:Q~g*~f'f,j';V - NATO · Jia,1sure wld I'IIIthod of d"l'10)'l:l8nt or any "!lD~lle" l" to lM>...


Transcript of :Q~g*~f'f,j';V - NATO · Jia,1sure wld I'IIIthod of d"l'10)'l:l8nt or any "!lD~lle" l" to lM>...

Page 1: :Q~g*~f'f,j';V - NATO · Jia,1sure wld I'IIIthod of d"l'10)'l:l8nt or any "!lD~lle" l" to lM> 1:zIWIoduced tnt the nuclear datenc& toree. of NATO. In .a.ditlon to this


,L~~~'~~;;;twJJ.~~';<:';~~~'~~'~i\:Q~g*~f'f,j';V 'ij,~~gl'£~~'.(.f;"f.a$\./~~~bJ4tt¢I;{' ,a.n'd·~1:~,~~.tm.6' ::·,'r, ':,: .'-;} .. :',: \~:<:, ,:, ':: ,. ,;

~.,.t'·;i! Jjl.xO(tiit,~Y0.:.·g~oi'<i~:"r:r '


Page 2: :Q~g*~f'f,j';V - NATO · Jia,1sure wld I'IIIthod of d"l'10)'l:l8nt or any "!lD~lle" l" to lM> 1:zIWIoduced tnt the nuclear datenc& toree. of NATO. In .a.ditlon to this

- 2-

or ~No.t:1:y' out of , i.1r. l'inlettGr 's atet"',,>nt of l~th ~fI ~~' l» ~U~, lihn ,th1a wCiuld hol,p Illlll1ber governnolltG to .lIiI4 .... , ..ore oiti.:rlJ- tlul buie' ,Llil.! ttu7 i R"" es which wOUld, hIM' t,o , lie, , tnt<> '_id.l'I\UCIIl. lM>to". " deoloe1ou " "" fi,tl:>ll.;r t>I)<<>n on tile _b.""" Jia,1sure wld I'IIIthod of d"l'10)'l:l8nt or any "!lD~lle" l" to lM> 1:zIWIoduced tnt<> the nuclear datenc& toree. of NATO.

,. In .a.ditlon to this brietin" , th" Gocrotury a-rel hclp4!ll ,1t might be p".,,1blo tor tbo iln1ted <ltat"s "m' Unit"'" ~ to !illPp" • ...,t the, '1j1tol'tlatiClll. " ldeb 1'll4 olroM,y b8"" r:lvlJIl to t~o ,B.lro IIuOlear "-'tt80; lIinC~ 1t 80.""(\ "oaantlo.L that rn OOQ41q.eriDg 1Il •• U.X tlle p1c1:\!l'O uh9uld, be IlJJ oO''l'l .. to au j:oMibb !\II 1'11gu:4a the pl~ lAd PQ11Clec or the extern"l otr hterrio fore OR . '

• ',I, .

• '. ' ihen the QCN;lCil hod M ot<! nAOSUR 's l)~of:lng IIJI4 fIlq 1'IIrther PltonaeUcm in the UATO Vu<;l$ar COJ!l!UtteJl' . he bel1rre4 1:ba' 1t lI18b~ ~ eNler tor "'ber govo ...... onts to ,,!,prechto the cor ... queoou "'Io!l would, now, hom a deola1 .... t o """t fJ40ZVit'. requ1re­..... , ill 'liliole, in pan, or net " t 1111 . It ",,,s pol'tly le;n01'_. or

,~" crOll,"qu...oe. thII.'!S lIa4e ,it; so ditfiQul1; to aeM.v" lIDT hM4W8i1'" ,!rba COlllllofj., lIW1i1 Ill .. , ,pe):'lI/.tl'.~ ~ 0. pOll1tion to o.Sollrt&1n 1i11j1b ot~a.t. JiNiiOd JJ:("SecU<1n ·' 1;X "ot@!>I4Vl0i:'9qu~t~ ~. i ' 41 . ." " eot',b,T 'the, ~~l or tM ~1\'l'O __ N\lcbn:t> C~I1t j:".. '

