................................................................................................8 3.1. PRESENTATION...........................................................................................................................................................................................8

3.1.1. ABOUT F4E ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 8 3.1.2. PRODUCTS SUPPLIED TO THE ITER ORGANISATION..................................................................................................................................... 8

3.2. FUNCTIONS DESCRIPTION.......................................................................................................................................................................9 F4E Director ..................................................................................................................................................................................................10 Head of Department.....................................................................................................................................................................................10 Project Board (Senior Management Board, SMB)....................................................................................................................................11 F4E QA Responsible Officer (QA RO).......................................................................................................................................................11 Quality Assurance Officers (QAO)..............................................................................................................................................................11 Quality Assurance Board.............................................................................................................................................................................12

3.3. QUALITY ASSURANCE (QA) PROGRAM.............................................................................................................................................13 3.3.1. PROPOSE...................................................................................................................................................................................................13 3.3.2. STRUCTURE...............................................................................................................................................................................................13 3.3.3. REVIEW AND PROMULGATION.....................................................................................................................................................................14 3.3.4. REVISIONS AND ISSUES ..............................................................................................................................................................................14 3.3.5. DISTRIBUTION AND CONTROL.....................................................................................................................................................................14

4. PROCESSES INTERACTION.............................................................................................................................................................................15

5. QUALITY ASSURANCE SYSTEM.....................................................................................................................................................................16 5.1. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS...................................................................................................................................................................16

5.1.1. QUALITY CLASSIFICATION...........................................................................................................................................................................16 5.2. DOCUMENTATION.....................................................................................................................................................................................16 5.3. MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITIES.....................................................................................................................................................18

5.3.1. MANAGEMENT COMMITMENT .....................................................................................................................................................................18 5.3.2. STOP WORK AUTHORITY............................................................................................................................................................................18 5.3.3. PROCUREMENT ARRANGEMENT REQUIREMENTS FOCUS...........................................................................................................................18 5.3.4. PLANNING...................................................................................................................................................................................................19

Quality Objectives.........................................................................................................................................................................................19 QA Program Planning..................................................................................................................................................................................19

5.3.5. MANAGEMENT REVIEW ..............................................................................................................................................................................19 5.4. RESOURCES MANAGEMENT................................................................................................................................................................19

5.4.1. TRAINING....................................................................................................................................................................................................20 Training Requirements.................................................................................................................................................................................20 Task-Specific Training..................................................................................................................................................................................20 Qualification in Special Processes ..............................................................................................................................................................21

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.5. PROJECT MANAGEMENT.......................................................................................................................................................................21 5.5.1. ESTABLISHMENT OF ROCUREMENT ARRANGEMENT WITH IO....................................................................................................................21 5.5.2. IMPLEMENTATION LANNING ........................................22 5.5.3. DETERMINATION OF RODUCT REQUIREMENTS..........................................................................................................................................23 5.5.4. COMMUNICATION WITH AND OTHER DA’S...............................................................................................................................................23 5.5.5. RESEARCH A MENT (R&D)......................................................................................................................................................23

5.6. DESIGN MANAGEMENT...............................................................................................................................................................................24 Design Input ..................................................................................................................................................................................................24 Design Interfaces..........................................................................................................................................................................................25 Design Records............................................................................................................................................................................................25 Design Verification........................................................................................................................................................................................25 Qualification Testing .....................................................................................................................................................................................25 Desig ..............................................................26

5.5.7. COMPUTER CODE & MODEL DEVELOPMENT..............................................................................................................................................26 8. PROCUREMENT AND GRANTS MANAGEMENT.............................................................................................................................................26

Identification of Needed Items or Services.................................................................................................................................................27 Establishment of Technical and Quality Requirements............................................................................................................................27 Evaluation and Selection of Suppliers ........................................................................................................................................................27 Monitoring of Supplier Performance ...........................................................................................................................................................28 Item Deviation from Requirements .............................................................................................................................................................28 Substa ervices................................................................................................................................................................28

5.5.9. PRODUCT XECUTION .................................................28 5.5.10. PRODUCT VERIFICATION VALIDATION.......................................................................................................................................................30 5.5.11. CONFIGURATION ANAGEMENT ................................30 5.5.12. IDENTIFICATION AND ONTROL OF ITEMS ...................30 5.5.13. PR TATION...................................................................................................................................31

5.14. MEASURING AND TEST EQUIPMENT..........................................................................................................................................................31 Calibration Labelling and Documentation...................................................................................................................................................31

.6. ASSESSMENT AND IMPROVEMENT....................................................................................................................................................32 5.6.1. IO EEDBACK ..............................................................32 5.6.2. QUALITY UDITS ..........................................................32 5.6.3. MONITORING AND EASUREMENT OF PROCESSES....................................................................................................................................32

4. INSPECTION AND TESTING...........................................................................................................................................................................33 Inspection ......................................................................................................................................................................................................33 Testing ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................33

5.6.5. NON ONFORMITY CONTROL......................................................................................................................................................................34 5.6.6. DATA NALYSIS ...........................................................35

7. CONTINUAL IMPROVEMENT.........................................................................................................................................................................35 Corrective actions .........................................................................................................................................................................................35

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Preventive actions.........................................................................................................................................................................................35 ANNEX 1 – DOCUMENTATION FLOW PROCESS.....................................................................................................................................36 ANNEX 2 – CHANGE PROCESS FLOWCHART.........................................................................................................................................37 ANNEX 3 – QUALITY AUDITS PROCESS FLOWCHART.........................................................................................................................38 ANNEX 4 – QUALITY SURVEILLANCE PROCESS FLOWCHART.........................................................................................................39 ANNEX 5 – NONCONFORMITIES PROCESS FLOWCHART - DETECTED BY F4E/IO......................................................................40 ANNEX 6 - NONCONFORMITIES PROCESS FLOWCHART - DETECTED BY SUPPLIER...............................................................41

A & MANAGEMENT REQUIREMENTS................................................................................................................42

: Project Responsibilities......................................................................................................................................................22 Figure 6: Governance of the Management Relationships.............................................................................................................29


Table of Figures Figure 1: Operational Structure.........................................................................................................................................................10 Figure 2: QA Co-ordination ...............................................................................................................................................................13 Figure 3: Processes Interaction........................................................................................................................................................15 Figure 4: Documentation Hierarchy.................................................................................................................................................17 Figure 5

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Audit (quality)

Systematic, independent and documented process for obtaining audit evidence and evaluating it objectively to determine the extent to which audit criteria are fulfilled.

• Internal Quality Audit – audit performed to an internal (F4E) process or organisational entity • External Quality Audit - audit performed to an external (Supplier) process or entity

Change is a planned alternative to a specified requirement

Configuration baseline

A configuration of a product, formally established at a specific point in time, which serves as reference for further activities.

Corrective action action to eliminate the cause of a detected Nonconformity or other undesirable situation

DA Domestic Agency, an organisation appropriately formed and appointed within and by each “Party” to be the supplier of in-kind goods and services to the IO on the basis of defined specifications.

Economic operator

means a natural or legal person or public body offering the execution of work and/or supplies and/or services

F4E The European Joint Undertaking for ITER and the Development of Fusion Energy (Fusion for Energy)

FOR Field Observation Report

Grant or Procurement

An activity (or project) can be carried out by awarding: - A contract pursuant to a procurement procedure - A grant agreement pursuant to the procedure for awarding grants Both of these procedures are laid down in the F4E Implementing Rules of the Financial Regulation

IO ITER International Fusion Energy Organisation for the Joint Implementation of the ITER Project, the Customer who receives the items and services provided by the EU-DA to the ITER project

ITER ITER international fusion energy research project

ITER Agreement Agreement on the Establishment of the International Fusion Energy Organisation for the Joint Implementation of the ITER Project”

Nonconformity is any condition which does not comply with the requirements specified (ISO9000: Non-Fulfilment of a Requirement).

