QriH f The Slingerlands 1 lt lllIII l llll,,> llllt,llll...

tit. X* I VIL I AG E A R E A WE WS =p«*?- ••fc c Shirley Kaye To Open Camp In New Scotland Rd. July 4th > , „ _,> Shirley' Ppskanzer Kaye, Afbarfy dan.ce teacher*, Aas announced plans for a njeW theatrical day camp'for children wluch will open Muly in Nej* Scotland r Rd, three miles ' west of Slmgerlands> The camp will be operated und6i the" name of The Shelley Players and.,will be devoted exclusively to tlje art?, 1 offering instruction in the dance, "'art, dramatics, stagecraft theatrical makeup and, set design 4 theatre'is being erected at the camp, which also will have a Cali- foriuastype swmjmnig pgoj Shirley ~J£aye is the wife pf Dr Jessie Kaste pf New Scotland and for the last three years she has con- ducted the Posfcatfzer School of the Dance in Albany She attended the Professional Chil- dress School ^ in New York city and studied with Irene Hawthorne, prima ballerina of the Metropolitan Opera Company, and with Kathryn Dunham of r the" Durham School She also studied a'fthe Actors' Laboratory m California tinder "the stage name of Shelley tewiS; jhe appeared with many road coni^amy^h'sucii musicals as "Fin-, ian''§'!^&L¥oiy''! and' "Sing Qiit, S'^tJ'fcaW^;- . • She.Tslia -Helen \Gerardia, ^oon» : ' teffipQE£fiW p t f s t r o f ,#d^dstock ; ' ; andf -New -Wfk^oiild; 'sufeerMe^ar* '•%*& sMietipn 1 at *hev camp! ^.h^Pr. Morris/ Weihsiein%pu'ld'..be josyCho'lQgist-con- : W$^1$®^$$k.*ffi$. Will -b.e-fdK : ,cfi^ldfeeWfenl^' ; (t : d' , W% til Q""riH""""""""""" l """ t ' lllIII " l " llll,,> " llllt,llll, * , t*] f The Slingerlands 1 | Edited by E. It Y*" Wormer j 3|tlllllll|lllll^l|lli;illllMIMItlllllMllli;illlllMIMIIMIIIIIIIIMI>0 " ' * I- Mty^fa-w&asteF regent of -pp$'spiptHe:' : i ^'Tsiyat.'J^'^ fte^fHus^ fJebjS^ro^f^sg. AlneS; 'Ttiiax w^rtP&li'flAfi'ianrt >rtl(Ji nHout her si* m4e^^';^im : mW^^e'd.picmc meet-. ^W^M^^M^M?','{''•" .'•"' , ; 4^ 'fcps— —* Jtia —' ' ""—'— Announce Engagement '*Mv and Mrs Earl K Pinney, JO Harrison Ave, Delmar, announce 'the < engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, \!g}ejintf June, To 'Edward Ian" Rees, son of Mr and^Mfs^ Edward Rees Penarth, Glam,, Wales. A graduate of Bethlehem Central Highfcchqol,Miss Pinney is'employed in tlje aocquntmg department pf the New York Telephone Company Mr 3 Rees is a graduate of the Bed- ford School, Bedford, lEJnglapd He is a veteran having served with the United- States Army in Korea After the wedding on June 18, the couple will reside in St Albans, Vt where' Mj Rees is eniployed as a technicarrepresentative for the Phil- co Corporation Tawasentha Chapter Hears Congress Report Mrs William R Wands regent of Tawasentha Chapter, D A R, and Mrs Owen S Jones, delegate to the 64th Continental Congress in Wash- ington, D C, held April 18-23, gave their reports at the April 26th meet- ing'or" th.e chapter in the;Methodist churoh,.'pelmar. The overalTpleture of jthe,Congress was given by Mrs. Jones\juid' &e' '.business session Was rapoft^dyiiy .Mrs. Wands, ' Mrs* 'Reyn- ^ld;,J5Jbe»gr^{iended' t^e- .Congress as m>rg§m$af.ij?g' of \ the Bi}sih£ss and Professional group of the' chapter and her repor'£%afe ; ' presented at' a dinner inieeting.'of the •-' g^pup^ held in- tne Weljingtigin ifpf.el', .ippliny, r'epeijtly; ' - !