,.;(:-"-1>" "" , :/ ' ;.' ,.l~ . ' ' ',. ". Ih...: til. OOuD01l hAd reo"l veil 'thl0 rurth.r int:Ol'lUtica. he, b4JU",,*, that the time I'I1gb1l bnve 00 ... to D"t up th" ..orldJ1g 81'0~ OIl fin ... 1t1l 1II,p11co.t101Ul for which &gein thor~ 6"" <10<1 to "- w14 .. apHIid IIIIP~. SACF.U1!' .. briQrin ::; rl,'l,t lw 1 .. to Ilar,,"" do.> ~ DUm!)" ot ' oth....... OIl which a t1nancir.l ot'u<ly sho'Jld be tII!l4e. Hoi cUd not r:JfI 110 _t extent G<tlittl",l Ilor st c\ Idr,ht BU/lIl~.t oUim­st:!. ... methodlt of m"tinf;, I11& op"ra t1onel rft'1~ 1""".m1; " but 110 WIllI O.rta1n tile' U ' •• tudy ~\4> Il1ItOlllpt,,a to ."Nt1na tIIO ~ poe.lble 'nIrianll". 1t woul4 not ,onl,. take til"", ' a \,,'1'7 lon(l jr1!lO, bUt oul.tnato U. .. """17 COl:IpUoate4 ""ort . . , ,

6. '!he ... would then N:nUn th .. probl .. " "" to how to SO &beut _Salns ._ or tlle other quo.tlona which hud to be 10011:04 uto U due _ IID4 to wb10b ref.renoe bad beon ",ode d\U'lIls' the la., g""mOU 41'O .... 1«l. -"IGDs the •• wore «".lIt10n.ll ot cOIO"ond of -:r 1I.L1'O IUIIIIl r--:::t 1_ orgaiint1on, .truet""" ond ..annin~. the wq u. 'IIb1ch 1D41Y14 ."",rOQ1ilD1;.r1ell WOIIJ,d <:OO1lr1b,,1;& with wotIpOC qe­'t/lllll1 cd nlil.~o1.nll.:r. problellB or o\m~roJ):lt" N\d co .. trol, logal pro­'blOllllt uill1Ag from "he IOHSOinS. political too tors !llltiot1A8 loo"tl= IItJ4 p .. oelru.. doplO',Y1>ent. OIld nMlly th" ,ul ..... braohll qu .. t1on crr oredlbUS.ty. which he thow.;ht 0110 01 the O9'tlrr1dhls tllOt01'll l1li4 110 wtI1O!l due _1pjlt ,mot bo givell in .,l",ost 0'"17 dec1tr10!1l afteeting UD\a or ilisalloa X. As klre <>dy 1n41c"t<Od. it ..... 4!Il p~1sure at the pre •• nt at"", .. to tr:r to 3"t up ,s. ~..sDre in IidV'8IICe tor tho hand]1118 01' thoe .. VnrloUB .;uo. ~j, ollJl. ao.luWlon ill _ 0 .... a1~1r lie tn ~.rt worldnl! sroUP"1 in o1:llel'!t ~ C_U laelt win.Il4 prebeblJ' 4.al w1th t,no subject l:Ia~t<I,.. cu.ren.

'1. ,,' %a oOlllOlulon' h. u.vi ted ........... t •• , ". 4

8. 2he 8lILGIAN R5i'Rli::lm'l'~'l'IVEl tho'JO;ht thAt t I, .. proO..s~ DOW propoe4!ll !)7 tho Sec .... tm ao"er sl. took no SIIcaunt ot tho lut QouIIcU d1IIowII,lon 01' or tlul vll1'1ous propo."lB which bad 114«4 ..... Ua4u ••• eircumetanout h. P1'Opo.e<I now to forward in :wr1~1Ds tho propoaala Uioh he had oodo at the l~.t "'oottnl': ' f'daI, 1I1l~



Page 3: :Q~g*~f'f,j';V - NATO · Jia,1sure wld I'IIIthod of d"l'10)'l:l8nt or any "!lD~lle" l" to lM> 1:zIWIoduced tnt the nuclear datenc& toree. of NATO. In .a.ditlon to this

ritioa coull! aoc<tpt ' the idu, ot II. b:rl,,! i ni': b \,0,,,,,:,,,1 NcrtltoA IUI4 ' could alao , agreo to B briefinll \>)' Gone,"·1 '0''''; I ~ ~ ," in (1,/-0' ,,-­it tb1a "a& ,cokUll<1orod ,n ecetJall1'j' . bitt ho e"i'!' cU nnd t:..at auch br1.t~ should not be eOIlDl,l<lrl'd ... a II point "r dep artul'it tor th" Counoil s study. but t\U: only one olu •. ,er'.t therO)' ) 'r~ .

