Qabeelat Al-Abrar | Charlotte, NC February 3 – 5,...

Qabeelat Al-Abrar | Charlotte, NC February 3 – 5, 2017

Transcript of Qabeelat Al-Abrar | Charlotte, NC February 3 – 5,...

Page 1: Qabeelat Al-Abrar | Charlotte, NC February 3 – 5, · Surat Al-Ikhlas § Surat Al-Kawthar talks about Allah - The speech

Qabeelat Al-Abrar | Charlotte, NC

February 3 – 5, 2017

Page 2: Qabeelat Al-Abrar | Charlotte, NC February 3 – 5, · Surat Al-Ikhlas § Surat Al-Kawthar talks about Allah - The speech

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His Majesty: Unlocking the Names of Allah Ustadh Ammar Alshukry


- Ibn Qayyim says, whoever has in their heart the slightest love for their Lord and a desire to meet him will make of their greatest concerns and goals to seek out this field of study – wanting to know it, increasing their knowledge of it, ask about it and uncover it. For the hearts that are healthy do not long for anything more than this topic and are not jubilated by anything more than knowing the truth about their Lord.

- In management, you build a rapport with your staff. When you are a teacher, you build a

rapport with the students. Allah has commanded us with many things. In fact, he commanded us to serve and worship Him. The more you learn about Allah, the more that rapport exists and develops. When Allah commands you to do something, you do it out of love. You do it out of appreciation.

- Scholars said, who ever knows Al- Amer (The one who is commanding), then all of the

Awamer (the commandments) will become easy. The more you know Him, the more you submit to him. The more you know him, the more you are able to navigate through this dunya.

- The knowing of the Names of Allah grants us the ability to praise him. The Prophet (SAW)

says: I am the Master of the children of Adam on the Day of Judgment and I am not saying this out of Praise. Adam and everyone after him are under my banner on the day of judgment. I am the first person who will intercede and I am the first person whose intercession will be accepted on the Day of Judgment. And I will be carrying Liwa Al-Hamd (The Banner of Praise).

o Why will the Prophet (SAW) be carrying a banner of praise?

§ The scholars say because the Prophet (SAW) is the one who praises Allah

the most.

§ But not just the Prophet (SAW), his ummah and followers will the ones who praise Allah the most. They are called –in previous revelations- Al-Hamidun (The ones who praise Allah the most) because we know about Allah the most.

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- Imam Al-Isfahani and other scholars say: The first obligation that Allah obligated his creation was to know Him.

o Allah says: “So know there is nothing worthy of worship except Allah”- Surat Muhammad.

- One of the greatest sins is to speak about Allah that which you do not know, to describe

Him with things that you are unsure of. The way you remove that is by learning about Allah and studying his Names and Attributes.

- Some surahs in the Quran is more virtuous than other surahs.

o Which chapter in the Quran is greater than all the other? Surat Al-Fatiha

§ Al-Fatiha talks about Allah and our relationship with Allah

o Which verse in the Quran is consider the greatest verse? Ayay-ul Kursi

§ Ayat-ul Kursi talks about Allah

o Which surah in the Quran is considered a third of the Quran? Surat Al-Ikhlas

§ Surat Al-Kawthar talks about Allah

- The speech that is talking about Allah is at a higher level/virtue that Allah’s speech when He talks about something other than Himself.

- Everything that Allah created was for us to know him.

- Knowing the names of Allah gives you the ability to understand the Quran.

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Chapter 1 |Entering upon His Majesty, The King Part 1: Introducing the Concept of the Beautiful Names of Allah The concept of al-Asma’ al-Husna appears in four different verses of the Qur’an


And to Allah belong the best names, so invoke Him by them. And leave [the company of] those who practice deviation concerning His names.

They will be recompensed for what they have been doing. (al-A’raf, 7:180)

o The first thing Allah says after telling us that He has the best names is to call upon him.

o Ask yourself- When you make dua, do you use a variety of Allah’s names or use the

same ones? Don’t be robotic when it comes to your dua.

o Dua is an action!!! It is the most important action. Make dua with a focused heart because Allah is the most important audience.

o The Prophet (SAW) said to Abbas: “If you ask, ask Allah. If you seek the help of

anyone, seek help of Allah.

o What does deviate with regards to Allah’s Names mean?

§ This verse came down because one of the companions of the Prophet (SAW) was calling in his dua and was raising his hands and saying “Ya Rahman, Ya Rahim, Ya Rahman, Ya Rahim…” And the mushrikeen in Makkah said “Why is Muhammad (SAW) saying he worships one God. This man has two Gods because he is calling upon Al-Rahman and Al-Rahim.” And so Allah revealed this verse.

§ The mushrikeen the extracted from the names of Allah and named they

idols after it. • From the name Al-Aziz, they named their idol Al-Uza

• From the name Allah, they named their idol Al-lat

• From the name Al-Manan, they named their idol Manat.

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Say, “Call upon Allah of call

upon the Most Merciful. Whichever [name] you call – to Him belong the best names.” And do not recite [too] loudly in your prayer

or [too] quietly by seek between that an [intermediate] way. (al-Isra’, 17:110)

o What is the relationship between first part of the verse and second part? § Allah can hear you either way.

o Abu Bakr (RA) used to recite his prayers very quietly and Umar (RA) used to recite

his prayer very loudly. When they asked Abu Bakr, why is it that you recite very quietly, he said “I am conversing with my Lord.” When Umar was asked why do you recite so loudly, he said “I am expelling the shaytan”.

§ When this verse was revealed the Prophet (SAW) told Abu Bakr to raise his

voice a little bit and told Umar to lower his voice a little bit.

o Ibn Abbas commented on this verse and said this verse was revealed when the Prophet (SAW) was hiding himself in Makkah. When the Prophet (SAW) raised his voice while reciting the Pagans would hear him and abuse the Quran and its revealer and to the one that brought it. They would curse him, the Quran and Allah. So, Ibn Abbas believes that Allah revealed it for the Prophet (SAW) so that he can recite not to low, where the people behind him can not hear him, and not too loud where the Pagans heard.


Allah – there is no deity except Him. To Him belong the best

names (Ta Ha, 20:8)

o There is a principle that says: The more names something has, its indicative of that things greatness.

§ In the Arab culture, the things that were important to them had many

names. For example, they had many names for the sword, wine, lion, etc. This also exists in English.

§ Other Names for the Day of Judgment – Yawm Qiyyamah, Al- Waqiah, Al-

Qariah, As-Sa’a (The Hour), Yaum-ul Hisab, Day of Recoking, Al- Haqqah, As-Saqqah, etc

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§ The Prophet (SAW) said about himself: I have 5 names – I am Muhammad and I am Ahmed and I am Al- Mahi (the one whom Allah erases disbelief) and I am Al-‘Aqib (the one who has no Prophet after) and I am Al-Hashir (the one who mankind will be resurrected on my feet on the Day of Judgment)

§ Allah will have many name because He is the greatest.


He is Allah, the Creator, the Inventor, the Fashioner; to Him belong the best names. Whatever is in the heavens and earth is exalting Him.

And He is the Exalted in Might, the Wise (al-Hashr, 59:24)

o The end of Surat Al-Hashr, Allah mentions the most names than any section of the Quran.

Part II: The Greatest Knowledge is Knowledge of the Names of Allah

- Narrated ‘Abdullah b ‘Amr that the Messenger of Allah (sallahllahu Alayhi wa sallam) said: “Indeed Allah, the Blessed and Exalted, created His creation in darkness, then He case His Light upon them, so whoever is touched by that light he is guided, and whoever is not, he goes astray. It is for this reason that I say that the pens have dried with Allah’s knowledge.” (Tirmidhi)

o Ibn al-Qayyim comments on this in tradition in his work Shifa al-Alil saying,

“When Allah expands the chest of His slave with His Light that He cases in their heart, He shows them in the illumination of that Light realities of the Names and Attributes…and so He uncovers for the heart of the believer by the illumination of that Light the truths of the (Possessor of) Highest Description. Established on the throne of faith in the heart of the believing slave, and so they see with their heart a Lord that is Mighty, Overpowering, Able and Greater than everything in His Essence, His Attributes, and His Actions.”

- The famous scholar, Izz ibn Abdisalam said: Seeking nearness through learning about

Allah’s Names and attributes is better than seeking nearness through learning his rulings (his Ahkam). He also said, knowing Allah and knowing His Beautiful Names and attributes is of the greatest action in nobility.

- If a person wants to seek knowledge, will that person be helped if knowing about Allah’s

Names and attributes? § Yes, because one of the great ways for a person to become sincere in their

seeking of knowledge is to learn about Allah. The greater Allah is in the

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mind and heart of that individual the less significant His creation becomes and so they are more likely to be sincere.

- When a person is worshipping Allah, if they see with their mind’s eye and heart Allah in

their prayer (for example), that has a greater affect on their prayer than reading many books about Khushu’.

- The Prophet(SAW) was asked: Which actions are heaviest on the scale of good deeds on

the Day of Judgment? He said having two things: o Conscious of Good – Taqwa o Good Character

Part III: The Fruits of Knowing the Names of Allah

- It Brings About Love o You can love for a number of reasons, logically. We love because of:

§ Physical Beauty • You love that which is beautiful, we like beautiful places, we like

beautiful architecture, we like beautiful things, people, cars, clothes. etc.

• If you love because of physical beauty, then Allah should be the one

you love the most because the Prophet (SAW) told us that in paradise, with all of the beautiful pleasures of paradise, the greatest pleasure is glancing at the face of Allah.

§ Beautiful Qualities

• Even though my car is not very beautiful, I may love my care because it has qualities – dependable, good gas mileage, doesn’t break down, carries a lot of stuff, big, durable.

• If you love because of beautiful qualities that someone or something

has, then Allah should be the one most deserving of your love because Allah is Al-Rahman (the Most merciful), Al-Rahim, Al-Ghafur (the Most Forgiving), Al-Razaq (the Provider), Al-Wadud (the Loving), etc. All of these qualities are Allah’s qualities and He has those qualities in their most perfect, absolute form.

§ The facilitation of beautiful things that we love

• If I love to laugh, then I will love a person who is hilarious because they make me laugh, even though I may not like their qualities.

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• If you love because of what someone facilitates for you, then Allah is the most deserving of our love because Allah is providing for us with every single breath.

o One of the companions used to lead prayer. The Prophet(SAW) sent him to a

group of troops and he would lead the prayer and everytime he would lead the prayer, he would begin the prayer- no matter what chapter he was going to recite- he would begin with surat Al-Ikhlas and then read another chapter. The companions who were with him said: You have to stop doing this. Either stop at that surah or recite another chapter, but not both. He said to them: If you want me to stop, then I will stop leading you. So they went to the Prophet (SAW) and told him. The Prophet (SAW) said: Ask him why he does that. And he said because it is the description of Al-Rahman and I love Him.

o Ibn Al-Qayyin said, “And everyone who knows Allah cannot but love Him and

worship Him sincerely and does not prefer anything of His creation over him, for whoever prefers any of His creation over Him has a sick heart.” (Ighathat al-Lahfan)

§ And he also said, “And the souls have no need for anything greater that

their need to know their Lord and Creator which can only be done by knowing His Names and Attributes. For the more a servant knows about them the more they will seek him, the closer they will be to Him. The more they are unfamiliar with them, the more they will be ignorant about Allah, the more they will be disliked by Him, the more they will be distant from Him. For the servant’s position with Allah is in accordance to Allah’s position with them. The affair of journeying to Allah through His Names and attributes is incredible, and whit it opens up is incredible.” (Tariq al- Hijratayn)

- Every Name is a Means of Coming Close to Him

o “And whoever shares a characteristic that Allah possesses then they are led by that characteristic to Him. They are granted access by it, brought nearby it to His Mercy, and made beloved by Him by it. For He – Exalted is He – is Merciful and Loves the merciful; Generous and Loves the generous; All knowing and Loves the knowledgeable; Strong and Loves the strong believer – who is more beloved to Him than the weak believer – He even Loves the shy; Beautiful and Loves beauty, and is Witr (One) and Loves those who pray witr.” (Ibn al-Qayyim, Al Jawan al-Kafi)

o When you learn about the characteristics of Allah, the question is “Where am I in

regards to this?” § For example: I know Allah is the Most forgiving, where is my forgiveness to

people? I know Allah is merciful, where is my mercy towards those who are weaker than me? I know that Allah is just, am I just?

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- It Causes Longing o The Prophet (Sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said in a long supplication recorded by

al-Nasa’I, “I ask You for the sweetness of looking upon Your Face and a longing to meet You.”

o Just like you miss someone who you haven’t seen in a while, you should miss and

long for Allah when you don’t read the Quran or converse with Him. If you miss a prayer, you should feel like you missed out on meeting with Allah.

- It Repels Sadness

Do not grieve; Indeed Allah is with us. (al-Tawbah, 9:40)

o Musa when he was leading the children of Israel and the army of Pharaoh was

behind him, the army of Pharaoh had gotten so close that they could see their eyes. Musa see death in front of him in the form of water and he sees death behind him because of the army. Everything around him is saying that we are about to die. The children of Israel said: That’s it, they caught up to us. Musa says: No, My Lord is with me. He is going to guide me.

- It Bring About Fearing Allah

It is only those who have knowledge among His slaves that

fear Allah. (Fatir, 35:28)

o “Inama” is a phrase that indicated restriction. So when you say “inama” it means this and only this. No one else.

§ For example, the Prophet (SAW) says: à Actions are only by intentions

o The Prophet (SAW) use to say: I am the one who knows most about Allah from Allah and the one who fears him the most.

- It dissolves Evil Thoughts About Allah

o When people do not know who Allah is, they associate calamities and problems that happen to them with evil thoughts about Allah because they do not know who he is. They do not see wisdom in the thing that harms them.

o An example of dissolving Evil thoughts is the Story of Yaqoub and Yousef. Yaqoub

trusted Allah.

