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Transcript of Q3brandidentity

Page 1: Q3brandidentity

How effective the combination of my main

product and ancillary texts?

Page 2: Q3brandidentity

Brand Identity

• When researching the conventions needed when creating a promotional package, the key was to have a strong brand identity that is easy to recognise and remember for your intended target audience.

Page 3: Q3brandidentity

How I created brand identity within my promotional package

• Once we decided on doing a comedy we decided to plan our trailer first. We looked at various titles etc and what we thought would suit with are storyline, audience etc and decided we liked Red on a white background.

Page 4: Q3brandidentity

How my poster and trailer created brand identity?

• The trailer throughout uses the red and white font similar to the poster; as this would stick in the audiences head and help them recognise between both of them. The Male actors were shown in both; and wearing the same outfit, to show the connection and create a strong brand identity. The USP of our film was important to illustrate to the target audience and help sell; so on both the poster and trailer we clearly showed it. To show it’s a comedy we used a strong bright font, fun poses and shots and showed its directed by the same man who did The Hangover to reinforce it is a comedy.

Page 5: Q3brandidentity

How my magazine and poster create brand identity?

• I decided to use continuity to help create brand identity; so used the same red from the poster for the magazine cover line of Make or Break and then chose my adobe colour scheme around that. It shoes both characters in costume however the magazine image is more to show there faces, not so much show the story line. Once again it was most important to clearly portray the USP of it being directed my Todd Phillips who made a similar film The Hangover.

Page 6: Q3brandidentity

How my trailer and magazine create brand identity?

• Remembering the name and USP of a film is the most important part of brand identity; so that they remember to watch it. The USP was clearly shown in both the trailer and magazine to sell the film. Along with the same font and colour used to help create brand recognition to remember the film name and link them. In both the main actors are shown in similar outfits and show they are the main characters of the film.