%Ki'e|Ma.y / i^meetiife.jbf JOie. cKap- ifer Will|hyhlel'dSiat tHkipme'lbf Mrs. ^pe'tjtv^^fi^t,^ : ^'i^a^cn Rd.; f)ebhar, at "which finie'. annual ."re^ por^ts v of-officei&v ah|:.?s i taridihg!' com- imttee chairnjen^will^b^ presented;' ., 4 i5^nit|ee' ;ai)p^injed : '' < |y Mrs. ^ands .50 fydit.tnie chapter treas : 5 uj!siy)g''''bj|s^:si jpbnsisp?. of' 'Mrs.! ^•thur paih;';'cli^hi.aft 'M^f^pi'' by?" Mrs: Archie W. Dietrich'and'Mrs.'^hafles iCpsbQb, : Tl}e audft will"'Be read' 'a! thg. M^y .17th Isjsssiqn, -•['MvM- «0yaj' S^•'•Gou'ghtry presided # ' $1 '^r ^i^-S 1 ?; ^ 0^ p 5 . TheJiinipr Membership Cpmmittee, U0?ph M f5-, Fd^ardL.Qibspn, Mrs. .Tawasentha Chapter, "Daugliters' of Ch»r|es L. gpqre and Miss Eth.elyn the American RevbluUon, will haveia •Hmist were bpstf?|es. *. -, . >.^ lousiness meeting "& May il ; a t Sie. w^£ Q0 ^ s t al S ^' b t conducted by]hqme 0$ Mrs. William £. Stron&SI members..of Tajvgsintha Chapter on 4reenieaf: ^r., Elsmere, -witn":-Mrk '^S^ 4 ™" m the Empire Market in. JajneslLaUEie -of Sflngetlands>as w as- :©elmar„ : .-.;•... .. - sistant. Aqsfgss:' ' .'"""* TX^. ]: •Mrs. .Edward' A. Starkweather, chairman; will preside; The-main --•• vgr^e^pssrw$f*m?«s&:. >««r—--— 'business: :6f. ; 'the-'evening will'' be"4he. V^.W^^;rr i r-, t :te ! ;;s-..'^-'.'---- •;.election of officers for the coming ^R^3s^px : rE.iiV5^e:'-and Rev.; W&rl . v...:-' -.••' • •..-,„•-. ^>,; DA«^a< J n.r Ik ^.^-^i.. 1 »— . > A;|JSUE of .the hoa^e;o|.Mpntague, Some 84 members of the Slinger lands Fire department and their guests assembled at the Center Inn, Bethlehem Center, "last Tuesday eve- ning to partajce ,qf a roast beef din- ner, after which' the ^installation gf: qfficers wag'held. •"' President James McCrudden pr^r, «ided and intrbdjaced the toastniaster/ Ed Mulligan, Jr., and sptne toastr master he turned out to be.' Always, a good Republican, Ed. was seated next to the speaker of the everting^- Col Jim T. Healy of Albany, an al- most dyed-in-the-wool Democrat. Trie colonel kept all in a- nierry mood b^ relating happenings of the horse an.d buggy days an,d describing various; sections of the city Of Albany anYf the names by which they were know^i at the turn of the century, all of which was Greek to the younger generations of firemen. Jim Slsq. .^eiftiohed the name of on# williatrjf Barries', Jr., a powerful Repulilicaj!