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While another faction worried about themselves, thinking of Allah other than the truth – the thought of ignorance. (Ale-‘Imran, 3:154)

o “And most people harbor thoughts about Allah other than the truth, evil thoughts,

regarding themselves and what He does to other people. No one is saved from that except those who know Allah and know His Names and Attributes.” (Ibn al-Qayyim, Zad al-Ma’ad 3/206)

- It is of the Greatest of the Actions of the Hearts

o Sometimes we do not pay attention to the importance of the actions of the hearts. Many times we focus on the actions and we are not paying attention to our heart. Sometimes we are ascending in our actions, but descending in our heart.

o What was it about Abu Bakr that made him above everyone else? His Heart.

o The physical manifestation of prayer is raising your hands, doing ruku, sujud, etc.

but the essence of it is khushu’. The physical manifestation of fasting is not to eat or drink and refrain from intimacy from dawn to sunset. But the essence of fasting is to become conscious of God. The physical manifestation of dua is that you raise your hand, prayer, supplicate and you ask. But the essence is that the brokenness, need and the feeling that Allah can rectify your prayers.

o We journey with our feet to Allah in this world. But in the journey to Allah with

out hearts in the hereafter. Allah looks at you hearts and actions in the hereafter.

o Anas Ibn Malik (radhi allahu anhu) reported that he and other companions were sitting with the Messenger (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam), who said: "A man from the people of Paradise will enter now." And a man from al-Ansar entered, with his beard dripping with water from Wudhu (ablution), and holding his sandals in his left hand.

The following day, the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) said the same thing and the same man entered. On the third day, the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) again repeated his statement and the same man entered with water dripping and holding his sandals. When the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) left, Abdullah Ibn Amr Ibn al-As (radhi allahu anhu) followed the man and said: 'I quarreled with my father and I swore I would not go to him for three days and night. Would you shelter me for these days?' the man replied: 'Yes.' Anas said: 'Abdullah said that he stayed with this man for three nights and he did not see him praying at night, but every time he moved and changed position in bed he

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would remember Allah saying, 'Allahu Akbar' Until Salat-ul-Fajr." Abdullah said: 'I didn't hear anything from him but good. When the three nights had passed I said: 'O slave of Allah! I really didn't abandon my father nor was I angry with him. But, I heard the Messenger of Allah speaking of you on three separate occasions, the Prophet had said that a man from the people of Paradise would enter, and you were the one to enter on all the three times. So, I wanted to stay with you to see what you do so that I could follow you. But I have not seen you doing much. So what is that you do for Allah's Messenger (sallallahu alaihi wa- sallam) to say what he had said?' The man replied: 'It is nothing more than what you saw.' When it was time to leave, he called me back and said: 'Yes, it is nothing more than what you saw, except that I have no place in myself for ill-intentions or Hasad towards any Muslim and what Allah has given them.' Abdullah said: 'This is what has made you deserving of the praise and this is what we cannot do." [Musnad Ahmad]

o “Knowing the Beautiful Names of Allah and His Lofty Attributes is the greatest of

actions in its nobility and its fruits.” (Al-‘Izz b, ‘Abdul-Salam, Shajarat al-Ma ‘arif wa’l-Aqwal)

- It Corrects Character

o Knowing the Names of Allah is not intended to bring about goodness to Allah without expanding to His creation. Indeed, the one who does not exhibit good character to their fellow creation has not known their Lord.

o It doesn’t make sense to learn about Allah’s Names and Attributes and you don’t

change and correct your character.

- Encompassing Them is a Cause of Entering Paradise o The Prophet (Sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said, “Allah has ninety-nine Names, one-

hundred except for one; whoever encompasses them will enter Paradise.” (Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah)

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Chapter 2 | Access Granted: The Rules of the Court The Hadith Introducing the Number of Names

- Are They 99 Exactly or More Than That? o The Position of Ibn Hazm vs. The position of the Majority

§ Ibn Hazm: He only has 99 names. Proof: The hadith above

§ Majority: He has more than 99 names. 4 Proofs:

1. Narrated by Imam Ahmad: The Prophet(SAW) said “Who ever is afflicted by anxiety or grief, then let them say “Oh Allah, I am your servant, the son of your servant, the son of your maid-servant, I ask you by every name you have, that you have revealed in your book, or taught to any of your creation, or you kept to yourself in the knowledge of the unseen. I ask you to make the Quran the spring of my heart…”

o The point is that the Prophet (SAW) is asking Allah by four things: By every name that He (Allah) has, every name He taught to his servants. Every name He revealed in books and the names he taught His creation. This indicates that Allah has more than 99 names.

2. On the DOJ, the Prophet (SAW) said about the Day of Judgement

all mankind will be resurrected. There will be such a discomfort on this day because the sun will be brought near, and the hellfire will be brought near, and people will be back together and will be in such distress and are waiting for the Day of Judgement to start. They will go from Prophet to Prophet until the get to the Prophet(SAW) and he will go and prostrate in front of Allah. The prophet (SAW) said that Allah will teach him phrases that he does not know now. He will inspire him with ways to praise him that he does not know now. Scholars use this as evidence (in Bukhari) to indicate that there are names that even the Prophet (SAW) does not know yet.

The Prophet (Sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said, “Allah has ninety-nine Names, one-hundred except for one; whoever

encompasses them will enter Paradise.” (Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah)

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3. The statement that the Prophet (SAW) says: I do not have the ability to praise you. You are as you praise yourself.

4. The names we have in the Quran and the Sunnah, there are more

then 99 names of Allah. Some scholars counted to 140 names. Al-Qurtabi came up with 200 hundred name. Some scholars even came up with 1,000 names but those are a stretch.

- The Meaning of “Encompassing”

o The Scholars defined ihsa to mean a number of things describing many levels:

§ The First: Deducing the Names. Figuring out the Names of Allah A number of scholars sought out the Names and formed collections such as al-Zujjaj, ibn Mundah, Ibn Hazam, al-Ghazali, Ibn- ‘Arabi, and al-Quratabi. From recent scholars who have sough out the Names are Muhammad Salih al- ‘Uthaymin, ‘Umar Sulayman al-Ashqar and Muhammad al-Hummud al- Najdy, may Allah have mercy on them all. § The Second: Knowing their meanings and memorizing them.

§ The Third: Invoking Allah through them. Living according to them.

§ The Fourth: Calling Allah upon those names.

- How is a Name Defined?

o First Opinion: Relying upon the hadith The 99 names came from a hadith from Tirmidhi but the Prophet (SAW) never stated the 99 names. He never gave us that list. Waleed ibn Muslim narrated that and included the 99 names and taught his student.

o Second Opinion: Relying upon what was mentioned in the form of a Name only When Allah say He is Al-Gaffur Al- Wadud, for example. That is the clearest and easiest way to know that it is a name of Allah. If it comes in the form of an ism then that is clear. – Unanimous Consensus

o Third Opinion: Deriving Names from every possible attribute of verb

For Example: “Master of The Day of Judgment” So Can Al-

Malik become a name. Or “The Exalter of Ranks” Can that be a name? Some scholars said yes and some said no. Position by Ibn Arabi and others

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o Fourth Opinion: Along with the mentioned Names, derive proper Names from some other grammatical forms

For example: “The face of your Lord will remain”. So can Allah be described as the Remainer? Yes! Some scholars said Al-Baqi is one of the names. And other scholars said no.

This is the methodology of scholars of Aqeedah. Only some of the name can be derived using this. So, what are the conditions (according to ibn Tayymiyyah):

§ That Allah is called by, that you make dua to Allah by § It occurs in the Quran and Sunnah. You do not get them from anywhere

else. § They only are compromise of praise and reverence in and of themselves.

- The Ways the Scholars Categorized the Names

o As Ibn al-Qayyim argues, there is no perfect way to categorize the Names of Allah.

o Imam al-Qurtabi divided the Names of Allah into five categories: 1. Names that establish His existence Ex: Al-Haqq, Al-Awwal, Al-Akhir, Al-Zahir

2. Names that follow after his His existence is establish

Ex: Al-‘Ali, Al-Witr, Al-Wahid

3. Names that negate likening creation to Allah Ex: Al-Kabir, Al-Salam, Al-Ghani, Al-Quddus

4. Names that demonstrate Allah’s creation and innovation

Ex: Al-Sayyid, Al-Hayy, Al-Malik, Al-Jabbar

5. Names that demonstrate Allah’s design Ex: Al-Mudabbir, Al-Rahman, Al-Rahim, Al-Qayyum

o The reason why we categorize names is to assist us in memorizing them and grouping ones that are related. In this class, we will use two characters.

The Rules of Understanding Allah’s Names and Attributes Rule #1: All of Allah’s Names and Attributes are Names and Attributes of Majesty and Perfection, and no negative meaning can be derived from them.

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For those who do not believe in the Hereafter is the description of evil; and for Allah

is the highest attribute. And He is Exalted in Might, the Wise. (al-Nahl, 16:30)

And it is He who begins creation; then He repeats it, and that is [even] easier

for Him. To Him belongs the highest attribute in the heavens and earth. And he is the Exalted in Might, the wise. (al-Rum, 30:27)

- This rule means that all of Allah’s names are perfect and no negative meanings can come

from it.

- He describes His names as Husna and His attributes as al-‘Alaa. There is no negativity in them.

- Any deity that has any negative aspects, are not worthy of worship.

- The one who is being worshipped should have no negative attributes.

Rule #2: All of Allah’s Names and Attributes are taken from the Sacred Texts, unlike descriptions (khabar)

Say, “My Lord has only forbidden immoralities – what is apparent of them and

what is concealed – and sin, and oppression without right, and that you associate with Allah that for which He has not sent down authority, and that you say about

Allah that which you do not know.” (al-Araf, 7:33)

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O mankind, eat from whatever is on earth [that is] lawful and good and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. Indeed, he is to you a clear enemy. He only orders

you to evil and immorality and to say about Allah what you do not know. (al-Baqarah, 2:168-169)

- A name or description must come from the Qur’an or the Sunnah

- We do not have to ability to encompass from Allah’s knowledge.

- Speaking about Allah without knowledge is a major sin.

- We do not have the access to talk about Allah because we do not have the ability or given

the knowledge.

Rule #3: Allah’s Names and Attributes are unknown in number, even though what we know that His Attributes are more than His Names.

Every name denotes an attribute but every attribute does not denote a name.

For instance, this does not work with us. A person can be named Kareem and he will be the stingiest person in the world. This is not the same for Allah. He is Kareem and He is Kareem. One of the attributes of Allah is that He becomes angry, but no one says he is “The Angry One”. Allah punishes, but He is not named “The Punisher”. Rule #4: Ahl’l-sunnah affirm without likeness, and negate without denial.

When Allah says, “he hears, he knows, he sees”, we know what it means in the language. But does doesn’t mean we know exactly how Allah hears, knows, sees, etc. When we are being communicated to, we understand what they mean. There is nothing like Allah and there are no similarities to Allah.

Four matters that must be avoided:

- Takyif: comes from the word kayfa (how). Allah tells us he descends the last third of the night. Allah rose above His throne. We should not ask ‘how’ Allah is able to do certain things. We know the meaning, but we do not ask how because it is beyond our ability to understand.

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- Tamthil: comes from the word mithel (equivalent of, like). We avoid this because there is nothing like Allah. Allah says he has a face, but we do not say is it like … We attribute to Allah what He says He has and shouldn’t compare it to what we have.

- Tahrif: Means distortion. Changing the meaning of a Name or Attribute of Allah

o Big issue was about Allah speaking. Some people said that Allah doesn’t speak.

If he spoke, then he would speak like we do. Some of them even changed the wording of Allah in the Qur’an when Allah said He spoke to Musa. How did he speak to Musa?

- Ta’til: Means Abandonment. Abandoning the meaning of verses. Only Allah knows the

meaning of the verses. You scratch it out. If you abandon, you are accussing that: o You do not trust the person communicating o You think that person doesn’t know what they are talking about o That person does not have a strong enough ability to communicate and you

are not sure that they know what they are saying. Allah can not be accused of those three things. Rule #5: The linguistic meanings of the Attributes are understood, but not the manner of their existence.

- ‘Abdullah b. Wahb (d. 197 A.H.) reported, “Once we were with Malik b. Anas when a

man entered and said, ‘Allah rose over the Throne. How did He rise?’ Malik bowed his head down, and sweat appeared on his forehead. Then he raised his head and said, ‘As he has described Himself. And it is not asked “how,” and [asking] “how’ is lifted from Him. As for you, you are an evil person – a person of innovation. Get him out of here!’ So the man was expelled [from the masjid].”

- Yahya b. Yahya (d. 234 A.H.) reported, “We were sitting with Malik b. Anas when a man

came and asked, ‘O Abu ‘Abdu’l-Rahman! How did He rise above the Throne?’ At this, Malik lowered his head until sweat began to pour from his forehead. The he replied, ‘The istiwa’ is not unknown, and the “how” is not comprehensible; believing in it is obligatory, and asking questions about it is an innovation. And I am sure that you are an innovator.’ He then commanded that man to be expelled.”

[Both narrations from al-Bayhaqi’s Al-Asma’ Wa’l Siffat, v.1 p. 306] Rule #6: Qur’anic methodology is detailed affirmation and concise negation.

1. Negation is done to affirm Allah’s general perfection

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[He is] Creator of the heavens and the earth. He has made for you from yourselves,

mates, and among the cattle, mates; He multiples you thereby. There is nothing like unto Him, and He is the Hearing, the seeing. (al-Shura, 42:11)

- Things that Allah negates about Himself are very few compared to the things He affirms

about himself. He negates: Sleep, forgetfulness, injustice, and death.

2. To negate what others have attributed to Allah

And We did certainly create the heavens and earth and what is between

then in six days, and there touched Us no weariness. (Qaf, 50:38)

- This is in particularly for those who said that Allah rested on the 7th day. Allah stated that he was not afflicted by fatigue.