9., '1!ho l~J.1ALI"N R ~i\ '.;.r.l~J~L\l\tt 1. Vt:: l~'~CH .. '!.'.o'd "tti'i~t: "\t tho last MotloS.ho !led. stBted tha.t ~,i.3 ;~'l.1thQri tj ~3 I~:e,r{! t ot rouCl1'. to" diseuse the docuMent burot'1) th-'l Counc !..l l1nt1 1 th C! ~':n l\') ~1:i~ar:r .. 8UthOrit18lJ had baM couuulhd. a~ ',\'ould "" ]<:0"'" " br1~ lV' General Koral-A, but he oOuld not take !>I.'lY' po.rt in, dlBOUSeica

' uq.tU he \104 ' 0 r8pl,y' to h,ia i,ropoe~l tbat ub" . ,111t1U7 Oo_Ut .. m4 ~ Iltcn"~ng Group should. be eoil.sult~ 1n .dv ;moo ' ot, 'azq"

,c1iAlcua1OJ1 .. " ' " ' , ,

11. ~o Glillu.;; .tll"1< ,..,.;;d ,; HI.; thOUI:t,t tllH,t a br:l.oriDg 1:17 G<lnor&l lIaratad would be Yal.unbl~ 1 but tbut it 00,,14 ~ oauiltul!e one 'bp1A1on, 1A the ",111 ta.... rialo1 lUld not tho f'j,I)~ .~. , .~ : .~ lnlCq' c1thv aspect., than thn n lit ' r.!1 one , I/I)j1G;~ ~ CoWIoll ehoul4 41J1cW18 'in 0.4 ... "",,,. DC BUell 1.1 br.i.nf ,\ rw . lie \"ma",ll~ the 140M II .. had sue:c ... tacl an 18tll ,')ol',t~"'bor : or fartl."r D'.I.: ly by tile 0-11 aDd/or sub-groupe ~eh iould r.oilit~te conn1dorut1(1) at the ~, ~eIlt upeote. '

"12. \'" ,', '!bf lA(l<rEO XllIGOOM RWIt~IJ2:U~"Tl1(ii %,,i"Il0.4 ~th ~ O.ja4i~ BiIp"_~y. ~~ the pra •• nt eUrals'" """ .. cOlltin~ GIl". '!be e1& ail pft.et '_ to · \»1' the wbolG :>ro1>l" ." in t<> r<,<,un oad W _ 1.It wluIt .." 111 coul4 be", l>e 411t0U88ed. 11 .. j,},Olo).t. t,ut ilho ~ la"" .. ball be"" baat roneot.4 in 1J,iJ.'/o,,j u , lr. ,,1ucn tlul 5eOftter,y General lUted • "W!lbar of proro881.o to N. "tu'U .,d. li" recalled tbllt in Juno. tho lJocrot Bry Ulllloral hod ..... ,·'·'n~, "·,l ~~ ~t ',mull' all nap"ot. or tho '<:\uestlon ",ulst bo d.1Gc''''~''1 . ',l)" '·vel' 't;'ofUl cpprollGh wOuld bq .. ""ap-by-ot!)p <me. It.. tboll.;i!t tl~"t'. 1"",- thon been ~" _II f.Il the ' 0CNli411 that 1t .=1<1 1>11 d1frl.~ult to $~ • pOU;. "clll hpl104tlona Wlt1l tha JiJ.ll. t<>r,y qu.stiollll 'WOre in t_. iIIII4 '*-tI the l>1'~ probl8Ol nON bator<> ~h. CouncU ""'" ~ ~ , <\Hl wi til ~ JII11,11:ll.n up .... ,. !t'h!n hail. IIl-vo be ... the Yin of 1JIIt a..fttlU';r, *aral. U Ju'D... OlC;Pr ... sed in s. ~ot!U""'ut - \'Ih1oh !Ie lIa4 ~ 01rouUW - in whleh he 1/u.:;geat"d. thut th .. Gbtln.cll QIllNl4 basin b7 .~d;ring the !!Ill tt<>.ry "8'1"1"", "'! t. 'tho qu,,!!tioa. I10Ir ... 1rhethe:r therot .... & NA'ro r.!ll1t".':y rcql1ira"unt (or .:tU!:.{a. ~ a.o:rotar;r' CotrII.ol'al'. or.!. gl e1 prQf",....,.., .. in .rune hAt!, 1)""11 to .. b'blt~

• J • ."