|. wno. held cpntrqi of Albany ip-'lus' 5;est pocket, sp tq speak, up tp the" early 1920's, a control by which the' present Albany "Boss", could in nor way-compare. The toastmaster todjc it all good natured, even when tHie 'Colonel stated that a certain Mrb Mulligan "thought he cpuld be elected mayor of Albany a couple of yeais back. Many jibes passed back Jarid forth but .all" were" friends at tlie^ finish. Comm. kenne|h McNary djd; an exceUent'joh of installing the of- ficers." "". ^MA%JoMeet W i W W X w W ,10, at 8 An m\A hlKftended tp the firle t VJ< "M&f $felick, to speak followVng Mm** session. n,a*u*£b%M&MMmm-ihe coming iFleah- „, Mrs. Rob- |.;Mrs.. WU-. alM William- 1 »*^— Fabe;; parade: tQEianvrMfe'Edpfwiweper; puDhciiy,- Selkirk Area Is Given S O . T SJTfiS-' m mm"mMmmWm$ ^ nth °py :, minister,- ^M® |||lt- : Bible classi. .^pa^tnfr'i^ilnW^hip... ? # . ^ ^ J P ^ » I ' >Childre^s Bt^r^<SrpE»«i^%i!i«jS;jjiusic: Pre-- postlude; ;|[i!aj^^$a^|®j|1ijiSir' children, '^W^&sieim^MiM» :i m0m6T.y of >&m MM* mm^^sm^^mUm .daughter, Church Notes Wn^c^nlhmi'^bli^dh^d. /i^PCM#^M,;l«if "J°| J v l ^ ^ ^ t l ^ s l h i p group fdr the iuhj|>i|3uiKi' 'rv-/;-.-^ •': --. '. - - «^M^fcr#ay^th; ,.• •• ' vS •'•'®tiWfm : $!b fellowship 'group for Jphjnah'd;M^ilyj^iRfendeitoh1?-'" f Th^^o^MinW^na^oy^ been-'revlsed. by a •sgecial;tc%iimitte| i accOrdjng; *" iu - ! - mza'-^***^***•'- the " wigne! ciub^* •$}&? jfepbrt-^P ^^iSnittedl for .apprbval at.: tlife M^nie'elihg. ;.ftil«(ii iSs'ibnary sp- Arguments in favor of mergipg tti^ Selkirk Union Free School "District with Rayena-Coeymans Central dis- trict werp putlined" at' a meeting'a'fi tended by about 15& people'last wgek- at thp'Rlilrolid: M in Sbutfi BettilghenK m $he %|klr)£ jdisitrigt. j." c ~'2¥ v#^JI?^ w #- # l | p f e rfe Cftij?enfeC(Knn;ittee' for Buijlic Sphopfe }n M^kjrk'.district,. #iich/ 0l§> such a fpt^er, " Andrew- Kobfi?. cpnj-. n^ttee* grelidient,. repprted. PP. # • ts on Ka^fewff ^«P|f|g||f| daughter bMtiBefeVwitHMiiniiPiitertainment by pO J hie>lMrs^lnlffip;k&dbinson for fe;slialps7ff^l^.''' Mrs. chu^ch|$i'^|i|S^H|Mll be invited | o ^ f | r c a i i | ^ g | | # i e r a l discus- :sidn;lvhIcB#flf*«W' IfSljciiBf ; '^t;;'a. ; recept njeptipg with State Edjjggp?" CqfpmisMoij.ef Lewis A. .Wijspn/" '" •".""' ' ,' '< Mr." ^qjonZiSajid th,^- RaVena-Coey- irijans •]M!ar^ 1 'y|)iunteered v <;o. r'esigp,.;in IPS' ey§jft 'y>J - a merger, so a new p,%rd, c^jip.he elected with adequate f^pjesentatjtip "for the Selkirk area. The Ray^p'a-Coeymans board also, said Mr- Kppnz, agreed location of a central lilgji school should toe co- qperativLel^ plsh.ned.'. ^ Represeptijiv.es of the State Educa- tion Department discussed'reasons for the .bph^jrilssibher's' rejection' of the Selkirk'. i p<?ar|.'s plan to build an in- 'dePfindent.plgh' sehopl in that district. Th'ey argued? there were not enough gppils in' 'ej:jl?e£. the- Selkirk or Ra- yepa-Cpeyirtah^ district ,io form, a Sogn^.^di&atiqnal pr 6g ram , but that a .'merger "pquld make such a prp- grani'^'pssible. . ^ A report'was presented on studies of a possible merger made last year! by Seikjrk. and Ravena-Coeymans school pfficials and the department. "Representatives ;of the Selkirk board at the meeting said the board planned to jcpnduct ah inforiMtipnal meeting on the question in the next few weeks. The board has announced it will appeal the commissioner's re- jection of its plan. Chora) Group To Sing The Brahms Choral