- It is affirming that He does not get tired.

3. To negate a specific matter that relates to one of His actions

[Gabriel said], “And we [angels] descend not except by the order of your Lord.

To Him belongs that before us and that behind us and what is in between. And never is your Lord forgetful.” (Maryam, 19:64)

- Allah says, He does not forget. - When Allah says “Mere Play” what is He negating? – Basically negating something being

done for no reason

Negation implies affirmation of the opposite.

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Last Verses of Surat Al-Hashr

He is Allah, other than whom there is no deity, Knower of the unseen and the witnessed. He is the

Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful. He is Allah, other than whom there is no deity, the Sovereign, the Pure, the Perfection, the Bestower of Faith, the Overseer, the Exalted in Might, the Compeller, the Superior. Exalted is Allah above whatever they associate with Him. He is Allah, the

Creator, the Inventor, the Fashioner; to Him belong the best names. Whatever is in the heavens and earth is exalting Him. And He is the Exalted in Might, the Wise. (al-Hashr, 59: 22-24)

16 Names were mentioned in these 3 Ayah.

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Chapter 3 | His Majesty

Jamaal is a 22-year-old college student. He is a senior and has one semester left and he is a very cool individual. His day is starting with praying Salat-ul Fajr. When you wake up in the morning, one of the adkar you make is reciting Ayat-ul Kursi. This ayah it comprises, in the beginning, two beautiful names of Allah.

AL – HAYY - Al-Hayy means the Ever-Living

- This name appears in the Quran 5 times. Some examples:

Allah- there is no deity except Him, the Ever-Living, the Sustainer

of [all] existence. Neither drowsiness overtakes Him nor sleep. (al-Baqarah, 2:255)

Allah- there is no deity except Him, the Ever-Living, the Sustainer

of [all] existence. (ale-Imran, 3:2)

And rely upon the Ever-Living, He does not die. And exalt with

His praise. (al-Furqan, 25:58)

- There are 2 meaning of Al-Hayy that we will reflect upon: o Allah, to Him, belongs Perfect Life o He is the bringer/causer of life for everything. He bestows life in the living in this

world and he will bring life to all souls during resurrection.

- The Fruits of Al-Hayy: o “Depend on the Ever-Living”.

§ The Prophet (SAW) had 2 pillars of support 1. Abu Talib- protected him from everything that was happening

outside…all the abuse. 2. Khadijah- gave him serenity and love in their home.

Allah caused both of them to die within days/months. But we should to depend on Allah, the Ever-Living, who does not die.

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When the Prophet (SAW) passed away Abu Bakr told the people “No doubt! Whoever worshipped Muhammad, then Muhammad is dead, but whoever worshipped Allah, then Allah is Ever-Living and shall never die."

o True life is not here. This life is imperfect no matter how perfect we try to make it.

And this worldly life is not but diversion and amusement. And indeed

the home of the Hereafter - that is the [eternal] life, if only they knew. (al-Ankabut, 29:64)

AL – QAYYUM - Mentioned in the Qur’an three times

- It is always paired with Al-Hayy

- Al-Qayyum has 2 meaning:

o Comes from qaama which means –in and of himself is in existence o Everything is in need of Him to exist.

- A Qayyum of a something is a person who maintains. For example: A qayyum of a school is

a principal. A qayyum is always invested in what they do. So, Allah is Al-Qayyum of the heavens and earth.

And [all] faces will be humbled before the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of existence. And he will have failed who carries injustice. (TaHa, 20:111)

- Another meaning for Al-Qayyum is the maintainer of every slave, their actions and their

statements and their states.

- Fruits of Al-Qayyum: o Dependence on Allah - Tawakul

§ When both Al-Hayy and Al-Qayyum are paired in the 3 verses in the Quran, indicates that Allah in and of Himself is the one that exists and everything else exists because of his maintenance.

§ Some scholars have stated that Al-Hayy and Al-Qayyum to be the greatest name of Allah because everything comes back to this concept. He should be the only one we are concerned about pleasing.

o Removal of Difficulty

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o Removal of Sins § The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said, “He who says: “Astaghfirullah alladhi la

ilaha illa huw’l-hayyu’l-qayyum wa atubu ilayhi (I seek the forgiveness of Allah, there is no true God except Allah, the Ever-living, the self-subsisting, and I turn to him in repentence), his sins will be forgiving even if he should run away from the battlefield.” – Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, and al-Hakim

Jamaal has an action-packed day. He has a job interview lined up. He is also suffering from senioritis. It is the semester where he has to be on top of his game. There are a couple of things he has to do today, which include: A job interview and at the end of his day he is going to visit a family to propose to a girl and is stressed out at that.

AL – MUJIB - Al- Mujib means the one who Responds

- Just reflect on this: My God, the One I worship, of his name is Al-Mujib. Its not just the

one who owns the heavens and the earth, the All-mighty, etc. He is the one who responds to me…ME. He is there for us every point of time, 24/7.

- This name is mentioned in Qur’an in the following verses:

So ask forgiveness of Him and then repent to Him.

Indeed, my Lord is near and responsive. (Hud,11:61)

And Noah had certainly called Us, and [We are] the best of responders. (Saffat, 37:75)

- Al- Mujib denotes 2 meanings:

o The One who responds to your indication, supplication, and Prayers. o The One who inspires you to ask Him

- We have a Lord who responds. The question is do you ask?

- In surat al-Anbiya, Allah mentions responding to the supplications of Nuh, Ayyub, Yunus,

and Zakariyyah all using the word “We responded (immediately)”

o The “fa” indicates immediately. If there is a “Thuma” it would indicate a delay.

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- I do not concern myself with the response, but I concern myself with making supplication, for I know that the response will come with it! –Umar b. al-Khattab

** The heart of the one you turn to is in the Hand of the One you turned away from**

Now, it time for Jamaal’s interview. This unlocks more names for us.

AL – QARIB - Al-Qarib means the Near.

- Allah is the one who is near. He is near to who? To Us.

- The companions as the Prophet(SAW) questions. They would ask him questions about

random things. And Allah would respond to those questions in the Qur’an. For example, the companions would ask the Prophet (SAW) about the wine and gambling.

They ask you about wine and gambling. Say, “In them is great sin and [yet,some benefit for people.But their sin is greater than their benefit

(al-Baqarah, 2:219)

- Every time the Prophet (SAW) was asked questions by his companions, Allah responds by saying using this format: They ask you about such and such. Tell them this. He responds like this every time expect in the following verse.

- One Verse the companions asked the Prophet (SAW) “Is our Lord far from us so we call

out to Him, or His he close to us so that we can converse with Him?” Allah says in the Quran:

And when My servants as you, [O Muhammad], concerning me – indeed I am near. I respond to the invovation of the supplicant

when he calls upon Me. So let them respond to Me [by obedience] and believe in Me that they may be [rightly] guided. (al-Baqarah,2:186)

o When it becomes about Him and His servant, there is no “Kul’, tell them.

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- How is Allah near us? There are Two Types of nearness: o General nearness: Nearness to everyone and and everything…meaning he is

very knowledgeable of everyone and knows everything that is going on § Allah says, there is not a gathering of 3 people, except that I am

their 4th. There is no gathering of 5 people, except that Allah is their 6th.

o Specific Nearness: Allah has this nearness with righteous, believing servants. Through his gentleness with them, through his care for them, through his looking after them, He is with his believing servants than the way he is with everyone else.

- How can we become near to Allah?

o To do the things that are obligatory. § Hadith Qudsi: “A slave does not come closer to Me by anything

more than what I have obligated…” Meaning the things that Allah loves the most. Ex: Praying your 5 daily prayers

o Preserving the voluntary actions. § “…then my servant will continue to come close to me by voluntary

actions until I love them” o Prostration.

§ The Prophet (SAW) said, “A person will be closest to their Lord while they are in prostration. So supplicate much.”

§ Change up our prayer. Take it out of ‘auto-pilot’. Learn a new surah, say different dua’,

§ ‘Prostrate and come Near’ – Surat al-alaq o Last third of the night

§ Abu Hurayra said, that the Prophet (SAW) said “Allah descends in the last third of every night. Who is asking me so I may respond to them. Who is asking me so I may grant them. Who is going to lend to someone who does not have (‘Adeem) and someone who is oppressive (Thalum)”

• Allah is talking about Himself in the end. Someone who doesn’t have and someone who is oppressive will not just give.

• In order to take a loan, you have to check 2 things: if the person is ‘Adeem or Thalum

§ The prophet (SAW) said, “The closest that Allah is to slave is during the last third of the Night. So if you are of the people who remember God during that time, then be of those people.”

o Calling upon Allah quietly. § The Sahabah used to call upon Allah loudly, and the prophet

(SAW) told them “calm down, you are not calling upon someone who can not hear nor or are you calling upon someone who is absent.

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AL – LATIF - Al-Latif means rifqa-- gentleness, subtlety, kindness

- Al-Latif is mentioned in the Quran 7 times

- 6 Meanings of Al-Latif:

1. Forbearance: He does not punish them immediately for their sins

2. Facilitating some of His creation for others: Facilitating parents for their children and vice versa.

o Allah is Latif for his slaves and He gives to whom He wills.

3. Grace: He bestows, guides and gives. Hence, gifts are called LaTa’if

4. Hiddenness: He is not perceived by the senses though He is apparent by His signs in revelation and creation.

5. Nothing is hidden from Him

6. The creator of subtle and sophisticated design in ourselves and all of creation

o All intricate design, including shifts of emotions, microscopic things, our intentions, etc.

o Ibn Abbas says about showing off: It is more inconspicuous than a black ant on a black rock on a moonless night.

o Sometimes our intentions are the hardest things for us to figure out, but Allah knows what is in your heart.

Indeed, Allah is Subtle and Acqainted. (al-Hajj, 22:63)

- The story of Yusuf: In every stage of Yusuf’s life, you can see Allah’s Hand.

o When he was casted in the well he didn’t die and the story didn’t end there. o He is removed from the situation of jealousy from his brothers. o He is captured after being brought out of the well and is sold for a few coins. He

is not sold for a high price. o Allah saved his life when his brother said - do not kill Yusuf. o The dream itself shows a good relationship with the son and father. It gives

both of them hope. o The choice of who he is sold to. He is sold to the Azeez. o Allah brought his family to him. o He went from being the prisoner to the king’s treasurer. He is released because

of a dream. He does not escape or break out.

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o The ability to understand the dream and his interaction with the jailer allowed him to get out.

o Incident with Azeez’s wife. How Allah protected him from committing the sin. o Allah bestowed upon Yusuf patience and the ability to recognize his brothers. o The believer is always between two states: Being grateful for the favors of

Allah and being patient in difficulty.

- The Prophet (SAW) said “The affair of a believer is always good. When they are afflicted with goodness, they are grateful, and that is better for them. And when they are afflicted with harm, they are patient, and that is better for them”

- In Tirmidhi: The Prophet (SAW) “On the Day of Judgement the people who weren’t

afflicted with trials will see the people who did not experience trials or calamities (Ahulul – Balaa) will wish their skin was being peeled with scissors.” Those who faced calamities reward is greater because they should have respond with patience and faith.

- Allah tests his servants with sin, to see how they respond, to return them back to Allah.

- Fruits of Al-Latif:

o Loving Allah. § That Allah has been planning and designing goodness for your life.

o Depending on him and being content with his decree. § Making istikharah and seeking consultation with Allah.

o Knowing that He sees all and knows all. § Mentioned in the Quran many times … “He knows the unseen of

the heavens and earth”

AL – RAZZAQ / AL – RAZIQ - There is not a single creature on this earth, except that Allah provides rizq for them.

Indeed, it is Allah who is the [continual] Provider, the firm possessor of strength.

- Al-Razzaq means Provision - 2 types of Rizq

o General Rizq - Provides for everyone and everything. The righteous and unrighteous

§ Ibrahim’s dua regarding providing for the believers. o Specific Rizq – in particular, the rizq of Emaan (faith).

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- Our Rizq was written before we even came into this world. A hadith from Abdullah ibn Masood: Before the angels blows and gives life into your soul while in the womb, they write 4 things:

o Lifespan o Rizq o Deeds o Whether you are the people of paradise or hellfire.

- A Hadith to be Written in Gold: The Prophet (SAW) said, “The holy spirit casts into

my essence. That no soul shall pass until it completes its lifespan and its provision. Then, fear Allah and seek it beautifully. And don’t not let the delay of your rizq make you seek it out in a way that was prohibited way because what is with Allah can not be acquired through disobedience.” (Abu Nu’aym in al-Hilya, authenticated by al-Albani)

- Rizq includes everything that Allah provides you. It’s was more than just money. Looks,

talents, personalities, disposition, etc are all examples of rizqs that Allah gives us

- Reflect on your rizq: In Tirmidhi, The Prophet (SAW) said: “Whoever of you wakes up in the morning secured in their dwelling (house), healthy in his body, and have enough for his day, its is as if the entire world has been put out for him.”

o Health is a crown that sits on the head of the healthy. It is invisible except to

those who are sick.

- The best rizq is that of Faith. But from the best rizq is that which brings you tranquility and happiness.

- The Prophet (SAW) said, “I was given the rizq of her love (meaning Khadijah)”

AL – KARIM / AL – AKRAM - Al-Karim means The Generous

Indeed, it is Allah who is the [continual] Provider, the firm

possessor of strength. (al-infitar, 82:26)

- Al-Akram means The Most Generous

Recite, and your Lord is the most

Generous – (al-Alaq, 96:3)

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- Karim comes from the word Karam, which means to reach the maximum in every quality of goodness. It means to be at the highest level of goodness.

o Makaram-ul Akhlaq – highest level of character

- Four meanings of Al-Karim: o Generous and Disposer of bounty

§ Generous in spending money and helping other people.

o The One who bestows and then praises § He is not just generous regarding the bounty but also generous

with His praise. Allah even praises the slaves. § Some are stingy when it comes to praise. You should praise people


o The One who gives before He is asked § It is one level to asked and then give. But it is at an even higher

level to give without being asked. § Ali ibn Abi Talib was approached by a man who was about to ask for

money. He told his son to turn off the lamps. His son asked him and said “why did you ask to turn off the lamps, we are sitting in darkness?” He said “I do not want to see the humiliation of asking on his face”. This shows the generosity.

o The One who does not reject an asker

§ Allah is generous and shy that we raise our hand he will never let it come back empty handed.