Page 4: :Q~g*~f'f,j';V - NATO · Jia,1sure wld I'IIIthod of d"l'10)'l:l8nt or any "!lD~lle" l" to lM> 1:zIWIoduced tnt the nuclear datenc& toree. of NATO. In .a.ditlon to this

,',', ~' ,'

'" "

, .,l' " i ' \J . \ '. ,

,,., I~ -

:/ ,:

' '', ,1'4. . , iLD ·h:-i\' u\1i~l:Qi\-{'::;t~vJ. ~,"""i~ 1"';'i.(:) :.;("I(:;:';'-;.:i\.l 'i : ".":(S.I,,;:~'UJ h.L'I/,I. ni;JVer BUf'~r4 ~1~'J.tod oir::f. Hl.';t;,al"1'L;:) ... t.1IV~ to , ~l iJ '~rJf, · .. '~);y~- ~ri: " ~; j, ,;\,: , ~, • .rr.;f"\1.L ~ Ho wul.cH)m«11

thi" ~ .. pt'Oee~\)i:te ~"i!'OV9:J~(C ','oXr~' the' :~b~'t'ut;;. f\'!I, • "~~:.1.~ ;"; J ~ :in., p',r:;.M;IiP'Ulor a ", b~,Griiig;',* cH;mo:i!.·.f.I:l Nc1mtod; ,1.';'.' ,~·, (.Jn~~ PJ'i. t"._I ~ ~hl.'\.r.~iCl'~ .:;!:'d .. a 'w<'Yuld not ,,:, o:wlt;-l?o, ~ $'3~o.y ;a:t; t.me fjbn"\~. ': . .'t:1',' lj (.),f C:l~:1\"~::''' ,(\ ~\:);d :'H\":I.'ti ~~1:a.!, rO'f: , ,,' " a;~amplG ,t'.J..u P4iP:9r o,r ;3rd ~~'U: fi rn~lt. (.1'1'), t;hn Z',;:,',*d.DDf.l .),<" t'~tf:i ~J,\!l!Q ' !,

H'U.Ollf1(u~ Gonmi'btmh '~::'~Vj OM~rn.i.' t:t;{'l 'D ~J~H'~ :Cn' ~~~\'1.1~ ~),;,V'.t!'i.,tvt, 1.-qC~1ve4 ' all th0 In.fo'1'1na.'1:rton. 1':hion '1t; 11~tJl'.Ht 1,'0 1 ~ I'('rff " iL(\ ,h,~~ . ~x\ thl,~,t 'tl.L1P ,1,

WI:'J~{1.t1on ittQ~la b:~, :'~ad:~ av;d.'(~'~le 7 !:.l1,"'), t~~{'}t.;..'i:;'i '~',l' i ' ~ t,; '~I:.ld: t~ut 'ho .'W:l~', ~&!~~Y,. to. ,oont1.nl1~ , ~{se',ua$~on (~,! ,hi,$1 .P,€.i:i~g"" z\~.:' V\" '(';)" i):"(~ll't llo1;",i:co • . , ' ;' He thCr~~, i)u~h ~l. '''~!.~eU,tmi.on , ~' . a an I ':)!<J:'~I:U l t 'i, r~J \~ ,,~,~"'tlla:r.r ,to Iil t;~, t" ~(, ' 1#l.a,!' '~~:"l,t~rzr" ~~;~d·~~,~;t;.-t ,~tJ.~ ;;~~~t .~ ;~~ , ~;t'~ .. ~:~ :J~J~~p . : ,~t; ~~~ight Gl~,~t<;, be, "OOl)ll'lf",lI\:to\l by, 0. .!j~:u4,Y ,.,:r,t!lo .J: •. ''''''<l~.'.l"".L:..;).,.';,"\;,i<>I\''. "',i,\

I , ' ,'" ' ;. ".:,,~, ,", I'" ':::"''1',;' , ' • . . '" ' "j. (';-.