Society will sing on Wedensday, May 11, follow- ing a dinner of the state convention, P. E. O., at First Church irt Albany. The.group is directed by Mrs. LeRoy jppes, vice-president qf Chapter AB and New York state representative to Supreme Convention at Indianapolis, Ind., in October. Mrs. Marcus Mar- shall is accompanist for the women's choral group. Hearing Set for School h Glenmont On May 16 Preliminary plans for a 13-class- room school Mi Glenmont will be dis- cussed at a, public hearing May'IB School, rpglmar, • • Voters will act on the proposal tylay 23i witkth>.polls open frpiii 2 p. in. tb-'&iir.niV W %e juhipr high ^chopl |yn}i}asium, '." -'• • , : A citizens' committee, headed by Cpnte'r schlppl acppmmodates'onto' t]>o ,first three grades, with the balance <Mkh . f a;t?e|?dipt''IFade sch.qpj f$ti W^'P-Mt ah,d ^efhl,e|jein..C,ei}'- t5p, y?jfl)' •dpupje %at- nufflfter ex- pected' i?y %w^..: .,»-V * The present ih^eje^qohi .^.ethlehem hr ©biihld Wi^nbum Haa:heen electbd ?ch^ %.^e?K^Z^ e S?u*? 9n! 4;^?; m Ship;-'Wteti : &'Wt*«v*i •• ' ' ' •''' i f' I: ' ' : -$ii$0- ' t ..- V*J '• ..pr for pr)y ^ift-givips! M4RW Reduced for a lywlfpgmrtf^gMti ' ."•• .'-^ Cj#p ;: ' • Rtgit&Jy 2.7H* . v l' : l|J't : Availqble in thefolloy/ing»fYogfariips? White Lilac- « Tapestryf ••'•••V.'>'.*-1&rirt0gy • Yrbm • • Lily o f jf]fe. : .Yall^y ;• l^di^eitJb^ ^ • Violet Rose Geranium COMTRY ^^[^ckiirjf; Fre?h from Bev,erly fjills; ^glifornio; to • us! Comp'ffe nevy ass,9rtmf nt !JIS|J;^| ''^LE^DQ]^' low pgjorie jiFjpq^jaje fl^ff. ' . -;?•','<.• > 573 ^m^mmm$. Am. ^ —Opposite St, Pwfsffrtepital-*- Open JOaily -^It^iSpl t/P^|tf. OPEIM SUNDAY, M O T H p i f « v p ^ ^ 2 % o o ^ to 4:30 pan. 00 FOR YOUR OLD TV •nn^g 1 fIay^r?,vat ? :t:4^ib?clb1ckWiore^ nip^ton the agenda ;is:the1#iiiBtibn op. officers'for the- comings.^at, •* All 3 iUwek pbmen are urgently/: asked to' ftttendi., ; " •"*•>••>-*•"•*•• 4 IrliTileii 1^^ ^P^Ipail''f#iioh)e $rom New- %m^m^i^ .i a m«;rw Q tf ¥ next we|K^ -research p » | | | M f i M l l teaehind of Copenha|;e#^f^ .: .:;• "\ •'•: T* a ^iftM|se s^ last ^ d S S « i city. ! • Regardless of Age/^Make or Condition! Tqvyard This 24-INCH PMHF r i l l Channel T ,. *-wftlVi. M- Hi reiaayess ril,'hefSr||| l«My b Slfci^^g^|Ji^f lands f^i»?ihWWi##" e 'SWlfef- *iay {,. | tWM&b&Mticldc\L' } ManV Alffis^te^ eGoriim ^ " Mr. I f c ' ^ " * ' t * "Mi: Falconepi^|^-,|^a ° f daughfe^^MlSP^c.FI" of a A ^ W 4 # ^ M ? ^ 'Stewart, qn S^|MfctfiMi and Mrs. Ssn^a#?^ w Scotl4pd ulMff raw vwere efeci rec6rdinf«] thur; tre? and cdjtf Katnerl^ , fhe"'M fcdd' their? Wng of'^tne fin M|y'40:> P-fiet qn Mo. ElmefiSta Pelaware'/fe Charles W ! Satur%^ tir§8' m * Wfth Mt%" s'^-r^v, # pftjp KN9^ SIMPlt- ^ATlCiWUNG ^IlilLT-lr+aiiTENNA **FUIL FIDELITY SOUND ! ' / iiFASr}IQH ^TVLED . C A B I ^ T l M RICH MAHOGANY FINISH *«•/ MM , ' ?o,DAir sn^icfc c d N ^ ^ y ^ i ^ ^ ^ H ^r »»^IST Guilderland Radio-Ttlevision fiom^ an4 Auto Radios — Sajea aflfl Service - GlflyOERLANP, NEW fOR^. : ^l' *^v*^; MH: ^>;W '.-•/' ^^ * ®.: » //'' it: * *'