- Allah is even generous with our good and bad deeds:

o Allah's Messenger (SAW) said, "Allah says, 'If My slave intends to do a bad deed then (O Angels) do not write it unless he does it; if he does it, then write it as it is, but if he refrains from doing it for My Sake, then write it as a good deed (in his account). (On the other hand) if he intends to do a good deed, but does not do it, then write a good deed (in his account), and if he does it, then write it for him (in his account) as ten good deeds up to seven-hundred times.'

o Imam Ahmed told his son to always intend to do good. You hear about a

person donating money, say: I wish I had money to donate. You hear someone reciting the Qur’an beautiful, say: I wish I can learn the Qur’an and recite like that. Always intend to do goodness and don’t be a hater.

o Abdullah Ibn Masood said: How can the deeds that are multiplied by 10 be

overwhelmed by their singular deeds.

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Jamaal arrived to his job interview and in the beginning of the interview it was difficult. The man was ‘grilling’ him really hard. However, half way through the interview, Jamaal had BROKEN the ice and the tensions was gone. Which name breaks that which is an obstacle that is in front of you?

AL – FATTAH - Fatah and Fataha both mean to open - Al-Fattah means The Opener of that which is closed - Refers to Himself as Khair-ul Fatiheen (The best of those who Open)

Say, "Our Lord will bring us together; then He will judge

between us in truth. And He is the Knowing Judge." (Saba, 34:26)

- Meanings of Al-Fattah: o The one opens the hearts to guidance and faith

§ Story of Tufayl ibn Amr al-Dawsi (the chief of Daws). Remember he was confronted by the Quraysh when he came to Makkah to do business and they warned him to stay away from a “mad man” a “magician”. He plugged his ears with cotton so he would avoid this man. Eventually he came to the conclusion that this is insane. Why should I put cotton in my ears? I know what magic is. He then spoke to the Prophet (S), asked “what do you have” The prophet said “I have the Qur’an” and the Prophet(SAW) started reciting the Qur’an and he accepted Islam.

§ Abu Huraira’s mother instantly converting to Islam.

o The one who relieves darkness from his slaves, eases their burdens, remove

hardships and harm, envelopes in Mercy and opens the door of blessings § The Prophet (SAW) commanded us to say upon entering the

masjid: “Oh Allah open for me the gates of Mercy” – Muslim

o The one who opens for His slaves the doors of knowledge and wisdom understanding and insight

§ “Seek the bounty of Allah when you spread out in the world.” § You can have two people in the same class, or reading the same book,

yet they gain different things from it. Two commentators can have different understanding of the same verse.

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§ Ustadh Ammar said the 1st verse of Surah Mulk stumped him recently when he reflected on the verse. In summary he said while reading the verse, he thought - Allah is in charge of all-things, of every single thing.

o Opens the gates of access to this world

o The one who judges between his slaves in the hereafter; yaftah baynahum ya

yahkum baynahum as what was stated on the tongue of Shu’ayb.

- Action Items of Al-Fattah: o Make Dua’… Adkhar as-sabah – Morning Supplications o Taqwa

And if only the people of the cities had believed and feared Allah,

We would have opened upon them blessings from the heaven and the earth; but they denied [the messengers], so We seized them for what they were earning.


o Be someone who opens doors of goodness themselves. § The Prophet (SAW) said “Be of those who are unlockers of

goodness and sealers of evil.” Jamaal was told that he was going to receive an offer let. What Jamaal ended up doing was he unfortunately told them that he already graduated (which he really did not yet). He also got a text message from the girl whose family is getting to met that night.

AL – WAHHAB - Wahab comes from the word Hiba which means gift

- So, Wahab means Bestower or The one who gives gifts. But Wahab also ahs the

connotation of doing it a lot. Not just one gift, it’s the one who continues giving.

[Who say], "Our Lord, let not our hearts deviate after You

have guided us and grant us from Yourself mercy. Indeed, You are the Bestower. (Ale-Imran, 3:8)

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- Difference between Razzaq and Wahhab? o Rizq comes with work and Hiba comes with no work. o Your paycheck is rizq. You sought and worked for it. However, in regards to

Hiba, Allah will do this to shock your system, so you turn and thank Allah. You would not necessarily thank Allah for your regular paycheck although you should, but you are more likely to thank Allah when your boss gives you a bonus.

- Children are consistently considered a hiba (gift) in the Quran. Zakariya was gifted a

child (Yahya). Dawud was gifted with Sulayman.

- Not only children, but also spouses.

And those who say, "Our Lord, grant us from among our wives and offspring

comfort to our eyes and make us an example for the righteous."(al-Furqan,25:74)

- Friendships are a hiba as well. Musa was gifted with Harun as partner in Prophethoond through the Mercy of Allah.

- Allah has a right on every blessing He gives you. The poor have a right regarding your

wealth. The weak have a right regarding your strength. The inable have a right regarding your ability. The ignorant have a right regarding your knowledge.

- Dua of Sulayman: Oh Allah forgive me, and bestow me a kingdom that no one will ever

have.” o Sulayman not only asked Allah for forgives, but also asks Allah for more and


- Ask Allah for what ever you want: “If the first and the last of you , the jinn of you and the human of you, all were to get on the same plane and were to ask me for everything you wanted. If I were to give you all everything you imagined, then that would not take away more than a needle would take away from an ocean if it were dipped into it.”

- Shaykh Waleed Basyouni said: When you giving charity, you may be fixing their dunya,

but they are fixing your akhirah. Jamaal gets a text message from Sakinah, the object of his affection. He tells her that his interview went great and will see her and her family tonight. And she tells him she is nervous and will go pray istikharah (2 voluntary rakahs).

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Dua for Istikharah

O Allah, I seek Your guidance [in making a choice] by virtue of Your knowledge, and I seek ability by virtue of Your power, and I ask You of Your great bounty. You have power, I have none. And You know, I know not. You are the Knower of hidden things. O Allah, if in Your knowledge, this matter (then it should be

mentioned by name) is good for me both in this world and in the Hereafter (or: in my religion, my livelihood and my affairs), then ordain it for me, make it easy for me, and bless it for me. And if in Your

knowledge it is bad for me and for my religion, my livelihood and my affairs (or: for me both in this world and the next), then turn me away from it, [and turn it away from me], and ordain for me the good wherever

it may be and make me pleased with it.”

AL - ALIIM, AL – ‘AALIM, AL – ‘ALAAM - Al- Aalim

o Means Possessor of Knowledge – the vastness of topics o Mentioned in the Qur’an 13 times.

- Al- Aliim o Is an exaggeratory form (has so much knowledge) – goes in depth o Mentioned in the Qur’an 157 times. It is the name that is mentioned the most

in the Qur’an after Allah. - Al- Alaam

o Indicates the abundance of Knowledge, reach the height of knowledge – Also an exaggeratory form

o Mentioned in the Qur’an 4 times

- Shaykh Yaser Fazzaqa, who lives in Southern California, gave the local pastor a Qur’an to read. And fter he read it from cover to cover, Shaykh Yaser asked him, “So what did you think?” That local pastor told him, “I realized how much God knows”

- We should pay attention to pairing of names in the Qur’an. Every pairing of a name

gives birth to a third meaning.

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Allah is the one who created you from weakness, then made after weakness strength,

then made after strength weakness and white hair. He creates what He wills, and He is the Knowing, the Competent. (al-Rum, 30:54)

o Al- Aliim (The Knowing) and Al-Qadir (The Competent): Why does this pair

make perfect sense? o When we were young we had power, but little knowledge. But when we gwet

older we gain knowledge and lose power (physically). But Allah always has both.

- The Allah Knowledge of Allah o There is no deficiency in His knowledge. He does not forget. It is All

encompassing. He knows the intricacy and details of everything, that which is hidden and that which is apparent.

[Moses] said, “The knowledge thereof is with my Lord in a record. My Lord neither errs nor forgets.” (TaHa, 20:52)

o He knows about the future.

No disaster strikes upon the earth or among yourselves except that it is in a register before We bring it into being - indeed that, for Allah , is easy - (Hadid, :22)

o Allah taught us what we did not know § When Allah created Adam, the Angels said “We have no

knowledge except what you have taught us. You are the Knowledgable, the All-Wise.”

§ When Allah created Adam, Allah taught Adam the names of everything.

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o His Knowledge of the Unseen. His knowledge is complete and nothing is hidden from him.

And with Him are the keys of the unseen; none knows them except Him.

And He knows what is on the land and in the sea. Not a leaf falls but that He knows it. And no grain is there within the darknesses of the earth and no moist or dry [thing]

but that it is [written] in a clear record. (al-Anaam,6:59)

- The scholars said about Allah’s knowledge: “Allah’s knowledge is He knows everything that has happened. He knows everything that will happen. And He knows everything that didn’t happen and if it happened He would know how it would happen”

- The Knowledge of Creation

o We can not encompass Allah. We cannot encompass his essence. We do not understand why Allah does what He does. We don’t even understand what goes on around us.

o Musa met Al Khidr. It was said that while they were on a ship, they were looking out on to the ocean and they saw a sparrow come and take a little sip of water as it continued to fly out. Al Khidr told Musa, “Your knowledge and my knowledge compared to Allah’s knowledge is like what the sparrow just took from that ocean.”

- What should Al-Alim inspire us of action:

o HUMILITY – Be Humble § Sufyan Ath Thawri said “Knowledge is three hand spans. The first

reads arrogance. The second hand span greets humility. The third hand span, you realize you know nothing.”

o Fear Allah § Allah says in the Qur’an: “Only those who have knowledge, Fear

Allah.” o It should grant you sincerity

§ The more a person seeks knowledge and the more a person learns, the sincerer the becaome.

§ Sufyan Ath Thawri said: “We learned knowledge for other than Allah, but the knowledge itself compelled us to be only for Allah”

o Should teach you to say ‘I don’t know’ – it is your shield. § Half of knowledge is saying ‘I don’t know’.

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- The only thing Allah has commanded us to ask us is knowledge. Knowledge is something incredibly important to be asking Allah for.

AL – QADIR - Al-Qadir comes from 2 words:

o Qudra (Ability) o Takdeer (Decree)

- Al- Qadir means the Able.

- Three names that relate to this name:

o Al – Khaadir § Mentioned 12 times in the Qur’an

o Al- Qadir § Mentioned 45 times in the Qur’an

o Mukhtader § Mentioned 1 time in the Qur’an – End of Surat Qamar

In a seat of honor near a Sovereign, Perfect in Ability (Qamar,54:55)

- In over 30 verses of the Qur’an (in slightly varying forms), Allah says:

“Truly, Allah is able to do all things”

o The key is to believe that Allah can actualize what it is that you want and Allah

is able to repel that which you dislike. That is what is going to able you to make dua. That is the person who is able to make dua. That is the person who truly believes that Allah is able to do all things, no mater how distant, no matter how overwhelming, and no matter how difficult.

o We see this in Yaqoub’s story when Yaqoub was telling his Sons, ‘didn’t I tell you. I know from Allah what do not know. I have expectations from Allah. I expect from Allah what you do not expect.’

Jamaal just got out of the interview and was headed home to get stuff done. But as he was going home, he got pulled over by the cops. Alhamdulillah, he just got a warning. But, during those 10 minutes he was in the car, he was making dua and accessed so many names of Allah.

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AL - ADHIM - Al-Adhim means The Great and is mentioned in the Qur’an 9 times

- Allah is Al-Adhim in His:

o Essence o Attributes

§ Every attribute of perfection of His, and is His in it’s most perfect, great, and absolute form. For He is Great in everything; in His mercy, His Ability, His Grace, His Benevolence, and His Bestowals. He is the Absolutely Great, and none of the greats come near him.

They have not appraised Allah with true appraisal, while the earth entirely will

be [within] His grip on the Day of Resurrection, and the heavens will be folded in His right hand. Exalted is He and high above what they associate with Him.

(al-Zumar, 39:67)

o Actions o He is magnified by his creation; the angels, prophets, and the universe.

And there is not a thing except that it exalts [ Allah ] by His praise, but you do not understand

their [way of] exalting. Indeed, He is ever Forbearing and Forgiving. (al-Isra,17:44)

- Hudaybi said: Al-Adhim is the one who the people can not resist. The adhim of any tribe, community, or place is the one the rest of the community can not resist.

- Fruits of Al-Adhim:

o You make ta’deem of what Allah hold as being great. § For example: You hold the month of Ramadan or days of Dhul-

Hijjah in high regard, because Allah has made that time great. You hold the commandments of Allah in high-esteem.

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AL - QAHHAR / AL – QAHIR - Al-Qahhar is the Over-Powering

- Al-Qahhar mentioned 6 times in the Quran

And He is the subjugator over His servants. And He is the Wise,

the Acquainted [with all]. (al-Anaam, 6:18) Talking about death in this ayah.

- Of the meanings of Al-Qahhar or Al-Qahir is the one who Allah over powers with his ability. Allah will be resurrecting us, without choice, and us being present to Him for the account.

- Al-Qahhar is usually paired with Al-Wahid (the One) in the Quran.

The Day they come forth nothing concerning them will be concealed

from Allah. To whom belongs [all] sovereignty this Day? To Allah, the One, the Prevailing. (Ghafir, 40:16)

- What additional meaning is added by the pairing of these two names?

o Everyone on this earth that is overpowering (presidents, leaders, etc), they are not overpowering themselves. They are overpowering because of the soilders and people they have working for them. But Allah is the only One who is Over-Powering. He is not Over-Powering because of his Angels, creatures. He is Over-Powering in and of himself. He is Al-Wahid and Al-Qahhar.