115'0 -The .nf.::Jwnn'Z;"1};f.\ ;~'2" ;.' ~~ 1( '.,', '_V':~ '1'.~,.', \.~ 'c~ ',;' lJ;;l ttw KWBit t):a;I" J~op:t't~aont'l~.!"' fj, -;n :·~ yil,<'r,,·:n~tj::!.';'~ :·, U~iJ. j.<riJ,:,.,,:.;I~ ,i. ,l (, 'C:~" " I:, ir':'L'UJ, 1n p~U":t:LCH~l.ru: 1:i¥1:~t ,tor . o/l- Qfll~~.:r 1:r·t~;~lL)r;. l~:>" :'::)\.f~~~ '4, '~>;'''H,!"·t~. He ~,.a:9:~, wtt:h "ill;i\1, .vro;>of~:J.l~ by t}W' ,J~¢r'lt;!!y \f"!~f:f::- d \ (~';' '(:, ·r:"p;~\·l!z.:." out ,\' (U'.l$$n.'tiinl tl~~)...'1!'l:lc r.tl. .'~~"~~i (W 1 1;,1; '~i" ..


Page 5: :Q~g*~f'f,j';V - NATO · Jia,1sure wld I'IIIthod of d"l'10)'l:l8nt or any "!lD~lle" l" to lM> 1:zIWIoduced tnt the nuclear datenc& toree. of NATO. In .a.ditlon to this

, '


~ ,7. :',," ·· .. ', .' ~'.,,~:).l·(ij,ed. wjt.h tho U~l. i.'t,.' .... ~ j: ~IJ {I ' <""i I ;I'f}~ (jentri1tiw' lIb.~t . t~} ,Co~l, ~OU14 llOW r/NC.1~~t to 0\',1... (>'1 .:. ~f\& ,! u.-t>;' ; 'Wi1 ' ~OO~1";1bl. ,:,;rl 1ii.to'r:la~C!I1 tv: 'tl\«1 L, .. iIXJ Nuol "1.\1' CQr.!l;l,i'c1,,,o •

• ', . ".j ,\- • ", , ;.-: ~:, ,

:lfi.', : ," .. ,," , ~I.I~~~~I£{~UrU~3 .H:t.:t;·~~~~N~'J;'i , :i'l,'V,;;' , s.gi' (H~i ~-t wi ~\ ·t;hO '': '' , , -I;':' tJnit(l,d lUn~ Il8P'rfI~Mt ,6tivd . t lJot'-l'h c tl'.,d: th" "ropo9t.l's by the "', GI3OJ:'Qt1U7 General were i:.lot.ilnd.ed. to ;:',,~111t"f;n Gmlrl_c11 dioCW9S1on ,ctld not t ·o e,xclud.~ fi:ny ';) ~~t:r~ c\lla.."r oc r, .. ! Id,{~.r· " " • .i.(,,'-.f ~ .. ~ .. -19/' The l1r:l'J.' .i~ (~'r'A'l' f:::') ,'l. ,;:: }l:l:.,: ; l:l lT4,,'2',nti<; :ON,ule a nrua.bar ' Ot .. ilp~H1c cammentu flrbtly t ru, "c·ul<1 ..... l,~,)"") • l:\"i<>t:I.IiG On l'lt.h

. ()Ct~~Gr,! by . Gnn~~l , tio:i-ot;ud, ' ~l:QO {!l -;0., i~ tJ.?" 'ihl;Y I;). b T"!~~7~.,~a~ ~ ':' . :; ,:!~;:;, : ',l~te~ 't\l'tG bY" , Gool>l:<, l 1""'''11;')9''. ... ,,,,,",oneil,,, ~ ' ll<.l ,."" J.'~ CI,:,!li!(:lil\p . '" " , "';,' "p.t'Ol101!iil 11401; the }iuol"ar (1 0,01.\1, tt," "r, o'U,t '~ hl";r tho 1-'&"e ot the ' ". ' ,st,ra,tag1c .f'orc"lJ. (t~i us l."JJ;:o;f....r6.U ;.11 '1 c;r: fl. t/ iOll ot a. worl:in..g ~ ~1jp <:in I;hll financial ;1<>1'11",)1;107,;" ",r I l ,,,, U(> X. , Ill> lllU3t .... s .. rvo , )Uri pO\l1t1~ • ' jie lI@'aed thClt \0))'1 tlnw,o:I,,1' 1,,,p;':j,Ollti<'nc of anr.';": Pll'OPoaal. 1!lImt be' (I<>ratull:r oonIJldul',>d . )J ~,t ill.' t"Oll,?-'lt that it, ," : wol;1ld not bill tM!;t\,ll " to b~gin lly .. t\\/i;y!n,- OO'lt, t;:l)d ,t oot ~ 1'i"t 'stu1l;y,.,sh,Q1.l;1.<t 1>s ';() $"" w!",t; the ,11 , ~ '."7 ',·'i <;l.,J.""",~t "ea, • . ?~~b;I':,~~ct ,j>'gll . ilj)",: . 1."'''l1ar-. 1 (\lL'4',i ,,~t;.t', t i v~ ' ~l1at . it ~d ,~ '