Transcript of QriH f The Slingerlands 1 lt lllIII l llll,,> llllt,llll...

Page 1: QriH f The Slingerlands 1 lt lllIII l llll,,> llllt,llll ...nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031266/1955-05-06/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · IPS'' ey§jft 'y>J - a merger, so a new p,%rd, ...


X* I • VILI AG E A R E A WE WS =p«*?-

••fc c

Shirley Kaye To Open Camp In New Scotland Rd. July 4th

> , „ _,> Shirley' Ppskanzer Kaye, Afbarfy

dan.ce teacher*, Aas announced plans for a njeW theatrical day camp'for children wluch will open Muly in Nej* Scotlandr Rd, three miles ' west of Slmgerlands>

The camp will be operated und6i the" name of The Shelley Players and.,will be devoted exclusively to tlje art?,1 offering instruction in the dance, "'art, dramatics, stagecraft theatrical makeup and, set design

4 theatre'is being erected at the camp, which also will have a Cali-foriuastype swmjmnig pgoj

Shirley ~J£aye is the wife pf Dr Jessie Kaste pf New Scotland and for the last three years she has con­ducted the Posfcatfzer School of the Dance in Albany •

She attended the Professional Chil­dress School in New York city and studied with Irene Hawthorne, prima ballerina of the Metropolitan Opera Company, and with Kathryn Dunham of rthe" Durham School She also studied a'fthe Actors' Laboratory m California

tinder "the stage name of Shelley tewiS; jhe appeared with many road coni^amy^h'sucii musicals as "Fin-, ian''§'!^&L¥oiy''! and' "Sing Qiit, S'^tJ'fcaW^;- . • She.Tslia -Helen \Gerardia, ^oon»:

' teffipQE£fiW ptfstrof ,#d^dstock;';andf -New -Wfk^oiild; 'sufeerMe^ar* '•%*& • sMietipn1 at *hev camp! ^.h^Pr. Morris/ Weihsiein%pu'ld'..be josyCho'lQgist-con- •

: W$^1$®^$$k.*ffi$. Will -b.e-f dK:,cfi ldfeeWfenl ';(t:d', W% til

Q""riH""""""""""" l"""t' l l l I I I" l" l l l l , ,>" l l l lt, l l l l ,* ,t*]

f The Slingerlands 1

| Edited by E. It Y*" Wormer j

3|tlllllll|lllll^l|lli;illllMIMItlllllMllli;illlllMIMIIMIIIIIIIIMI>0 " ' * I-

Mty^fa-w&asteF regent of

-pp$'spiptHe:':i ^'Tsiyat.'J^'^

fte^fHus^ f J e b j S ^ r o ^ f ^ s g . AlneS; 'Ttiiax w^rtP&li'flAfi'ianrt >rtl(Ji nHout h e r s i*

m4e^^';^im:mW^^e'd.picmc meet-. ^W^M^^M^M?','{''•" .'•"',;

4 ^ 'fcps— —*Jtia—' ' ""—'—

Announce Engagement '*Mv and Mrs Earl K Pinney, JO

Harrison Ave, Delmar, announce 'the < engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, \!g}ejintf June, To 'Edward Ian" Rees, son of Mr and^Mfs^ Edward Rees Penarth, Glam,, Wales.