AL – AZIZ - Al-Aziz means All-Mighty

- It is mentioned 92 times in the Qur’an

- Many times Al-Aziz is paired with another name:

o Al-Aziz Al-Alim

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[He is] the cleaver of daybreak and has made the night for rest and the sun and

moon for calculation. That is the determination of the Exalted in Might, the Knowing. (Al-Anaam, 6:96)

§ Showing us how perfectly and intricate His creation is, that Allah is

knowing and designing everything with his power and knowledge.

o Al-Aziz Al-Ghafur

And among people and moving creatures and grazing livestock are various color similiarly. Only those fear Allah, from among His servants, who have knowledge. Indeed, Allah is Exalted in Might and forgiving. (Fatir,35:28)

o Al-Aziz Al-Gaffar

Lord of the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them, the Exalted in

Might, the Perpetual Forgiver. (Sad,38:66)

o Al-Aziz Al-Hamid

Alif, Lam, Ra. [This is] a Book which We revealed yo you, [O Muhammad], that you

might bring mankind out of darkness into the light by permission of their Lord – to the path of the Exalted in Might, the praiseworthy – (Ibrahim,14:1)

§ Showing us even thought is overwhelming us with His might, he

still is deserving of praise for every decree.

o Al-Aziz Al-Hakim

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Our Lord, and send among them a messenger from themselves who will recite to them Your verses and teach them the Book and wisdom and purify them. Indeed, you are the

Exalted in Might, the Wise. (Baqarah,2:129)

§ What is special about this pairing? When you are young you have power, but no wisdom. When you get older, you have wisdom but decrease in power. However, Allah always has infinite power and infinite wisdom.

o Al-Aziz Al-Rahim

And indeed, your Lord – He is the Exalted in Might, the

Merciful. (Al-Shu’ara,26:9) § In Allah’s Might, He is Merciful.

o Al-Aziz Al-Wahhab

Or do they have the depositories of the mercy of your Lord, the Exalted

in Might, the Bestower? (Sad, 38:9)

- Of the connotations of Al-Aziz that Allah is the One who gives Might and Power

Say, "O Allah , Owner of Sovereignty, You give sovereignty to whom You will and You take sovereignty

away from whom You will. You honor whom You will and You humble whom You will. In Your hand is [all] good. Indeed, You are over all things competent. (Ale-Imran,3:26)

- To Allah belongs all Might and Power and He is the One grants ‘izzah, Power.

Then to Allah belongs all Honor. (Fatir,35:10)

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- How to gain Izzah: o FORGIVE!!

§ Abu Hurayrah narrated that the Prophet (SAW) said “Charity does not in any way decrease the wealth and the servant who forgives, Allah adds to his respect, and the one who shows humility, Allah elevates him in the estimations (of the people). – Muslim

o To hold on to the Quran § Allah says, “Indeed those who disbelieve in the message after it has

come to them, and indeed, This Qur’an is a mighty book.” o Holding on to the Messenger (SAW)

AL – MU’MIN - Mu’min means a believer. So, how is Allah Al-Mumin? Is He a believer in Himself?

- Al-Mu’min is a name of Allah by virtue of the end of Surat Al-Hashr (long list of names)

- Other Meanings of Al-Mum’in:

o Al-Musadaq: The One who when he promises, He fulfills His promise. He does not betray or break His promises.

Indeed, Allah does not fail His promise. (Ale-Imran,3:9)

§ There are 2 types of Promises: Wa’d (promises of reward), Wa’eed

(promises of threat) • Allah always fulfills his promise of reward but does not

have to always fulfill the promises of threat because the person can repent

o Allah is the One who fulfills the expectations of his believing servants § He does not let them down § Allah says, “I am as my servants expect Me to be”.

o The one who testifies to his own oneness § The concept of Allah believing in Himself does exist.

o The One who grants amanah (safety) and security in this dunya and in the hereafter

After Jamaal got home, he received a call from from the HR departed of the job he interviewed. He was told that even thought he pretty much got the job offer this morning, that they had checked his background and they found out that he was still a student and rejected the job offer. The reason why this happened to him was because he did not tell the truth when he was at the job interview.

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Qabeelat Al-Abrar His Majesty: Unlocking the Names of Allah Charlotte, NC Ustadh Ammar Alshukry 41 Three names that have to do with Allah’s Tanzil (pure) – They negate any negative qualities and impurities:

- Al-Quddus - Al-Salam - Al-Tayyib

AL – QUDDUS - Al-Quddus means the Pure.

- A name of Allah by virtue of the last verses of Surat Al-Hashr

- Also in Surat Al-Jumuah

Whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth is exalting Allah, the Sovereign, the Pure, the Exalted in Might, the Wise. (Jumu’ah,62:1)

- Meanings of Al-Quddus:

o The one who is pure from all defects. The one who is absolved of all shortcomings, partners, and associates.

o The possessor of barakah and bounty. And also its meanings Al-Muqaddas, Al-Mubarak.

§ Barakah means the increase in goodness. § One of the things people ask for barakah in is in their time, So,

they can be productive and do so much with their time. § The Holy Land is called Al Ard Al- Muqadassa. AKA Al-Quds

o The one who the hearts of creation do taqdis of, they absolve him from all imperfections.

§ When Allah said He was going to create on this earth humanity, the Angels said: “Are you going to create creatures that are going to spill blood and cause mischief, while we exalt you and we declare you to be free of defects.”

§ The most important thing is for us to sanctify is our hearts. That we remove it from all piece of filth and purify it

- Umm Salamah traveled to Abyssinia and came back. The Prophet (SAW) asked her what

was the most amazing thing you saw in Abyssinia? Umm Salamah said “Well there was this woman who was nun and was walking down the street. A young man came from behind here and he pushed her. The women fell down and then got up. She got up and told the man ‘You and I are going to be resurrected on the Day of Judgment and then

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you are going to find this affair of ours go much differently.’. The Prophet (SAW) said to Umm Salamah: “She has spoken the truth. She has spoken the truth. How can Allah purify people who the weak does not have their right to take from the strong?”

- Abu Darda and Salman al-Farisi were very close. Abu Darda wrote a letter to Salman

telling him to come to the “holy land” since he was living in Sham. Salman told Abu Darda that the land does not make you holy. What makes a person holy is their actions.

- Ibn Qayyim mentions that one day Abu Darda and Salman al-Farisi came to the house of

a Christian women. They asked her if she had a place that was pure and clean to pray. She said to them “Purify your hearts and pray where ever you want.” Salman tells Abu Darda to take it from that women. Learn what she just said.

- When the Prophet (SAW) prayed, in his Ru’ku and Sujud he would say: Subbuhun

Quddusun Rabbul-Mala'ikati war-rooh." (Most glorious and most pure is the Lord of the angels and spirit.)

AL – SALAM - Al-Salam is one of the names of Allah as per Surat Al-Hashr.

- The word salam means Peace! Salam comes from the word Saalim, which means secure

and safe

- Al-Salam means Al- Saalim, the one who is unblemished in Essence (dhaat), Names, Attributes, and Actions. There are no defect or shortcoming that touches them in the manner that they do to His creations.

- He is free from imperfections in his ability, knowledge, He is free from lying and


- Allah is Al-Salam in His Names and attributes, Allah is Al-Salam in His Actions too, Allah is Al-Salam in His Knowledge, Allah is Al-Salam in what He can do, Allah is Al-Salam in what He withholds, And in what He gives, He grants Al-Salam to His believing slaves, And spreads it amongst all who live.

- The Prophet (SAW), as recorded in Sahih al-Jami’: “Al-Salam is one of the names of

Allah, so spread it amongst yourselves.”

- The greeting ‘As-Salamu Alaykum’ is so powerful. The Prophet (SAW) said: None of you will enter Jannah until you believe. And none of you will believe until you love one another. Shall I not tell you something that if you do it, you will love one another? Spread the Salam against you”.

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AL – TAYYIB - Al-Tayyib means Good, Pure and Wholesome

Eat from whatever is on earth [that is] lawful and good. (al-Baqarah,2:168)

- Allah only accepts that which is pure. (Muslim)

- Allah has commanded the believers with that which he has commanded the messengers.

Allah says: Oh Messengers, eat from the pure. And Allah tells the believer, eat that which is pure.

- The Prophet (SAW) struck the example of a man who was cut off in his travel. Dusty and

disheveled. Raising his hands toward the sky, saying “Ya Rab, Ya Rab.” The Prophet (SAW) commented saying but his food was haram, his drink was haram, his nourishment was haram, so how can that prayer be accepted?

o Normally, a person that is traveling, their dua is more likely to be accept. o If you want your prayer to be accepted, be careful of what you put in your body

(food, drink and nourishment/income)

- Sad ibn Abi Waqqas (one of ten companions that was promised Jannah) was known as someone who had his dua manifested or answered. People asked him how did he get to that level. Sad responded saying by knowing everything that I eat.

Jamaal now arrived at the door of the girl who he wants to propose to. Now he unlocks a couple more names of Allah.

AL – GHANIYY - Al- Ganiyy means the self-Sufficient and it is mentioned 12 times in the Quran.

- Opposite is Faqi which means to be in need

- Allah is not in need of anyone or anything. And we are the ones who are in need of Him.

And your Lord is the Free of need, the possessor of mercy (Al-Anaam,6:133)

- We do not ever reach a state where we are ghaniyy in our absolute sense. However,

sometimes we are deluded by that.

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No! [But] indeed, man transgresses.

Because he sees himself self-sufficient. (al-Alaq,96:6-7)

- And Allah says in the hadith Qudsi: O My servants, you will not attain harming Me so as to harm Me, and you will not attain benefiting Me so as to benefit Me.” – Muslim

o In the same hadith, Allah says: If the first of you and the last of you all mankind had the purest righteous heart, that does not decrease my dominion in anything. And if the first of you and the last of you had the worst hearts, that also would not take anything from His dominion.

- Action Items of Al- Ghaniyy:

o Ask Allah to enrich you § The Prophet (SAW) use to say: Oh Allah suffice me with your halal

from your haram and make me not in need of anyone other that You. à You should depend and ask only from Allah.

AL – WASI’ - Al-Wasi’ means the Vast/the Boundless

- Al-Wasi’ is the one who encompasses everything with his generosity, Benevolence,

Knowledge, Ability, Developing, and Planning

And to Allah belongs the east and the west. So wherever you [might] turn,

there is the Face of Allah. Indeed, Allah is all-Encompassing and Knowing. (al-Baqarah, 2:115)

- The Prophet (SAW) said, “I cannot encompass Your Praise, You are as You Praised

Yourself.” – Muslim

- A famous poet Al-Mutannabbi said, “He is so beyond the reach of praise that it is like, when he is given the choicest praise, it is an insult.”

o The best way to praise is the way Allah praises Himself

- Fruits of Al-Wasi’: o The Vastness of his creation is indicative of Al-Wasi’

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And the heaven We constructed with strength, and indeed,

We are [its] expander. (al-Dhariyat,51:47)

§ Look at the variation and vastness of His creation.

o Sa’ah which means flexibility and ease. There is sa’ah in his religion.

Allah intends for you ease and does not intend

for you hardship. (al-Baqarah,2:185)

§ If you try to over power the religion, the religion will overpower you. So, take it easy and go in moderation.

Jamaal had gone over to the house and he had a great time with her family. He leaves the house super excited super happy, with the possibilities of where this will go. He is already thinking about saving up for the wedding. After he got home, he sent a text to the Sakinah that says tells her how it was an honor meeting her family. And she responds saying that she spoke with the family and she doesn’t think it will work out. She wishes him the best of luck.

AL – HAKIIM / AL – HAKAM / AL - HAAKIM - Al- Hakiim

o Means the Wise o Mentioned in many different verses in the Quran

It is You who is the Knowing, the Wise. (al-Baqarah,2:32)

- Al-Hakam o Means the Judge

- Al-Haakim o Means the Ruler

And He is best of judges. (Al-Araf,7:87)

Is not Allah the most just of Judges. (At-Tin,95:8)

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- Hikmah means wisdom, placing something in its appropriate place. Dulm is placing something other than its place (Oppression)

- The Meanings of Al-Hakim:

o The knowledgeable who knows the realities of things, the possessor of wisdom o The Ruler who can distinguish between matters o The one who places things in their appropriate places o The one who refrains from doing lewd things and restrains themselves.

- Manifestations of Al-Hakim:

o Creation. We see the wisdom on Allah’s creation. o Created Mankind for a purpose and a reason – To worship him.

Then did you think that We created you uselessly and that to Us you

would not be returned? (al-Mu’minun,23:115) o This Law and revelation is perfect in its wisdom. o Grants some of His servants’ wisdom

§ Wisdom is better than silver and gold. Our story of Jamaal ends and we say goodbye to him. Now we introduce Anisa. It’s 2am and Anisa is a mother. Her baby has got her up and her husband is unbothered and still sleeping. This going to unlock the name that has got this mother up.

AL – RAHMAN / AL – RAHIM - Both, Al-Rahman and Al-Rahim, come from the word Rahma which means mercy.

- Al-Rahman

o Means the One who is filled with Mercy o Its is mentioned in the Qur’an 57 times.

- Al-Rahim

o Means the One who is consistently Merciful o It is mentioned in the Qur’an 117 times.

- Where is it shown to be the Names of Allah?

o Proof is everywhere in the Quran. - Fruits of Al-Rahman and Al-Rahim

o The greatest Attribute of Allah is that of Mercy.

- Give glad tidings to the believers for they have from an incredible favor – surah Al-Azab

- How did we get to the point where we fear that Allah is angry with us at all times?