Parties the ITER “Parties” are the signatories of the Agreement on the Establishment of the ITER International Fusion Energy Organisation for the Joint Implementation of the ITER Project

Preventive action action to eliminate the cause of a potential Nonconformity or other undesirable potential situation

Product Supplies, services, works or results of R&D and demonstration activities provided by the F4E to the ITER project. “result of a set of interrelated or interacting activities which transforms inputs into outputs”

QA RO F4E Quality Assurance Responsible Officer

QAO Quality Assurance Officer (Department Level)

QMS Quality Management System

sub-contractor All agencies who supply items to the economic operator under a contract or grant agreement


Economic operator that provides supplies, services or works described in the technical specification. The successful tenderer is referred in the document as the “supplier”. The supply-chain follows the scheme below

Supplier -> Organisation (F4E) -> Customer (IO)

FUSION FOR ENERGY The European Joint Undertaking for ITER and the Development of Fusion Energy

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The Quality Assurance Program described in this document has the approval and total support from the “Fusion for

Energy” Director.

The cooperation and support from all staff in performing all its activities according to the requirements defined in this

program are preponderant factors to the maintenance and improvement of the Quality Assurance Program, as well as to

the Organisation performance.

1.2. SCOPE

The program described in this document applies to all technical activities performed by ‘Fusion for Energy’ providing

Europe’s contribution to the ITER project; including activities performed by contracted or subcontracting qualified

economic operators.

This document does not cover the activities directly contracted by IO with EU labs and industry.

FUSION FOR ENERGY The European Joint Undertaking for ITER and the Development of Fusion Energy

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‘Fusion for Energy’ expects the commitment of all its staff to guarantee that its activities are prepared and carried out

according to the established quality standards.

‘Fusion for Energy’ is committed:

• To ensure that all Fusion for Energy’ personnel is informed about the internally adopted Quality Management

System and all technical staff about Quality Assurance Program;

• To ensure that all personnel have clearly understood and are committed to their responsibilities and obligations;

• To ensure that the technical and management interfaces between ‘Fusion for Energy’ and IO are clearly stated

and understood;

• To ensure that the technical and management interfaces between ‘Fusion for Energy’ and its suppliers are

clearly stated and understood;

• To ensure that the established quality standards are prescribed and enforced when contracting with economic


• To guarantee that actions are adequate to ensure the health and safety of the workers and public, and the

reliable development of ITER machine;

• To periodically review the Quality Management System and adapt it in order to keep it simple and effective;

• To allocate adequate personnel and financial resources for the implementation of the Quality Management


• To promote an attitude and create an environment favouring the continual improvement of the quality standards.

‘Fusion for Energy’ implements a simple and effective Quality Management System tailored to its specific activities and

customers. The Quality Management System is based on the implementation of project management good practices in

order to comply with the customer requirements (IO).

The ‘Fusion for Energy’ Quality Management System implements, for safety relevant components and activities, the

requirements of the ‘Order of August 10 – 1984’ (French Republic ‘Arrêté du 10 Août 1984’) and in general uses as basis

the IAEA Safety Requirements GS-R-3 (2006) and ISO 9001:2000 as applicable.

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3.1.1. ABOUT F4E

The European Joint Undertaking for ITER and the Development of Fusion Energy (‘Fusion for Energy’) is a type of

European organisation known as a Joint Undertaking created under the Euratom Treaty by a decision of the Council of

the European Union.

'Fusion for Energy' is established for a period of 35 years from 19th April 2007 and is situated in Barcelona, Spain.

‘Fusion for Energy’ has the following Members:

(a) the European Atomic Energy Community (hereinafter “Euratom”);

(b) Member States of Euratom;

(c) third countries which have concluded a co-operation agreement with Euratom in the field of controlled nuclear

fusion that associates their respective research programmes with the Euratom programmes and which have

expressed their wish to become Members of the Joint Undertaking (hereinafter “Associated third Countries”).

The objectives of the ‘Fusion for Energy’ are:

(a) to provide the contribution of Euratom to the ITER International Fusion Energy Organisation (“the ITER

Organisation”), in accordance with the Agreement on the Establishment of the ITER International Fusion Energy

Organisation for the Joint Implementation of the ITER Project (“the ITER Agreement”);

(b) to provide the contribution of Euratom to broader approach activities with Japan for the rapid realisation of fusion

energy (“Broader Approach Activities”), in accordance with the bilateral Agreement for the Joint Implementation

of Broader Approach Activities (“the Broader Approach Agreement with Japan”);

(c) to implement a programme of activities in preparation for the construction of a demonstration fusion reactor and

related facilities including the International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility (IFMIF).


As the European Domestic Agency for ITER, the ‘Fusion for Energy’ shall discharge the obligations of Euratom to the

ITER Organisation as defined in, and for the duration of, the ITER Agreement. In particular, it shall:

a) Oversee preparation of the ITER site;

b) Provide components, equipment, materials and other resources to the ITER Organisation;

c) Manage procurement arrangements vis-à-vis the ITER Organisation and in particular associated quality

assurance procedures;

d) Prepare for and coordinate Euratom’s participation in the scientific and technical exploitation of the ITER Project;

e) Provide for the implementation of scientific and technological research and development activities in support of

Euratom’s contribution to the ITER Organisation;

FUSION FOR ENERGY The European Joint Undertaking for ITER and the Development of Fusion Energy

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f) Provide Euratom’s financial contribution to the ITER Organisation;

g) Provide arrangements to make human resources available for the ITER Organisation;

h) Interface with the ITER Organisation and carry out any other activities in furtherance of the ITER Agreement.

Activities covered by the QA Program under these activities include:

• R&D (Research and Development) and demonstration activities;

• preliminary and / or detailed design of components and systems;

• development of manufacturing and testing methods;

• manufacturing, construction or integration of components and systems;

• development of assembly, inspection, maintenance tools and procedures;

• development of new technologies of direct application to ITER machine;

• development and validation of software for specific ITER applications;

• development of safety analyses and software;

• preparation / adaptation of technical specifications for tenders, standards and codes;

• development and qualification of materials and technologies for possible applications in ITER;

• design, building, commissioning and operation of new test facilities for ITER material / components / systems;

In general, items and services are provided by assigning the relevant activities to qualified economic operators through

contracts (or grant agreements), according to the legal framework laid down inter alia by the financial regulation of ‘Fusion

for Energy’ and its implementing rules.

Reference and Applicable Documents

F4E CD Council Decision No. 2007/198/Euratom of 27 March 2007 establishing the European Joint Undertaking for ITER and the Development of Fusion Energy and conferring advantages upon.

F4E(07)-GB03-11 “Decision adopting the Financial Regulation of the Joint Undertaking”

F4E(07)-GB03-12 “Decision adopting the Implementing Rules of the Financial Regulation of the Joint Undertaking”


This subsection describes the functions with direct responsibility in the management and maintenance of the Quality

Assurance Program for items and services provided by the F4E to ITER.

Responsibility for quality starts from the top with the ‘Fusion for Energy’ Director and the Heads of Departments and

permeates through the entire organisation. Each Project Manager and Work Package Manager involved in the activities

is responsible for the quality of his own work and that of his subordinates.

Implementation of Quality Assurance is the daily responsibility of all persons. It is part of their professional duties to ensure

that the activities each person is responsible for, are compliant with all applicable requirements of the Quality

Management System and that the procedures given herein are followed.

FUSION FOR ENERGY The European Joint Undertaking for ITER and the Development of Fusion Energy

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Particular attention is drawn to a correct documentation of the construction process, from the design phase to the in-situ

commissioning. This must be done with the tools described in the Quality Management System standards, in order to

ensure availability of the relevant information and traceability of the end product over the whole project lifetime.

Suppliers are bound to follow the Quality Management System for their work. They provide a dedicated Quality Plan that

describes the quality provisions to be implemented in order to comply with the ‘Fusion for Energy’ quality requirements.

Once approved by ‘Fusion for Energy’, it can be used and is physically transferred to ‘Fusion for Energy’ at the end of the

collaboration in order to ensure traceability of the delivered products over the whole project life.

Heating, CD & Plasma Engineering Division

Site, Buildings and Power Supplies

Machine Systems Division

Engineering Support Division

Project Office(Planning, QA, Config Man.)

Suppliers Relations and Reporting

Procurement Support

Budget, Finance and Accounting

Human Resources

IT Systems





Internal Audit

Office of the Director - Secretariat for F4E bodies and Committees - Quality Assurance - Legal Advice - International Agreements - Press, Public and External Relations - Interinstitutional Relations

Magnet Systems

Vacuum Vessel

In Vessel

Remote Handling

Legal Support, IPR and Technology Transfer

Infrastructure and Logistics

Information and Communication

Plant Systems Division


Vacuum and Tritium Systems

Test Blanket Modules

Materials Development

Drawing office

Materials & Fabrication

Analysis & Codes



Heating & Current Drive

Plasma Engineering


F4E Director


Broader Fusion DevelopmentDepartment

Contracts and ProcurementDepartment


Figure 1: Operational Structure

F4E Director

The Director is the chief executive officer responsible for the European in-kind deliveries to ITER and for the day-to-day

management of the ‘Fusion for Energy’ and is its legal representative.