A graduate of Bethlehem Central High fcchqol, Miss Pinney is'employed in tlje aocquntmg department pf the New York Telephone Company

Mr 3Rees is a graduate of the Bed­ford School, Bedford, lEJnglapd He is a veteran having served with the United- States Army in Korea

After the wedding on June 18, the couple will reside in St Albans, Vt where' Mj Rees is eniployed as a technicarrepresentative for the Phil-co Corporation

Tawasentha Chapter Hears Congress Report

Mrs William R Wands regent of Tawasentha Chapter, D A R, and Mrs Owen S Jones, delegate to the 64th Continental Congress in Wash­ington, D C, held April 18-23, gave their reports at the April 26th meet­ing'or" th.e chapter in the;Methodist churoh,.'pelmar. The overalTpleture of jthe,Congress was given by Mrs. Jones\juid' &e' '.business session Was rapoft^dyiiy .Mrs. Wands, ' Mrs* 'Reyn-^ld;,J5Jbe»gr^{iended' t^e- .Congress as m>rg§m$af.ij?g' of \ the Bi}sih£ss and Professional group of the' chapter and her repor'£%afe;' presented at' a dinner inieeting.'of the•-' g^pup^ held in- tne Weljingtigin ifpf.el', .ippliny, r'epeijtly; ' -!%Ki'e|Ma.y/ i^meetiife.jbf JOie. cKap-ifer Will|hyhlel'dSiat tHkipme'lbf Mrs. ^ p e ' t j t v ^ ^ f i ^ t , ^ : ^ ' i ^ a ^ c n Rd.; f)ebhar, at "which finie'. annual ."re por^tsvof-officei&v ah|:.?sitaridihg!' com-imttee chairnjen^will^b^ presented;' ., 4 i5^ni t |ee ' ;ai)p^injed:''<|y Mrs. ^ands .50 fydit.tnie chapter treas:

5uj!siy)g''''bj|s :si jpbnsisp?. of' 'Mrs.! ^•thur paih;';'cli^hi.aft 'M^f^pi'' by?" Mrs: Archie W. Dietrich'and'Mrs.'^hafles iCpsbQb,: Tl}e audft will"'Be read' 'a! thg. M^y .17th Isjsssiqn, -•['MvM- «0yaj' S •'•Gou'ghtry presided # ' $ 1 '^r ^ i ^ - S 1 ? ; ^ 0 ^ p 5 . TheJiinipr Membership Cpmmittee, U0?ph Mf5-, Fd^ardL .Qibspn, Mrs. .Tawasentha Chapter, "Daugliters' of Ch»r|es L. gpqre and Miss Eth.elyn the American RevbluUon, will haveia •Hmist were bpstf?|es. *. -, . >. lousiness meeting "& May i l ; a t Sie. w ^ £ Q 0 ^ s

ta lS ' b t conducted by]hqme 0$ Mrs. William £ . Stron&SI

members..of Tajvgsintha Chapter on 4reenieaf: ^r., Elsmere, -witn":-Mrk ' ^ S ^ 4 ™ " m the Empire Market in. JajneslLaUEie -of Sflngetlands>aswas-:©elmar„ : .-.;•... .. - sistant. Aqsfgss:' ' .'"""* TX^. ]:

•Mrs. .Edward' A. Starkweather, chairman; will preside; The-main

--•• vgr^e^pssrw$f*m?«s&:. >««r—--— • 'business: :6f.; 'the-'evening will'' be"4he. V^.W^^;rr ir-, t:te !;;s-.. '^- ' . '---- • •;.election of officers for the coming ^R^3s^px : rE. i iV5^e: ' -and Rev.; W&rl . v...:-' -.••' • •..-,„•-. • ^>,; DA«^a< J n.r I k ^.^-^ i . . 1 »— . > A;|JSUE of .the hoa^e;o|.Mpntague,

Some 84 members of the Slinger lands Fire department and their guests assembled at the Center Inn, Bethlehem Center, "last Tuesday eve­ning to partajce ,qf a roast beef din­ner, after which' the ^installation gf: qfficers wag'held. •"'

