q and a Tips About the Five Human Design Types

To learn more visit www.HumanDesignforSuccess.com or email [email protected] ©2013 Evelyn Levenson and Human Design for Success. All rights reserved. Q & A Tips about the FIVE HUMAN DESIGN TYPES Here are some Questions and Answers about each Human Design TYPE from a recent course I taught. These are what people really wanted to know about themselves and their loved ones! I selected these specifically to help you deepen your understanding of YOU and the people in your life. I invite you to read them all…not just the ones about your Type! The better we understand each other, the happier and more Authentic we will all Be Questions and Answers about MANIFESTORS Q “Can you say a bit about Manifestors who have spent their lives not initiating? Is there a way to reactivate them?” [from a non-Manifestor] A If the Manifestor isn’t asking for help, you want to be very careful about trying to help them because they will probably resist you. But if they are asking for help then they’ve initiated an energetic opening for you to work with them. Find out what they are interested in. Find out what they love to do. Then make some suggestions, and see what sticks. Throw some spaghetti against the wall for them and see what sticks for them. See what appeals to them and see what they are willing to take some action on. Let them start slowly to rebuild that “initiating” muscle. Manifestors should to leave themselves every opportunity for changing their minds, for shifting gears, for either backing out completely or going in a slightly (or completely) different direction than originally thought. Also: inform, inform, inform. People will judge the Manifestor—perhaps say that you are indecisive or flighty—unless they know what’s going on. You can say, “I’m trying this and it didn’t work. Here is what I’ve learned from it. Now I’m going to do this over here, because it’s a natural offshoot to that and I think it may be a better direction.”

Transcript of q and a Tips About the Five Human Design Types

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Here are some Questions and Answers about each Human Design TYPE from a recent course I taught. These are what people really wanted to know about themselves and their loved ones! I selected these specifically to help you deepen your understanding of YOU and the people in your life. I invite you to read them all…not just the ones about your Type!

The better we understand each other, the happier and more Authentic we will all Be

Questions and Answers about MANIFESTORS Q “Can you say a bit about Manifestors who have spent their lives not

initiating? Is there a way to reactivate them?” [from a non-Manifestor] A If the Manifestor isn’t asking for help, you want to be very careful about trying

to help them because they will probably resist you. But if they are asking for help then they’ve initiated an energetic opening for you to work with them.

Find out what they are interested in. Find out what they love to do. Then make some suggestions, and see what sticks. Throw some spaghetti against the wall for them and see what sticks for them. See what appeals to them and see what they are willing to take some action on. Let them start slowly to rebuild that “initiating” muscle.

Manifestors should to leave themselves every opportunity for changing their

minds, for shifting gears, for either backing out completely or going in a slightly (or completely) different direction than originally thought.

Also: inform, inform, inform. People will judge the Manifestor—perhaps say

that you are indecisive or flighty—unless they know what’s going on. You can say, “I’m trying this and it didn’t work. Here is what I’ve learned from it. Now I’m going to do this over here, because it’s a natural offshoot to that and I think it may be a better direction.”

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©2013 Evelyn Levenson and Human Design for Success. All rights reserved.

Q “Is it a good idea to have a back out clause for new endeavors?” [from a Manifestor]

A Absolutely. That’s something that I highly recommend for Manifestors—a

back out option or a back out clause—because your “throw the spaghetti against the wall” Strategy has no guarantees in it and no promises that it’s going to work out.

Q “I have a couple of comments, not really a question, but being an

astrologer I can see a lot of correlating things within this system of Human Design. It’s really broadening my knowledge even more. I started crying when you started talking about trusting yourself. I realized that I buried my power when growing up and felt like I didn’t have any worth because I was listening to all the other authorities in my life. I just wanted to share those pieces. Thank you so much. This has been wonderful, Evelyn.” [from a Manifestor]

A Yes, Manifestors can have a particularly challenging time. I’m delighted this

helped you. I’m getting much feedback like this from others as well. It’s amazing the difference that just a little bit of information can make in your own view of yourself and of the world. I think oftentimes that Human Design is the first time most people really feel seen for who they truly are.

Questions and Answers about GENERATORS Q “What ways can a retired Generator be happiest?” [from a Generator] A I think the best way is to keep busy doing things that you enjoy. Allow your

Sacral to guide you. Everything in Human Design always does come back to follow your Sacral, or at least follow your Strategy and in this case, it’s follow your Sacral.