The Director implements the work programmes and directs the execution of the activities. He supplies the Governing

Board, the Executive Committee, the Scientific Programme Boards and any subsidiary bodies with all information

necessary for the performance of their functions.

The ‘Fusion for Energy’ Director assumes the overall responsibility for quality implemented into ‘Fusion for Energy’.

Head of Department

Each Department is headed by a ‘Head of Department’ nominated by the ‘Fusion for Energy’ Director.

The Head of Department is responsible for:

• the management of the staff including the resource control for his Department;

FUSION FOR ENERGY The European Joint Undertaking for ITER and the Development of Fusion Energy

Doc. # F4E-QA-P_IO Q A

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• the proper achievement of the activities (approved work proposals) from the endorsed Work Programme, which

are in the scope of his Department;

t and its submission to the ‘Fusion for Energy’

eal with all the main

-ordination between the

es and their interfaces with the outside.

ent Board.

ity Assurance issues and discuss actions

f departments and the QA Responsible Officer (or their representatives)


definition, to coordinate its

esponsible officers of 'Fusion for Energy' in QA matters;

nd its suppliers;

s to 'Fusion for

internal QA Officers, QA representatives and associated staff.

es (after consultation with the Deputy for Quality Assurance). These Quality Assurance Officers should be

tment and have the freedom to identify problems

• the definition of the basic organisational structure of the departmen

Director for approval;

• the nomination of the responsible officers on dedicated work.

Project Board (Senior Management Board, SMB)

The ‘Fusion for Energy’ senior management has regular meetings (Project Board) in order to d

concerns of ‘Fusion for Energy’ (scientific, financial, legal, programmatic, strategic…), the co

different departments, their internal implementation of activiti

Co-ordination between the different departments is ensured by the Senior Managem

The main objectives of the Project Board are (quality wise):

• Regular review of the Quality Management System (at least once a year)

• Assess the 5 top level Qual

The Project Board is composed by the heads o

is chaired by the F4E Director.

Meetings frequency is defined by the Director.

F4E QA Responsible Officer (QA RO)

The ‘Fusion for Energy’ Director appoints a member of the “Office of the Director” as his Deputy for Quality Assurance.

The missions of the QA Responsible Officer (QA RO) are:

• To assist the Director of ‘Fusion for Energy’ in the Quality Management System

development and implementation, to control its application and propose its evolutions;

• To advise managers and r

• To carry out audit and assessments of the quality management system implementation within ‘Fusion for

Energy’ a

• To establish effective working relationships with QA representatives of IO and of the supplier


• To coordinate the QA effort of the

The QA Responsible Officer reports directly to the ‘Fusion for Energy’ Director.

Quality Assurance Officers (QAO)

Each Department, collaborating supplier, etc., shall designate sufficient number of Quality Assurance Officers, according

to their activiti

knowledgeable and experienced persons in Quality Management and in the work to be performed by their own


The QA Officers have the authority to access work areas of the depar

that could result in a degradation of quality and to propose corrective actions.

FUSION FOR ENERGY The European Joint Undertaking for ITER and the Development of Fusion Energy

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The main missions of the Department’ Quality Assurance Officers are:

• Support the F4E QA Responsible Officer in the relationship with QA representatives of IO;

To support the implementation of the ‘Fusion for Energy’ quality system; •

and reporting to the Quality Assurance Board

agement System implementation;

nd templates.

pecification and in the management specification

e nonconformities and changes of the contracts.

f the QA Board is to prepare, review and monitor the Quality Management System.

ce officers of the


The QA Board reports to the ‘Fusion for Energy’ Director, and informs other boards whenever needed.

o To implement the Quality Management System in ITER

of activities, problems and status related to Quality Man

o To provide needed quality procedures a

• To support the project managers and work package managers:

o To monitor the QA activities follow-up;

o To manage the relationship with the suppliers QA Officers;

o To integrate quality requirements in the technical s

issued to suppliers, together with the QA Responsible Officer;

o To assess QA plans provided by the task suppliers;

o To manage th

The ITER QA officers report directly to the Head of Project Office Division.

Quality Assurance Board

Co-ordination between the different QA officers is ensured by the Quality Assurance Board.

The mandate o

The QA Board is headed by the QA Responsible Officer and is composed by the Quality Assuran

FUSION FOR ENERGY The European Joint Undertaking for ITER and the Development of Fusion Energy

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F4E QA Responsible Officer

ITER Dep.QA Officers

Broader Fusion Devolopment Dep.

QA Officers

Contracts and Procurement Dep.

QA Officer

Resources Dep. QA Officer



Contractor 2QA


IOQA Officer

Co-ordination by QA Board


Figure 2: QA Co-ordination

Reference and Applicable Documents

F4E-QA-002 "Organisation and Responsibilities" procedure


3.3.1. PROPOSE

, to evaluate and to continuously improve the

same approach as outlined in ISO 9001-2000 and in IAEA Safety

the quality of the

to the ITER

This document will allow ‘Fusion for Energy’ to act as an IO supplier with respect to French Nuclear Regulation.

ecessary, by a set of documents that specify the activities or tasks to perform (“what”,

“who”, “where”, “when”, and “how” are performed the activities/tasks).

ment is part of the F4E Quality Management System, and describes the specific quality management

system established for managing the activities which relate to items and services provided to the ITER project.

The QA Program provides the overall framework to establish, to execute

quality management system following the

Requirements GS-R-3 (2006) ”The Management System for Facilities and Activities” in order to ensure

in-kind items and services which relates to the business executed in ‘Fusion for Energy’ according


The present document defines the organisational structure of the organisation, the documental structure of the QA

Program and is supported, as n


The present docu

FUSION FOR ENERGY The European Joint Undertaking for ITER and the Development of Fusion Energy

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This ntify the main themes. These are sub-divided by subsections and their

ganisation and management.

in the quality assurance are identified in this section

• Section 4 describes F4E provisions to comply with the quality requirements

The QA Responsible Officer has the responsibility to keep the master version on the F4E document server updated and

inform the senior management.

The master version being an electronic document, the QA Responsible Officer must assure its protection against any

undue change or any change that does not comply with the procedure F4E-QA-005 - Information Documents and

Records Control.


The evolution of the Quality Management System and the QA Program implies revisions to the sections of the QA

program. Effected changes from the last revision are registered on the front page.

The revision state is identified and will be changed whenever the program is partly or totally reviewed by the senior

management. This decision is made by the Director whenever needed.


The responsible for the preparation of the QA Program is the QA Responsible Officer.

Printed copies of the QA program are considered for reference only.

It is the responsibility of users to ensure that they are using the correct revision of this document by checking the

document revision level with that held on the F4E document server (master version).

document is organised by sections that ide


• Section 1 describes the scope of the Quality Assurance Program

• Section 2 presents the Quality Policy

• Section 3 gives a summary of F4E, presents the QA program or

The functions/entities that have direct influence


The Quality Assurance Program is reviewed by the QA Responsible Officer and the senior management, its approval

and promulgation is the competence of the Director.

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The F4E Quality Management System (QMS) is customer oriented, taking into account equally:

• the requirement definitions;

• the customer feedback;

• F4E compliance with the requirements

The QMS will be more efficient as its capacity to meet these requirements grows. This way the efficiency of the QMS is

continually assessed and measured through the monitoring indicators of processes and the fulfilment of the specified


The processes interaction in F4E is represented in the figure bellow.


Project Management

Procurement & Grants Management

Nonconformity Control andCorrective/Preventive Actions

Configuration Management andChange Control

Risk Management

Quality Audits (External)

Quality Surveillance

Resources Control

Organization and Responsibilities

Information Documents and Records Control

Quality Audits (Internal)

Quality Classification


Interested Parties (IO)


pliance SatisfactionIn










Figure 3: Processes Interaction

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This QA Program is structured and adapted to the specific type of activity of ‘Fusion for Energy” providing items and

services to the ITER project, having as objective to establish a relationship between organisational structures,

procedures, processes and other associated resources.