,~~~H~~f ", .. '.J:~~;;I~Y~ ;;t}lc l'~'t~l~ ~~,e ' '~M ;~lJ· ~p.t:y , Cl t)!i'lr~i~tiri& · ~~ .. th. ;.;> :'~:;. , (!,!;~cU1iS Gv'1illl;.," ,l,ti1tthly. ntl strcn. ~l:r "!,?,, \'~<1 ''-1. tl:. lilia, Ohil1ri~ ,," .tl/.tit no.·~g!,d, l1J:Oi'edur<> . ehmud. be ,' d""td()6. 1.", <1cl>:r,U>.q <l . , . ," ",. .,.,', ., , I" ' .. ' " .,"\

' ' :; , ,t " I., , . ,\ 20. 1

' : ',' " Ati rUf~ardn t~le r(~i' ~~ "llt'~d ::.>,u l·. ~;\,)!J t; lOil:'.l£' "i ~'.i.d.(} b::C tho. .~ on .:" , , thG r.utB:i p.oobl{~1\ 'hft }l aid Cut: t ,i.1 nt ;~t f1 ',,,d .. ut i!:-'t::h: vUllO eonta1.nrn) t~ olamantul :rt~'lltl:r, ~;. uS r:~v(o;!t"!'tt'U l'l t li 1 r~ m:!u .i n tng: lie 26/ 4. hOO r-aS.0,l:V(lh", ;ttf! J?o~jtlon O.n tl:t;'~ ~'(h'..l;i "J ,.~ ;d; lOi.' 1~·.sO laru.'L-bauCfd· , 'hI-.R~B. It hSJ! an1d it "'1,ill.1 ):t(J'~ IJl::~)pO:)::,, :,d t:lj ~,mIl"; 'J t't t:h10 r0qu.lr~ ~e~t, but was' ;"'!.)~ld.y :to 't oko 9-u.rJ :U1 d' ~lC ~lfJu 1(tn . :-;oeondly, as Il '\' QQn!I;tl.~ct1 Vd ap'p1~OUO~ t . be !led r-'~J.. \J.~~'~~,,(, \ ", r. li cat ~l{!'y t a bttQ,lr.:lprapt)fJ~: ,tp oons1d.er tJ. trltlltilatdl'lll a::':f,.r,.-i)o r'I.16 jt. ,'J,.\, ~l,:~ol ~ , .:c .toroo , 1t the '\ Alii"" 00 ' d0.o1red. l!e bad "h'/~torG !"'Ji t",~ t.lt~ viewS 'at the ,' . ,' , 1111108 on thiS Plit.\) f' 0IClaJ. . ~i·~ !' .. (!() rIO 'N'l(, l:' .h Rd ~· '~~ t, l>olttl r0qoi"V"ed" hI) thouf~t that it ~'!G\5 now n,jCl·.)Q9 ,:~r(~' ) or rl,~~_ ;,~n:"lei.l tb dce14e whot.he.r it dfinl~'l _~'l.nh ~ "'Of'P ' OIl ;" ' .:\ "': \~;-,1 t" (, ' >~t WL;;,t ' OO\.lncil 'c,n.Qu).d' ~~ cdv~ I) "t"~p~ ir~(t;1o G. li'irl (;:; ,ut; lO,~' :r:fl. Whtltbet' i~, oO,n.sl,da:rGd tPli ProPOII • .r: worth llIlUdy!Jlg . , . . ,

.<!1'. , ' , He ..,~lcQlIlOd the .'eCr"t u-,r Gen"r '·l'f) J;>.,p~r liW/W10.1 '" dllGA '<\3 ,.,e"~,, \lltllOla War. ';':lr~ct~d, to' .• irdo ,the tiD propoolil. M thO!l~t that tho f'lfle'X'otary ()ennrc,l'll '''If;f,,,. ntiontllst tho OOWlCil sho:u1C1 stud)" tllo US propof1nl ':Illd ub~~' 'N .' ,/,~ r c q1.4.1ra tl'Oll.t waD quite ,,' in ordEl,r.