See what you respond to. See what your Sacral gets excited about and what

your Sacral brings forth—that life force energy—in some direction and go in that direction and pursue that. Do things that you enjoy. Follow your bliss, in other words, and keep busy. Keep busy enough to be happy, and active enough that you’re sleeping well and using up all the gas in that gas tank.

Q “Isn’t there a way to get a Sacral response without asking someone to

‘ask us’ what we need?” [from a Generator] A First, see if you can respond to anything in your outer reality, anything at all

that shows up. Then, if you are particularly good at visualizing things in your

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©2013 Evelyn Levenson and Human Design for Success. All rights reserved.

mind’s eye, then it’s possible that you can visualize something clearly and have a clear Sacral response to it (without someone asking you or having something show up in your reality to respond to).

If you’re inclined to do that I would encourage you to experiment with that, see how that goes, but usually when people are first starting out with their Sacral response, I really recommend that you try to respond to anything in your outer reality, not in your mind (or your mind’s eye), and really get the feel for that Sacral response first.

Q “Could you give an example of a male Generator entering a relationship correctly if he is a traditional take-charge type?” [from a female Generator]

A For the male Generator, it’s really a matter of having something to respond to. I mean, if he sees you—let’s say it’s you—to enter into relationship with you he’s going to have a response to you. There is a physical response, “Uh-huh, yes. She is attractive. I like that. Uh-huh, there is something about her energy that I really like.”

That alone is enough for the Generator guy to respond to. Or let’s say someone suggests to the Generator guy that he throw a party. Say, “Hey, do you want to have a party for your birthday?” He says, “Okay, yeah. Uh-huh, that sounds good. I’ll throw a party for my birthday.”

Well, a bunch of people get invited and a woman shows up at the party that he responds to. That was a correct way for her to be at the party because he responded to throwing the party and then he can respond to meeting that person. It’s really not complicated for the Generator to have something to respond to. Usually, it doesn’t take very long for something to show up. Or a friend could ask him, “Are you interested in Eileen?” He can say, “Uh-huh, yeah. I think I am.” Okay, he’s responded. It’s really that simple; it’s not like needing an invitation like a Projector man. A Projector male has a much tougher time entering into relationships correctly.

Questions and Answers about MANIFESTING GENERATORS Q “How do I ‘wait to respond’ when I’m moving at the speed of light?”

[from a Manifesting Generator] A Spoken like a true Manifesting Generator! Yes indeed, you operate at the

speed of light. Here’s how to do it.

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If you have something relevant to respond to, you are already responding. It’s not like you have to stop and wait. The trick is to get in touch with what that response was and it’s a split second thing, so it’s just a matter of training yourself to stop for a split second. You can be in mid-sentence, in mid-motion. Just check in and ask, “What was that response? Uh-huh? Uhn-uhn? Yes? No?” Whatever that was, whatever that gut body sensation was for you, then proceed from there. If you don’t have something relevant to respond to yet—something in your outer reality or a yes/no question to help you make a specific decision—then you do need to wait. But you’re a high-speed Manifesting Generator. It doesn’t usually take long for something to show up. Put out the intention that you want something to respond to, and it will show up. If you’re defined emotionally (large triangle on the lower right side of your chart is light brown), you need to wait through your emotional wave before making your decision. At least sleep on it a night or two. Give it as much time as you can and at some point, you will get kind of an internal click that will let you know you’ve waited long enough. You may never feel 100% certain about a decision if you’re emotionally defined. That’s okay, but you still will usually need to make a decision and take an action anyway. A lot of times the hesitancy comes from having made decisions in the past that you regretted because you leapt in without waiting. If your emotional Solar Plexus center is open (large triangle on the lower right side of your chart is white), whatever your Sacral response is in the moment is your final answer. That is the truth for you and that is what is correct for you to pursue. You are designed to make decisions on the spot, once your Sacral has responded.

Q “How do you make yourself follow your gut if your head is saying no

way?” [from a Manifesting Generator] A That is a matter of practice and, dare I say, discipline or at least commitment

to Sacral. When you recognize how powerful and how useful your Sacral is—your Sacral will guide you to being successful and being happy in your life—then you can get behind that notion of following your Sacral.

I encourage you to experiment and for the first year or so, depending on you, you may just want to be paying attention to your Sacral responses, making note of what they are, but then following your head if you must. Then see how things turn out. Over time you’ll get more confidence in it, the more experience you have with it. The more you follow it and see how it turns out, the more trust you’ll have.