The implementation and evolution of the QMS, and in particular the QA Program, lays on a continual improvement

methodology, in which, the actions “plan”, “do”, “check” and “act” are inherent to a global vision of all activity

performances, according to the following steps:

• Quality Policy and Objectives: establish the Quality orientations and intentions;

• Planning – identify the processes and their application within the organisation, the sequence an interaction of

them, identify the risks associated, evaluate the risks, establish the criteria and method to ensure that the

operation, control and monitoring of the processes are effective;

• Execute and Implement – realization of the established activities;

• Monitor, analysis and corrective actions – measure the performance of the QMS and prevent the occurrence of

nonconformities, providing the necessary resources and information;

• Continual Improvement – implement the necessary actions to achieve planned results and the continual

improvement of these processes.

To ensure the control over any subcontracted process, the subcontract shall be awarded according to the procedure

“Procurement and Grants Management” and implemented following the procedure “Project Management”.


Quality Assurance levels to be applied to items shall be tailored to their safety and impact importance. In particular,

grading of quality requirements (including nuclear safety) shall be applied in accordance with the quality classification

defined in the procedure “Quality Classification” compatible with the ITER Quality Classification.

The quality classification of a given procurement package or sub-package should be defined in the associated

procurement arrangement.

Reference and Applicable Documents

F4E-QA-010 "Quality Classification" Procedure


The prepared QMS documentation constitutes and added value to F4E, as it provides the statement of intent and

consequently assures the consistency of actions to develop.

Thus provide the information necessary for the maintenance of the QMS and training schemes developed, even

assuming an essential role for the proper planning and implementation of the necessary corrective actions.

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The Quality Management System documentation is organised according to the hierarchic levels defined in the figure


The term document refers to information and the medium that is used to bring it into existence. A document can be

digital or physical (e.g. specifications, quality manuals, quality plans, records, and procedure documents).







Figure 4: Documentation Hierarchy

Quality Manual – document that provide consistent information, both internally and externally, about ‘Fusion for Energy” Quality Management System. QA Program – document that describes F4E provisions from the QMS to comply with the ITER project requirements. Procedures - documents that provide information about how to perform the Organisation activities and processes consistently. Instructions (Work Instructions) - documents that provide information about how to perform the task activities and processes consistently. Records - documents that provide objective evidence of activities performed or results achieved.

External Documentation – documents of external origin and relevant to the Quality Management System.

This Quality Assurance Program and all the quality documents cover all ‘Fusion for Energy’ activities for the ITER project.

The preparation, maintenance, review, approval and distribution of quality documentations are described in F4E-QA-005.

This process ensures:

• that every actor “needing to know” (‘Fusion for Energy’, IO or Supplier), has ready access to all the up to date

information he needs to perform his task;

• that all documents and records are properly identified, approved, distributed and stored;

• that all quality documents are:

o archived for appropriate time;

o protected;

o well-preserved;

o easily accessible.

• that associated to the “Configuration Management and Change Control” and “Nonconformity Control”

processes, all the needed documents and records are available in order to allow:

o evidence that nuclear safety requirements are fulfilled;

o traceability of activities and results performed in the course of the tasks;

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o traceability of the deviations between deliverables and requirements.

Reference and Applicable Documents

F4E-QA-005 "Information Documents and Records Control" Procedure

F4E-QA-006 "Configuration Management and Change Control" Procedure

F4E-QA-008 "Nonconformity Control" Procedure

F4E-QA-112 “Naming Convention” Instruction

F4E-QA-215-R “Documentation Schedule” form

Applicable process flowchart

F4E-QA-P-An 1 F4E-QA-005 - Documentation Flowchart



The F4E Director shall provide evidence of his commitment to the development and improvement of the QMS by:

• Complying with the IO requirements, as well as regulatory and legal requirements;

• Establishing the Quality Policy and the Quality Objectives;

• Conducting management reviews;

• Ensuring the necessary resources availability.


All F4E personnel with technical responsibilities has the right and responsibility to notify delegated management of

unsatisfactory work or unapproved practices and, if necessary, stop unsatisfactory or unsafe work or control further

processing, delivery, or installation of nonconforming materials.

Restarting stopped work shall be by an established process that is commensurate with the complexity and significance of

the stopped work and the reason it was stopped. As part of their training/F4E policy, personnel performing F4E activities

shall receive instructions on the authority and the process to stop work.

For stopped work associated with defined safety systems, notification shall be given to the IO explaining reason for stop

work and proper justification for restarting that work activity.


The legal and regulatory requirements related to the products developed by F4E are determined by meeting the ITER

Procurement Arrangements requirements. These requirements are fulfilled through methods and practices. All the

Procurement Arrangements properly define the specific requirements for each product. In the same way, the quality

objectives are considered as well as all the processes interactions and all the necessary documentation to achieve the


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Quality Objectives

F4E has its Quality Objectives defined internally for all functions and levels relevant to the QA Program. The objectives

are measurable and consistent with the Quality Policy and include a commitment to continual improvement. The

objectives are accompanied by adequate indicators.

QA Program Planning

The Director shall ensure that:

• All the necessary resources necessary to reach the Quality Objectives are identified and planned.

In F4E it is established:

o The responsibilities and authorities to reach the Objectives in each function and relevant organisation


o The means and deadlines to meet the Objectives and the respective schedule.

The Director shall periodically review the guidelines and evaluate the QA Program; this activity is performed with the

participation of the QA Responsible Officer and Senior Management.

The integrity of the implemented QA Program is held through all the existing documentation, as well as through the

Documentation Matrix which relates all the requirements and its documentation (main IO QA and management

requirements in Annex 7).

Reference and Applicable Documents

F4E-QA-DM QA Program Documentation Matrix


At regular intervals, ‘Fusion for Energy’ senior management (Department Head and above) reviews the quality

management system on the basis of its continued suitability and effectiveness and its ability to meet the defined


Inputs to the review include performance measures, the results of audits and other assessments, nonconformities,

corrective and preventive actions and identified opportunities for improvement.

The review identifies weaknesses and barriers to achievement, decides on action for their amelioration, and identifies any

need to change policies, plans, and objectives.

Reference and Applicable Documents

F4E-QA-001 "Quality Manual"


The necessary resources to implement, maintain and improve the QA Program activities are defined in the functions

description and in the system documentation. The resources are managed, so that they can always be readily available,

to achieve customer satisfaction.

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Similarly, in F4E the resources are identified, made available and maintained, particularly where it concerns the

necessary work space, related means, equipments and services to achieve the product conformity.

The provisions implemented by ‘Fusion for Energy’ ensure its customers that:

• The ‘Fusion for Energy’ Staff involved in a project is competent and in sufficient number in regards with the work

to perform.

• The supplier Staff working for ‘Fusion for Energy’ is competent and in sufficient number in regards with the task

to perform.

• The need for qualified equipment is properly defined, specified to the supplier and controlled during the work


These provisions are described per project/procurement in the “Project Implementation Plan”.

Reference and Applicable Documents

F4E-QA-003 "Resources Control" Procedure

F4E-QA-205 "Project Management Plan" Template


Training Requirements

The F4E personnel will be trained, as appropriate, on F4E's specific policies & regulations, plans, and procedures for

performing assigned tasks. Documentation of personnel training will be established and include such items as

attendance lists, training outlines, and read-and-acknowledgment sheets, as appropriate, for the training given.

Reference and Applicable Documents

Staff Regulations " Staff Regulations of Officials and the Conditions of Employment of other Servants of the European Communities "

F4E(07)-GB03-17 “Decision on the secondment of experts (Seconded National Experts - "SNEs") to the Joint Undertaking”

Task-Specific Training

Training of project personnel will focus on the necessary knowledge and skill to perform the foreseen project functions.

Training ensures that project personnel:

• performing work affecting safety and/or product quality have the necessary competence;

• are aware of the relevance and importance of their activities and how they contribute to the achievement of the

quality objectives;

• are aware of the QA requirements, project terminology and the organisational arrangements;

• their knowledge is up-to-date on the changing requirements and conditions;

• understand assessments and the importance of continual improvement.

