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Transcript of Q2

  1. 1. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
  2. 2. vWhen deciding what we wanted to use as a song and contemplating what genre to do, we had to think about how we could relate all of he work into hat genre. By picking a genre which is known by the group, I makes it easier to relate all of the ancillary texts back. I wanted to make sure that all of the different forms that we were producing related back t my original form. To do this is decide to choose the image of the man sitting by the tree, the colours and carry the thought of the tree through out each of them. v v
  3. 3. The reasons behind the idea v The idea for the entire project came from he style of music both me and my group members enjoy. We looked into the genre and realised that he music that is often produced tends to have a significant meaning. We decided to keep the dark theme running throughout our entire video and ancillary texts. We decided on a dark and controversial topic, therefore meaning that we had to keep the colours and themes dark and eerie. I wanted my Digi-Pak to resemble no only the band but he genre of music and the subject we are covering. I decided on he single image and the same colours so the audience know what he album cover says about the band and the type of music. Many bands within the same genre keep the album cover simple yet leaving the audience wanted more and wanting to investigate the band. The images are usually dark and need o be kept like that in order for the genre to be conveyed.
  4. 4. vMany Digi-Paks which I have looked at in the genre of post-gunge show many single and desolate images which are not only displayed as the album cover but the theme is consistent throughout the entire Digipak. The thought of the tree in my Digipak, music video and poster where all directed and all linked with the connotation of loneliness and a simple of last sort, which is shown on the left cover of my Digipak. I could not make he image of the female hanging from the tree the main album cover, due to it being very controversial on an individuals story. I placed it on the inside to try and apply user discretion. The theme of suicide prevention is thought-out the entire ancillary texts , to make sure that the representation of views on depression and suicide are made clear, these pieces of work are not there to promote it, but instead put thee to discourage others, making them realise there is external help.
  5. 5. vMan poster I have looked at share the same connotations and representations as the accompanying Digipak. I decided to do the same for my designs, by giving the same text, colours and image make it possible for the audience to relate the two together. The two link together with the single image of the tree and the man. This image represents the loneliness that a single person can feel going through something like depression or losing a loved one. The tee is a symbol of loneliness and often when shown or thought of, Oak trees are often depicted as being on their own in a filed. The tree is the symbol of the mans feelings inside. The feeling of being lonely and helpless. When confronted with he problem of making it a positive situation at the end, we decided to show the lead singer be confronted with one of his friends and snap him out of his trance, making him realise that he isn't on his own and there is support.
  6. 6. vEverything has been created with a meaning an everything which has been used, has been used for a reason. The entire thought of my Digipak was about the thought and feeling of depression and loneliness. The trees and forest have been mention in the Digipak few times and though out he video as well. This is because it is considered a desolate place to be. The Inside cove o the axe in the wood connotes the feeling of feeling betrayed by what has happened and the pain that the individual has gone through, relating back to the axe in the wood.
  7. 7. Conclusion vFinally I believe that all of he different ancillary texts fall into place with each other, which was the initial plan. By doing this thee is a clear link with representations in my work and make for a better story behind the entire project. The themes are the same so that the audience can relate all of the work together, so they will know who he band are, their product design and what type of music they make. This will allow the audience to relate back to the band in the future. Overall I believe all of my ancillary texts worked will together and everything was demonstrated in all of the different texts.