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- His mercy overwhelms his wrath

[O Muhammad], inform My servants that it is I who am the Forgiving,

the Merciful. And that it is My punishment which is the painful punishment. (al-Hijr,15:49-50)

o Allah says I am Al-Ghaffur Al-Rahim. But he doesn’t mention that He is the

punisher as one of His names. It is not a manifestation or characteristic of Allah to be the “Punisher”

o The ‘Ani Ana’ has more emphasis.

- The Prophet (SAW) said “Give people good news, glad tidings and don’t repel people. Make things easy for people and don’t make it difficult. Where is the mercy? “

- Allah says, “We have not sent you [O Muhammad] except as a mercy to the world.”

- Who ever does not show mercy will not receive mercy.

- How to acquire the mercy of Allah:

o Follow the Shari’ah

o Be concerned with the Quran

So when the Qur’an is recited, then listen to it and pay attention that you may receive


o Obey Allah and His Messenger

And obey Allah and the Messenger that you may obtain mercy. (ale-Imran, 3:132)

o To make istagfar

Why do you not seek forgivenss of Allah that you may receive mercy? (al-naml;27:46)

o Have good expections of Allah

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Abu Nawas was an arab poet who loved his alcohol. But he was a muslim. When he passed away, someone saw him in a dream and they asked him “What did your Lord do with you?” He replied: “My Lord forgave me because of some verses that I had underneath my pillow”. He was asked “What were those verses?”. Abu Nawas responded: “Oh my Lord, I know If my sins are great because of their number, I know your forgiveness is greater. Oh my Lord, I call on you in humility and if you repel my hand, who will have mercy on me. If they only people that can have hope on you are the good ones, then who can the criminal have hope in. I have no path to you except for hope and your beautiful forgiveness and that I am a muslim.” Atleast in the dream Abu Nawas was forgiven for that.

AL – RA’UF - Ra’fah is the highest level of mercy. Ra’fah is tied with Shafaqa (Worry)

- “Ra’fah is the most extreme for of mercy, it’s highest point. It is mercy and more.” – Ibn


- Ra’fah is a type of mercy that does not tolerate any pain. You have some much mercy for someone that you do not want any discomfort to come to them

- It is possible for someone to have mercy one you but is still willing to inflict pain on you.

For example, a doctor who is giving you an injection. Even though that shot that they will be giving you will cause some pain, their mercy is in them knowing that this pain is what’s going to heal you.

- Allah is Al-Ra’uf. He does not want us to suffer in the slightest bit. Al-Rahman and Al-

Rahim still means the Merciful, but it is slightly less.

And do not be taken by pity for them in the religion of Allah. (al-Nur, 24:2)

- Ra’fah vs Rahma:

o Ra’fa is preventative. Allah doesn’t want you to fall into sin or any harm. o Rahma is the cure. After you fall into a sin, you may go through a difficulty to

gain Allah’s mercy. Anisa is now up praying Salatul-Fajr. Now this unlocks a few more names of Allah that are invoked in Prayer.

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ALLAH - The default name of God

o Every other name is a description of Allah, and Allah is not a description. All of the Names belong to Allah.

- Mentioned over 2,000 times in the Quran. It is the most oft repeated name in the

Qur’an and Sunnah.

- Scholars differed over what Allah Means: o Opinion #1:

§ Allah comes from the word Waliha which means to be confounded, perplexed, in a sense that no one will be able to comprehend or understand Allah

o Opinion #2: § Allah comes from the word Ma’lu/Ma’bud : The One that is

worshipped (**Majority Opinion**) o Opinion #3:

§ Allah does not come from any other root, it is not extracted from any other meaning, it is simply the name Allah.

§ Their Proof: When you call upon the Names fo Allah you remove the article. For example, we don’t say “Ya Al-Rahman”, instead we say “Ya Rahman”. However, when we call upon Allah, it stays the same. “Ya Allah” It stays as is.

- Fruits of Allah:

o Wanting /Desiring to Worship Him § The Prophet (SAW) said “Who ever dies believing that there is

nothing worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad (SAW) is His Messenger, will enter into paradise.”

o Doesn’t just make a person desire to worship, but also love Him § The Prophet (SAW) said, “Three things that if a person has will

taste the sweetness of Emaan (Faith)… 1. Allah and His Messenger become more beloved to them then anything else. 2. They love a person except for the sake of Allah. 3. A person hate to return to disbelief just like they hate to be thrown into a fire.”

- Which name is the Greatest Name?

o Where does this concept come from? Comes from a number of Ahadith. § Narrated by Ibn Majah: The hadith of Abi Umamah- The Prophet

(SAW) said “The great name of Allah is in 3 chapters of the Qur’an. Baqarah, Ale-Imran, and Taha.”

§ Narrated by Anas: The Prophet (SAW) passed by a man what was praying. The man called upon Allah and said: “Oh Allah I ask you by that there is nothing worthy of worship, by the fact that praise

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belongs to you, Ya Manan, Ya Dhal Jalali Wal Ikram, Ya Qayyum. And the Prophet (SAW) said the man asked Allah by his great names, the one that if He is asked by, He responds. And if he is requested, he responds. – recorded in Tirmidhi, Abu Dawud and others.

§ Narrated by Buraydah: The Prophet (SAW) said he heard a man saying: “Oh Allah I ask you by that there is nothing worthy of worship except for you, Al- Ahad (the Unique), Al-Samad (the Most Sufficient), the one who has no children and is not born from anyone and there is nothing like You.” The Prophet (SAW) responded to this man by saying “You have asked Allah by his great name by which if you ask, He grants. And if he is requested, he responds.”– recorded in Tirmidhi and Abu Dawud

§ Narrated by Asma: The Prophet (SAW) said that the great name of Allah are: Al-Rahman Al-Rahim and Al-Hayy Al-Qayyum (second verse in Ale-Imran)

o Great Names that are mentioned in the previous 4 Hadith:

§ Allah § Al-Wahhad § Al-Ahad § Al-Samad § Al-Manan § Dhul jalali Wal Ikram § Badi’ al Samawati wal Ard § Al- Rahman § Al-Rahim § Al-Hayy § Al-Qayyum § Al-Rahman § Al-Rahim

o Ibn Hajar (Great scholar of Hadith) listed in his commentary on Fath ul Bari

14 different opinions with regards to what the greatest name is. Some of the opinions are:

§ First Opinion: There is no Great Name of Allah § Second Opinion: Allah is the Greatest Name because it is

consistent in all of the narrations. ( Al Nawawi, Imam Ash- Shafi’I, and Abu Hanifa held this opinion.

§ Third Opinion: Ibn Taymiyyah held the opinion that is was Al-Hayy.

§ Fourth Opinion: And Ibn Qayyim held the opinion that it was Al-Hayy Al-Qayyum. Stated that these names were found a lot in Baqarah, Ayatul-Kursi, Beginning of Ale-Imran and surat Taha.

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§ Fifth Opinion: It is not about which particular name, but about the name that was appropriate by their state of mind. It depends on the situation you are in

§ Unanimous consensus of the scholars: Your heart must be present

while making dua.

AL – KABIR / AL - MUTAKABBIR - Kabir is something that is great or large.

- Al-Kabir

o Mentioned 6 times in the Quran

Verily Allah is High and great (al-Nisa,4:34)

o The One who is Great in Everything. Allah is Great in his esscence. Allah is

Great in his Attributes. His Names. His Actions. o When someone prays, they say “Allahu Akbar”

§ Akbar means that He is Greater Than everything § When you enter in to the prayer, Shaytan attacks and attacks. A

person then starts to think about everything in the world. All of this dunya enters into your mind. That’s why when we say ‘Allahu Akbar’, we are reminding ourselves that Allah is Greater than anything that we are thinking about.

§ A man came to Imam Abu Hanifa and told him I lost something. Abu Hanifa told him to go make wudu and pray 2 rakats and then you will find it. The man said what do I ask and what should I do. Imam Abu Hanifa told him just pray 2 rakats. As soon as the man started praying, He remembered exactly where it was. The man went and told Imam Abu Hanifa and Imam Abu Hanifa said I didn’t think Shaytan would have let you pray a focused prayer.

- Al-Mutakabbir

o It comes from the concept of Kibriya which means pride. o Pride is an evil trait when it comes to humanity. But it is the best trait when it

comes to Allah. o Narrated by Abu Hurayrah: “The Prophet (SAW) said: Allah Most High says:

Pride is my cloak and majesty is my lower garment, and whoever competes with me in either of them I will cast into the fire.” – Tirmidhi

o The Prophet (SAW) said: “Whoever has an atoms weight of pride will not enter paradise … and pride (Kibr) is rejecting the truth and belittling people”

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- Fruits of Al-Kabir: o Is to recognize that the strongest person is when they seek the support of

Allah, and the greatest a person is when they humble themselves to Allah. o Allah is Al-Kabir and there is no one to over power time if they are with Allah. o Allah is the greatest source of support.

- Umar said to his community while Amir-ul-Mumineen, “What would you do if I leaned

my head (and he gestured) towards the dunya like this?” And they replied, “We will lean with our swords this way.” Umar responded saying: “Alhamdulillah that Allah has placed for me those who will correct me if I go astray.”

AL – RABB - Al- Rabb is used for the Malik (King), Sayyid (Master), Qayyim (Maintainer), Wal-

Mudabir (Planner), Munabi (nourisher), and Mun’im (disposer of blessings). – Ibn Mandhur

- Allah depends that we have tawheed in his Ruboobiyyah (Lordship). Most of mankind

believes that Allah is the Rabb. Most people do not have an issue with Allah being the Rabb, the comes with Allah being the only One worthy of Worship (his Uloohiyyah). Even though people believe that Allah is the Lord of the heavens and the earth, they will direct their acts of worship and praise other than to Allah.

- Two types of Ruboobiyyah (Lordship)

o General Lordship: Allah is the Lord of everything and He is the one who provides everything, takes care of everyone, and maintains everything. Allah does that for all of mankind and all of the worlds.

o Specific Lordship: Specifically, for the believers. Allah looks after them, maintains them, protects them, nourishes them with faith, and He heals their hearts.

- Majority of the supplications recorded in the Qur’an use the word, “Rabbana” –

- The types of Allah’s Lordship are described as one of:

o Mercy

[And] “Peace,” a word from a Merciful Lord. (YaSin,36:58)

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o Forgiveness

And good land [have you], and a forgiving Lord. (Saba,34:15)

o Power

Lord of the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them, the Exalted in

Might, the Perpetual Forgiver. (Sad,38 :66)

o Benevolence

O mankind, what has deceived you concerning your Lord, the Generous.

(Infitar, 82:6)

- Fruits of Al-Rabb o A person is pleased with Allah as their Lord o To call upon Allah as their Rabb and learn the beautiful supplication in the

Qur’an o To avoid the obstacles to #2. Avoid doing that which will negate their access to

this name by consuming that which if forbidden.

AL – MALIK / AL – MAALIK / AL – MALIIK - Al--Malik as you know means the King.

o Mentioned in the end of Surat Al-Hashr o Mentioned in the Quran 5 times

- Al – Maalik:

o Possessive Names – Master of / Owner Of o Means the Possessor of

- Al-Maliik: o Mentioned in the end of Surat al-Qamar:

In a seat of honor near a Sovereign, Perfect in Ability (al-Qamar, 54:55)

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- The difference between my Mulk and Allah’s Mulk? o Scope: Our mulk has boundaries and Allah is Mulk of the heavens and earth o Timed: Our ownership is only temporary and Allah’s ownership is eternal

- Allah says in Surat Al-Fatiha : Maaliki Yawm ud-deen – Master of the day of Judgement.

Why does Allah specifically say the day of judgment when He is the Master of everyday? o Today, there are people who compete and challenge with Allah in this world.

On the day of judgment there will be no challengers. That is the day when Allah settles all scores.

- The last person to enter the Jannah will be a person that is emerged from the hellfire.

Then only one person will remain and will say, ‘Ya Rab what about me, take me just away from the hellfire’ Then Allah will let him go away from the Hellfire. Then the man will say” Ya Rab, take me farther from it because even though I am out, I can still feel the heat.’ Then Allah will say, ‘Will you ever ask anything else’ and the man will reply ‘No, that’s more than enough” and Allah will answer his request. Then the man will say ‘Ya Rab, I see the gate of paradise opened. Just make me closer to that gate so I can see what is inside and let the breeze of Jannah get to me and to also smell the fragrance of Jannah” Then Allah replies “ You said you would not ask for anything else” And the man says ‘just one more thing’ and Allah grants it to him. Then the man says, “Ya Rab, I am already at the gate, why don’t you just let me in”. Allah replies, “oh son of Adam, how many times are you going to break your promise with me”. The man will reply “Ya Rab just let me” and Allah allows him to enter Jannah “Tamanna (wish it)” and the man wishes for a lot of things and Allah asks him “What else” and he lists more things and Allah will ask again “What else” and the man will say “That is it” Then Allah will remind him of all the things that he wanted in the dunya and the man will say “Yeah I want all that too” Then Allah will say, “you get everything you wish and more”. Then the man will say “Ya Rab, are you mocking me” and Allah doubles it 10x.

AL – HAMID - Hamd means Praise

- Hence, the prophet (SAW) names is Muhammad which means the Praised one

- Opposite of hamd is Dham which means blame.

o The Prophet (saw) would sometimes be insulted and called Mudhamam. The Prophet would respond saying, “They person they are cursing out is Mudhamam and my name is Muhammad.” Allah had divereted their insults from the Prophet (SAW).

- Allah is Al-Hamid – The One deserving of Praise of every form and manner.

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- What is the relationship between Shukr (Thanks) vs Hamid (Praise) o Shukr is done for everyone. You thank people. o Hamd is only done for Allah. You do Hamd for Allah not just for his Actions

but because of who He is.