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Qualification in Special Processes

The qualifications of personnel who perform special processes such as welding, heat-treating, and non-destructive

nisation assigned for the work activity. The standard of qualification of these

by F4E (which are compatible with the specifications of the

These organisations will establish and maintain special process procedures and the documentation of personnel

All , taking into account its

stages, activities, flows, training needs, materials and resources.

vement activities assigned to them, according

to the Quality Policy, the established objectives and the system documentation. Personnel were given the authority to


minates a Project Manager, as the technical interface with the customer for the project (Procurement

Arrangement with IO). The Project Manager is then responsible:

• to negotiate the final procurement arrangements with the customer

to issue and implement the Project Management Plan

• to manage the interfaces between the work packages and all others provisions needed to properly monitor the


• to integrate the work packages of the project;

• to be the interface point for the customer for that Project.

examination are the responsibility of the orga

personnel will be in accordance with specifications supplied

Procurement Arrangement with IO).



the necessary processes to the F4E product achievement (items and services) are identified

equipment, monitoring steps and other identified

All personnel have the responsibility over the execution of the product achie

perform their tasks, to comply with the specified requirements.

F4E Director no

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F4E Director

Project Manager

Supplier 1

Head of Department 1

Work Package 1Manager

Work Package 2Manager

Head of Department 2

Supplier 2

Work Package 3Manager

Supplier 3

Responsible Officer for the technical relationship with theCustomer

n for Energy’ Senior Management (Project Board). The Director

ensures the customer needs and requirements are properly understood and allocated to the work.

e scope of the supply, services or work to be provided by ‘Fusion for Energy’, its technical and quality

ss specific wishes relative to its involvement in the procurement process (advice on

election criteria, advisory role in the selection process, etc.)


nted to ensure that all the specified requirements where

onsibilities are identified according to each project to


The project management plan, issued by the ‘Project Manager, describes the provisions implemented to comply with the

rules towards the ‘Fusion for Energy’ Heads of Department. The Project

to a risk identification and


Figure 5: Project Responsibilities

The procurement arrangement is negotiated between the project manager and the customer, and then approved by

the ‘Fusion for Energy’ Director supported by the ‘Fusio

The procurement arrangement defines:

• th


• the management specifications, to be implemented by ‘Fusion for Energy’, in accordance with the quality

classification of the procurement package and its sub-systems;

• the legal provisions applicable.

In this step, the customer may expre

the quality requirements and other s


In F4E the Planning activities are performed and impleme

adequately addressed and that the design stages and its resp

customer requirements and the project reporting

Management Plan governs all interfaces within the project and in particular those between the project manager and the

work package managers (see guidance F4E-QA-205).

It defines the division of the project in the various work packages that have to be contracted with economic operators.

These work packages are issued from the development and validation strategy according

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Th main activities and their associated milestones for each work package.

Thes are d anagement of interfaces between the work packages and to



s and records management;

• procurement and grant management.

The Director ensures the customer needs and requirements are properly allocated to the work packages and that the

deve customer for each of them.

e Project Management Plan defines the

e milestones efined in order to ensure a proper m

the project manager to control the overall project.

According to the requirements of the customer, the project management plan refers to ‘Fusion for Energy’ detailed

procedures for the following points:

• resource manageme

• internal control and quality audit;

• information, document

• configuration management and changes management;

• nonconformity management, corrective and preventive actions;

The estimated value of the contracts is assessed with the support of the ‘Contracts and Procurement Department’ in order

to define, together with other criteria, the procurement procedure applicable.

lopment and validation strategy is defined and agreed with the

Reference and Applicable Documents

F4E-QA-205 " Project Management Plan" Template



nt arrangement processing and IO queries, and its

trea mentation.

F4E and interface with IO, in order to develop the

most efficient method of obtaining the data. These R&D tasks shall be performed using established technical

specifications, requirements and criteria.

The Project Manager shall determine statutory and regulatory requirements related to the product (items and services

taking into account the following:

• IO requirements;

• Requirements not explicitly specified but essential to the items and services,

• Quality Objectives;

• Processes interactions and all the necessary documentation


F4E maintains the communication active with IO and the other DA’s through the pre-defined communication channels.

This communication is related to project information, procureme

tment is made according to the system docu


R&D work is necessary to generate appropriate data for the ITER project and also for the F4E contribution to the ITER

project. The data needed shall be as clearly defined as possible within

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R&D activities must be fully documented in order to support a critical peer review and provide traceability of the derived

data throughout the development process. Any assumptions used in developing the needed data must be identified and

the use justified. The principal concerns for these R&D activities are the validity and traceability of the resultant data.

Th m controls that the F4E suppliers shall apply to R&D activities are those good scientific practices that

and evaluated for acceptability by the Project Manager and IO. The supplier’s

and technical review for the qualification of the data.

ent of data need to be formally reviewed (design review) to

system that affect experimental

results will be fully documented with appropriate records retained.

hall implement the design controls for applicable design activities assigned by the IO. The


d performance requirements,

onent to overall facility safety and reliable operation.

Fol n, a design document or a change thereto is reviewed by the appropriate Responsible Officer,

seismic stress, radiation, and safety analyses; access for inspection, maintenance, and repair; and testability. Also


e quality progra

provide traceability and validity of the data. Any data to be used as inputs that were not obtained under a formalized

quality program will be reviewed

procedures will address such activities as peer review

The designs of experimental systems used in the developm

verify their adequacy for developing the desired data. Critical aspects of the experiment


The Project Manager s

preparation, review, and approval of design documents for the assigned tasks are accomplished through controlled

procedures that establish the approval authorities and responsibilities.

F4E will use technical review meetings, regular weekly discussion and status reports, management review meetings

quarterly review meetings, and periodic design reviews as some of the design control techniques used in the review and

approval of design work.

Design Input

Each project manager shall ensure that all design tasks will be performed using technical specifications, requirements

and criteria that are established in:

• functional an

• applicable statutory and regulatory requirements,

• where applicable, information derived from previous similar designs, and

• other requirements essential for design and development.

The project manager shall review that the design input shall be suitable including complete, unambiguous and not in

conflict with each other.

Input requirements are incorporated into design documents, descriptions, specifications, or drawings by specific

statement or by reference. The level of authority for review and approval of design input will be established by the project

manager based on the importance of the structure, system, or comp

lowing initial preparatio

as needed, to verify that the document contains the applicable requirements. Review criteria include regulatory

requirements; applicable codes and standards; quality requirements; suitability of materials and parts, nuclear physics,

included is the establishment of acceptance

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Design Interfaces

The designated design authority that has design responsibility will implement appropriate design controls and approve

input basis documents, calculations, design development computer models, approved drawings,

specifications, and computer programs used in design calculations.

tion activities will be performed by the designated design authority to ensure the

adequacy of their designs. Design adequacy may be verified through one, or a combination, of the following approaches:

Conducting design reviews

• Performing independent confirmatory calculations

• Use of qualification tests

ssful design

hall be conducted by individuals or groups other than those who originally performed the work in case

Computer programs used to provide data that serve as the design basis of a structure, system, or component will be

thematical model within defined limits for each parameter employed. The validation process

is to show that the encoded mathematical model produce a valid solution to the physical problem associated with the


Qualification Testing

Qu acceptability of a specific design will be conducted in accordance with approved

proc ess

• Demonstration of acceptable performance under conditions that simulate the appropriate adverse design


procedures that provide for both internal and external design interfaces. Each system will include the identification of all

physical and functional interface requirements imposed by that system upon other systems.

Design Records

The final Design Report, which will consist of design documents, such as “as-installed drawings,” design review records,

and associated changes, will be collected, stored, and maintained in a systematic and controlled manner. The record

system procedures will specify the specific controls and identify the design records to be maintained. Typically, design

records include design

Design Verification

During the design process, design verifica

• Benchmarking against a similar succe

• Project management meetings that produce written documentation.

Design verification s

that importance of the items and services requires independency of verification.

formally verified and validated. The verification process will demonstrate that the computer program produces correct

solutions for the encoded ma

ticular application.

alification testing to verify the

edures that addr , at a minimum:

• Use of adequate instrumentation

• Provisions for test monitoring

• Specification of suitable environmental conditions

• Delineation of test prerequisites, such as calibrated instrumentation, appropriate equipment, trained personnel,

and data acquisition equipment

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• Delineation of performance specifications, including acceptable deviations from baseline (or mean) benchmarks.

Design Change

A design change is a “change” and shall be controlled according to the procedure "Configuration Management and

Change Control”.