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Sometimes you may follow your Sacral and things don’t turn out. What’s that all about? Well, it may take time before you can look back and say, “Oh, it seemed like that didn’t turn out at the time, but that actually moved me forward in this area. I learned this from that process.” You’ll see in retrospect why it was, in fact, part of a correct path for you to get where you really want to go because your Sacral knows how you can best, most efficiently, get there.

Q “I prayed, asked God, for a sign about a new course. The very next day

as I was at my desk, a kit pertaining to this course fell off my desk by itself. Would this be what Human Design considers a sign from outside that acts as a confirmation?” [from a Manifesting Generator]

A It showed up in your outer reality and got your attention so you could respond

to it. The important next part is to check with your Sacral and see what your Sacral response was. Just because it fell off your desk doesn’t mean that it’s a confirmation or a “yes.” It means that it showed up so that you can respond.

Remember, the responding process is a stimulus and then a response, like with Pavlov’s dogs where the bell was the stimulus and the dogs were trained to respond—to salivate. There needs to be a clear stimulus for you to have a clear response from your Sacral about whether it’s something that’s correct for you, “uh-huh,” or not correct for you, “uhn-uhn.”

That very important second step there is to then check with your Sacral and see if your Sacral is responding in a positive way to whatever showed up or whatever course fell off your desk.

Questions and Answers about PROJECTORS Q “What happens if I don’t follow my strategy as a Projector? What

happens when I’m not waiting to be invited?” [from a Projector] A What generally happens is you end up burning yourself out because if you’re

not waiting, then you’re probably trying to make something happen. As a Projector, that can be exhausting and not necessarily productive because you may not be producing the results that you really want. The best results will usually be produced when you’re waiting for the right opportunities to come your way.

We are conditioned to operate like Manifestors and Manifesting Generators in the world. “Go out and manifest your destiny.” “Pull yourself up by your bootstraps.” “Just go do it.” Well, that doesn’t work very well for Projectors, It

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can be easy for Projectors to end up being depressed and have no energy. They can hit a wall physically in terms of energy and end up with fibromyalgia or any kind of energy challenge in their body or any kind of illness that will stop them. I’ve seen, sadly, many Projectors get to a point where things just really aren’t working in their lives. It’s tough to have that faith, but that’s when that faith is so important—tto know that the right opportunities will come if you are waiting and preparing yourself in the meantime. Again, though, be practical. Do what you’ve got to do. If you need to put food on the table, do whatever you need to do. Understand that it may be more challenging for you to go out and get a job than others. When the right opportunity comes, it will be much easier and be a blessing. When I look back at my own career, I see that the times when I was invited into jobs—those were wonderful jobs for me. I had an opportunity to really blossom in those jobs.

When I tried to go get a job in the regular way that people are supposed to go get a job, I failed miserably. I always wondered, “What is wrong with me? Why can’t I just submit a resume and get a job?” It never worked for me, but I got invited into brilliant jobs. That is how it works for Projectors.

Q “My Projector daughter is a burned out senior in college with a double major. She’s been exhausted since age 3. Are there hints to help her make it through senior year?” [from her mother, a Manifesting Generator]

A Yes, she absolutely needs to manage her energy. Take naps. Take breaks. If

she has willpower in her chart, then she may be really pushing herself too hard and she needs to back off. She needs to find that sweet spot for her where she can manage that energy.

If the schoolwork that she’s doing, the majors that she’s following, are not her bliss—if she’s not loving what she’s doing—then it’s going to be much, much harder for her to find the energy and sustain the energy to get through school. It would help her a lot if she loves what she does. If she doesn’t love what she does then she might want to re-think that double major. Does she really want to work in those fields after she has her degrees?

Taking naps, resting, and not waiting until she’s exhausted to go to bed and go to sleep, are really the best things and to take care of herself physically. Especially for a college student who is busy all the time, she may not be even getting enough exercise. Even though a lot of Projectors don’t have a lot of inherent energy, you still need to keep your body fit and exercise of some sort

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is really crucial for having a healthy body and having a healthy amount of normal, natural energy.