President James McCrudden pr^r, «ided and intrbdjaced the toastniaster/ Ed Mulligan, Jr., and sptne toastr master he turned out to be.' Always, a good Republican, Ed. was seated next to the speaker of the everting -Col Jim T. Healy of Albany, an al­most dyed-in-the-wool Democrat. Trie colonel kept all in a- nierry mood b^ relating happenings of the horse an.d buggy days an,d describing various; sections of the city Of Albany anYf the names by which they were know i at the turn of the century, all of which was Greek to the younger generations of firemen. Jim Slsq. .^eiftiohed the name of on# williatrjf Barries', Jr., a powerful Repulilicaj!|. wno. held cpntrqi of Albany ip-'lus' 5;est pocket, sp tq speak, up tp the" early 1920's, a control by which the' present Albany "Boss", could in • nor way-compare. The toastmaster todjc it all good natured, even when tHie 'Colonel stated that a certain Mrb Mulligan "thought he cpuld be elected mayor of Albany a couple of yeais back. Many jibes passed back Jarid forth but .all" were" friends at tlie^ finish. Comm. kenne|h McNary djd; an exceUent'joh of installing the of­ficers." "".


W i W W X w W ,10, at 8

A n m \ A h l K f t e n d e d tp the firle tVJ< "M&f $felick, to speak followVng Mm** session.

n,a*u*£b%M&MMmm-ihe coming iFleah-

„, Mrs. Rob-|.;Mrs.. WU-.

a l M William-1 » * ^ — Fabe;;


tQEianvrMfe'Edpfwiweper; puDhciiy,-

Selkirk Area Is Given S O . T SJTfiS-' m

mm"mMmmWm$ ^nth°py

:, minister,-

^ M ® |||lt-: Bible classi.

. ^pa^ tnf r ' i^ i lnW^hip . . . „ ? # . ^ ^ J P ^ » I ' >Childre^s Bt^r^<SrpE»«i^%i!i«jS;jjiusic: Pre--


;|[i!aj^^$a^|®j|1ijiSir' children, '^W^&sieim^MiM»:im0m6T.y of



mm^^sm^^mUm .daughter,

Church Notes

W n ^ c ^ n l h m i ' ^ b l i ^ d h ^ d . / i ^ P C M # ^ M , ; l « i f " J ° |

J v l ^ ^ ^ t l ^ s l h i p group fdr the iuhj|>i|3uiKi' 'rv-/;-.-^ •': --. '. - - • « ^ M ^ f c r # a y ^ t h ; , . • ••

'v S •'•'®tiWfm:$!b fellowship 'group for

Jphjnah'd;M^ilyj^iRfendeitoh1?-'" f T h ^ ^ o ^ M i n W ^ n a ^ o y ^

been-'revlsed. by a •sgecial;tc%iimitte|i accOrdjng; *" i u - ! - mza'-^***^***•'- -» the " wigne! ciub^* •$}&? jfepbrt-^P ^^ iSni t ted l for .apprbval at.: tlife M^nie'elihg.

;.ftil«(ii iSs'ibnary sp-

Arguments in favor of mergipg tti^ Selkirk Union Free School "District with Rayena-Coeymans Central dis­trict werp putlined" at' a meeting'a'fi tended by about 15& people'last wgek-at thp'Rlilrolid: M in Sbutfi BettilghenK m $he %|klr)£ jdisitrigt. j."c

~ ' 2 ¥ v # ^ J I ? ^ w # - # l | p f e r fe Cftij?enfeC(Knn;ittee' for Buijlic Sphopfe }n M^kjrk' .district , . #iich/ 0l§> such a fpt^er, " Andrew- Kobfi?. cpnj-. n^ttee* grelidient,. repprted. PP. #•

ts on K a ^ f e w f f

^ « P | f | g | | f | daughter bMtiBefeVwitHMiiniiPiitertainment by

pOJhie>lMrs^lnlffip;k&dbinson for f e ; s l i a l p s 7 f f ^ l ^ . ' ' '


chu^ch|$i'^|i|S^H|Mll be invited | o ^ f | r c a i i | ^ g | | # i e r a l discus-:sidn;lvhIcB#flf*«W'

IfSljciiBf;' t;;'a. ;recept njeptipg with State Edjjggp?" CqfpmisMoij.ef Lewis A. .Wijspn/" '" • " . " " ' ' ,' '<