Reference and Applicable Documents

F4E-QA-006 "Configuration Management and Change Control" Procedure

Applicable process flowchart

F4E-QA-P-An 2 F4E-QA-006 - Change Flowchart


formally reviewed and validated, as would its hardware counterpart. Complete

e until the final hardware product is created and operated. When this is the situation,

e necessary data points to fully validate the model or performance code for later

t be established that provide reasonable interim confidence in the model's validity

the model.

Where the above requirement cannot be met due to the experimental nature of the ITER project, such lack of control

sha stems. The experimental program should then

e established to maintain control of software used in the R&D and design

dology for software acquisition, development, change, maintenance, and

Operational system reviews.

ject is the procurement of items and services from

The computer model design must be

model validation may not be possibl

operational testing plans must provide th

uses. Interim benchmarks can and mus

as part of the formal process planned to fully verify

ll be clearly stated in the technical basis documents of the affected sy

take into account of this issue with the aim of software verification along the program itself.

Computer software management shall b

activities to the ITER project. The procedures and work processes used to establish and maintain control of software

formulate a software management metho

disposition. The software management methodology consists of the following:

• Software planning and software requirements analysis

• Analysis of benefits and costs

• Resource estimating

• Life-cycle management

• Acquisition and development

• Configuration management


The items and services procurement and grants shall be implemented according to the procedure “F4E-QA-007 -

Procurement and Grants Management”.

The principal role of ‘Fusion for Energy’ in relation to the ITER pro

European Fusion Associates and industry.

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Ac oped “industry like manner” tendering procedures tailored

The whole process is lean and flexible in order to match the schedule as foreseen and to promptly face any changes or

for a larger component or

or by

specifically for an intended application, the item should be

described in an equipment specification or on drawings of the item.

work should be prepared

that specifies the services to be performed and the expected deliverables.

Procurement and Grants documents are issued by each work package manager and provided to the ‘Contracts and

riteria of the

contract or grant agreement. Depending on the type of work to perform, the Technical Specification should

rements (template F4E-QA-201).

er requirements (template F4E-QA-202).

It requires a “Quality Plan” from the supplier/tenderer describing the provisions it will implement in order to

ments will be met.

In selecting suppliers, their capability to provide the needed items or services will be evaluated.

lity Plan is part of the ‘Fusion for Energy” evaluation of the tenderer’s offer. The graded

approach to the supplier management requirements are defined in the instruction “Quality Graded Application”.

trols being

supplied by F4E. This is especially important with vendors and suppliers that do not have a formal and suitable QA

program. m requirements must be established prior to contract award.

cording to its mission and activities, ‘Fusion for Energy’ devel

to its specific needs. The five different procurement procedures are: open procedure, restricted procedure, competitive

dialogue, negotiated procedure and contests.

The objectives of these procedures are to:

• ensure a fair and transparent competition among European companies and Laboratories

• obtain the best possible quality of the supplies and services to be provided against payment of a fair price


Identification of Needed Items or Services

The need for an item is usually identified from a parts list, bill of materials, or assembly drawing

system. If the item is commercially available, then it should be fully specifiable by the vendor’s identification number

the published performance data. If the item must be fabricated

If the services of a supplier are being obtained, then a technical specification or a statement of

Establishment of Technical and Quality Requirements

Procurement Department’ for issuing the calls (call for tender or call for proposals).

• The Technical Specification (procurement) or Work Description (grants) define the object of each contract or

grant agreement. It forms the “as specified” form of the work to perform and defines the acceptance c

address at least the customer requi

• The Management Specification defines the project organisation and the dispositions implemented to ensure a

proper monitoring of the contract or grant agreement. It governs the relationship between the work package

manager and the supplier. Depending on the type of work to perform, the Management Specification should

address at least the custom

ensure that the contractual require

Evaluation and Selection of Suppliers

The assessment of the Qua

When it is found that there is not a qualified supplier for the intended procurement, F4E shall evaluate available suppliers

on an as needed basis and select one to provide that service with the needed additional management con

In this case, the supplier’s quality syste

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M Supp

The lier m being supplied and the performance history

of th sim onitoring shall be performed as in-process surveillance,

inspections, or reviews a item or process cannot be verified upon

deliv plete so be monitored to ensure that items and

services conform to requirements.

described in the contract Quality Plan as required by the

iers have knowingly provided will be reported to F4E

ormity control process.

F4E-QA-006 "Configuration Management and Change Control" Procedure

onitoring of lier Performance

extent of supp onitoring will be a function of the criticality of the item

e supplier for ilar items or services. Supplier m

t the supplier's facility when a specific attribute of an

ery of the com d item or service. Subcontractors of critical items shall al

Item Deviation from Requirements

Any deviation (change or modification) to a specified requirement identified by the supplier shall be handled by the

suppliers dedicated deviation/change control procedure and the F4E configuration management process.

The supplier’s deviation/change control procedure shall be

Management Specification.

Substandard Items and Services

Items and services that are found to be substandard and that suppl

through the supplier nonconformity process, and handled within F4E thought Nonconf

Reference and Applicable Documents

F4E-QA-007 " Procurement and Grants Management" Procedure

F4E-QA-008 “Nonconformity Control and Corrective/Preventive Actions”

F4E-QA-100 “Quality Graded Application” Instruction

F4E-QA-201 “Technical Specification for the Work Package” Template

F4E-QA-202 “Management Specification for the Work Package” Template


F4E identifies and controls all the conception stages and the responsibilities, as well as the verification and validation

according to each project planning. All the necessary inputs to the conception are taken into account in order to comply

with the legal requirements and IO.

During this phase the relationships between all the stakeholders are governed by the following documents:

• IO / F4E project manager: procurement arrangement;

• F4E project manager /

sponsible: management specifications, Quality Plan.

director: project management plan;

• F4E project manager / work package managers: project management plan;

• F4E work package manager / suppliers’ technical re

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Management Specification 1Work

Package Manager

Supplier 1

Quality Plan 1



ect ager

Project Management Management

Specification 2Work

Package ManagerITER Plan

Supplier 2

Quality Plan 2

Figure 6: Governance of the Management Relationships

Manufacturing the requirements. Those controls

shall be

Work shall be carried out under controlled conditions:

• , standards and other documents,

• according to approved pre-established control plans,

Control Plans shall identify:

• the sequence of critical operations,


n of the item, and approved “as built” on item

shall be controlled to the extent necessary to ensure items conform to

in accordance with the agreed Quality Plan.

Assembly and installation shall be controlled to the extent necessary to ensure that the installation of a particular item will

not compromise the integrity/safety:

• of the item to be installed

of the ITER facility.

using approved drawings, procedures

• the instructions and requirements applicable to these operations,

• the operations F4E and IO intends to witness,

• the completion status of the operations listed

Prior to implementation, work documents shall be:

• reviewed for compliance with ITER requirements,

• approved “for manufacture” and controlled.

Documents and records shall be maintained to reflect the actual configuratio


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The verification is carried in order to ensure that the established

requirements produced outputs that meet the IO requirements.

F4E verifies all requirements related to their products, before taking any commitment and ensuring that the differences

bet ts and the proposals will be solved, in order to find the best solutions and alternatives.

All projects developed by F4E are validated before delivery to the final customer (IO).

Thus the , and should include information on:

• Product features necessary to its secure implementation;

t is the management process that ensures consistency is maintained among the parameters,

the onal configuration of the IO product and its documentation, particularly as

chan thro

The frozen specification or configuration

schedule are identified

and thoroughly evaluated before the decision to incorporate them is taken.

as specified in procedure “Information, documents,

and records control”.

out taking into account the provisions originally planned,

ween the specified requiremen

outputs of the conception should be consistent with the inputs

• Product acceptance criteria;

• Relevant information to the purchases and the product implementation specifications.


Configuration managemen

requirements, the physical and functi

ges are made ughout the product life-cycle.

methodology for the systematic and uniform review of all changes to a

(configuration baseline) (initiated by F4E or from the outside) is described in the procedure “Configuration Management

and Change Control”. This method ensures that the impact of changes on performance, cost and

The general process to be adopted is shown in a flowchart in Annex 2 (extract from the procedure).

