
Evaluation Question 5

Transcript of Q5


Question 5

How did you attract/address your


The colour scheme stands out which make the magazine look bright particularly the white being contrast with the blue. The colors individually would attract the my audience blue would attract my audience because it represents trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth, and heaven. Blue would particularly attract the male audience because Blue is a masculine color; according to studies, it is highly accepted among males. Dark blue is associated with depth, expertise, and stability. I have the colour purple in certain places this would attract my audience because Purple is associated with royalty. It symbolizes power, luxury, and ambition. It conveys wealth and extravagance. Purple is associated with wisdom, dignity, independence, creativity, mystery, and magic. The colour purple would particularly attract females as it is a feminine colour. Furthermore the colour white represent coolness because it the colour of snow. White is also used suggest simplicity in high-tech products

The background which makes my text and images stand out I have large masthead which also stand out. My contents page will attract both genders as it contains articles on relationships and music . in addition like I have mentioned above my magazine would appeal to the male audience as the image of my main artist in double page spread is wearing sexy legging and also the female can look up to my main artist as role model.

I have attracted my audience by pricing the magazine at low price because some of the people within targeted age range which is 15-23 year olds are still in full time education which means they might not be able to afford an expensive magazine to by every fortnight.

The contents of my magazine would attract my audience because people in my targeted age range are interested in fashion and wanting to look good perhaps to attract the opposite sex or to just simply keep up with trends so this would attract my audience.

My masthead font style would attract people who like R&B and Hip pop magazine because usually magazine of that genre have similar font style for example vibe magazine font style this would attract my audience because it fits in with the convention of R&B magazines styles.

I have attracted the young generation by adding social networks on the cover as well as new songs. This makes the magazine appear more modern and diverse.

In my double page spread have mentioned in my article that my artist had a hard life growing up but she always had hope so people who have had hard time growing up could look up to he as an inspiration

In my contents page I have picture of headphones on the top of the page this attract my audience because it look quite stylish. Also the font used in masthead looks very Hip pop and street which would attract people who like the genre.