22. Tllf!l Ooun:aj 1 ohcruJ,{l n(li' ~'O l.(, f) rlf"L,~ no' r !)gr.trt'ic future proe'!dupG:B. Us walcoIM.m tl\:": f.: 1~~,. t. 1 0'!, 1,;,- Li{~ B":'f.:~i ;:111 ' Ropreooot- , Ot1V6 that he would nO":: t'or,'J':l'd tn ...... T; t ill~, ';:h .~ Cozl:1Etn1;:u be had 1\\''11111 OX/o le1lll,S~Jlte::tb , l':' 011 tho ,in 1:r"l'c"~l ; ~)\) e 0.0",,':11. : Gl:!oul.4;, , " 1"'~'1\1.O ~:at ' ~ ,\ a,tIll>Q", ~ til" ,il"O('';' l"'l',\"ltl) it ".,!odro-l, .to ".t~., ,~", CIIiid Q01rizlllp Qui; ' <>lI'setl.7 'how Ilhil atu<l:y should tal". phG~. ' ',' . ", .,. "~';' ,', ~ ' ~ " ; -. 2,. : " '~.JrEI''T.OH n'.rJ? ;G ;~lT."Tn',; ''1';",,..1 the:t ,,,n 'g<)., .. mmllil1/4 ;'," ahC1l1d 110 1nyl too to cQl1J!., .. n t 0&1 t l". U; l Pl'OI' "" ,,1 wltb a 'vlew to . flU'th"l" BtU-:I;r b;r t ho C(\ul1eJl . '

24-.. - , ,~" ,cit,n .i:..i:..tN, t3'U.:r.:r.1rl'ij Ul}f nt)~'~ th{~'b i~ :wao ~~" ,t.~~t;L;v; ,til' )3eblS'a, ',\>'1";1;"£',.",,; 1'rol;, Cqp"'i"ll UI)"/ii-'hd , \<I;f",:,l11;h:',""'lIqb,o~. 'rI:iU 'Iri:iW.!:l"be 'all ee_bi ill lfl"i'ielt in tho i"·l'dMI::<f: 01'~l;t .. ,. ".' l!!/Iucat1an 1Ii Iddr.n tho COUl1l,;tl ,,"" j) t>'" n,,": ,.;.0:\. ~" ","m 1\'111:""


Page 6: :Q~g*~f'f,j';V - NATO · Jia,1sure wld I'IIIthod of d"l'10)'l:l8nt or any "!lD~lle" l" to lM> 1:zIWIoduced tnt the nuclear datenc& toree. of NATO. In .a.ditlon to this

reuol1 problem


~Eh In (~w{J.r to (l qu.,iH1 I:01:·, h~ th~ ,~o .r.I""1..il "the' O}U:tPJ.tAN ~'ll<l. "tow: \11l,l'l: ).1) !d"J~fj !~CI.i ':\' ,:' ' I': ,. ),~.:.!; (j\ ..

' iih.:o- in'bent1ou. W"~\:m "t4nt tlltt ill ! I.~I\,1&t,~.<}t , t;l,) i.H,l Nuclo,tU.' Odlm:lit.tl1t9 · ~\'),l<l 'not b'l l':\.l~·l.~~~.~d to thr~ . ax"l'1 foro.oll but. M)uld. O'over '~'.ll 'I;l,h~~ '~; rQbh~.:;~(j ~~'0hl.t~N:t to I.S· tJls Oounb.1.1 bl.lcrlJi'Jo · y!ore' e.eQ,U:.'t,1nt(.'~ I, .. i t;h j;h'8l ', "

the atrat .. p;ie fo,,,,<oo, it "oull'!. be oott,,~· N"'t<'(J. tCl 'iI'ii"llllC Zl-u-clG'ftr requ:!.ro~~nt .1x~ A(J C.