Documents related to configuration management activities are held

Reference and Applicable Documents

F4E-QA-005 "Information Documents and Records Control" Procedure

F4E-QA-006 "Configuration Management and Change Control" Procedure

F4E-QA-216-R “Change Request” form

Applicable process flowchart

F4E-QA-P-An 2 F4E-QA-006 - Change Flowchart


tion defined The identification of materials essential to providing traceable activity results shall be according to the conven

in “F4E-QA-112 - Naming Convention”.

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Hardware and software items will be identified and controlled consistent with their intended use. The identification of each

item should be established as early as practical in its creation or collection. The appropriate requirements for identification

will be contained in the engineering documents, such as drawings and equipment specifications, or included in the

procurement documents.

Reference and Applicable Documents

F4E-QA-112 " Naming Convention " Instruction


The preservation and transport requirements are part of product requirements. In each working phase, up to delivery to

their responsibilities through technical specifications. Including the event

ny chain-of-custody requirements are specified.

for product preservation.


12:2003) and maintain the measuring

and compliance to specified product requirements. The MTE used are selected

according to the error and compatibility with the required measurement.

able Documents

libration Map"

IO (or IO designated location), the product shall be preserved from damage and deterioration.

The suppliers are informed and made aware of

of the evolvement of multiple organisations, the interface and a

IO is informed about the optimal conditions


F4E establishes and maintains a methodology to calibrate (according to ISO 100

test equipment (MTE) and demonstrate

the intended function to ensure the knowledge of

F4E suppliers will establish and maintain similar control of the MTE used in performing ITER project related activities.

Reference and Applic

F4E-QA-219 “Annual Ca

Calibration Labelling and Documentation

Me ll be labelled to identify its calibration status. The label shall include:

to identify its status

(an ituation).

Measuring shall have records of calibration retained in the project files. The

reco at ent identification (type, model & maker, serial), calibration date, performer,

proc dard d and as-left performance information.

asuring and test equipment (MTE) sha

• Instrument identification number;

• identification of the person/entity that performed the calibration;

• calibration date;

• next calibration due date.

If due to physical restrictions the MTE cannot be labelled, then it shall be identified and a document record, with the label

equivalent information, maintained.

Equipment that does not require calibration shall have a tag stating that calibration is not required,

d avoid the use in a calibration required s

and test equipment used for F4E activities

rd shall contain least the equipm

edure and stan used, and the as-foun

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The QA RO (with the approval of the senior management or QA board) plans and implements actions that allow the


The extent and application of these processes shall depend on their importance.


nce. The sources of this feedback are:

gram and the QMS.


lanning, preparation, implementation and recording of internal

and may trigger corrective actions, arising from a nonconformities,

ts. The reports of internal audits are one of the main inputs of the review by

nitoring and analysis of processes, allowing:

• demonstrate conformity to the product requirements;

• ensure conformity with the QMS;

• continual improvement of the QMS effectiveness.

The IO feedback will be monitored as a measurement of the program performa

• IO audit reports

• IO QA Program reviews

This information is an important input for the revision of the QA Pro


Quality audits are performed to verify the state of the QA Program and Quality Plans accordance with the quality criteria

and the IO requirements. The methodology regarding the p

and external quality audits is defined in a documented procedure (Quality Audits).

The quality audits results are recorded and analysed,

or preventive actions, arising from commen

the senior management of the QMS.

The general process to be adopted is shown in a flowchart in Annex 3 (extract from the procedure).

Reference and Applicable Documents

F4E-QA-004 "Quality Audits" Procedure

F4E-QA-214-1 “Audit Plan” model

F4E-QA-214-2 “Audit Check List” form

F4E-QA-214-3 “Audit Notification” form

F4E-QA-214-R “Audit Report” form

Applicable process flowchart

F4E-QA-P-An 3 F4E-QA-004 Audit Flowchart


F4E has established indicators that allow the monitoring and measurement of the execution processes (project

ned confirm the suitability of the procedures to meet

management, procurement and grants management, resources management, etc), indispensable to the fulfilment of the

interested parties’ requirements. The methods used and results obtai

the targets.

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The inspection and testing performed by F4E, to verify that the items and services comply with the established

ance with the instruction “Quality Surveillance”.

in a flowchart in Annex 4 (extract from the procedure).

the development of the activities by the suppliers, are defined in the Project

ity Plan (Control Plan).

ation requirements, drawing requirements, and degree of

complexity. This planning should appropriately address:

• Inspection methods, including specific reference to inspection procedures;

• Tests required to be monitored or witnessed;

• Characteristics to be inspected;

• Identification of mandatory hold points, as required, and acceptance criteria.

The status of inspection of items and services shall be documented using labelling, tagging, reports, or signatures on

con nts. Status documentation ensures that inspections will not be bypassed and

that equipment, work activities until the inspections are


When inspection person performing the inspection will initiate the Nonconformity

Procedure (see §5.6.5 and F4E-QA-008).


Testing is accomplished where critical performance characteristics of an item cannot be verified by static inspection


ts, approved by the

the acceptability of specified requirements will be conducted in accordance with approved




requirement, is done in accord

The general process to be adopted is shown

The inspection and testing phases, during

Management Plan and the suppliers Qual


Inspection planning should be developed based on specific

trol plans or receipt inspection docume

material, or fabricated assemblies will not be released for further

and the results accepted.

activities identify a nonconformity, the


Test planning should determine the type of tests required and document the test parameters, methods, test article

configuration, and acceptance limits.

The test requirements and acceptance criteria should be based on item performance requiremen

Responsible Officer (for defined safety systems IO should approve).

Testing to verify or validate

procedures that address, as applicable:

• Instructions on test performance, including hold points, as required;

• Provisions for test monitoring, calibrated instrumentation, and data acquisition

• Safety of the facility;

• Suitable e nmental conditions;

• Qualification testing personnel;

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• Established acceptance criteria.

Test m

• Item or system tested, including test boundaries;

Signature of person accepting results.

Reference and Applicable Documents

ctive/Preventive Actions”

records shall be aintained, identifying:

• Date(s) of test;

• Test personnel or data recording personnel;

• Type of observation (e.g., pressure over time) and results observed;

Notation of deviations and subsequent evaluations;

F4E-QA-008 “Nonconformity Control and Corre

F4E-QA-110 "Quality Surveillance" Instruction

F4E-QA-211 “Field Observation Report” Form

F4E-QA-220-R “Surveillance Report” Form

Applicable process flowchart

F4E-QA-P-An 4 F4E-QA-110 Quality Surveillance Flowchart


Nonconformity is a non-fulfilment of a requirement. This requirement might come from the procedures, the items and

services specifications or from the IO feedback.

All F4E personnel are responsible for the identification and reporting of any nonconformity detected.

F4E has proced Actions) for handling all aspects of the

detected nonconformities.

y F4E or IO, in Annex 5;

ties detected by the supplier, in Annex 6;

R Appl

F4E-QA-008 “Nonconformity Control and Corrective/Preventive Actions”

defined a ure (Nonconformity Control and Corrective/Preventive

The Nonconformity process within F4E is described in the following flowcharts:

• Process flowchart for nonconformities detected b

• Process flowchart for nonconformi

eference and icable Documents

F4E-QA-218-R “Nonconformity Report” Form

Applicable process flowchart

F4E-QA-P-An 5 F4E-QA-008 - Nonconformities detected by F4E or IO

F4E-QA-P-An 6 F4E-QA-008 - Nonconformities detected by the supplier

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The QA Officers collect and analyse the appropriate data to determine the adequacy and effectiveness of the QMS and

QA Program, and can therefore identify improvements that could be made. This process includes data generated by the

activities of measurement and monitoring and / or other sources deemed relevant.

The analysis results taken to the QA Board for review and an annual report is prepared for the senior management



The Director shall continually improve the QMS, by planning and managing the necessary processes. The continual

improvement is achieved through the use of the Quality Policy, the Objectives, audit results, data analysis, corrective and

preventive actions and management review.

Corrective actions

The corrective actions are triggered by the occurrence of nonconformity, in order to eliminate the cause and prevent

repetition. It is included in the process of the corrective actions:

• The definition and elimination of causes of nonconformities;

• The appropriate actions to prevent the recurrence of problems;

• Records of activities and results.

Reference and Applicable Documents

F4E-QA-008 “Nonconformity Control and Corrective/Preventive Actions”

Preventive actions

The preventive actions are identified and adequate to eliminate the cause of a potential nonconformity or other

undesirable potential situation, preventing its occurrence.