- Al-Hamid is mentioned 17 times in the Quran

And We had certainly given Luqman wisdom [and said], “Be grateful to Allah.” And whoever is

grateful is grateful for [the benefit of] himself. And whoever denies [His favor] – then indeed, Allah is Free of need and Praiseworthy. (Luqman, 31:12)

And they resented them not except because they believed in Allah, the Exalted in Might, the

Praiseworthy. (al-Buruj,85:8) § This is an interesting pairing. Izza is a source of mercy toward His

believing servants and justice towards his enemies. § Allah is Al-Aziz, and at the same he is Al- Hamid. He is

Praiseworthy in his Izza because it is an izza that is free from that which corrupts the izza of creation. Allah’s Izza is Hamid.

- The Prophet (SAW) would always Praise Allah (Alhamdulillah) in every circumstances.

o For the good, the Prophet (SAW) would say:

All Praise is due to Allah, through Him good things are accomplished.

o For the bad, the Prophet (SAW) would say:

All Praise is due to Allah in all circumstances

- Al-Hamd is the first phrase said in the Quran.

[All] praise is [due] to Allah, Lord of the worlds – (al-Fatiha,1:2)

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- Al- Hamd is also the first phrase said my humanity. o The Prophet (SAW) tells us that when the soul was breathed into Adam, it

started in his legs and continued to travel up till it came to his nose. And when it came to his nose, Adam sneezed. He said, ‘Alhamdulillah’ and Allah said ‘Yarhamakullah’

- How can a person have thanks to Allah?

o Internalize gratitude towards Allah o Allow for that gratitude to appear on your body

But as for the favor of your Lord, report [it]. (al-Duhaa, 93:11)

§ One time the Prophet (SAW) saw a disheveled man. The Prophet (SAW) said to him, “When Allah blesses and person, He like to see the effects of that blessing on the individual.”

o Thank Allah for your blessing by using those blessing in correcting humanity § How do you preform thankfulness? By doing that which Allah has

obligated and leaving what Allah has prohibited.

AL – MAJID - Al-Majid means the Glorious

They said, “Are you amazed at the decree of Allah, May the mercy of Allah and His blessing be upon you,

people of the house. Indeed, He is Praiseworthy and Honorable.” (Hud, 11:73)

- The meanings of Majd: o The perfection of knowledge, ability, wisdom, mercy, wealth, leadership and

power o The perfection of perfection, the beautification of beauty and the loftiness of


- The importance of the pairing Al-Hamid Al-Majid (found in the Tashahud) o Hamd is having numerous good qualities. o Majid is having the greatness of those good qualities.

- Fruits of Al-Majid:

o Recognizing Allah to be Great as well as what he declared to be great.

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o “Holding on to the Qur’an. It is a cause of majd in the dunya and the hereafter.” – Muslim

§ In the Qur’an, the Qur’an is called ‘Al-Quran ul Majid’

- Nafi’ b. ‘Abdulharith met ‘Umar at Usfan and ‘Umar had employed him as a governor in Mecca. He said to him: Whom have you appointed as a deputy over the people of the valley? He said: Ibn Abza. He said: Who is Ibn Abza? He said: He is one of our freed slaves. He (‘Umar) said: You appointed a freed slave over them? He said: He is well versed In the Book of Allah, the Exalted and Great, and he is well versed in the laws of inheritance, and a judge. ‘Umar said: The Prophet (SAW) said, “By this book, Allah would exalt some people and degrade others.”

It’s 8 am and Dr. Anisa leaving for going to work. She is leaving a list for her husband since he will be staying with the baby. She’s praying and hoping the baby will be okay by the time she comes home.

AL – HAFIIZ / AL - HAAFID - Al-Hafiiz is the One who protects everything that you entrust. - - “Indeed my Lord is, over all things, Guardian” (Hud, 11:57)

- Hafiz is the exaggerated form of Haafid. Al-Haafid is the Protector or the Gaurdian. Al-

Hafiz is the exaggerated form, the Preserver. Preserver of disappearance or forgetfulness.

- Types of Protection: o General: Allah guides everything to what protects it. Instincts!

He said, “Our Lord is He who gave each thing its form and then guided [it].”

(TaHa,20:50) § The guidance that is being mentioned in this ayah is the guidance

of Irshad (instinctual guidance). How does the bird know to fly south during the winter? How do animals know which animal is dangerous?

o Specific: Protection with regards to the believers. Both protecting them in the dunya, preserving their religion and the hereafter.

For each one are successive [angels] before and behind him who protect

him by the decree of Allah. (Ra’d, 13:11)

• Concept of guardian Angels

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- If someone memorizes the Quran, they are called a Haafiiz, there are preserving he Quran. Hasan Al-Basri said, the person doesn’t preserve the Quran, the Qur’an will preserve them

- Fruits of Al-Hafiiz:

o Hadith of Ibn Abbas: “Preserve the commandment of Allah, and Allah will preserve you” – Tirmidhi

- The time to worship Allah is not when everything is collapsing on you, the time to

worship Allah is when everything is going great. So that when thing do go bad, Allah will protect you and preserve you because of what you have invested in from before.


“And they said, ‘Sufficient for us is Allah, and [He is] the best Disposer of affairs (Ale-Imran,3:173)

That is Allah, your Lord; there is no deity except Him, the Creator of all things, so worship Him. And He is

Disposer of all things. (An’aam,6:102)

- Al-Wakil is the Disposer of affairs with His creation, knowledge, perfect ability and comprehensive wisdom. That is the general Wakala.

- You look for qualities when you want to entrust your affairs. Those qualities include:

o Ability: So they don’t waste their money o Experience: The more experience the better o Their concern for me: Will they look out for your best interest?

- Allah is Al-Wakil and He is presenting Himself to us to be our Wakil.

[He is] the Lord of the East and the Wes; there is no deity except Him, so take Him as a Disposer

of [your] affairs.(al-Muzzammil, 73:9)

- Omar ibn Kattab: The prophet (SAW) said if you were to truly depend on Allah, as he deserves to be depended on, He would provide for you just like how He provides for the birds.” In the morning the leave their nests hungry and the evening they reutn with their stomachs full.

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- Tawakul in Allah depends on: o The state of your heart—must always be attached to Allah o Your actions—you must do the work

- The prophet (SAW) perfected those two during the battle of Badr: He would prepare and


- Whoever believes that Allah is the Disposer of all their affairs will depend on Him in all of them. They will entrust Him with everything and in doing so will actualize the perfection of tawhid.

- Fruits of Al-Wakil:

o Anas ibn Malik said when the Prophet (SAW) said: ‘If a man leaves his house, they should say: Bismillah, tawakaltu ‘ala Allah, Wa hawla wala quwata ila billah (In the name of Allah, I put my trust in Allah, There is not source of power or might other than Allah) … It will be said to them “You have been guided, sufficed and protected.” One Shaytan will say to another, what can you do with a person who has been guided, sufficied and protected? The answer is nothing.

o Praying Salatul Istikharah – For the small deeds and the big deeds. o To work

§ A man came to the Prophet (SAW) and said should I tie my camel or put trust in Allah. The Prophet (SAW) said: Tie down your camel and have Trust in Allah.

o Pray and move towards what you want § Omar Ibn Kattab saw a man with a sick camel and said to him ‘Are

you not going to seek cure for it?’ The man said ‘I praying that Allah will Heal it’ and Omar said ‘Why don’t you add medicine too along with your dua.’

AL – SHAKIR / AL - SHAKUR - Al- Shakur (Exaggeratory form of Thankfulness)

o Also means the Appreciative o Mentioned 4 times in the Quran

And they will say, “Praise to Allah, who has removed from us [all] sorrow. Indeed, our Lord is

Forgiving and Appreciative.” (Fatir, 35:34) o Shukr in the Arabic language mean An increase

§ Allah give you more than you present to Him. He rewards you greatly for little deeds. He magnifies and magnifies.

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o Al-Shakur accepts all deeds no matter how small, forgives sins no matter how great, multiplies the reward of good deeds, and whoever comes closer to Him a handspan, He comes closer to them a cubit.

- Al- Shakir (The doer of Thanks)

o Also means the Grateful o Mentioned 2 times in the Quran

And Allah is Ever All-Appreciative (of good), All-Knowing. (al-Nisa, 4:147)

- What is the relationship between Al-Shakir (All Appreciative) vs. Al-Alim (All-Knowing)?

o Even the smallest deeds will not be forgotten by Allah. o You do a good deed and not know it is a good deed, and you will still get

rewarded for it. o Even though people may not notice what you have done, Allah always knows

and is always appreciative.

- Fruits of Al-Shakur o A person gives

§ The Prophet (SAW) said: Whoever removes a difficulty from a believer, Allah will remove a difficulty for that person on the Day of Judgement. And whoever makes things easy for a believer, Allah will make it easy for them in this world and the next. And whoever conceals the faults of a believer, Allah will conceal their faults in this world and the next. And Alllah is in the service of His slave as long as His slave is in the service of their brother.

o Increase in your worship – what propels in voluntary prayers is different then

what propels obligatory prayers. § Pray out of love and gratitude, not fear. The prophet would pray

until his feet would swell even though all his sins were forgiven. 'Shouldn’t I pray out of gratitude" he replied after his wife said he was forgiven.

o The Prophet (SAW) told Mu’ad ibn Jabal, “Oh Mu’ad, I love you so don’t forget to say at the end of every salah:

Oh Allah, assist me in remembering you, thanking you, and worshiping you beautifully.

§ Allah says if you are grateful, then I will give you more.

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o Hasad/envy: A person desires for your blessing to be taken away. (HATER) § Shukr protects you from hasad because Allah will increase you in

that blessing

o Part of Thankfulness is saying ‘Alhamdulillah’ and doing more of what Allah has obligated you do and don’t do what Allah has prohibited.

o Recognize where shukr comes from

§ Suleiman showing gratitude after thrown was brought before him (Al Naml). He doesn't even see the one doing it, but sees the one behind it, Allah! (Ex: how amazing is Allah that he gave me those abilities)

AL – SAMI’ - The All-Hearing

- Mentioned 45 times in the Quran

- Al- Sami’ is the one who hears all sounds, the loudest and the softest.

o Second Meaning: To Accept. § When you get up from Ruk’u you say, sami’ Allahu liman hamida.

Which means Allah accepts those who praise him § Al-Sami respinds to the supplications of His slaves when they ask

for him. So He responds to the call of those who invoke Him and as such the Prophet (SAW) used to seek refuge in Allah from a dua that is not Yusma – responded to.

- All sounds with Allah are the same in the sense of them being apparent in front of Allah,

whether they are spoken loudly or softly, where they are in the open of in private, even if it is something that is spoken to yourself.

It is the same [to Him] concerning you whether one conceals [his] speech or one publicizes it and

whether one is hidden by night or conspicuous [among others] by day. (Al-Rad, 13:10)

- Fruits of Al-Sami’ o When a person believes that Allah can hear everything they say, they will be

careful of what they say § Ibn Mas’ud said, “Three men gathered at the Ka’bah, with

understanding that was small , and bellies that were big. They said,

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‘Do you think that Allah hears what we say?’ One said, ‘He only hears it if we are loud, and does not hear it if we are quiet,’ and then the third said, ‘if He hears it when we are loud then He would hear it when we are quiet.’ And so Allah revealed the following verse

And you were not covering yourselves, lest your hearing testify against you or your sight or your skins, but you assumed that Allah does not know much

of what you do. And that was your assumption which you assumed about your Lord. It has brought you to ruin, and you have become among the losers."(al-fusilat, 41:21-23)

o That Allah is a perfect Lord and hears everything we say and do.

AL – BASIR - Al-Basir is the All- Seeing

- Mentioned 42 times in the Quran

Say, "Shall I inform you of [something] better than that? For those who fear Allah will

be gardens in the presence of their Lord beneath which rivers flow, wherein they abide eternally, and purified spouses and approval from Allah. And Allah is Seeing

of [His] servants - (Ale-Imran,3:15)

- Al-Basir means He is aware and knowledgeable of everything. There is nothing that is provided for, or created, or given life, or given death, or guided or misguided, or given support, or forsaken, except with His complete knowledge and awareness and sight. Nothing great or small escapes him.

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- Fruits of Al-Basir o Attributing this attribute of seeing to Allah because some groups said that

Allah doesn’t hear or see. o Recognize that Allah can see you even if no one is around you. You are

concerned that he sees you even if no one can see you. o Gives a person contentment because a person will recognize that everything

that happens to them, Allah see it and hears it.

AL – KHAALIQ / AL - KHALAQ - The word ‘khalaqah’ means to create.

- Khaliq- The One who creates

o Mentioned in the Quran 12 times

- Khalaq- The one who commits to create one after another, consistently creating o Mentioned in the Quran 11 times o Also mentioned in the end of Surat Hashr

Allah is the Creator of all things, and he is, over all things, Disposer of affairs (al-Zumar, 39:62)

- What’s the relationship between Allah being the Creater (Khallaq) and Wakil

(Gaurdian)? o Allah is the one who knows everything and so He is the one who is the Wakil

over everything.

- Everything in existence is evidence of Allah. o What has everyone else created?

This is the creation of Allah. So show Me what those other than Him have created.

Rather, the wrongdoers are in clear error. (Luqman, 31:11)

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o What have others created?

Say. [O Muhammad], Have you considered that which you invoke besides Allah?

Show me what thay have created of the earth; or did they have partnership in [creation of] the heavens? Bring me a scripture [revealed] before this or [remaining]

trace of knowledge, if you should be truthful.” (al-Ahqaf, 46:4)

- Can other than Allah be considered a khaliq(Creator)? Can someone say “I created this?” o Yes, but the meaning of their creation is not absolute. o Allah says, others create but He is the best of all creators.

§ Allah being Ashan al-Khaliqin means that creating from nothing is from Allah, but a person manufacturing something or making something from materials that are in existence, and that could be considered khalq for them or something that they design, something that they plan.