Mr." ^qjonZiSajid th, - RaVena-Coey-irijans •]M!ar^1'y|)iunteeredv <;o.. r'esigp,.;in IPS'' ey§jft 'y>J - a merger, so a new p,%rd, c^jip.he elected with adequate f^pjesentatjtip "for the Selkirk area. The Ray^p'a-Coeymans board also, said Mr- Kppnz, agreed location of a central lilgji school should toe co-qperativLel plsh.ned.'. ^ Represeptijiv.es of the State Educa­tion Department discussed'reasons for the .bph jrilssibher's' rejection' of the Selkirk'.ip<?ar|.'s plan to build an in-'dePfindent.plgh' sehopl in that district. Th'ey argued? there were not enough gppils in' 'ej:jl?e£. the- Selkirk or Ra-yepa-Cpeyirtah^ district ,io form, a Sogn^.^di&atiqnal p r 6g r a m , but that a .'merger "pquld make such a prp-grani'^'pssible. . ^

A report'was presented on studies of a possible merger made last year! by Seikjrk. and Ravena-Coeymans school pfficials and the department. "Representatives ;of the Selkirk

board at the meeting said the board planned to jcpnduct ah inforiMtipnal meeting on the question in the next few weeks. The board has announced it will appeal the commissioner's re­jection of its plan.

Chora) Group To Sing The Brahms Choral Society will

sing on Wedensday, May 11, follow­ing a dinner of the state convention, P. E. O., at First Church irt Albany. The.group is directed by Mrs. LeRoy jppes, vice-president qf Chapter AB and New York state representative to Supreme Convention at Indianapolis, Ind., in October. Mrs. Marcus Mar­shall is accompanist for the women's choral group.

Hearing Set for School h Glenmont On May 16

Preliminary plans for a 13-class-room school Mi Glenmont will be dis­cussed at a, public hearing May'IB

School, rpglmar, • • Voters will act on the proposal tylay

23i witkth>.polls open frpiii 2 p. in. tb-'&iir.niV W %e juhipr high ^chopl |yn}i}asium, '." -'• • , :

A citizens' committee, headed by

Cpnte'r schlppl acppmmodates'onto' t]>o ,first three grades, with the balance

<Mkh .fa;t?e|?dipt''IFade sch.qpj f$ti W^'P-Mt ah,d ^efhl,e|jein..C,ei}'-t5p, y?jfl)' •dpupje %at- nufflfter ex­pected' i?y %w^..: .,»-V * The present ih^eje^qohi .^.ethlehem

hr ©biihld Wi^nbum Haa:heen electbd ?ch^ %.^e?K^Z^e S?u*?9n!4;^?;


Ship;-'Wteti :&'Wt*«v*i •• ' ' ' •'''if'I:' ':-$ii$0- '

t • ..- V*J '•

..pr for • pr)y ^ift-givips!

• • M4RW

Reduced for a lywlfpgmrtf^gMti

' • ."•• .'-^ Cj#p;:' • Rtgit&Jy 2.7H* . v l ' : l | J ' t : • Availqble in the folloy/ing» fYogfariips?

• White Lilac- « Tapestryf ••'•••V.'>'.*-1&rirt0gy • Yrbm • • Lily o f jf]fe.:.Yall^y ; • l^di^eitJb^


• Violet Rose Geranium

COMTRY ^[^ckiirjf; Fre?h from Bev,erly fjills; ^g l i forn io; to • us! Comp'ffe nevy ass,9rtmf nt ! J I S | J ; ^ | ' '^LE^DQ]^' low pgjorie jiFjpq^jaje fl^ff. ' . -;?•','<.• >

573 m^mmm$. Am. ^ —Opposite St, Pwfsffrtepital-*-

Open JOaily - ^ I t ^ i S p l t/P^|tf. OPEIM SUNDAY, MOTHpi f«vp^^2%oo^ to 4:30 pan.


•nn^g1fIay^r?,vat?:t:4^ib?clb1ckWiore^ nip^ton the agenda ;is:the1#iiiBtibn op. officers'for the- comings.^at, •* All3

iUwek pbmen are urgently/: asked to' ftttendi., ; " • " * • > • • > - * • " • * • •



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