Reference and Applicable Documents

F4E-QA-008 “Nonconformity Control and Corrective/Preventive Actions”

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3.Review COMMENTS?



1.Draft Document Preparation or

Review Change

2.Document REVIEW

5. Document APPROVAL



Document COMMENTby IO






















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Change Request Closed

Frozen Specification Requirements




5.Change of CUSTOMER requirement?




12.Establish Work Plan with resources

and schedule


14. UPDATE Specification



6.Issue Internal CHANGE REQUEST

Disposition of CHANGE

10.Send to CUSTOMER RO

1.Identify Problem/Improvement


8.Change Beneficial?

(Conference CUSTOMER)



NONo Change

7.Technical Review of Proposed Change


No Change


UPDATE Specification Requirements




NONo Change

Change Notice

Draft CR

Impact Report

Change Request


Work Plan

Updated SpecificationWPM

Project/Contract Management


Review Group(in Man. Plan)

Project/Contract Management



WPM+ Integration


Competent Person


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1.Plan Audits

2.Prepare Audit

3.Notify Entity to be Audited

4.Confirm Audit Dates

5.Kick-Off Meeting

6.Conducte Audit

8.Issue Report

9.Distribute Report

10.Start Corrective Actions Process

11.Close Nonconformities

12.Archive Records



External Audit Plan


Audit Check List


Audit Notification



7.Closure Meeting

Audit Report(F4E-QA-214-R)


Audit Team

Audit Team

Audit Team

Audit Team

Audit Team

Audit Team

Audit Team

Audit Team

Auditee[QA RO]


Closure RO / QA RO

-Make Internal Audit Plan, 6m forecast (Approval QA Board)-Make External Audit Plan, 6m forecast (Approval SMB)-Use qualified auditors (depend on availability and audit scope)-Consider all QMS processes and areas-Update plan when unforseen audits are necessary (QARO)-Spread within F4E

-Review Auditee Documentation-Prepare Check List

-Notify auditee entity/section Leader, 5 working days before the scheduled date

-Confirm with auditee entity/section Leader the dates

-the Audit team performs the kick-off meeting, presenting the team and the audit objectives, confirming the notification program.If necessary, conciliate dates and schedules

-Perform Interviews-Review Documents and records associted with the process or auditee entity/section-Register all findings-During the interviews, verbaly inform the auditee of the findings

-Perform a brief resume of the findings to the entity/section Leader with the same presences as in the kick-off meeting

-Issue Audit Report including: * strong areas * improvement areas * findings-Formalise eventual Nonconformities (NCR), following procedure QA-008

-Deliver a copy of the report to auditee entity/section Leader within 5 working days after the Closure Meeting.-Send copies to the QA RO

-The DQA and the auditee entity/section Leader should meet within 5 working days after the report delivery to define the Corrective and Preventive Actions-Fill the "Corrective / Preventive Action" field of the NCR form (QA-008-R)


-After the corrective action implementation period (stated), verify if it was implemented and its effectiveness. -The effectiveness verification is done when it does not reoccur within 3 months after implementation

-After the Nonconformity is closed, the responsible for closure sends the original of the Nonconformity Report to the QA RO

Internal Audit Plan


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1. Identify need for Quality Surveillance

2. Appoint Surveillance Team

3.Notify Entity to be Surveilled

4.Prepare Surveillance

5.Conducte Surveillance

6.Issue Surveillance Report

8.FollowUp FOR issued

9.Raise NCR if needed

10.Verify Corrective Accions Process

11.Close Nonconformities

12.Archive Records

Surveillance Report


7.Distribute Report



Surveillance Team

Surveillance Team

Surveillance Team

Surveillance Team

Surveillance Team

Audit Team


Audit Team


Closure RO / QA RO

Scheduled Surveillance, as Previewed in: - Project Management Plan - Control Plan (or detail ITP)Unscheduled Surveillance: - on identifying an adverse or possible adverse condition

-Select Appropriate Team (1 or more members)-Selected personal must be knowledgeable about, and not directly responsible for, work under surveillance

-Notify entity/section responsible, within the agreed time frame before the scheduled date

-Prepare surveillance (plan surveillance points in the report form) should consider observation of important or critical work activities or process, as well as overall QA program implementation

-Perform surveillance and monitoring-Review Documents and records associted with the process or surveyed entity/section-Register all findings and verbaly inform the surveyed responsible of the findings.

-Issue Surveillance Report-Formalise eventual discrepancies by issuing a Field Observation Report (QA-211), indicating: * Impact (Safety, Quality, Cost, Schedule) * Status (Info, Response Required or NCR issue) * Describe Discrepancy * Propose solution/advice

-Deliver a copy of the report and associated FOR's to surveyed entity/section responsible within 5 working days after the surveillance date-Send copies to the QA RO

-Verify that the Notified entity replys with 5 working days-If FOR status is "NCR issue" then: * require that the entity raises an NCR * follow up it's progress until closure

-If entity does not raise NCR for required "NCR issue" then Formalise Nonconformity (NCR), following procedure QA-008

-The surveillance team and the surveyed entity/section responsible should meet within 5 working days after the report delivery to define the Corrective and Preventive Actions-Fill the "Corrective / Preventive Action" field of the NCR form


-After the corrective action implementation period (stated), verify if it was implemented and its effectiveness. -The effectiveness verification is done when it does not reoccur within 3 months after implementation

-After the Nonconformity is closed, the responsible for closure sends the original of the Non-Conformity Report to the QA RO


Control Plan(detail ITP)




Surveillance Report



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Activity can be initiated by Customer or F4E

Nonconformity stays open

On going Process(Inspection, Test, Design, …)



4.Segregate item NC and Identify



3.Process involves Product




8.Decision on Corrective/ Preventive Actions

F4E Minor NC-LIST9.Record NC in NC-LIST

10.Implement CORRECTIVE/


Nonconformity opened

Nonconformity closed

11.Completition and Control of the Correction





Preventive Action


Customer copy

Nonconformity stays open



Reject (Scrap), Repair, Rework, Use-As Is



1. Detect/Identify NC(Requirement not fulfilled)

Indentification TagWPM

QA Officer

WPMQA Officer

All Personel

Nonconformity Report




Corrective/ Preventive



Corrective/ Preventive


PM +Affected WPM



QA Officer ClosedNCR

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3.Decision on Corrective/Preventive



PREVENTIVE action to implement

APPrrec ction

ROVEDCo tive A

2.Forword SuCUSTOM

pplier NC to ER RO







PMOfficer NCR



Completition and Control of the

Correction Actions

Send SUPPLPAffected WPM

M + IER NC to F4E RO

Corrective ActionPM + WPM

Corrective ActionC

Reject (Scrap), Repair, Rewo Is

Crk, Use-As


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IO Requirement QA Program match QA P Related Documents

Documentation Schedule (PA) Document Schedule § 5.2 F4E-QA-005

Implementation Plan (PA) Project Management Plan § 5.5.2 F4E-QA-205

Procurement Schedule (PA) Procurement Plan (inside PMP) § 5.5.2 F4E-QA-205

Work Schedule (PA) Scheduling (Inside PMP) +

Control Plan from Supplier Quality Plan

§ 5.5.2 +

§ 5.5.8



Release Note (PA) Release Note,

from Supplier Quality Plan § 5.5.8 F4E-QA-202

Risk Management (PA) Risk Plan (inside PMP) § 5.5.2 F4E-QA-205


Suppliers QA Plan (PA) Supplier Quality Plan § 5.5.8 F4E-QA-007


Stop Work Authority (2.6) Stop Work Authority § 5.3.2 ---

Non-Conformance Reporting (2.8) Nonconformity Report § 5.6.5 F4E-QA-008

Calibration of Monitoring and Data

Collection Equipment (3.4)

Measuring and Test Equipment (MTE) § 5.5.14 F4E-QA-219

Design Control (3.5) Design Management § 5.5.6 ---

Change Management (3.6) Configuration Management (Change Control) § 5.5.11 F4E-QA-006

Deviation Request (3.6) Change Request and

Change Request from Supplier Quality Plan

§ 5.5.11

§ 5.5.8 F4E-QA-006

Research and Development (3.11) Research and Development (R&D) § 5.5.5 ---

Quality Audits & Inspection (4.3) Quality Audits

Monitoring and Measurement of Processes

Inspection and Testing

§ 5.6.2

§ 5.6.3

§ 5.6.4

