
Q7. Looking back to your preliminary task, what do you feel that you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Transcript of Q7

Page 1: Q7

Q7. Looking back to your preliminary task, what do you feel

that you have learnt in the progression from it to the full


Page 2: Q7

Looking back to our preliminary task, I think we have progressed in many ways. When we made our preliminary task, we didn’t do any research or planning into what we wanted to do. It was all made up on the spot. Also, as we only had a few lessons to make it and edit, it didn’t turn out great. However, it was a good practice for us to see how the camera works and how to edit on iMovie. The camera work was very rough as we didn’t know how to get the right shots and as we didn’t have a script, the actors had to make up their lines. The editing was also not very good, as we were all new to using iMovie, the cuts were too obvious and it didn’t look very neat. Overall we didn’t do that well in our preliminary task, but this helped us to improve our skills when it came to the main task.

When producing the main task, we all decided what job each person was doing so that we were organized. We then started researching on thriller movies. We all watched one thriller each and then put our ideas together to make one big idea for our main task. We then produced a storyboard which had all the scenes drawn out and exactly what each shot we were using. We then made a script for the actors to rehearse from. When filming, we made sure we had the props we needed and also asked permission from the teacher if we could use the room to film our opening sequence. When it came to filming, we had practice on how to get the shots we needed and we knew which ones we needed because of the storyboard. This made the process a lot faster and smoother.

Finally, when it came to the editing, we didn’t waste time, we split the shots in half, so there were two people editing so that we could get the movie together quickly. There was also one person re-shooting any shots that didn’t look right or didn’t fit in properly against the other shots. I personally feel since our preliminary task we improved a lot. We were a lot more confident with using the equipment as we had practice. We worked much better as a group and each person had a certain role. I think our opening scene is successful, if we had some more time there would still be some areas which we could improve on such as the interrogation scene were we have got quite a lot of repetition. Overall, it looks like a thriller as we have tried to add as many thriller conventions as we could and if I was watching it for the first time it would leave me with asking myself a lot of questions.