- On the Earth are signs for Al-Muqineen (Certainty) : Here a few Signs about our body

o 7 Octillion atoms in your body o 37 – 70 trillion cells in your body o The cells that line your stomach regenerate every 5 days. o The epidermis is shed every 2-4 weeks o Your eyes can distinguish between 2-3 to 7.5 million colors o Your nose can distinguish 1 trillion different smells o Your fingers can feel a ridge that is 13 nanometers in size, that’s 75x smaller

than the human hair o With your pinky finger, you lose 50 of function of hand o If you clasp both hands together, that roughly the size of a human heart o Your heart beats 100 thousand times a day o If you take all your DNA in your body, it would stretch to Pluto and back, 10

billion miles.

- Are Righteous individual or Angels better? o Debated severely amongst the scholars. o Ibn Taymiyyah said as a resolution “It is hard to say human beings while in

their sinful state are better than the Angels. However, when they are in Jannah, those individuals will be better than the Angels because they reached that level of purity and they did it by choice.”

- Reflecting on creation increases our Emaan (faith)

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- Mentioned by Ibn Kathir: A Bedouin was asked how he came to know His Lord. He said, “Droppings point to the existence of livestock, and footprints point to that of passers by, so constellations that fill the sky, and an earth filled with valleys, and oceans filled with waves, does this not point to Al-Latif, Al-Khabir?”

AL – BARI’ - Al-Khaliq, Al-Bari’, Al-Mussawwir are all names that follow one another in the sequence

of the verses in surat al-Hashr and meaning.

- Al-Bari is the one who initiates and creates something in accordance to its purpose

- That is why the creation is called, al-bariyyah

Indeed, they who have believed and done righteous deeds – those

are the best of creatures (al- Bayyinah, 98:7)

- Can be summarized to the following: o The one who brings something into existence and in that sense Al-Bari would

be similar to Al-Khaliq o The one who separates, (fasl) some of the creation from the other, by making

them have distinctive qualities. And that comes from the root al-bar’, which means al-fasl.

AL – MUSAWWIR - Al-Musawwir is the one who give it is surah (Shape)à The Fashioner

O mankind, what has deceived you concerning your Lord, the Generous, Who created you, proportioned you, and balanced you? In whatever form

He willed has he assembled you. (al-Infitar, 82,6-7)

Anisa is in her break room at her break room. Unfortunately, every times she turns on the news, they are talking about Islam.

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AL – JABBAR - One of the names mentioned in the end of Surat al-Hashr

- Al- Jabbar means:

o Jabr means to compel. He compels His creation as He wishes in how He fashions them, their shape, look, characteristics, the actions of their bodies; their breaths and heart beats, their nerves, their blood, all under the control of Allah in their wakefulness and their sleep.

§ Muhammad b. Ka’b said “He was called Al-Jabbar because he compels His creation to what He wishes.” – Al-bayhaqi

o He fixes their brokenness, takes care of them, concels their mistakes. He is the one who fixes.

§ The Propher had a du’a that he would make between the two sajdahs:

Oh Allah! Forgive me, have mercy on me, guide me, guard me against harm and

provide me with sustenance and salvation! – Muslim o Allah is the one who fixes our brokenness. Al-Jabbar is the One who fixes o Al-Qahir- The overpowering, means that everything submits to and all of

creation submits to His Might and power. o Dhu’l Jabarut, the possessor of Mulk (Dominion), ‘Athama (Greatness) and

Majd (Glory). § The Prophet used to say in his ruku and sujud:

Glory by to the one who has all power, sovereignty, magnificence and might. – Al-


o To be incredibly strong and severe - When you describe a human as being Jabar (severe, harsh, tyranny), it has a bad

connotation. However, when describing Allah it is a beautiful and perfect name.

They said, O Moses, indeed within it is a people of tyrannical strength, and indeed, we will never

enter it until they leave it; but if they leave it, then we will enter.” (al-Ma’idah, 5:22)

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- It is horrible to be Jabar to humanity, but the worst is when a person is Jabar to his parents.

And [made me] dutiful to my mother, and He has not made me a wretched tyrant (Maryam, 19:32)

- Fruits of Al-Jabbar

o To call upon Allah to fix our brokenness o That we ask Allah to remove the oppression if we are oppressed. o If we are the Oppressor, to fear Al-Jabbar.

AL – MATIN - Al- Matin means the Unbreakable Might

Indeed, it is Allah who is the [continue] Provider the firm possessor of strength. (al-Dhariyat, 51:58)

- Allah is strong in his power and everything that is strong to be in. And Allah is the

provider of strength to all of the world. And He strong in the matter that weakness do not touch Him.

- When every you need strength in anything ask Ya Matin.

AL – HAQQ - Al-Haqq means the truth.

- Allah describes himself as being The truth

- Eight Truths mentioned in Hadith

o Narrated ibn ‘ Abbas: Whenever the Prophet (SAW) offered the night (tahajjud) prayer, he used to say, “O Allah! All the Praises are for you; You are the Light of the Heaven and the Earth. And all the Praises are for you; You are the Keeper of the Heavens and the Earth. And all the Praises are for you; You are the Lord of the Heavens and the Earth and whatever is therein. You are the Truth, and Your Promise is the Truth, and Your Speech is the Truth, and meeting You is the Truth, and Paradise is the Truth and Hell (fire) is the Truth and all the prophets are the Truth and the House is the Truth. O Allah! I surrender to You and believe in You and depend on You, and repent to You, and in Your cause I fight and with Your orders I rule. So please forgive my past

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and future sins and those sins which I did in secret or in public. It is You whom I worship, none has the right to be worshiped except you.” – Bukhari

- The consistency of the Qur’anic message with the prophetic tradition is indicative of the

fact that they are coming from the same source. There is no inconsistency.

- What Allah warns us the most in the Quran – Shirk

- What Allah tells us the most in the Qur’an – will be heaviest on our scale on DoJ o Have Taqwa of Allah (#1) o Stay away from shaytan

- Al-Haqq manifest in so many ways and stories

o When you have someone who is supposed to serve the community or masjid and everyone knows that there is someone better for that position. The Prophet said This is a betrayal of Allah and His Messenger

- The Prophet (SAW) said The worst person is someone who makes something haram

from something that would have been halal from before. (ie. Women wearing earbud under hijab during exams)

- Muttafifeen- Those who want everything in full. But when its their time to give

something to some, they take less than that.

AL – SHAFI’ - Al- Shafi’ means the Healer

And when I am ill, it is He who cures me. (al-Shu’ara: 26:80)

o Evil in never attributed to Allah. Ibrahim doesn’t say, When Allah makes me

sick, instead he says when I am sick.

- Evil is never attributed to Allah. We always attribute it to creation. Only goodness is attributed to Allah

- The Prophet (SAW), upon visiting a sick person, would say:

"O Lord of the people, remove this pain and cure it, You are the one who

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cures and there is no one besides You who can cure, grant such a cure that no illness remains".

- For every illness there is a cause of healing that Allah has created, and He is the Healer.

- For every illness, there is a cure.

- “Make use of medical treatment, for Allah has not made an aliment without appointing a

remedy for it, with the exception of the ailment, old age” – Abu Dawud

- Jibril came to the Prophet (SAW) and said, “O Muhammad (SAW)! Do you feel sick?” He (SAW) said “Yes.” Jibril supplicated this: [With the Name of Allah. I recite over you (to cleanse you) from all that troubles you, and from every harmful mischief and from the evil of the eyes of an envier. Allah will cure you; and with the Name of Allah, I recite over you].''

- We access this name whenever we fell sick or a loved one is sick.

It’s evening and Anisa is now on her way home. She is starts reading her evening adkar. This now unlocks more names.

AL – WAHID / AL - AHAD - Al-Wahiid

o Mentioned 12 times in the Quran

O [my] two companions of prison, are separate lords better or Allah, the One, the Prevailing?

(Yusuf, 12:39)

o Significance of Al-Wahid and Al-Qahhar coming together à Allah is Al-Qahhir by Himself.

- Al-Ahad

o Mentioned 1 time in the Quran

o Say, “He is Allah, [who is } One.” (al-ikhlas, 112,1)

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- Whats the difference between Al-Wahid and Al-Ahad? o Al-Wahiid is used for individuals. o Ahad is the one that negates every number that comes after it. It is also

someone unique in their qualities and description. Only used for Allah

- Fruits of Al- Waahid and Al- Ahad o That Allah is to be worshipped Alone

- We have parents first, then children. However, in surat Al-Ikhlas the order is reversed.

The reason is because more people attributed Allah to children rather than attributing parents to Allah.

AL – SAMAD - Al- Samad means the Self-Suffient

Allah, the Eternal Refuge (al-Ikhlas, 112:2)

- Ibn Abbas described Al-Samad as something without internal organs.

o As humans, we need and depend on our internal organs to work but Allah doesn’t need no one or anything

- Of the meanings of Al-Samad:

o Al -Rabb (the Lord) o Al- Malike (the Owner) o Al-Sayyid (the Master) o Al-Kamith (the perfect)

- The virtues of Surat’l Ikhlas

o You are calling on Allah because you need him o We recite it because we need to get to something else

Anisa got home, the baby is asleep and she is sitting with her husband, conversing. This serenity, tranquility and love unlocks the next two names of Allah.

AL – WADUD - Al- Wadud is the loving and the Disposer of love

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And He Is the Forgiving, the Affectionate (al- Buraj, 85:14)

- Mentioned twice, once in Surat al-Buruj and Surat Hud

- Allah bring about love for his creation. He loves those who believe. And Allah bestows

that will cause them to love Him. He also brings love between humanity.

- If Allah Loves someone, he calls out to Angel Jibreel and tells him, Oh Jibreel, I love so and so, so love them. And Jibreel calls out to the Angels and tell thems “Allah loves so and so.” So then the Angels love that person. Thene the Prophet (SAW) said Qabul (acceptance) is written for that person on earth.

- How is a person to acquire Allah’s love?

o “Verse of the test” by Ibn Kathir: It tests everyone who says they love Allah

“Say, if you love Allah, then Follow me, Allah will love you.” (Ale-Imran,3:31)

• So in following the Prophet (SAW) and his sunnah, you will gain Allah’s love.

o Increase in your obligatory actions and voluntary actions § Allah says my slave will continue to come to me with voluntary

actions until I Love them.

AL – JAMIL - Al- Jamil means the Beautiful

- This name does not appear in the Quran

- The Prophet (SAW) said, “Allah is beautiful and He loves beauty”- Muslim

- To reflect on creation is to recognize that our Lord is beautiful

- If you were to look outside, you would recognize the beauty.

o Purpose of the creation of stars: § Source of guidance for the travelers § Source of protection from the shayateen § Source of decorations for the heavens

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- Ali Abi Talib names his first son Harb, which means ‘War’. The Prophet changed his name from Harb to Al-Hassan (the Beautiful) and his next son, Al-Hussein

- Allah’s actions revolve around grace, justice and wisdom!

Anisa’s day has winded down. She is reflecting on her mistakes and shortcomings. Brings us to the following names:

AL – GHAFFUR / AL – GHAFFAR / AL – GHAFIR / AL – ‘AFUW - All these names can be translated as The Forgiving

- Al - ‘Afuw means to remove all traces of the sin.

- Ghufran is to be protected from the harm of sins.

o In Arabic, a mighfar is a helmet. It is almost as if Ghufran is to be protected, shielded form the affects of the sins.

- Al-Ghaffur is mentioned 91 places. – exaggerated form of forgiveness

o Breathaking Pairing: § Al-Ghafur Al-Rahim

• Forgiveness with Mercy, is as if the cause and effect are paired together, and so forgiveness is the cause to experience the Mercy of Allah.

§ Al-‘Aziz Al-Ghaffur • Forgiveness with Strength, to show that it is not out of

weakness or inability to exact revenge but with total capability and power.

§ Al-Ghaffur Al-Wadud • Forgiveness with Love, that Allah forgives and the effects

of that sin disappear. Some forgive but don’t forget, and so there is still a distance or a caution there.

- Al- Ghaffar is mentioned 5 times in the Quran

o Forgives again, and again, continuously

Lord of the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them, the Exalted in Might, the

Perpetual Forgiver. (Sad, 38:66)

- Al-Agharr al-Muzani said: The Prophet (SAW) said, “Sometimes I perceive a veil over my heart, and I supplicate Allah for forgiveness a hundred times in a day.” – Muslim

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- Qatada, Ibn Abbas’ student said, “This Quran directs you towards your illness and directs you towards your cure. As for your illness, it is caused by your sins. As for your cure, it is seeking forgivnes.”

- Why do we seek istighfar (forgivenss) after good deeds?

o Because what you offer is not what Allah deserves. He deserves so much more.

- The greatest act of worhip that any human being ever offered was a 23 year nisalah by the Prophet (SAW) – His Messengership.

- Imam Al- Nawawi’s secret

o The standard when it comes to Barakah o As a child, he grew up uninterested in play. When asked why he wouldn’t play

with the kids, he said I wasn’t created for this. o He studied in an incredible fashion. He took 12 classes a day. He was absorbed

in knowledge. He said he would have gotten married if he remembered to. o Wrote the 40 hadiths, commentaries, Riyad us Saliheen o The end of all of his books, he ends it with hadith of istighfar. Every time he

offers a work, he seeks Allah’s forgiveness due to his lack of

- On the authority of Anas (may Allah be pleased with him), who said: I heard the Messenger of Allah (SAW) say: Allah the Almighty said: O son of Adam, so long as you call upon Me and ask of Me, I shall forgive you for what you have done, and I shall not mind. O son of Adam, were your sins to reach the clouds of the sky and were you then to ask forgiveness of Me, I would forgive you. O son of Adam, were you to come to Me with sins nearly as great as the earth and were you then to face Me, ascribing no partner to Me, I would bring you forgiveness nearly as great as it.

- Ways to obtain Allah’s Forgiveness

o Goodness to Allah’s Creation o Forgive others o Do good deeds