Q “How do you grow a service business if you need to wait for

invitations?” [from a Projector] A First, you need to hone your skills, and you need to be out and about and

visible. It’s not correct for you to just sit at home with the lights off and the shades drawn, sitting on your hands and hoping that the phone is going to ring. You need to be visible and out and about so people can find you, so they can invite you. Let people know who you are and what you’re up to. Get really, really good at what you do and be noticed for that. Then people will want to invite you. Also, stay out of the bitterness. That’s the best thing you can do to encourage invitations because nobody wants to invite a bitter person. The bitterness is very repelling.

See what you can do to have others facilitate things for you. In a service business, you need people coming to you for your services. See if you can work up some kind of a partnership with people in a related business who can refer business to you. See if you can ask some friends to make introductions for you to other people. Leverage other people. Allow people to step in and help you with things. It’s correct for you to have things facilitated for you.

Q “Does the Human Design system indicate specific life purpose or life

path?” [from a Projector] A Yes. There is something in your chart that’s called your Incarnation Cross.

That is your life path. That is the story of what you are designed to do. Your Type is your role in life. As a Projector, you are to manage, guide, and direct others. That’s your role. Your personality is your personality Profile. That’s the character that you bring to that role that you play in life. Your Incarnation Cross is your path or the story of how you fill your role using your character in this life, and that is covered in a private Reading with me.

Questions and Answers about REFLECTORS

Q “Please say more about the wisdom that the Reflectors carry.” [from a

non-Reflector] A It comes from their open centers. For the Reflector, all nine of the geometrical

shapes on the body graph on the chart are white, which means they are open. These open centers are where we get a breadth of experience because we take in those energies from other people who have those energies

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defined, so we get to experience the whole range of human expression in those different energies. The Reflector, being completely open, is particularly sensitive to other people and their issues and their energies and their potential.

Because all of the centers are open it gives a rounded, full experience of human potential for the Reflector. Most people have some open centers and some defined centers. Where we’re defined we’re kind of fixed in terms of our experience of that particular energy, but the Reflector has no areas where they’re fixed, so they are really completely open and are a well-rounded human being in terms of understanding human experience.

They hold tremendous and deep wisdom for the rest of us. That wisdom does come with time because the more the Reflector is around other people, the more they take in and experience human potential through those open centers. The wisdom they have will develop and grow over time, and it is a resource for the rest of us.

Q “I think you said something about authority and how Human Design

recommends people go to their inner authority. But on my chart, it says ‘None.’ What does that mean?” [from a Reflector]

A That is true for Reflectors. You are different from other Types because you

don’t have defined energy centers. Mostly it’s the defined energy centers that give the rest of us some internal authority, so this means that you don’t have any specific defined centers to give you that authority. Even though it says no authority, what it really means—and the bottom line for you—is that your authority is what feels good to you.

Does it feel good to you to be where you are? Does it feel good to you to be

with the people that you’re with? Does it feel good for you to do the work that you’re doing? If any time it doesn’t feel good to you, if you’re in a restaurant and it doesn’t feel good, then don’t stay or don’t do business with someone it doesn’t feel good to do business with.

If you’re in a job or living somewhere that doesn’t feel good, those are kind of the bigger issues and that’s where you really apply your 29-day decision making cycle. Ponder it, think about it, talk about it, journal about it and wait to see how you feel about changing jobs, for example, or moving somewhere else.

Wait through that cycle and then at the end of that cycle if it feels correct for you to change jobs or to move then you can take all the action you want. It’s not really an outer authority. It’s really what feels correct for you after you’ve followed your Strategy, which is waiting.

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Q “Human Design says Reflectors making large decisions should wait at

least 29 days, which is a full lunar cycle, because over the course of 29 days you are influenced by all 64 different Gate energies. Of course you didn’t know that growing up, so would you please describe your decision-making process and how that works for you?” [from Evelyn, asking a 60-year old Reflector who had just learned about Human Design and being a Reflector]

A Generally yes, I am more contemplative in my decision-making than some

other folks. Especially when it comes to major decisions or life changing decisions in my life, I will usually take awhile and I’ve always taken awhile to make those decisions. Those are never snap decisions.

On a personal note, just after I met my present wife I was living in New York,

she was living in Florida. It took me six months to make a decision that, “Okay. Well, maybe I’ll go to Florida.” Then once I got to Florida it was, “Well, maybe let’s see if we’re going to be able to really get along for awhile.” So I dragged that out for awhile longer.

After a year we decided, yes, it’s okay, let’s get married. We’ve been married now for 21 years. Yeah, decisions like that, and decisions to change jobs, change careers, those don’t come quickly to me and they take a lot of bouncing it off other people as well as myself.